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Vidyamandir Classes Electrostatics



Coulomb’s Law and the Electric Field

How a charge can be produced ?
All bodies consist of atoms which contain equal amount of positive and negative charges in the form of
protons and electrons respectively. The number of electrons being equal to the number of protons as an
atom is neutral. If the electrons are removed from a body it gets +vely charged.

Ways of charging a body :

Charging by Friction :
When two bodies are rubbed together, a transfer of electrons take place from one body to another. The
body from which electrons have been transferred is left with an excess of +ve charge so it gets positively
charged and the body which receives the electrons becomes -vely charged. The +ve and –ve charges
produced by rubbing are always equal in magnitude.
When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it loses its electrons and gets a +ve charge. While the piece of silk
acquires equal –ve charge.
An ebonite rod acquires a –ve charge, if it rubbed with wool (or fur). The piece of wool (or fur) acquires an
equal +ve charge.

Charging by electrostatic induction :

If a +vely charged rod is brought near an insulated conductor, the –ve charges (electrons) in the conductor
will be attracted towards the rod. As a result, there will be an excess of –ve charge at the end of the
conductor near the rod and the excessive +ve charge at the far end. This known as electrostatic induction.
The charges thus induced are found to be equal and opposite to each other. When the positively charged
rod is removed, the conductor will again become electrically neutral.

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When a positive rod is brought near the conductor, –ve charge is induced at the near end and equal +ve
charge is induced at the far end of the conductor. Now if we touch the far end with a conducting wire
connected to the earth, the positive charge here will be canceled by negative charge coming from earth
through the conducting wire. Now, if we remove the wire first and then rod, the induced –ve charge which
was held at the outer end will spread over entire conductor. It means that the conductor has been negatively
charged by induction. In the same way one can induce a +ve charge on a conductor by bringing a –ve
charged rod near it.

Charging by conduction :
Take two conductors, one charged and other uncharged. Bring the conductors in contact with each other.
The charge (whether –ve or +ve) under its own repulsion will spread over both the conductors. Thus the
conductors will be charged with the same sign. This is called as charging by conduction (through con-

How a charged body (+ve or –ve) attracts an uncharged body :

When an uncharged body is brought near the charged body, electric induction takes place. As a result, the
near end of the uncharged body acquires opposite charge and hence attraction takes place between the two
unlike charged bodies. The other end (far end) of the uncharged body acquires the similar charge, hence
there is force of repulsion between two like charges, but this force is weak enough because of larger
distance. So the net force between a charged and uncharged body is attractive. e.g. after combing dry
hair with a plastic comb if we take it near the small pieces of paper, they are attracted by it.

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Conservation of charge :
Electric charge can neither be created nor be destroyed i.e. it is always conserved. This is known as
principle of conservation of charge.

Conductors :
The conductors are materials which allow electricity (electric charges) to pass through them due to presence
of free electrons. e.g. metals are good conductors.

Insulators :
The materials which don’t allow electricity to pass through them as there are no free electrons in them. e.g.
wood, plastics and glass etc.

Electrostatic Interaction :
It is the interaction between two bodies by virtue of their electric charges. The force of electric interaction
between two bodies is given by Coulomb’s Law, which is stated as :

The force between two point electric charges (q1 and q2 separated by a distance r) is :

1 q1 q2 1
F  2
where = 9  10 9 Nm2 C–2
4  0 r 4  0

0 is known as the permittivity of free space. If the medium between the charges is other than air or vacuum,
0 is replaced by k 0, where k is known as the dielectric constant or relative permittivity of the medium
(i.e. k = 1 for air or vacuum).

S.I. unit of charge :

S.I. unit of charge is Coulomb (C). One Coulomb is that quantity of charge which will repel an equal and
similar charge placed at a distance of 1 meter from it with a force of 9 × 109 N.

Principle of Superposition :
According to principle of superposition, the force on a charge at any point due to a number of other charges
is the vector sum of the forces which would be exerted by the individual charges on the charge at that point.
For example: in the case of three charges shown in the fig., the net force exerted by the charges q2 and q3
on q1 is the vector sum of forces independently exerted by q2 and q3 on q1. If F1 is total force on q1 due to
q2 and q3, F12 is the force on q1 due to q2 and F13 is the force on q1 due to q3.

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  
F1  F 12  F 13

Note : The gravitational and electrical interactions are very similar to each other but differ in some fundamental
aspects. For both the interactions, the force is proportional to the product of the interaction charges, in
versely proportional to the square of distance between them and acts along the straight line joining the two
charges. But while there is only one kind of gravitational charge (mass), there are two opposite kinds of
electric charges (–ve and +ve).

Electric Field :
An electric field is defined as a region in which there should be a force upon a charge brought into that
region. In simple terms, we can also say that an electric field exerts force on any charge that is brought inside
its region.

Electric fields that we will study are usually produced by different types of charged bodies - point charges,
charged plates, charged sphere etc. We can also define the electric field of a charged body as its region of
influence within which it will exert force on other charges.
If two point charges are placed as shown, we describe the forces on them in two ways :
(i) The charge q2 is in the electric field of charge q1. Thus the electric field of charge q1 exerts force on
q2 .
(ii) The charge q1 is in the electric field of charge q2. Hence the electric field of charge q2 exerts a force
on q1.

exerts force on
Electric field   charges inside it
is created by
Electric field   charged bodies
Electric field can easily be compared to gravitational fields which are produced by bodies having mass. For
example, the region surrounding earth is under the influence of earth’s gravitational field. This gravitational
field of earth exerts forces on any other body inside this field. This force we usually call as the weight of a
body. While the gravitational field acts on any body having mass, the electric field exerts force on charged
bodies only.

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Electric Field Intensity :

Electric field intensity is the vector quantity E which measures the electric field strength and its direction.
(i) The magnitude of electric field intensity at a point A is the force experienced by a unit positive charge
placed at A.
(ii) The direction of electric field intensity at a point A is the direction in which the electric field exerts force
on a (unit) positive charge placed at A.

Force exerted by a field on a charge inside it :

If we know the electric field intensity at a point in a field, we can calculate the force acting on a charge q
placed at that point using the relation :

F  qE

If q is a +ve charge, force F on it is in the direction of E .

If q is a –ve charge, F on it is opposite to the direction of E .

Electric Field created by a point charge :

The electric field produced by a point charge q at a distance r from it is given as E (the force on a unit +ve

4  0 r 2

It is easily seen that it is simply another statement of Coulomb’s Law. The above equation gives the magni-
tude of field intensity. The direction of field intensity is away from q if it is positive and towards q if it is
negative. Hence in vector from

q q
E rˆ  r
4  0r 4  0 r 3

Electric field due to a group of point charges :

Since electric field is vector quantity, the resultant of two or more field intensities is obtained by taking the
vector sum. When there are a number of charges, the net field intensity is the vector sum of the individual
intensities of each charge.
E  E1  E2  E3  . . . .

