Tomb Raider Anniversary Game GUIDE

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Tomb Raider:

Game Guide

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Table of Contents:
Tips ...................................................................................................................................................3
Main characters.................................................................................................................................4

The Croft Manor - training mission .....................................................................................6

The entree to Mountain Caves........................................................................................................24
Mountain Caves ..............................................................................................................................26
Vilcabamba .....................................................................................................................................30
The Lost Valley ...............................................................................................................................35
Tomb of Qualopec...........................................................................................................................48
Outro ...............................................................................................................................................55
Greece ............................................................................................................................................56
St. Francis’ Folly..............................................................................................................................57
Coliseum .........................................................................................................................................73
Palace Midas...................................................................................................................................79
Tomb of Tihocan .............................................................................................................................87
Outro ...............................................................................................................................................92
Egypt ...............................................................................................................................................93
Temple of Khamoon........................................................................................................................94
Obelisk of Khamoon......................................................................................................................107
Sanctuary of the Scion ..................................................................................................................121
Outro .............................................................................................................................................138
Lost Island.....................................................................................................................................139
Natla`s Mines ................................................................................................................................140
The Great Pyramid........................................................................................................................148
Final conflict ..................................................................................................................................155
Outro .............................................................................................................................................162
Items .............................................................................................................................................163
Enemies ........................................................................................................................................165
Bosses ..........................................................................................................................................168

Artefacts and Relics .........................................................................................................175

Mountain Caves ............................................................................................................................176
Vilcabamba ...................................................................................................................................182
The Lost Valley .............................................................................................................................184
Tomb of Qualopec.........................................................................................................................188
St. Francis`Folly ............................................................................................................................190
Coliseum .......................................................................................................................................196
Palace Midas.................................................................................................................................197
Tomb of Tihocan ...........................................................................................................................202
Temple of Khamoon......................................................................................................................204
Obelisk of Khamoon......................................................................................................................210
Sanctuary of the Scion ..................................................................................................................215
Natla`s Mines ................................................................................................................................219
The Great Pyramid........................................................................................................................225
The Final conflict ...........................................................................................................................227

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Tomb Raider: Anniversary is a game, which harks back to the roots of cycle – the original
from 1996. But the new title isn’t just a copy of old Tomb Raider with new pics. Though the
action is embedded in the same locations, the architecture and mode of defeating levels are
completely different.
This solution has a complete walkthrough of the feature mode of Tomb Raider: Anniversary
on the medium level. You will find there localisation of guns, ammo, first-aid kits, description
of characters, enemies and armoury, learn about rules of finding artefacts and relics and
avail yourself on tips about battles with the bosses.
1. In time of battle move, dodge, jump etc. In this way you will keep out of the gunshots.
2. The checkpoints – places, from where you may continue the gameplay in case you die, so
the most difficult actions do rather near this points.
3. If near to you is any band, it will switch blue, when you are close to it.
4. Lara`s diary may help you, when you don’t know what to do.
5. Where the monster is keeping you in tooth or clawing you, you can free if you push
alternately the directions left – right.
6. In time you are standing too long on the top of the pillar or on the edge you may
unexpectedly overbalance, so in this case push quickly and periodically the key of balance –
this is „E”.

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Main characters
The character that you are playing.
Archaeologist and adventurer. Owner of
attractive, sporty body and two pistols.
Nowadays, she is hired by the manageress of
Natla Technologies to find the Scion – ancient
artefact of Atlantis.

The manageress and owner of Natla
Technologies, company, which is a tycoon in
electronic craft. She is gathering and
researching in her laboratories miscellaneous
artefacts from different historical periods. Now
she is hiring Lara.

Archaeologist, treasure digger and also miss
Croft`s rival. Lately, their paths have
frequently crossed. The confrontation will be
unavoidable and probably only one of them
will survive.

Ex - marines from American army, with 7
years of experience in commando. After the
conflict with superior he has been rejected
from army, now he is earning his living as a
hireling. He is hiring by Natla and actually
he’s her right – hand man.

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Black, square – built Natla`s bodyguard. Ex –
prisoner, has been convicted for cruel murder.
Nickname „Kold” he has acquired on time,
because has been known as ruthless bully
with cold, spine – chilling glare and
psychopathic bents. From time he has been
set free from limbo by Natla, he is faithfully
ministering to her.


Gangster from Los Angeles. One day with his
gang he wanted to kidnap a limousine with
Jacqueline Natla inside, but the action ended
as disaster. Thanks to Kin Kade all of
gangsters died without only Kid, who has
survived and now, strangely he is working for
... Natla.

Kernel, who is living in Great Pyramid on the
Lost Island. Wraith has all physical Lara`s
features. Meaning of its living isn’t known to

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The Croft Manor - training mission

The Croft Manor is a training mission,
unattached with main plot of the game. You
can practice there interface and several of
Lara`s skills. Simultaneously, you will resolve
some interesting puzzles, raise and use items
and collect artifacts (8 pieces).

You will start in the main hall. Go upstairs,

open the first door on the right side and follow
the corridor. On the end is an entree to the
library, so go inside.

Look at the bookcases on the left – one of the

book is unnaturally embattled. Push it and
then a safe-deposit will open. Take a labyrinth

Go upstairs, pass Artifact 1/8 (you can’t take

it by now) and go to the small room, full of
bookcases. There are also books, which are
unnaturally embattled, so push them. Another
safe – deposit will open. Take pistols.

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Come back near to stairs and shoot at the

glass, which is protecting Artifact 1/8. Take
the item. Close to the entree of small room is
huge painting – jump onto.

Holding the edge you will slide down. On the

wall behind the painting is button. Come back
to the floor and shoot at the button – the
secret passage will open.

Go downstairs and then follow the corridor.

You will see boxes. Look at the cases on the
left - there is an empty pail, take it.

Jump to the box and go upstairs. Push the

button on the left wall and move a door –
handle. This is a chamber with relics. Go
upstairs – there is a small room. Shoot at the
show – case and take gnomon of sundial.

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Come back to the chamber with relics and go

near the exit door. Look at the electronic lock
and change the color of button from red to
green. Then leave the chamber and go to the
main hall.

Open the door on the left side of stairs. Go to

the exit door, which leads to the garden. It will
be lock.

There is a sundial. Find a plate in the floor

with a slot, which looks like a pointer. Put the
gnomon there.

Now move the sundial. The big hand must be

on hour XI, then II, and at last on VII. After
that the door will be open.

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Go to the centre part of the garden, where is a

huge figure of archer. Behind the closed gate
is a grapnel. To take it you must skirt round
the garden. Use the map.

When you have a grapnel, use it – throw it and

grab the band, which is in the closed gate.
Twitch and open the gate.

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Look at the map and find the Artifacts 2/8,

3/8 i 4/8. Then come back to the building.

The garden map with marked artifacts.

From main hall go upstairs and open the

second door on the end of the floor. Follow the
dark corridor. You will come to Lara`s

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Look at the left. There is round relief and two

small pedestals. Move the hilts, which are on
the pedestals.

The relief will open – inside is Lara`s diary.

Take it and come back to the floor.

Open the first door on the left. Go to the

library. Inside you will find a chandelier –
hook the grapnel on the band and twitch.

On the wall behind you will appear a safe –

deposit. Take Artifact 5/8 and come back to
the main hall.

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Go to the door on the ground floor, on the left

side from fireplace. Pass a fountain and go to
the gym.

Jump from pad number 1 to the nearby

windlass and then on the ledge in the wall.
Leap to the windlass on the left and then to
the second windlass, which is behind you.

Jump to the ledge in the next wall, jump to

the right and climb. Jump to the back to the
platform behind you.

Take small medipack and push the button,

which is in the niche. Pillars will pull ahead
from the floor. Jump on the floor.

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Go near to the pad number 2 and jump to the

ledge in the stone column. Jump to grab the
ledge above and move to the left - behind the
bend. Leap to the top of the pillar, which is
behind you. Jump to the next pillar (on the
right side) and then to the stone column.

Jump to grab the ledge behind you and turn

round the column. Jump to grab the edge of
the niche. Go inside and take Artifact 6/8.
Jump on the ground and go to the pad
number 3.

From pad number 3 jump to the stone

column. Jump to grab the ledge above, move
to the left and then grab the edge above you.
Lean back, behind you will light the band

Jump in the direction of the icon by using the

line. Hang on the line and climb a bit. Then
swing. When you are in the maximal
inclination, jump to the centre of the room.
You will fall back on the chute, so in no time
rebound on the second chute and then on the
bar, which is close to you. Move round using
the bar in the direction of the wall.

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Before you is a niche, jump inside and take

Artifact 7/8. Jump on the ground and go to
the pad number 3. Leap to the stone column
and climb to the place, from where you must
jump on the band. Do it and in the maximal
inclination jump along the wall.

You will grab the edge above the niche with

the button. Move to the left behind the bend of
the wall, move down on the ledge below and
jump to the right inside the niche. Switch the
button – one of the bars above will change its
position. Slide on the ground and go to the
pad number 3.

Again leap to the stone column. Jump to grab

the ledge above and move to the right behind
the bend. Move to edge above and leap to the
right ledge in the next column.

Go to the right and leap to the next ledge.

Jump to the ledge below, move over to the
column, skirt round it and jump to grab the
band, which is behind you. Use the line to
grab the band, run the wall and in the
maximal inclination jump along the wall to the
ledge in the next column.

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Move the column round, go to the ledge in the

wall. Leap to the bar behind you, which is
removable, so it will revolve with you in the
direction of the niche with the button.

Jump to the niche, take large medipack and

push the button. Another bar above will
change its position. Jump on the ground and
go to the pad number 3.

Jump to the stone column and go to the right.

When you are on the third column, leap to the
bar behind you.

Then jump to the next bar and to the pillar.

After that leap to the second pillar (on the left),
on the top of another the pillar, then jump to
the next pillar and leap in the end on the
platform near the ceiling.

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Find the monkey – wrench, take it and jump

down. Come back to the main hall.

From hall go again outside. In the corner of

yard, near to the wall is standing the machine,
which is using to pipe water to your house.

Go to the water pipe, find a tap and use the

monkey – wrench to turn the tap about 180
degrees. On the console near the machine will
switch green lights. The device will move.
Water! This is what you need now.

Go to the nearest fountain and run a pail.

Come back to the main hall.

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In the main hall find a fancy plate in the floor.

When you are standing on it, a safe – deposit
behind the fireplace is opening, but
unfortunately, when you are peeling, the safe
– deposit is closing. Go near to the boxes, find
a box with red label, push it on the plate.

Go to the fireplace and stub out the fire by

using the water from the pail. Then take from
the safe – deposit a figured arrow.

Come back to the boxes, jump to the boxes on

the right, climb on the top. Jump to the huge
painting on the center of the wall, then leap to
the boxes on the left side.

From the last box take a gear of sculpture.

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Go through the door on the left side of

fireplace. Behind the next door is a huge
chamber, which is in redecoration. Go to the
red skip and push it on the center of room,
between two scaffoldings.

Find another scaffolding on the center of the

chamber. Shoot at the block hitch – the
landings will level.

Pass the scaffolding and go to the right, climb

on the dark green boxes. Turn round in the
direction of the center of the room, jump to
the crossbar above you and then leap to the
edge of the balcony. Walk round and jump to
the edge of the scaffolding.

Go behind the bend, jump to the right on the

platform of scaffolding. Go to the left, leap to
the spear (the statue of warrior). Grab the
band of the spear and move down. Now the
spear is in the horizontal position.

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Run again in the direction of green boxes and

go through the balcony again to the parietal
scaffolding. Turn round, jump to the spear
and go to the mezzanine.

Push the red container with pipes near the

symbol of “x” on the floor. Put the receptacle
on the round plate on the right side of the “x”
and then move it round in this way that the
longest pipe will be oriented along the “x”. Go
to the swivel statue on the left and move it
round (the spear of warrior must be also
oriented along the “x”).

After that between container and statue on the

wall will appear button. Shoot at it – one of the
barrier, which is blocking the underground
passage will unlock. Go on the end of the
mezzanine, take large medipack and shoot at
the knot of the line, which is chaining the
large statue. The statue will reel, but not fall
down because the two another lines are
chaining it.

Come back on the start of mezzanine, again

jump to the spear and then leap to the
scaffolding. Push yourself forward on the next
scaffolding, which is on the center of chamber,
then jump to the skip - there is a huge pipe –
use it to leap to the construction on the other
side of the room.

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Go to the wall, turn right and find the band

above you. Throw the line on the band, run
the wall and jump down on the scaffolding.
There is a box with red label. Throw it on the

Go to the mezzanine, turn right near the

statue of the horse and go to the Atlas, who is
carrying a terrestrial globe . Shoot the line at
the globe and throw it from the pedestal. The
globe will fall down on the round plate on the
floor – the second barrier will unlock.

From the globe go right, jump to the box.

There is a statue of horse. The line, which is
chaining the huge statue is hooked on the
basis of the horse. Shoot at the knot. So, there
is only the one, last line.

Take small medipack, which is lying near the

statue of the horse and come back to the
platform, from where you threw the box with
red label. From that place jump to the
movable platform of scaffolding, quickly leap
to the construction of the other side and grab
the higher board.

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Move to the right. Pass the bend and jump to

the board in the next scaffolding behind you.
Move to the left and leap to the crescent
shaped balcony. Shoot at the knot of the line –
the statue will fall down.

Move down and jump into the water. Dive and

take fancy bow. Take a breath and swim into
the underground tunnel.

Take Artifact 8/8 and switch the lever on the

wall. Short way off the place you are now, the
barrier will open and water will course into the
swimming pool in the gym. Swim there, go out
the water and come back to the main hall.

Go to the garden, pass the sundial and go to

the place from where you took the grapnel.
There is a statue of bowman – he needs arrow
and bow, so put them onto the right places.

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Close to the stone box and throw a line on the

box. The grapnel will destroy a lid – there is a
cogged gear. Put the gear to the statue and
move the lever. Now the bowman will shoot at
the statue near you. The barrel with musical
box will fall down. Take it and come back to
the main hall.

Go upstairs on the floor of the right and open

the door in the end of the corridor. Go to the
door with huge slot on the left. The door will
be closed, but use the barrel to open it.

Go inside. You will come to the music room –

the aim of your mission. This is the end.

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Calcutta, India, 1996
You’re in the hotel, when mysterious envoy is
coming. He has an message from Jacqueline
Natla from Natla Technologies. She wants to
hire you – you must find an ancient artefact.
You will agree on her tender and set off to

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The entree to Mountain Caves

You muddle through snowy Andes so as to
find Mountain Caves. But unfortunately, your
Indian guide will destroy a ladder, so you
must find another way to go upper. Go to the
left and jump on the wall –grab the salient

Move to the right – in the shelf is a hole –

jump above it and grab the next part of edge.
Go to the right and behind the bend stand in
this way that you will have the shelf behind
you. Glance off the wall, grab the edge behind
you and jump on it. Jump to the jag on the
left. Go upstairs (only several steps) and face
to the wall, jump to it by grabbing a salient
shelf. Jump – you must reach to the top of
stone shelf.

Turn left and find a band, which is hanging on

the abyss. Run and jump to the abyss using
the line on the band. Now you are on the other
side of abyss. Run to the right and go
upstairs. You will see a gate to the Mountain
Caves – it is closed of course.

Back to the top of stairs – there is a stony

pedestal along the left wall – from there jump
to the stone platform. Turn right and jump in
the direction of the gate –grab the line of the
band. Swing and leap to the stone shelf on the
other side of the gate.

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Turn right and leap to the wall. Grab the

salient edge and move to the left. Jump to
grab the next edge. Jump to the left, push the
button in the wall – the gate will open slowly.

The Indian guide will be happy, but only for

the moment – huge voracious wolves will
appear suddenly. Use yours pistols to help the
guide – unfortunately it will be too late for
him. Now you’re lonely...

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Mountain Caves
Run forward - when you stand on the big
stone plate, the mortal darts will appear on
the walls before you. To turn them off you
must switch two levers – jump from the edge
to edge to get to the levers.

Another way is to run quickly through the

dangerous area. Then follow the corridor, go
upstairs and turn round the cave.

When you get to the cast iron wall, jump on

the ledges. Move to the left. Slide down and go

Three bats will attack you – use pistols to kill

them. Turn left, there is a stone walling, jump
on it – on the left is large first-aid kit. Come
back to the crotch and go into the second

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There will be a hole in the ceiling – in this

place turn left. It will be another stone
chamber – stand near to the edge of the shelf
and move down. Kill another bats and go close
to the carved gate. There is a lever – switch it
and go through the open gate.

Go downstairs and through the stone portal.

Jump down and kill two wolves. In the one of
the small niches (above it is a bridge) you will
find small first-aid kit.

Jump to the stone platform and go to the left.

Leap to the shelf above, turn left and go to the
wooden bridge – unfortunately the bridge will
break in and you fall down. Close to the part
of the bridge and jump on it by grabbing the
boards. Go on the top.

