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Method Statement

Instrumented Maintained Load Test on Piles

1.0 Introduction

Maintained Load Test ( MLT) is an accepted test method to determine the load carrying capacity
of a driven precast pile or a cast in-situ concrete pile to ensure that the pile is capable of carrying
the load it has been designed for. The test is required to provide the d load settlement
characteristics of the pile under the maintained vertical load applied and maintained for specified
length of time in accordance with the specified loading schedule. soil for the purposes of
foundation design. The test is conducted as per specifications a and guidelines indicated in the
relevant British Standard BS 1377 Part 9 .

The tests is termed an instrumented MLT when automatic recording instruments are used to
measure the applied load and the resulting settlement behavior of the pile throughout the loading
and unloading cycles of the test. Additional instrumentation by way of strain gauges attached to
the reinforcement cage at predetermined levels would provide valuable additional information of
the skin friction capacity provided by the soil and rock layers through which the pile is advanced.
The readings from these strain gauges are also recorded in addition to the conventional load and
displacement data collected during the test. The number of levels at which the strain gauges are
installed is determined by the engineer based on the geotechnical information. In general four
gauges are installed at each level.

More than one loading and unloading cycles may be carried out as specified by the engineer.

2.0 Test Equipment

The test equipment required for the test are :

• A hydraulic Jack of adequate capacity and the necessary manual or motor operated
hydraulic pump to apply the necessary load on the test pile.

• A hydraulic jack of adequate capacity to apply the required load with a pressure gauge
either calibrated to read the applied load directly or in pressure units.

• A calibrated load cell or proving ring of capacity exceeding the estimated maximum load
by a margin of 25%, with the necessary cabling and accessories and the software for the
load measured to be read off directly by a data logger. The cabling shall be of adequate
length ( Minimum 10 m ) so that the data logger can be installed well away form the area
of influence of the kentledge load and for safety of the operating personnel.

• A system of reference bars and digital dial gauges ( minimum 3) to monitor the
movement of the pile under the applied load. The reference bars shall be of adequate
rigidity so that there will be no significant bending of the bars when supported between
support columns or other devices. These support columns shall be installed well away for
the area of influence of the kentledge system so that the dial gauge readings are not
influenced by any possible settlement of the kentledge supports.
• A set of displacement transducers to be mounted on the reference bars and located on
the prepared top surface of the pile, in order to accurately measure the settlement of the
pile under the applied loads.
• A set of 28 strain gauges mounted at 7 levels attached the reinforcement cage with lead
cables brought to the top of the pile for attachment to the data logger. The length of the
cabling shall be adequate to bring them to the top of the pile and a minimum of 10 m
additional length to attach to the data logger palaced at a safe and convenient location.
• The necessary cabling and accessories and the software for the load measured to be read
off directly by a data logger. The cabling shall be of adequate length ( Minimum 10 m )
so that the data logger can be installed well away form the area of influence of the
kentledge load and for safety of the operating personnel.
• The data logging system to record the applied load and settlement of the pile under the
load, at predetermined time intervals. Amlogger for the strain gauge readings as the
loading of the pile proceeds. The loggers shall have the necessary software to down load
the logged data to a computer to manage the data as required and generate the final test
record and load settlement curves.

• An adequate kentledge arrangement of combined weight exceeding by a minimum of

20% , the estimated final load to be applied on the pile. The structural members used for
support of the load elements of the kentledge load shall be of adequate strength and
rigidity so as not to have any significant deflection under the maximum load applied.

• A suitable shelter to mount the data logging equipment and the operating personnel.

3.0 Test Method

3.1 Equipment Installation

The strain gauges will need to be attached to the reinforcement cage prior to lowering the cage in
to the bore. The gauges shall be located at each level of different stratigraphic formation or at the
intervals of not more than 3 meters. Unless instructed otherwise, the strain gauges shall be placed
at the interface between soil layers or at three meter intervals. The designated levels and layout
shall be approved by the engineer prior to attachment. A schematic arrangement of the strain
gauges is shown in the set up diagram.

The reinforcement cage with the attached strain gauges and lead cables is carefully lowered into
the bore, making sure that the cage is not allowed to deflect to an extent that would dislodge or
displace the mounted strain gauges. The testing expert personnel will work with the piling
contractor, to plan the hoisting and lifting of the reinforcement cage and placement in the bore.
The cabling shall be securely attached to the reinforcement cage and brought to the top of the
cage with the excess length coiled and securely placed so as not o be damaged during the
concreting process.

The loading is carried out on the pile top at a level determined by the engineer and prepared
well to provide a level and smooth loading surface to mount the hydraulic jack and the load cell.

A steel plate of thickness not less than 25 mm may be placed on top of the prepared pile to
provide a suitable level surface to mount the hydraulic jack. The load cell is mounted between
the top of the ram of the jack in the collapsed position and the surface at the bottom of the
prepared structural member of the kentledge support at which the reaction load is transferred.
The standard plate is placed at the bottom of the excavation and the hydraulic jack is placed on
the plate. The reaction load of weight significantly higher than the final load to be applied is
mounted straddling the excavation and the loading plate. The hydraulic jack will apply the load
against this reaction load which must not move under the load so that the entire applied load is
transferred to the soil

A set of reference bars are mounted so that three or more digital deflection transducers shall be
mounted to monitor the movement of the pile under the applied load. The reference bars must be
supported away from the pile so that they are not subject to movement due to the applied load.

3.2 Performance of the Test

Once the equipment are satisfactorily installed the test is carried out by applying the hydraulic
pressure. The load is applied in a minimum of five steps up to the specified maximum load. At
each loading step the applied load is noted on the pressure gauge on the hydraulic system
manually, but is recorded automatically by the data logging system of the load cell and the
settlement readings are also recorded automatically. In general a set of readings are taken every
minute or at any other interval as determined by the engineer and set on the data logging system.
The load is maintained at each step until the settlement gauge readings are stabilized or for the
minimum time interval specified by the test protocol. The readings from the strain gauges are
also recorded automatically in the data logger..

The loading steps are continued until the specified maximum load is applied. In general the test
load is calculated to achieve 300 % of the design pile load or any other maximum loading
specified by the engineer.

The process is reversed with the load reduced in steps and the same readings being noted.

The loading and unloading cycle with the time intervals and loading steps may be repeated as
required by the engineer.

The automated recording of all measurements allows for storage of the recorded data on the data
logger and on the laptop computer. Furthermore manual readings are taken during the test as a

4.0 Test Report

The test report shall comprise of the details of the test equipment used and the test method
adopted .

The data collected during the test is presented in tabular form and in graphical representation
with calculations of the maximum applied load and settlement either at failure or at the maximum
applied load.

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