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Background of the Study

President Benigno Aquino III on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 signed the

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 into Law, more commonly known as the

K to 12 Curriculum Program.

Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community.

However our current education hinders us from becoming more competitive.

Starting in the 2012 -2013 School Year, the education system of the Philippine

was enhanced from the year of basic education to a 12-year program through an

initiative called the K-12 Education Plan in sponsored by the Department of


K to 12 (also K-12) is an education system under the Department of

Education that aims to enhance learners basic skills ,produce more competent

citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment ."K" stands

for Kindergarten and "12" refers to the succeeding 12 years of basic

education (6 years of Elementary Education, 4 years of Junior High School and

2 years of Senior High School).

The implementation of K-12 Plan in the Philippine Basic Education

Curriculum is the key to our nation’s development .Though the Government faces

many problems as it implements the program over the course of several years ,it

is necessary improvement since increasing the quality of our education is critical

to our nations success .

The goal of the K-12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional

basic education system that will produce productive and responsible citizen

equipped with the essential competencies and skills for both lives. Long learning

and employed. The program will enhance the basic education system to full

functionality to fulfill the basic learning needs of students. This is in live with the

agenda of President Aquino of having quality education as a long term solution to


Truly, the implementation of K-12 Program of the Department of Education

is a great help to every students, but some which has noble purpose for every

Filipino pupil of student. But then, some parents were not convincing of this

program from their own view this is another burden on the part of the students

and parents. It will add to the financial problem to their family, and the advantage

of implementing this program are for the people who wants to continue studying

or work abroad because the curriculum is almost parallel to other countries. This

is some of the problems that this going to focus on and hear the sentiments of

the parents regarding implementation of K-12 Curriculum.

“If nothing even changed ,there'd be no butterflies ".The onset of K to 12

Curriculum School Year 2012-2013 has certainly rippled the waters of our

stagnant pond .People's especially parent’s speculation on what would be the

outcome of thek-12 flocks to the field of inquires in school .Even the teachers

themselves are somewhat apprehensive of the implementation of the Grade 1

and Grade 7 of the K to 12 Curriculum .However ,our educational leaders are

one with the teachers in propagating the good news of the K-12 Curriculum to the

farthest corners of the Philippine .Our teachers are also doing their best in order

to achieve the desired outcome of this change .The people behind their big

change in the educational curriculum are optimistic that Filipino will support the

said program. In conclusion this study aims to determine the different perceptions

of the parents of the students in implementing this K-12 Curriculum Program. The

parents of the students that are involved in the study said that the implementation

of the K12 program that it is a must, because the primary objective of the

program is to improve the quality of education so that, when the students finished

the basic education they will be more productive. This study is important to

conduct because it will enlighten the different views and opinions of the parents

about the K-12 Curriculum Program. And also it will give also additional

knowledge to the students as well as to other people about the additional two

years. Lastly this study will have a big contribution to our society because they

will have an overview or point of view about the new curriculum.

After all, according to Charles Darwin, "It is not the strongest of the

species that survive the most intelligent, but the ones most response to change”.


This study will be of benefit to the following:

Parents. Parents’ scene and outlook about their children going through K-

12 Curriculum however every parents will give an agreeably chance to

understanding their knows and the views and opinions of other parent's who's

endure with the same process will familiarize them.

Students. This will give them an idea on how their life when they are in K-

12 and cope with their changes while they are going in that stage, and will give

them clear and wider concept about how other anticipate their different changes.

The research paper take an important steps in distinguish the culturally

applicable factors that might enhance the wellbeing and life options of students.

Community. A not so good or negative view about K-12 will be

enlightened and will give them a wider concept among the community. It will

enlightened the foresee view of others and be enlightened with these


Researchers. This study could contribute the researchers’ perception on

how you could lead, inspire the youth and assist them to become a responsible


Other Researchers. The study can give them concept and perception in

conducting same studies. The research will demonstrate both same and unique

features of students experience and add on important bulk to existing knowledge

about K-12 Curriculum.

Researchers’ Background

"A researcher’s background and position will affect what they

choose to investigate, the angle of investigation, the methods judged

most adequate for this purpose, the findings considered most

appropriate, and the framing and communication of conclusions"

(Malterud, 2001, p. 483-484).