Turn right and by jumping go to the upper

floor. Move to the right and jump to the back –
grab the column behind you. Go behind the
bend, jump to grab the edge above. Jump to
the back and grab another column. Jump into
the niche and take small medicine – chest.
Move down, run near the parts of bridge and
climb to the upper floor again.

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Go on the next bridge on the right side. Turn

left, jump on the floor above. Pass the
columns – this is the checkpoint. Jump on the
line, which is hanging above the hole, turn
left, swing and jump into the niche – take the
large first-aid kit. Use the line again to leap to
the other side of the room. There are also
columns and behind one of them is hiding
another first-aid kit.

Go down and then upstairs. There is a hole in

the ground. Jump to the crossbar, which is on
the left wall and jump on the other side of the
hole. Run forward, climb on the next level and
turn left.

You’re in the huge chamber. Run between the

darts – remember about overturns. Push the
carved tile on the bottom of the door. But in
this way you can’t open the gate. To do this
you must throw two huge counterweights.
This is the timing work.

Turn left and climb on the wall by jumping

from edge to edge. Turn left, kill the wolf and
go through the entree to the next room. On
the end of the room turn left – you will see
three crossbars on the right wall. You know
what you must do now... After that you will be
on the other side of the chamber. Kill wolves
and go in the direction of broken gate.

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On the end of the chamber in the right wall

are two edges – jump to them and jump to the
back on the bar. Move with it on about 90
degrees. Be careful – now will be the most
important part. Leap to the stone–wooden
counterweight. You will move down on it. Run
to the edge of the floor near the gate and move
down. Run quickly on the left and climb on
the wall.

When you are on the top, jump to the wall,

grab the edge, jump to the next and go to the
right behind the curve. Go to the end and
jump to the right. You will grab huge stone–
wooden counterweight and move down with it.
Now, come back to the gate and push the tile
on the bottom. The gate should open.

But if not – it means that you were too slowly

and you must do again all actions but faster.
After all that go through the gate.

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Run upstairs. There will be a bear – kill him.
Go forward - you will see high, vertical pillars.
Jump onto the first, move down and explore
the hole – you will find a small first-aid kit.
Back to the pillar and climb up.

Between first and second pillar is a ledge in

the wall – jump to it. Then jump to the
another ledge on the left and to the edge
above. From the edge jump back to the second
pillar. Climb and jump on the floor on the
other side of the hole. Go through the open

You will see houses – village! Run downstairs

and kill wolves. Near the houses is a bear –
kill him and look around. There is a gate with
the lock – it is closed, so you must find the

Jump into the water–tank, and dive. Behind

the bole is a place with spout – but it is
shrouded. Find the lever on the wall and move
it. The spout will open – take a breath and

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Near the pond is a lever on the wall – move it

to open the door. Now you don’t want to go
there. Go upstairs, jump above the yard, run
to the boards, jump quickly to the niche with
small first-aid kit. Jump down, shoot at the
lock of the gate – the passage, which leads to
the yard will open, but don’t go there by now.

Find huge box in the niche, put it on the

centre of the room. Go to the next room and
take ammo and Key to the gate. Come back to
the previous room and leave the house.

Now go to the gate. Kill wolves, pass the

carved column. There will be a huge courtyard
with closed gate. But there are two open
passages, which are leading into the building.

Choose the entree of the left and go through it.

There will be a room full of water. Go through
the passage along the walls and go up using
the platforms and stone ledges. Leave the
room and run forward.

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Kill the bat, jump above the water and go to

the next location. Jump to the timber, which
is salient from the pillar. You will move with
the timber – the gear, which locked the gate,
will partially open. Move down.

Now go into the second entree (on the right

side of the gate). There will be also the room
under the water. Dive – on the bed is small
first-aid kit. Surface and climb by jumping
from the ledge to ledge as you come to the
small balcony. Go into the corridor.

Go to the next room. Kill bats, jump above the

water and in the next location jump to the
timber, which is opening the door. Go through
the door.

Go forward, you will see a rift. Jump to the

shelf and move down. Kill the wolf and take

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Put the box and push it under the slant wall.

Jump to the box, then leap to the chute and
jump to the back on the crossbow. Jump
down on the floor. From the floor leap to the
pillar and then again on the floor. There will
be another rift.

Move down and go to the second end of the

rift. Jump to the huge stone, leap to the edge
and jump to the crossbow, which is salient in
the pillar. Leap to the ledge and then jump to
the next ledge above.

Move to the edge of the flooring and then move

to the left – it should be an equal of the centre
of the sale. In time when the darts don’t fly,
climb on the flooring and move along on the
safe distance.

Face to the pillar with salient crossbar and

again in time when darts don’t fly, jump to the
pillar. Stand on the top and jump down on the

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Go through the corridor on the left. You will

see a beautiful waterfall on the horizon.

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The Lost Valley

You will see a green valley. On the right side of
the waterfall is a huge wooden machinery –
you must turn on it. To do it you need three
cogged circles. First is near to waterfall. Go
down, but be careful –wolves are here, so kill
them. After that jump into the water under the
waterfall, and dive – there is a underground
corridor. Swim through it – in small room you
will find first-aid kit. Take it and come back to
the valley.

Go to the left and take Cogged Circle 1. Climb

up on the stones on the upper level and jump
on the wall with ledges. Climb up. There will
be an ammo.

On the upper edge of the wall move to the

right. Then jump in the direction of the
waterfall. Turn the stone column round and
jump to it from the side of the waterfall.
Several jumps and you will be on the top of
the wall.

Run to the right. Jump above the broken

small bridge and go to the niche. Leap to the
wall on the right, clutch the edge. Jump to
back on the wooden pedestal. Shoot at the
knot of the line. The pedestal will break up
and fall down.

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Turn right and jump to the tight ledge. Go to

the left and jump to the back to the crossbar.
Jump down on the floor. Go through the short
corridor and stand before the edge of abyss.
Above you is a band – simultaneously jump in
this direction and shoot the line at the band.

Hang on the line, swing and jump to the

wooden platform. Leap to the edge on the wall
of the right, go behind the bend and jump two
times on the next edges. From the top jump to
the right and stand on the shelf. Go through
the corridor and bridge. On the right side,
near the wall you will find Cogged Circle 2.

Kill the bats and find the ceiling band. Shoot

at the band – the bridge will break up.

Turn right. Move round in the direction of

waterfall and jump on the huge wooden circle.
Grab the crossbar. Move to the left, the
crossbar will move up with you – then leap to
the small horizontal ledge.

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Move to the right. Jump to the upper edge and

again leap to the right and jump. Then jump
to the back to the near shelf. Find a lever,
which is opening an underwater passage.

Come back to the edge, from where you have

get onto this shelf. You can’t to this in the
same way but there is another. Take a run–up
and jump in the direction of the band. Shoot
the line at the band and hang on. Swing and
jump to the place, from where you took second
cogged circle.

On the left side of the waterfall is a small slot

in the wall. Stand forward to it, swing and
jump into the niche. Go through the small
corridor – and take a shotgun! Take also large
first-aid kit.

Jump down into the water. Surface and kill

the wolves. Climb up the ladder. Use one of
the Cogged Circle and move the lever – part of
the machinery will turn on.

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Above you are huge wooden circles with

salient crossbars. Jump to grab the nearest
crossbar. When you are on the top, jump to
the next circle and grab the crossbar. Again,
when you are on the top, jump to the ladder
and go to the top of the construction. Use next
Cogged Circle, then move the lever. Second
part of the machinery will turn on.

Jump to the edge of the wall on the right of

the lever. Go to the right, jump above the hole
and go behind the bend. Jump to grab the
ledge above you, then jump to the back to the
wooden platform.

Jump to the left on the horizontal ledge in the

wall. Move to the right, use the line to move
down and go inside the hole. Leap to the
wooden platform and take large first-aid kit.
Jump into the niche on the left side – you will
move down.

Climb again to the place, from where you

decided to jump down into the hole. Where
you are there, jump to grab the edge above,
jump to the back and grab the line.

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Turn right, swing and jump to the stone ledge.

Go behind the bend and jump above the hole.
Move down – the ladder will break and from
now you will have an passage to the rest part
of this level.

Go to the unknown corridor. There will be a

wooden construction and a bear will attack
you, kill him and climb on the wooden
platforms on the top of the construction. Take

Go down and jump to the wooden pillar. Climb

on the top of the pillar and jump on the wall
with tight ledge. Jump to grab the edge above
and jump again on this pillar.

Jump on the next pillar and on the platform.

Move down and go to the stairs. Go upstairs,
take ammo and turn left.

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Jump on the slant platform and in time when

you are slipping, jump to grab the tight ledge
in the wall. Move to the right and leap to the
wooden platform on the left, take ammo.

Jump to the right on the salient crossbar and

then leap to the edges. From the bottom jump
to the upper, go to the left and behind the
bend climb up on the flooring.

Get on the wooden platform and jump to the

wall with the ledge. Go to the left, jump to the
back on the next wall with ledge. Move quickly
to the right and jump down on the floor. Kill
bats and take large first-aid kit. Look around.

On the wall on the other side are tight ledges –

leap to the upper of them then move down on
the lower. Jump to the back into the niche in
the wall. Go inside and take another large
first-aid kit.

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Leave the niche and back on the ledge. Move

maximally on the right, jump to the edge
above and again on the upper edge. Move to
the left. Jump to the back to the ledge, then
jump again and you are on the flooring.

Go to the right. Jump to the shelf. Go through

the long corridor. The floor will break, you will
fall down. Now you are in the lost valley.
Really nice place.

Not as nice as you thought. Three raptors will

attack you. Use shotgun to kill the dinosaurs.
Take 50 caliber pistol ammo, close to the
waterfall on the right side and take first-aid
kit. Go carefully forward.

Another group of three raptors will attack you,

after that something worse is waiting for you –
a boss – T-Rex. Fighting with him is long and
tiring. This is the first enemy, who really can
gives you trouble.

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Battle with T-Rex consists of three parts. First,

you must in proper moment push definite
direction key to dodge, then is a typical fight
with using gun and in the final again you will
be dodging.

You will be fighting on the round, closed area

near the old temple. You can’t hide or escape.
Take every items that you will find. The most
dangerous is dragon jaws and his tail.

The best way to win is escape and

simultaneously shooting so as to T–Rex will be
furious (the red indicator on the right upper
corner of monitor must be full). When he is
attacking you, dodge and wait as two grey gun
– points will change in one – red. Then shoot.

In this way you can hurt him badly and

disoriented. More information about fighting
with the bosses you will find in chapter IV.
The Bosses.

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Look around. Take items (medicine –chest,

ammo etc.) and close to the dead T- Rex.
Jump to the stone block and jump down on
the floor before the entree to the temple.

Go inside. There is a stone pedestal with

Cogged Circle 3. Leap to the pedestal and take
item. Jump into the water, swim underground
tunnel to the next room and surface.

Leap to the pillar, climb and jump to the stone

floor. Go to the left, jump to grab the edge in
the wall, grab the next edge. Move to the left,
jump to the left, grab the stone window frame.
From this position jump to the back, you will
be on the top of the pillar. Leap to the small
ledge, from the ledge jump to grab the edge
above, move on the left and jump to the back
in the window slot. Go outside through the

Turn right on the roof of the temple. Take

small first-aid kit. Go on the other side of the
building, jump from the one platform to
another and in this way turn round the area.
The path will end, there will be a huge pillar
next to you. Jump to it, climb and leap to the
next path.

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Go forward, jump to the ledge in the rock,

then to the left, move behind the bend. Leap to
the another ledge on the left and jump to the
back on the wooden platform. Go forward,
move down and in proper moment leap to the

Jump down on the ground. Take small first-

aid kit, go forward , near to the two waterfalls
you will find another first-aid kit. Next to the
waterfalls on the other side of the valley is a
large first-aid kit.

Come back to the place, from where you

jumped down to the valley and go to the
platform. Leap to the stone shelf and go inside
small cave. Turn left, there is next small first-
aid kit.

Back to the exit, jump to the two next shelves

– you’re on the upper level. Leave the cave, go
through the bridge on the other side of the
valley. Go inside the pit – there is a huge first-
aid kit.

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On the left are edges in the wall. Jump to the

nearest, go to the left and move down on the
lower edge. Move to the left and jump from one
edge to another to the top.

Jump to the slant stone rock. Move down

slowly on the chute and in proper moment
leap to the second chute. Move down again
and jump to the salient crossbar. That won’t
be easy!

Hanging the crossbar jump to the next and

leap to the wooden platform. Then jump to the
next platform and go to the stone corridor.
After that jump down and go forward. There
will be an edge and a chute.

Move down and in the proper moment jump

into the niche in the wall. Then jump to the
back to the next niche and move down on the
lower edge. You were there earlier. Go behind
the bend on the right and jump to the wooden
platform behind you.

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Go to the next chamber, there are chutes.

Jump to the nearest chute, slide down on your
shoes and leap to the salient edges in the wall.
Move to the left, jump to grab the ledge above
and again move to the left. Face to the next
slant platform.

Release the ledge and when you are moving

down, jump. You will stand on the tight edge
on the other side of the room. Jump, go
behind the bend, again jump and you will
stand on the platform.

Run downstairs and go to the next chamber

with two pillars. Climb on the smaller pillar
and jump to the left to the slant wooden
platform, then quickly jump to the pillar again
– you will stand on the top. Now leap to the
right into the niche.

There is a hole on the left. Jump to it and

move down, Take small first-aid kit. Climb on
the edges and leave the hole. Go to the left,
move down on the slant platform and jump
down on the ground. Go through the corridor,
you will come to the small valley with wooden

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The turn left and leap to the crossbar, then

jump on the ground. Jump into the water.

Go on the construction using the method,

which was featured earlier. When you are on
the wooden platform, turn on the direction of
moving gears. Look at the huge wooden circle
with the part of the platform. When the
platform is on the horizontal position, jump to
it and quickly leap to the next wooden

You’re close to the third lever. Install third

cogged circle and move the lever. The gear will
move and the passage under the waterfall will
open. Jump into the small lake and go
through the open gate.

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Tomb of Qualopec
Go forward. There will be the room with holes
on the flooring. Jump to the top of the nearest
pillar. Leap to the bar and then jump to the
another pillar. Leap to the left to the higher
pillar and to the right to the platform. Jump in
the direction of the exit door.

Go forward as you come to the fancy chamber

with the entree to the tomb of Qualopec.

Go into the tomb slowly and carefully.

Suddenly the earth will quake and huge stone
orb will run to you. Quickly come back, run to
the chamber and swerve. The orb will run into
the rift and break. But unfortunately it will
destroy path, which you came here and the
corridor, which is leading to the tomb, will be
locked by three huge bars.

Jump to the wooden platform and move down

on the bed of the chute. Look around – take
ammo. Come back to the platform.

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Push the platform on the right in 3/4 distance

from the centre of the chamber. Find part of
the broken wooden platform and move it in
the direction of ledges in the wall. Climb on it
and by jumping on the ledges go up.

Jump to the centre of the room, leap to the

high platform and then jump into the slot of

Go forward. Be careful – from the wall are

flying mortal darts. In the break between one
sequence of darts and second leap to the top
of the pillar. Then jump to the ledge on the left
side. Go to the right.

Jump to the next ledge (be careful – the

darts!), move to the right and move down on
the lower ledge. Stand in this way to have a
bar behind you and jump to it. Move to the
centre and then leap to the pillar. Jump on
the flooring on the right side. You can leave
the chamber.

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Go forward – you will come to the chamber

with gear and lever. Take ammo and close to
the gear. But suddenly the floor will break and
you fall down. Be careful, the wolves will
attack you.

After killing the wolves go to the left or right,

close to the wall and go to the long wooden
pedestal. On the centre is a niche in the wall –
there is a box – move it and push on the right
side of the gear with lever, close to the square

Jump to the box, jump to the direction of

ledges, grab the lower ledge. Leap to the
upper, jump to the back and grab the pillar.
Climb and jump to the next pillar. Then leap
to the near column. Move behind the bend,
jump to the bar behind you and then leap to
the stone shelf.

Now jump to the ledges in the nearest wall

and on the upper ledge move to the right, leap
to the pillar behind you. Climb on the top.

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Turn back to the gear and jump to the back,

grab the edge above the gear. Stand in this
way that the lever will be under you and fall
down. Grab the lever and move it. One of the
bar will move up.

Turn right, jump to the bar and then leap to

the ledge. Move behind the bend. Jump to the
upper ledge. Move to the right and grab the
edge above you. Go through the short corridor.
Move down to the chamber.

Come back to the fancy chamber with the

entree to the tomb. Be careful – there are
raptors. In the room with darts go to the band
of the chute.

After coming into the room with the tomb

move down on the band of the chute and go to
the platform, which you were pushing earlier.
Move it on the other side of the chamber, near
to the second exit. Put it on the 3/4 distance
between centre of the room and exit. Go up
and jump to the platform and then leap into
the corridor.

