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Towards K-means-friendly Spaces: Simultaneous Deep Learning and Clustering

Bo Yang∗ Xiao Fu∗ Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos∗ Mingyi Hong†

Abstract nent analysis (PCA) and canonical correlation analy-

Most learning approaches treat dimensionality reduction sis (CCA). More recent DR tools like nonnegative ma-
(DR) and clustering separately (i.e., sequentially), but re- trix factorization (NMF) and sparse coding (dictionary
arXiv:1610.04794v1 [cs.LG] 15 Oct 2016

cent research has shown that optimizing the two tasks jointly
can substantially improve the performance of both. The learning) have also drawn a lot of attention. In addi-
premise behind the latter genre is that the data samples are tion to the above approaches that learn linear DR opera-
obtained via linear transformation of latent representations tors (e.g., a projection matrix), nonlinear DR techniques
that are easy to cluster; but in practice, the transforma-
tion from the latent space to the data can be more com- such as those used in spectral clustering [19] and sparse
plicated. In this work, we assume that this transformation subspace clustering [28, 32] have also been considered.
is an unknown and possibly nonlinear function. To recover In recent years, motivated by the success of deep
the ‘clustering-friendly’ latent representations and to better
cluster the data, we propose a joint DR and K-means clus- neural networks (DNNs) in supervised learning, unsu-
tering approach in which DR is accomplished via learning pervised deep learning approaches are now widely used
a deep neural network (DNN). The motivation is to keep for DR prior to clustering. For example, the stacked
the advantages of jointly optimizing the two tasks, while ex-
ploiting the deep neural network’s ability to approximate autoencoder (SAE) [27], deep CCA (DCCA) [1], and
any nonlinear function. This way, the proposed approach sparse autoencoder [18] take insights from PCA, CCA,
can work well for a broad class of generative models. To- and sparse coding, respectively, and make use of DNNs
wards this end, we carefully design the DNN structure and
the associated joint optimization criterion, and propose an to learn nonlinear mappings from the data domain to
effective and scalable algorithm to handle the formulated low-dimensional latent spaces. These approaches treat
optimization problem. Experiments using five different real their DNNs as a preprocessing stage that is separately
datasets are employed to showcase the effectiveness of the
proposed approach. designed from the subsequent clustering stage. The
hope is that the latent representations of the data
1 Introduction learned by these DNNs will be naturally suitable for
Clustering is one of the most fundamental tasks in data clustering. However, since no clustering-driven objec-
mining and machine learning, with an endless list of tive is explicitly incorporated in the learning process,
applications. It is also a notoriously hard task, whose the learned DNNs do not necessarily output reduced-
outcome is affected by a number of factors – including dimension data that are suitable for clustering – as will
data acquisition and representation, use of preprocess- be seen in our experiments.
ing such as dimensionality reduction (DR), the choice In [30], Yang et. al considered performing DR and
of clustering criterion and optimization algorithm, and clustering jointly. The rationale behind [30] is that if
initialization [2, 7]. K-means is arguably the bedrock of there exists some latent space where the entities nicely
clustering algorithm. Since its introduction in 1957 by fall into clusters, then it is natural to seek a DR trans-
Lloyd (published much later in 1982 [15]), K-means has formation that reveals these, i.e., which yields a low
been extensively used either alone or together with suit- K-means clustering cost. This motivates using the K-
able preprocessing, due to its simplicity and effective- means cost in latent space as a prior that helps choose
ness. K-means is suitable for clustering data samples the right DR, and pushes DR towards producing K-
that are evenly spread around some centroids (cf. the means-friendly representations. By performing joint DR
first subfigure in Fig. 1), but many real-life datasets do and K-means clustering, substantially improved clus-
not exhibit this ‘K-means-friendly’ structure. Much ef- tering results have been observed in [30]. The limita-
fort has been spent on mapping high-dimensional data tion of [30] (see also [6, 20]) is that the observable data
to a certain space that is suitable for performing K- is assumed to be generated from the latent clustering-
means. Earlier ways for achieving this goal include friendly space via simple linear transformation. While
the classical DR algorithms, namely principal compo- simple linear transformation works well in many cases,
there are other cases where the generative process is
∗ Department more complex, involving a nonlinear mapping.
of ECE, University of Minnesota
† Department of IMSE, Iowa State University Contributions In this work, we take a step further
r model.
a reason-
10]. Al-
ivial and
e the DR
Generated SVD NMF optimization criterion for joint DNN-based DR and K-
means clustering. The criterion is a combination of
ta trans-
three parts, namely, dimensionality reduction, data re-
dly latent
construction, and cluster structure-promoting regular-
A sneak ization, which takes insights from the linear generative
1, where model case as in [30] but is much more powerful in cap-
are well turing nonlinear models. We deliberately include the
en trans- LLE MDS LapEig
reconstruction part and implement it using a decoding
on-linear network, which is crucial for avoiding trivial solutions.
tructure. The criterion is also flexible – it can be extended to in-
he 100-D corporate different DNN structures and clustering cri-
e can see teria, e.g., subspace clustering.
imension • Effective and Scalable Optimization Procedure:
ans. Our SAE DCN w/o reconst.DCN (Proposed) The formulated optimization problem is very challeng-
ing to handle, since it involves layers of nonlinear activa-
opose an tion functions and integer constraints that are induced
DR and by the K-means part. We propose a judiciously de-
htful and signed solution package, including empirically effective
initialization and a novel alternating stochastic gradient
algorithm. The algorithmic structure is simple, enables
online implementation, and is very scalable.
mization Figure 1: The learned 2-D reduced-dimension data • Comprehensive Experiments and Validation:
k so that by different methods. The observable data is in the We provide a set of synthetic-data experiments and vali-
Figure The and is generated
learned from 2-D data (cf.
2-D reduced-dimension datatheby date the method on five different real datasets including
ocedure: first subfigure)
different methods.through the nonlinear
The original transformation
data is in 100-D space various document and image copora. Evidently visible
challeng- andin is(4.9). The true
generated fromcluster labels are
ground-truth 2-Dindicated
data (cf.using
the improvement from the respective state-of-art is observed
ar activa- different colors.
first subfigure) through the nonlinear transformation in for all the datasets that we experimented with.
e induced (4.9). The plots are drawn with true labels. • Reproducibility: We open-source our codes at
from [30]: We propose a joint DR and K-means clus-
ously de-
tering framework, where the DR part is implemented
