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The pyramid of Amphionos is probably the most subversive modern

archaeological discovery!With its discovery, a world is forgotten, a culture
that puts pyramid theory on a new basis, thus leading the Greeks to claim another
important first. The wonderful world of Greek history confirms its greatness again!

The literature on pyramids and pyramid buildings in Greece has been expanding in
recent years along with the monuments that are re-discovered or researched,
historically, morphologically and functionally. In particular, the pyramid
monuments of Argolida, which we will talk about below, were considered to have
been a frycotory (fire-blasting buildings to transmit a message away) or areas of
soldierism, and their timing was, in principle, with exogenous historical criteria, that
is to say, the arbitrary condition (note that pyramids and pyramid buildings in the
Greek space were unthinkable before the campaign of Alexander the Great in Egypt,
the cradle of pyramid constructions!



The morphological and chronological issues of the pyramids of the Hellenic area
were raised on a new basis by the research of the monumental site of Amphiou at
Thebes of Boeotia. In particular, excavation research has shown that the hill to
which, according to the legend, the Byzantine Dioceses, Zithos and Amphion, had
been buried, it had been educated in a step pyramid monument!

For the topography and naming of this hill there were valid and safe records of
ancient tradition. The tragic poets of Athens of the 5th and 4th centuries BC, who
drew their dramaturgy themes from the so-called Thebanic Circle, that is, from the
tragic fortunes of the Labadakis House, necessarily inscribed signs of the natural
and monumental environment of Thebes , in which the heroes of their tragedies

First, Aeschylus, in his dramatic masterpiece Seven on Thebes, left us a brilliant

description and reference to the natural landmarks of the Theban Acropolis -
Cadmedia - and the gates of her wall. In front of these walls were the seven captains
of the Peloponnesian campaign against Thebes, in order to install the defeated
Polyneiki on the throne of Labadakides.




Our age is undoubtedly the era when Middle Eastern centuries tease and impose
their influences and their parameters in many areas and the obvious and the absent
everyday life.

But in today's Thebes, exactly where ancient Tradition and all the written
testimonies placed it, it was thirty years ago by archaeologist Theodoros
Spyropoulos, a discovery of a world-wide significance that remains unknown and
crowded, although it can change everything the historical - and not only - historical
data to date: The ancient tomb of the Dioskouros, Zithos and Amphionus, found
according to all sources, was buried together!

But why is this discovery so important?

Not only because the visitor can now touch the very monument where two heroes of
Greek mythology were buried! That is to say, these heroes actually lived and with
them happened some other events that some of us have been accustomed to
considering as events of a foggy time, in which we place persons in situations that
are virtually non-existent or very symbolic!

But beyond that shocking confirmation there is something more, even more
shocking: The tomb in which the hero's tomb was found is the last section - the
summit - of a huge pyramid, which is the entire present hill Amph! And this hill
runs through endless - and unexplored - underground arcades of five meters tall in
the rock!

Perhaps, however, the most shocking thing is that this Great Greek Pyramid can be
safely dated around 2700 BC! Which means that it is clearly more ancient than the
Great Pyramid of Cheops, but also from the Egyptian pyramid, the one of Joser!

In short, the pyramidal shape is a Greek invention and from here it was "exported"
to Egypt and to the rest of the world! Of course the issue has even bigger
implications, since this pyramidal scheme itself presupposes and means pre-existing
religious, political, social and other similar structures!

So we understand how many things are thwarted by the splendid discovery of Th.
Spyropoulos ... Greek Mythology becomes, with evidence and findings, Greek
History and even one and a half millennium older than anybody wants to show
it! Now, when he thinks of the way another pyramid Greek construction is officially
dated, the famous Pyramid of Hellinikos: It must, it says, be constructed after the
time of Alexander the Great, since only the Greeks came into contact with Egypt to
copy pyramid shape! And this is called science ...