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Go forward, near the bend on the left you will

find an ammo – take it. There is a trap – again
darts. When there is a break and darts don’t
flying for the moment jump to the bar. The
jump to the ledge and go to the left along the

Jump to the ladder. Step up the ladder. Leap

to the right to the two ledges. From the second
of them jump to the back on the top of the
pillar. Jump on the floor. Take small first-aid
kit and go forward.

Turn left, there will be another small first-aid

kit. Go forward, be careful (darts).

Turn right, again darts will be there – many of

them, to go safely through the darts run
quickly and often tumble.

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Go forward, you will come to the big room. In

the end is a gear with the lever. Above you is a
band – jump in the direction of the centre of
the chamber and simultaneously throw the
line on the band. Hang on the line and jump
to the part of the flooring in the centre. Turn
left, leap to the pillar behind you and climb.
Jump to the bar, then leap to the tight ledge.
Grab the platform and climb on it.

Go to the gear with the lever. Take ammo and

jump on the gear. Grab the ledge above it and
then fall down. Grab the lever as you are
falling down. The second bar will move up.

Go to the fancy chamber again. Be careful –

there are darts and also more dangerous huge

Then a lonely raptor will attack you, kill him

and go forward. After coming to the chamber
turn left and jump to the ledges in the wall.
Move to the right and leap to the ledge in the
next stone block.

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Now jump to grab the edge and go to the top.

Jump to the pillar, climb and leap to the roof
above the entree of the tomb. Turn to the
direction of the centre of the room and find a
band above you.

You can’t jump because the huge statue block

your way. Shoot at the element, which is
underpin the statue. Now your way is unlock.

Jump in the direction of the band and throw a

line simultaneously. Swing and jump to the
next band. Jump into the niche in the wall
before you. Move down the lever and the third
bar will move up.

Move down the flooring and go to the tomb. Go

forward, pass the pedestal, where was a huge
stone orb. Go to the grave chamber – you will
see shining artefact – The Scion.

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Look at the tombstone. Suddenly mummified

huge cats will come back to life and try to kill
you. Take Scion of Qualopec and escape. Go to
the Lost Valley.

Larson is waiting for you. He wants to take the

Scion from you, so you must defend yourself
and the artefact. The fight with Larson depend
on the clicking right direction keys in the
proper moment. If you do everything quickly
and perfectly, you will win – Larson will die.

He wants to kill you, but why? To find an
answer after the return from Peru you will go
on the night trip to the Natla Technologies.
Look at the Jacqueline’s computer. So madam
Natla didn’t trust you from the beginning and
wanted to use you and then kill. Well, your
deal is out–of–date from now.

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You will receive another information also – the
second artefact is in Greece. It is a Scion of
Tihocan , and Pierre Dupont is trying to find
in. Now he is in St. Francis` Folly. Miss Croft
decide to join to the Greek exploration.

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St. Francis’ Folly

You are in the temple. There are lions – kill
them. After that you will meet Pierre and talk
with him for a moment.

Go through the centre of the nave. Stand on

the stone plate – on the floor above you will
open the bar in the balcony. But unfortunately
when are you are going down from the plate ,
the bar will move down again.

Look at the columns. They have longitudinal

rifts, which you may grab.

Go to the fourth column on the right, climb on

the top and jump to the fourth column on the
left. Climb, jump to the third column on the
left and then jump to the centre balcony,
which is on the same side. Leap to the next
balcony. Find a band above you, jump and
throw a line on the band. Run through the
wall to the gallery above the entree.

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Go forward. You will see a huge relief with

marked shining junctures. Stand on the stone
fancy plate – the junctures will go out. Shoot
at the two points on the left side of relief. On
the left will open the passage. Go there.

Use the line on the band and run the wall on

the first balcony on the right side of the
temple. Then jump to the upper balcony. Look
at the relief on the floor and remember a set of
shining junctures.

Back to the gallery. Stand on the fancy plate -

the shining points will go out, and then fire
them by using gun – it must be an identical
set as that one, which you have seen before.
After that the gear, which is opening the bar
behind you will turn on.

Go to the room, which is open from now. Close

to the orb. Throw the line on the one and then
on the second band and twitch fast. The orb
will fall down. Push the orb from the gallery on
the flooring of the temple.

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Go to the second balcony on the left , jump to

the third column on the left and move down
on the flooring. Close to the orb and push it to
the stone plate with carved sun. On the gallery
will open a passage. Climb on the fourth
column on the right, leap to the fourth column
on the left and climb on the top. Jump to the
gallery and go to the next chamber.

Move down on the floor. There is a bar and a

plate, which can unlock the bar. Look around,
you will see closed gate behind you and lever
on the wall. On the right side of the gate is
small niche. Inside is a large first-aid kit– use
the line to go there and take the item.

Move the lever down – the gate will open. Go

inside – you will be in the main nave. Kill lions
and push the orb to the chamber with the
closed bar, on the plate before the bar. The
passage will open, so go through it.

Go downstairs. There is a huge chamber with

four gates of the gods. You need to find four
keys to leave the chamber. Go to the right and
stand on the edge.

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Throw the line on the band of the platform,

twitch the line – the platform will move. Jump
to it, then leap to the next on the left side and
then jump to the stone shelf. Leap to the bar,
swing and jump to the small gallery with
stairs. Go upstairs and switch the lever. The
gate of Hefajstos will open and near the gate
will appear the platform.

Go on this platform, jump to the centre of the

chamber and run to the other side of the
room. Find the band in the wall, throw the line
on it and twitch. Part of the column will fall
down. By this way small bridge will be created.

Go to the end of the right side of the

horseshoe (the flooring) and move down on the
nearest part of the floor. Then move down
again, turn right, throw the line on the band
and twitch. Again you will create small bridge.

Turn left and go on the stone bridge, which

you have created earlier. Go to the wall, take
small first-aid kit (on the left) and jump to the
shelf on the right side. Climb by jumping from
shelf to shelf and grab the ledge. Go to the
right behind the bend and climb to the gallery
with second gear and lever. Switch the lever –
the gate of Posejdon will open and the
platform will appear.

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Kill the bats and jump again on the

horseshoe. Move down on the lower level.
Shoot at the button on the wall – under it will
appear a platform. Jump to it and go to the
niche with the button.

Overhang from the edge, jump from the ledge

to the ledge. Climb on the ledge near the bar,
then jump to the bar. Jump on the small
stone sill, move down to the niche. Go through
the niche, overhang from the edge, go to the
right, then climb on the floor level near to the
gate of Hefajstos.

Go forward. On the left is small room with bar

and gear with level. Move the lever – the bar
will fall down on the floor. But unfortunately,
there are blades, so you must find another
way. Climb by jumping from edge to the edge.
From the top jump to the right, near the small
hole in the brickwork. Go through the hole
and move down.

Go to the right. There is a room with movable

floor and strange, shining orb near the ceiling,
which is shooting the lightings. You must
push four plates, which are salient by
standing on them. When you are running to
the plates , try to dodge the lightings. After
pushing all plates, the passage to the next
part of chamber will unlock.

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Go to the next location. Look around. On the

centre is closed section with key of Hefajstos
inside. On the left side of the chamber is stone
plate and near it is a enormous hammer.

Don’t stand on the plate, because when you

do it, the hammer will kill you. Close to the
stone block and move it on the plate. The
hammer will fall down and break the block.
Inside is a statue – push it to the one of the
slot in the chamber. Go to the second statue,
which is on right side of the room and push it
to the second slot.

Go to the stone plate, stand on it for the

moment and run quickly. When the hammer
is falling down, jump to it and then jump to
the shelf. You must do it very fast. Take large
first-aid kit and jump to the lower shelf. Take
ammo, then use the bar to jump to the next

Use next bar to jump to the another shelf.

There is a stone block – push it on the edge
and throw down. It will break – inside is the
last statue.

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Jump down on the floor and push the statue

to the last slot. Then turn each statue in this
way that they all must face to the centre of the
chamber. Run to the plate , stand on it for the
moment and quickly go away. The hammer
will fall down on the floor. The impact will turn
on the gear in the small niche on the centre of
the room – the bar will move up.

Go to the niche and take Key of Hefajstos.

Back to the huge room. In the chamber with
broken gate switch the lever. Before the bar
will move up, jump to grab the carved square
plate in the bar. When the bar again is moving
down, jump to grab the edge of the hole above
the bar. Go through the hole t the other side of
the gate. Go to the exit.

In the huge room you will see appearing

platform. Jump to it and then leap to the ledge
on the right. Move down, go on the lower of
the bridges and go to the wall.

Jump to the shelf on the left and push the

barred box as far as you can. Leap to the shelf
on the right, overhang from the edge and jump
through the hole in the ledge, grab the second
edge. Go down to the niche and take small
first-aid kit. Back to the small bridge.

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Jump to the shelf on the right. Push the

barred box and throw. Climb on it and jump
to the back on the ledge on the left. Go to the
left, move down and jump to the left on the
next ledge. Again, move down and take small
first-aid kit. Grab the ledge and go to the

Move down to the niche, then move to the left.

Go down to the gate of Damokles, which will
be locked, so move lower on the level of the
gear. Switch the lever – the gate of Atlas will
open. Go downstairs to the centre of the room
and take ammo from the shelf.

Jump to the next shelf. Grab the ledge above

and move behind the bend. Jump to the right
– grab the ladder. Step up the ladder on the
rest of the flooring in the centre part of the

Turn left, find the bend, throw and grab the

line. Twitch – the platform will appear from
the wall. Jump on this platform, turn right
and jump to the ledge. Jump from the ledge to
ledge as you come to the niche Go to the gate.

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Go forward. On the right is a gate with bar,

which is not completely in working order.
Move the lever, quickly run on the carved
square plate in the bar. When the bar is falling
down, jump to grab the edge of the hole near
the ceiling. Go through it to the second part of
the chamber. Kill rats and turn right.

Go to the chamber with small pool. Look

around - behind one of the column is first-aid
kit. Jump to the pool and dive. On the bed you
will find closed bar and the lever – move the
lever , then the bar will open. Surface and
take a breath, then dive again. You will come
to the another chamber. Surface and leave

Jump into the water and swim to the niche on

the left side of the chamber. Take small first-
aid kit. Look around. On the column in the
centre of the room is a gear with the lever.
Jump on the back of the column and then
climb on the top.

Go to the left. There is a niche with carved

fish. Take ammo and clutch the stone block.
Push it away from the fish. Now the water will
course. The level of the water will grow up.

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Jump into the water and swim in the direction

of the gear. Move the lever and the bar in the
floor will open. Part of wooden platform will
appear. Swim to the niche with second stone
block and throw it to the water. Go to the
niche with the fish – move the block and
shade the statue. The level of the water
reduce. Go down and close to the stone block,
which you have threw to the water earlier. It is
near the stone fountain, which looks like fish.

Move the block to shade the fish – the level of

the water will reduce again. Go down on the
bed of the chamber. Close to the wooden
platform, find a bend and clutch the line on it.
Move the platform in place, where if the level
of the water grows up , the platform won’t
chock under the bridges. When the water is on
the second level, the platform must be
between the bar with key and the fish

Close to the enormous broken part of the

flooring, climb up on it. Now you are on the
upper level. Go to the stone fish and unlock
her mouth. The water will course and fill
partially the room. Climb on the column on
the centre of the chamber and unlock second
fish fountain. Then go to the wooden platform
and jump on it. From the platform jump to the
niche above you.

Jump to the right on the one and then on the

next ledge. Go through the hole above you and
take Key of Posejdon. After that switch the
lever and open the bar. Go to the fish fountain
and block it using the block. Level of the water
will reduce. Move down, find exit and leave the
chamber. Back to the great sale with gates of
the gods.

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When you run to the corridor, the platform

will appear. Jump from it on the centre of the
sale – on the small ledge. Climb up. You will
stand on the place above the gate of Ares.
Then jump to the open passage.

Go forward. Turn left – there is a gate with

bar, which isn’t working properly. Do the same
what you did in the earlier, identical situation.
Then there will be a room with broken flooring
and swivel gear. Move the bar round and run
on the other side of the chute. Do it quickly.

Look at the three ledges on the left. Jump to

them and climb on the shelf above. Take
ammo and go to the wall with gear and lever.
Move down the lever. Two bars will appear and
create a crossbar.

Go to the chamber with Key of Atlas. Take

ammo and look around. There are two buttons
on the both sides of the statue. Stand on the
round statue on the floor and shoot at the first
button. Then move and shoot at the second

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After that the spears will vanish, but

unfortunately the orb will fall down and run
on to you. Back and run quickly to the chute
in the flooring. Jump to the crossbar and from
it jump to the other side of the chute. The orb
will fall down into the chute.

Turn the bar of the movable gear and run

through the flooring to the chamber of Atlas.
Go to the small cell and take Key of Atlas.
Back to the chute.

Jump to the shelves on the right. Take small

first-aid kit and close to the gear with the
lever. Move the lever and run through the
flooring on the other side of the chute. Back to
the great sale with gates of the gods.

The platform will appear before you. Overhang

from the edge on the right side of the gate of
Atlas and move on the lower ledge. Move to
the left. Jump on the next ledge and move
down on the another ledge and small stone
shelf. Jump to the niche in the next wall. Go
to the left as you come to the place exactly
above the gallery with gear and lever.

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Move down to the gallery and switch the lever

– gate of Damokles will open. Overhang from
the edge and move down. Run to the centre,
jump to the shelves and ledges as you get on
the place above the open gate of Damokles.
Stand near the bridge and jump to the open
passage. Go forward.

When you come to the chamber with broken

bar, find the band under the ceiling, throw the
line on it. Twitch the line – the stone block will
fall down. Now you will see the hole above you.
Push the block close to the bar, go to the lever
and switch it. Jump to the stone block and
wait for the moment where the bar is on the
top. Jump to grab the edge of carved plate and
jump to the hole. Go forward.

You will come to the closed gate – stand on the

fancy plate – the gate will open. Go through
the next chamber . In the another room you
will find a Key of Damokles. Take it.

The gate will closed again and from the floor

will appear many blades. Go carefully between

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Explore the room – take small first-aid kit and

ammo. On the left is part of broken flooring.
Go there, go up and find a band above you.
Jump, throw to grab the line on it. Swing and
run through the wall. Leap to grab the edge of
the stone platform on the right.

From the platform jump to the next, long

platform on the centre of the chamber. Jump
to the niche on the right side of the entree.
Switch the lever – the mortal thorns in the
next room will vanish. Jump down and go
inside the second chamber. There are blades

But look around and you will see that blades

are vanish and appear frequently, so in proper
moment go quickly between them. Stand more
often on the fairy squares – they are longer
free from the blades.

Now the sword are falling down, so look at

ceiling frequently and go carefully forward.

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Turn the chamber round. Jump to the short

column, then leap to the near ledge. Jump to
grab the upper ledge. Move to the band and go
to the niche above. Switch the lever and the
second part of chamber will be free from the

Jump to the small white pillar on the left,

climb and jump to the huge column. Turn
right, jump to the next column and to the
niche near the second white pillar.

Take large first-aid kit and find two ledges in

the next wall. Jump to them. Go to the left
and look around. There is a band above.

Jump to the left, throw the line on the band.

Run through the wall and jump to the back.
Grab the edge of the top of the first column in
the second row. Jump from the one column to
another as you come to the other side of the

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From the last column jump to the ledge in the

wall. Then jump to the right on the another
ledge. Move to the right, jump above the hole
and go behind the bend. Jump down on the
floor with movable gear.

Move the lever round several times – under

you will open the gate. Jump down and go
through the open passage. Do it quickly.
Because the gate will close again. Go forward.
You will come to the great sale with gates of
the gods. Go on the lever 0. There are niches
with shining colour locks. Use four keys of the
gods. The huge gate near will open. Go there.

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Go forward. There will be a ruined room.
Jump to the big stone on the left and from the
stone jump on the shelf. Then jump on the
column. Climb and take small first-aid kit.

Back to the shelf and jump to the right on the

next shelf. Then jump on the shelf between
the columns. Climb up, kill the rat and go on
the end of the shelf. Move down, there is a
small pond. Jump above it and climb on the
stone shelves. Take ammo.

Jump into the pond and dive. Be careful, if

you lost, you will die. Swim to the left, again
left and behind the gate turn right. Surface.

You’re in the underground chamber. Kill rats

and bats, look around. There are barred cages
with skeletons inside. Jump on the smallest
cage, jump from it on the ledge. Jump from
the ledge to ledge and finally jump on the cage
in the corner. Take large first-aid kit and jump
down on the flooring.

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Close to the smallest cage, jump again onto it

and jump to the nearest ledge. There go to the
left. Leap to the verge above the pond and turn
round. Jump to the ledge on the left, then
jump to the back to the tight pillar. Climb on
the top and leap to the huge cage.

Find wooden fence behind the cage and jump

above it. Turn left, then right. You will come to
the circus.

Suddenly new enemy will attack you – two

enormous gorillas. They are fast, strong and
throw stones. Kill them using the shotgun.
After the fight turn round the circus – in the
sand you will find the ammo.