effective through learning a DNN, rather than a linear model. 2 Background and Problem Formulation
gradient The rationale is that a DNN is capable of approximat- 2.1 K-means Clustering and DR Given a set of
, enables ing any nonlinear continuous function using a reason- data vectors {xi }i=1,...,N where xi ∈ RM , the task
able number of parameters [8], and thus is expected to of clustering is to group the N data vectors into K
idation: overcome the limitations of the work in [30]. Although categories. K-means approaches this task by optimizing
a experi- implementing this idea is highly non-trivial (much more the following cost function:
rent real challenging than [30], where the DR part only needs to N
e copora. learn a linear model), our objective is well-motivated:
X 2
min kxi − M si k2 (2.1)
rts is ob- by better modeling the data transformation process, M ∈RM ×K ,{si ∈RK }
a much more K-means-friendly latent space can be s.t. sj,i ∈ {0, 1}, 1T si = 1 ∀i, j,
s at ~. learned – as we will demonstrate. A sneak peek of the
kind of performance that can be expected using our pro- where si is the assignment vector of data point i which
posed method can be seen in Fig. 1, where we generate has only one non-zero element, sj,i denotes the jth
four clusters of 2-D data which are well separated in element of si , and the kth column of M , i.e., mk ,
the 2-D Euclidean space and then transform them to denotes the centroid of the kth cluster.
a 100-D space using a complex non-linear mapping [cf. K-means works well when the data points are
(4.9)] which destroys the cluster structure. We apply evenly scattered around their centroids in the Euclidean
several well-appreciated DR methods to the 100-D data space. For example, when the data samples exhibit
and observe the recovered 2-D space (see section 4.1 for geometric distribution as depicted in the first subfigure
an explanation of the different acronyms). One can see in Fig. 1, K-means can easily distinguish the four
that the proposed algorithm outputs reduced-dimension clusters. Therefore, we consider datasets which have
data that are most suitable for applying K-means. Our similar structure as being ‘K-means-friendly’. However,
specific contributions are as follows: high-dimensional data are in general not very K-means-
• Optimization Criterion Design: We propose an friendly. In practice, using a DR pre-processing, e.g.,
PCA or NMF, to reduce the dimension of xi to a where f (·; W) denotes the mapping function and W
much lower dimensional space and then apply K-means is a set of parameters that characterize the non-linear
usually gives better results. The insight is simple: mapping. Many non-linear mapping functions can be
The data points may exhibit better K-means-friendly considered, e.g., Gaussian and sinc kernels. In this work,
structure in a certain latent feature space and the we propose to use a DNN as our mapping function, since
DR approaches such as PCA and NMF help find this DNNs have the ability of approximating any continuous
space. In addition to the above classic DR methods mapping using a reasonable number of parameters [8].
that essentially learn a linear generative model from For the rest of this paper, f (·; W) is a DNN and W
the latent space to the data domain, nonlinear DR collects the network parameters, i.e., the weights of the
approaches such as those used in spectral clustering and links that connect the neurons between layers and the
DNN-based DR are also widely used as pre-processing bias in each hidden layer.
before K-means or other clustering algorithms [1, 4, 27]. Using the above notation, it is tempting to formu-
2.2 Joint DR and Clustering Instead of using DR late joint DR and clustering as follows:
as a pre-processing, joint DR and clustering was also XN
considered in the literature [6, 20, 30]. This line of work min L=
b kf (xi ; W) − M si k2 (2.3)
W,M ,{si }
can be summarized as follows. Consider the generative i=1
model where a data sample is generated by xi = W hi , s.t. sj,i ∈ {0, 1}, 1T si = 1 ∀i, j.
where W ∈ RM ×R and hi ∈ RR , where R  M .
Assume that the data clusters are well-separated in The formulation in (2.3) seems intuitive at first glance.
latent domain (i.e., where hi lives) but distorted by However, it is seriously ill-posed and could easily lead
the transformation introduced by W . Reference [30] to trivial solutions. A global optimal solution to Prob-
formulated the joint optimization problem as follows: lem (2.3) is f (xi ; W) = 0 and the optimal objective
value Lb = 0 can always be achieved by simply letting
X 2 M = 0. Another trivial solution is simply putting
min kX − W HkF + λ khi − M si k2
M ,{si },W ,H arbitrary samples to K clusters which will lead to a
small value of L b – but this could be far from being de-
+ r1 (H) + r2 (W ) (2.2) sired since there is no provision for respecting the data
s.t. sj,i ∈ {0, 1}, 1T si = 1 ∀i, j, samples xi ’s; see the bottom-middle subfigure in Fig. 1
[Deep Clustering Network (DCN) w/o reconstruction].
where X = [x1 , . . . , xN ], H = [h1 , . . . , hN ], and λ ≥ 0 In fact, the formulation proposed in a parallel unpub-
is a parameter for balancing data fidelity and the latent lished work in [29] is very similar to that in (2.3). The
cluster structure. In (2.2), the first term performs only differences are that the hard 0-1 type assignment
DR and the second term performs latent clustering. constraint on si is relaxed to a probabilistic type soft
The terms r1 (·) and r2 (·) are regularizations (e.g., constraint and that the fitting criterion there is based
nonnegativity or sparsity) to prevent trivial solutions, on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence instead of least
e.g., H → 0 ∈ RR×N ; see details in [30]. squares – unfortunately, such a formulation still has
The approach in (2.2) enhances the performance of trivial solutions, just as what we have discussed above.
data clustering substantially in many cases. However, One of the most important components to prevent
the assumption that the clustering-friendly space can be trivial solution in the linear DR case lies in the recon-
obtained by linear transformation of the observable data struction part, i.e., the term kX − W Hk2 in (2.2).
is restrictive, and in practice the relationship between This term ensures that the learned hi ’s can (approxi-
observable data and the latent representations can be mately) reconstruct the xi ’s using the basis W . This
highly nonlinear – as implied by the success of kernel motivates incorporating a reconstruction term in the
methods and spectral clustering [19]. How can we joint DNN-based DR and K-means. In the realm of
transcend the ideas and insights of joint linear DR and unsupervised DNN, there are several well-developed ap-
clustering to deal with such complex (yet more realistic) proaches for reconstruction – e.g., the stacked autoen-
cases? In this work, we address this question. coder (SAE) is a popular choice for serving this purpose.
2.3 Proposed Formulation Our idea is to model To prevent trivial low-dimensional representations such
the relationship between the observable data xi and its as all-zero vectors, SAE uses a decoding network g(·; Z)
clustering-friendly latent representation hi using a non- to map the hi ’s back to the data domain and requires
linear mapping, i.e., that g(hi ; Z) and xi match each other well under some
metric, e.g., mutual information or least squares-based
hi = f (xi ; W), f (·; W) : RM → RR , measures.
By the above reasoning, we come up with the
following cost function:

X λ 2
min ` (g(f (xi )), xi ) + kf (xi ) − M si k2
W,Z,M ,{si }
s.t. sj,i ∈ {0, 1}, 1 si = 1 ∀i, j,

where we have simplified the notation f (xi ; W) and Figure 2: Structure of the proposed deep clustering
g(hi ; Z) to f (xi ) and g(hi ), respectively, for concise- network (DCN).
ness. The function `(·) : RM → R is a certain loss optimization procedure including an empirically effec-
function that measures the reconstruction error. In tive initialization method and an alternating optimiza-
this work, we adopt the least-squares loss `(x, y) = tion based algorithm for handling (2.4).
kx − yk2 ; other choices such as `1 -norm based fitting
and the KL divergence can also be considered. λ ≥ 0 3.1 Initialization via Layer-wise Pre-Training
is a regularization parameter which balances the recon- For dealing with hard non-convex optimization prob-
struction error versus finding K-means-friendly latent lems like that in (2.4), initialization is usually crucial.
representations. To initialize the parameters of the network, i.e., (W, Z),
we use the layer-wise pre-training method as in [3] for
2.4 Network Structure Fig. 2 presents the network training autoencoders. This pre-training technique may
structure corresponding to the formulation in (2.4). On be avoided in large-scale supervised learning tasks. For
the left-hand side of the ‘bottleneck’ layer are the so- the proposed DCN which is completely unsupervised,
called encoding or forward layers that transform raw however, we find that the layer-wise pre-training proce-
data to a low-dimensional space. On the right-hand dure is important no matter the size of the dataset. The
side are the ‘decoding’ layers that try to reconstruct the layer-wise pre-training procedure is as follows. We start
data from the latent space. The K-means task is per- with using a single-layer autoencoder to train the first
formed at the bottleneck layer. The forward network, layer of the forward network and the last layer of the de-
the decoding network, and the K-means cost are opti- coding network. Then, we use the outputs of the trained
mized simultaneously. In our experiments, the structure forward layers as inputs to train the next pair of encod-
of the decoding networks is a ‘mirrored version’ of the ing and decoding layers, and so on. After pre-training,
encoding network, and for both the encoding and de- we perform K-means to the outputs of the bottleneck
coding networks, we use the rectified linear unit (ReLU) layer to obtain initial values of M and {si }.
activation-based neurons [16]. Since our objective is to
perform DNN-driven K-means clustering, we will refer 3.2 Alternating Stochastic Optimization Even
to the network in Fig. 2 as the Deep Clustering Network with a good initialization, handling Problem (2.4) is still
(DCN) in the sequel. very challenging. The commonly used stochastic gradi-
From a network structure point of view, DCN ent descent (SGD) algorithm cannot be directly applied
can be considered as an SAE with a K-means-friendly to jointly optimize W, Z, M and {si } because the block
structure-promoting function in the bottleneck layer. variable {si } is constrained on a discrete set. Our idea is
We should remark that the proposed optimization crite- to combine the insights of alternating optimization and
rion in (2.4) and the network in Fig. 2 are very flexible: SGD. Specifically, we propose to optimize the subprob-
Other types of neuron activation, e.g., the sigmoid and lems with respect to (w.r.t.) one of M , {si } and (W, Z)
binary step functions, can be used. For the clustering while keeping the other two sets of variables fixed.
part, other clustering criteria, e.g., K-subspace and soft For fixed (M , {si }), the subproblem w.r.t. (W, Z)
K-means [2, 12], are also viable options. Nevertheless, is similar to training an SAE – but with an additional
we will concentrate on the proposed DCN in the sequel, penalty term on the clustering performance. We can
as our interest is to provide a proof-of-concept rather take advantage of the mature tools for training DNNs,
than exhausting the possibilities of combinations. e.g., back-propagation based SGD and its variants. To
implement SGD for updating the network parameters,
3 Optimization Procedure we look at the problem w.r.t. the incoming data xi :
Optimizing (2.4) is highly non-trivial since both the cost
λ 2
function and the constraints are non-convex. In addi- min Li = ` (g(f (xi )), xi ) + kf (xi ) − M si k2 . (3.5)
tion, there are scalability issues that need to be taken
W,Z 2
into account. In this section, we propose a pragmatic The gradient of the above function over the net-
work parameters is easily computable, i.e., OX Li = Algorithm 1 Alternating SGD
∂`(g(f (xi )),xi )
∂X + λ ∂f∂X
(xi )
(f (xi ) − M si ), where X = 1: Initialization;
(W, Z) is a collection of the network parameters and 2: for t = 1 : T do % Perform T epochs over the data;
∂` ∂f (xi ) Update network parameters by (3.6);
the gradients ∂X and ∂X can be calculated by back- 3:
propagation [22] (strictly speaking, what we calculate 4: Update assignment by (3.7);
here is the subgradient w.r.t. X since the ReLU func- 5: Update centroids by (3.8);
tion is non-differentible at zero). Then, the network 6: end for
parameters are updated by