At the same time, however, we also understand why the archaeological significant
archaeological revelation of the Amphiou remains totally silent and left to
indifference and ignorance (at the same time that M. Bernal's theories are
overprotected ...) to the point where today a place that can bring up and down world
history to be almost a garbage dump ...


This is not the case here to develop the thorny problem of monumental theobathic
topography with regard to the antiquity of the and the seven gates of which
belonged to the seven leaders of the famous campaign, which is considered to have
taken place before the Trojans.
Whether Aeschylus refers to the original gates of the cyclopean wall of the
Acropolis or to the gates of the walled city wall of historical times is an issue that
goes beyond the scope of the present issue. This is an issue that has been
exhaustively developed in studies by prominent researchers of the theban
monumental topography, such as Fabricius, Willamowitz and especially Antonios
Keramopoulos. The latter, in the monumental Thebanic textbook, in Archaeological
Bulletin 3 (1917), has developed all the relevant issues, without - I am afraid - to
always come to secure identities.

As far as the topographical position of Amphiou is concerned, all scholars and

researchers of the Thebes agree that it is the hill that lies to the north of Cademia,
from which it separates a deeper, initially - since in this position there is no other
natural sign-landmark, which corresponds to the reports of the Tragic. In particular,
Aeschylus writes (Seven on Thebes, 526): "In the fifth, I say / fifth prophesied
northern gate / tambourine against him the dyke Amphionus."

The Aeschylus' 'Northern Archs' can only be placed elsewhere, except at the
northern end of the oval Cademia, which narrows to the end. However, from these
gates there is a natural and monumental landmark: The hill and the tomb of
Diogenes Amphionus, which bears the name Amphion. Everywhere around this
landmark lies the fertile plain of Thebes, the Ionian Pedion.

Aeschylus also records the hill and burial monument of the Thebans of Dioscuri, as
a meteor - that is, a high landmark - and in the tragedy of Iketides, 662, when he
writes: "Vehicle 5 (vehicles) "Evtimidou Finissei, 145). With this particular verse,
the hill and the hill, on the top of the temple of Zethus, which the Parthenopaios
circumnavigated to be placed before the gates of Cademia, the so-called Northwest
or Oggyi Pyles, which in the works of all the Tracts are connected with the hill of

So he discovered the natural hill in the early 20th century. Antonios Keramopoulos,
thus affirming the testimony of Pausanias 9: 17,4: "I am also Amphion in the
common earth, earth is fine me". In this way, the traveler of the 2nd c. A.D. on the
one hand, rescued the tradition that the Theban Dioceses were buried in a common
monument; on the other hand, he described as the eyewitness the Tomb of the
common monument as "Earth earth of mega".

Despite the fact that Keramopoulos confirmed his tiny height at the top of the hill
(about 3 meters above the hill, about 35 meters high), he did not find the common
tomb of the Dioscours, which we revealed with our systematic research in the 1970-
1973 period!
Thus, the "mythological" tradition of an important and seminal monument of the
prehistoric culture of Greece proved to be accurate! But our research did not stop
here. The Tomb, which covered the common tomb of Zithos and Amphionus,
proved that it was not a simple soil, but a piece of a cone-shaped cone with bricks,
the northern part of which had become the great, obviously common-gravest tomb
of the two heroes. A monumental burial site with a huge cover plate and a double
door on its northern narrow side!
In the sepulchral tomb were found distorted skeletal remains and three golden
kerophopy jewels of 0,033 m (33 millimeters) in height, with a double antithesis at
the base of the anthers and a stem that ended in a suspension loop. Of course, there
were many more members, one or probably two necklaces, which showed the king's
and the priestly office of the two princes. (Similarly, the flowers of the crib-papyrus,
which are also brought by the prince of the "Achaean" Knossos in the famous wall
of the Princess with the lilies, which, according to the general assumption, bear its
hieroglyphic position ...)

