Quarter Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Malinao
Malinao, Aklan


First Semester l S.Y. 2019-2020

LAST NAME: ________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________________ M.I.


PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following questions/statements carefully, and write the letter
that corresponds to your answer on the line. STRICTLY NO ERASURE.

_____1. Which of the following best describes non-verbal communication?

A. Communication between different cultures
B. Communication for disabled people
C. Communication using wordless cues
D. Communication when in a noisy environment
_____2. If you want to complain, what's the best way to behave?
A. Stay calm but stick to your point C. Get very angry
B. Get ready to cry D. Scandalize in the area
_____3. Which of the following non-verbal cues is categorized under proxemics?
A. What a person wears C. Where a person sits
B. A person’s mannerisms D. How a person speaks
_____4. Which among the following words refers to the intonation, projection, resonance of the voice
through which the message is conveyed.
A. Visual B. Vocal C. Verbal D. Verb
_____5. Which of the following is NOT a facet of paralanguage?
A. Rate of speech B. Volume of voice C. Facial expression D. Loudness
_____6. Marking your spot at a library or restaurant table by leaving a sweater and backpack. Which
of the following types of nonverbal communication categorized the given situation?
A. Territoriality B. Chronemics C. Paralanguage D. Emblem
_____7. Which of the following qualifies as the type of gestures known as object-adaptors?
A. Tapping a pencil while taking a test C. Chewing your nails
B. Tapping your foot rapidly D. Repeatedly curling your hair
_____8. Chronemics refers to the interpretation of messages involving which sense?
A. Smell B. Space C. Time D. Touch
_____9. Paralanguage refers to ______________.
A. The words spoken
B. Languages passed on from parent to child
C. The various meanings in different languages
D. The vocal messages of pitch, rate, and loudness
_____10. Communication without words is called ______________.
A. Silent speaking C. Verbal communication
B. Interpersonal communication D. Nonverbal communication
_____11. The situation, “Scratching a mosquito bite,” is an example of ____________.
A. Illustrators B. Emblems C. Regulators D. Adaptors
_____12. Zone of space that ranges from 1 and ½ feet- 4 feet is known as ______________.
A. Personal B. Public C. Intimate D. Social
_____13. How something is said, not what it said refers to ______________.
A. Kinesics B. Proxemics C. Haptics D. Vocalics
_____14. The conception of time may influence our communication behavior. Adherence to schedule or
planned activity in a particular time is important. Which of the following time orientations
does best characterize the situation?
A. Polychronic B. Chronemic C. Scientific D. Monochronic
_____15. Mariel was talking with Shara about a project they have due in class. They were in a crowded
restaurant and were surrounded by parties that were talking loudly. Mariel was having a
difficult time hearing what Shara was saying. What barrier of communication is manifested in
this situation?
A. Perceptual Barrier C. Physical Barrier
B. Language Barrier D. Emotional Barrier
_____16. All of the following are natures of communication, EXCEPT?
A. It is a systematic process.
B. It occurs between two or more people.
C. It can be expressed through written or oral form or both.
D. It happens only through facial expressions or body language.
_____17. Which of the following communication models gives emphasis on feedback to ensure
understanding of the message/information conveyed?
A. Shannon and Weaver Communication Model
B. Osgood-Schramm Communication Model
C. Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication
D. Wood Communication Model
_____18. Which of the following best describes communication as a transactional process?
A. Transactional implies that the sender-receiver roles occur alternately.
B. Transactional implies that participants may misunderstand symbols used in the process.
C. Transactional implies that participants must work together to achieve understanding.
D. All of the above.
_____19. Where in the communication process can noise occur?
A. At the listening stage C. At the interpretation stage
B. When differences in culture interfere with understanding D. All of the above
_____20. Slang and jargon are elements that _________.
A. May reduce the clarity of the message
B. May increase the power of the message
C. May enhance the vividness of the message
D. Are more appropriate in public setting
_____21. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model?
A. Source B. Transmitter C. Channel D. Computation
_____22. Good communication occurs when a(n) ________________ meaning is reached.
A. Unresolved B. Shared C. Prejudice D. Nonverbal
_____23. Which barrier is characterized by a set of vocabulary in a certain field?
A. Specialized Field of Expertise
B. Jargon
C. International Profession
D. Emotional Barrier
_____24. Which of the following refers to the use of simple yet precise and powerful words?
A. Vividness B. Appropriateness C. Clarity D. Brevity
_____25. Which of the following best defines intercultural communication?
A. It is a competition among people set to make their cultures known.
B. It is an organized procedure where everyone speaks of his/her culture.
C. It happens when a specific culture is regarded as the best among the rest.
D. It happens when individuals negotiate, interact, and create meanings while bringing in
their varied cultural backgrounds.
_____26. Which DMIS stage is shown in the statement, “People of different cultures are not really
unique. They are categorically the same.”?
A. Acceptance B. Defense C. Denial D. Minimization
_____27. All of the following are characteristics of a competent intercultural communicator, EXCEPT?
A. Inclusive B. Polite C. Open-Minded D. Idealistic
_____28. Which of the following statements best shows INTEGRATION as a DMIS stage?
A. “I can see nothing new in what we all presented.”
B. “I hear you and I want to see how I can benefit from what you said.”
C. “Maybe I can make necessary adjustments in order to meet our objectives.”
D. “I don’t think your suggestions will work. They don’t serve any of our interests here.”
_____29. Which best defines communication?
A. It is the process of telling what you want to other people.
B. It is the way in which we express our feeling and let other people obey what we want.
C. It is the avenue of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signals, writing and behavior.
D. It is the procedure of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signals, writing and behavior.
_____30. Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?
A. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders when asked about her father.
B. Angelica nods her head as she listens to the speaker.
C. Jason rolls his eyeballs when her mother asked him to buy from the store.
D. Ms. Imperial wrote a memorandum regarding wearing of uniforms.
_____31. While attending an international seminar, which of the following could be the best step if one
is trying to initiate a conversation to the other participants?
A. Ask about someone’s name, age, job, religion among others.
B. Smile and greet fellow participants.
C. Ask questions to the speaker often, with that other participants will notice you.
D. Talk about famous personalities in your country even if the other person doesn’t even
know them by name.
_____32. When the communicator chooses his words carefully, he is making an ethical choice
A. Language choices can decide the nature of relationships in the future.
B. He needs to convey words that are more powerful than the messages being sent.
C. He can easily become too assertive in his use of qualifiers and disclaimers.
D. He needs to be sensitive to how his listener thinks of him as a communicator.
_____33. Which statement about adaptors is not correct?
A. They are habits that are not intended to communicate.
B. People use them when they are uncomfortable or nervous.
C. They are uniform to most communicators and easy to classify.
D. They are behaviors that satisfy physical or psychological needs.
_____34. Which of the following statements best describes paralanguage?
A. It involves the speaker's choice of words.
B. It can create a distinct impression of the speaker.
C. Its main component is body language.
D. It exists on how the speech is said not what it is said.
_____35. All of the following are characteristics of effective written communication, EXCEPT?
A. Speech Style B. Correct Grammar C. Correct Punctuation D. Correct Spelling
_____36. Which of the following is not part of the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model?
A. Source B. Transmitter C. Channel D. Computation
_____37. The Grade 11 students of MSPC are having their class near the covered court in which there
is an ongoing program. The sound system is too loud; the learners are having a hard time in
understanding their lessons. What is the most prominent barrier in the given situation?
A. Physical B. Physiological C. Psychological D. Semantic
_____38. As Gemma participates in her study group meeting, she uses her hands to play with her
pencil. Which of the following indicates the use of nonverbal behavior?
A. Illustrator B. Regulator C. Emblem D. Adaptor
_____39. Gigi's beaded necklace and Grant's ankle bracelet are examples of __________.
A. Kinesics B. Emblems C. Artifacts D. Illustrators
_____40. Which of the following qualifies as the type of gestures known as object-adaptors?
A. Tapping a pencil while taking a test
B. Chewing your nails
C. Tapping your foot rapidly
D. Repeatedly curling your hair with a finger