Close to the stones and broken columns –

climb on it and jump to the brickwork. Grab
the edge of the brickwork. Go to the main
tribune – on the brickwork near the tribune
you will find the ammo.

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Now go to the upper part of the tribunes. Kill

the bat and look at the columns. One of them
has some rifts that you can use to climb.
Jump to the lowest rift, then jump to grab the
next rift. Move in the direction of the rock and
jump to it. After that jump to the next rock,
take first-aid kit and move down.

Jump to the rock near the building of circus

and then leap to the terrace. Go inside and
turn left. There is a bar and lock near it. Turn
left and go to the terrace. Switch the lever –
the door will open.

Jump down to the circus. The gorillas and lion

will attack you – kill them all and run down
through the passage, which is open now. On
the left is key lying on the cage. But it is too
high to jump there.

Turn right, take ammo and then turn left.

Jump through the broken fence. You will come
to the big room with several cages inside.

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Shoot at the small cage as long as it will close

to the cage on the left. Then climb up on the
this cage.

Throw a line on the band in this small cage.

Twitch the line and throw the cage on the
floor. Push it close to the lying fence, move the
cage on the fence and throw to the other side
of the chamber. Jump above the fence and
push the small cage under the cage with the
key on the roof. Leap to the small cage and
then on the big one. Take Key of the balcony.

Back to the circus. Kill the lions and go to the

building with the terrace, where is the closed
passage to the balcony. Use the key to open
the bar. Go inside and step up the ladder. Go
to the balcony.

Go to the left and jump to the stone platform.

Move down on the shelf and take small first-
aid kit. Jump to the terrace, step up the
ladder onto the roof and jump again on the

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Find the band next to you, jump to grab the

line onto it. Swing and jump to the stone shelf.
Overhang and move to the right. Climb on the
small space between walls. Take two 50
calibre pistols! Now you can use the ammo,
which you took for all the time.

Back to the place, from where you came (this

stone shelf). Jump to the direction of the rift of
the nearest column. Grab this rift, move to the
right and jump to the right on the ledge. Jump
to grab the flooring above you. Take small
first-aid kit.

Jump to the lower shelf. On the right side are

two column with rifts. Jump to the first and
turn round. When you have the edge of the
second column behind you, jump to it and
climb on the top. Then jump to the roof of the

Run to the end of the roof, jump down on the

stone shelf, then jump to the terrace. Take
ammo and go to the corridor.

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Go forward, turn left and be careful – you will

meet bats. Then you will see something
shining from afar. This is a Palace Midas.

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Palace Midas
Go inside the chamber with the statue of
Midas. There will appear three gorillas and it
won’t be an easy fight, so sneak carefully into
the sale. When you hear the gorillas, back to
the corridor. Shoot at them and still back. Two
of them should die and the third kill running
around the pool and shooting.

After that go to right (from the entree), jump to

the pedestal, leap to the stone and then jump
to the fountain. From the fountain leap to grab
the edge of the stone ledge, again jump, grab
the edge and move to the right. Behind the
bend climb on the flooring. Explore the floor –
in the right corner is large first-aid kit. Go to
the gear with the lever, move the lever down –
one of the gates on the bottom will open.

Move down on the ground floor and go

through the open gate. Go forward. You will
come to the huge room with thorns and
spears. Explore this zone, and take ammo.

Go to the next chamber. On the left are stairs

and exit, closed by bar. There is also a hole
hidden by the wooden box. Push the box and
go through the hole to the next small room.
Switch the lever – the bar on the top of stairs
will open.

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Go upstairs to the another room. Take small

first-aid kit and go upstairs again. There is a
balcony with the gear in the floor. Move the

All stone blocks with blades will move up and

create columns. Go to the other side of the
chamber by jumping from the column to
column. You must do it quickly.

Jump to the nearest block, then leap to the

left. Grab the column, turn round and when
the big chute is behind you, leap to it. Jump
to the platform.

Leap to the high column with thorns. Jump

and climb on the top. Turn round the column.
Jump to the back on the stone block. Then
leap to the chute and after that jump to the

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Jump to the next platform, then leap to the

centre of the chamber on the column with
thorns. Turn round. Jump to the back on the
white block. Jump to grab the upper edge,
climb on the top. Leap to the balcony on the
left and take Plate of lead 1.

Back to the sale with the statue of Midas. Kill

gorillas and climb on the pedestal of the
statue. Near the square slot on the left side of
the king’s feet jump and grab the ledge. Move
behind the bend and jump to the left ledge.
Jump again and you will be on the upper level
of the statue.

Turn left and jump above the gallery behind

the statue. There is a bar and a lever – switch
the lever, so the gate on the bottom will open.
Jump on the next level of the statue (above the
gear with lever) and take ammo.

Jump down on the floor and go through the

door. Go forward. There will be stairs on the
right , but you should still go straight. In the
chamber kill bats and look around. On the
column is Plate of lead 2. On the left is exit.
Go there.

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You will come to the cellar. Kill the gorilla and

puma, close to the centre column. Throw the
line to the each band and twitch. The
scaffolding will break up.

After that the column will partially break

down. Now you can take Plate of lead 2. Then
back to the main chamber.

Back to the corridor and go upstairs. You will

come to the balcony. Turn right and jump to
the stone block. From it jump on the upper
stones. From the top jump on the wall and
grab the ledge.

Jump to the left on the edge of the shelf. Take

large first-aid kit, jump two times to the ledges
on the right side and find the band above you.
Jump to the right along the wall and clutch
the line on the band. Run through the wall on
the other side of the room. Jump along the
brickwork and grab small ledge.

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Jump to the next ledge on the right side, then

stand in this way that the line will be behind
you. Then jump to the back and grab the line.
Swing and jump to the column on the right
side with the rifts. Grab the rift. Move to the
right and jump in the direction of the next
column. You will land on the flooring behind
the column.

Close to wall and jump two times to the

ledges. Move to the edge and jump to the right
on the edge of huge stone block. Jump to grab
the top edge. Climb on the top.

Turn right. Find the band, jump, throw to

grab the line on it. Run through the wall to the
other side of the room and jump to the back to
the centre of the room. You should land on the
stone shelf. Move round to the left, jump into
the niche and take small first-aid kit. Jump
again on the ledge and jump down in the
direction of the exit.

Leave the chamber and go through the

corridor. Kill gorillas and go to the chamber
with the statue of Midas. Take ammo and
switch the lever – the door behind the statue
will open. Go there.

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The corridor will lead you to the big room, full

of water. Stand on the plate, which is on the
end of the stone landing stage. The flames will
appear. Now you must be very careful.

You must find a lever – it is under the water.

But unhappily there is also a crocodile. You
must kill him from the waterside. Jump to the
water and dive. When the crocodile is
swimming to you, quickly surface and go to
the waterside. Kill him.

Now again jump to the water and swim to the

column on the right. The lever is near it,
under the water. Switch the lever and the
column above you will soar high up.

Back to the waterside and from the landing

stage jump on the small oval column. Climb
on it and turn round.

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Jump to the big column on the right. The

flame will appear there frequently. In proper
moment turn round from the right and stand
next to the place from where you start. For all
the time don’t close to the flame.

Face to the column and find the rift in the

brickwork. When the flame will move away for
the moment, jump and grab the rift. Then
quickly jump to the top rift. Move to the left as
the gallery is behind you can jump back on it.
Then close to the lever and move it down –
another column will resurface.

Jump to the water and swim to the entry of

the room. Go to the landing stage and jump on
the small column with flame. Jump on the
next column on the right and turn it round
(again to the right) about 270 degrees.

Jump to the small column, run through it and

jump to the next column. Move to the left.
When the small swimming box is behind you
jump on it.

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Then jump to the ladder, step up the ladder

on go the gallery. Face to the nearest column
and jump in his moment ,when the poisoning
gases won’t worm out. Grab the ledge in the
bottom part of the column.

Move to the left, jump to the ledge above and

go to the left. Stand on the level of the lion’s
head and when the gases won’t worm out
jump on the upper ledges to the top.

Jump to the next column, then to the ledge

and quickly on the edge above. Move to the
right and in the proper moment pass the two
lions jaws. Climb on the upper ledge, stand on
the column (the balcony must be behind you)
and jump to the back on the balcony. Take
Plate of lead 3.

Jump to the water and swim to the waterside.

Back to the chamber with the statue of Midas.
One of his hands is detached – put there three
Plates of lead. They will change into gold.
Don’t stand on the Midas’s hand, because you
will change into gold too. Put the gold plates
into three slots in the front pedestal. In this
way you will open the bar in the pool.

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Tomb of Tihocan
Jump into the pool. Dive and swim through
the open passage. Swim into the centre
tunnel. Turn right, then left and again right.
There is a niche, where you can surface and
take a breath. Dive again and swim straight,
then turn right. Surface and go to the

This is a tomb of Tihocan. Close to the box

and push it to the next room. Kill rat and
move the box near the brickwork and gear
with lever. Climb on the box and switch the
lever. The trapdoor will open. Go to the slot
and move down.

Kill rats and go to the next room. This is an

enormous location. Turn right and jump to the
bar. Swing, jump and throw the line on the
band. Run through the wall and in the
maximal inclination jump to grab the ledge in
the brickwork. Go behind the bend and leap to
the ledge on the left.

Go behind the next bend and again jump and

throw the line on the bend. Run through the
brickwork and jump to the shelf in the
opposite wall. Jump above the abyss and go to
the tight small bridge. Go to the other side of
the room. In the corner you will find the

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Turn left and jump to the bar and then leap to

the next. Jump to the shelf with the niche.
Throw the box on the floor.

Leap to the ledge, where the box has been

before. Jump to grab the next ledge. Go to the
left. Jump to the bar and then on the small
terrace. Jump to the ledge and go to the left,
behind the bend.

Jump along the brickwork to the one and on

the second ledge in the wall. Go behind the
bend and leap to the left to grab the next edge.
Go to the niche with the box. Throw the box
down, overhang from the edge and back to the
right. Behind the bend fall down on the lower
level of the chamber. In the corner near to you
is small first-aid kit, take it.

Close to the box and push it into the water.

Turn the chamber round to find large first-aid
kit. Find also second box and push it to the
water too.

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Go to the edge of the pool and look at the

water. Unfortunately there are crocodiles, so
shoot them. Use the manual aiming mode.

Turn round the pool again and close to the

lever, switch it – the water will vanish. Move
down on the bottom of the pool and explore it
– you will find small first-aid kit. Push the two
boxes on the fancy plates in the floor. The bar
in the floor will open and the fence above you

Jump from the chute on the ledges in the wall

and go to the top near the swivel gear. Switch
the lever – the water will flood the pool again.
Go to the area, which was fenced earlier. Grab
the line on the band of the swimming raft and
push it on this place.

Back to the top of the chamber. On the same

side as the movable gear is small bridge. Go
there and jump on the ledges of the column.
From the second ledge jump to the crossbar
and to the stone shelf.

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Turn right and jump to the ledges. Climb to

the top. Face to the column, jump to grab the
salient ledge and jump twice times to the next
edges as you stand on the cast iron bridge on
the high level of the chamber.

Go to the niche with movable gear, move the

bar – the chamber will fill of the water. Jump
into the water and swim in the direction of the
platform. Dive and take 50 calibre pistols
ammo from the niche on the right side. Under
the water you will also find the lead for the

Swim to the raft and climb on it. Jump to the

small bridge under the wall, where is a niche
with carved heads. Throw to grab the line on
the band of the raft and push the raft on the
place, from where you can jump into this

Jump to the raft and then to the niche with

carved heads. Jump to the small pond and
dive. You will come to the underground

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Go out the pond, take shotgun ammo and

back to the water. Find the underwater tunnel
and swim through it. You will come to the
enormous underground chamber with the
tomb of Tihocan. Dive in place exactly
opposite to the entree. Swim through the
corridor. There is a cave with the lever –
switch the lever and the gate to the tomb will

Surface and go to the waterside. Go through

the open gate into the tomb. Take Scion of
Tihocan.. Suddenly Dupont will appear and
take the artefact from you.

The fight with Pierre will start – your task is to

pushing the right direction keys. In the end
Dupont will escape.

Outside the building two statues of Centaurs

will awake and kill Dupont. Be careful, now
they want you. You should evade their hoofs
and flaming green orb, which can turn you
into the stone. You must kill centaurs one by
one – fight with one and evade the second.
Using the orbs to drive mad Centaur and
when he attacks you, dodge and shoot at him.
When he stands for the moment, throw the
line on his protecting shield and take it. Do
the same with the second centaur.

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Again drive him mad – now he wants to

change you into the stone. Use the shield to
protect yourself. The beam will miss him. Now
he is weak and easier to kill. In this way you
will defeat them. More information about the
fight is in the chapter IV. THE BOSSES.


Take Scion Of Tihocan. After connecting it

with Scion of Qualopec you will receive
strange vision. You are flying and see two gods
of Atlantis, they accuse the third of them of
betrayal. Then you will awake near the dead
bodies of Dupont and Centaurs. Take
artefacts. Now you need only one...

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You’re close to win – need only one artefact.
Track is leading you to the Temple of
Khamoon in Egypt.

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Temple of Khamoon
You’re in the corridor. Go forward as you come
to the edge of the chamber. Move down the
ground by grabbing the edge and jumping
down.There is a fancy stone block – move it
through the wall and go to the niche. Take
shotgun ammo and small first-aid kit.

Stand on the centre of the room, turn in the

direction of square with the statue and band.
Throw the line and grab the band. Twitch –
the stone column will break do the same with
the statue on the other side of the chamber.
Jump to the stone block on the left and jump
in the stone niche.

Take small first-aid kit. Jump to the ledge, go

behind the band and jump to the left, then
jump two times on the next ledges. Move to
the left and jump to the bar. Then leap to the
chute. You will be moving down and in the
proper moment jump to the stone shelf.

Move to the left. Jump to grab the bar behind

you. Leap to the next bar and then jump to
the stone shelf. Turn right, jump to the ledge
and leap to the upper one. Jump to the right
on the edge of the niche. Go inside the niche –
there is a gear with the scarab. Jump to it and
when it is sliding down, jump to grab the edge
of the floor above. Climb on the floor and go to
the left.

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There is a part of corridor without floor. Stand

on the descent on the right and in time sliding
down jump in the proper moment to the
crossbar. Swing and jump again to the scarab.
Quickly jump to grab the edge of the flooring.
Climb on the flooring.

Turn right, go through the hole in the wall.

Slide down to the next chamber and kill
panther. Take shotgun ammo and leave the
chamber using the window. You're now in the

You will meet two mummies with cats heads.

Kill them and look around. Take 50 caliber
pistol ammo, shotgun ammo and small first-
aid kit.

Jump into the pond and take small first-aid

kit. Go out the water and jump to the small
oval part of the column, which is on the left
side from Sphinx. Jump to grab one of the
edges of the next column. Move to the left and
jump to the ledge above. Again move to the left
and then leap to the next column. Climb on
the top.

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Jump to the stone platform. Find a button and

shoot at it – near it will appear a bar. Then
quickly jump to the bar and then on the shelf.
Take 50 caliber pistol ammo and turn left.
Leap to the column , then to the smaller pillar
and then jump to the shelf with the ladder.

Step up the ladder. Before the top turn left

and jump to the Spinhx`s head. Then jump to
grab the line on the band. Swing and jump to
the short pillar and leap to the stone platform.
You’re in the corner of the courtyard.

Turn left and find two bands in the wall. Jump

and throw the line to grab the first bend. Run
through the wall and in the maximal
inclination shoot the line at the second band.
Run through the brickwork to the platform on
the other side of the courtyard. Turn left, jump
to the right – you will fall down on the terrace
behind Sphinx. Take from the small hole large
first-aid kit.

In the Sphinx’s back is lever – move it down –

the gate under will open. Jump down to the
courtyard and go through the open gate. Go
forward . You will come to the room with
statues in the line. Kill lions and switch the
lever in the wall. The bars will move up and
the statues will near and then back to the
previous position.

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Back to the entree. The lions will attack you,

so kill them and look at the niches. In one of
them is small first-aid kit, pick it up. Back to
the lever – it is again in the same position as

Move it down again and run to the entry. On

the left side, near the first statue is small
stone block. Jump to it and then leap to the
statue near it. After that jump on the centre
statue, then on the opposite statue and on the
last on the same side. You must do it fast
before the statues will back on the former

Find the band in the wall above you, jump,

throw the line to grab the band and run
through the wall to the ledge on the opposite
wall. Move down on the lower edge, go to the
right, jump to grab the bar with the scarab.
Jump to grab the ledge above the entree.

Move to the right and jump to the next ledge.

Move behind the bend, climb on the floor and
follow the tunnel.

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Slide down on the bed of the rift. Kill rats and

explore the rift. Pick up small first-aid kit.
Near the chute is stone carved block – push it
on the other side of the rift. Jump to the block
and from it jump to the flooring. Go to the

There will be another rift. Slide down on the

bed and take shotgun ammo. Back to the
place, from where you were sliding down.
Jump to the ledge on the right wall and then
on the upper one. Jump to grab the bar, then
leap to the crossbar.