The gold jewelery, the most beautiful of the Greek space and the findings of the
tomb (saltyera, schofos) date the construction of the tomb and the Tomb that covers
it during the Early Helladic II years, that is, in the period 2700-2400 BC!
Despite the objections and attempts by various scholars to bring down the
chronology of gold jewels and the Tomb in the next Middle Helladic Period (2000-
1700 BC), our dating is generally accepted and is the starting point for dating and
the spatial movement of the shape of the tumulus in the Greek and European space!
In short, the hegemonic epitaph Tomb of the Amphiou is not a specimen and
development of the well-known Kurgan Tomb-like Tomb, found in Central Europe,
the Eurasian Zone and the Southern Balkans (Albania). The Kurgan tumuli are
burial monuments and their funerals differ from those of Amphiou and the other
tombs of the Greek area, where burial piths, bronze objects and ceramics are
typically Greek-Mediterranean and not "European". This negates the attempt to
connect the Greek tumuli with the bodies of the Kurgan tumulus and the supposed
Indo-Europeans who then, for the first time (PER / WP III period, 2200-2000 BC)
enter the Greek territory ... However, neither the archaeological,

Tomb is a Native Patriotic Shape and a Sign that evolves from the small types of the
Neolithic Age and takes on monumental dimensions and monumental form from the
Middle Bronze Age, analogous to that of the ruler-dead. The latter is immortalized
in the memory of the nation and with the epitaph on a gemstone, which Homer
characterizes as "Smyma", compatible with the nature of the Tomb as
commemorating the glory of the deceased ruler.

But our research did not stop there. The Tomb at the top of the hill was at the end of
a section of the hill, which had a frusto-conical shape (cone with two flat surfaces,
up and down) and about 4 m high from one surface to the other.

At the base of this part of the hill there was clearly a perimeter zone, a Peridromos,
which Keramopoulos attempted to interpret. Of course, he himself - rightly so! -
considered it artificial and not natural.

He assumed, therefore, that this Peridrom was a "ritual ritual". Such rituals imply
the oracle of Vakis, a man from Arkadia of the Archaic years. According to this
ordinance, the Thebans had to guard the burial monument from the inhabitants of
Tithorea, who, when the Sun was in the star of Taurus (May), tried to obliterate soil
from Amphion and carry it to their home country. This soil was transported to the
monk of the seah, who was the wife of Antiope, the mother of Lioskuron of Thiva.
Pausanias used the verb "swiftness" to describe the energy of the inhabitants of
Tithoreas: "Thou shalt come from this land Tothrean, the one with Fokidi, having."
Keramopoulos was concerned about the factual significance of the term and
wondered whether it was about the interior configuration of the hill. Nevertheless,
he made the mistake of classifying as some Byzantine aqueducts some of the
tunnels of the hill, which appeared when the passage of Athens-Lamia crossed the
road ...

• Finally, we proved in our research that his "hugging" Pausanias attributed one of
the two parameters of the pyramid of Amphiou, namely its internal tunnels!

• The other parameter is the gradual shaping of the hill with such a carving to take
the three-dimensional shape, at the top of which was built the Tombs and the
common tomb of Zeus and Amphionus, which gave its name on the hill, Amphion
"or" Amphion ". (see Xenophon Greek, 5:48: "and the people of Amphonus set up
the weapons," Arrianus 1: 8,6,7 and Plutarch On Demetrius Iocratus, 4: "And you
called Archbishop Theocriton and the Lysanoridas toulagai itself is singing a lot of
time in the mourning of the small street under Amphion ").

The discovery of the pyramidal shape of the hill began from the observation that a
few meters lower than Peridromos, at the base of the upper cone of the hill, there
was a second similar runway / wanderer, which had been hidden by thick plots,
shrubs that made him obscure. The cover of this road revealed another truncated
cone, while, during our excavation, the beginning of another third appeared. The
latter, however, is essentially listed, apart from its eastern side, where there was the
Chrysorroa bed. Further east, there was the Agora of the city of historians, but not
of Roman times, the finishing of which was defined by the ancient theater.

