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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Fort Magsaysay Campus, Palayan City


Name:________________________ Score:____________
Year/ Section:__________________ Date:_____________

TEST I – Choose the letter that bests answer the question or completes the statements. Encircle only.
Any forms of erasures are considered incorrect. (30 pts.)

For Numbers 1 and 2: Which item should be OMITTED from the list?
1. a. heart b. artery c. vein d. lungs
2. a. antigens b. erythrocytes c. leucocytes d. blood platelets
3. Which of the following components are essential for blood clotting?
a. Thrombin – fibrin – prothrombin – globulin
b. Prothrombin – thromboplastin – fibrinogen – antigen
c. Globulin – prothrombin – fibrinogen – thromboplastinogen
d. Fibrinogen – thromboplastin – prothrombin – calcium ions
4. Which system returns the tissue fluid to the blood vessels and fights infection?
a. Venous system c. lymphatic system
b. Arterial system d. cardiovascular system
5. A man with a type A blood needs blood transfusion very badly but no type A blood is
available. Which of the following blood types may be used as a substitute without
causing harm to the victim?
a. B b. AB or O c. AB d. O only
6. Why does the body needs oxygen?
a. For eliminating waste products c. for fighting pathogens
b. For neutralizing CO2 buildup d. for the extraction of energy from food
7. In which organ does exchange of gases takes place?
a. Mouth c. lungs
b. Nose d. trachea
8. Which of the following structures DOES NOT provide a respiratory surface?
a. Gills of a fish c. air sacs of a mammal
b. Trachea of man d. moist body of an earthworm
9. What is the advantage of breathing faster during and after strenuous exercise?
a. Faster breathing uses up more energy.
b. More oxygen is needed to supply more energy.
c. Faster breathing expels more carbon dioxide from the body.
d. It is an example of how the body maintains internal balance or homeostasis.
10. Which of the following respiratory diseases are lung infections?
a. Asthma, bronchitis, influenza c. pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer
b. Sinusitis, lung cancer, tuberculosis d. influenza, pneumonia, sinusitis
For numbers 11 to 13, choose the term that DOES NOT belong to the group.
11. a. urea b. uric acid c. CO2 d. undigested foods
12. a. nephron b. urethra c. glomerulus d. Bowman’s capsule
13. kidneys b. lungs c. liver d. small intestine
14. Why are lungs considered as excretory organs?
a. Exchange of gases takes place in the lungs.
b. The lungs are made up of thin-walled sacs.
c. They expel carbon dioxide and small amount of water.
d. They receive a fresh supply of oxygen through the capillaries.
15. Which statement DOES NOT support the role of the liver in excretions?
a. The liver is the seat of deamination.
b. The liver converts amino acid to urea.
c. The liver produces bile that emulsifies fats.
d. The liver acts on excess amino acids in the blood.
16. What is the exact location occupied by a gene along the length of a chromosome called?
a. Locus
b. Telomere
c. Chromatid
d. Centromere
17. Which of the following best describes the chromosome number of species?
a. Is equal to the diploid chromosome number.
b. Refers to the chromosome number of the somatic cell.
c. Is a constant number for the organisms of the species generation after generation.
d. All of the above
18. What does a mature skin cell in a male human individual contain?
a. No definite chromosome number.
b. Haploid chromosome number.
c. 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes
d. 44 body chromosome and 2 sex chromosome X and Y.
19. Why are polyploid animals usually bigger than the normal diploid individuals?
a. Their cells have more chromosomes.
b. Available resources are largely used for growth of the soma or body.
c. They are usually sterile and allocate little resource to reproductive parts.
d. All of the above
20. Which of the following options forms the basis of similarity of homologous
a. Length c. position of the centromere
b. Location of the genes d. all of the above
21. Estimates vary, but reasonable estimations of extinction rates suggest that extinction is
occurring at a rate approximately _________ above the normal background rate.
a. 10 c. 1000
b. 100 d. none of these
22. Habitat destruction is the primary cause of animal extinction. Which of the following is
an example of habitat destruction?
a. Humans converting forestland to farms
b. Humans obtaining land for housing development
c. Humans acquiring land for industrial development
d. All of the above
23. Which period is known as the Golden Age of Dinosaurs?
a. Cretaceous period c. Triassic period
b. Jurassic period d. all of the above
24. The greatest mass extinction of all time, which occurred at the end of the Permean period
a. Only occurred in a few geographic regions, although extinctions in these regions was
b. Affected plants living on land more than any other group
c. Resulted in the extinction of almost 95% of all existing species
d. Caused the extinction of only a few marine species
25. Which process produces the gaseous by-product oxygen?
a. Photolysis c. light-independent reaction
b. Carbon dioxide fixation d. cyclic photophosphorylation
26. Cellular respiration cannot take place in the absence of one of the following. Which one?
a. ATP c. oxygen
b. Light d. glucose
27. In which process/es is ATP produced?
a. Fermentation c. aerobic respiration
b. Photosynthesis d. all of the above
28. Why do humans need food?
a. Source of energy to keep warm
b. Source of energy to replenish ATP supply
c. Source of raw materials to build body part
d. All of the above
29. In an ecosystem, __________ is recycled and ___________ moves in one-way path.
a. ATP : energy c. matter : energy
b. Oxygen : food d. nutrient : heat
30. Which of the following pairs of function and structure is not correctly matched?
a. Photolysis : granum
b. Water transport : phloem
c. Carbon fixation : stroma
d. Photosynthesis : chloroplasts
TEST II – Read the list of words in the table, and choose the word that best answers each statement given
below. All answers must be written on the blanks provided before each number. (2 pts. Each)

