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Physics Procedia 58 (2014) 272 – 276

26th Inteernational Symposium

S m on Superco
onductivity,, ISS 2013

A of Polyggonal Distance P Protectio
on Relay
y of Trannsmissio
Line Afffected bby SMES S Devicee
Jun Yang1, W ng2,*
Wenjia Zhan
1.Schhool of Electricall Engineering, Wu
Wuhan University, Wuhan,430072, China
2. Jiangsu Electric
E Power Company
C Econom mic Research Instiitute ,Nanjing,210
0008, China


Becaause of unique aadvantages in raapid response and

a independentt control of actiive and reactivee power, Supercconducting Mag gnetic
Enerrgy Storage (SMMES) device will
w be widely used u in the powwer system. Thee SMES exchanges power witith power grid in the
chargging and dischaarging process, so it may affeect the perform mance of protecttion relay of traansmission linee, which will leead to
mal-o operation. Baseed on SMES model,
m the trippping characteriistic of polygon
nal distance relay for single-mmachine-infinitte-bus
systeem (SMIB) wiith SMES is studieds in thiss paper, and P PSCAD/EMTC C simulations are
a carried out ut to investigatte the
perfoormance of polyygonal distancee relay with SMMES. The simulaation results show the measureed impedance oof polygonal disstance
y is changed by SMES, and polygonal distancce relay will maake mal-operation when faults occur in the booundary of proteection
zone. Also an improoving distance relay
r is proposeed to solve the pproblem.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 20 014 Yang Jun. PPublished by Ellsevier B.V.
Selecction and peer-rreview under reesponsibility off the ISS 2013 P
Program Comm mittee.
Peer-review under responsibility of the ISS 2013 Program Committee
words: Superconduucting Magnetic Energy Storage; Distance relay; P
PSCAD simulatio
on; Tripping Charracteristic

1. In

Combining effi ficient energy storage in lo ossless supercconducting co oil and rapid electronic ennergy convertter of
powwer electronic ddevice, Superrconducting Magnetic
M Energgy Storage (SMES) is exten nsively applieed to power sy ystem
h the ability off power regulaation and enerrgy conversionn[1-3]. The ap pplications of SMES to pow wer system incclude
mping system ooscillations, im mproving volttage stability, spinning reseerve, compensation of flucttuating loads,, load
leveling, protectioon of critical loads, backup power supplyy, improving power
p system symmetry, annd so on[4,5].
Thhe protection relay is an eleectrical apparaatus which is designed to calculate
c operaating conditioons on an elecctrical
grid and trip circuuit breakers when
w a fault iss detected. Duue to interactiion of SMES device and ppower transmission
systeem, the voltagge and currentt in power grid d will change accordingly, which may afffect the operaation characteeristic
of prrotection relayy[6-10]. As thhe widely used d relay in highh voltage grid
d protection, distance
d protecction relay maay be
affeccted by the inntroduction of SMES, so the t mal-operaation of distan nce protectionn relay will bbecame a poteential

* Wenjia
W Zhang. Tell.: +86-139-9563-8969
E address: m

1875-3892 © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the ISS 2013 Program Committee
Jun Yang and Wenjia Zhang / Physics Procedia 58 (2014) 272 – 276 273

threat. Therefore it’s of vital importance to analyze the impact of SMES on distance protection relay.
Based on SMES model and distance protection relay model, the influence of SMES on tripping characteristic of
polygonal distance protection relay is discussed in this paper. To investigate the measured impedance of polygonal
distance protection relay affected by SMES in different fault types and positions, a single-machine-infinite-bus
system is built under PSCAD simulation environment. Also, an improving method is proposed to prevent the mal-
operation of polygonal distance protection relay.