The cones of the hill were measured as follows (implied


* the Tomb 2.20 m.

* The first cone is 4,40 m.
* The second cone 8,80
* The third cone 17,60 m.


Amphiou has a sandstone composition and it is relatively easy to carve but its
surface weathering. However, this does not apply to its interior, where the tunnels
have been preserved to a depth of more than 20 m. The main access to the interior
of the hill is made by a vertical shaft, about one meter in diameter, which was
revealed in the perimeter of the brick tomb, as the great tomb of the hill. A second
well on the western slope, slightly sloping, served the ventilation and lighting of the
interior, as is the case in the underground Egyptian monuments.
The tunnels inside Amphiou are elaborate and elaborate. From the central shaft, we
head east to a trefoil-shaped recess of the rock, to the west, to a scaled ladder that
lowers the level of the tunnels. These tunnels run through the entire hillside in
straight sections, which at right angles form a meandered grill all over the
hillside! The height of the tunnels is 5 meters and the width is 1.80 meters, while
the roof is sunny!

At irregular intervals, on the side of the rock, two niches with a height of 2.5 m, on
the top, the largest of which has been closed by pieces of rock, have been opened on
both sides.
Our hillside journey was an exciting transfer to the world of legend. The twenty-
foot deep of the perpendicular shaft brought us daily with a skid steer in the
amphitheater of Amphiou and in its elaborate tunnels, which we strolled with a
guard and awe, tied in ropes so that we would not be lost in our unexplored

The scientific search was centered on human curiosity, the admiration for our
astonishing constructions and our emotion, which was as deep as the depths of the
wells and tunnels that brought us to the mysterious world of the Dead, trying to find
their eternal dwellings !

But unfortunately they did not leave us! We did not even get through all the
underground tunnels, design them and photograph them ...

However, our experience, albeit short, is always shocking and magical • the
amphora of the Amphiou is the most magnificent underground monument in Greece
must be researched and given to the public! And this is very easy from the sideways
exits of his tunnels, which are next to the current streets! The legendary and the
magical have taken their monumental affairs inside Amphiou and the cover of its
underground tombs is the vindication of our Tradition and our own - unfortunate -
attempts and investigations.



HELLENIC AREA For the rest of the pyramids of the Hellenic
space the indications are unsustainable. In the remarkable book of writer and
researcher Christos Lazos, Pyramids in Greece, Aeolos publications, seven

pyramids are recorded: 1. Pyramid of Ellinikos2. Pyramid of

Liguria 3. Pyramid of Dalaamaras in Argolida 4. The
pyramid of the Campia, in the New Epidaurus of
Argolida 5. The Pyramid of Sikyon 6. The Pyramid of
Neapolis in Laconia (Viglafia) 7. The Pyramid of Amphiou
in Thebes
The author briefly describes the distress of most of these monuments in his article
"We Have Pyramids in Greece!" In Focus magazine, vol 35, January 2003, p. 98:
"The pyramid of Elliniko is the best preserved, in style masonry of about nine
blocks (6-7 meters).

It is flat in Ligourio, from which very few specimens are preserved, especially
towards the downhill. The pyramid of the Campia survives on very few ruins,
mainly the front side with its entrance and its pyramidal corner. The pyramids of the
Dahlmanaras, Sikyon and Vyglafia were completely destroyed, except that only the
trench surrounding it survived. Finally, the stepped pyramid of Amphiou, in Thebes,
has undergone so many interventions and disasters that it is difficult to discern its
form. "

In the latter case, the writer apparently refers to the installation of a scout system on
the pyramid with the permission of the State, although the tomb of the Thebans of
Dioscuri and the gradual formation of the hill had already been discovered.
On the other hand, the hill in the meantime became a grove and was planted with
pines, the roots of which cause damage to the surface of the monument. Between
the pine trees, the excavator cleared a narrow zone to discover the gradual
formation of the hill in a pyramid monument. They can be seen from the bottom to
the top, steps 1,2,3 and the two intermediate partitions, while at the top of the hill
there is a view of the tomb with the common tomb of Zeth and Amphion.

