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~~~~ held in the, City of Manila on Mox:day, second ~he
\ '0.«.,~_ ~? ,;,,·aay of June, nmeteen hundred and slXty-nme
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1 ~r:S'''~('j/:/ [JOINT RESOLUTION No. ~ Z ]

,. C·'.. .
WHEREAS, despite progress in eertain areas of the na-
tional economy, the need is urgent to accelerate boldly and
resolutely th t social and economic. development of the
country; .'
WHEREAS, the etfective solutIon of the country's econo-
mic and social problems requires a clear understanding
between Congress and the Executive, on the one hand, and
the people, on the other, on the basic policies that shall
govern the national endeavor towards economic and social

I development ,in order to insure effective cooperation in

their implementation; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative to set forth the core of the
national philosophy that will achieve social justice, develop
national self-reliance, and increase the productivity of the
national economy; Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and the II ouse of Representa-
tives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
To promulgate the following policies that will guide the
country in its efforts to bring about social and economic
.. .. . .. l!J'-

However, if the private sector is unwilling or unable to
The sound and balanced development of the economy on undertake them despite financial assistance and encourage-
a self-sustaining basis, with emphasis on basic and in- ment offered by the State, the State shall assume pioneer-
tegrated industries that generate maximum benefits to ing functions, particularly in v,ital areas which have not
society, the widespread application and development of been adequately developed.
science and technology by the people, the attainment of i For this purpose, through an appropriate and effective
maximum employment, and the growth of per capita real •I
State development institution, the government shall vigor-
income shall be the paramount objectives of economic ously push through a program of industrial and agricul-
policy. t tural pioneering and development, dispersed through the
The pursuit and attainment of these objectives are the different regions of the cO}lntry; and to this end, the State
joint responsibility of the State and of every Filipino, shall establish the required infrastructure, including ade-
with the State pro'1'tding direction to, and coordination quate security, transportation and communication facili-
of, economic activities through national planning, and main- ties, and a supply of power at reasonable cost throughout
tainingconditions that create a favorable climate for in- the country.
vestment that will encourage the people to implement the Since the role of Government is to sup,Jlement, not to sup-
plan, and will not stifle individual initiative, innovation plant, private capital, it shall relinquish ownership of its
or free economic choice, subject to such limitations as enterprises, or the management or operation thereof, to
the national interest may dictate. the private sector whenever the latter is ready to take
Thus, every encouragement shall be given by the Gov~ over said enterprises under such conditions as shall ensure
ern men t to Filipino businessmen and investors to estab- equal opportunities to all and shall not impair the na-
lish and operate basic and integrated industries essential tional interest.
to change the structure of our economy, substantially The Government shall channel it" assets and efforts to
minimize our dependence on imports of ra\v materials, areas of determined priority and to activities that will
semi-processed goods and machicery and equipment, alter contribute to genuine economic and social deY€lopment,
the quality and increase the value of our exports, provide giving priority to economic development.
greater job opportunities at better wages, and aC;lieve a \':ithin the context of what is socially desirable, every
higher rate of economic growth. In arriving at national effort shall be exerted to persuade and encourage private
decisions affecting the establishment, dispersal and loca- capital to invest in enterprises that can operate with maxi-
tion of such industries, the State shall be guided by what mum efficiency in providing quality goods and services
is socially and economically desirable rather than by what using domestic raw materials at competitive prices to the
is profitable alone. national and foreign markets. However, in their infant
Industries in accepted areas of priority shall be accorded stages, products of domestic industries and agricultural
liberal credit facilities, and the proper industrial financing enterprises shall be given competitive advantages in the
institution shall be provided with sufficient funds and au- national market through direct incentives, and selective
thority to satisfy their financial and credit needs specific- tariff, import, credit and foreign ex'change measures; and
ally and exclusively. foreign markets for these products and others that can be
059037 produced at competitive cost shall be fully explored and