2. System model
A single-machine-infinite-bus system is shown in Fig1.(a). SMES with current source converter is connected to
the transmission line through a transformer to reduce the operating voltage, and it consists of several sub-systems[1]
such as superconducting coil, cryogenic container, refrigerating system, power conversion system, quench
protection system and monitoring system, as shown in Fig1.(b).
E Im U


Fig.1(a) SMIB system with SMES (b)SMES model

The polygonal distance relay is configured at the beginning of the transmission line. And the criterion of
measured impedance in polygonal distance relay is described as below[11,12]:
Z m  Rset Z  j X set
- 90$  D 1 d arg d 90$  D 1 - 90$  D 2 d arg m d 90$  D 2 (1)
 Rset  jX set
Zm( phase ) Zm( line )
I I  k ˜ 3I 0 I II
Where Rset are setting resistance and reactance, D1 and D2 are defined as 15$ in general. UI and I I are single
and Xset

phase voltage and current, U II and III are phase-to-phase voltage and current. I0 is zero-sequence current , k is
zero-sequence current compensating coefficient.
When the SMES is installed in the bus, we can get SMIB's equivalent circuit which is shown in Fig.2. The SMES
regulates power by inserting current to the power system, so the SMES can be represented as a current source Ism [3].
EM , Z M and I f are equivalent electric potential, equivalent impedance and short-circuit current respectively.

Fig.2 Equivalent circuit of SMES at the bus

In Equation(2), Z m is the measured impedance and a is the ratio of line impedance at fault position to load
impedance. I m is the measured current. ZL is the load impedance seen from the power side.
Um aZ L I L Im IM (2)
Um I sm
IL I sm  I M Zm aZ L  aZ L

The measured impedance is aZ L without SMES when three-fault-grounded fault happens. But when SMES is
installed in the circuit, the measured impedance will be
aZ L 
I sm
aZ L
, which is affected by the fault location a and
I sm . So the characteristic of distance relay may change correspondingly.
274 Jun Yang and Wenjia Zhang / Physics Procedia 58 (2014) 272 – 276

3. Siimulation stu

a. Siimulation anaalyzation
A the simulattion model shoown in Fig.1, transmission line parameteers are as folllows: the lenggth of transmiission
line from M to N LMN 30km , the lengtth of transm mission line from
f N to H LNH 4km , r1 0.013: / km ,
x1 0.5: / km . S Superconductting coil parrameters incllude Ld 7.8H [1-2], mag gnetizing currrent I dc 4.0 0kA ,
maggnetizing poweer Ph 25MW W . Zone1 impeedance settingg of the polygo onal distance relay is Z䜓set (12.7  j105.886): ,
whicch can protectt 80% of total line length. The
T simulationn time is 8s, and
a a three-phase-ground faault at transmiission
line MN will occuur at 5s and last 0.2s. (All data is obtainedd from multip
ple simulationss.)
T simulationn is repeated with different fault posittions, includin ng 50%, 81% % and 85% oof the line leength.
Simuulation resultss of measuredd impedance with and witthout SMES are shown in Fig.3. Curvees with SMES S are
markked as “Y” annd as “N” withhout SMES[4-6].

(a) F
Fault at 30% off line (b) Faullt at 50% of linee (c) Fault at 81%
8 of line (d)
d) Fault at 85% of line

Fig.3 Measuredd impedance an MES in bus (Unitts of both axes aare ˖)
nd tripping charracteristic, SME