Gradient form has so far only the pyramid of Amphiou, while the rest seem to
belong to the type of normal quadrilateral pyramid, with smooth surfaces and
construction made of frames, diligent or rudimentary carving. The pyramid of
Ellinikos has among its large structures and smaller stones, a technique known in
the prehistoric buildings of Greece, not only in the Cyclopean walls, but also in
older buildings and structures such as the Early Helladic "dikes" of Katoida.

U Irich Karstedt in his study (Per Kopaissee im Altertum und die «i minyschen»
Kanale, Arch. Anzeiger, 1937, p. 1 et seq.) Had pointed out that the masonry of
prehistoric structures is no presumption of accurate dating. Other researchers have
emphasized that, from the ancient walls, those who stand out for their construction
specificity are the walls of the buildings (mainly naïve) of the geometric years,
which are distinguished by their "micelithic" structure
(steinekeinigkeit). Consequently, the dating of the pyramids with only their
construction criterion is risky and in vain.

Only excavation research and the application of modern dating methods can set the
chronological horizon of construction of these peculiar monuments, preserving the
expectation that they will increase in numerical terms with the progress of the
research. However, despite the possible survival of an original scheme, it is clear
that the pyramids of Greece (but also of Egypt) express the culture and practice of
an era, a cultural cycle that "discovered" them, built them and used them for his
own needs and his own bio-theory or worldview, a fact essential for their
interpretation and dating. The end-use and shipping of most are almost obvious. For
Pausanias, the fire of Elliniko was burial polyhedron.

As Chr. Lazos (as above, p. 98): "Pausanias called the pyramids of polyandria (of
Hellenic and the Dalamanaras), meaning the burial monuments of many individuals,
not one. The Polyandrias however were small forts that housed a limited number of
soldiers. Arvanitopoulos argues that the Greek was a tomb and that under the hill
there is the possibility of the grave of an influential person. For Lordand, Wiegand,
Fracchia, the Lord of Wiegand, Fracchia, think of the pyramids as Greek fortresses,
the latter believe that they were defensive towers of some farmhouses, while Leake,
Ross and Vischermi Clark agree with Pausanias that they were burial
monuments. However, no bones were found in the pyramids ... Probably or
probably possible is the view that the buildings, light-retransmitting stations with
the torch method, supported by Cirtius, Donaldson, Chounta and Manatt. Finally,
the Academy of Athens team supports the very promised view that they were likely
to be astronomical observatories).

Obviously this is a complete confusion! Chr. Lazos writes that the pyramid at
Viglafia of Laconia "had become an obsession for me and I tried to spot it ten
times. I finally found it in 1995. All that is saved from it is the trench surrounding it.
" However, no one explained to us what serves a ditch around a pyramid, for which
Lazos proposes a "different architecture" and points out: "It is situated on a
rectangular base, surrounded by a wide trench and its structures must have been
rectangular, as we see on the various stones that come from it and have been used in
the surrounding pens "(as above, p. 98).
Pausanias, as it is known, considered this pyramid a tomb of the Kinados, the
master of Menelaus. For the wide trench that surrounds the Viglaf Pyramid and the
possible restoration of its original form we will write a special study. It is obvious,
of course, that each monument requires its own research and interpretation and of
course its exact dating.

This will only prove their possible time, the possible survival of the scheme and its
original destination, or the integration of all into a cultural and, in turn,
chronological horizon, which for us is the most likely version. We consider such a
horizon, the early and middle era of the Halok, the period of the Minoan civilization
of Greece, the millennium of the flowering of the Minyans' culture in Greece and
beyond (2700-1700 BC). This state, this culture has, for us, invented and promoted
the pyramid scheme not only in the Greek but also in the wider space.

