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Lessee hereby accepts that the following House Rules form an integral part of the Lease

This set of house rules will cover specific details of stipulations in the Lease Contract as well as
other guidelines which are deemed necessary to be imposed by Lessor. When required, Lessor
will issue written memos to Lessees which will cover more detailed instructions or modifications to
Lease Contract or House Rules’ Provisions.


Mall shops will be opened to the shopping public from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily. Lower Ground
(LG) anchor stores will open at 8:00 AM daily. LG tenants may or may not open at 8:00 am.
Whenever there’s a change in the shop schedule for whatever reason, Lessor will notify Lessee.

Should Lessee decide to close shop for a day for very important reasons, a written request will be
forwarded to Lessor (specif. Leasing). If per Lessor’s evaluation, request is not excusable at all.
Closure of shop will incur the ten-peso (P10) penalty per square meter per day. Closure of shop is
being discouraged in as much as it damages the service reputation of the mall.

Lessees are encouraged to prescribe the employee uniform sets which shall blend well with the
ambiance of the store or shop. The uniform requirement will be implemented not just for
aesthetic but for also for security reasons. Preferably, wherever applicable, uniform may include
headgear, upper and lower apparel, matching footwear, and accessories such as apron, etc. In
addition, good grooming of employees from head to foot is being encouraged since this will
project the professionalism of Lessee staff.

Personnel of tenant shops which will operate before 9am will be required to use the
LG2/LG3/UG2 entrances (Mediterranean and Java levels) as the ingress(entry) areas. Lessee
personnel may use any of the 5 entrances at 9am or above for ingress and egress(leaving).

For security reasons, all Lessee employees will be issued ICM IDs bearing the uniform background
format and logo of the Lessee. Entry into the mall premises (at the designated entrance/exit
areas) by the employee will be facilitated by the ID. “No ID / No Entry” will always be imposed
by mall security.

Said IDs will be worn by the Lessee employees all the time, while within mall premises. Unlike the
ones for Lessor employees’ IDs, these IDs are without barcode and are not to be used in any of
the Lessor stores’ automated attendance system.

Lessee employees will be required to pay the ID card fee. Upon transfer, resignation, or
termination from service, the ID will be surrendered to Lessor.

Issuance of the ID does not constitute an employee-employer relationship between the Lessor
and the Lessee staff.


Lessee agrees to adhere to the service standard that the mall wants to project to its customers.
Part of these standards is to ensure adequate merchandise inventory at all times for trading
tenants, while maintaining adequate support staff and other requirements for service shops. A
shop that is being neglected, ex. With poor inventory management, will not only affect the
image of the shop but of the mall as well. Hence, it is the full responsibility of the tenants to
ensure proper supply chain management and to resolve affecting issues as they arise.
All guidelines which are imposed by government on certain goods will have to be strictly
followed by Lessee. In this regard, Lessor prohibits the sale of fake/untaxed goods and/or other
questionable goods. Failure to comply shall mean risk for the Lessee in as much as it can be
considered as a ground for the cancellation of the Lease Contract.

Relative to merchandise pricing, Lessees are enjoined to adopt a fair pricing scheme which will
benefit shop and mall customers. It is to be understood that Lessor prohibits Lessees to price
goods with unreasonably higher prices as compared to other Lessee branches within the region.

As specified in the Lease Contract, Lessees are not allowed to stock within the mall, whether in
its mezzanine or allocated stockrooms, stocks from national or regional head office which will be
distributed to other branches in the city or province. Only those stocks which are to be sold at
the leased area will be stored at the leased premises. However, Lessee is allowed to transfer
stocks from other branches to the Lessee’s shop at the mall if the purpose is to reinforce the
merchandise line.


It has been explicitly mentioned in the Lease Contract that Lessor reserves the right not to
accept nor to allow entry into the mall of any fixture or equipment or material whose quality has
deteriorated or will not qualify per set standards. Lessor is wary of possible dangers that may be
brought about by these items.