F shows thhat measuredd impedance is i different b ecause of SM MES, and thee error of meeasured imped dance
increeases with inccreasing a . Figg.3 (a) and (b)) show that mmeasured impedance is withiin the operatinng zone when fault
occuurs in 30% annd 50% of liine length, an nd that meanss the distancee relay trips correctly. Figg.3 (c) showss that
measured impedannce enters thee operating zon ne with SMES S when the faault point is at 81% of line llength which is
i out
of prrotection zonee; it means thhe distance rellay will makee mal-operatio on. The measu ured impedancce stays outside of
the operating
o zonee whether withh SMES or no o SMES in Figg.3 (d), and th he relay will not
n trip. Whenn SMES is insttalled
at th
he middle of thhe transmissioon line, we can n get similar rresults.
Simulation resuults with diffeerent fault positions, fault ttypes and SM MES locations are shown inn Table 1, in which
“A-G G” representss single-phasee-ground faultt, “BC-G” reppresents two-p phase-ground fault and “A ABC-G” repreesents
threee-phase-grounnd fault. “O” means
m trip of distance
d relayy while “X” means
m mal-operration of distaance relay.
Table.1 Simulation
S resultss of different faullt positions, fault types and SMES
S locations
SMESS location In the bus In the middle of transmission linne
Fault position 50% 81% 85% 50% 81% 85%
F and Tablle 1 show thaat with SMES the distance relay works correctly
c m situationss only except fault
in most
occuurring nearby the boundaryy of protecting g zone, so SM MES is disadv vantageous too polygonal didistance relay. And
SME ES in bus has greater effects on distance relay than SMMES located in n middle of the line.
b. An
A improved d distant relay
M only happenns when the fault
f location is nearby th he boundaries of the operaation zone, so o the
measured impedaance is just slightly
s impaccted by SME S. To improv ve the operation characterristic of polyg gonal
distaance relay, a new trippingg boundary iss proposed too prevent maal-operation. BecauseB the eerror of meassured
impeedance increaases with a inncreasing, thee most seriouss error which h will cause mal-operation
m occurs when fault
nt is just at the boundary of protecting zone.
z So the nnew operatingg zone can bee recalculated to avoid the most
ous fault, whicch occurs at 80%
8 of line length. Fig.4 shhows the new protection zone of measureed impedancee, and
the results
r are summmarized in Table
T 2 to shoow the operattion results off polygonal diistance relay. Fig.4 and Taable 2
showw that the impproved distancce relay will not
n make mal--operation wh hen faults occu ur in the bounndary of proteecting
zonee with SMES. Also, the impproved distance relay can ttrip correctly when
w faults occur within thhe protection zone.
The operating zonne of improvedd distance relaay is denoted as follow, wh hich is shown in Fig.4.
Jun Yang and Wenjia Zhang / Physics Procedia 58 (2014) 272 – 276 275

­ I smmax
° X m  X set  Imagg ( aset .1Z L )
° I M max
° I
° Rm  Rset  Real ( smmax aset .1 Z L )
° I M max
° Z  Rset
90$  D1 d arg m d 90$  D1
° -9  Rset
° $ Z  jX set
0  D 2 d arg m
°-90 d 90$  D 2
¯  jjX set

W I smmax , I M max and aset .1 are the vaalues when thhe three-phasee fault occurs at boundary of protectingg zone

(a) Fauult at 79% of lin

ne (b) Fault aat 81% of line (c) Fault at 85% of line

Fig.4.Meassured impedancce and new tripp oth axes is ˖)

pping characterristic (Unit of bo

Table.22 Simulation resu

ults of different faault positions, fau
ult types and SME
ES locations
SMES location In the bus In the middle of transmission liine
Faultt position 50% 81% 85% 50% 81% 85%

4. Conclusions

S device is characterizzed with uniqu ue advantagess as four-quaddrant power modulation andd it can improv ve the
safeety and stabillity of powerr system. How wever its chaarging and diischarging prrocess may ha have impact on o the
nsmission linee protection. The
T effect of SMESS on polyygonal distancce relay is anaalyzed in this ppaper in detaiil, and
mulations are ccarried out to investigate th he operation ccharacteristic of polygonal distance relaay by PSCAD D. The
mulation resultss show that thhe measured im mpedance chaanges with SM MES, and poly ygonal distancce relay makess mal-
opeeration when ffaults occur inn the boundarries of protecttion zone. An improved disstance relay iss proposed to solve
the problem, and its availabilitty is verified by
b correspondding simulation n results.


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