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Henoch–Schönlein purpura nephritis

in children
Jean-Claude Davin and Rosanna Coppo
Abstract | Henoch–Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most common vasculitis in children, in whom prognosis is
mostly dependent upon the severity of renal involvement. Nephritis is observed in about 30% of children with
HSP. Renal damage eventually leads to chronic kidney disease in up to 20% of children with HSP nephritis
in tertiary care centres, but in less than 5% of unselected patients with HSP, by 20 years after diagnosis.
HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy are related diseases resulting from glomerular deposition of aberrantly
glycosylated IgA1. Although both nephritides present with similar histological findings and IgA abnormalities,
they display pathophysiological differences with important therapeutic implications. HSP nephritis is mainly
characterized by acute episodes of glomerular inflammation with endocapillary and mesangial proliferation,
fibrin deposits and epithelial crescents that can heal spontaneously or lead to chronic lesions. By contrast,
IgA nephropathy normally presents with slowly progressive mesangial lesions resulting from continuous low-
grade deposition of macromolecular IgA1. This Review highlights the variable evolution of similar clinical and
histological presentations among paediatric patients with HSP nephritis, which constitutes a challenge for
their management, and discusses the treatment of these patients in light of current guidelines based on
clinical evidence from adults with IgA nephropathy.

Davin, J.‑C. & Coppo, R. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 10, 563–573 (2014); published online 29 July 2014; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2014.126

Henoch–Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most fre- the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES)
quently detected form of vasculitis in children. The published modified criteria in 2006—­palpable purpura
incidence of HSP decreases with age, 1 but the preva- (mandatory criterion) in the presence of at least one of
lence of the disease is not well established.2 In a Dutch the following: diffuse abdominal pain; any biopsy sample
study,3 the yearly incidence of HSP was 6.1 per 100,000 showing predominant IgA deposition; arthritis or acute
children in a cohort of children aged 0–18 years versus arthralgia in any joint; and renal involvement (any
14.9 per 100,000 in children aged between 3–6 years. The haema­turia and/or proteinuria).9 After a formal statistical
reported annual incidence of HSP varies from 6.1 cases validation of these criteria, performed by the Paediatric
per 100,000 children in the Netherlands to 20.4 cases per Rheumatology International Trials Organization and
100,000 children in the UK.3–6 However, these figures PRES, the 2008 Ankara Consensus Conference updated
might be overestimated, as they were based on the the 2006 PRES classification by adding the criterion that
contro­versial 1990 American College of Rheumatology IgA deposition in a biopsy sample is required in patients
criteria for classification of vasculitis.7 Diagnosis of who have an ­atypical distribution of purpura.10
HSP required the presence of two or more of the fol- Although complications resulting from lesions in
lowing criteria: age ≤20 years at disease onset; palpa- organs other than the kidney (lung, intestine, brain and
Emma Children’s ble purpura; acute abdominal pain; and biopsy samples testis) are sometimes severe, the prognosis of HSP is
Hospital and Academic
Medical Centre, showing granulo­c ytes in the walls of small arterioles mainly dependent on the renal component of the disease.
University of or venules.7 These criteria risk confusion with various Moreover, for decades HSP nephritis and primary IgA
Meibergdreef 9,
forms of hypersensitivity vasculitis and may result in nephropathy have been considered related diseases
1105 AZ, Amsterdam, ­overdiagnosis of HSP in children.8 because of their similar renal histologic features and IgA
Netherlands (J.‑C.D.). In 1994, HSP was defined by the Chapel Hill abnormalities.11,12 This relationship is exemplified by
Nephrology, Dialysis
and Transplantation Consensus Conference on the Nomenclature of Systemic the occurrence of HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy
Unit, Città della Salute Vasculitis as “a vasculitis with IgA-dominant immune in identical twins.13 The proportion of children with HSP
e della Scienza di
Torino, Regina
deposits, affecting small vessels (that is, capillaries, who present with renal involvement varies from 20% to
Margherita University venules or arterioles) typically involving skin, gut and 100% according to the level of nephrology care.14 In a
Hospital, Piazza glomeruli, and associated with arthralgias or arthri- 20 year follow-up series from a tertiary care centre, HSP
Polonia 94, Turin 1016,
Italy (R.C.). tis.”8 The European League Against Rheumatism and nephritis led to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in up to
20% of children.15 By contrast, in unselected patients,
Correspondence to:
J.‑C.D. Competing interests the corresponding percentage is less than 5%.16,17 HSP The authors declare no competing interests. nephritis is an infrequent cause of end-stage renal disease