Units of electric field intensity are N/C (Newton per Coulomb).

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Electric field Lines

Electric lines of force are imaginary lines that we draw to aid our visualisation of the properties of the
electric field. The tangent to these lines of force at any point represents the direction of field intensity.
 The electric lines of forces are continuous curves in an electric field starting from a positively charged
body and ending on a negatively charged body.
 The tangent to the curve at any point gives the direction of the electric field intensity.
 Lines of forces never intersect each other.
 The lines of forces are always normal to the surface of a conductor while leaving the conductor or
ending on it.
 At points where the intensity is low, the lines of forces will be widely separated and where the intensity
is higher, the lines of forces will be closely packed.

Electric lines of forces due to two equal +ve charges (field is zero at O)  O is a null point

Electric lines of forces due to eaual +ve charges bodies

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Charged Particle in an Electric Field :

1. Force on the charged particle
If a particle carrying a charge q is placed at a point where electric field strength is E, it experiences a
force given by :
Hence :
 q tends to move in direction of field if q is positive.
 q tends to move opposite to field if q is negative.

2. Motion of a charged particle in uniform electric field

In a uniform electric field, the intensity E has same magnitude and direction everywhere. Due to the
constant force qE, the charged particles moves with uniform acceleration.
(i) If initial velocity is zero or parallel to the field, it moves in a straight line along the field with
constant acceleration (a)
(ii) If initial velocity is at an angle with the field, the trajectory is parabola. Let the initial velocity be
u at right angles to the field E.

qE ˆ
Let E  E ˆj and u  uiˆ and a  j
After time t :
Velocity Position
Vx = u x =ut

qE 1 qE 2
Vy  t y  t
m 2  m 

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Equation of trajectory :
1 qE  x
y   
2  m  u

Electric Dipole :
An arrangement of two equal and opposite charges separated by a fixed distance is known as an electric

Let q and –q be two charges separated by distance 2. The dipole moment of the dipole is :
p  2ql
It is a vector quantity and is directed from –ve charge towards the +ve charge. The line through q and –q is
known as the axis of the dipole.
Electric field at axis :
Electric field of a short dipole on its axis at a point A at a distance r from dipole ( << r) :
q q
EA  2
 2
4 0  r    4 0  r   

EA 

4   0 r 2  2 
EA 
4   0r3

Electric field at equator :

Electric field at a point distance r from the centre of the short dipole ( << r)

EB  2 cos 

4   0 r 2  2 
2q 
EB 

4   0 r 2  2  2  r 2

EB 
4   0r3

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Electric field at any point A (r,  ) due to short dipole :

Let A be a point at a distance r from the mid-point O of the short dipole. Let  be the angle between OA
and the dipole moment p.

In order to find the field at A, we resolve the dipole moment p into its components along OA and perpen-
dicular to OA. These two components are p cos and p sin respectively. The point A now lies on the axis
of the dipole p cos and on the right bisector of the dipole p sin .

E| | = field component along OA (created by p cos ) E = field component  to OA created by p

sin 

2 p cos  p sin 
= along OA =  to OA
4 0 r 3 4 0 r 3

EA = E||2  E2  1  3 cos 2 
4 0 r

EA makes an angle  with OA such that :

E 1  tan  
tan     tan     tan1  
E|| 2  2 

Electric field at A
E = 1  3 cos 2 
4   0r

Dipole in an external uniform electric field :

If a dipole is placed in a uniform electric field E,
1. force on the dipole is zero.
2. torque on the dipole is given as  = qE (2 sin)

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 = p E sin  or   p  E

where  is the angle between p and E .

3. Potential energy of the dipole :
Taking U = 0 at  = 2,
U () = work done by an external agency  = /2 to .

=   d
 /2

=  p E sin d
 /2
= – pE cos 

 U( ) =  p Ecos   p . E .

4. (a) When  = 0, the dipole moment p is in the direction of the field E and the dipole is in stable
equilibrium. If it is slightly displaced, it performs oscillations.
(b) When  = 180, the dipole moment p is opposite to the direction of the field E and the dipole is in
unstable equilibrium.
Dipole in a Non-uniform electric field :
When a dipole is placed in a non-uniform Electric field, the net force as well as the net torque on it may not
be zero. The net force or torque can be calculated by considering the two force acting on the charges –q
and +q of the dipole.

Illustration - 1 It is required to hold four equal point charges +q each in equilibrium at the corners of a
square. Find the point charge that will do this if placed at the centre of the square ?
Let us first calculate the net force on any of these Considering the forces on the charge at D,
F  FA  FB  FC

 q2  q2
F  2 cos 45  
 4   a2  2
 0  4 0 a 2  

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Q .q q2  1
q2  1 
F   2   outwards along BD 2 2  2  2 
4   0 a2  2 
4 0 a / 2  4   0a

The charge Q placed at the centre must be negative 1 2 2

 Q  q
so that it exerts an opposite force which is equal to 4
1  2 2 
 Q    q
 4
 

Illustration - 2 Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal length. The strings makes
an angle of 30 with each other. When suspended in a liquid of density 800 kg/m3, the angle remains the
same. What is the dielectric constant of the liquid ? The density of the material of the sphere is 1600 kg/m3.
Let T , T be the tensions in the string when spheres are in air and in liquid respectively.

F = electrostatic repulsion in air

F 
40 a 2
In liquid this force is F  and is given as :
F  where k is dielectric constant
4  0 k a 2
T sin = F
T cos = mg 1
 F  F
 F = mg tan k

from force diagrams ;

F mg
 where B is buoyant force
F  mg  B

vd g d
 k 
vdg  v  g d  

T sin  = F  k  2
1600  800
B + T cos = mg
 F = (mg – B) tan 

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Illustration - 3 The electric field between the plates of a cathode ray oscillograph is 1.2 × 104 N/C. What
deflection would an electron experience if it enters at right angles to the field with kinetic energy of 2 keV, the
length of the assembly being 1.5 cm ?

Let u = speed of electron when it enters 1  eE  2

   ut and y   t
1 2 m 
mu 2  2000 e
1 eE 2
 y
 u
4000e 2 m u2
1 e E 2 m
Let t = time taken to cross the field  y
2 m 4000 e
The components of acceleration are :
eE 2
ax  0, a y 
m  y
E 2

1.2  104  1.5  102 
(taking downward direction as + Y) 8000 8000

 deflection = y = 3.375  10–4 m

Illustration - 4 A metal sphere is held fixed on a smooth, horizontal insulated plate and another metal
sphere is placed some distance away. If the fixed sphere is given a charge, how will the other sphere react ?