Ingress of Lessee’s raw materials, merchandise, supplies and other properties will be at the LG
Tenant Dock at the back of the Home Meals area and at the side of the Activity Center.

Materials ingress will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. However, Lessee should NOT bring in any of the
above-mentioned items during 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, and from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. This is to
avoid movement at the mall strips during the peak hours.

The following guidelines should be followed by Lessee representatives when bringing in said

1) Ingress of Lessee properties will be at the Tenants’ Dock only.

2) Lessee shall be required to use presentable delivery carts with rubber wheels. It is NOT
ALLOWED for stocks and/or other properties to be dragged on the flooring nor bulky
stocks to be carried manually over the shoulders.
3) The in-charge who will transport the stocks from dock to tenant shop or vice versa should
also be presentable. Dirty uniform, sleeveless shirts, shorts, and/or slippers must NOT be
worn when traversing the mall strips.
4) Deliveries that would stain, mess the mall, or will spill (whether solid particles or liquid) will
not be allowed. It is the full responsibility of the Lessee to ensure that protective
containers are properly used so as to avoid unnecessary mess or stains. In particular, wet
deliveries should be placed in tightly-sealed plastic sanitary bags or styro containers.
Delivery of food item shall be required to provide a presentable cover upon
transporting the items from tenant dock to its respective leased area. This is to ensure that
food items are free from contamination and should not be visible to customers.
5) Ingress of breakable, sharp-edged, bulky, heavy materials, tank containers, construction
lumber and other materials shall be done before and after mall hours only. These items
will be declared in the Entry/Exit Declaration Form (EEDF), which has been duly approved
by the Building Administrator.
6) Overloading of carts will not be allowed.
7) Upper Ground and Second Floor Lessees will use the Tenant Dock elevator.
8) Deliveries for Lessee will be taken care of by Lessee’s personnel, who shall take charge of
unloading from vehicles, transfer to delivery carts, transfer via elevator, and delivery to
Lessee’s area using their own delivery carts. If Lessee stocks will be delivered by a
forwarder, the Tenant Dock guard-on-duty will notify Lessee using the phone line.
Thereafter, only Lessee personnel will transport the stocks.
9) The guard-on-duty at the Tenant Dock will check all deliveries to determine if these are
legitimate. Preferably, there will be notations on the items (ex. supplier label and/or
Lessee name label on each of the boxes), and with corresponding documentation, e.g.
invoices, supplier delivery receipts, Lessee’s PO etc., which will signify the source and/or
addressee of said deliveries.
10) Items without or with questionable documentation shall be put on hold, and Lessee’s
representative is duty-bound to secure the references before these are allowed entry.
11) For each tenant delivery, a maximum of 15-minutes delivery time will be allocated for
the tenant. If the unloading process can be done in 15 minutes or less, more tenants can
be accommodated within the delivery period. Therefore, it is the obligation of the Lessee
to field in additional personnel in case the unloading up to hauling will take some time
because of the volume.
12) If for any reason the Tenant Dock guard-on-duty is in doubt as to the contents of a case
or pack, the guard and the Lessee representative may inspect the questionable item(s)
in order to verify.
13) For bulky merchandise and/or other items, Lessee must file at the Lessor’s Building Admin
office the EEDF in order to secure permission for the transport of these items at the mall
14) All collected EEDFs at the Tenant Dock will be forwarded to the Building Admin Office
every day for filing.
15) In case of egress, all Lessee properties (whether merchandise, fixtures or equipment) must
be covered by the EEDF. Prior to the approval of the EEDF, the Building Administrator
must check the payment status of the Lessee, and will also determine if such items
belong to the Lessee. The Building Admin may or may not approve the EEDF if warranted.
16) Lessees will be required to UPDATE the Building Admin and the Safety and Security
Department (SSD) of the specimen signatures of the authorized officers of the Lessee.
Submission of authorized signatures’ specimen will be done periodically, say every month
or quarter. A copy of the updated specimen signature list will be kept by the guard for
his/her perusal.
17) The above-stated forms will be available at the Leasing Department and Building Admin


We do encourage tenants to contact Lessor/Mall Authorities, whenever there is a problem in the
freight/passenger elevator, escalators, mall lighting, etc. Lessor will endeavor to attend to such
concerns once notified so as not to disrupt service. Breakdown of any of Lessor’s equipment and
other installations which may impede traffic should be reported by Lessee to Lessor.