Swing and jump to the scarab. Quickly jump

to grab the edge of the flooring. Climb on the
flooring and go forward.

There will be a courtyard with statue of green

idol. Look around. In the niche under you is
hidden an enormous crocodile. Overhang from
the edge and move along the wall. The
crocodile will leave the niche. Climb up on the
level of the corridor and kill the crocodile.

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Move down on the courtyard and go inside the

niche. Take small first-aid kit and back to the
yard. Be careful, there is also second reptile.
Kill him and go to the other side of the
courtyard. Under the pillars is small cell in the
wall. Jump there and take small first-aid kit
and shotgun ammo.

Go to the pool, jump into the water and dive.

On the bed is a vent – swim through it. You
will find the lever – switch it and the bar in the
underwater tunnel will open. Swim there
quickly, because it will close after a while.

You’re in the huge chamber. Dive again, in the

corner you will find large first-aid kit. Surface
and go to the lon landing stage. Face to the
scarab and jump to it. Jump go grab the

Jump to the landing stage on the right and

climb on it quickly. Run on the other side of
the room and grab the ledge in the brickwork.

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Jump to the another ledge on the left and

jump to the back on the movable platform.
Run to the scarab, jump to it and jump to the
ledge above, then on the right to grab the edge
of the gallery. Climb on the gallery and leave
the chamber.

In the next room jump down on the right and

take small first-aid kit. Back to the gallery,
turn left and jump to the pillar. Climb and
jump to grab the scarab. Leap to the ledge
above, then jump to the upper one and jump
to the back tn the top of the pillar.

Jump to the next pillar, climb on the top and

leap to the niche with the bar. Take 50 caliber
pistol ammo and large first-aid kit, then back
on the pillar. Jump to the niche with the lever,
take 50 caliber pistol ammo and move the
lever down – the stone carved block in the
next room will unlock. Back to this room.

The block falls down on the platform and lock

it. Push the block on the other side of the
room, under the edge, which is next to the two
ledges. Climb on the block and jump to the
ledges, then leap to the platform.

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Quickly jump to the scarab on the left and

leap to the ledge. After that jump on the
scarab on the right and jump again to the

Jump to the left on the next ledge, move to the

centre and jump to the back to grab the bar.
Jump to the niche with the bar. Go inside and
turn in the direction of the centre of the room.

Find the band, which is salient from the

wooden hatch. Throw and grab the line on the
band. Twitch it – the huge vent in the wall will

Now jump to grab the line on the nearest

bend. Swing and jump into the vent. You must
do it quickly, because the wooden hatch will
be closing.

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There is small location with the lever – move it

down and the huge hatch in the ceiling will
open. Climb on the ledge in the right panel of
the hatch jump on the upper ledge, then jump
on the bar behind you. After that leap to the
ledge in the second panel and again jump –
you will stand on the floor above the hatch.

You’re in the high level of the building. There

is a entree to the balcony, which leads to the
courtyard with the green idol. Switch the lever
– the passage near the idol will open.

The passage will be closed for the moment, so

quickly go to the balcony, jump into the pool,
go out from the water (be careful – the
crocodiles) and run to the passage.

Slide down and turn left. Go to the big room,

take 50 caliber pistol ammo and jump down
on the terrace. Under you, on the flooring is
panther – kill her and go down. Three
panthers will attack you, shoot them. Go to
the cell in the wall and take large first-aid kit.

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Switch the lever and open the bar. Kill

panthers, go inside the cell and take 50
caliber pistol ammo.

Find the niche with the button above you –

shoot at the button – the band will appear on
the ceiling. Jump to the ledge on the left, jump
to grab the ledge above and leap to the open
bar. Quickly jump to the ledge in the column
behind you.

Jump to the edge above, then to the timber on

the right. It is movable and move with you
behind the band of the column. Jump to the
ledge in the wall with the bar, jump to grab
the upper ledge and jump to grab the edge of
the column. Climb on the level of the floor.

Look around. You are standing near the white

column with mysterious symbols. Turn left,
jump to grab the line on the band. Swing and
jump to the niche with the button. Take large
first-aid kit and 50 caliber pistol ammo. Back
to the white column, leave the chamber.

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Go to the left. Kill the panther and go inside

the big room. Jump into the hole in the
brickwork. Step up the ladder. Kill the cat –
mummy and look around. There is a scarab
gear. Turn right. In the corner are two stone
block – take from them 50 caliber pistol ammo
and large first-aid kit.

Leave the chamber using the exit on the left

side of the scarab. Step up the ladder and you
will come to the room with statues in the line.
Switch the lever – the statues will near.

Jump to the statues in the following order:

first on the right, first on the left, second on
the left, second on the right, third on the right.
Then jump on ten opposite terrace. Pick up
large first-aid kit and run to the lever – switch
it – the statues will near permanently. Back to
the room with huge scarab.

Close to the stone block near the bar. Stand

on the upper block, turn left , jump to grab
the line on the bend. Swing and in the
maximal inclination jump to the ledge on the
left. Move to the left, you will fall down. Back
to the ledge.

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Jump to grab the other part of the ledge.

Jump on the bar in the scarab’s wing. Move
down through the open hatch into the room
below. Follow the tunnel.

You will come to the room with closed gate.

Push away from the wall all stone blocks,
which are near the columns.

Take ammo from the small cells in the wall. Be

careful, there also panthers.

Look around. Each of the four column has

carved a symbol and in the bottom part is
movable. Go to the cells and look at the walls.
In the four cells you will find these four
symbols and paintings of the gods. Remember
which symbol belong to which god , go to the
columns and turn them in this way that
proper painting of the god is turned in the
direction of the gate.

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The gate will open, go inside.

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Obelisk of Khamoon
Follow the tunnel, you will come to the
courtyard with an enormous obelisk on the
centre. There are four stone bridges – you
must move them down to go to the obelisk and
take precious items.

Turn right, close to the lever and switch it –

the nearest bridge will move down. Look at the
nearest column – pick up the small first-aid
kit from it. Go through the bridge and take
Eye of Horus.

Jump into the pool. Go out the water and

explore this area. Pick up 50 caliber pistol
ammo and small first-aid kit. Go to the
corridor and follow it.

You will find a door, which will be closing and

opening frequently. Run quickly through it,
turn left and go through the another door.
Turn right, there will be double movable gate.
Run through it in the proper moment.

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You will come to the room, where is a gear

with gold ear on the right side. Take shotgun
ammo, go upstairs on the pedestal and jump
to grab the edge of the gear.

The square column behind you will move

down on the floor for a moment. Jump to the
stone pedestal, then run and leap to the
column. Jump to the bar on the left and to the
ledge in the wall.

Leap to the next two ledges, then jump to the

stone platform behind you. Climb on it quickly
and jump on the platform in the corner.

Turn right and jump to the centre of the room.

Jump above the abyss. Switch the lever –
above you will appear a bar.

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Jump again on the flooring in the centre part

of the room. Then jump to the left and on the
ledges. Move to the right behind the band.
Jump to the column behind you. Turn it
round and stand on the other side.

Jump to the column behind you, go behind

the band and leap to the edge. Leap to the
ledge on the right, then leap to the bar and to
the stone shelf. Go to the end of the shelf,
jump to the ledge and after that jump to grab
the upper ledge. Move to the right.

Jump to the small movable platform behind

you. Quickly climb on it and jump to the
flooring. Move to the right, behind the column.
Climb on the level of the floor and overhang
from the second edge.

Move to the second column. Jump to grab the

ledge in the column. Move to the left and leap
to the column behind you. Slide down on the
edge of the flooring and move to the right.

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Close to the wall and jump to the two ledges

on the left. When you grab the upper one,
move to the end of it and jump to grab the line
on the band behind you. Swing and in the
maximal inclination leap to the ledge on the
left. Move to the left and climb on the next
ledge. Leap to the column behind you.

Turn the column round, jump to the next

column. Turn left and leap to grab the edge of
the flooring before another column.

Jump to the bar on the left, then on the floor.

Behind one of the pillar is large first-aid kit.
Leave the room and go forward. Be careful –
there is a cat – mummy.

Jump to the bed of the rift, take shotgun

ammo and back to the entry of the rift. Step
up the ladder. Leap to the bar, then on the
next and then on the scarab. Jump to grab
the ledge above, then leap to the floor on the
left and go upstairs.

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Pass two movable gates, you will come to the

courtyard with the obelisk of Khamoon.

Turn to the right, jump from the ledge to the

ledge on the bottom. Then leap to the bar
behind you and jump to the terrace with the
gear. Switch the lever – the bar on the
opposite side will move up and the second
bridge will slide down.

Back to the gate and turn right. Jump from

the ledge to ledge as you come to the bar.
Follow the tunnel.

Behind the band are two sharp horizontal

shield, which are moving round very fast. Go
between them in the proper moment (when
one of the blades is hiding in the wall).Go
forward. After a while you will come to the
place, where the part of the floor is missing
and are also two identical as earlier shields
and also a crossbar. In the moment when the
shield are turned in the direction of the wall
leap to the crossbar and then jump on the

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Follow the tunnel. Slide down through the

slant stone block on the left. Kill cat – mummy
and look around. Take shotgun ammo and
small first-aid kit. Climb to the niche above
the floor. Pick up next small first-aid kit. In
the next niche is lever.

Switch the lever – the bars will move up and

the chute will turn into the two stone blocks,
which are creating a stairs.

Look at the locations behind the open bars. Go

to the first one – inside is stone carved block.
Push it to the big room and again go to this
location. Take small first-aid kit. Go to the
second location.

Pass the gate and stand behind them. You are

standing to the crevasse. Inside the abyss are
three pillars in one line. There also three
traps: movable shields and movable gate.

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Jump to the top of the first pillar in the

moment when the shields are hiding jump on
the second pillar. Then leap to the third in
time the gate will be opening. Quickly jump on
the flooring. Go forward.

Pick up small first-aid kit and go to the

courtyard with the obelisk. Turn right, jump
to the nearest bar and then on the next. Leap
to the floor. Take shotgun ammo and small
first-aid kit.

Stand near the wall on the other side of the

courtyard. Jump to the two salient bars and
using them get on the platform. Take small
first-aid kit and go to the obelisk. Take Ankh
of Isis.

Leave the courtyard (the exit is behind you).

Be careful – there are movable shields. Stand
near the wall, when the shield is close to you,
try to roll under it.

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Further is next abyss. In time when the gate is

opening jump to the top of the pillar and then
on the floor. Turn left.

In the enormous chamber turn left and go to

the wall. Grab the ledge on the left, leap to the
upper one and jump to the gold ear above you.
Turn on the gear –several platforms will
appear but also the mortal shield in the wall
will start moving.

Move down the stone block under the gear.

Slide down on the platform and on the bed of
the room. Kill three cats – mummies and by
climbing to the ledges go to the exit. Leave the

There will be a four movable shields. Quickly

run between them and in the proper moment
roll under the upper shields and jump above
the bottom.

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The more difficult trap is waiting for you - the

abyss with three pillar, three crushing gates
and movable shields. Jump to the first pillar
in the moment when the first gate is opening
and quickly go to the opposite edge of the

Don’t stand because you will die. When you

are on the ledge in the opposite side move to
the left and wait, because above you is
movable blade. When it is away from you jump
to the flooring. Go forward.

Switch the lever and the third bridge will slide

down. Back to the big room, where you were
fighting with mummies.

Move down on the bottom and turn left to the

stone shelf in the corner. Jump to it and turn
in the direction of the wall with the entree.
Jump to throw the line on the band and climb
on the shelf on the other side of the room. Go
to the top as you stand near the entree.

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Close to the gold ear, slide down from the ear

to the ledge under it, then jump to the ledge
on the right. Be careful there is a movable
blade. Jump to the ledge above. Move to the
right and behind the curve slide down the

Leap to the ledge again, then on the upper one

and jump on the stone platform behind you.
Turn right, jump to throw the line on the
bend. Run to the other side of the room and
get on the shelf in the corner. Take large first-
aid kit and shotgun ammo.

Move down on the lower level. Be careful,

there is mummy. Overhang from the edge and
go to the right.

When the blades are in the safe distance from

you, jump on the ledge on the right. Move to
the right, slide down on the lower shelf and
jump down on the bottom of the room. Go to
the entree and back to the courtyard with the

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Turn left, jump above the one and the next

bar. Go to the obelisk and take Scarab of

Go to the corridor behind you and back to the

big room. Do you remember the stone carved
block which you were pushing from the niche?
Now push it neat the niche and jump to it.

Then jump to the ledge above the niche, leap

to the upper one and turn left. Jump to grab
the bend. Run through the wall and in the
maximal inclination jump to the flooring
behind you.

Go to the left and climb on the two stone

blocks. Take 50 caliber pistol ammo and small
first-aid kit. Move down and go to the right

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Jump to the two ledges above, from the upper

ledge leap to grab the bend. Jump to the
scarab, when the balled is hidden. Then
quickly leap to grab the ledge above.

Turn left, jump to grab the band and in the

maximal inclination leap to the upper ledge.

Jump to grab the ledge above. Then jump to

throw the line on the band. You must do it in
time, when two blades are hidden.

Leap to the stone block before you. Go


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Turn in the direction of the centre of the room.

On the left is a band – jump to grab it. Run
through the wall, glance off the wall and throw
the line on the next band. Swing and jump to
the small platform on the other side of the
chamber. Leap to the two ledges above. From
the upper one jump on the edge of the
platform on the left side.

Leave the chamber. Follow the tunnel. Switch

the lever – the last bridge will move down.
Back to the room with the big stairs.

Jump to grab the band in the centre. Swing

and jump into the exit hole in the right side.
Follow the tunnel.

You will come to the courtyard with the

obelisk. Go to the gate on the right side and go
through it. Go to the obelisk. Take last item –
Seal of Anubis. In this moment the bar in the
pool will open.

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Jump into the water and dive. Swim to the

room with the gear in the wall and the ladder.
Go out the water, take 50 caliber pistol ammo
and small first-aid kit. Move the lever down –
the plate in the ceiling will open. Step up the
ladder and go to the next room.

You’re in the room with the statue. Go to the

corridor on the right. The centaur will attack
you, so kill him.

Close to the column and put the items from

the obelisk in the slots. The huge gate will

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Sanctuary of the Scion

Go to the sanctuary. Go upstairs – two cats –
mummies will appear. Kill them and go
forward. You will come to the chamber with
four columns. Explore this location and pick
up small first-aid kit and shotgun ammo.
Then look at the mysterious columns.

Look at the paintings on the walls and on the

columns. They are identical. Your task is to
turn the column to readjust them in the
proper position: they should turn to
themselves and make the same paintings face
to each other.

When you turn one column, the two others

will turn also. Think for the moment and solve
the puzzle.

When you do it, the square column will soar.

Jump to the ledge in the column and climb on
the top. Leap to the ledges in the chimney
above you and climb to the top – there is a
ladder. Step up the ladder and follow the

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There is a rift and two crushing gates. Stand

near the edge of the rift and in the proper
moment (the gate will start to open) jump to
the square platform. Then leap to the ledge on
the left and again jump to grab the upper
ledge. Jump to the scarab and then leap to the
next scarab, which is behind you. Jump to
grab the ledge above.

Turn left, wait as the gate opens and jump to

the ledge behind the gate. Then leap to the
floor and go forward.

There is a an enormous Sphinx. Go to the

ladder and step down. Take shotgun and 50
caliber pistol ammo and go near the Sphinx `s

Kill rats and look at the closed door. You need

two keys to open the door and get inside the
Sphinx. Close to the ladder and step up.

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Jump to the right on the ledge, then jump to

the bar, leap to the next bar on the right and
on the stairs. There is a ladder – step up it to
the next level. Take shotgun ammo and large
first-aid kit.

Turn right, jump to the two ledges in the wall.

Then leap to the shelf and turn in the
direction of the centre of the room. Look at the
nearest column. It has many rifts.

Jump to the column to grab the edge of the

rift. Climb by jumping from edge to edge. On
the upper edge move to the right, leap to grab
the rift in the chapter and climb on the top.
Go to the floor.

Two flying gargoyles will attack you. Be careful

– they’re fast, using the fireballs and claw.
Hum and dodge their attacks.

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Find the band above you, jump to throw the

line on it. Swing and jump to the Sphinx’s
head. Pick up the new gun –mini SMGs.

Back to the place, where you were fighting

with the gargoyles. Jump to the bar, then leap
to the stone verge. Move down near the entree,
switch the lever – the part of the stone flooring
will move up (this way you can go to the
Sphinx). Go through the gate.

There will be a rift with two crushing gates.

Jump to the bar, then leap to the crossbar
and jump to the floor on the other side of the

Follow the tunnel, you will come to the room

full of water. Turn right, jump to the ledges in
the wall and then leap to the ladder. Step
down the ladder and jump to the next ladder
on the right side.

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Jump to grab the ledge on the left, move down

on the lower ledge and jump to the plate on
the left side. The plate will move down with
you and the gear will turn on, so one of the
four column, which are under the water, will
soar. Simultaneously above the bar in the
bottom of the room will appear small platform.