If the fixed sphere is given a charge, it will attract the uncharged sphere due to electrostatic induction.
The uncharged sphere will go and collide with fixed sphere. After collision, charge will be equally shared and
the spheres will then repel each other.

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Illustration - 5 An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges of magnitude 1  10–6 C separated
by a distance 2 cm. The dipole is placed in an external field of 1  105 N/C .
(a) What maximum torque does the field exert on the dipole ?
(b) How much work must an external agent do to turn the dipole end for end starting from a position
of alignment  = 0.
max = pE sin 90°

W = Vf – Vi = (–pE cos180°) – (– pE cos0°) = 2pE

Illustration - 6 An electron moving with a speed 5  108 cm/s is shot parallel to an electric field of
strength 1.0  103 N/C arranged so as to retard its motion.
(a) How far will the electron travel in the field before coming to rest ( momentarily) ?
(b) How much time will elapse ?
(c) If the electric field ends abruptly after 0.8 cm, what fraction of its energy will the electron loose in
traversing it ?
loss in KE = work against field 0 u2
 s = 7.1 cm = 0.071 m.
1 2a
mu2 – 0 = eEd
vu 0u mu
2 time = t =  
mu a  eE / m eE
 d = = 0.071 m
Energy lost in tranversing field
Alternatively = eEx where x = 0.8 cm
eE eEx eEx x
a = accelemtion = fraction lost = =   0.11
2 eEd d
m 1 / 2mu
v2 – u2 = 2aS

Illustration - 7 Two positive point charges a distance b apart have sum Q. For what values of the charges
is the Coulomb force between them a maximum ?
(q1  q2 )2  (q1  q2 )2 Q 2  (q1  q2 )2
q1 + q2 = Q. We have to maximise q1q2  
4 4
 q1q2 is maximum for (q1 – q2) = 0
 q1 = q2 = Q/2.

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Illustration - 8 The water molecule has a dipole moment p = 6.2  10–30 cm. Find the force on an ion of
charge +e at a distance of 0.5 nm : (a) along p; (b) normal to p. (Use the far field approximation)


2p 4 pe p  pe
(a) E along p   force  (b) E   F
3 3 3
4 0 r 4 0 r 4 0 r 4 0r 3


Electric field due to a continuous charge distribution :

To find the field of a continuous charge distribution, we divide the
charge into infinitesimal charge elements. Each infinitesimal charge
element is then considered as a point charge and its field is given
by :
dE 
4   0r 2
at a point distant r from the element. The net field at this point is
the summation of fields of all the elements.

 E   dE
Taking dE  dEx ˆi  dE y ˆj we have ;

Ex   dEx and E y   dE y

Because of the vector nature of the integration, the mathematical procedure must be carried out with care.
Fortunately, in the cases we consider, the symmetry of the charge distribution will usually result in a simpli-
fied calculation.
Each type of charge distribution is described (in the table given below) by an appropriate Greek-letter
parameter:  ,  , or . Note the units for each.
How we choose the charge element dq depends upon the particular type of charge distribution.

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Illustration - 9 A uniform line charge  (in coulombs per meter) exists along the X-axis from x = –a to x
= +a. Find the electric field E at point P a distance r along the perpendicular bisector.

In all the problems which involve distributions of charge, we choose
an element of charge dq to find the element of field dE’ produced at
the given location. Then we sum all such dE’s to find the total field E
at that location.
You must note the symmetry of the situation. For each element dq
located at positive X, there is a similar dq (see mirror-images in origin)
located at the same negative value of x. The dEx produced by one dq
is cancelled by the dEx in the opposite direction due to the other dq.
Hence, as we sum all the dq’s along the line, all the dEx components add to zero. So we need to sum only
the dEy components, a scalar sum since they all point in the same direction. The element of charge is dq =
 dx.
1 dq  dx
dE  
4  0
r 2  x2  
4  0 r 2  x 2 
E x   dE x   dE sin   0 (by symmetry)

E y   dE y   dE cos 

 dx r r dx
4 0 
E = 
4  0 r  x 2 2
 r 2  x2
3/ 2
 r 2  x2 
The integral on the right hand side can be evaluated by substituting x = r tan  and dx = r sec2  d 

dx r sec 2  d cos  sin 

 3 / 2
  3 3
  2 d  2
 r 2  x2  r sec  r r

dx 1 x
  3/ 2

 r2  x2  x2  r 2

r x r 2a
Ey = 
4 0 r 2 x 2  r 2 4 0 r 2 a 2  r 2

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The net field at P is E = Ey

 a
2 0 r a2  r 2

Note : In case of an infinite line charge, the field is everywhere perpendicular to the line of charge. The field at a
distance r from the line is calculated by taking a 
  in the above result.

E (infinite line charge)

 a
= a   2 0 r
a2  r 2

 E  2 r

Illustration - 10 Derive an exposition for the field at the centre of an arc of radium R and having a charge
Q uniformly distributed on it. The arc subtends an angle  at the centre.

 ( Rd )
dE = field due to the element =
4 0 R 2

Another mirror image element in M located in

the left half of the arc produces d E as shown.
The horizontal components of these d E vec-
tors balance each alter. Thus the net field at cen-
tre is produced by adding up the recital compo-
nents only.
 / 2
 Rd
Let M be the mid point of the arc AB and O be its E   dE cos    2
cos 
centre. We take OM as the reference for defining  / 2 4 0 R
angular coordinates of points of the arc. Consider 
an element locked between points whose angular E sin  / 2
2 0 R
coordinates measured from OM are 
and  + d as shown. Q sin  / 2
 E
Charge on this element = d =  (Rd) . 2 /2
4 0 R

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Illustration - 11 Two long straight parallel wires carry charges 1 and 2 per unit length. The separation
between their axes is b. Find the magnitude of the force exerted on unit length of one due to the charge on the

 1 
Force on 2 per unit length = 2 (field due to 1) = 2 E1 2  2  b 
 0 

Illustration - 12 Two infinite line of charge with equal linear charge densities
 C/m are placed along the x and y axes. What is the electric field strength at an
arbitrary point (x, y) ?

