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NAME: GRADE:____________

Unit 7 & 8

Grammar: Present Perfect

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Present perfect / simple present is used for actions in the past when we don't know the exact time they happened.
2. We must use the past simple / past participle tense of the verbs in a present perfect sentence.
3. We can / can't use the present perfect with unespecific time expressions such as ever, never, once, etc.
4. We can / can't use the present perfect with specific time expressions such as yesterday, today, this morning, etc.

Grammar: Present Perfect

Complete the text with the present perfect form of the verbs in the box.
write eat buy happen miss Learn
Dear mom:
I (5)_________________ this letter to tell you about something that (6)______________________ to me on my last month
as a foreign student. I (7)___________________ in a lot of restaurants near my apartment, but none of them have such
good food as yours. I (8)___________________ a stove to cook my own food, but I (9)____________________ how to
cook anything yet.
I (10)______________________ you so much. Please, come and visit me soon.
Love, Daniel.

Grammar: Present perfect

Circle the mistake on each present perfect sentence and write it correctly on the line below.
11. "Have you saw my keys?" ___________________________________
12. "I has cried with that movie a lot of times" _______________________________
13. "My mom hasn't take cooking lessons, but she's very good at it" ___________________________
14. "I have already made my homework. Has you?" ___________________________
15. "We have went to Paris a couple of times" ______________________________________
Grammar: Present perfect
Write 5 sentences in present perfect using the verbs in the box.

win do study visit Take

16.- _______________________________________________________________________________________
17.- _______________________________________________________________________________________
18.- _______________________________________________________________________________________
19.- _______________________________________________________________________________________
20.- _______________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary: Kinds of movies and TV shows
Match the TV shows to the definitions
21. ( ) weather a. People try to win prizes on this show
22. ( ) documentary b. Watch interviews with interesting people on this show
23. ( ) the news c. This type of movie is made in the USA, and it's about cowboys
24. ( ) talk show d. You can learn facts and new information from this show
25. ( ) game show e. You can find out if it will be hot or cold tomorrow on this show
26. ( ) western f. Find out what's happening around the world from this show
Vocabulary: Kinds of movies and TV shows
Choose the correct answer on each sentence
A: Did you (27) watch / read de newspaper this morning?
B: No but I've watched news at (28) a podcast / a video on the website. Real Madrid has defeated Juventus at the
Champions League! It was an exciting match
A: I know! I heard the BBC is going to make a (29) comedy / documentary about Real Madrid. It's going to tell you about
interesting facts of this historic club, and for kids it will have its own (30) horror / cartoon section to make it fun for them.
B: Wow! It's going to be a good business, but I would prefer that this program was a (31) game show / western where you
can win prizes if you know enough about Real Madrid's history.
A: Sounds interesting! But you would need you (32) watch / read a lot of magazines and websites about the club!

Grammar: Present perfect with ever and never

Write the question or answer using the present perfect with ever or never

Example. A: you / see / ever / The Hobbit / ? __Have you ever seen the Hobbit?____________
B: No, I haven’t. I don’t like adventure movies.

33. A: Have you been to Hollywood before?

B: never / no / I / visit / America / . ______________________________________
34 A: you / write / a blog article / ever ? ____________________________________
B: Yes, I have. I wrote one for my school website.

35. A: Have you ever seen The Living Dead?

B: no / I / see / a horror movie / never / . _____________________________________

36. A: Has Julieta read The Chronicles of Narnia?

B: no / she /never / read / that book / . ______________________________________

37. A: your parents / listen / ever / to a podcast / ? ________________________________

B: Yes, they often listen to podcasts about culture.
Read the text and answer the true or false questions below.
"Charlie Chaplin's early life"
He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether April
16 is actually his birthday, and it is possible he was not born in 1889. There is also
uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau, France. There is no doubt,
however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette
Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall entertainers. His parents separated soon
after his birth, leaving him in the care of his increasingly unstable mother.
In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother
Sydney Chaplin had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks
to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother
suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near
Croydon). She died in 1928 in the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with Chaplin, by then a
commercial success.
Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. As a child,
he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a serious illness, and, at night, his mother would sit at the window and act out
what was going on outside. In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime
Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in 'Jim, A Romance of Cockayne', followed by his first regular
job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's 'Court Circus'
variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory' slapstick comedy company.
According to immigration records, he arrived in the United States with the Karno troupe on October 2, 1912. In the Karno
Company was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, who would later become known as Stan Laurel. Chaplin and Laurel shared a room
in a boarding house. Stan Laurel returned to England but Chaplin remained in the United States. Chaplin's act was seen by
film producer Mack Sennett, who hired him for his studio, the Keystone Film Company.

38. Chaplin might have been born some years earlier than is currently believed. T/F
39. Chaplin's mother died before her son was sucessful. T/F
40. Chaplin first performed on the stage after he arrived in the United States. T/F
41. His first serious job was delivering newspapers. T/F
42. His first partner on the stage was the actor, Stan Laurel. T/F
43. He was discovered while working for a British organisation in the United States. T/F

F.E.A.R. has two meanings:

"Forget Everything And Run" or "Face Everything And Rise"… the choice is yours- Zig Ziglar

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