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Salt Lake County Republican Party - Central Committee

Preserving our Republic
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Bennion Jr. High
6200 South 2700 West, Taylorsville, UT 84129

Call to Order: Salt Lake County Republican Party Chair, Scott Miller, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Officers present: Scott Miller, Chair; Scott Rosenbush, Vice Chair; Reed Taylor, Secretary; Benjamin Morton,

Invocation: Scott Miller

Pledge: Scott Rosenbush

Adopt the Agenda: Approved as presented, with change to Senate 13 removed from election.
Adopt the Minutes: Approved as presented


Treasurer: Benjamin Morton

Gave financial report. Presented Budget for 2019-2020 to CCM.
Richard Barns: How is check a buck distributed between state and county party? 50/50 split
Andrew Nieto: Asked body to inspire by donating by checking the check a buck box.
Move to adopt budget by Treasure, seconded by member of the body.
For a copy of this report you may send an email request to

Secretary: Reed Taylor

Informed body that
Bylaws are current on the website for the first time in 2 years.
Informed body that officer emails are now working.
Informed body that we are working on our data and want it to be improved.
Talked with body about call issues. Email and postage. If you did not get the call go to website and update your

Vice Chair: Scott Rosenbush

March 24, 2020 is Caucus night. Save the date.
Darrin Flynn: Is HD30 full? Reed Taylor confirmed that it is filled by Craig Foster.
7:32 question? / Statement
Nick Hackman: Why would people want to come? How to answer that question?
To be informed, important business in the 2020. We are a part of Super Tuesday in 2020. We have a Governors race
in 2020.
Andrew Nieto: PC that has nobody in the precinct, what do we do if we are elected to Leg Chair or Senate Chair?
Abby Evans: If you are looking to recruit people to caucus contact me and she will get you information.

Chair: Scott Miller

Talked about going to caucus. Talked about E-Club. E-Club is now at 75 members. We are raising $650 per month
Forwarded request to make Leg and Senate Chairs State Delegates. Forwarded request to Bylaw Committee to
develop verbiage.
Final Credentials Report: 144 credentialed members.

Bylaw Committee Report: Helen Redd

Bylaws are updated thanks to Lyle Decker.
Looking at form of the Bylaws and many other items.
If interested please attend meeting at IHOP, 5600 south State street in Murray every 1st Tuesday of the month.

Election for Bylaws vacancy:

Chair read rules for the election process for bylaw committee and Senate Elections.
Moved to pass rules for election:

Motion to Adopt the Rules: Approved as presented.

Darrin Flint
Andrew Nieto
Micah Turner

Bylaw Speeches
Micah Turner: Bylaws Speech
Darrin Flint: Bylaws Bylaw Speech
Andrew Nieto: Bylaws Speech

Chair explained voting rules.

White Ballot used in Round 1
Opened voting
Closed Voting

Technology Committee: Kent Johnson, Chair -

Informed body about new email services. Explained that email services and website us to be managed and owned by
other organization. We now have it in the control of the SLCoGOP. We are working to integrate data into our own
system that is controlled by the SLCoGop. Talked about using Big Pulse.

Running with the Elephant Award: Kent Johnson

Chair: Organizing Senate Districts for Elections.

Teenage Republican: Joey Coleman

Constitution Day Picnic is Set: September 7, 2020 Wardell Park in Bluffdale

SLCoGOP Charity is Pro Life Utah

Lincoln Day Dinner Committee: Annie Jenke: January 31, 2020

Bylaw Election Results: Round 1

Micah Turner: 21 Votes: 15%
Darrin Flint: 48 Votes: 34.28%
Andrew Nieto: 71 Votes: 50.71%

Andrew Nieto elected to Bylaw Committee until Bylaw election in 2020

Senate District Elections Breakout

Body excused except for Senate Districts 3, 5, 6, 8

Senate District voting results:

Senate 3:Eileen Lentz, Senate 5: Josh Howard, Senate 6: Nathan Brown, Senate 8: Mark Ziegler

ADJOURN: 8:25 PM Total Donations Collected: $468.32

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