Jump into the water, swim to the shelf with

the open bar and go out the water. Turn left,
jump on the top of the pillar, then jump on the
ledge and again jump to grab the upper ledge.

Turn left, jump to the next plate. It will start

falling down, so jump to grab the following
edges and then leap to the right to grab the

Jump to the bar behind you, on the platform

above the bar and then leap to the next bar.
From the bar leap to the ledge, turn right and
jump to the plate. When it falls down, jump to
grab the edges. The gear will turn on and the
second column will soar. Simultaneously will
appear another part of the platform.

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Jump into the water, swim to the shelf with

open bar and go out the water. Jump to the
pillar, then leap to the ledge. Jump to grab
upper ledge, after that leap to the plate on the
left and jump to the ledge on the right.

Wait as the plate comes back on the earlier

position and jump again on it. The quickly
jump to the ledge on the left, and again leap to
the left on the next plate. It will fall down and
the third column soar. The next part of the
platform will appear.

Jump into the water, swim to the shelf with

the open bar, go out the water, turn left and
jump to the pillar. Then leap to the ledge,
jump to grab the upper one and jump on the
plate. It falls down and the fourth column will
soar. The last part of the platform will appear.

Overhang from the plate and jump to the

column, which appeared just now. Climb on
the top, turn round and jump to the platform.
Go to the closed gate, jump on the column on
the left – grab the edge of the top.

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Move close to the wall and jump to the small

platform. Then leap to the ledge on the right
and jump to the two edges above. Move to the
right and leap to the ladder behind you. Step
up the ladder and jump to the next on the left.

Step up the ladder, jump to the two ledges on

the right and leap to the floor. Go downstairs.
Switch the lever –from the ceiling will move
down the column. It will be used like a mirror.
The sunbeams will give back and hit the
column on the bottom. Thus the fancy gate
will open.

Jump into the water, swim to the shelf with

the bar, go out the water and get on the
platform on the centre on the room (the same
way as you came there before). Jump into the
open gate.

The gate will closed behind you. Kill the

mummy and close to the altar. Take Ankh.
Fate will open again and on the bottom, in the
sunk room the bar will move up.

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Leave the room, jump into the water and swim

to the open just now passage . Go out the
water, go under the bar and follow the tunnel.
You will come to the room with the Sphinx,
suddenly the centaur will appear – kill him
and close to the Sphinx.

Go to the wall with the ladder. Step up the

ladder, jump to the ledge on the left, then leap
to the left – you will fall down on the stub of
the stairs. Jump to the stairs on the left, go
upstairs and leap to the stone blocks. Slide
down and before the slant wall will end jump
to grab the edge of the flooring. Climb on it
and go up the hill.

The path ends. Turn left, jump to grab the rift

of the column. Then jump twice times to the
ledges and turn the column round. Leap to the
next one.

Jump onto the ledges and turn the column

round. Jump to the last column, climb on the
top. Leap to the ledge in the near wall. Then
jump three times and you will stand on the
flooring above the columns.

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Kill the gargoyles, then run to the other end of

the flooring and jump to the bar. After that
jump to the next one and leap to the ledge.
Move to the left behind the two curves and
jump to the flooring behind you. Move down to
the gear with the lever. Switch the lever – part
of the flooring will move up (this way leads you
to Sphinx).

Go through the gate behind you. Follow the

corridor. There will be two crushing blocks –
when they are going away from themselves
run between them and jump above the hole.

Another trap is waiting for you. Three

crushing block and three holes. When the first
block is going away, quickly run. Don’t stay
for all the time.

You will come to the big room, which is

partially waterlogged. Turn left, jump to the
ledge, then leap to the next and on the ladder.
Step down the ladders and jump into the
water. Dive to pick up small first-aid kit.

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Go out the water. Stand on the dark splinter

and jump to the carved plate. When it falls
down, jump to grab the edges. When the plate
moves down, first of the sunken columns will
soar. Simultaneously the platform will pull

Jump to the ledge of the column. Climb to

grab the edge of the top. Leap to the platform
above the gear and jump to the ledge on the
left. Then leap to the ladder.

Then quickly jump from bar to bar. From the

last one jump to the ledge in the wall.

Slide down and jump to the carved dark plate

on the left. When it falls down jump to grab
the edges. The plate moves down and the
second column will soar. Next part of the
platform will pull ahead.

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Jump into the water, swim to the platform

with dark splinter, go out from the water.
Jump to the ledges in the column as you grab
the edge of the top. Leap to the wall and then
on the platform above the gear. Jump to the
ledge on the right.

Jump to the dark carved plate on the right. It

falls down and the third column will soar. Also
the next part of the platform will pull ahead.

Overhang from the edge and jump to the

column behind you. Climb on the top, move to
the right and leap to the platform, which is on
the centre of the room.

Go to the left, close to the wall , jump to throw

the line on the bend. Leap to the ledge on the
other side of the room. Then jump to the dark
carved plate. It falls down and the fourth
column will soar. The last part of the platform
will pull ahead.

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Jump into the water and go to the ladder the

same way as earlier. Step up the ladders.
Jump onto two ledges. You will stand near the

Run downstairs, switch the lever – the column

from the ceiling will move down. It will spangle
the sunbeams. The fancy carved door on the
bottom will appear.

Back to the ladders. From the third jump to

the left on the verge above the fancy carved
door. Move down to the door, go through it
Ankh from the altar. Leave the room.

Jump into the water, swim to the just now

open passage and go there. You will come to
the room with the Sphinx. Kill two centaurs
and go upstairs. Use two Ankhs to open the

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Go inside the Sphinx. Push the stone orb and

follow it. Kill rats. You will come to the terrace
of huge room with sunken statues.

Pick up small first-aid kit and jump into the

water. Dive between two statues. On the bed is
the lever – switch it, so almost all water will
vanish. Swim to the centre and go out on the
waterside on the right.

Close to the statue. Jump to the platform,

turn left and leap to the two ledges in the
stone feet. Jump to the bar behind you, then
on the ledge in the second feet. Do it quickly.

Move to the right, turn the feet round and find

the bend above on the right side. Jump to
throw the line on the bend. Swing and in the
maximal inclination jump to grab the stone sill
with the ladder.

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Step up the ladder, jump to the ledge behind

you and then leap to the upper one. Move to
the end of the ledge ad jump to the ledge on
the left. Leap to the next ledge above. Move to
the left behind the curve.

Slide down the floor. There are four plates will

scarabs. When you shoot at them, they will
turn. Your task is to puzzle them in the same
position as have the scarab on the floor. When
you do it, the bar above you will move up.

Jump to the shelf above the scarabs and

switch the lever. The level of the water will
grow up. Jump down on the flooring and step
up the ladder on the right side. Leap to the
ledge on the right. Then jump to the next one,
leap to the two edges on the right, move to the
wall, jump to the bar behind you and on the
ledge in the second statue.

Jump to the gold ear. The underwater tunnel

will unlock. Jump into the water and swim
quickly to the tunnel.

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Surface and go out the water. Jump to grab

the edge, climb on the floor. There also
scarabs in the wall but not on the floor –
instead is a open hatch.

Jump into the water and dive. Near the bar

are plates with the scarab. Remember the
order and back to the room above. Turn the
scarabs on the wall in the same position as
these ones on the floor. The bar above will
move up.

Jump to the shelf above the scarabs and

switch the lever. The level of the water will
grow up again. Swim to the identical gear in
the statue. Above it is a passage, swim there,
surface and go out the water. You’re inside the

Jump to the scarab on the right, then leap to

the two bars behind you. Jump to the ledge,
move to the left and get on the flooring. Jump
to the three ledges. Move to the right and get
to the flooring.

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Go to the right, jump to the gold ear – the level

of water will grow up. Now you can climb to
the exit above you. Leave the room.

Follow the tunnel. You will come to the

chamber with the colour columns. Two
centaurs and two mummies will attack you,
kill them all and look around. You will see
that the columns have rifts.

Jump to the first column on the right side and

then leap to the second column in the first
line. Jump to the second column in the
second line.

Find the band in the brickwork on the right,

jump to throw the line on the band. Swing and
jump to the fourth column in the second line.
Then leap to the last column in the second
line. Climb on the top and jump to the fifth
column in the first line.

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Turn round the pillar and jump to the shelf

above. Impress in the lock Scion of Tihocan
and move down on the flooring. Back to the

Jump to the first column in the first line on

the right side. Then leap to the second in the
first line. Climb and grab the second edge
from the bottom, move in the direction of the
centre of the room. Find the band, jump to
throw the line on it. Swing and jump to the
fourth column in the first line on the left side.
After that jump to the last column in the first

Climb, turn round and leap to the shelf near

the entree. Impress in the lock Scion of
Qualopec – the passage to the room with the
Scion will open. Jump down and go inside.
Take Scion of Natla.

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The wall will shake, the floor will break. Run
quickly. Try to connect all artefacts in one...

You will receive a vision – three gods of

Atlantis. Two of them is punishing third and
this is... Natla! The dream will end, but Natla
is still standing next to you.

Unluckily the woman will take you artefacts.

You must fight with three gangsters. You win,
but still don’t have artefacts and guns.

Natla will escape. You will follow her, jump

from the rock and grab the edge of Natla`s

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Lost Island
On the horizon will appear mysterious island.
Jump into the water and swim to the

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Natla`s Mines
There is a stone underwater tunnel. Swim
forward to the cave. It looks like hidden
loading dock, because there is a boat and
many boxes. G to the waterfall, swim to the
next tunnel. You will come to the dock cave.

Turn right, jump to the bar and then leap to

the two ledges. Jump to grab the line behind
you and climb on it. Jump to grab the next

Jump to the another line, swing and jump to

the ledge on the left side of waterfall. Move
behind the bend and jump on the floor of
corridor, which is behind you.

Go forward. Look around – this is a huge

location. On the floor above is control room.
Go in this direction, and jump to the boxes.
Then leap to the nearest packages and climb
on the upper one. Take large first-aid kit.

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Jump down and go through the corridor on

the left side of the control room (along the
lines). There are rats and you don’t have a gun
to kill them, so escape. Jump to the trolley
and take Red Fuse.

Back to the control room and place the Red

Fuse to its slot and push the button. The
derrick will turn on and move the box away,
so the entry to the corridor will be bare.

Run to the glassed room, push the green box

under the cabin. Jump to the box and climb
on the roof. Jump to the corridor.

Follow the corridor. Move down the wooden

platform. You are again in the control room.
On the left is a box – throw it on the ground.
Jump down on the box and jump to the next
wooden platform.

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Turn right and jump to the ledge. Then leap to

the next ledge on the left and on the upper
one. Jump to the platform on the other side of
the lines. Leap to the slant wooden pedestal
and from it quickly jump to the next platform.
Leap to the platform on the right and go above
the net.

Move down and take green fuse. Turn left,

jump to throw the line on the bend. Swing and
in the maximal inclination jump to grab the
ledge behind you. Jump to the platform on the
right and step up the ladder. Jump above the
net, move down on the ground and run to the
control room.

Place the green fuse in the itself slot. Then

push the button – the derrick will move the
box away. Turn on the button from the red
fuse– the box will move away again.

Leave the control room. Jump to the packages

near the stairs. Leap up the big boxes near
and climb on the upper green box. Jump to
the package, which is hanging on the derrick’s
line. Move to the left behind the bend and
jump to the platform behind you.

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Go to the end of the platform. In the left wall is

entry to corridor. Follow the tunnel, turn right
and step down the ladder. Go forward and
step down the ladder.

Move down on the bed of the room. Go to the

other side of the chamber. Take blue fuse and
back to the entry. Jump to the slant mound,
then on the edge of the verge. Go behind the
bend and jump to the pipe behind you. Climb
on the top of the pipe and jump again on the
verge. Go to the left.

Leap to the ledge in the wall. Jump from ledge

to the ledge as you get to the niche. From the
niche jump to grab the edge of the tunnel.
Back to the tunnel and go to the control room.

Put the blue fuse in the slot. Push the button

of the green fuse and then button of the blue
fuse. The hanging package will break the roof
of the glassed room. Go there, jump to the box
and then leap to the roof. Go inside the room
and take two pistols. Shoot at the window and
jump through the hole.

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Follow the tunnel, which is leading along the

lines, on the left side of the control room.
Close to the glassed cabin, get on the trolley
before the cabin and jump to the mining
machine. Shoot at the window. Go to the
pulpit and push the button – the machine will
move on the line.

Get on the bottom part of the machine. Turn

on it. The machine will be going to the control
room. Suddenly Larson will appear. He took
one of the fuses and doesn’t want to give it
back to you, so...

The fight depends on the pushing proper

direction keys. It will be a short battle. After
the win take blue fuse and shotgun.

Go to the control room and put the blue fuse

on its place. Push the near button – the line
will be unlocked. Back to the machine and
turn it on. After two turns the path will end –
the wall with two logs appears, but the drill
will break it.

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Leave the machine and go to the cave with

lava. Jump to the platform on the left, then on
the pillar and on the chute. Jump to the next
chute and leap to the small part of the
structural which is behind you. Go to the left
and jump to the next edge. Then leap to the
platform behind you.

Jump to throw the line on the bend. Leap to

the chute, then on the bar in the pillar.

Leap to the chute and then leap to the edge of

construction behind you. Jump to grab the
edge above, jump two times and you are on
the top. Jump to track – way.

Go inside the tunnel. Jump to the slant stone

on the right, then leap to the shelf on the left.
Jump to the two shelves above and leap to the
shelf in the opposite wall. Jump again. You’re
on the top.

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Now you must defeat Kold and Johnson. Push

the direction keys in the proper order. After
the fight take SMGs.

Go to the right, you will find green box. Push

it on the other side of the room, under the
lowest shelf. Jump to the box and then on the
shelf. Climb on the two stone blocks above
and leap to the bigger shelf. Turn the wall
round and jump to the another stone shelf.
Take large first-aid kit.

Jump down on the ground and go to the other

side of the room. Find next green box and
push it to the left, under the rocks. Jump to
the box and after that leap tn the lower shelf.
Jump to the upper shelf, then leap to grab the
edge above. Move to the right. Slide down and
go to the end of the shelf.

Jump to the pyramid and leap to the back to

grab the edge of the niche. Pick up SMG`s
ammo and large first-aid kit.

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Jump to the pyramid and then leap to the

stone shelf near the niche. Climb on the top of
the rock.

Now jump to the salient columns, which are

looking like huge thorns. Your task is to leap
to the six special column – they have different
flourishes from the others. You must do it
quickly otherwise you will fall down.

After that jump to the niche in the centre part

of pyramid. Switch the lever – the gate will

Slide down and go inside the pyramid.

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The Great Pyramid

Follow the corridor. Take SMG`s ammo. You
will come to the room with huge cocoons. On
the left wall you will see closed gate, under the
right wall is SMG`s ammo.

Go to the next room, full of lava. Above you

will see Natla – she try to connect artefacts.
When the three parts of the Scion will connect
top of the hill will explode. In this place will
soar huge pyramid.

Back to the former room. Kill two mummies

and gargoyle. Go through the open gate. Step
up the ladder.

Back to the room with the cocoons. Kill

gargoyles and explore this location. Pick up
two large first-aid kits and SMG`s ammo. Go
to the exit on the other side and leave the

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Long corridor leads you to the another

chamber. Take shotgun ammo, SMG`s ammo
and large first-aid kit.

Shoot at the button on the right wall several

times. When you turn it on above this button
will pull ahead a band. You don’t have many
time, it will hide again quickly.

The gargoyles will attack you. Kill him and

activate the button again. Jump to grab the
rift of the column in the corner. Turn left and
jump to throw the line on the bend. Run
through the brickwork and leap to the ledge of
the column in the corner. Jump to the edge
above, go to the left and leap to the platform
behind you.

Find next button and activate it. Kill gargoyle

and again activate the button. Another band
will pull ahead. Quickly jump on the column
in the corner, climb and jump to throw the
line on the band. Run through the wall and
jump on the column in the other side of the
room. Jump on the top of the column, then
jump to back on the next platform.

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This time your task is more difficult.

Beginning is identical – activate the button,
kill gargoyles and again activate the button.
But this time will pull ahead not one band but
two and also bars. Jump in the direction of
the column in the corner. You will fall into the
breach, so quickly jump to back on the bar.
Then jump on the next, higher bar, turn back
and jump to grab the edge of the column in
the corner.

Move to the left, jump to the bar and then

jump to throw the line on the band. On the
other side of the room is next bend – throw the
line and grab the band. Run to the opposite
side and jump to column in the corner. Jump
to grab the rift above, move to the left and
jump to the back on the platform.

Then again – activate button, kill two

gargoyles, activate the button again. Several
bars will pull ahead. Quickly jump to the
chute, leap to the bar on the left, then on the
next chute. After that jump to the bar on the
left and from the bar jump to grab the edge of
the column in the corner. Leap to the next
edge , turn left and jump to the back on the

Again, activate the button, kill two gargoyles,

reactivate the button. Jump to the chute in
the corner, then on the band – throw and grab
the line on it. Run to the other side of the
room and leap to the chute. Jump to throw
the line on the next band and get on the next
corner of the room, where is the column.