 
E  E12  E22 where E1  ,E2 
2 0 y 2 0 x
 E x
 E x 2  y 2 directed at tan 1 1  tan1 with X-axis
2 0 xy E2 y

Illustration - 13 A semi-infinite line of charge has a uniform charge

density  C/m. Find the field strength at a distance R from its end :
(a) along the axis ; (b) perpendicular to the axis.


 dx 
(a) Ealong axis   
2 4 0 R
R 4 0 x

(b) E   E x ˆi  E y ˆj

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 dx x 
E x   dE sin   4 
2 2
0 0 (R x ) R 2  x2 4 0 r
 
 
4 0r E 2 at 45° with x-axis.
4 0 r

 dx R
E y   dE cos   4 2
0 0 (R  x2 ) R2  x2
(Solve both integrals by substitution x = R tan
 and dx = R sec2 d)

Illustration - 14 A total positive charge Q is distributed uniformly around a thin, circular, non-conducting
ring of radius R. Find the electric Field E at a point P along the axis of the ring, a distance x from the center
as shown in figure below.
1 dq
dE  rˆ
4 0 r 2
whose magnitude is
1 dq
dE 

4  0 R2  x2

The X-component is
1 dq
dE x   cos  

4   0 R 2  x2

Note the symmetry of this situation. Every ele-
ment dq can be paired with a similar element on  
1 dq  x 
the opposite side of the ring. Every component =
dE perpendicular to the x axis is thus cancelled 
4 0 R2  x2   R2  x2 
 
by a component dE in the opposite direction. 
In the summation process, all the perpendicular  1 x dq
Ex   dE x 
components dE add to zero. Thus we only add  4 0 3/ 2
the dEx components, which all lie along the +X

  x2  R2 
direction, and this is a simple scalar integral. From As we integrate around the ring, all the terms
Coulomb’s Law in vector form,
remain constant and  dq  Q

18 Section 2 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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So the total field (Ex) is Do yourself

1 x A flat circular, non-conducting disk of radius R

4 0 3/ 2  dq has a uniform charge per unit area  on one side
x 2
R 2
 of the disk. Show that the electric field E at a
point P along the axis of the disk, a distance x
 1  xQ from the centre of the disk is
=  3/ 2
 4  0 
 x2  R2   


2 0  R2  x2 
 

Illustration - 15 Where will the electric field intensity be maximum along the axis of a charged ring of
radius R ?
E (x) =
4 0 ( x  R 2 )3 / 2

For E(x) to be maximum, 0
3/ 2 3 2

Q  x2  R 2   x
x  R 2 (2 x)
dx 4 0 3 =0
 x2  R2 
 x2 + R2 – 2x2 =0
 x= . (For maximum E)

Note that for x = 0, E = 0 and as x  , E 

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Electric flux
The electric flux through a surface placed in a electric field is a measure of the number of field lines passing
through that surface. The flux (represented as ) can be calculated by the scalar product of field intensity
E and the area A vector normal to the surface.
(a) Flux through a flat surface in a uniform field

In a uniform field E , the flux through a flat surface of area A can be easily calculated as:

  E  A  E A cos 

where  is the angle between the field E and the normal area vector A . The area vector A is perpendicu-
lar to the surface and is usually assumed so that 0    90°.

The electric flux through a closed surface S in a field E is given by

  E . d A
where the integral is taken over the complete surface. The area vectors of different elements are taken
normally outwards. In case of a closed surface, the flux is proportional to the net charge enclosed by the
surface. The relation is given by Gauss’s Law :
 E . d A 

20 Section 3 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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where q is the net charge enclosed by the surface S.

In case of a continuous charge distribution with volume density charge per unit volume)

 dV
 E . d A  0

where integral on the right hand side is taken over the entire volume enclosed by the surface S.
Electric flux through a curved surface

In case of a curved surface all the area vector of small elements are in different directions. The flux in such
situations is evaluated by summing up the volumes of flux from different area elements using an integral.

   d   E  d A

Illustration - 16 A uniform positive charge density  (in units of charge per volume) exists throughout a
sphericalvolume of radius R. Find the electric field
(a) outside the sphere and (b) inside the sphere.
By symmetry , we conclude that the field E can
only be radially outward, both inside and outside
the sphere. Moreover, for a given value of r, E
has the same magnitude everywhere. To match
this symmetry, we choose a Gaussian surface in
the form of a sphere of radius r, centred on the
spherical volume.

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(a) For r > R : (b) For r < R :

The total charge qin inside the spherical volume
(surface a) is To match the symmetry of E, we choose a
Gaussian surface in the form of a sphere of radius
R 4  r < R (surface b). Gauss’s Law involves only
Q    dV    4 r 2 dr     R 3  .
0 3  the charge qin inside this surface. From part (a),
Applying Gauss’s Law and noting that r
this is the integral qin =   dV , where the

upper limit is r instead of R.
 E . dA   E dA  E  dA  E (4 r ),
4 3
q Thus , qin =    r  .
we find  E . dA  in0 3 
E (4r2) =
Q  E . dA  in0
Q  4 r3
Solving for E gives E = E (4r2) =
4 0r 2 3 0
This is just the inverse-square-law field for a
point charge Q concentrated at the center of the   
For r < R : E =   r ( radially outward)
sphere. To obtain the answer in terms of the  3 0 
given parameters, we substitute Thus, inside the sphere of uniform charge, the
4  field is directly proportional to the distance r from
Q     R 3  to obtain
 3  the center.
For r > R : Do yourself :
4  In steady state, the charge resides on the outer
   R3   3  surface of a conductor and there is no field inside
E= 
3    R  1
2  3 0  r 2 the conductor. Show that the field outside (r >
4 0 r   R) a conducting sphere carrying a charge Q is E
(radially outward) Q
= .
4  0 r 2

22 Section 3 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 17 Derive an expression for the field of an infinite charged sheet having a charge density .

 E .d A   E .d A   E .d A
top and vertical
bottom faces

=  E d A  0 ( E is parallel to d A at top
and bottom faces)
= E  dA
= E (2A)
By Gauss’s Law  E .d A  0
The field lines due to the sheet emerge
perpendicular to the sheet and go away if the A
  (2 A) 
sheet is positively charged. Consider a Gaussian 0
surface in the form of a cuboid of cross-section
area A and to tal height 2r. 
 E 
The sheet passes through the middle of the 2 0
cuboid. The field lines are parallel to the vertical
faces of the cuboid and E .d A  0 through these
four vertical faces.

Illustration - 18 An infinitely long, straight line of uniform positive charge has a charge per unit length of  C/m.
Find the electric field E at an arbitrary distance r from the line using Gauss’s Law.
From each infinitesimal element of charge along
the line, an electric field emanates equally in all
directions. However, by symmetry, the
superposition of the fields from all of the
infinitesimal elements of charges results in a
cancellation of fields parallel to the line of charge.
The result is a net field directed radially outward
from the line. At all points at a given distance r
from the line (in any direction), the field has the
same magnitude.

