Tagum Workshop Presentation 05 Enhancing The LCCAP For Tagum City

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Enhancing the
Local Climate Change Action Plan
Tagum City

Project Brief
Why Vertical Integration
and Learning on Low
Emission Development-LED

Success of a global response to climate challenge depends on

the coordinated effort at multiple levels; in spite of national
climate strategies and targets being in place, very few countries
have been able to establish dynamic vertical policy coordination
mechanisms between the national and local levels.
How V-LED can support the transitioning to low
carbon pathway

Capacity strengthening V-LED supports

Guidelines, toolkits and trainings government partners to
foster climate resilient
Vertical dialogues and low-emission
Multi-level climate dialogues, regional development pathways
conferences through improved multi-
level governance and
Horizontal exchanges management.
Good practice exchanges, learning
and sharing

Applied research
Multi-level governance for climate
PH Targets
Strengthened planning and coordinating capacities
OUTPUT 1 of key national agencies such as the CC, BLGD-DILG,
HLURB, NEDA and sub-national levels (provinces and
Dialogue Events cities) on Mainstreaming LED in LCCAP through
- Forum regular dialogue events
- Workshops

Enhanced current LCCAP Guide by integrating

OUTPUT 2 LEDS/Mitigation/NDC into local climate change
action planning process used by the LGA in
Book on LCCAP
Manual (with capacitating DILG Trainers, in coordination with the
LEDS) and Climate Change Commission.
Facilitators Guide
Strengthened planning capacities of CCC,
OUTPUT 3 LGA, other key national government agencies
and implementing capacities of provinces and
National ToT cities on mainstreaming LED into the LCCAP
Coaching/Mentoring are through targeted training programs and
to LGUs good practice exchanges.
Planning for Climate Change
What are the Features of the Enhanced LCCAP Guidebook 3?

• Builds on existing LCCAP Guide, issued by the DILG in 2014 and the
Planning for Climate Change, published by the UN-Habitat in 2014

• Integrates mitigation concept. It introduces what Low Emission

Development (LED) is and how to conduct greenhouse gas (GHG)
inventory and accounting

• Introduces a list of suggested mitigation actions to reduce GHG emissions

(co-benefits) as well as climate change actions which can be both
adaptation and mitigation to guide LGUs in defining options to reduce their

• Features a modified Climate Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) to make it

more relevant to the purpose of LCCAP
Planning for Climate Change

This Enhanced LCCAP Guide Book 3 retains the four

modules in Book 1, namely:
Module 1 – Getting Ready for LCCAP Formulation
Module 2 – Data Gathering, Assessment and Analysis
Module 3 – Planning, Prioritization, and Budgeting
Module 4 – Monitoring and Evaluating the LCCAP

What is different is the inclusion of the four strategic planning

(1) What is happening?
(2) What can we do about it?
(3) What matters most?
(4) Are we doing it right?

Planning for Climate Change

The Strategic
Planning Wheel
Section 1: Background
Section 2: Climate Information and Situational
2.1 Vulnerabilities, Risks, and Opportunities
2.2 Emissions and current GHG emission
reductions efforts
Section 3: Objectives of the Plan
Section 4: Programmes, Projects, & Activities
(PPAs) and Policy Requirements
Section 5: Monitoring and Evaluation


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