What Temperament Are in You When You Are Child, What Kind of Parentally Style Your Parent Have?

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Mark Jhon Paul Ragonton

Mechanical Engineering

What temperament are in you when you are child, what kind of parentally style your parent

As I reminisce during my childhood years, my mom always told me to behave and act
properly, because I cannot manage to stay at one place. I always wanted to run every corner of
the mall, rooms, and even at church. Together with my parents, wherever we are at mall what I
do is to run as fast as I could, explore the surroundings, and my favourite part is to find a
playground. My temperament during my childhood years is Sanguine. Because I am an energetic
child that is why mom and dad address me as the “pinaka-kiat” child among the three of us. I am
fun to be with, happy-nurtured and optimistic. What I wanted when I was still a child is to have
fun, make friends, and whenever I enter a room, I can uplift’s everybody’s spirit. I am a
spontaneous child with natural charisma.
In my recent personality temperament test, I discovered that personality really do change as we
grow up. From a spontaneous natural charisma child, my result turned out into a perfectionist with
a sensitive and emotional nature named Melancholic. I experience variety of moods and even
sensitive to the world’s suffering and pain. I desire to solve everything and to take time and do it
right. In my college years I am more organized, precise and exacting.

As I grow up, I can say that during my childhood years my parents is strict in terms of
rules. Mom and dad raised me in an Authoritarian way. They control me and demands an
absolute obedience. I always follow what they say because I am afraid of any kinds of punishment.
But when I am already in my college years from authoritarian way, they changed their parenting
styles into Permissive. Mom and Dad let me to make decisions on my own. Because they know
that I am responsible enough to make choices in my life. There are no more rules that has been
set, and I can do what I want. But they always remind me that they still cares for me, they just
want that I will become an independent man. Because today I am a grown up man, making grown
up decisions.
Reflection about topic

Last November 10, 2018 (Saturday), the class tackled about the genetics, stages of
pregnancy, parentally stage, stage of sleep and kinds of dreams. But among all those different
topics, the topic that really caught my attention is the staged of pregnancy and the different
parenting styles.
The staged of pregnancy really catches my attention because I learned about how really women
had gone through just to give birth to their child. I owe my life to my mom for all the sacrifices she
encountered just to give me life, and letting me experienced the beauty of life. I also realized that
being pregnant is not an easy task. When the topic is going on, it pop upped into my mind that
when the right time comes and my wife will be pregnant, I will do everything to give her comfort
and love. I will take good care of her, and not to give her stressors. As long as I can provide I will
give everything that she needs enable for our child to become healthy and deliver it safely.
Another one is the parenting styles because I am amazed that there are really different ways in
raising a child. For me, when I become a father, I will fill in the lapses and the need to improve
ways on how my parents raised me. I also realized that there are no such thing as perfect ways
on how to raise a child. But it is about the bond between the parents and children. I will always
be thankful for my mom and dad for raising me and loving me. To have a good relationship
between parents and children is the greatest thing at all, that even big amount of money cannot
During the lessons I have learned lot of things, and I become more interested in the field of
Psychology. Even when I am a mechanical engineering student, I will always apply what I have
learned because Psychology is not just about oneself but it is beyond that. It enhances my
capability to think beyond the obvious,

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