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 E . dA  in0
curved E.dA  end E.dA 
side caps 0

(cos 0 = 1, cos 90 = 0)

E (2rL) + 0 = 
Therefore, we match this symmetry with a 0
Gaussian surface in the form of a cylinder of radius
Solving for E gives
r and length L whose axis is the line of charge.
At every point on the curved side of the cylinder, 
E = (radially outward)
E is parallel to the area elements dA, and it has 2 0r
the same magnitude everywhere. On the end caps
of the cylinder, E is perpendicular to dA
everywhere. The net charge qin inside the
cylinder is  L. Applying Gauss’s Law, we obtain

Illustration - 19 An isolated metal shell has a uniform surface charge density –  on its inner surface of
radius a and a uniform surface charge density +  on its outer surface of radius b. What can you deduce from
this information ?

The net charge enclosed by a Gaussian surface

S through the metal shell must be zero because
the surface is passing through a field-free region.
Hence a positive charge q =  (4a2) must be
present inside this shell.

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Illustration - 20 A uniform electric field E is parallel to the central axis

of a hemisphere of radius R, as shown in Fig. What is the flux through the
hemisphere ?

 E.d A   E .d A 
Curred Circular
Surface Plate

cs + EA cos 180° = O

Let us close the hemisphere by the adding a
circular plate the bottom. Applying Gauss’s Law cs = – EA cos 180°
on this closed hemisphere :
= EA
 E .d A  encl
0 = ER2

Illustration - 21 A square plate of side 12 cm lies in the xy plane. What is the flux through the plate due to
a uniform field E = 70 î + 90 k̂ N/C ?
Area of plate = A  (0.12) 2 m 2 kˆ 2
= (70î  90kˆ ) . (0 .12) kˆ

 E . A (uniform field) = 90 (0.0144) Nm2/C = 1.296 Nm2/C

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Illustration - 22 A cube of side L has one corner at the origin and its sides lie along the x, y, and z axes,
respectively. There is a field given by Ê = (a + bx) î .
(a) What is the net flux through the cube ? (b) What is the net charge enclosed by the cube ?

The flux will be non-zero only through the faces
which are normal to E . Through the faces
parallel to E ,  E .d A  0 as E  d A .
 = coming out +  going in
= E(x = 0) . L2 cos 180° + E(x = L).L2 cos 0°.
= – aL2 + (a + bL)L2
= bL3

Also, qencl = bL3 . 0



The work done in taking a unit positive charge from infinity (point of zero potential) to a point A is known as
the electric potential at A. This work done gets stored in the form of potential enery.
If VA and VB are the electric potentials of two points A and B, the potential difference between A and B is
equal to VB – VA.
work done in taking a charge q from A to B is W A to B = q (VB – VA)

Relation Between E and V

Let F ext be the force which balances qE while transferring the charge q from A to B.
(a) The work done in taking charge q from A to B can also be calculated as :

W F . dr
=   qE .d r

26 Section 4 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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 q(VB – VA) =  q  E .d r
 V A  VB   E .d r

(b) 
If the charge q is given infinitely small displecement dr, the work done dW by F ext   qE by is 
given by :
dW = q dV = – qE dr

 E 
This is another relation between field intensity E and potential V. Electric field intensity E may be called as
the negative of potential gradient i.e. the rate of decrease of potential with distance.

Electric Potential in the field of a point charge :

The electric potential at a point A in the electric field of a point charge q given by V(r) can be evaluated using
the above equation by taking A at a distace r and B at infinity.

V(r) – V () =  E .d r

 V (r) =  dr
r 4 0r
V(r) = (taking V () = 0)
4 0r
VA = where r : distance of A from the point charge q.
4  0 r
Note that in calculating potential, we substitute the charge q with its sign (+ or –). Hence if q is negative, VA
will be negative.

Electric potential due to a group of point charges :

The potential at any point due to a group of point charges is the algebraic sum of the potentials contributed
at the same point by all the individual point charges.
V = V1 + V2 + V3 + . . . . . . . .

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Electric potential due to a continuous charge distribution :

The potential due to a continuous charge distribution is the sum of potentials of all the infinitesimal charge
elements in which the distribution may be divided.

V =  dV

V =  4  r

Potential difference in a Uniform field

VA – VB = E .  d r

In case of a uniform electic field,

 V A  VB  E . A B

Equipotential Surfaces
If we join the points in an electric field which are at same potential, the surface (or curve) obtained is known
as equipotential surface (curve).

Note : (i) The lines of forces are always normal to equipotential surfaces.
(ii) The net work done in taking a charge from A to B is zero if A and B are on same equipotential surface.

1. In the field of a point charge, the equipotential surfaces are spheres centered on the point charge.
2. In a uniform electric field, the equipotential surfaces are planes which are perpendicular to the field
3. In the field of an infinite line charge, the equipotential surfaces are co-axial cylinders having their axes
at the line charge.
Properties of a Conductor in an electric field :
(a) The surface of a conductor is an equipotential surface and the inside of a conductor is equipotential
(b) There is no electric field (and charge) inside the conductor’s surface.
(c) The lines of forces are always normal to the surface of a conductor.
(d) Any charge given to a conductor always resides on the conductor’s surface and not in the interior.

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Electrostatic Potential Energy

Potential Energy in an Electric Field :
If a charge is moved between two points in an electric field, work is usually
done against the field or by the field. In the figure, if a charge +q is moved
from B to C in the electric field of charge +Q, the work will have to be done
by some outside agency in pushing the charge +q against the force of field of
This situation is very similar to that of a mass moved in gravitational field of earth away from it. Work done
against the gravitational pull of earth is stored in GPE and be recovered back. Similarly in electric field,
work done against an electric field is stored in the form of electric potential energy and can be recovered
back. If the charge +q is taken back from C to B, the electric force will try to accelerate the charge and
hence to recover the PE stored in the form of KE.
As the work done against an electric field can be recovered back, electrostatic forces and fields fall under
the category of conservative forces and fields. Another property of these fields is that the work done is
independent of path taken from one point to the another and the work done a closed path is zero.
Potential Energy of a system of two point charges :
The potential energy possessed by a system of two point charges q1 and q2 separated by a distance r is the
work required to be done bring them to this arrangement from infinity. This electrostatic potential energy is
given by :

q1 q2
4   0r

Electric Potential Energy of a system of point charges :

The electric potential energy of such a system is the work done in assembling this system starting from
infinite separation between any two point charges.
For a system of point charges q1, q2, . . . . . . qn , the potential energy is

qi q j 1 n n qi q j
U   4   0 ri j
or U  
2 i  1 j  1 4   0 ri j
(i  j )
1 i j  n

It simply means that we have to consider all the pairs that are possible.
Note the following :
1. Work done required by an external agency to move a charge q from A to B in an electric field with
constant speed
WA to B = q (VB – VA)

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2. When a charge q is let free in an external electric field, it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy.
If it goes from A to B, then
Total energy at A = Total energy at B

1 1
mV A2  qV A  mVB2  qVB
2 2
3. Energy stored in an electric field per unit volume is given by

