Memo Packet Group e Final

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Date: 7/9/2019


From: Group E interns

Subject: Historical National Water-use data memo

Distribution List: USGS Web Development team

This report is a review of a set of instructions created by the USGS with the intent to
provide users with help in finding historical data on national water usage. After a short
usability test, it became obvious that some changes were needed to improve the
effectiveness of the article. After some deliberation, a select few changes were made in
an attempt to enhance the user experience.

Test Objectives

The aim of this usability test is to determine if this tutorial can help first-time users
become familiar with how to use historical NATIONAL water-use data page. The most
important part of this test is to ask users if they are satisfied with the layout of the page,
the font and size of the text, and the size, clarity and accuracy of the images. In addition
to the visual effects above, we also wanted to know which settings on the site were not in
line with the testers' habits and thus affected their smooth completion of the tutorial.


Areas of Strength

The strengths that were throughout the website that USGS used for the useability test
was that the steps were simple and concise. They were straight and to the point of what
was being asked. During the test people stated the steps went in order of each other
which made it very helpful. The fact that each of the steps had pictures helped with the
flow of the process. Most of everyone that took the test were able to finish the test in less
than 3 minutes.
Areas of Improvement

Some areas of improvement that can be taken away from the usability test are taking
away certain steps that aren’t needed for example step 5 where there are multiple things
happening within that one step. When clicking on a hyperlink it will stay in the same
window, having the window to be able to go into a different tab would be an
improvement that could be used. The submit button for the step of picking the year
should be on the far right instead of below picture because people would get confused
and thought it was the back button instead of the submit button.


Immediately following the completion of their assigned task, the user was asked to
answer a number of questions. These questions consisted of three close-ended and three
open-ended questions in order to draw appropriate feedback.

1. Was the flow of information controlled and comprehensive?

● Three out of four people responded that the information was indeed
controlled and comprehensive, showing that the issues were mostly
2. Did the pictures provide meaningful contribution?
● Every person answered that pictures were important to the instructions.
3. Would you feel comfortable doing this a second time without instructions?
● All but one of the users felt comfortable in their ability to do the task a
second time without the instructions, showing that the information is
comprehensive enough to stick after only one read.

1. What was the best feature of these instructions?

● Users responded most positively about the pictures and how each step was
highlighted on them.
2. What should be changed in these instructions?
● The most common problems reported were about a difficulty
distinguishing between steps.
3. How would you rate these instructions and why?
● Average of the reports were 6.25/10.

To improve usability, we should crop the excess parts of the screenshot leaving only the
essential areas to avoid confusion in each step. We should incorporate the use of white
space in between each step to have a clear indication of which step the user is on instead
of having the visuals and texts all clustered together. We also should increase the font
size of each “Step” to make it more eye catching.
Appendix A: Original Instruction
Appendix B: Revised Instruction

● Where to access information

● How to choose a year or years
● Categories needed to choose from
● Showing data on the table
● Tab separated data

Step 1: Click on the “Water Use” button on the bottom left of the browser screen.
Step 2: Click on the blue National Data button (left).

Step 3: Choose the year(s) for water-use data retrieval by clicking on a selection once a
year(s) is chosen then water-use categories available for that year will appear under “Category“.

Step 4: Choose the water-use category for data retrieval by clicking on a selection – (multiple
categories also can be chosen). Once selection(s) has been made – click the “Submit” button.
Note: Multiple selections can be made by holding down the “Ctrl” and “Alt” keys and clicking with the (left)
mouse button.

Step 5: Select “Table of data” and click “Submit”. If you wish to save the data as plain text,
skip to step 6.
Step 6: Select “Tab-separated data”. If you want to change the display format, click on the
selection box to the right of “Tab-separated data” and then select your preferred form.

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