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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

All praises due to Allah SWT who has given us mercies and blessings so we can gather here in this place
in save and good condition.
May shalawat and salam are always with our messenger, prophet Muhammad SAW and upon his
household, family, companions, and all those who follow him until the day of judgment.

Headmaster of SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
Vice Headmaster of SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
All of teachers of SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
Chief of NUSA 2019
The committee of NUSA 2019
And all the participants

In this great occasion, allow me introduce myself, my name is Rafikah Nur Faradila,
I am delighted and honored to be master of ceremony in opening of NUSA (Nuansa Seni Indonesia) 2019,
15th July 2019 at our beloved School SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon, with the theme “Uniqueness of Us”

For this Opening ceremony, I have prepared some agendas, such as:
Opening, Recitation of Holy Qur’an, Singing of Indonesian Anthem and Mars SMA 7, Speeches and

Alright, for our distinguish guests, allow me to open this agenda by saying Basmallah together.
(thank you very much and may our agenda be able to run well, from opening to closing, aamiin)

Now, I would like to give a time for us to listen a recitation of holy Qur’an, that will be delivered by Mr.
Zainal Anbiya, to Mr. Zainal Anbiya, time is yours.
(thank you very much, we hope it will raise our faith)

For next agenda I would like to give a time for us to sing Indonesian Anthem and Mars SMA 7 that will
be conducted by Hepta Symphony Choir. Ladies and gentlemen please be up standing.
Ladies and gentlemen you may have a seat again.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to invite Mr. Bahrun Jamil as the Chief of NUSA 2019 to
deliver his speech in this opening ceremony. To Mr. Bahrun Jamil, you may have a stage.
For the next speech, I would like to kindly invite Mr. Nendi S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMA
Negeri 7 Cirebon and also to open this NUSA 2019, for Mr. Nendi, S.Pd., M. Pd. you may have a stage

Alright, for our distinguish guests, those are agendas that I have done in this Opening Ceremony.
Well ladies and gentlemen, now allow me to close the agenda by saying Hamdallah together.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, I realize that I have done many mistakes during bringing
this agenda, so I do apologize to you all.
And the last, I say...

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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