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Jump to grab the next edge. Move to the left

and jump to the back on the terrace. Take
small first-aid kit and SMG`s ammo. Leave the

Follow the corridor. There will be three

crushing gates. Go between them, the
frequently open and close, one by one, so it
won’t be hard task. The second trap will be
fireballs and triple crushing door. This also
won't be very hard to pass.

Third trap will be again fireballs in two lines

and triple crushing door.

You will come to the rather big room. Slide

down on the flooring and kill four mummies.

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Look around. You’re not alone – close to you is

standing your wraith – it looks completely
different but follows all your moves. Ignore the
wraith now and explore the room. In two
places you will find SMG`s ammo. Close to the
board and move it round. Under the ladders
will open the platforms.

Quickly run to the ladder near the cocoon and

jump to the platform. Step up he ladder.

Leap to the rift of the brickwork on the right.

Then jump to the back on the plate in the
platform high above the flooring. When you
stand on the plate, the door will close. Don’t
worry, you will open it later.

Go to the end of the platform. Take large first-

aid kit and 50 caliber pistol ammo. Kill
gargoyle and switch the lever, which is near
the door. The plate will move away – there is a
vent. Inside is a lava. After a while the hatch
will close. Move down on the ground and again
turn the table round. Run to the next ladder.

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Jump to the platform, step up the ladder and

leap to the rift. Then jump to the second
platform. Take large first-aid kit and shotgun
ammo. Close to the gear with the lever. Kill
gargoyle. Switch the lever – the door that you
closed earlier now will open.

You can’t do anything because the wraith is

disturbing you. So you must kill this creature.

Turn the table round, run and step up the

ladder, which is near the cocoon. Then jump
to the plate in the platform, run to the lever
and switch it. The hatch will open. Quickly
jump down, turn the table round and run to
the second ladder. Step up the ladder and leap
to the platform.

When you jump from the rift on the plate,

your wraith is doing the same on the other
side of the room. But unhappily the creature
will jump into the lava. Then unlock the exit
door, turn the table round and leave this

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Follow the tunnel. You will come to the room

with lava. There are movable blocks. Turn
right and close to the three movable blocks.

Jump to the first, then on the second and

jump into the niche. Take large first-aid kit
and switch the lever – the exit door will open.
Kill the gargoyle and back to the entree.

Go to the other side of the room. There are

three block also. But this trap is easier than
the former.

After that close to the wall and switch the

lever. The platform will pull ahead. Jump to it
and leave the room.

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Final conflict
You will meet Natla. She tempts you to be by
her side, when she restores the power of
Atlantis. Shoot at the Scion and again at
Natla, she will fall into the lava.

A giant mutant will appear from the cocoon.

Before you start the fight run the terrace
round and take some ammo and first-aid kits.

The giant is rather slack, but it has long

arms. First drive the creature mad (the red
indicator). When he attacks you, dodge and
when the two grey gun – points will turn into
one red – shoot. The giant hand will miss you
and hit the arena. Now shoot at this hand, you
must destroy it. Do the same with the second

Then drive the boss mad, when he is standing

back to the arena. When he attacks you, he
will almost fall into the lava. Shoot at his
hands and he will fall down. More information
about the fight you will find in IV. The

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Go through the open gate and close to the

lava. Jump onto the two nearest platforms.
Jump to the top of the pillar. Then jump to the
next pillar and leap to the platform. Kill

Switch the lever – the platform will insert into

the wall, but the second will close to you, so
jump on it. Take shotgun ammo and turn

The centaur will attack you – kill him and go

to the big room with the lever. Pick up large
first-aid kit and shotgun ammo. Switch the
lever – the entry door will close but the gate on
the left side will open. Leave the chamber.

Kill gargoyle and mummy. Explore area and

take 50 caliber pistol ammo and shotgun

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Jump into the pool. Dive. Find a lever and

switch it – a platform will pull ahead. Surface,
go out the water and kill the mummy.

Jump to the platform, then into the hole in the

wall. Take large first-aid kit and jump into the
next niche. Twitch the cage – it will fall on the
flooring. Jump down.

Push the cage near the closed gate. Jump to

the cage, then on the rock. Kill gargoyle, pick
up small first-aid kit and leap to grab the rift.
Jump to the left from one rift to another (be
careful – the rifts fumes the piping – hot

From the last rift jump to the ledge and then

leap to throw the line on the band. Run
through the wall to the other side of the room
and jump to the next ledge.

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Go tot he left and jump to grab the edge of the

vent above. Go inside the vent, pick up 50
caliber pistol ammo and shotgun ammo. Move
down to the next chamber. You have been
there before.

Find the stone relief on the right side of the

vent and jump to grab the edge of the relief.
Move down, shoot at the button. The first part
of the underwater passage will open.

Jump to the flooring and go to the left corner.

There is another relief – do exactly the same
as with the former. The second part of the
passage will open. Kill gargoyles and go to the
right corner

Jump to the relief, after it falls down jump to

the back, shoot at the button – the third part
of the passage will open. Kill the gargoyle.

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Go to the pool, jump into the water, dive and

follow the underwater tunnel. Take small first-
aid kit. Surface in the another room and go
out the water. Take 50 caliber pistol ammo
and go down.

There are again lava’s torrents. Go to the falls.

Jump to the ladder on the right. Step up the
ladder and jump to the left on the edge of the
rift. Leap to the ledge above, move to the right
and jump to the rift above. Jump to the left on
the ledge.

Leap to the next ledge on the left. Move down

on the small shelf. Take large first-aid kit,
overhang from the edge and move down on the
lower ledge. Jump to the back on the ledge in
the opposite rock. Move down on the bottom.

Jump to the one and then on the second

movable platform. Then leap to the ledge
behind the platforms. Jump to grab the edge
above and move to the left.

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Jump to the back on the top of the pillar and

then on the next one. Now leap to the crossbar
and quickly jump to the platform. From the
platform leap to the flooring.

Turn left, jump to the movable platform and

then on the ladder. Step up the ladder and go
inside the next room.

Suddenly Natla will come flying. Of course she

wants to kill you. The final battle starts.

In the first stage Natla is flying above you and

try to kill by using the fireballs. Duck the
fireballs and pick up some ammo. Then shoot
at Natla - she will fall on the ground. But this
not the end of the fight.

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Try to drive Natla mad and when she grasps

at you, dodge and shoot at her.

When Natla`s energy will reduce to null , the

third stage will start. Now you must push the
proper direction keys. If you do it perfectly,
you will win. More information about the fight
with Natla you will find in the chapter IV. The

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After Natla`s death the pyramid will explode.

Of course miss Croft will survive and leave the

island. She will sail in the direction of rising
sun. There must be any civilisation...

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In the game are four kinds of gun: pistols, 50 caliber pistols, SMGs and shotgun. Unhappily
the SMGs you will receive at the end of the game.

Magazines: 2x20 pieces.
Capability of cartridge – belt: infinite.
Elementary gun, always accessible.

Load capacity: 8 pieces.
Capability of cartridge - belt: 40 leads.
Shotgun will be accessible from the level 04.
The Lost Valley. This is the best gun in the

Magazines: 2x15 pieces.
Capability of cartridge – belt: 150 leads.
Deluxe version of standard Lara`s equipment.
Accessible from level 07. Coliseum).

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Magazines: 2x25 pieces.
Capability of cartridge - belt: 300 leads.
The most quick – firing gun in the game.
Unfortunately it is accessible from the level
12. Sanctuary of the Scion.

Small first-aid kit restore 25% of energy, large
first-aid kit – full.

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You can meet the wolves in Peru. They are fast
but rather weak.

You can meet them in caves and ruins. Not
very powerful, but sometimes it can be really

Very dangerous enemy, can badly hurts, so if
you don’t have a shotgun, better don’t close to
the bear.

Small, meat – eating and very fast dinosaur.
Better dodge him.

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It is on the same level like wolf, maybe little
stronger. You can meet lions in the Greece

Not very powerful, but really annoying. You
can meet rats especially in underground
tunnels and mine’s pits.

You will meet the mummies especially near
the pyramids and tombs. Mummies are fast,
strong and hard to defeat.

You can meet the crocodiles in the water, but
the best way to defeat them is to bring him on
the ground.

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You will meet panthers in the Greece and
Egypt. Panther is strong and fast, but attack
rather singly, so you can easy defeat this
animal by using the shotgun.

Very fast and strong creature. To kill him you
need some spaces around to duck its attacks.
You will meet him first time in Greece.

It hatches from the cocoon and is one of the
most difficult enemies in the game.

You can meet centaurs in the temples and
palace. They are attacking singly, so are rather
easy to defeat.

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Level: 04. The Lost Valley
Huge, prehistoric predator. T –Rex is fast and

The battle with T-Rex has several stages.

Firstly, you must push the proper direction
keys to dodge the attack of the predator.

Then you must drive T–rex mad. Shoot at

dinosaur as the red indicator will be full. After
that T-rex will attack you. Dodge and wait as
two gun–points will turn into the red one –
then shoot.

T-Rex will run forward and hit itself on the

rocks. Shoot at dinosaurs for all the time.
Then T-rex wants to attack you again – so
repeat all actions. Do it as the dinosaur slacks

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The most stronger points of T-rex are jaws and


When T-rex is very weak, your task is to again

push the proper direction keys.

Level: 09. Tomb of Tihocan
Two statues will alive ad try to protect
artefact. The can turn the enemies into the

Attack one of them, and dodge the second.

Drive the centaur mad and avoid the green
balls. If the ball hits you, you will turn into the
stone. In this case quickly push the keys left-
right and you may survive.

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Centaur will attack you, wait, push the dodge

key and when the two gun-points turn into the
red one, shoot.

Grab the line on the shield and take it from

the centaur. Do the same with the second
centaur. Then again drive one of them mad
and use the shield to protect yourself.

The beam will hit the Centaur, so he will turn

into stone. Shoot at him and kill him. Do the
same with the second centaur.

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Level: 15. Final conflict
The huge gargoyle, it looks like an enormous

You must still avoid the giant hands..

Sometimes the boss catches you and bolt.

Quickly escape from its bowels by using keys

Drive this creature mad. When the giant will

attack you, duck and wait as the grey gun-
points will turn to red one. Then shoot.

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Giant will hit its hand into the arena. Shot at

the hand. If you cannot do this in the
automatic gun-point, switch on the manual.

The giant will attack you again, so do the

same as earlier – drive its made and shoot as
its hand. Fire it. Fire also the second hand.

Then stand near the abyss and when the giant

will attack you, duck. It will be falling into the
abyss, but grab the one of the edges. Shoot at
the creature as long as it will fall into the lava.

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Level: 15. Final conflict
Fiery demon, who can flies. Throw fireballs
and uses claws.

Natla is very hard to defeat. Firstly she attacks

from on high by throwing fireballs. Close to
her, avoid the fireballs and shoot.

She will fall on the ground. Now the second

stage will start.

Driver her mad, when she attacks you, dodge

and wait as the grey gun-point will turn into
the red one. Then shoot.

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Dazed Natla will stay, so shoot at repeatedly.

The best way to shoot is to jump forward, in

the direction of Natla.

When Natla is very weak, the third stage will

start. Push the direction keys in proper order.
If you do it perfectly, Natla will die.

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Artefacts and Relics

Collect artefacts and relics to unlock the bonuses: biography of the characters, Lara`s outfits,
short films, cheats, etc.

The artefacts and relics are hidden in the

rather banal hide-outs. You just must look
around to find them.

Below are shown locations of all artefacts and


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Mountain Caves
Level: 01. The entree to the Mountain Caves
Artefacts: 0
Relics: 0
There you won’t find artefacts and relics, so go

Level: 02. Mountain Caves

Artefacts: 3
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/3. In the Mountain Caves, at the

beginning is tunnel, where are mortal darts.
From this tunnel you will come to huge cave.
Go upstairs, turn left and go to the end of the
landing stage. Turn left and jump above the

Turn round. Jump to the shelf on the left,

then leap too the next one and jump to the
stone platform on the right. Leap to the next
shelf on the right.

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Slide down and jump to the platform.

Grab the edge above you, climb on the rock

and take Artefact 1/3.

Jump to grab the salient edge. Move to the left

and slide down.

Artefact 2/3. In the left part of the corridor

you will find large medipack. Take it and back
to the corridor, follow the tunnel.

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In the place, where snows, turn left, kill bats

and go to the edge of the shelf. Find the band,
slide down, jump to throw the line on it.
Climb, swing and jump to grab the edge of the
wall, which is next to you.

Move to the left, jump to grab the edge and

jump to the back on the edge behind you.

Go to the right and move down. Move to the

right and leap to the shelf behind you.

Pick up Artefact 2/3. Move down on the

bottom of the cave. Kill bats.

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Go to the carved gate, switch the lever and go

through the open gate.

Artefact 3/3. When you are in the room with

columns, move to the bed of the rift. There is a
bear,, so kill him.

Find the tight tunnel with the lever in the wall.

Switch the level and go through the gate.
Follow the tunnel.

Take Artefact 3/3. Jump on the arena. You

have been there before.

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Back to the room with the columns. Jump on

the other side of the rift by using the line.
Take large medipack.

Relic 1/1. After the opening the gate in the

room with darts jump on the left wall. Climb
on the top and turn the room round as you
come to the right side of the gate, near the
counterweight. Jump to the two edges in the
right walls and from the upper jump to the
back on the bar.

This bar is movable. Continue jumping in the

same direction. You will grab the tight ledge
on the right side of the gate.

Move to the left, then jump to grab the

crossbar on the left. (you can do it only if you
have opened the door earlier).

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Move to the right and jump to grab the ledge

in the wall. Jump to grab the edge above and
jump to the back on the next crossbar. Then
jump on the ledge and after that on the stone

You find Relic1/1 – The bottle with theme of

killer whale. Move down and go through the

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Level: 03. Vilcabamba
Artefacts: 1
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/1. The box, from where you took

key to the gate push to the yard, near the
pillar. Jump to the box, from the box leap to
the pillar and climb on the top.

Jump to the stone shelf. Kill bats.

Jump to the bar and then leap to the stone

shelf behind the bar.

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Now jump to throw the line on the band.

Swing and leap to the ledge, which is next to
you. Move to the left and jump to the crossbar,
and again leap to the next one.

From the second crossbar jump to the stone

platform with small pond. Take Artefact 1/1.

Slide from the roof of the house on the bottom.

You may go open the gate using the key.

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The Lost Valley

Level: 04. The lost Valley
Artefacts: 2
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/2. After taking two cogged circles

you will come to the unknown corridor. Follow
the tunnel, there will be a location with
wooden construction. Kill the bear.

Climb on the top of construction and take 50

caliber pistol ammo. From this place jump in
the direction of the wall.

Of course you will slide on the slant timbers.

Jump to the back on the shelf.

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Move behind the bend and jump into the

niche behind you. Take Artefact 1/2.Jump on
the ground and again climb on the

Jump to the wooden pillar, then jump and

jump as you leave this location.

Artefact 2/2. You will go through the bridge.

Climb on the rock on the left.

Jump behind the slant wall, you will fall into

the hidden niche. Pick up Artefact 2/2. Jump
on the nearest shelf and then into the burrow.

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Leave the burrow and climb again on the top

of the rock.

Jump to the slant stone rock. Slide down and

in the proper moment leap to the chute below.
Again, slide down and in the proper moment
jump to the crossbar.

Relic 1/1. After finding and installing all

cogged circles switch the lever. The water will

Go to the top of falls. Jump into the water and


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Swim and sometimes dive. Before the turn

dive, on the right is underwater tunnel. Follow
the tunnel. In the hidden place is Relic 1/1 –
Mug of kero.

Back to the waterfall. Swim to the dam. Go

out the water. Jump into the pond and swim
to the exit. Go inside.

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Tomb of Qualopec
Level: 05. Tomb of Qualopec
Artefacts: 2
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/2. The stone huge orb almost

crush you, but you run away.

Follow the tunnel. Be careful – there will be a

room without the flooring and darts will be
flying there.

Stand on the right side of the rift and move

down. Explore the rift , you will find Artefact

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When the darts stop flying for a while jump to

the top of the pillar. Then leap to the ledge on
the left. Go to the right and continue your way
to leave the chamber.

Artefact 2/2. In the chamber with the gear

the flooring breaks. After killing the wolves
and pushing the box you will exit the hole by
jumping to the stone shelf and then on the
ledges and finally on the pillar.

Climb and turn back to the wall on the left

side. Jump to grab the edge of the small
corridor. Go inside and take Artefact 2/2.
Turn to the pillar and jump to it.

Turn back to the gear and jump to the back to

grab the edge above the gear. Stand above the
lever and fall down. Grab the lever – one of the
bars in the tomb of æ Qualopec will move up.