It contains the personal experience of the researchers about the topic

they pick which is “Parents’ Perception on K to 12 Curriculum Program”.

According to Researcher January her mothers’ observation on K-12

Curriculum should not yet be implemented here in the Philippines especially

when you are studying in rural areas because of lack of teachers, buildings and

facilities for Senior High School and also my mother has a concerned of K-12

because it means an additional expenses for the parents.

And this is a stressful for some students who wanted a four years degree

because it takes six years now before for graduating in college because of this K-

12 Curriculum that is why they disagree in this program.


Based on Researcher February his parent perception regarding K-12

Curriculum, first it’s not helpful because instead their child will turn early into

college they need to undertake Grade 11 and 12 which added to their studies

maybe in some other part it has an advantages. Advantage because it gave an

opportunity to those parents who are incapable to support their children until

college and it gave on opportunity to the other students to gain a different skill.

According to Researcher March, his fathers’ perception in this K-12

Curriculum Program is really good for students because they can gain more

knowledge and skills which they will use in their future career, less expense for

parents because even in two years course we have a good job in future.

K-12 program is helpful for students and parents who are incapable to

support the buildings in colleges and this K-12 Curriculum is a preparation for our

brightest future.

According to Researcher April his parents perception regarding in K-12

Curriculum is good for parents because of less expenses, especially to those

students who don't have the courage to enter college, this program is a

preparation in their future because after graduating in Senior High School they

can find a good job that suit to their courses.

K-12 Curriculum will lead us into some path ways or what we called the

exits, which is employment if you wanted to work after graduation or


entrepreneur, you are prepared for your small business, or college if you wanted

to pursue your studies and lastly middle skills development.

According to Researcher May, her mother’s perception on K-12

Curriculum is beneficial for the students because when they finished Senior High

School they have an opportunity to find a job that is related to their course. Those

people who lack money that they can't afford the tuition fees will have an

opportunity to have a good job when they wanted to work.

K-12 Program has been developed to lead you to one of four cores path

ways of exists including 1.)Employment 2.)Middle Skills Development

3.)Entrepreneur and 4.)Higher Education.

According to Researcher June her parents’ perception about K-12

Curriculum made to equipped the students and enhance the quality of

educations. Because of the whole world especially in the Philippines which has

really poor. This is made also to give a chance for those students who are

incapable to pursue their studies in college, K-12 offers strand to students of

choose their best option that would be helpful for them.

According to Researcher July his father’s observation in K-12 Curriculum

is really helpful for the students and also those who stopped in college because

they have a chance to study in this K-12 and also they gain more knowledge

ideas instead of “istambays”. This K-12 Curriculum is helpful for parents and

students because after they graduated in Senior High they are more prepared for

work they will be equipped with the skills to either start their family business.

Based on Researcher October her mother observation about this K-12

Curriculum was causing stress for co- parents and students. Implementing K-12

is just a waste of money they didn't recognized this as a helpful for some

students who don't have enough money for steering college. Additional 2 years of

studying is a burden in every student and parents because of additional

expenses. And also this K-12 Curriculum added 2 years is just a pressure for

students this program is just a waste of time instead of early graduation they

need to undertake this k-12 curriculum.

According to Researcher November her mother's perception in K-12

Curriculum is, it is said to be very beneficial because it requires all Filipino

students to have one year at Kindergarten, six years of Elementary Schooling

(grades 1 to 6), four years at Junior High School (grades 7 to 10) and two years

of Senior High School (grades 11 to 12). It gives more benefits just like it requires

advancement preparedness for tertiary learning, readiness to join the workforce

and lastly it gives additional skill competency in the global job market. Her mother

is agree in implementing this curriculum because also, it gives the other parents

an opportunity to save money for two years for the preparation of tertiary level of

their offspring.

According to Researcher December her parents perception about K-12 is

helpful for the students this curriculum will help them for the less expense. And

also this will help the students to be more attentive and serious in their studies.

K-12 Curriculum is preparation for future and college life because

everything they teach is an advance in college so this curriculum is a helpful for

all parents and students.


Statement of the Problem

This study deals with the different perception of the parents regarding on

the implementation of K-12 Curriculum Program.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub problems:

1. What was the life of the parents having a child being part of K-12

Curriculum Program?