X ← X − αOX Li , (3.6) Algorithm 1 has many favorable properties. First, it

can be implemented in a completely online fashion, and
where α > 0 is a pre-defined learning rate. thus is very scalable. Second, many known tricks for
For fixed network parameters and M , the assign- enhancing performance of DNN training can be directly
ment vector of the current sample, i.e., si , can be nat- used. In fact, we have used a mini-batch version of SGD
urally updated in an online fashion. Specifically, we and batch-normalization [9] in our experiments, which
update si as follows: indeed help improve performance.
( We should remark that the proposed algorithm is by
1, if j = arg mink={1,...,K} kf (xi ) − mk k2 , no means ‘optimal’, and is not guaranteed to converge
sj,i ←
0, otherwise. to a stationary point of Problem (2.4). Nevertheless,
(3.7) our extensive experiments indicate that the algorithm
works fairly well in practice. In reminiscence of inexact
When fixing {si } and X , the update of M is simple alternating optimization [21], it may be possible to
and may be done in a variety ofPways. For example, one provide theory-backed learning rate-choosing strategies
can simply use mk = (1/|Cki |) i∈C i f (xi ), where Cki is that ensure monotonic decrease of the overall cost in
the recorded index set of samples assigned to cluster k (2.4) and even convergence of the solution sequence –
from the first sample to the current sample i. Although but we leave this as a future direction.
the above update is intuitive, it could be problematic 4 Experiments
for online algorithms, since the already appeared histor-
ical data (i.e., x1 , . . . , xi ) might not be representative In this section, we use synthetic and real-world data
enough to model the global cluster structure and the to showcase the effectiveness of DCN. We implement
initial si ’s might be far away from being correct. There- DCN using the deep learning toolbox Theano [26]. The
fore, simply averaging the current assigned samples may experiments are conducted on a workstation equipped
cause numerical problems. Instead of doing the above, with a NVIDIA GTX 970 GPU.
we employ the idea in [24] to adaptively change the 4.1 Synthetic-Data Demonstration Our settings
learning rate of updating m1 , . . . , mK . The intuition is are as follows: Assume that the data points have K-
simple: assume that the clusters are roughly balanced means-friendly structure in a two-dimensional domain
in terms of the number of data samples they contain. (cf. the first subfigure of Fig. 1). This two-dimensional
Then, after updating M for a number of samples, one domain is a latent domain which we do not observe and
should update the centroids of the clusters that already we denote the latent representations of the data points
have many assigned members more gracefully while up- as hi ’s in this domain. What we observe is xi ∈ R100
dating others more aggressively, to keep balance. To that is obtained via the following transformation:
implement this, let cik be the count of the number of 2
times the algorithm assigned a sample to cluster k be- xi = (σ(W hi )) , (4.9)
fore handling the incoming sample xi , and update mk
where W ∈ R100×2 is a matrix whose entries follow
by a simple gradient step:
the zero-mean unit-variance i.i.d. Gaussian distribu-
mk ← mk − ( /ck ) (mk − f (xi )) sk,i ,
1 i
(3.8) tion, σ(·) is a sigmod function to introduce nonlinearity,
and (·)2 is an element-wise squaring operator for further
where the gradient step size 1/ck controls the learning complicating the transformation. Under the above gen-
rate. The above update of M can also be viewed as erative model, recovering the K-means-friendly domain
an SGD step, thereby resulting in an overall alternat- where hi ’s live seems very challenging.
ing block SGD procedure that is summarized in Algo- We generate four clusters, each of which has 2,500
rithm 1. Note that an epoch corresponds to a pass of samples and their geometric distribution on the 2-D
all data samples through the network. plane is shown in the first subfigure of Fig. 1 that we
have seen before. The other subfigures show the recov- posed DCN does – but the DR part is based on NMF.
ered 2-D data from xi ’s using a number of DR methods, Note that we do not use all the baselines for all the
namely, NMF [13], local linear embedding (LLE) [23], experiments, since some of the baselines are not very
multidimensional scaling (MDS) [10], Laplacian eigen- scalable and some of them are customized for particular
map (LapEig) [19] – which is the first step of spectral applications. Instead, for each experiment, we select
clustering. We also present the result of using the for- the baselines that are considered most competitive and
mulation in (2.3) (DCN w/o reconstruction) which is suitable for that application from the above pool.
essentially the same idea as in [29]. As one can see in 4.2.2 Evaluation metrics We adopt standard met-
Fig. 1, all the DR methods except the proposed DCN fail rics for evaluating clustering performance. Specifically,
to map xi ’s to a 2-D domain that is suitable for apply- we employ the following three metrics: normalized mu-
ing K-means. In particular, DCN w/o reconstruction tual information (NMI) [5], adjusted Rand index (ARI)
indeed gives a trivial solution: the reduced-dimension [31], and clustering accuracy (ACC) [5]. In a nutshell,
data are separated to four clusters, and thus L̂ is small. all the above three measuring metrics are commonly
But this solution is meaningless since the data parti- used in the clustering literature, and all have pros and
tioning is arbitrary. cons. But using them together suffices to demonstrate
In the supplementary materials, we present two the effectiveness of the clustering algorithms. Note that
additional experiments, where the nonlinear expansion NMI and ACC lie in the range of zero to one with one
from the 2-D space to the 100-D data space are being the perfect clustering result and zero the worst.
ARI is a value within −1 to 1, with one being the best
xi = tanh (σ(W hi )) and xi = σ (U σ(W hi )) ,
clustering performance and minus one the opposite.
respectively, where U is another random matrix. From 4.2.3 RCV1 We first test the algorithms on a large-
there, one can see that the proposed DCN still gives scale text corpus, namely, the Reuters Corpus Volume
clear clusters in the learned 2-D domain in the above 1 Version 2 (RCV1-v2). The RCV1-v2 corpus [14] con-
two cases. This further illustrates the DCN’s ability of tains 804,414 documents, which were manually catego-
recovering clustering-friendly structure under different rized into 103 different topics. We use a subset of the
nonlinear generative models. documents from the whole corpus. This subset contains
4.2 Real-Data Validation In this section, we val- 20 topics and 365, 968 documents and each document
idate the proposed approach on several real-data sets has a single topic label. As in [25], we pick the 2,000
which are all publicly available. most frequently used words (in the tf-idf form) as the
features of the documents.
4.2.1 Baseline methods We compare the proposed We conduct experiments using different number of
DCN with a variety of baseline methods: clusters. Towards this end, we first sort the clusters
1) K-means (KM): The classic K-means [15]. according to the number of documents that they have
2) Spectral Clustering (SC): The classic SC algo- in a descending order, and then apply the algorithms to
rithm [19]. the first 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 clusters, respectively. Note that
3) Sparse Subspace Clustering with Orthogonal the first several clusters have many more documents
Matching Pursuit (SSC-OMP) [32]: SSC is consid- compared to the other clusters (cf. Fig. 3). This
ered very competitive for clustering images; we use the way, we gradually increase the number of documents
newly proposed greedy version here for scalability. in our experiments and create cases with much more
4) Locally Consistent Concept Factorization unbalanced cluster sizes for testing the algorithms –
(LCCF) [5]: LCCF is based on NMF with a graph which means we gradually increase the difficulty of
Laplacian regularization and is considered state-of-the- the experiments. For the experiment with the first 4
art for document clustering. clusters, we use a DCN whose forward network has
5) XRAY [11]: XRAY is an NMF-based document clus- five hidden layers which have 2000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 50
tering algorithm that scales very well. neurons, respectively. The reconstruction network has
6) NMF followed by K-means (NMF+KM): This a mirrored structure. We set λ = 0.1 for balancing the
approach applies NMF for DR, and then applies K- reconstruction error and the clustering regularization.
means to the reduced-dimension data. Similar settings are used in the other cases. More
7) Stacked Autoencoder followed by K-means detailed description of the experiment setups can be
(SAE+KM): This is also a two-stage approach. We found in the supplementary materials. Note that we
use SAE for DR first and then apply K-means. increase both the width and the depth of the deep
8) Joint NMF and K-means (JNKM) [30]: JNKM network when K and N increase – since for the cases
performs joint DR and K-means clustering as the pro-
×10 4
8 0.96
size of clusters NMI
6 0.94 ARI
4 0.92

