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Chemistry Chemistry is the study of the composition and structure of matter and the
changes it undergoes. In this sophomore level course we will explore the
history and nature of chemistry through course and laboratory work. For a
complete list of covered topics refer to the course outline.


The faculty expects from its students a high level of
responsibility and academic honesty. It is imperative that
students demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in
his or her scholastic work.

Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

→ Copying
→ Turning in another students assignment as your own
→ Taking pictures of your or other students work for
the purpose of copying or sharing.
→ Using notes or reference material when told not to
→ Looking up answers online during online testing

To plagiarize is defined as taking ideas and writings of
another and passing them off as one’s own. Students
caught plagiarizing will be given a zero for the assignment.

Class time is extremely important to your success in
physics. Each student will have 4 hall passes a Sometimes things happen (school or home conflicts) and you
quarter with 4 emergencies passes to use may need an extra day. It Happens! If you need an
throughout the year. Your hall pass sheet will be extension, send me a remind message and we can discuss a
glued into your notebook and you will need it every possible extension.
time you leave the room. NOTE: This needs to be done in a timely manner. No
You can turn in unused passes for extra credit at the extensions will be given 5 minutes before class or when work
end of each quarter. is due. Use this lifeline wisely as it will not be given frequently.

Student Information Card 2019-2020 After reviewing the syllabus

and fully completing this
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________ document card with your
parents/legal guardians,
Chemistry Class Period: ____________ Student’s ID: ______________________ please return to your
Student’s Extra Curricular Activities/Sport: ________________________________ instructor. It is the
responsibility to update the
Parent/Legal Guardian’s name: _____________________________________________ teacher with any changes on
the information below. This is
Parent/Legal Guardian’s signature: _________________________________________ to ensure that the instructor
Home Phone #: _______________________________________ properly informs and
communicates with the parent
Cell #: ________________________________________________ regarding student’s
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________ performance in class.
Austin High School 2019 – 2020
Ms. Lizette Gutierrez

£ Ream of white Paper
(915) 587-2500 ext. 14241 Afternoon Mon-Thru
3:55 – 4:30
£ Bottle of glue *Morning by £ Scissors
appointments only*
@austingut301 £ Box of tissue


1. Be on time and in your assigned seat.
2. Be prepared for class (Bring all required
materials and assignments)
3. Be respectful towards your teachers, your
Expectations classroom, your classmates (visitors), and
4. Follow directions the first time they are
5. Follow all Laboratory, Austin High School,
and EPISD policies and requirements.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Student-Teacher Conference Consequences
3. Parent-Teacher Contact
4. Student Disciplinary Referral

Severe or threatening behavior, as listed in the Bowie High School ABSENT / MAKE UP WORK
Code of Conduct, will require an immediate referral to the assistant
principal’s office. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility
to find out what assignment(s) you
missed. Ask the teacher, check online, or
ask another student!
Remind provides a safe way for teachers to text You will have ONE CALENDAR WEEK
message students and stay in touch with from the date absent to turn in
parents. Students will be alerted to upcoming assignments for full credit. After that
test, quizzes, due dates, and other class week the highest grade possible is a 70%.
information. Student will be HIGHLY
encouraged to register for remind.
Any assignment you were absent for will
Sign up on remind by texting your class code (shown below) to be entered as a ZERO in the grade book
the number 81010. You will receive a welcome text! until submitted.

All make up work MUST submitted
to the teacher one week prior to the
end of the grading period.

Students are required to bring EPISD issued
laptop to class daily. A large amount of class
materials will be available online.

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