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To: Yentzameng Yang

From: James Porter, Head of Pollution Watcher T


Subject: Escalating email: Promoting Clean Energy to help Prolong Earth’s Natural Resources
Date: July 31, 2019

Dear Yentzameng Yang,

This is James from the Pollution Watcher department. Our team had received an email from Friends of
Earth and is escalating this email to you. The client has requested that Duke Energy help in promoting
clean energy. Our support team has done some research on the request. My team and I have come up with
some solution regarding to the email.

My team and I have taken into consideration of future air pollution problem our planet may face. After a
long debate and research, we have concluded that moving to solar and wind energy would benefit our
company. This transitioning would benefit our company brand and expand our company nationwide.
From what I understand, our company is planning on expanding internationally; Therefore, I think this
would benefit our company because this would create more business to our company and at the same time
reduce air pollution. Solar and wind energy are beneficial toward planet earth and humans’ health because
it is renewable energy. Wind and Solar energy equipment life span is longer; thus, we will save more
money from spending money on fixing broken equipment. The pollution team and I think is a great
investment. Therefore, I have attached the email below. If you need any farther details, please let me

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: James Porter
Date: Fri, Jul 31, 2019 at 4:38 PM
Subject: Escalating email: Promoting Clean Energy to help Prolong Earth’s Natural Resources Date
To: <>

To: Duke Energy Pollution Watcher

From: Friends of Earth

Subject: Promoting Clean Energy to help Prolong Earth’s Natural Resources

Date: July 31, 2019

Friends of Earth (FOE) would like to thank you for your time upon reading this email. Friends of Earth is
an organization that has many voices for justice and the planet. FOE would like to address air pollution in
our environment and ecosystems by means that would benefit greatly with your help. As our society
moves forward towards the future, we continue to build better technology and industries. Thus, Friends of
Earth would like to suggest two clean energy resources, solar energy and wind energy.

Solution One: Wind energy is a cost-effective resource. Land based utility-scale wind is one of the
lowestprices energy sources and its fuel is free. Wind energy does not pollute the air, unlike power plants
that rely on fossil fuels. This reduces the amount of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in the air which are
known to cause human health problems and economic damages. Wind energy is a clean resource that
does not produce acid rain, smog, or greenhouse gases. Friends of Earth understands that not all locations
have ideal land availability. In instances where there is inadequate land availability, Friends of Earth also
has an alternate solution.

Solution Two: Solar energy is derived from the sun’s radiation. There are disadvantages to solar panels
since it is powered by the sun’s radiation. However, there are energy storage solutions that can be used to
store the solar energy for use at night. Solar energy can be used for diverse purposes not to mention it can
also be integrated into materials used for building and as transparent solar energy windows. This mean
that in bigger cities where there is lack of land, solar energy can be use. Solar energy does cause
pollution, solar energy systems creates far less pollution compared to other sources.

As a result, these two alternatives are more beneficial to humans’ health and ecosystems because solar
energy and wind energy are renewable energy. Hence, these renewable energy does not produce
greenhouse gases from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Renewable energy also
benefits the diversity of energy supply and reduce the dependence on imported fuels; thus, creates more
economic development and jobs in companies.


Friends of Earth

Executive Vice President, Energy Solutions |1-877-843-8687

1101 15th Street NW

11th Floor Washington, D.C. 20005

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