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Key points Finnish series of 223 paediatric patients with HSP, the risk
factors for development of nephritis were age >8 years
■■ Henoch–Schönlein purpura (HSP)—the most common vasculitis in children—
at onset, abdominal pain and recurrence of vasculitis.19
is complicated by nephritis in about 30% of patients
■■ Long-term prognosis of HSP nephritis depends mainly on the development of The natural history of HSP in children has changed over
chronic kidney disease (CKD); often CKD risk cannot be predicted from the initial time; late diagnosis and late referral of patients with renal
clinical and histological presentation involvement were common in early reports, but diagnosis
■■ CKD can be observed at long-term follow-up even after apparent complete is now easily performed and the risk of progression is the
recovery from HSP nephritis most important factor to be considered.
■■ HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy both result from glomerular deposition The frequency of renal involvement in HSP is variable.
of aberrantly glycosylated IgA1 but have different histological features and
In a population-based survey in the Netherlands, which
clinical courses
■■ Typically IgA nephropathy presents as slowly progressive mesangial lesions,
included 232 patients aged 0–18 years (average 6 years)
whereas HSP nephritis presents as acute episodes characterized by inflammatory with HSP, 60% of participants were male (a higher per-
glomerular lesions that require prompt resolution to avoid chronic progression centage of males than females also have IgA nephritis)
■■ Use of guidelines based on evidence obtained in adults with IgA nephropathy to and 29% presented with renal symptoms within 1 month
select treatment for children with HSP nephritis risks delaying the provision of of onset (although the majority of these patients had only
adequate therapies mild renal signs, such as haematuria and/or minimal
proteinuria).3 Proteinuria >1 g/l was detected in 3% of
patients, nephrotic syndrome in 2%, hypertension in
Table 1 | Predictors of long-term renal outcome in Henoch–Schönlein purpura 3% and renal insufficiency in 1%.9 These figures are
Factor Symptoms Outcome consistent with the contemporary experience of neph-
Initial renal Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome CKD >50%15 rologists and large published series, rather than with the
symptoms15,32 Nephrotic syndrome CKD 40%15 extremely broad range of 20–100% of patients present-
Nephritic syndrome CKD 15%15 ing with renal involvement described in the early litera-
Heavy non-nephrotic proteinuria CKD 15%15
Haematuria and/or minimal proteinuria CKD <5%15 ture.14 In some reviews, up to 97% of patients with HSP
Nephrotic syndrome persisting <3 months ESRD 0%32 nephritis developed renal symptoms within 6 months
Nephrotic syndrome persisting >3 months ESRD 41%32 after presentation,20 and 35% developed clinical signs
Renal symptoms GFR <70 ml/min/1.73 m2 at 3 years* ESRD 100%26 of renal impairment after 1 year, with a continuous
during follow-up increase in frequency thereafter.21 By contrast, a review
Initial symptoms Mean follow-up proteinuria (g per day) ESRD RR 1.78, published in 2009 concluded that 1–2% of all unselected
versus increasing P <0.0131 patients with HSP nephritis will develop CKD in the
proteinuria during Severely impaired versus normal GFR at onset ESRD RR 3.83, long term.17 This proportion is much higher in patients
follow-up P = 0.2031
Nephrotic versus minimal proteinuria at onset ESRD RR 4.74, from tertiary medical centres; up to 20–30% of such
P = 0.1731 patients have CKD or ESRD by 20 years after diagno-
*Univariate analysis of predictors related to renal survival that used dialysis therapy as an end point; GFR sis of HSP.15,22–24 As expected, patients with severe initial
was calculated using the Schwartz formula. Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage symptoms are at higher risk of CKD than are those with
renal disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; RR, relative risk. Reproduced and modified with permission
from the American Society of Nephrology © Davin, J. C. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 6, 687–689 (2011). http:// mild symptoms (Table 1).15,23