4, 5
In granting these incentives, priority shall be given to D. COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL JUSTICE AND
industries that have the potential for full and complete in- ECONOMIC DE;\lOCRACY
tegration, and to enterprises owned by farmers' associa- The inequities in the distribution of the nation's income
tions and cooperatives; and the State shall promote the constitute serious impediments to the attainment of social
establishment of enterprises, with dispersed ownership, of justice ordained by the Constitution and foment social un-
such magnitude and resources as will enable them to ope- ~ rest and dissatisfaction.
rate efficiently and compete effectively, especially in foreign The State shall take steps to enlarge and de\'elop the
markets. middle class, prevent unwarranted monopolies, and recon-
1\Iarketing and distribution shall be granted special in- ~
cile conflicts behveen the welfare of consumers, entrepre-
centives, and steps shall be taken to create a fully integrated neurial incentives and the earnings of bbor. It shall
system of marketing and distribution of agricultural and vigorously })ursue a program of increased labor 11rJ(luctiv-
industrial products and to promote Philippine shipping. ity, together with measures to ass,we a fair sh::1re of econo-
DEVELOPMENT The State Sh~lll accelerate agrarian reform and modern-
The attainment of our national objectives requires a
It shall give fn]] and continuing support to cooperatives.
planned. comprehensive, integrated and resolute approach
In orc1el' to achieve the aforerr.entioned ob.iectives, the
by the Government and the people together. Accordingly,
follo'.'.'ing steps shall be '_mc1eli:aken \,:ithow deb:;:
there shall be a national economic development authority
1. Tl:e Government shall intensify its eiI'u~s ~o spI'ead
\Vit!l p01,':el'S to plan and ccol'dinate the nation's economic
the principles of cooT:erati·.'e action amf)];.g' tl:e people, and
activities. to train them in its practices.
C. NATIONAL CO:YDIIDlENT TO Al]STERITY AND SELF-RELL'.:-';CE 2. Incentives shall be gi';en ',0 cooper:lti\'Es and to sma]]
and medium-scale e;-:ce,'pl·;.Ces. .-\ financi:.ll i:,stitution shall
Austerity and self-reliance are among the keystones to
be cl'eated, or existing O11':'S stl'en~thened, to provide ade-
progress and national greatness. Consl)iCL1DlL~ consump-
quate cl'edit and fi!'.:'.l1cing' facilities exclllsiwly to these
tion and the ostentation of wealth are an ,Esault on the
social conscience and should be avoided by :cd 1, Ial' they
3. Private corporations availing themselves of loan
are censured by the whole nation. funds, equity inv8stment, or incentives from the Govern-
The disposition of the nation's foreig'1 e::chan:,;e shall
ment shall be required to open their capital structure to
be subjected to a rigorous system of priorities and the public participation.
impoltation of items that are not essential to the nation's 4. In granting licenses, concessions, and franchises to
sound and balanced development shall be subjected to tariff e~ploit, develop or utilize nat;,a'al resources or to establish
and to quantitative and/or qualitative measures. and operate public utilities, preference shall be given to
Hereafter, subsidies shall be granted only when absolutely corporations, associations or entities not only on the basis
necessary, and only to enterprises at least seventy per of the capital and managerial resources of the applicants
cent of the capital of which is owned by Filipinos. Agri- but also on the degree of dispersal of their ownership,
cultural subsidies shall be granted primarily to commodi- cooperatives and other applicants with greater public par-
ties essential to the life of the people. ticipation being preferred.
059037 059037
6 7
5. The State shall foster profit sharing between capital planning which respect the religious beliefs of the indi-
and labor in private enterprises. v,iduals involved, so as to increase the share of each Fili-
6. The State shall take steps to prevent the branching pino in the fruits of economic development.