1 2
energy per unit volume =  0 k E
where E is the electric field intensity and k = dielectric constant of the region

total energy stored in a region U    0 kE 2dV
where dV is the volume of an infinitesimal region in electric field E

Illustration - 23 Two point charges q and –2q are placed at a distance 6a apart. Find the locus of the point
in the plane of charges where the field potential is zero.
Let us take the charges on X-axis ;
q2 4q 2
q at A (0, 0) and –2q at B (6a, 0)  
x2  y 2  x  6a  2  y2
Potential at a point P (x, y) is
q 2q  the locus is (x – 6a)2 = 4x2 + 3y2
V = 
4  0 x 2  y 2 4  0  x  6 a 2  y 2
V = 0

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Illustration - 24 A ball of mass 10–3 kg and charge 10–4 C is let free to move in an electric field . It goes
from A whose potential is 600 V to a point B whose potential is 0 V. What is the velocity of the ball at the point
A, if at point B, it is 20 m/s ?
A charge goes to minimize its potential energy if Total energy at A = Total energy at B .
it is let free to more on its own. The potential
energy associated with a charge q is qV where 1 2 1 2
 qV A  mv A  qVB  mvB
V is the potential at the point where q is located. 2 2
Solve to get vA = 16.73 m/s.

Illustration - 25 Two fixed equal positive charges, each of magnitude 5 ×

10–5 C are located at points A and B, separated by a distance of 6 m. An
equal and opposite charge moves towards them along the line COD, the
perpendicular bisector of line AB. The moving charge, when it reaches the
point C at a distance of 4 m from O, has a kinetic energy of 4 joules. Calculate
the distance of the farthest point D which the negative charge will reach
before returning towards C.
The kinetic energy is lost and converted to electrostatic potential energy of the system as the negative charge
goes form C to D and comes to rest at D instantaneously. The total energy (TE) is conserved.

TE at D = TE at C
 
0 + (–q) VD = 4 + (–q) VC  1 1 
–5 2
4 = 2 ( 5  10 ) ( 9  10 ) 9
5 2 
9x 
4 = q (VC – VD) 
  4 = 9–  x = 72 = 8.48 m
2q  1

1  9  x2
4 0  5 2 
9x 

Illustration - 26 As one follows a given field line in the direction of the field, does the potential increase,
decrease, or stay fixed ?
E = = positive
If we go in the direction of field E dr
 = negative
 V decreases with r.

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Illustration - 27 Is it possible to move a charge in an electric field without doing work ? If so, how ?

Along an equipotential surface (curve), work done = q (Vf – Vi) = q (0) = 0

So we can more a change along equipotential path (  to E ) without any work.

Illustration - 28 What is the shape of an equipotential surface for an infinite line of charge ?


Open cylinders having a common axis at the line charge are the equipotential surface. The field lines are cutting
these at 90°.

Illustration - 29 A metal shell of radius 10 cm is charged till its potential is 70 V .

(a) What is the potential at the center ? (b) What is the electric field at the center ?
(a) Vcentre = 70 V (all points on or inside a metal surface are same potential).
(b) E = 0 at all points in a conductor.

Illustration - 30 A uniform electric field is given by E = –180 k̂ V/m.

(a) What is the change in potential from zA = 5 cm to zB = 15 cm ?

(b) How far apart along the z axis are two points that differ in potential by 27 V ?

(a) VA – VB = E . AB  (– 180kˆ ) . (15 – 5) kˆ  1 V / m  18V


(b)  
27  E . AB  180 kˆ  kˆ    0.15 m

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Illustration - 31 Given the following electric fields, find the corresponding potential functions V (x) :

(a) E = (a/x) i . Take V = 0 at x = x0 ; (b) E = a exp (–Bx) i . Take V = 0 at x = 0 .

x0 
a x
(a) V ( x)  0   dx  a log 0 
x x 
0  using VA VB   E .d r
a 

(b) V ( x)  0   ae  Bx dx  e  Bx 1 
 A

Illustration - 32 Four charges +q, +q –q , –q are placed respectively at the corners A, B, C and D of a
square of side a arranged in the given order. Calculate the electric potential and the intensity at O, the centre
of the square. If E and F are mid-point of the sides BC and CD , what will be the work done in carrying
charge e from E to F ?

WEF = e (VF – VE)

2q 2q

where VE = 0, VF = 4
0  5a / 2  4 0a / 2

q qqqq
V0   0, 2qe  2 
4 0a / 2 4 0a / 2 W = eVF – 0 = 4 a   2
0  5 
 
 2q 
E0  2  cos 45

 4 0 a / 2  

Electric Field and Potential for Some Charge Distributions

1. Line charge of infinite length : ( = linear charge density)
(a) Field at a distance r from the line

2   0r

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(b) Potential difference between two points A and B at distances a and b respectively from the line.
V A  VB   E dr

VA  VB   dr
2 0r

 log b / a.
2 0

V A  VB   og b / a
2 0

2. Line charge of f init e lengt h  : ( = charge density)

(a) Electric field at a distance r on the right bisector
 
2   0r  2  4r 2

(b) Electric field at a point collinear with the line charge and at a distance r
from the nearer end
 
4  0 r r  

3. Charged ring of radius R :

Let Q = total charge on the ring
(a) Electric field at centre is zero.
(b) Electric field at a point P on axis at a distance x from the centre is

3/ 2

4   0 x2  R 2 
(c) Electric potential at the same point P is

V (for x = 0, we get the potential at centre)
4  0 x2  R2

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4. Arc of a circle charged uniformly :

Let Q = total charge ;  = angle subtended at centre by the arc ; R = radius of arc
(a) Electric field at centre
Q sin  / 2
E =
4  0 R2 /2

E is directed along the bisector of angle  .

(b) Potential at centre

V =
4 0 R

5. Spherical conductor of radius R :

Let Q = total charge on conductor’s surface
(a) Electric field (at a distance r from the centre)

0 for r  R
E (r) =  Q for r  R
 4   0 r

(b) Electric potential (at a distance r from centre)

 Q
 4  R for r  R
V (r) =  0
 Q
for r  R
 4   0 r

Note : The same results apply for a charged thin spherical shell of radius R.

6. Uniformly charged non-conducting sphere :

Let  = volume charge density throughout the sphere
Q = total charge =  (4/3  R3)

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(a) Electric field at a distance r from centre

 Qr r
  for r  R
3 3 0
4 0R
E (r) = 
 Q  R3
  for r R
 4   0 r 3 0 r 2

(b) Electric potential (at a distance r from centre)

 Q 3R 2  r 2
  for r  R
 3
V (r) =  4   0 2 R
 Q for r  R
 4   0 r

Note carefully that spherically symmetric charge distributions behave like point charge (placed at centre)
for the region outside their surface (i.e., for r > R).