As embodied in the contract, it is the responsibility of the Lessee to ensure that the equipment to
be used in the leased area will be high-quality ones, and should not pose any hazard to Lessee’s
employees and/or customers.


1) Should Lessee require Lessor (instead of outside contractors) to correct breakdown or
related problems at the leased area, Lessee shall file the Service Request Form at the
Bldg Admin Office.
2) It is to be understood that requested service(s) has/have to be evaluated first by
qualified officers at the Bldg Admin and/or Engineering Departments.
3) All services to be rendered are covered by fees which shall be chargeable to the
account of the Lessee.
4) The Bldg Admin/Eng’g group will schedule the job request, unless if such request is for a
dire need or which may pose dangers to lives and properties.
5) Accomplishment of a job request by Lessor’s representatives will be acknowledged using
the Service Request Form and correspondingly signed by Lessee’s authorized
6) In most cases, materials will be supplied by the Lessee.
7) Only emergency and minor repairs not to exceed one-hour’s work shall be attended to
by the Lessor’s authorized groups. A minimum service fee per call is to be charged.
8) Major repairs shall be referred by Lessee to outside contractor(s).


If the repair to be done will affect mall’s configuration, provisions, or installation, the request will
have to undergo thorough technical evaluation by Lessor. Major repairs will be done before or
after mall hours, and will be documented using the Special Work Permit. All these repairs will
require the full approval of authorized officers of the Lessor, hence to be filled at least 3 days
before the major repair.

If Lessee engages the services of outside repair crews, repair jobs will require work monitoring or
supervision by the Lessor’s officers, and will still be covered by the Special Work Permit. This is the
purpose of ensuring that changes, repairs or other works to be done will not affect or sever
provisions for the tenant, other tenants or the entire mall. For very risky jobs, it is a must that work
should be approved on a per task basis and per day, if possible. Strict supervision by Lessor will
be required when performing the repair.

1) Only food tenants will be allowed to cook inside the leased area.
2) Employees of Lessee may be allowed to eat inside the shop, provided they adhere to
sanitation guidelines that are imposed by the Lessee. Eating at the leased premises while
in full view of customers is totally discouraged.
3) It is NOT allowed that a portion of the leased area be used as sleeping or living quarters
for staff.
4) Any illegal activity is also prohibited anywhere in the leased premises of the Lessee.
5) Lessee has to regulate its piped-in music so as not to disturb other tenants nor to interfere
with any mall activity. When there’s a need to use a boom box for special events within
the leased area, a permission has to be obtained from the Bldg Admin.
6) Likewise, if to use any audio-visual devices, such as loudspeakers, mechanical or moving
display devices, unusually bright and flashing lights and similar devices which can be
seen or heard outside of the leased premises, a permission will be asked from the Bldg
7) Areas outside the leased premises should not be used for other purposes except ingress
and egress. Storage of stocks, equipment and/or other properties of the Lessee outside
the leased area is strictly prohibited. Any kind of obstruction will not be allowed.
8) Lessee must comply with the provision restricting any protrusion from the area: whether
stocks, structure annex, work of any kind, or abutment. Lessor has the right to remove any
of these structures, work or stocks even without informing the Lessee. All charges to be
incurred for such pull-out will be for the account of the Lessee.
Should Lessee require to “spill-over” or to extend fixtures outside of the leased
area for the purpose of getting additional sales during special events, a special rate
arrangement will be prescribed by Lessor.
9) Lessee will NOT be allowed also to paint, install screws, make alterations or any
improvements, modify installations (including electrical installation, plumbing, etc.)
WITHOUT PRIOR written approval from the Lessor.
10) Posting of any decent promotional or informative material by Lessee will require approval
from Lessor. Lessees are strictly prohibited to install anywhere within or outside the leased
area or the mall any indecent, immoral or offensive material or those with objectionable
11) Lessee shall not use or store in the leased premises inflammable or explosive materials or
gas-fueled appliances in any form or quantity, unless if with written permission from
Lessor. Food tenants or restaurants are required to provide and install within the leased
premises adequate safety devices such as fire extinguishers. The quantity of fire
extinguishers to be required will depend upon the nature of the business the Lessee is
engaged into, and will be specified by Lessor. In addition, Lessee will be required to install
LPG safety devices, smoke and fire alarms to minimize and/or avoid hazards especially at
kitchen areas.
Lessor will conduct regular inspection at Lessee’s premises so as to evaluate
compliance to prescribed safety design and implementation measures. Part of the roving
inspection will be to discuss and correct problem areas, wrong or negligent practices of
In all cases, Lessee shall not perform any act which may expose the leased
premises to fire, or increase the fire hazard rating, or change the insurance rate of the
building. It is being understood that should Lessee do so, he/she shall be responsible for
all the damages (aside from Lessee’s other liabilities under the Lease Contract) which
such violation may cause the Lessor and/or its other Lessees.
12) Gambling in any form is strictly prohibited by Lessor anywhere within the leased premises.

