Section 4:minerals Excluded From OTHER RIGHTS TO LANDS: The Ownership or The Right

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CHAPTER 4 coal, petroleum and other mineral oils, all forces but also to “all natural wealth that

forces but also to “all natural wealth that may be found

PHILIPPINE MINING ACT OF 1995 of potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, in the bowels of the earth.”
(RA 7942) wildlife, flora and fauna and other natural The right to possess or own the surface
resources are owned by the state. With the ground is separate and distinct from the
GOVERNING LAW exception of agricultural lands, all other natural mineral rights over the same land. And the
On March 3 1995, RA 7942 was enacted instituting a resources shall not be alienated. The fact that the location of a mining claim has
new system of mineral resources exploration, exploration, development and utilization of been perfected does not bar the
development, utilization andconservation in the natural resources shall be under the full control government’s exercise of its power of
and supervision of the state. The state may eminent domain. The right of eminent
directly undertake such activities or it may enter domain covers all forms of private property,
DECLARATION OF POLICY into co-production, joint venture or production- tangible or intangible and includes rights
The state shall ensure, for the benefit of the sharing agreements with filipino citizens or which are attached to land.
Filipino people, the full exploration and corporations or associations at least sixty per
development as well as the judicious centum of whose capital is owned by such Ownership of mineral deposits by the state is
disposition, utilization, management, renewal citizens.” The foregoing provision echoes the also a dominant principle expressed in the
and conservation of the country’s forest, miner, concept of jura regalia pursuant to which all Mineral Resources Decree of 1974 (PD 463)
land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas lands of the public domain belong to the state
and other natural resources. and that the state is the source of any ● SECTION 4:MINERALS EXCLUDED FROM
OTHER RIGHTS TO LANDS: the ownership or the right
asserted right to ownership in land and to use public or private lands whether exposed or submerged, for
All mineral resources in public and private charged with the conservation of such agricultural, logging, industrial, commercial, residential, petroleum
lands within the territory and exclusive patrimony. All lands not appearing to be exploration and/or exploitation or purposes or any other than
mining does not include the ownership of, nor the right to develop,
economic zone of the Republic of the clearly of private dominion presumptively exploit or utilize, the mineral deposists found in, on or under the
Philippines are owned by the State to promote belong to the state. Thus, if a person is the surface of such lands, except with respect to quarry resources as
their rational exploration, development, owner of agricultural land in which minerals are provided for this Decree.
utilization and conservation through the discovered, his ownership of such land does not ● SECTION 5 MINERAL DEPOSITS OPEN TO LOCATION
give him the right to extract or utilize said AND LEASE: Subject to any existing rights or reservations, all
combined efforts of government and the private valuable mineral deposits in public land including timber or forest
sector in order to enhance national growth in a minerals without the permission of the state to land as defined in the Forestry Reform Code (PD 389) or in private
way that effectively safeguards the environment which such minerals belong. Once minerals are land not closed to mining location, and the land which they are
discovered in the land, whatever the use to found shall be free and open to prospecting, occupation, location
and protect the rights of affected communities. and lease.
which it is being devoted at the time, such use
Mineral production is a major support of the may be discontinued by the state to enable it to Section 5 of RA 7942 on mineral reservations
national economy and therefore the intensified extract the minerals therein in the exercise of its provides that “mining operations existing in
discovery, exploration, development and wise sovereign prerogative. The land is thus mineral reservations and such other
utilization of the country’s mineral resources are converted to mineral land and may not be reservations as may thereafter be
urgently needed for national development. used by any private party including the established shall be undertaken by the
registered owner thereof for any other department or through a contractor.”
OWNERSHIP OF MINERAL RESOURCES purpose that will impede the mining said provision grants the President the power to
Section 2 Article 12 of the Constitution: “All operations to be undertaken therein. The proclaim a mineral land as a mineral
lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, regalian doctrine then extends not only to land
reservation regardless of whether such land The options open to the state are through
is also an existing forest reservation. direct undertaking or by entering into co-
production, joint venture or production
The constitutional policy of the state’s full sharing agreements or by entering into
control and supervision over natural resources agreement with foreign-owned
proceeds from the concept of jura regalia, as well corporations for large-scale exploration,
as the recognition of the importance of country’s development and utilization.
natural resources not only for economic
development but also for its security and national ii. The old system of exploration,
defense. Under this provision, the state assumes a development and utilization of natural
more dynamic role in the exploration, resources through licenses, concessions
development and utilization of natural resources. or leases has been omitted under the
1987 constitution
The nationalization of the natural resources With the shift of constitutional policy toward
which characterizes the 1935, 1973 and the full control and supervision of the state over
present constitution is intended to natural resources, the court in Miners
(1) insure their conservation for filipino posterity, Association of the Phils. v. Factoran
(2) serve as an instrument of national defense, declared the provisions of PD 463 as
helping prevent the extention to the country of contrary to or violative of the express
foreign control through peaceful economic mandate of the 1987 Constitution. The
penetration and said provisions dealt with the lease of
(3) to avoid making the philippines as a source of mining claims; quarry permits or licenses
international conflicts with the consequent danger covering privately-owned or public lands
to its internal security and independence. and other related provisions on lease,
licenses and permits.
i. Full control and supervision by the
state in the exploration, development Section 2 of Article 12 of the 1987
and utilization of the country’s natural Constitution does not apply retroactively to a
resources “license, concession or lease” granted by the
The adoption of the concept of jura regalia government under the 1973 Constitutionn or
that all natural resources are owned by the before the effectivity of the 1987
state as well as the recognition of the Constitution on February 2, 1987. As noted
importance of the country’s natural resources in Miners Assoc. Of the Philippines, the
not only for national economic development deliberations of the Constitutional
but also for its security and national defense, Commission emphasized the intent to
ushered in the adoption of the constitutional apply the said constitutional provision
policy of full control and supervision by the prospectively.
state in the exploration, development and
utilization of the country’s natural resources.

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