Asking and Giving Opinion

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Asking and Giving Opinion

Situation: new smartphone.

Milly: do you like your smartphone?

Brian: Yes. I think I got more than I expected.
Milly: why?
Brian: I just want to buy a smartphone which has 1 gigabyte of RAM. But this
smartphone gives me more.
Milly: I think you’re lucky.
Brian: Yeah. I think with the price I’ve paid, got a smartphone with 2 gigabytes of
RAM is very awesome.
Milly: but what do you think about the camera? Is it good?
Brian: not too bad. I got 8 megapixels for primary cameras, and its secondary
camera 5 megapixels. But it is not the important point.
Milly: why?
Brian: I do not like selfie. Haha.

Situation: full day school.

Emily: Hi Tom! What are you doing?

Tommy: I’m reading a newspaper.
Emily: any good news?
Tommy: I’ve just read about full day school.
Emily: so what your opinion about that?
Tommy: in my view, it is useful for Indonesian education development. Because if
school time is extended until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So, Indonesia’s
educational ranking in the world can be increased.
Emily: Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don’t you think it is
too boring for them? In school all day.
Tommy: No, If the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting
activities, so the student will enjoy their day in school.
Emily: I think you’re right.

Situation: choosing a dress in a department store.

Naima: I love these two dresses. But I have to choose one. What do you think?
Which one is suited to me?
Naomi: I think the dress which has peach color is suited to you.
Naima: really? But the blue one has a beautiful design.
Naomi: You’re right. But it seems too big to you isn’t it?
Naima: yea…
Naomi: I have an idea! Let’s find a dress which has peach color, but the design is
similar to the blue one?
Naima: yeah… That’s sounds good!
Situation: Trevor and Matt are discussing issues of banning smartphone in the

_____1____ Trevor: Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones
in the school?
__________Trevor: Yes, I feel that too.
__________Trevor: What do you think about it?

__________Trevor: What do you think about it?

__________Trevor: why do you think so?
__________Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our
class. Remember yesterday’s history class? Our teacher got very angry because
was interrupt by smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and
__________Trevor: Eh… Yea…

__________Matt : So it’s a good idea if the school doesn’t allow students to use
their smartphone in the school.

__________Matt : Yeah

__________Matt : Well, I think that’s fair enough.

__________Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of stupid
__________Trevor: what do you mean?

__________Matt : you know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest model.

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