1) Island City Logo – When designing and producing allowed materials, all Lessees are
hereby advised to use the prescribed Island City Mall logo. The said logo’s color, design
and size proportional to base materials will be followed whenever promotional and other
merchandising collaterals are to be designed and produced by Lessee. The Creative
Visual Services Department of the Lessor will be able to provide digital files when
Said logo must be used in all materials adjacent to, immediately above or below
Lessee’s store name in newspaper advertisements, circulars, mailers, or any other print
media advertising of Lessee’s products and services. The use of the logo in all these
materials is meant to remind customers of the availability of such products or services at
the mall.
Lessee shall not use said logo in any detrimental, confusing or in any manner
which tends to mislead customers or damage the reputation of the mall.
2) Lessee, maintaining branches in other malls or areas, shall afford equal exposure to their
operation in Island City Mall in all their promotions and advertisements.
3) Lessee shall be required to advertise in the prescribed newspapers to announce the
opening of the mall.
4) Sale Signs and Posters – Except for the duly authorized store sign, no other signs and
posters shall be installed on the façade of each shop without any prior approval or
clearance from the Lessor. Lessor reserves the right to review the nature and preparation
of the sales campaign materials and other proposed signs and posters.
5) Leaflets and Flyers:
- Only tenants are allowed to distribute flyers or leaflets at the mall.
- Lessee should secure permission from Lessor regarding contents of the flyer
(e.g. mechanics, etc.), specific areas and dates for distribution. As to
contents, Lessor reserves the right to disallow flyers which may mislead or are
offensive to consumers, or which may damage the reputation of the mall.
- Distribution dates and time will also have to be approved by the Lessor.
- The quality of the material and total design concept may also be evaluated
by the Lessor.
- As part of “imaging”, those to distribute flyers are persons who are indeed
presentable enough, whether in proper uniform or in mascot costume.
- When distributing flyers, the in-charge should see to it that the distribution
does not obstruct the flow of customers. And, the in-charge must not force or
coerce the customers in accepting the flyer.


It is the full responsibility of the Lessee to keep the leased area in its most presentable form at all
times in order to serve customers well. This shall mean adhering to the presentation,
housekeeping, sanitation, as well as hygiene standards of the mall. Authorized officers of the
Lessor will be tasked to inspect or monitor operations, including kitchens or production areas,
restrooms, storage rooms, etc. at any time during operation. Non-compliance to the set
standards shall mean penalties which will be imposed by the Lessor.
Depending upon the nature of the store operations, Lessee will be required to provide
ample number of trash bins. These bins should be presentable enough.


