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Jadsmon G.

Jossa Marie Advincula

We decided to observe these particular subjects: Computer System Servicing (CSS) and
Komunikasyon. The first one is CSS, based on our cognizance there are different nature of
communication with the said subject: a process; which discusses between two or more people
wherein the teacher serves as the speaker of the subject and the students as listeners. This process
also expressed through written, spoken words or sign language (verbal or non-verbal actions)
that use every lesson of the teacher in this said subject. Hence, the process of the communication
starts with the speaker which is the teacher , she generates the idea, after that it will followed by
the second course which is she will encoding or converting the idea into words or actions,
afterwards the speaker(teacher) transmits or sends the message through the receiver of the
message. Then the fourth procedure, wherein the receiver which is the students gets the message
from her/him teacher, and for the fifth course, the receiver decodes or interpret the message
based on the context and after that the sixth course is the receiver will provide a feedback
(whether it is good or not) which is it can be a question or response to the discussion or topic in
the class.

As we observed, we learned that there were different elements of communication in this

subject such as: speaker(teacher) , message(the topic or lesson) , encoding, channel, decoding,
receiver(student) , feedback(the response of students) , context, barriers(the noise in the class).
And we believe that the model of communication in this subject is the Schramm model because
it has a collaborative exchange of message between communicators which is the students allows
to speak or give a feedback about what is the topic.

The second one is Komunikasyon which we believe that base on our observation on this
class, communication that occurs in the period had complication since there are some factors that
affect the flow of conversation between two or more which led to miscommunication, especially
when the speaker send out a message to the listeners it cannot be delivered clearly due to a noisy
group of students and also the heat temperature surrounding inside the room. The nature of
communication that present in this subject was the process because they act of sharing ideas
through written or spoken and it has elements, condition and phases. The operation or imparting
the message include a speaker who generates an idea then it will be encoded or converted into
words or an action afterwards, the stated information will accompanied to the percipient(this is
done by the teacher who serve as a speaker). Once the receiver gets the message they interpret it
and provide feedback which is the student give some feedback which is a questions or answers to
the lesson. We observe also that the model used to show the process of communication is the
Schramm model cause once the speaker or the sender deliver the message the listener give
feedbacks and also it have barriers involve in the communication. And the elements of this
subject was speaker(teacher) , message(the topic or lesson) , encoding, channel, decoding,
receiver(student) , feedback(the response of students) , context, barriers(the noise in the class).

As we conclude on our observations the two subject has the same natures, process,
elements and the same model. Hence, we observe also that the important thing to communicate
better to the class is without a barrier like noise and others that can possibly affect.

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