2. What do the parents understand about the implementation of the K-12


3. What are the advantages and disadvantages on implementing this K-12


4. How will the parents cope with the situation during this kind of curriculum?

Working Hypothesis

Non-directional, theoretical hypotheses formulated for the study were the


1. The parents believe that the additional two years of basic education or K-

12 Curriculum is beneficial to their children to become more productive

and progressive.

2. The parents believe that the additional two years of basic education or the

K-12 Curriculum is another burden to their children's life.




This chapter deals in describing the methods to be used by the

Researchers, importance of the research, and how it will be conducted by

the researchers.

Research Design

The researcher used qualitative research having a type of this research

which is the "phenomenology", otherwise known as hermeneutics

("understanding") as the most appropriate approach for this study since it

explores lived experiences of Parents’ Perception in Implementing K-12

Curriculum Program. (Polit and Beck 2008)

The goal of qualitative phenomenological research is to describe a "lived

experience" of a phenomenon. As this is a qualitative analysis of narrative data,

methods to analyze its data must be quite different from more traditional or

quantitative methods of research. Essentially, you are focused on meaning, the

meaning of the experience, behavior and narrative. Any way the participant can

describe their lived phenomenal experience can be used to gather data in a

phenomenological study. We will use an interview to gather the participants'

descriptions of their experience, or the participants' written or oral self-report, an

observation of their behavior. (Dr. Janet Waters).


The focus of phenomenological inquiry is what people experience in

regard to some phenomenon or other and how they interpret those experiences.

A phenomenological research study is a study that attempts to understand

people's perceptions, perspectives and understandings of a particular situation

(or phenomenon). The objective of this study was to enrich the literature of

perceptions of Parents in Implementing K-12 Curriculum Program. Data was

gathered through qualitative methods using interviews. (Noman and Kaur).


Sources of Data

A. Research Setting

The chosen general setting is Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Specifically the

researchers gathered information in its five barangays where the students in San

Julian National High School and the parents of these children are residing. This

will lead to assumption that these will include respective number of students in

question as prospective research subject.

The informants purposively selected wherein located in the following

barangays: San Julian (population: 1,353), Warey (population: 2,841),Palong

(population: 2,189),Lepa (population: 2,199) and Nalsian (population: 1,427).

There will be informants found per barangay.

The locality of Malasiqui composed of 73 barangays. Malasiqui is one of

the towns in Pangasinan which belongs to Region I (Ilocos Region). It is in the 3 rd

District of Pangasinan and was said to be founded on January 22, 1671.Most of

houses that can be seen among the rural barangay are-semi concrete. Some still

have houses furnished from woven nipa and wood. Trees are abundant, either

fruit bearing or not. People are also planting rice, fodder, peanuts, and corn for

agricultural and human consumption, onions, root crops and others.

People here are descending on kuliglig or miniature tractor which serves and

the king of mass transport. Their occupations are location dependent: some are

fishermen and some are farmers planting vegetables crops and herbs for


B. Sampling

Non-probability sampling, specifically purposive sampling, was used for

the study. Otherwise known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, it

entails that the basis of selection is the researchers’ knowledge about the

population which can be used to hand-pick sample members (Polit& Beck, 2008).

The main goal of purposive sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of

the population of interest, which shall be enabled the researcher to answer his

research queries. The sample being studied is not representative of the

population, but for the researcher`s pursuing qualitative or mixed method

research designs. (Lund &Lund, 2010).

Ten informants were selected through the following eligibility criteria:

Parents (30 years old and above) who have a child studying in San Julian

National High School in this present school year (School Year 2017- 2018). The

informants should be residing in the locality of Malasiqui, Pangasinan particularly

in five barangays mainly: Lepa, Palong, San Julian, Warey and Nalsian.

Yellow bell, 43 years old a resident of barangay Nalsian Norte, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has an extended family and a patrilocal by residence

residence. She has a total of 7 children and at the same time 3 of them are

studying. And the remaining 4 are all graduated. On the other hand, she’s a

loving and caring housewife to her husband. Her husband is a construction

worker in a private company in Manila. One of her daughter is a grade 10 student

at San Julian National High School.