(ESRD) in adults,1 but in historical series of children with A major difficulty in the identification of prognostic
HSP nephritis, the incidence of CKD can reach 5%.18 factors in HSP nephritis resides in the fact that CKD can
Thanks to improvements in the care and short-term develop up to 20 years after disease initiation, even after
outcomes of these children, only a few require dialysis apparently complete resolution of symptoms.15,23 The
nowadays, although whether the long-term outcomes possibility of clinically silent progression towards CKD
of patients with HSP have also substantially improved was initially raised in 1992. 15 Progression towards
remains unclear. CKD is particularly likely to occur during pregnancy.15,23
This Review summarizes advances in our understand- Approximately 20 years after initial presentation, CKD
ing of the clinical symptoms, prognosis, pathology, develops in 15% of patients who present with heavy
pathophysiology and treatment of HSP nephritis in chil- proteinuria without nephrotic syndrome, in 40% of
dren. We also present contemporary perspectives on the those who present with nephrotic syndrome, and in
typical clinical presentation and course of HSP nephri- >50% of those who present with both nephritic and
tis. Similarities and differences with IgA nephropathy, nephrotic syndromes.15 However some (rare) patients
as well as the consequences of the latter for treatment of who present with mild initial symptoms also eventually
HSP nephritis, are also discussed. develop CKD,15,23,25 sometimes after repeated episodes
of macroscopic haematuria.26,27 Even patients without
Clinical symptoms urinary abnormalities can later present with hyper­
A recent or simultaneous infection is reported in 33–66% tension28 and ESRD can occasionally result from rapidly
of patients with HSP.1 Although any of the four major progressive glomerulonephritis.29,30
components of the syndrome (rash, joint pain, abdominal These reports show that any initial clinical renal
symptoms and renal disease) might precede the others, presentation can result either in CKD or in complete
the renal symptoms are rarely first to develop. 1 In a healing.15,23,25–27 The unpredictability of the prognosis of

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HSP nephritis probably results from the varied patho­ or segmental sclerosis, which might also predict CKD
genetic pathways involved and the response to treat- ­according to their extension.43
ment. HSP nephritis is typically an acute disease, but Another factor that is likely to modify the outcome
even severe inflammatory glomerular lesions can resolve of patients with crescents is the prompt institution of
completely in patients who receive early adequate treat- aggressive immunosuppressive treatment, which can
ment, or when the causal event has been of short dura- blunt the risk of progression. This observation might
tion. On the contrary, when the cause of active lesions explain the apparent paradox that patients with ISKDC
persists or when adequate treatment is delayed, a fibrotic grades II–III disease tend to have worse outcomes than
process leads to chronic damage. The reduction in func- those with grades IV–V disease in published series. 23
tional glomeruli can be insufficient to induce substan- Notably, an adverse effect of crescentic HSP nephritis
tial proteinuria or impair filtration function in the short on outcome was reported in early published series,15
term, a clinical picture that can initially be confused although this association has not been detected in series
with apparent healing but could result in hyperfiltration published after use of prednisone and immunosuppres-
and relentless progression to CKD. These clinical fea- sive drugs had become the rule.40 This observation sug-
tures imply that two important conditions would render gests that prompt immunosuppressive treatment might
further studies more informative: they should have long prevent cellular crescents from progressing to fibrosis
follow-up periods, and instead of only looking for cor- and thereby contributing to CKD. Conversely, delaying
relations between initial clinical and histological param- kidney biopsy and the initiation of immunosuppressive
eters and outcome at last follow-up, patients’ data should treatment might enable crescentic lesions to progress to
be analysed at intervals throughout the study to investi- complete glomerulosclerosis.42,44,45
gate the possible role of relapses or of persistently active Because considering only the approximate extent of
disease processes. mes­angial proliferation (focal or diffuse) and the per-
Difficulty in the interpretation of initial symptoms centage of crescentic glomeruli (ISKDC classification)
for prognostic purposes has resulted in the considera- has limited prognostic utility, it is necessary to improve
tion of other clinical parameters related to the status prognostic predictions by introducing other param-
of patients at subsequent stages of the illness (Table 1). eters. These could potentially include a precise evalu-
Unfortunately, assessment of those parameters might not ation of mesangial hypercellularity (by calculating the
improve the outcomes of patients with HSP nephritis mesangial cell score), endocapillary hypercellularity,
because all imply a period of observation, which could inflammatory cell infiltration, Bowman capsule integ-
potentially delay the initiation of treatment to prevent rity, extent and type of crescents (cellular versus fibrotic),
the development of chronic lesions (Table 1).26,31,32 Pooled glomerulo­sclero­sis and interstitial fibrosis or tubular
data from three studies that investigated the outcomes atrophy, following the example of the new histological
of children with HSP nephritis, classified according to classification of IgA nephropathy.43
International Study for Kidney Diseases in Children Recurrence of glomerular IgA deposits after kidney
(ISKDC) criteria, showed that about 25% of patients transplantation is very frequent in patients with HSP
progressed to various stages of CKD during a median nephritis, but does not significantly affect the rate of graft
follow-up of 6 years.24,25,30,33 Although more common loss during the first 5 years of follow-up.46 By 10 years
in patients with class IV and class V features of HSP post-transplantation, however, the risk of graft loss owing
nephritis, such as moderate to severe extracapillary to recurrence of IgA deposits was 7.5% in one study.47
proliferation and crescent formation (37% and 70% of The same pattern is observed for IgA nephropathy.48,49
such patients progressed to CKD, respectively), than
in those with milder disease, progression to CKD was IgA nephropathy versus HSP nephritis
eventually also observed in 15% of patients with class II Presentation and clinical course
or III features. HSP nephritis frequently presents as acute nephritic and/
The predictive value of crescents has been addressed or nephrotic syndrome, reflecting a rapidly developing
in several retrospective studies. This feature was often pathophysiological mechanism.12 In patients with HSP
associ­ated with outcome in univariate but not in multi­ nephritis, repeated or prolonged episodes of acute glo-
variate analyses. 15,24,25,31,33–42 The latest research sup- merular inflammation lead to fibrous scars and hyper-
ports the idea that even extensive crescentic lesions can filtration in the remaining areas, which finally result in
undergo regression and healing, and that progression CKD and ESRD. Hence, the number and severity of acute
to CKD can occur in individuals with relatively mild episodes of HSP nephritis have a crucial role in the sub-
disease.22,23,26,40 Several factors might influence the effect sequent progression and loss of renal function (Box 1).
of crescents on final outcome, including the possibility However, HSP nephritis is more benign in children than
that renal biopsy sampling might miss areas with focal in adults, as children mostly enter stable remission,
crescentic glomeruli, the healing of limited segmental which enables healing, whereas HSP nephritis in adults
crescents (which can appear and disappear within a tends to show a chronic and relentless course similar
few weeks) and changes in the percentage of glomeruli to that of primary IgA nephropathy.16,17,34 By contrast,
involved.42 Moreover, the ISKDC classification does not IgA nephropathy is often discovered as an incidental
consider the concomitant presence of tubulointerstitial finding of asymptomatic haematuria, or as short-­lasting
fibrosis, endocapillary hypercellularity, arteriolar damage episodes of gross haematuria that generally do not