antigens anemia plasma lymph hemoglobin

diaphragm homeostasis karyotype hormone glomerulus
excretion trachea photosynthesis diploid insulin
lymphocytes deamination asthma centromere
endemic evolution nephron ATP phyllotaxy
biomass Strip cropping extinction adrenaline alveoli

_______________1. Are tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move
between the lungs and bloodstream.
________________2. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatids. The one that is attached to
a spindle fiber during cell division.
________________3. Is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of
organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then
release waste products.
________________4. The biological energy currency of all cells.
_________________5. Are small white blood cells (leukocytes) that plays a large role in defending the
body against disease.
_________________6. A substance that when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an
________________7. The colorless fluid part of the blood and lymph in which corpuscles or fat globules
are suspended.
________________8. The oxygen-carrying pigment and predominant protein in the red blood cells.
________________9. Is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during
which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics.
________________10. The tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or
equilibrium within its internal environment.
_________________11. A respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing
difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.
_________________12. Is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms (taxon), normally a species.
_________________13. A condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the
blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.
_________________14. The removal of an amino group from an amino acid or other compound.
_________________15. A dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in
mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so
inflates the lungs.
_________________16. The process of eliminating or expelling waste matter.
_________________17. Is a term used to characterize biological species or diseases that are generally
found in a particular area.
________________18. The circulating fluid of the lymphatic system.
_________________19. The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to
synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. In plants, it generally involves the green pigment
chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.
________________20. The science of leaf arrangement on an axis or stem.
________________21. The total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.
________________22. A chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity
of certainn cells or organs.
________________23. The number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in the cell nuclei of an
organism or species.
________________24. Hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans that regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood.
________________25. A cluster of capillaries around the end of a kidney tubule, where waste products
are filtered from the blood.
________________26. A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress,
increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for
________________27. The functional unit of the kidney, in which waste products are filtered from the
blood and urine is produced.
________________28. A large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the
larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; also known as the windpipe.
_______________29. A cell that contains two sets of chromosomes.
_______________30. A form of cultivation in which different crops are sown in alternate strips to
prevent soil erosion.
Prepared by: SIR GAQ

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