Sunflower, 44 years old a resident of barangay Nalsian Norte Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has a nuclear family and a matrilocal by residence. She has 5

children; 4 of them are still studying and the remaining 1 are already graduated in

college. She has hardworking mother because her husband is already passed

away year 2016. She needs to do everything to sustain the needs and wants of

her family. One of her children is a Grade 12 student in San Julian National High


Orchid, 48 years old a resident of Barangay Warey, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has an extended family and a patrilocal by residence. She has

a 6 children; 3 of them are already graduated in college, 1 3 rdyear college a Civil

Engineering in Pangasinan State University, 1 Grade 12 student in San Julian

National High School and lastly, 1 Grade 9 student in Malasiqui Catholic School.

She is a teacher in a public school in Don Pedro Elementary School. Her

husband is a retired police.

Ilang-Ilang, 44 years old a resident of Barangay Warey, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has an extended family and patrilocal by residence. Her total

children are 3 and at the same time all of them are still studying. One of them is

studying in San Julian National High School as a Grade 10 and on the flip side

the remaining 2 are elementary pupils of Jose Carmen Macaranas Elementary

School. On the flip side, she has a housewife of her husband. Her husband is a

construction worker on their barangay.

Cosmos, 49 years old a resident of Barangay San Julian National High

School. She has an extended family and a matrilocal by residence. She has a

total of 6 children, 3 of them are not yet studying, remaining 3 are studying in a

same school with different grade levels. Her occupation is house wife to her

husband. Her husband is a farmer in their own field. Their crops that they gain

serve as their food in their daily lives. Her youngest daughter is a Grade 10

student in San Julian National High School.

Rose, 55 years old a resident of Barangay San Julian, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has a matrilocal by residence. She has a total of 4 children;2 of

them are already having a family and the remaining 2 are twins who are studying

at San Julian National High School as a Grade 12 student. She is a housewife in

their family and hoping for the pension of her husband who passed away years

ago. It serves as a budget for their finances in all aspect when it comes to their

needs and wants in daily life.

Santan, 45 years old a resident of Barangay Palong, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has a nuclear family and matrilocal by residence. She has a

total of 3 children, 1 is already graduated in college and a remaining 2 are still

studying one is elementary in Lepa and 1 is Grade 9 students in San Julian


National High School. She is a made in their area and at the same time a loving

mother to her children husband is a farmer and a construction worker.

Calachuchi, 48 years old a resident of barangay Palong, Malasiqui,

Pangasinan. She has a nuclear family ad patrilocal by residence. She has only

child who is studying at San Julian National School as a Grade 10. She is a

loving mother to her only one daughter. Her husband is a OFW Worker on the

other country.

Sampaguita, 45 years old a resident of Lepa Malasiqui Pangasinan. She

has an extended family and matrilocal by residence. Her total children are two at

the same time they are both studying at the same school which in San Julian

National High School. One is Grade 10 and the remaining one is Grade 12

students. She is a housewife to her husband and children. Her husband is

tricycle in their barangay. The money that he is giving serves as a budget to

sustain their need and wants in the family.

Rosal, 44 years old a resident of Barangay Lepa, Malasiqui, Pangasinan.

She has a nuclear family and matrilocal by residence. Her total children are 3

and at the same time all of them are still studying in different school. One of them

is studying in San Julian National High School as a Grade 11 and on the flip side

the remaining 2 are elementary pupils of Jose Carmen Macaranas Elementary

School. On the flip side, she has a housewife of her husband. Her husband is a

tricycle driver on their barangay.


Research Instrument

A. Instrumentation and Data Collection

Longitudinal open-ended interview, a type of qualitative self-report, was

used as the main data collection instrument throughout the study. The

researchers prepared in advance a written topic guide, which is alert of areas or

questions to be covered with each participant. The interviewer's function was to

encourage subjects to talk freely about all the topics on the list, and to tell stories

in their own words. This technique, ensured that researcher’s had obtained all

the topics required and gave people the freedom to respond in their own words

providing much detail as they wish, and offer illustrations and explanations

(Polit&Beck, 2008).

Writing a good open-ended question is a tricky balancing act: It should

prompt the respondents to provide useful information, but also give them the

freedom to respond as they choose.