The janitorial service engaged by the Mall is charged with the same responsibility in enforcing
the House Rules’ sanitation provisions. Janitorial personnel will:

- Notify Bldg Admin of improper garbage disposal committed by tenants

- Report littering in common areas, if performed by tenants, or its hired contractors
- Report and take immediate action when required in case of fire or other
- Call the attention of the security force and the Bldg Admin for any violation of the
House Rules


1) Garbage collection for non-food establishments will be done by collectors assigned at
the mall. Collection schedule:
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
2) The garbage collector should not go inside the Lessee’s shop.
3) Trash should be placed in properly sealed sanitary bags. Garbage should be brought out
only when the collector arrives at the outlet.
4) Large/bulky garbage will not be taken care of by the garbage collector. Lessee
representative must bring said garbage to the dumpsite. Release of which will be
through the Tenant Dock elevator and door and will be covered by an authorization
from Lessee’s officer, which shall be correspondingly checked by the Tenant Dock
5) Burning of trash within the leased premises is strictly prohibited and never allowed.
6) Garbage from Food tenants will be brought to the dumpsite by Lessee’s staff, unless if the
mall designates a garbage collection contractor. Same schedules in item 1 apply.
7) Any form of garbage which will be taken out from the leased premises shall be in a
presentable manner (preferably in black garbage bag), properly sealed, without
drippings and doesn’t leave any trace of foul odor when transported at the mall strip.
8) It is prescribed that Lessees shall institute proper checking measures so as to ensure
pilferage-free disposal.

All garbage of tenants shall have been disposed of before the mall closes. Retention of garbage
at the leased premises by food or non-food tenants is not allowed. This is for the purpose of
ensuring no pests’ infestation as well as to keep the area free from other forms of risks.

1) Lessor will institute periodic fogging and other pest control programs to protect tenants
and the mall.
2) To avoid chemical contamination, food items and utensils of all food establishments
should be properly kept and stored, during the application of pest control.
3) Lessees are encouraged to inform Lessor immediately of any untoward incident which is
brought about by the pest control implementation.
4) Lessee shall report to Lessor immediately the presence of dead rats and foul odor so
these can be acted upon immediately.
5) Lessee shall identify and report other possible infestation of any kind at the leased
6) Lessee shall undertake by himself, or may request the Lessor to undertake the pest
control maintenance and service at the leased area, chargeable to the account of the
1) All tenants of the mall will be required to install fire extinguishers for the protection of lives
and properties at the leased area, adjacent tenants and the mall in general.
2) The fire extinguishers to be used should have passed the PSA approval of the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
3) Chemical content of these fire extinguishers must be Mono-ammonium Phosphate and
suitable to all kinds of fire, e.g. A, B, and C.
4) These fire extinguishers should have at least a one-year warranty from its supplier.
5) It is recommended that fire extinguishers will be secured only from reputable suppliers
who can really vouch for good quality.
6) It will be the full responsibility of the Lessee to periodically inspect the expiration date of
the fire extinguishers, and to take replacement or refill action when needed.
7) Lessor’s Building Admin group will conduct from time to time Safety briefings which shall
also cover proper use of fire extinguishers as well as other safety concerns that must be
adhered to by Lessee’s representatives.

1) Sprinkler heads and pipes should always be free from any obstruction, particularly
2) Improper utilization of the pipes is strictly prohibited. The system has a Hydrostatic
Pressure, and therefore should be handled with extra care, and preferably, by authorized
personnel only.
3) Lessee shall immediately report to Lessor any found leaks and/or misalignment which
may have been noticed at the leased premises.
4) Lessee employees or hired contractors must not perform any measure which may cause
premature water spray causing water damage nor malfunctioning in cases of fire.