2 0.90

0 5 10 15 20
index of clusters
Figure 3: The sizes of 20 clusters in the experiment. 0.82
Table 1: Evaluation on the RCV1-v2 dataset
0 10 20 30 40 50
Methods DCN SAE+KM KM XRAY Epoches

NMI 0.88 0.8 0.75 0.12

4 Clust. ARI 0.92 0.86 0.66 -0.01 Figure 4: Performance metrics v.s. epochs.
ACC 0.95 0.92 0.72 0.34
NMI 0.69 0.66 0.53 0.24
8 Clust. ARI 0.64 0.59 0.29 0.09
ACC 0.73 0.66 0.48 0.39 uments and pick the 2,000 most frequently used words
NMI 0.67 0.65 0.6 0.22
12 Clust. ARI 0.52 0.51 0.35 0.05 as the features. Since this dataset has a much smaller
ACC 0.6 0.56 0.53 0.29 size relative to RCV1-v2, we include six 4 baselines that
NMI 0.63 0.62 0.54 0.23
could not be performed on large datasets like RCV1-
16 Clust. ARI 0.46 0.45 0.27 0.04
ACC 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.29 v2, namely, LCCF, NMF+KM, SC, and JNKM. Among
NMI 0.63 0.61 0.52 0.25 them, both JNKM and LCCF are considered state-of-
20 Clust. ARI 0.42 0.43 0.18 0.04
ACC 0.47 0.46 0.43 0.28
art for document clustering. In this experiment, we
use a DNN with three forward layers which has 250,
100, and 20 neurons, respectively. This is a relatively
with more clusters and samples, many more parameters ‘small network’ since the 20Newsgroup corpus may not
need to be learned. have sufficient samples to fit a large network. As be-
Table 1 shows the results given by the proposed fore, the decoding network for reconstruction has a mir-
DCN, SAE+KM, KM, and XRAY; other baselines are rored structure of the encoding part, and the baseline
not scalable enough to handle the RCV1-v2 data set SAE+KM uses the same network for the autoencoder
and thus are dropped. One can see that for each case part.
that we have tried, the proposed method gives clear im- Table 2 summarizes the results of this experiment.
provement relative to the other methods. Particularly, As one can see, LCCF indeed gives the best performance
the DCN approach outperforms the two-stage approach, among the algorithms that do not use DNNs. SAE+KM
i.e., SAE+KM, in almost all the cases and for all the improves ARI and ACC quite substantially by involving
evaluation metrics – this clearly demonstrates the ad- DNN – this suggests that the generative model may in-
vantage of using the joint optimization criterion. deed be nonlinear. DCN performs even better by using
Fig. 4 shows how NMI, ARI, and ACC change when the proposed joint DR and clustering criterion, which
the proposed algorithm runs from epoch to epoch. One supports our motivation that a K-means regularization
can see a clear ascending trend of every evaluation met- can help discover a clustering-friendly space.
ric. This result shows that both the network structure One interesting observation is that results of
and the optimization algorithm work towards a desired SAE+KM presented here are in fact obtained from the
direction. In the future, it would be intriguing to derive layer-wise pre-trained network, since we observe that
(sufficient) conditions for guaranteeing such improve- further optimization using SAE worsens the clustering
ment using the proposed algorithm. Nevertheless, such results. This suggests that without cluster structure-
empirical observation in Fig. 4 is already very interest- promoting terms as in 2.4, the SAE does not tend to
ing and encouraging. output K-means-friendly latent representations. An-
other observation is that all the performance indices in
4.2.4 20Newsgroup The 20Newsgroup corpus is a
Table 2 are worse compared to those in Table 1. Of
collection of 18,846 text documents which are parti-
course, the two tables reflect very different experiments.
tioned into 20 different newsgroups. Using this corpus,
On the other hand, this at least implies that the DNN-
we can observe how the proposed method works with
based methods may gain more from larger datasets –
a relatively small amount of samples. As the previous
since learning the parameters of DNNs usually requires
experiment, we use the tf-idf representation of the doc-
a large amount of data.
Table 2: Evaluation on the 20Newsgroup dataset. Table 4: Evaluation on pre-processed MNIST

NMI 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.39 0.41 0.40 0.19 0.40 NMI 0.85 0.83 0.85
ARI 0.34 0.28 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.17 0.02 0.10 ARI 0.84 0.82 0.82
ACC 0.44 0.42 0.32 0.33 0.3 0.34 0.18 0.24 ACC 0.93 0.91 0.86

Table 3: Evaluation on the raw MNIST dataset. Table 5: Evaluation on the Pendigits dataset


NMI 0.63 0.53 0.50 0.31 NMI 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.67
ARI 0.44 0.39 0.37 0.13 ARI 0.56 0.53 0.55 0.55
ACC 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.30 ACC 0.72 0.70 0.71 0.69

K-means by DCN to improve performance.