7. Infinite thin charged sheet :

Let  = charge contained in a unit area of the sheet.
(a) Electric field at a distance r from the sheet

2 0

(b) Potential difference between the two points A and B at distances a and b from the sheet.
VA  VB   E dr

 dr
2 0

 (b  a )
2 0

V A  VB  (b  a )
2 0

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Example - 1 A system consists of a ball of radius R carrying a spherically symmetric charge and the
surrounding space filled with a charge of volume density  = a/r where a is a constant, r is the distance from
the centre of ball. Find the ball’s charge at which the magnitude of the electric field is independent of r outside
the ball. How high is this strength ?
Let us consider a spherical surface of radius r (r 0 E (4  r2 ) = Q + 2  a (r2 – R2)
> R) concentric with the ball and apply Gauss’s
Law.  Q  2 a R 2  1 2 a
q  E =   2 

 E . dA   0  4 0  r 4  0

For E to be independent of r,
Let Q = total charge on the ball
r Q = 2  aR2
0 E (4  r2 ) = Q +   4 x dx
and the value of E is
r a
a 2 E=
0 E (4 r2 ) = Q + 4  xx dx 20

Example - 2 Two particles of mass m and 2m carry a charge q each. Initially the heavier particle is at
rest on a smooth horizontal plane and the other is projected along the plane directly towards the first from a
distance d with speed u.
Find the closest distance of approach.
As the mass 2m is not fixed, it will also move Hence at closest approach, v1 = v2
away from m due to repulsion. The distance By conservation of momentum
between the particles is minimum when their
relative velocity is zero i.e., when they have equal mu = mv1 + 2 mv2
velocities. v2 = v1 = u/3
By conservation of energy
loss in KE = gain in PE

1 2 1 2 1  q2  1 1 
mu   mv1  2mv22     
2 2 2  4  0  x d 

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1 2 1 u2 q2  1 1 
mu  m 1  2    1 1 4   0 mu 2
2 2 9 4   0  x d   
x d 3 q2
1 2 q2  1 1 
mu   3q 2 d
3 4   0  x d  x
3q 2  4   0 mu 2 d

Example - 3 Find by direct integration the electric field at the centre of a hemispherical surface of
charge having uniform surface density  .

Field at O due to this infinitesimal element = dE
 dq   R sin  
dE = 3/ 2

4   0 R 2 sin 2  + R 2 cos 2  
(using the result for the field at axis of a ring)

Consider a ring-shaped element on the surface

 E   dE 
 
 / 2 R sin  2  R 2 cos 
of the hemisphere at an angle  above the base  4  0 R2
as shown. 0
AB = the radius of the ring = R sin   /2  /2
  sin2 
distance of centre of ring B from O = R cos  =
20  sin cos  d  2  0 2 0
charge on the element = dq =  (area)
dq =  (2 R sin  ) Rd 

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Example - 4 A charge q is distributed uniformly over the volume of a ball of radius R. Find :
(a) the energy stored in the ball (b) the energy in the surrounding space
(c) hence or otherwise, find the total energy of the system.
To calculate the energy stored in an electric field, 2
  
we can use energy per unit volume = 1/2 k 0E2 U2 = 1 Q 2
 2  4   r 2  4 r dr
 0 
k  0 E 2 dV R  0 
 U =
2 
Q2 dr
Assuming k = 1, U2 = 8  
 r2
 U =  0 E 2 dV Q 2
2 U2 =
8  0R
Let us recall the expression for the field of a
uniformly distributed charge in a non-conducting (c) total energy = U1 + U2
Q2 Q2
 Qr  U1 + U2 = 
 for r  R 40   0 R 8   0 R
 4 0 R 3
E = Q 3 Q2
 for r  R  U1 + U2 =
 4 r 2 20   0 R
 0
Alternatively :
(a) Energy inside the ball
total energy = work done to assemble the parts
1 2 of the ball starting from infinity
U1 =   0 E dV
2 The potential at the surface of the ball at the instant
Consider an element of radius r and thickness dr when it has a radius x is
R 2
1  Qr  charge on ball Q x2
U1 =   0   4 r 2dr V = 
2  4   R3  4 0 x 4   0 R3
0  0 
R The work done to add a charged layer of
Q2 4 thickness dx from infinity is
U1 =
8   0 R6 0
r dr
Q x2
dW = V dq =   dV 
Q 2 4   0 R3
U1 =
40   0 R  
 2
Qx Q 
(b) Energy outside the ball 4 x 2dx
dW = 4 R3 4 3 

1 2 0  R 
U2 =   0 E dV 3 

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Total work done = W =  d W

3 Q2
R Hence total energy of the system =
3 Q2 3 Q2 20   0 R
W = x 4 dx 
6 20   0 R
0 4 0R

Example - 5 A cube of edge a metres carries a point charge q at each corner. Calculate the resultant
force on any one of the charges.
Let us take one corner of cube as origin O (0, 0, q
0) and the opposite corner as P (a, a, a). We =   
 ajˆ  akˆ  aiˆ  ajˆ  aiˆ  akˆ 
3    
will calculate the electric field at P due to the other 
4  0 2 2a 
seven charges at corners.
=  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ 
4  0 2a 2  

(iii) Field at P due to O

OP = a3

E3  OP
Expressing the field of a point charge in vector 3
4  0 a 3  
q q  aiˆ  ajˆ  akˆ 
 E  r E3   
4  0 r 3
4  0 3 3 a 3

(i) Field at P due to A, B, C q
E3   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ 
q  
 E1 
 AP  BP  CP 
4   0 a3  
4  0 3 3 a 2

q Resultant Field at P
  ajˆ  akˆ  aiˆ 
3   E  E1  E2  E3
4 0 a

(ii) Field at P due to D, E, F

q ˆi  ˆj  kˆ   1 1 
Note that DP = EP = FP = a2  E  2 1   
4  0 a  2 3 3
E2   DP  EP  FP 
3   outward along OP

4  0 a 2 

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Force on charge at P is F = q E Note :In this problem, we have non-coplanar point

charges and hence it is best to use vector ap-
2 proach in general form.
q 3  1 1 
 F 1   
2 2 3 3
4  0 a 

outwards along diagonal OP

Example - 6 Point charges +q, +q, –q, –q are located at the vertices A, B, C and D respectively of a
square with diagonals of length 2. Find the electric field intensity at a point located symmetrically with
respect to the vertices of the square at a distance a from its centre .