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St. Francis`Folly

Level: 06. St. Francis`Folly

Artefacts: 6
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/6. When you open the passage on

the gallery, go there to the next room.

Move down, close to the bar and look at the

ceiling. There is a statue with the shining
junctures – remember the order and go to the
lever, switch it. The gate will open.

Back to the main nave. Kill lions and climb on

the balconies. Go to the statue with the
junctures. Light them by shooting them – the
order must be identical as has the statue on
the ceiling.

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The bar on the second balcony on the left will

open. There is a niche – go there and take
Artefact 1/6, then go to the bottom, on the

Push the orb and put it on the plate in the

floor. The gear with turn on and open the bar.
Exit the room.

Artefact 2/6. Explore the are behind the gate

of Hefajstos. You will come to the room with
huge, movable hammer. Run to the plate,
which is turning on the hammer, stand on it
and run away.

When the hammer falls down, jump to it. Then

quickly jump on the shelf on the right side.
Take shotgun ammo.

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After that use the bar to jump to the next

shelf. Look around, behind the column on the
left is Artefact 2/6.

Then use the another bar to jump to the shelf

on the other side of the room. Throw the stone
block on the ground. After the putting three
statues into the slots and turning on the
hammer you will receive key of Hefajstos .

Artefact 3/6. You will come to the room full of

water. Go to the column in the centre of the
chamber and jump into the water.

Dive. Find the lever, switch it – the passage to

the small room will open. Swim there, climb
inside and take Artefact 3/6.

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Back to the centre of the chamber, get on the

upper level. Receive key of Posejdon.

Artefact 4/6. In the room of Atlas you will

shoot at the orb and it runs to you. Escape
from the orb and back to the room. Take key
of Atlas.

Back to the rift. Climb on the shelves on the


Pick up small medipack and Artefact 4/6 and

switch the lever. The hole in the floor vanish,
so you can back to the Atlas` gate.

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Artefact 5/6. You're close to the gate of Atlas.

The platform will pull ahead. Overhang from
the edge and jump to the ledge below.

Move to the left, jump to the ledge and then

leap to the bar. Swing and jump into the
niche. Near there is Artefact 5/6. Pick it up.

Back to ledge behind the bar and move down.

Artefact 6/6. You’re in the chamber, where

you found the key of Damokles. There are
many traps, so be careful.

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Turn the room round and climb to the niche

whit the bar. Switch the lever. Another part of
the room will unlock. On the other side of the
bar you will see Artefact 6/6.

Back to the former room. Go to Artefact 6/6 ,

take it and back to the room with the blades.

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Level: 07. Coliseum
Artefacts: 1
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/1. You’re on the roof of the

building. Jump to the platforms and take two
50 caliber pistols. Move to the left on the stone
platform. Jump to grab the rift in the column,
move to the left and find the band behind you.

Jump to throw the line on the band. On the

right side of the column is niche in the wall.

Swing and jump into the niche. Take Artefact


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Palace Midas
Level: 08. Palace Midas
Artefacts: 1
Relics: 2

Artefact 1/1. You will come to the room with

spears and blades. On the left is a band. Grab
the line on it and twitch – you will put a stone
block. The block fall on the floor.

Go to the next room. Close to the box, ,move it

away – there is a hole – go inside. In the small
room you will find a lever – switch it, the bar
near the stairs will open.

Go upstairs to the another chamber. Take

small medipack and go upstairs. There is a
balcony. Move the bar.

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All stone block will move up and create

columns. Now quickly jump from column to
column to take Artefact 1/1.

Jump to the first block, then leap to grab the

edge of the column with thorns. Jump to the
back on the chute. Leap to grab the edge of
the platform.

Jump to the column with thorns, climb on the

top and leap to the stone block. Then jump to
the chute, and from the chute leap to the

Jump to the stone block on the right, then

jump into the hole in the wall. Take Artefact
1/1. Leap to the ground.

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Relic 1/2. You’re in the balcony with the

lever, above the room with thorns and spears.
Switch the lever, jump from column to
column, then leap to the chute and from the
chute jump to the platform.

Jump to the corner, there is a hidden niche.

Take Relic 1/2 – Athenian statuette of owl.

Jump to the ground.

Relic 2/2. You opened the door in the room

with Midas and came to the room full of water
and climbed to the gallery.

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Switch the lever and close to the edge of the

gallery. Turn right and jump to throw the line
on the bend. Run through the wall and leap to
the parietal edge.

Jump to the chute below. In the proper

moment leap to the ledge. Then jump on the
next one on the right. Leap to the edge above.
Jump to the back on the next chute. Jump to
grab the bar.

Jump to the next bar and then leap to the

pillar. After that jump to the another chute
and to the niche in the left wall. There is a
lever, switch it, so one of the columns will
move up – you will see a hidden niche with
Relic 2/2.

Now quickly jump into the water, swim to the

entry, jump to the pedestal with plate and
then leap to the small column with flame.
Jump to the column on the right and after
that leap to the column on the left.

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Jump to the next column, which is on the left

side. Move to the left and climb on the top.

Then jump into the niche with Relic 2/2 –

Protoma with the griffin’s head.

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Tomb of Tihocan
Level: 09. Tomb of Tihocan
Artefacts: 2
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/2. You’re in the huge room, full of

water. When you open the bar in the flooring
and gain a raft, get on the upper level of the

Go to the niche with movable gear. Grab the

bar and move the gear round. The water will
fill the room. Jump into the water and swim to
the platforms, which are near the niche with
three carved heads. Dive there.

Inside one of the pillars is gear with the lever,

switch the lever – the bar in the flooring will

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Surface, take a breath and dive again. Swim to

the niche, where is just now open bar. Pick up
Artefact 1/2. Back to the platforms.

Artefact 2/2. After leaving the huge

underwater room you will come to the
underground cave. Before you will go to the
Tomb of Tihocan you must find an underwater
gear, which is opening the entrance gate. Dive.

Swim to the left. There is a platform from

where take ammo. Near the platform is niche –
swim inside and take Artefact 2/2.

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Temple of Khamoon

Level: 10. Temple of Khamoon

Artefacts: 3
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/3. You’re in the courtyard. Jump

to the small stone column on the left of door
with Sphinx. Then by jumping and climbing
get on the stone platform with the button in
the wall.

Shoot at the button. By jumping get on the

stone ladder.

From the ladder jump to the left on the

Sphinx` head. Climb to the niche. Inside is
Artefact 1/3. Leave the niche and back to the
Sphinx` head.

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Find the bend in the wall, jump to throw the

line on the bend. Swing and leap to the small
pillar and then on the stone platform.

Artefact 2/3. On the courtyard with green

idol jump into the pool and through he
underwater tunnel come to the huge room
with platforms and gears with scarabs. By
jumping and climbing get to the upper level of
the building.

Pass the lever and go to the balcony. Under

you is courtyard with green idol.

Turn left, jump to throw the line on the band,

run through the wall and in the maximal
inclination jump to the ledge. Jump to the
back to throw the line on the another bend.

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Then leap to the next band and third one.

Swing and jump on the roof. Take Artefact 2/3

and back to the balcony.

Artefact 3/3. In the room with huge scarab

turn right and in the corner you will find two
stone blocks.

Stand on the higher block, turn left and jump

to throw the line on the bend. Swing and jump
to the ledge in the wall with the scarab.

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Move to the left about meter and jump to the

pillar behind you. Then leap to the next pillar
and again jump to grab the ledge of the

Jump to the lower edge, go to the right behind

the curve and leap to the another column and
then on the last column in this line. Jump to
grab the edge above, turn the column round
and the former one.

Stand back the wall and jump to grab the

ledge of this wall. Jump to throw the line on
the band. Run through the wall and in the
maximal inclination jump to the stone

Take Artefact 3/3.Jump on the ground.

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Relict 1/1. In the room with four fancy

columns is hidden the entry to the niche with
the relic.

Close to the first parietal column on the right.

Push the block under the column, jump to
this block and grab the rift of the column.
Jump on the edge above and then jump to the
back on the ledge in the wall.

Jump to the column on the right. Leap to grab

the edge above and then jump to the back on
the smaller swivel column. Stand on the top.

Now by jumping get to the end of the room.

From the last one column jump to the parietal

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Go to the right behind the curve and move

down. You will grab the edge of secret

Go inside and take Relic 1/1 – mummified cat.

Take also the large medipack and back to the
room with columns.

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Obelisk of Khamoon

Level: 11. Obelisk of Khamoon

Artefacts: 4
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/4. After taking the Eye of Horus

you jump into the pool. Then leave the

The corridor leads you to the room, where is

gear with gold ear. Climb to the top of the
room. In one of the upper levels you will find a
lever – switch it.

Above you will pull ahead a bar. You have 90

seconds to go there. Climb to the top of the
room as you come to the place, where is a
column with shooting darts. Turn right.

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Jump above the bar on the part of the flooring

on the right. Near the columns, hidden behind
stones is Artefact 1/4. Take it and go to the
exit of the room.

Artefact 2/4. You’re in the room, where is

gold ear (on the left side from the entree). After
activating the gear, slide on the bed of the

On the same side as the entree, but lower is

entry of the corridor. Get there, then turn left
and jump on the stone shelf. On the left side
is movable blade.

When the blade is going away jump on the

ledge and quickly move to the left.

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When the blade closes again to you, fall on the

ledge below. Then, when the blade goes away
jump on the former ledge. From this ledge
jump to grab the edge of the shelf above you.

Get on the shelf. Stand on the its end. When

the blade is going away again, jump to the
ledge below. Wait as the vertical movable
shields are moving up. Jump to grab the ledge
on the left.

Go inside the niche above you and pick up

Artefact 2/4. Back to the gear with gold ear.

Artefact 3/4. After switching the gear jump to

the ledge below and then leap to the edge on
the right. Wait as the shield goes away and
jump quickly on the ledge above you. Move to
the right and behind the bend jump on the

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When the blade goes away jump again to the

ledge then leap to the upper one and jump to
the back on the stone platform. Turn right and
find the band.

Jump to throw the line on the band. Run to

the other side of the room and in the maximal
inclination jump on the platform behind you.
Climb on it.

Jump to the ledge on the right. Then leap to

the bar and jump to the platform with Artefact

Artefact 4/4. After taking the Scarab of Osiris

go to the room with huge stone stairs. Get on
the top of the room. Turn in the direction of
the centre.

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Find the band on the left wall. Jump to throw

the line on the band. Run to the other side of
the room. Jump and throw the line on the
next band.

Fall on the shelf below. There is Artefact 4/4.

Jump to the stairs. Go upstairs and jump two

times by using the bands in the direction of
the centre of the room.

Swing and leap to the small platform on the

other side of the chamber.

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Sanctuary of the Scion

Level: 12. Sanctuary of the Scion

Artefacts: 2
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/2. You’re in the first of the two

rooms with four sunken columns. After
turning the columns go to the ladders.

Stand on the ladder and jump to grab the

verge on the right. Move to the other side of
the verge and jump ton the small ledge below.

Take Artefact 1/2 and back to the ladder.

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Relic 1/1. You’re in the room with sunken

statues. Jump into the water and dive. Then
do everything pursuant to Walkthrough as you
come to the first four scarabs in the left

Back to the ladder on the right. Step up the

ladder and jump to the ledge on the left. Then
leap to the ledge above. Move to the right and
jump to the back on the statue.

Move to the right side of the statue, jump to

the ledge on the feet.

Jump to the gear with gold ear . The bar on

the right side of statue’s head will open.

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Jump into the water and swim to the statue

on the left. Do all actions which are featured
in the Walkthrough, including the puzzle with
the scarabs.

When you switch the last gear with gold ear,

the level of water will grow up maximally.
Swim to the unlocked bar near the head of
right statue. Swim inside and take Relict 1/1 –
Statuette of Horus. Swim to the exit and leave
the room.

Artefact 2/2. Before the room with the last

part of Scion is room with colour columns.
There you can receive special item.

Jump to the first column on the right in the

first line. Then leap to the second in the first
line, climb and grab the second edge from the
bottom. Move in the direction of the centre of
the room. Jump to throw the line on the band.

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Swing and jump to the fourth column in the

first line, then on the fifth column in the first
line and on the fifth in the second line.

Turn the column round and jump into the

niche on the left. Take Artefact 2/2.

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Natla`s Mines

Level: 13. Natla`s Mines

Artefacts: 4
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/4. Install the red fuse in the pulpit

and push the near button. The derrick will
move away the package.

Run to the glassed room. Push the green box

under the cabin. Jump to the box and then
climb on the roof.

Pass the hanging package and jump to the

pillar. Then leap to the next pillar and jump to
the ledge.

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Jump to the edge of closed pit shaft on the

left. Leap to grab the ledge above and jump to
the back on the crossbar.

Leap to the chute, then jump to grab the edge

of the platform.

Climb on the platform and take Artefact 1/4.

Artefact 2/4. When you received your pistols

back to the cave with waterfall and boat.
Jump into the boat and shoot at the line.

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You will sail near the wall with ledges. Jump

to the nearest, then leap to the next on the
right and jump to the edge above.

Jump to the back on the ledge on the opposite

site. Move to the niche below.

Explore the niche, there is Artefact 2/4. Take

it and back to the control room.

Relic 1/1. After getting back the pistols back

to the sunken cave. Jump into the water and
swim to the waterfall.

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Go inside the corridor behind the waterfall

and run forward. Turn right and jump to the
bar. From the bar jump to the two ledges

Jump to the back on the line with package.

Stand on the package. Shoot at the knot. You
and the box will fall down.

The lid will break. Inside is Relic 1/1 – Grail of


Artefact 3/4. In the end of the room with lava

is small swimming platform, where is Artefact

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From the ledge, which is lower than the

construction jump to grab the horizontal
timber near the lines.

Jump to the structural on the right. Then leap

to the next structural and jump to the

Take Artefact 3/4 and back to the structurals.

Jump p to the chute and then on the movable

Artefact 4/4. You’re in the chamber, where is

the entree to the Great Pyramid. On the right
side is rock. On the top of the rock is Artefakt
4/4. When you are jumping on the “thorns” of
Pyramid go to the its bottom part.

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From the last, lowest column jump to the

rock. Grab the ledge, leap to shelf on the right.
Then climb on the top.

Take Artefact 4/4 and slide down.

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The Great Pyramid

Level: 14. The Great Pyramid

Artefacts: 1
Relics: 1

Artefact 1/1. You’re on the terrace, near the

room where you have shot at the buttons.
Take small medipack and SMG`s ammo.

Before you leave turn left, jump to the column,

move to the left and go inside the niche. Take
Artefact 1/1. Back on the terrace and leave
the room.

Relict 1/1. In the last room, after turning on

the levers stand on the platform, which leads
you to the exit. Shoot at the loose stone near
the ceiling. It will break the flooring and fall
into lava. Close to the hole.

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Jump into the hole. You will be falling into the

lava. When the icon of the band lights jump to
throw the line on the bend. Jump into the vent
of tunnel in the opposite rock.

Go inside and move along the tunnel. Step up

the ladder. On the shelf you will find Relic 1/1
– Celtic necklace of bitterness.

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The Final conflict

Level: 15. The Final conflict
Artefacts: 4
Relics: 0

Artefact 1/4. In the room with the pool jump

into the water and dive. You will find the lever,
switch it – the platform will pull ahead. Go out
the water. Kill the mummy.

Leap to the platform, then jump into the hole

in the rock.

Pick up large medipack. Look around. Above is

Artefact 1/4. Take it.

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Then jump into the next niche above. There is

a huge cage – throw it on the floor. Jump

Artefact 2/4. Push the cage near the closed

gate. Climb on the cage, then on the rock. Kill
gargoyle, pick up small medipack and jump to
the platform above the door.

Switch the lever – the gate below will open.

Jump to the floor and push the cage through
the just now open gate into the corridor.

There is a niche in the wall. Push the cage

under the niche, jump to the cage and from it
jump into the niche. Take Artefact 2/4.

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Artefact 3/4. In the chamber with pool

activate the button by shooting at them. In
this way you unlock the underwater tunnel.
Jump into the pool and swim to the next
room. Go down the corridor.

There are lava’s steams. Jump and get to the

falls. Leap to the ladder on the right. Step up
the ladder. Jump to the edge of the rift on the
left, then leap to the ledge above. Jump to the
rift above and leap to the ledge on the left.

Jump to the next ledge on the left. Leap to the

small shelf below. Take large medipack. Jump
to the ledge lower. Jump to the back on the
ledge in the opposite rock. Slide down.

There are swimming platforms. Jump to the

one, then on the second. Turn right and leap
to the third.

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Jump into the niche. You will come to the

location under the waterfall, where is hidden
Artefact 3/4.

Back to the platforms, from the second leap to

the ledge. Jump to grab the edge above and
move to the left.

Artefact 4/4. After going between lava’s

steams you will come to the place, where the
ladder is standing near the wall. Step up the
ladder and look around.

There are shelves and platforms. Leap to

throw the line on the band. Jump to the shelf
behind the band, then on the platform and
leap to the another one on the right side.

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Take Artefact 4/4.

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