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History of Industrial Engineering

Before Industrial Engineering

Engineering starts at the beginning of civilization. Way back before 17hundreds
end production was called crafts, wherein craftsman used to treat material and
assemble its pieces. After 17 hundreds, a single person used to plan, select and supply
material, and produce and control.
Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution starts in the year 1776 when the steam engine, an
engine that turns steam power into mechanical power was invented by James Watt.
Textile and metal working plants was earlier established but then after the invention of
steam engine factories started to be established in USA and UK.
Significant Events in IE
Early Concepts (1776-1880)
 Labor Specialization (Smith, Babbage)
 Standardized Parts (Whitney)
Scientific Management Era (1880-1910)
 Gantt Charts (Gantt)
 Motion and Time Studies (Gilbreth)
 Process Analysis (Taylor)
 Queuing Theory (Erlang)
Mass Production Era (1910-1980)
 Moving Assembly Line (Ford/Sorensen)
 Statistical Sampling (Shewhart)
 Economic Order Quantity (Harris)
 Linear Programming (Dantzig)
 PERT/CPM (DuPont)
 Material Requirements Planning
 MRP (Orlicky
Lean Production Era (1980-1995)
 Just-in-Time
 Computer Aided Design
 Electronic Data Interchange
 Total Quality Management
 Baldridge Award
 Empowerment
 Kanbans
Mass Customization Era (1995-2005)
 Globalization
 Internet
 Enterprise Resource Planning
 Learning Organization
 International Quality Standards
 Finite Scheduling
 Supply Chain Management
 Agile Manufacturing
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney is the inventor of the cotton gin but most important he developed the
concept of mass production of interchangeable parts, and in 1798 he received a
contract from the government to make 10,000 muskets. He also showed that
standardized parts to exact specifications can be made by machine tools.
Frederick W. Taylor
In 1881, Frederick W. Taylor studied how tasks were done when he is as chief
engineer for Midvale Steel and began the first motion and time studies. He also created
the efficiency principles and now known as the “Father of Scientific Management”.
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
The husband and wife engineering team, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed
the work measurement methods and applied the efficiency methods to their own home
together with their 12 children.
Henry Ford
In 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company and in 1913 the first
assembly line to make model T is established. He was able to paid his workers 5 dollars
a day.

Contribution From
 Human Factors
 Management Science
 Biological Science
 Physical Science
 Information Science
New Challenges in IE
Local or National Focus
Batch Shipments
Low Bid Purchasing
Lengthy Product Development
Standard Products
Job Specialization
Global Focus
Supply Chain Partnering
Rapid Product Development, alliances
Mass Customization
Empowered Employees, teams

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