1) Lessee should regulate heavy cooking practices.
2) Lessee or its hired contractor shall perform the weekly cleaning of all exhaust hoods,
filters and ducts to ensure that these are free from oil residues and other flammable
elements which may have accumulated.
3) The weekly check-up and proper installation of all required exhaust blower/ capacity, will
be subject to Lessor’s Engineering group approval.
4) Fire extinguishers should be within easy reach at the kitchen areas. These should be at
least four (4) units of 10-15 lbs of ABC-Dry Chemical type or Carbon Dioxide or BCF-Halon
type of fire extinguishers with PSA or UL quality approval.


When fire occurs within the premises of the Lessee or within close proximity to the Lessee area,
(even if outside the leased area), Lessee and its employees will be required to exhaust all means
in putting out the fire while within its early stages. Lessee and its employees will also be required
to immediately notify proper authorities within the mall building or the proper authorities in the
government in order to seek immediate assistance. Immediate concern of the Lessee or any of
its employees in putting out a fire will not only save the Lessee shop but the mall as well.

Lessee is enjoined to react (to the best that they can) to other emergencies – those that may
cause fire, such as short-circuit, sparks, other electrical problems, etc. Lessee staff must notify
proper authorities immediately.

From time to time, it will be the obligation of the Lessor to orient and refresh Lessee employees of
proper measures to be taken when a fire or other emergency occurs, and preventive measures.


LPG SAFETY (refer separate guidelines)

1) The security force of the mall is charged with the responsibility of reporting violations of
the Mall’s House Rules, aside from their primary function to securing the physical building,
lives and other properties. Incident reports covering violations will be forwarded to the
Bldg Admin for proper action.
2) In the event that Lessee decides to hire, solicit and engage the services of a private
security guard or watchmen’s agency for his own purposes, he shall only hire and
engage the services of reputable security agencies acceptable to and subject to the
prior written approval of Lessor, provided that, Lessor shall not, in any manner be
responsible for any losses and/or damages sustained by Lessee relative to the choice
and approval of any particular security agency; and provide further that lessor reserves
the right to formulate such supplementary rules and regulations for the proper
observance of the parties for the coordination of the private security system in the entire
3) The Lessee should also follow the following procedures:
- The security guard should report to Lessor for orientation.
- The security guard should submit his individual Mayor’s Permit, copy of license,
biodata and 1x1 ID picture.
- The security agency should submit copy of Business Permit to Operate.

When the mall closes, the mall security group is tasked to periodically check status of tenant
shop by viewing the shop thru the roll-up door peephole. Lessee will be required to turn on its
pilot light before it closes the shop so that mall security can determine irregularities during roving


Shoplifting and other security incidents will be immediately reported to Lessor (specifically, the
mall security). Whenever shoplifters are apprehended within Lessee’s shop, Lessee management
must pursue the filing of the case in proper courts. Lessee thoroughly understands that such will
deter occurrence of repeat crimes and will strengthen the mall’s drive to punish perpetrators to
the fullest extent of the law.

1) The parking areas are open to the general public. As such, the Lessor thru its security
services, cannot be held accountable for damages or losses incurred even when owners
or drivers have specifically informed the roving guard-on-duty of its presence. The
guard’s responsibility lies primarily in the enforcement of the regulations of Lessor
regarding traffic, parking and molestations/assault from unauthorized people.
2) As part of traffic management, the security force is duty-bound to direct delivery
vehicles to the respective docking zones instead of staying at areas designated for
3) Security guards must see to it that traffic flows smoothly within the Mall’s premises and

RENTAL PAYMENT GUIDELINES (pls see separate guidelines)

Lessee shall furnish the Lessor a photocopy of the insurance coverage of improvements,
merchandise, and all other properties inside the leased premises. The insurance shall be against
fire and/or lightning and/or other perils, plus an adequate comprehensive general liability
insurance coverage.


It is the objective of the mall to provide immediate support assistance to all tenants, especially in
cases of emergency.

All tenants will be required by Lessor to provide authorized person’s names, numbers, and
address. Preferably, these persons can decide on matter(s) that may come up in cases of

Above information will be kept in strict confidence under the responsibility of the Mall Manager.

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