But what is the purpose, what is the starting point and the function of these
buildings? Amphion was a clearly burial monument. On the top of it was the tomb
of the princes, the Dioskouros of Thebes, Zithos and Amphionus. This tomb was
probably also a center of worship of the heroes, the founders of the city of
Thebes. In the uncharted, sadly, other tombs are presumably presumed to be inside
the hill. There is also the mention of Pausanias about the attempts of the tombstone
in the hill ("houfreshta"), and the burial of the hill-monument, as well as the flames
of the Nivides despite the hill.

Therefore, the hill and the pyramid functioned as burial grounds not only for the
rulers of the Dioscuri of Thiva, but also for their families, which functioned as a
"polyandrion" and at the same time as a site of hero-loving until the late years of
antiquity! In this respect, the pyramidal shape was not only a utilitarian one that
prioritized the graves in the demigod of the Dead, but also expressed the sanctity of
the eternal residence of the Hegemons, Heroes.

The Pyramid of Amphiou, stepped outwardly and excavated internally, is the most
important, after Lacedaimon, of our Minoan civilization.
Unfortunately, this elaborate grid was not investigated, because the signatory of the
excavator was moved from its seat in the year 1973 ... We
once again emphasize the monumental structure, the complicated tunnel route, the
excellent preservation of the carvings ... Of course, the interior of Amphiou served a
monophysical economy and practice, reinforced by its similarity to the Egyptian
burial monuments of the Ancient and Middle Kingdom, which also include tunnels,
staircases and niches, as in the Amphiou. The elaborate route of the tunnels is
correctly interpreted as a trick of deceitful robbery!
This grid of tunnels in the interior of Amphiou, which was certainly known in
antiquity, commented - unknowingly, probably - Pausanias, with the observation
that "the earth is tortured by Thorerean in Fokidi having, obviously, hinting at the
temple inside the monument.
Although the research of Amphiou remained intact and the shaft was closed with
cement (!) After the removal of the signatory excavator, the findings and the
elements of his research were enough to substantiate his interpretation as a grave
step of the monument of the Early Bronze Age (2600-2400 BC, the oldest of the


The Amphiom, therefore, necessitated us with a major concern: Was there indeed
another important civilization in Greece before the Mycenaean civilization and, if
so, what was its starting point, its duration and its characteristics? Amphiou's
research led his excavator to rethink the dating of the colossal drainage of Copais,
which Tradition had connected with the Mines of the Boeotian
Orchomenos. Orchomenos refers to Homer already as Minnieus, while Pindaros
later recalled his connection with the Minyans in the phrase: "Paleophone Minyan
The excavations that I carried out both at the embankments of the drainage canals of
the seabed basin and within the "big sink", that is, the main abduction of the water
of the Copais lake to Larymna via an artificial 2.5 km long tunnel, with Professor S.
Lauffer of the University of Munich, assured that the huge drainage project had
been completed and operated in the middle of the third millennium BC.
This was another indication that, before the Mycenaean era, the Greek area
experienced a high technological culture, which in turn required a similar
administrative organization. But these elements were very disturbing to those
scholars who promoted the theory that the Mycenaeans founded the most ancient
civilization in Greece and treated them with caution or contemptuous indifference
but without being able to cancel them since they rely on archaeological data!
Buildings of a "palatial" character of the Early Bronze Age, that is, the third
millennium BC, were revealed in Greece, in Thebes (arched building) in Lerna (the
house of Keramon), in Akvivitika, Messinia ... Lastly, the "seat" of Amphiou was
revealed in Thebes, a palatial building and a relic of Kamedia, as well as a large
brick-brick "brick". All of the above dates back to the Early Helladic period, so it is
a modern site of the pyramid of Amphiou. The conclusion is self-evident: Greece
experienced before the Mycenaean naïve and an equally thriving and, I believe,
more impetuous civilization, the duration of which covered the third and the
beginning of the second millennium BC, essentially a whole millennium 2700 to
1700 BC)!
This culture also had administrative palace organization and monumental burial
architecture and high technology, hydraulic and not only! Particularly glorious,
during this period the metallurgical technology was, as our own excavations in
Agiorgitika and the Strait of Tegea showed, two spaces that currently represent the
most important and ancient metallurgy, not only in Greek but also in all the
Mediterranean and European space!
We characterized this civilization as "Minoan" and during the period of its
development "Minoan period" of the prehistoric culture of Greece, covering the
millennium 2700-1700 BC. During the millennium this includes the so-called Early
Helladic Age (2700 to 2100 BC) and the first two divisions of the so-called Middle
Helladic period (ME I and ME II), since its third grade, ME III, archaeological and
"historical", but it is or rather is the crossroads of two cultural circles: Minoan and
Mycenaean civilization.
It is now worth exploring and studying the Minoan civilization of the millennium
2700-1700 BC, as a self-sustaining high cultural circle, in all its aspects and aspects.

