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A. Academic Requirements. A student in thesis/capstone preparation must have

been admitted for a degree of Bachelor Information Technology with all the

required pre-requisite subjects had been taken and passed by the student.

B. Nomination of Adviser. A student or group of students may seek advise from

any members of the faculty of the College of Information Technology in this


C. Nomination of Board of Panel. The instructor in-charge for the

Capstone/Thesis subject shall nominate members of the board of panel whom

he/she found competent on the field of research, computer and information


D. Title Proposal. A student/group of students enrolled in Capstone/Thesis subject

shall submit a three (3) possible titles with its brief description for a title proposal

hearing to be conducted in the first month of the semester. A board of panel shall

convene and hear the proposal and deliberate the ideal title for the endeavor.

E. Thesis/Capstone Proposal. The student/group of students whose proposed

title was earlier approved by board of panel shall submit for thesis/capstone

proposal prior the development of the software/application as integral part of the

thesis/capstone project. The conduct of thesis/capstone proposal shall be during

the finals of the first semester prior enrollment of the second semester. Noted,
that no students shall be allowed to take thesis/capstone 2 without having

submitted and approved in a thesis/capstone proposal.

F. Final Presentation/Defense. A student or group of students having complied

with the thesis/capstone proposal and whose proposal had been approved by the

Board of Panel shall develop the necessary application/program and the

corresponding documentation prior submitting themselves for final


During the final presentation/defense, the board of panel must see to it that the

documentation is in coherence with the program/application develop in line with

the problem that was aimed to be solved or address by the said project. If the

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