out of large corporate entities into activities unrelated to
their primary purpose in a manner that may have as a G. RESTRUCTURING AND FINANCING THE EDUCATIONAL
consequence the domination of the economy by a few cor-
7. Congress shall, as authorized by the Constitution,
determine the size of private agricultural land Yihich per-
sons may O\vn.
8. Assistance shall be extended by the State to destitute
Education shall aim to develop moral character, personal
discipline and civic conscience, and develop the attitude
among our youth and strengthen moral and ethical stand-
ards, It must also impart the skills, instill the attitudes
and spread the values that are essential to rapid and
families deserving of such assistance. sustained economic gro'wth and achieve the goals :=et forth
E. FISCAL, MONETARY AND CREDIT BA8E FOR DEVELOPMENT in this Joint Resolution. Steps shall be taken, therefore,
to restructure and give adequate and continuing support
1. Monetary, credit and fiscal policies shall be employed to the national educational system to increase the 2c:.:momic
to provide adequate non-inflationary internal funds ror skills of our people through such r:1eans, among others, as
pl'ivate and putLc investment, togethel' \vith e~10Llgh sup- changes in the curricula of pubii~ and private schooLs tb:t
plementary fOl"ei'STI e:~(l:al'.ge; to channel the"e funds imo y;i!l emphasize scientific and tec::nological profes:sion:s,
their most pl'cdl1ctive lA.,'es; :mel to maintain relatively'ial Hild vocational si\il1s. :;-:2 c1.ignit~, . oi' labol\ and
stable lJl'ices, a';oid inthaion, encourage savi~1gs and pre- the standard of excsllence thTou~h t::'8 Ci 2':2]op;l1(:nt of an
vent distortion of investment, indigenous school system ad~lpted to the social c(Editions
2. Sound fiscal policy shall include an appropriate balance and needs of the nation and to the goals ,oet forth in this
of \vell admi:1istered, incentive-oriented, and equitable Resolution, and throu~'~1 appi'opri,lte iTI(:entin:;s such as
taxation, both direct and indirect; the avoid~nce of Vlaste by granting loans and (;l'seits c12Si';ilSd t() ;)c:lie\e a levd
in essential government e:~penditures; and the rational re- or :;-ro\'n:h in humar: capl.bili;::; t"at \vill ee"f~cti\'8ly em-
sort to government deficits. ploy and multiply the physical capiTal of the nation.
3. Sound monetary policy shall require the Central Bank ( '\
to maintain discipline ovel' banks, the treasury and itself, I-I, AGR~CULTURn.\ '·JD LX'-:D r:r;:::rOP\IE:--iT POLICY
and to impose adequate restraints on credit expansion, The Government siudl actively plan and promote the
while avoiding the economic stagnation which excessively development of the agricultural ~ector, in harmony Ivith
restrictive policies might produce, allowing realistic in- the industrial sector in order to achieve increased agricul-
terest rates and maintaining realistic foreign exchange tural productivity and national seif-sufficiency in the basic
rates. staples,
F. POLICY ON POPULATION To attain these objectives:
A high rate of population gro\vth poses grave social 1. Emphasis shall be placed on irrigation, water resource
and economic challenges. The State shall meet these chal- development, the application of suitable scientific farming
lenges both by positive social and economic measures that methods, power utilization, and extension of liberal credit
will increase the productivity of human work, so as to faciliti es,
promote economic rTO\vth, and hy progra;'" of family 059037
6. Comprehensive studies ~or the rapid development of
2. The Government shall encourage and support agricul-
tural cooperatives, and shall establdsh a carefully planned, water resources throughout the nation for industrial, agri-
well-organized national mad;:eting network. cultural and individual use and as sources of industrial
3. The total electrification of the Philippines on an . power shall be undertaken immediately.
area coverage basis with reference to rural areas shall be • 7. Tourist attractions shall be preserved and developed