Next, we will distinguish it from the long Neolithic civilization of Greece (7000 to
3000 BC) and from the following, the Mycenaean civilization (1700/1600 to 1100
BC), with the end of which also coincided with the end of the so-called prehistory
of the Greek space. Because the Minoan civilization of Greece emerges as the
model upon which our Mycenaean civilization was founded in terms of political
organization, monumental burial architecture, technology, worship, and literary

creation, as we will develop in our other studies. THE

The dating of the pyramid of Amphiou in the third millennium BC has raised many
questions, although scholars have not recorded the starting point of the new
reflection that arose after our announcements and publications ... The research
turned to the dating of the well-known pyramid at Ellinikos of Argolis, which was
considered Hellenistic, according to the dating proposed by the American
archaeologist Lord (Hesperia 1938,481-527).

The new chronology was based on a new excavation exploration of the monument
and the application of the method of thermal lightening. The researchers of the
monument, Professors Theoharis and Lyritzis, assured that the pyramid of Hellenic
dates back to the early third millennium BC. This research has ensured the ancient
chronological horizon of the pyramids of the Hellenic space, as the excavation and
the study of the pyramid of Amphiou Thebes had shown. Therefore, the pyramids of
Greece - at least two of the most important, both the stepped and the quadrilateral -
are not constructions of Hellenistic, but of Proto-Helladic times! They were not
works of the third century but of the third millennium BC!

These discoveries and findings have reversed all of our established weather, but
they were compatible with ancient tradition, which we usually call "mythological",
simplistic and generalizing. The "mythology" of these two monuments was rescued
by Pausanias' very later "pagan literature". The Pyramid and the Tomb of Amphiou,
the tradition of Thebes, which survived until Pausanias, connected it with the
common tomb of the Thebans of Dioscuri, who in Homer are mentioned as the first
to build a wall in the Cadmium (Odyssey, λ 260).

"The first Thibishites built a heptapyloi

tower, while I was thirsty, for we were
found to be a spacious Thine, I stood for you"

Recently a relic was discovered in the Cademes near the Amphiou, and was dated to
Early Helladic times, that is to say, at the same time as the formation of the
Amphiou in a stepped pyramid!
And it was not only that wall, which refers to the Odyssey as the antiquity of
Kamedia, but also an additional, palatial, contemporary and adjacent to the wall
building, a real citadel house, as announced by archaeologists of the Ephorate of
Antiquities Thebes at a recent conference organized by the competent Ephorate in

Both Pausanias and Keramopoulos did not realize the formation of the Amphiou hill
on a stepped pyramid, but the first one left a verbal commentary and a reference to
attempts of tumulus with his remark, "to adhere to the earth from this earth They
tortured her in Fok'id'i. " Keramopoulos, with his education and his insight,
wondered: "That" stuffing "can not be otherwise understood or intended as the
whole base of the tumulus, that is, the natural hill ... Pausanias or does not say
neither the inner nature of the hill, nor the whole of it that is faithful "(Archbishop
of Delhi 3,1917, pp. 387-8).