4.2.5 Raw MNIST In this and next subsections, The results are shown in Table 4. One can see
we present two experiments using two versions of the that the proposed method exhibits the best performance
MNIST dataset. We first employ the raw MNIST among the algorithms. We note that the result of using
dataset that has 70,000 data samples. Each sample is a KM on the data processed by ScatNet and SSC-OMP
28 × 28 gray-scale image containing a handwritten digit, is worse than that was reported in [32]. This is possibly
i.e., one of {0, 1, . . . , 9}. We apply the algorithms to because we use all the 70,000 samples but only a subset
cluster all the 70,000 images into K = 10 clusters. For was selected for conducting the experiments in [32].
the proposed DCN method, we use a network with six This experiment is particularly interesting since it
forward hidden layers, and the neurons are 2000, 1000, suggests that for any clustering algorithm that employs
500, 500, 250, and 50, respectively. The hyperparameter K-means as a key component, e.g., spectral clustering
λ is set to 0.05. We use SSC-OMP, which yields the and sparse subspace clustering, one can use the pro-
most favorable clustering results on MNIST (to the posed DCN to replace K-means and a better result can
best of our knowledge), and KM as a baseline for this be expected. This is meaningful since many datasets are
experiment. originally not suitable for K-means due to the nature of
Table 3 shows results of applying DCN, SAE+KM, the data – but after pre-processing (e.g., kernalization
KM and SSC-OMP to the raw MNIST data – the other and eigendecomposition), the pre-processed data is al-
baselines are not efficient enough to handle 70,000 sam- ready more K-means-friendly, and using the proposed
ples and thus are left out. One can see very substantial DCN at this point can further strengthen the result.
improvement obtained by using the proposed method.
4.2.7 Pendigits The Pendigits dataset consists of
The three performance metrics, i.e., NMI, ARI, and
10,992 data samples. Each sample records 8 coordinates
ACC, are improved by 19%, 19%, and 5%, respectively,
on a tablet, on which a subject is instructed to write
from the best results given by the competitors.
the digits from 0 to 9. So each sample corresponds to
4.2.6 Pre-Processed MNIST Besides the above a vector of length 16, and represents one of the digits.
experiment using the raw MNIST data, we also pro- Note that this dataset is quite different from MNIST –
vide another interesting experiment using pre-processed each digit in MNIST is represented by an image (pixel
MNIST data. The pre-processing is done by a recently values) while digits in Pendigits are represented by 8
introduced technique, namely, the scattering network coordinates of the stylus when a person was writing
(ScatNet) [4]. ScatNet is a cascade of multiple layers of a certain digit. Since each digit is represented by a
wavelet transform, which is able to learn a good feature very small-size vector of length 16, we use a small
space for clustering / classification of images. Utilizing network who has three forward layers which are with
ScatNet, the work in [32] reported very promising clus- 16, 16, and 10 neurons. Table 5 shows the results: The
tering results on MNIST using SSC-OMP. Our objective proposed methods give the best clustering performance
here is to see if the proposed DCN can further improve compared to the competing methods, and the methods
the performance from SSC-OMP. Our idea is simple: using DNNs outperform the ‘shallow’ ones that do not
SSC-OMP is essentially a procedure of constructing a use neural networks for DR.
similarity matrix of the data; after obtaining this ma-
trix, it performs K-means on the rows of a matrix com- 5 Conclusion
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Supplementary materials of “ To- Generated SVD NMF
wards K-means-friendly Spaces: Simul-
taneous Deep Learning and Clustering”
1 Additional synthetic data experiments
In this section, we provide two more examples to
illustrate the ability of DCN in recovering K-means-
friendly spaces under different generative models. We LLE MDS LapEig
first consider the transformation as follows:
xi = tanh (σ(W hi )) , (1.10)
where σ(·) is the sigmoid function as before and we use
a tanh function to replace the squaring operator as used
in the main text. The corresponding results can be seen
in Fig. 1 of this supplementary document. One can see SAE DCN w/o reconst. DCN(Proposed)
that a similar pattern as we have observed in the main
text is also presented here: The proposed DCN recovers
a 2-D K-means-friendly space very well and the other
methods all fail.
In Fig. 2, we test the algorithms under the genera-
tive model
xi = σ (U σ(W hi )) , (1.11)
where W ∈ R10×2 and U ∈ R100×10 . Note that there Figure 1: The generated latent representations {hi } in
are two layers of sigmoid functions in (1.11) and such a the 2-D space and the recovered 2-D representations
transformation is (intuitively) harder to deal with than from xi ∈ R100 , where xi = tanh (σ(W hi )).
before. Nevertheless, the proposed DCN still gives very
clear clusters in the recovered 2-D space, and outputs a
clustering accuracy greater than 0.99. be more precise, the pre-training state does not work
The results in this section and the synthetic-data with the whole network but only deals with a pair of
experiment presented in main text are encouraging: encoding-decoding layers greedily). Therefore, we dis-
Under a variety of complicated nonlinear generative tinguish the parameters of the two stages as listed in
models, DCN can still output clustering-friendly latent Table 1, to better describe the settings.
representations. We implement SGD for solving the subproblem
w.r.t. X using the Nesterov-type acceleration [17], the
2 Detailed Settings of Real-Data Experiments mini-batch version, and the momentum method. Batch
2.1 Algorithm Parameters There is a set of pa- normalization [9] that is recently proven to be very ef-
rameters in the proposed algorithm which need to be fective for training supervised deep networks is also em-
pre-defined. Specifically, the learning rate α, the num- ployed. Through out the experiments, the momentum
ber of epochs T (recall that one epoch responds to a pass parameter is set to be 0.9, the mini-batch size is se-
of all the data samples through the network), and the lected to be ≈ 0.01 × N , and the other parameters are
balancing regularization parameter λ. These parame- adjusted accordingly in each experiments – which will
ters vary from case to case since they are related to a be described in detail in the next section.
number of factors, e.g., dimension of the data samples,
total number of samples, scale (or energy) of the sam- 2.2 Network Parameters The considered network