The researchers decided that the constructed interview guide must

translate into Filipino. This was done for the subjects who have difficulty

understanding English or for those who wish to have longitudinal open-ended

interview guide in Filipino or the vernacular (local language).

Peer translation was done to ensure the soundness of translation in

different language.

The researchers allowed the informants to choose the language he or she

is comfortable with, sometimes preferring use of the vernacular (local language)

Pangasinense. The chosen language used throughout the session, and subjects

allowed transverse between languages when answering the questions. The

group chose among themselves whom can understand both languages, and

converse in the same manner so that subjects would feel comfortable during the


Letter of notification was given to the key people in each barangay, and

included barangay captains and the like. The researchers also gave a letter of

consent to their principal in the school.

The researchers also ensured the anonymity by giving code names to

informants for identification. These were recorded on the transcript or reflexive

notes which will be save along with the electronic audio file of the interview.

Using these notes, it allowed the researchers to record salient data regarding

subject responses as well as researchers’ reflections about surroundings

interruptions, verbalized sounds or non-verbal responses fresh from the source

that depending heavily on memory.

The researcher also indicated to the informants how long the interview

usually took place.

In starting the interview, researchers greeted the respondents politely like

"Good morning" or "Good afternoon". During the interview proper, the researcher

maintained a distance of two (2) to three (3) feet from the respondent while

interview was in progress. A tape recorded or an electronic audio recorded used

by the researchers. The tape or device was concealed from the respondents so

as they won’t feel anxious or doubtful, therefore feel that the interview was simply

a plain conversation. Through this manner, more accurate responses will be

yield. (Sana, 2012)

When the interview was done, the researchers expressed their gratitude

for the informant’s participation in the study. The researcher looked for more

informants until the saturation point was reached. The electronically recorded

information was destroyed, deleted and disposed accordingly by the researchers

after reviewing them to ensure confidentiality. (Sana, 2012)

To establish rigor and integrity, Lincoln and Guba's (1985) persistent

observation technique employed in the study. This is the investment of sufficient

time collecting verbal and non- verbal data to have in-depth understanding of the

views of people under study, to test for misinformation and distortions, and to

ensure saturation of important categories. (Polit&Beck, 2008)

It was also essential for building trust and rapport with informants, which in

turn ensured that useful, accurate and rich information, was obtain (Polit&Beck,

2008). Thus, the researchers ensured that adequate time and resources to stay

engaged in fieldwork for a sufficiently long period of time. The researcher must

maintain their time frame during the interview.


B. Trustworthiness, Dependability and Confirmability

Trustworthiness or credibility is viewed by Lincoln and Cuba (1985) as an

overriding goal of qualitative research and is a criterion identified in Whitmore

and associates (2001) review. To assure credibility, reflexivity needs to be used

to avoid participate expectation and researcher bias by accounting and reporting

all go the information that may have affected data collection, analysis and

interpretation that has to do with the researchers participants beliefs, attitude

etc. It involves two aspects: first carrying out the study in a way that enhances

believability of finding's, and second taking steps to demonstrate credibility to

external readers (Polit& Beck, 2008).


Trustworthiness is established when the findings of the research checked

the meanings by the participants. Audio recordings of interviews with

corresponding verbatim typewritten transcriptions served as the hard data.

Coordination with the transcriber conducted before interviews commenced and

only one transcriber will be appointed. To ensure that all data and transcriptions

were consistent self-translations was verify by the researchers.



Credibility ensures the results of qualitative research are credible or

believable from the perspective of the participants in the research. Focus is on

whether or not the study measures/ investigates what it intended. Triangulation

can add to credibility trustworthiness.


-Dependability ensures that the research findings are consistent and could

be repeated. This is measured by the standard of which the research is

conducted, analyzed and presented. Each process in the study should be

reported in detail to enable an external researcher to repeat the inquiry and

achieve similar results. This also enables researchers to understand the methods

and their effectiveness.


Confirmability questions how the research findings are supported by the

data collected. This is a process to establish whether the researcher has been

bias during the study; this is due to the assumption that qualitative research

allows the research to bring a unique perspective to the study. An external

researcher can judge whether this is the case by studying the data collected

during the original inquiry. To enhance the conformability of the initial conclusion,

and audit trail can be completed throughout the study to demonstrate how each

decision was made.