The Amphiou, with its research, opened a new reflection on the use, mission and
dating of the pyramid buildings of the Hellenic space, as well as the research of the
hydraulic works, which we first dated in the third millennium BC. and we
considered them works of the Minoan civilization of Greece. It is now certain that
the progress of the research will constantly emerge from this culture, the golden
millennium of our prehistoric past, and will give it all the conquests and
achievements that Mycenaean civilization has developed. This is what will be the
new brilliant chapter of Archeology and Science ...
The pyramid of Amphiou emerged as a monumental burial structure, which required
a similar and modern administrative organization, an administrative system that
created a monumental burial architecture before the middle of the 3rd millennium
BC. This undermined the established theory that in Greece there were no
monumental burial structures and monumental administrative-palatial buildings
before the Mycenaean Times (1550-1200 BC).

The bodies of the Mycenaean civilization were - and are still considered - the
descendants of the Indo-Europeans, who - supposedly - entered the Greek area at
the end of the 3rd millennium BC, without, of course, archaeological or linguistic
support for the relevant theory. Besides, the Kurgan mounds did not solve the
problem, because the Greek tumuli are evolving independently and are not offered
as a presumption of racial movement from the European or Eurasian space to


FACTORS However, with regard to the morphogenesis of the pyramid
constructions and their spatial disposition, things are competing and exciting. Who
"discovered" the shape of the pyramid? The alleged "cradle" of Egypt, or Minoan
Greece? OR
the great antiquity of the Greek pyramids would be endless as an isolated
phenomenon and product if it could not be matched by its modern multi-faceted
cultural infrastructure and state organization, expressed elsewhere here with high-
tech products.

Without the existence of a Minoan state and Minoan civilization, the Greek
pyramids would have been curiosities and would move from the prehistoric to the
Hellenistic times, sometimes with research evidence, sometimes appreciated. It is,
however, a gag, works and monuments of a particular culture and of a certain
duration, and this determines indirectly but impulsively the dating of the Greek
pyramids, creations of the Greek Minor Culture of the Golden Millennium (2700-
1700 BC)!

The Egyptian pyramids are the many, but now, not the oldest! The Greek pyramids
are numbered, but this is probably symptomatic (subject to the 'chance of
discovery'), but they are already claiming not just the same, but more ancient than
the oldest Egyptian dates back to 2700/2600 BC .

However, the pyramid archetype is determined not only by the culture that produced
them, but also by their mission and use. Pyramids are not only funerary monuments,
which are mainly Egyptian pyramids. Modern research has attributed another
character and use to the great pyramid of Heopos, which it investigates as an
astronomical station or laboratory, with convincing arguments! It gives it an
accurate coating and "beneficial" effect on the maintenance of organic substances
covered by its "shell"!

On the other hand, the rest, to the best of my knowledge, the "classical" stepped
pyramid of Joser (about 2600 BC) had a burial place, as their multi-story
underground or adjacent burial and worship facilities, respectively. These facilities
were intended to deceive the tombstones and serve the multitude of worshiping
customs and practices developed in a main feature of the Egyptian priestly and
everyday hierarchy.
The pyramids of Amphiou and Ellinikon of Argolis, as shown by the findings and
the internal tunnels of Amphiou, as well as the tradition that wanted both pyramids
to have hosted tombs of famous heroes of the two regions ( Zodiac and Birds,
Pronto and Accrisios, respectively).

By Theodoros Spyropoulos in an older "Third Eye" magazine.

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