Visualization of 3D Support System For Civil Engineering Students

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2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF)

Visualization of 3D Support System for Civil

Engineering Students

ChengYee Ng Kurian V. John

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

Abstract — Visualization of the 3D system has been reported Pantiziara et al., emphasized the importance of diagrams in
as a common constraint for the students throughout the nation. mathematical problem solution. In their study, the ability of
This has brought the authors into concern, whereby first-year the students to solve non-routine mathematical problem with
civil engineering students scored poorly in the assessment of the and without presence of diagrams was investigated. The
subject, Engineering Mechanics, in particularly related to 3D findings showed that diagrams did provide influence in the
support reaction as compared to other topics. A simple interview analysis. However, they also noticed that students were having
has been conducted with the students after the assessment, the difficulties to use diagram efficiently. Stylianou [2]
main reason given was that they were unable to visualize the highlighted that it is a common practice that professional
system. In contrary, unable to apply the knowledge learned. A
mathematician solve problems by drawing diagram. The
model-based learning workshop has been conducted, whereby
author has proposed to build the visual representation in steps
students have to work out on the activities that were linked to the
engineering applications. It was observed that the students’
to analyze the problem situation. Stylianou and Dubinsky [3]
capability of visualizing 3D system were slightly improved. also, studied on the interplay between the visualization and
analysis in the thinking of undergraduate mathematics students
Keywords—visualization; 3D system; model-based learning in solving problems required linear thinking. Again, they have
highlighted that visualization could be an essential tools and
sources of inspiration in problem solving. Stylianou [4]
I. INTRODUCTION expanded his work, to focus on the interaction between
representation e.g. drawing, diagrams, physical models etc.,
Visualization of 3D system in sciences and engineering has and justification i.e. how mathematical knowledge is certified
been reported to be one of the constraint of the high school and established ass knowledge. It has proven that the
students globally. Should the problem not encountered timely, representation impacted student’s justification in the solution
it would further extend to higher level of study. This has been and strategies. The importance of analytical and visual
observed by the authors in the first-year undergraduate reasoning in mathematics namely calculus have been, also,
engineering students in the University. In order to support the highlighted by Zimmermann [5].
statement, authors have conducted an assessment for a group of
engineering students who attended the class of Engineering It could be observed that visualization is rather important in
Mechanics. In the assessment, four questions were tested that the fundamental mathematics studies as well for engineering
aimed to evaluate the understanding of: applications. Noordin et al. [6-7] and Ahmad et al. [8] have
highlighted the similar problem occurred in Malaysia. They
• Question 1 – Force vector on 2D system observed that about 45% of the secondary school students in
• Question 2 – Force vector on 3D system Malaysia have the difficulties in visualizing 3D model. In the
• Question 3 & 4 – Condition of equilibrium study, they have developed a courseware that incorporated
lines, planes and van Hiele’s models to encounter the problem
In general, the assessment showed that students are able to found. In order to encounter the problems, Nishizawa et al. [9-
solve the Question 1, 3 and 4, except for Question 2. To 13] have proposed an active-learning plan by adopting various
further understand the problem, an interview has been strategies e.g. role-playing games, virtual games and web-
performed to the selected students. From the responses of the based learning activities. On the other hand, Davis [14] as well
interview, it could be concluded that they were not able to proposed a virtual reality simulation, whereby this technology
visualize the 3D system, especially system with complicated has been used to model 3D simulation that allows students to
components. Consequently, it has caused difficulty to experience the clinical cases. She concluded that the
implement the learned theories to the engineering problem technology is advocated as useful and reliable tools for
evaluated. teaching clinical skill and evaluating the competence of student
It has been highlighted the importance of graphical using the system in simulating the hospital environment.
representation in the problem solving by researchers.

978-1-5386-1523-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF)

From the literature survey carried out, it can be concluded A. A learning workshop on implementation of teaching aid
that the visualization is rather important in both mathematics as A learning workshop with the title “Workshop on the
well engineering applications. In order to encounter the implementation of model-based learning” was carried out for a
students' difficulties in visualizing 3D models, various group of engineering students who enrolled for the Engineering
techniques have been proposed. Among them, active learning Mechanics subject.
and multi-media are the commonly been used. In the present
study, a learning workshop for the undergraduate engineering The workshop was divided into two sessions, i.e. Session 1
students was proposed to encounter the problem namely for for introduction and Session 2 for application.
engineering students. In the workshop, students were required
• Session 1 – The Introduction
to build a structure (the model), whereby force will be exerted
on the structure. This is to imitate the loading conditions, and The flow of the workshop began with the
students to observe the reaction of the system e.g. deflection of introduction of the project and the apparatus, the
the structure, buckling of the supports etc. 3Doodler as shown in Fig. 2. This is rather important,
to ensure that the students operating the 3D plotting pen
II. METHODOLOGY correctly and safely.
This study was proposed a mixed method, where an
interview has been carried out at the beginning to investigate
the problem. Models were introduced, survey was carried out
to measure the efficiency of the models after implementation.
Necessary improvement were carried out incorporating with
the feedback from the students. Engineering mechanics is one
of the courses that offer for every semester, hence the loop of
the experiment can be repeated. At the end of the experiment,
the data was consolidated and the best practice was
summarized. Fig. 1 shows the loop of the experiment for this