Data Management and Analysis

Thematic analysis was conducted in accordance with Van Manen’s (1990)

three approaches for identifying aspects of a phenomenon. First, the researcher

attended to the entire corpus of materials and noted emergent insights, themes,

and patterns (holistic approach). Next, the researcher read the same materials to

identify key statements and phrases that were especially reflective of the

experience (selective approach). Finally, materials were read in detail (line-by-

line approach) and for each line, asked the question, “What are the different

perceptions of the parent regarding on the implementation of K- 12 Curriculum

Program”. A descriptive label was attached to each line or statement identified.

To identify patterns and interconnections among the themes, a process of

abstraction (Smith, Flowers, & Larkin, 2013) was conducted. This step included

grouping together similar and overlapping statements and developing broader

themes that captured some aspect of the phenomenon. Finally, the process of

“subsumption” (Smith et al., 2013) involved developing super ordinate themes

and interconnections that in turn reflect the experiences of the participants in the


As Crabtree and Miller (1999) had identified, three major continuum

analysis types were prototypical to qualitative research. Editing analysis


style was utilized for the adjoining raw data and reflexive. It states that

researchers will act as interpreter who read through the data in search of

meaningful segments and units. Once identified, they develop a category

scheme and corresponding codes that can be used to sort and organize

the data (Polit& Beck, 2008). Patterns and structures were then searched to

connect categories.

Electronically recorded interviews and field notes (i.e. reflexive notes)

were the major data sources for the study. Transactions were done in

selective verbatim fashion for data analysis, and the researcher needed to

ensure that transactions were accurate, reflect and total interview

experience and facilitate analysis.

Conventions marking the participants within the transcribed interview

included the name of constellation for “student interviewer” and [flower

name] for the “informant”. Transcription indicate speakers, overlaps in

speaking turns, time elapsed during gaps, non-linguistic statements (sighs,

sobs, laughter), emphasis of words and so on.

Polan`s (1995) notes on error categories committed by

transcriptionists include deliberate alterations of data, accidental alterations

of data, accidental alterations of data and unavoidable alterations. These

errors will be inevitable, that it will be necessary that the researchers

check for the accuracy of transcribed data. Maclean and colleagues (2004)

offered suggestions for improving accuracy. One is to collaborate with the

transcriptionist at the start of the project to establish guidelines for handling

potential problems and alert the researcher if certain portions of the

recordings are unintelligible. In such cases, notation preferences (e.g. cannot

hear, poor record quality, too much background noise) can be used by

said transcriptionist. (Polit & Beck, 2008).

Colaizzi’s (1978) method of returning to study subjects was central

in gleaning rich, descriptive data and enhanced saturation. Van Manen’s

(1990) method of combined approach was also used to try and grasp the

essential meaning of the experience studied. According to Van Manen,

thematic aspects of experience can be uncovered or isolated from

subjects’ descriptions of the experience by three methods: (1) the holistic

approach, in where the text or data as a whole; (2) selective or

highlighting approach, in which researchers should pull out statements or

phrases that seem essential to the experience under study; (3) the

detailed approach, wherein researchers analyze every sentence. Once

themes had been identified, they become objects of reflection and

interpretation through follow-up interviews with subjects. Through this

process, essential themes are discovered. (Polit & Beck, 2008).


Determining suitable study subject inquiry

Providing background on data available about Parent

Limiting and analyzing the phenomenon of interest our study

Providing researcher’s observations and interpretation about the students

Formulation of Longitudinal Open-ended Interview Guide

Translation of interview guide to Filipino or the vernacular (Local language)

Development of Research methodology:

 Selection of appropriate research design
 Selection of informants using purposive sampling
 Social integration
 Selection of appropriate date analysis and interpretation methods

Interview dry run among researchers

Open –Ended Interviewing

Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation:

 Coding and Recording by Verbatim
 Transferring first coding into a word document
 Holistic Overview
 Thematic Clustering

Review of Literature and Studies

Summary of Methodology and Findings

Formulation of Conclusions and Recommendations

Figure 1: Audit trail diagram of the whole interpretative phenomenology study

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