ples, etc. In practice, a reasonable way to tune these has two parts, namely, the forward encoding network
parameters is through observing the performance of the that reduces the dimensionality of the data and the
algorithm under various parameters on a small valida- decoding network that reconstructs the data. We let
tion subset whose labels are known. two networks to have a mirrored structure of each other.
Note that the proposed algorithm has two stages, There are also two parameters of a forward network, i.e.,
i.e., pre-training and the main algorithm and they usu- the width of each layer (number of neurons) and the
ally use two different sets of parameters since the algo- depth of the network (number of layers). There is no
rithmic structure of the two stages are quite different (to strict rule for setting up these two parameters, but the
Generated SVD NMF group, Table 1: List of
raw MNIST, parameters used
pre-processed MNIST, in DCN.
and Pendig-
its are shown in Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively.
Notations Meaning
λ regularization parameter
3 More Discussions
αp pre-training stepsize
We have the following several more points as further
αf learning stepsize
Tp pre-traing epochs
1. For the two-stagelearning epochsi.e., SAE+KM, we
always use the same network structure except that
the 2: Parameter
cluster settings for 20Newsgroup
structure-promoting term used in DCN
is dropped. We should remark, again, that in a
parameters description
lot of cases we have observed that runing SAE for
f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = and R =
epochs may even worsen the clustering performance
Sample size N 18,XXX
in the two-stage approach. In Fig. 3, we show how
forward net. depth 3 layers
SAE DCN w/o reconst.DCN (Proposed) the clustering performance indexes change with
layer width 250/100/20
the epochs when we run SAE without K-means
λ 10
regularization.One canαsee that 0.01 the performance in
fact becomes worse compared
αf 0.001 to merely using pre-
training (i.e., initialization).
Tp 10 This means that using
the SAE does not necessarily
Tf 50 help clustering – and
this supports our motivation for adding a K-means-
friendly structure-enhancing regularization.
latent2representations {hi } in
Figure 2: The generatedFigure data samples of the datasets. Using a deeper and wider
2. To alleviate the effect brought by the intrinsic ran-
the 2-D space of the recovered 2-D representations from network may be able to better capture the underlying
domness of the algorithms, e.g., random initializa-
xi ∈ R100 , where xi = σ (U σ(W hi )). nonlinear transformation of the data, as the network has
tion of pre-training, the reported results are all ob-
more degrees of freedom. However, fitting a large num-
tained via running the experiments several times
the performance of a small validation subset whose la- ber of parameters accurately requires a large amount of
Table 1: List of parameters used in DCN. and taking average (specifically, we run the experi-
bels are known. data since the procedure can be essentially considered
that the proposed ments with smaller size, i.e., 20Newsgroup, raw and
Meaningalgorithm has two stages, as solving a large system of nonlinear equations. There-
processed MNIST, and Pendigits for ten times and
i.e., pre-training λand regularization
the main algorithm and they usu-
parameter fore, there is a clear trade-off between network depth
ally use two different
αp pre-training stepsize they struc-
sets of parameters since and the
and of the much larger
performance. dataset
In the RCV-v2 we
experiments, are
ture of the two stages are quite different. Therefore, we from a single run). Therefore, the presented
adjust the width and depth of the networks according results
αl learning stepsize reflect
define the parameters of these stages as in Table 1, to
Tp pre-traing epochs to the sizes the performance
of the datasets. of the algorithms in an av-
better describe the settings. erage sense.
Tl learning epochs
We implemented the SGD for solving the subprob- References
3. We treat this work as a proof-of-concept: Joint
lem w.r.t. X using the Nesterov-type acceleration [1], DNN learning and clustering is a highly viable task
mini-batch based SGD, and the momentum method. according to our design and experiments. In the
rule of thumb is to adjust them according the amounts
Batch normalization [2] is also employed. Through out [1] Yurii Nesterov. Introductory lectures on convex opti-
future, many practical issues will be investigated
of data samples of the datasets and the dimension mization: A basic course, volume 87. Springer Science
the experiments, the momentum parameter is set to 0.9, –& Business
e.g., designing theory-backed ways of setting
of each sample. Using a deeper and wider network Media, 2013.
set the mini-batch size to be ≈ 0.1×N , and the other pa- up network and algorithm parameters.BatchAnother
may be able to better capture the underlying nonlinear [2] Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy. nor-
rameters are adjusted accordingly in each experiments
transformation of the data, as the network has more very intriguing direction is of course to
malization: Accelerating deep network training design
– which will be described in detail.
degrees of freedom. However, finding a large number convergence-guaranteed
reducing internal covariatealgorithms
shift. for optimizing
arXiv preprint
of parameters accurately requires a large amount of the proposed criterion
arXiv:1502.03167, 2015. and its variants. We leave
2.2 Network Parameters The considered network
data since the procedure can be essentially considered these interesting considerations for future work.
has two parts, namely, the forward encoding network
as solving a large system of nonlinear equations – and
that reduces the dimensionality of the data and the de-
finding more unknowns needs more equalities in the
coding network that reconstruct the data. We consider
system, or, data samples in this case. Therefore, there
these two networks have a mirrored structure of each
a clear trade-off
There between
are also network depth/width
two parameters and
of the network,
the overall performance.
i.e., the width of each layer (number of neurons) and the
depth of the network (number of layers). There is no
strict Detailed Parameter
rule for setting Settings
up these two The detailed
parameters, but the
rule of thumb is to adjust them according the amountsare
settings for experiments on RCV1-v2 of
shown in Tables 2, 3. Parameter settings for 20News-
Table 4: Parameter settings for 20Newsgroup
NMI parameters description
ARI f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 2, 000 and R = 20
Sample size N 18,846
forward net. depth 3 layers
layer width 250/100/20
0.85 λ 10
αp 0.01
αl 0.001
0.80 Tp 10
Tl 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
Epochs Table 5: Parameter settings for raw MNIST