Let the square be in XY plane with its centre at
origin at O. Let us further take the diagonals of q
EA  3
the square as X and Y axes. 4  0  AP 


3/ 2   î  akˆ 

4  0 2  a 2 
EB  3
4  0  BP 


3/ 2   ˆj  akˆ 

4  0 2  a 2 
Hence the vertices are : Similarly we have ;
A (, 0, 0), B  (0,  , 0) q
C  (– , 0, 0) D  (0, – , 0)
EC 
3/ 2  ˆi  akˆ 
We have to calculate the field at a point P (0, 0,

4  0  2  a 2 
a ) on Z-axis. The field at P is the vector sum of q
the fields contributed by charges at A, B, C and ED 
3/ 2  ˆj  akˆ 
D. 

4  0  2  a 2 
E  E A  EB  EC  ED  E  E A  EB  EC  ED
Observing that AP = BP = CP = DP
q  2   ˆj  ˆi  
  E  3/ 2  
= 2
 a 2

4  0   a 2 2

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 E Directed mid- way between –ve X and –ve y
3/ 2
 2
2  0   a 2
 axis i.e, || to sides AD and BC.

Example - 7 Two concentric spheres of radii R1 and R2 (R1 < R2) have charges q1 and q2 respectively
distributed uniformly over their surfaces .
(a) Find the potential difference between the two surfaces .
(b) Find the charges on all the surfaces of the shells.
(c) What will happen if the spheres are connected by a conducting wire ?

(a) Potential of inner sphere :

V1 = potential due to q1 + potential due to q2

q1 q2
V1 = 
4   0 R1 4   0 R2 (b) By passing a Gaussian surface through the inner
shell. We see that by Gauss’s Law,
Potential of outer sphere : qencl
V2 = potential due to q1 + potential due to q2
(i)  E .d A  0

q1 q2 q
V2 =  0  encl (as E = 0 is a conductor)
4   0 R2 4   0 R2 0

Potential Difference :  qencl = 0

Hence there is no charge on the inner most
q1  R2  R1  surface. So the charge q, lies entircly on the outer
V1 – V2 =  
4   0  R1 R2  surface of the inner shell.

Note :That potential difference does not depend on

the charge of the outer sphere.

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(ii) By passing another Gaussian surface through the (c) When the shells are connected, they attain equal
outer shell. potential by redistributing their charges. Let x
and y be the final charges on them.
 E .d A  0 x + y = q1 + q2

q x y x y
0  encl (as E = 0 is a conductor)   
0 4 0 R1 4 0 R2 4 0 R2 4 0 R2

 qencl = 0 (as V1 = V2)

As there is charge q1 inside this Gaussian surface, Solve to get x = 0 and y = q1 + q2

there must be a charge –q1 also on the inner Hence all the charges from inner shell flows to
surface of another shell. the outer shell.
Hence charge on outer surface of outer
q 1 + q 2.

Example - 8 Three parallel plates each of area A are kept as

shown in figure and charges Q.-2Q and 3Q are given to them as
shown :
(a) Find the resulting charge distribution on all the six surfaces.
(Neglect the edge effect).
(b) Draw the graph of Electric Field as the function of x.
(Take x  0 at P)
(c) Draw the graph of Electric Potential as the function of x.
(Take V = 0 at P)
 qa  qb  Q
 qc  qd   2Q
 qe  q f  3Q

 qa  qb  qc  qd  qe  q f  2Q
As P lies inside the conductor, electric field at
point P is zero.
At P, charge qa will given an electric field
towards right. All other charge qb , qc .....etc.
As the total charge on each plate remains the will give the electric field towards left. So,
Ep  0

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1 q
(b) As E 

qa  qb  qc  qd  qe  q f  0 2 A0

  2qa  2Q   0  qa  Q
 qb  0
By considering a gaussian at P and Q, we can
show that qb   qc .
 qc  0  qd   2Q

Similarly qc   qd  2Q
(c) As V   E . r
 qf  Q


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1. Electric Field Intensity :

Electric field intensity is the vector quantity E which measures the electric field strength and its direction.
(i) The magnitude of electric field intensity at a point A is the force experienced by a unit positive charge
placed at A.
(ii) The direction of electric field intensity at a point A is the direction in which the electric field exerts force
on a (unit) positive charge placed at A.

2. Force exerted by a field on a charge inside it :

If we know the electric field intensity at a point in a field, we can calculate the force acting on a charge q
placed at that point using the relation : F  qE

If q is a +ve charge, force F on it is in the direction of E .

If q is a –ve charge, F on it is opposite to the direction of E .

3. Electric Field created by a point charge :

The electric field produced by a point charge q at a distance r from it is given as E (the force on a unit +ve

4  0 r 2
The direction of field intensity is away from q if it is positive and towards q if it is negative. Hence in vector from
q q
E rˆ  r
4  0r 4  0 r 3

4. Electric Dipole :
An arrangement of two equal and opposite charges separated by a
fixed distance is known as an electric dipole.
Let q and –q be two charges separated by distance 2. The dipole
moment of the dipole is : p  2ql

(a) Electric field at axis :

Electric field of a short dipole on its axis at a point A at a distance r from dipole ( << r) :

Eaxis 
4   0r3

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(b) Electric field at equator :

Electric field at a point distance r from the centre of the short dipole ( << r) on its right bisector.

4   0r3

(c) Electric field at A

E = 1  3 cos 2 
4   0r

5. Dipole in an external uniform electric field :

If a dipole is placed in a uniform electric field E,
1. force on the dipole is zero.
2. torque on the dipole is given as  = pE sin 
3. Potential energy of the dipole :
Taking U = 0 at  = 2,

U( ) =  p Ecos   p . E .

6. (a) Flux through a flat surface in a uniform field

In a uniform field E , the flux through a flat surface of area A can be easily calculated as:

  E  A  E A cos 
(b) Gauss’s Law :

 E . dA 

where q is the net charge enclosed by the surface S.

7. Electric Potential
(a) If VA and VB are the electric potentials of two points A and B, the potential difference between A
and B is equal to VB – VA.
work done in taking a charge q from A to B is W A to B = q (VB – VA)

46 Things to Remember Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
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(b) Relation Between E and V

(i) V A  VB   E .d r (ii) E 
(c) Potential difference in a Uniform field

In case of a uniform electic field, V A  VB  E . A B

8. Properties of a Conductor in an electric field :

(a) The surface of a conductor is an equipotential surface and the inside of a conductor is equipotential space.
(b) There is no electric field (and charge) inside the conductor’s surface.
(c) The lines of forces are always normal to the surface of a conductor.
(d) Any charge given to a conductor always resides on the conductor’s surface and not in the interior.

9. Potential Energy of a system of two point charges :

The potential energy possessed by a system of two point charges q1 and q2 separated by a distance r is the
work required to be done bring them to this arrangement from infinity. This electrostatic potential energy is
given by :
q1 q2
4   0r

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