Planning and Fig 2 3Doodler and color strand for workshop
propose of
In the introductory session, students were introduced with
the components and the operation of the 3Doodle tool. To
further enhance students’ skill in the operation, they have been
given an assignment to plot the following:
i. The first alphabet of their name
Review and Execution of
improvement Proposal ii. A 3D cube
iii. A 3D tower

iv. An animal
effectiveness The activities and artwork of the students are as shown in
Fig. 3.
Fig. 1 Process flow of the experiment • Session 2 – The Application
In this session, students were given an assignment to plot a

Fig. 3 Activity and artwork of Session 1

2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF)

3D structure with the size limitation not less than 15 cm (L) x Figure 7 illustrates the reflection after the workshop using
15 cm (W) x 15 cm (H) by using the 3Doodle. To further 3Doodler. 95% of the respondents agreed that their
challenge the students, only 3 strands were allocated for each visualization skills have been improved by using the 3D
student. In order to increase the students’ interest, authors models developed. In order to validate the responses, a
have made Session 2 of the workshop as a competition. The “reverse wording question” was embedded in the
structures were evaluated in two categories i.e. the strongest questionnaire. Still, the reflection is consider reliable as about
structure and most esthetic structure. 80% of the respondents disagreed with the reversed statement.
To assess the strongest structure, loads were applied on the
My 3D visualization skills have NOT improve after
structure. The structure that can sustained the most load was
implementation of 3D teaching aids
the winner for this category. Fig. 4 shows one of the winning
structure for the strongest structure. Meanwhile, the most 30
esthetic structure, as shown in Fig. 5, was awarded to the
highest vote structure voted by the students themselves.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree

Fig. 4 Reflection after workshop implementation (Validation)

Fig. 2 Winner of the Strongest Structure Another question to study the students’ feedback on using the
3Doodles was embedded in the survey, in the interest of
expanding the practice to other subjects. Positive feedback
was responded that about 83% of the students would like to
use the learning tools in other subjects.

I want to have the 3D learning tools in other subjects

Fig. 3 Winner of the Most Esthetic Structure
In this session, it is aimed that students were able to
demonstration their creative and innovative in constructing a 20
3D structure. Also to apply the knowledge learned from the
lectures to build a strong structure. Students were given also a 10
quiz during the session, to imagine and draw out the scenario
e.g. if a person is pushing from the left side of the building, 0
how would the force been applied and is there any moment
incurred? They have to discuss among the teammates and each Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
of them were required to make a presentation to the class for
the situations applied on their models respectively. This Fig. 5 Feedback for extension of teaching tools in other subjects
activity aimed to encourage the communication between the
peers and encourage the students to be able to speak in the CONCLUSION
Poor performance in imagining and visualizing 3D force
system was observed by the authors in the Engineering
My 3D visualization skills improve after implementation
Mechanics course for undergraduate engineering students in
of 3D teaching aids Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. From the
literature survey performed, it was concluded that the
30 difficulties in visualization is not only a domestic problem,
indeed globally students are having such issue. Hence, this
study was carried out to propose a mechanism to overcome the
problem. A learning workshop which consist of two sessions
i.e. session 1 – The introduction and Session 2 – The
0 Application was proposed. From the feedback of the students
after the implementation of the learning tools, majority of them
Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree agreed that their visualization skills improved. Also, their
interest to expand the usage of learning tools to other subject
have been recorded.
Fig. 6 Reflection after workshop implementation

2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT [7] S. Noordin and W. F. W. Ahmad, “The Development of Multimedia

Courseware of Lines and Planes in 3-Dimension: an Application of van
Hiele’s Model”, Program of the 16th Asian Technology Conference in
The author would like to express her gratitude to the Center Mathematics. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Tronoh, Perak,
of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETaL), UTP for Malaysia.
[8] W. F. W. Ahmad and H. B. Zaman, Integration of Multimedia in
awarding the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Visualising Geometric Transformations for Mathematics Education: A
(SoTL:0152AA-A09) research grant for this study. Preliminary Review, CITA’01.
[9] H. Nishizawa, T. Yoshioka, “A Proposal to Teach 3D Vector Operations
REFERENCE in a Role-Playing Game”, Proceedings of the 13th Asian Technology
Conference in Mathematics, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 364-369, 2008.
[10] H. Nishizawa, B. Zgraggen, and T. Yoshioka, “A system for helping
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