among the prime objectives of the economic program and in order that both Filipinos and foreigners may have a
shall be given adequate financing, subsidy, or such other
incentives as'" may be. needed. In realizing these objectives,
the primary instruments shall be electric coopel'atives.
{ better understanding of 'our historic, cultural and natural
heritage. The State shall pursue the promotion and dev-
elopment of both international and domestic tourism with
equal vigor and constancy,
4. The Government shall immediately implement a thor-
ough-going progr3.m of land survey, classification, and J. CONSERVATION OF Cl'LTURAL HERITAGE
titling in order to hasten the rational utilization of the The cultural and historical heritage of the people shall
land l'esources of the nation. be conserved and enriched; and the elements of our cul-
ture and traditions that will help attain the goals set forth
in this Resolution shall be empl1asized, cultivated and dis-
The State shall yigorously implement the constitutional- seminated among all sectors of our society.
policy of resource cOl1ser':ation, by :.Hlopting the folloy;ing
measures, among othel's:
1. The State shall require those engaged in large-scale Foreign investment is welcome to assist in the economic
exploitation of agi']cuitural, timber, mineral anel other na- development of we naeion. It shall not, ho\\"ever, be al-
tur~d resources to est~lblish the industries that will process lowed to dominate the economy or any of its strategIc
these resources inte fl11ished products, and shall furnish areas.
such assistance as m~l'- be neceS2al7 to enable the licensees Foreign borrowing by both tj1e public and private sec-
or concessionaires to comply with this requirement, tOl'S shall be preferred to forei~p in':estment and shall be
2, Forest conservation and l'erorestzetion, as \H,ll as river m-ailed of and utilized exclusively for truly pi'oductive
and flood conti'ol, shall be expanded and efIiciently Pl'O- purposes.
grammed. To increase the participation of Filipinos in the econo-
3. The minimum and maximum areas of forest conces- 11 my, the following principles shall be observed:
sions and their minimum and maximum duration shall be 1. National treatment shall be accorded to foreigners
established by statute to prevent the exploitation of un- only by law, not by treaty.
economic size units, avoid short-term leases and encourage 2. Efforts shall be undertaken to place all aspects of
the planned development and rational utilization of forest the distributive trade in the hands of Filipinos,
resources. 3. All new institutions performing financial functions
4. Areas suitable for grazing shall be systematically shall be owned and controlled by Filipinos. Foreign finan-
'conserved and developed to enable the nation to attain cial institutions already operating shall be required to in-
self-sufficiency in meat and dairy products. corporate under Philippine law and bring in actual capital
5. Marine, fresh \vater and wildlife resources shall be for their operations; or to take such other steps as will
conserved. provide adequate protection for their depositors and cred-
059037 059037
Finally passed by the Senate on This Joint Resolution, which
itors, and eliminate undue competitive advantages over
July 2, 1969. originated in the House of Rep-
Filipino banks.
resentatives, was finally passed by
4. Government financial and credit institutions shall
the same on July 3, 1969.
grant loans and extend credit only to, and guarantee the
obligations only of, Filipinos or domestic corporations at
least seventy per cent of the capital of which is owned and
controlled by Filipinos. The State shall determine, by
statute, the minimum portion of loanable funds of private
f.nancial and credit institutions, derived or generated from j}
Philippine sources, that shall be used exclusively in grant- INOCENCIO B. P~EJA
ing loans and extending credit to Filipinos, and shall Secretary of the/Honse of
require that a portion thereof be made available to small oW Represe.n. talivdfl'"
.'-]. ,y ~
businessmen now shut off from nonnal sources of credit.
5. Industries vital to national security shall be regulated
~!;t- <---........
-' f /./
as businesses affected with the public interest. Steps
shall be taken to place them under the control of Filipinos.
1. Foreign policy shall be a fundamental instrument of !
economic development consistent with the princi,Jles of the
President of the Philippines
Cl,ar-;:er of the United Nabons. o
2. Regional cooperation compatible with the national
interest shall be promoted to ensure understanding and
collaboration with our neighboring countries.
3. Efforts shall be exerted to establish trade relations. ~

with as many countries as possible and to maintain bal-

-anced trade with each of them.
4. Foreign economic policy shall strive toward diversi- '"
fication of the country's sources of imports and of markets
for its export products.

~th .;!jL-
Speaker of the House of

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