PART II: IDENTIFICATION. Identify the functions of communication in the given situations, and
write the letter that corresponds to your answer on the line. STRICTLY NO ERASURE.

A. Control B. Motivation C. Emotional Expression

D. Information Dissemination E. Social Interaction

_____1. Mr. Iledan prohibits his students to play and standby in the corridor during class hours.
_____2. Whelmer finds studying to be challenging and his mother tells him to pursue his studies
because it is still the best way to ensure his future to be brighter.
_____3. SPO1 Tugba discussed regarding child protection policies to students of MSPC.
_____4. Dr. Alojera discusses to the family his diagnoses about the condition of the patient.
_____5. April greets Myra; then, they start talking about their plans for the long weekends.
_____6. Clarisse Jean shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a challenging life.
_____7. Engr. Silverio delivers his inspirational speech to Batch 2019 of MSPC.
_____8. Governor Rasco delivers his last State of the Province Address.
_____9. Atty. Managuit conducted a symposium about Federalism to the students of MSPC.
_____10. The father looks sharply at his children who are quarrelling.

PART III: TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct, and F if otherwise.

_____1. Communication can only be done orally.

_____2. Communication that exists between or among individuals from different ethnic, religious, and
regional backgrounds and sexual orientations is not considered as intercultural.
_____3. Cultural sensitivity matters in intercultural communication.
_____4. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
_____5. In the adaptation stage, individuals begin to integrate with other cultures.
_____6. Intercultural communication occurs when there is interaction and negotiation between or
among individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
_____7. Intercultural communication refers only to communication that happens between or among
individuals from different nations.
_____8. Joan had a job interview on phone, this showed interactional model of communication.
_____9. The acceptance stage refers to recognition of cultural differences.
_____10. The denial stage could be interpreted as distrust towards other cultures.

Signature of Parent over Printed Name


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