Figure 3: Clustering performance degrades when train- parameters description

ing with only reconstruction error term. This is in sharp f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 784 and R = 50
contrast with Figure 4 in the paper, where clustering Sample size N 70,000
performance improves when training the proposed DCN forward net. depth 6 layers
model. layer width 2,000/ 1,000/ 500/500/ 250/ 50
λ 0.05
αp 0.01
αl 0.05
Table 2: Parameter settings for RCV1-v2 – 4 Clust. and Tp 50
8 Clust. Tl 50
parameters description
f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 2, 000 and R = 50 Table 6: Parameter settings for Pre-Processed MNIST
Sample size N 178,603 or 267,466
forward net. depth 5 layers parameters description
layer width 2000/1000/1000/1000/50 f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 10 and R = 5
λ 0.1 Sample size N 70,000
αp 0.01 forward net. depth 3 layers
αl 0.05 layer width 50/ 20/ 5
Tp 50 λ 0.1
Tl 50 αp 0.01
αl 0.01
Tp 10
Tl 50
Table 3: Parameter settings for RCV1-v2 – 12 Clust.,
16 Clust. and 20 Clust.
Table 7: Parameter settings for Pendigits
parameters description
f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 2, 000 and R = 50 parameters description
Sample size N 312,694 or 342,407 or 365,968 f (xi ; W): RM → RR M = 16 and R = 10
forward net. depth 7 layers Sample size N 10,992
layer width 2000/1000/1000/1000/500/500/50 forward net. depth 3 layers
λ 0.1 layer width 50/ 16/ 10
αp 0.01 λ 0.5
αl 0.05 αp 0.01
Tp 50 αl 0.01
Tl 50 Tp 50
Tl 50

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