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Box 1 | Factors linked to adverse renal outcome in HSP Box 2 | ISKDC histologic classification of HSP nephritis30
Several observations support the role of the initial acute ■■ I: Minimal histologic alterations
episode in developing irreversible scarring and loss of ■■ II: Pure mesangial proliferation
renal function at long term follow-up: ■■ III: Focal (IIIa) or diffuse (IIIb) mesangial proliferation
■■ Relationship between the severity of initial with <50% crescentic glomeruli
clinical and histological signs and the long-term ■■ IV: Focal (IVa) or diffuse (IVb) mesangial proliferation
prognosis15,24,25,30,33 with 50–75% crescentic glomeruli
■■ Correlation between the chronicity score and the time ■■ V: Focal (Va) or diffuse (Vb) mesangial proliferation
elapsed between clinical onset of renal signs and the with >75% crescentic glomeruli
kidney biopsy 45 ■■ VI: Membranoproliferative-like glomerulonephritis
■■ Rapid evolution of florid crescents to global glomerular Abbreviations: HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura; ISKDC, International
sclerosis44 Study of Kidney Disease in Children.
■■ Relationship between delayed treatment and worse
■■ Development of impaired renal function in the long owing to its prognostic relevance (Box 2).30 Crescents
term after apparently complete resolution15 in patients with HSP nephritis rarely involve more than
Abbreviation: HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura. 50% of glomeruli.29 A pathophysiological role of inflam-
matory cells and fibrin in the formation of crescents is
suggested by the predominance of glomerular leucocyte
affect chronic progression. As a consequence, in IgA infiltration, glomerular necrosis and fibrin deposition in
nephropathy, initi­ation and progression of CKD occurs glomeruli with crescents.42,50–53 The role of fibrin is also
slowly and often goes unnoticed, eventually leading to supported by the observation that crescent formation can
­glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. be prevented by the anti­coagulant warfarin in experi-
mental models of crescentic nephritis.54 Degenerative
Histological findings tubular changes and lesions of the interstitium (oedema,
The histologic lesions of HSP nephritis are categorized infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma
as ISKDC grades I, II, III, IV and V according to the cells) are consistent with the severity and duration of
presence and percentage of glomeruli with crescents. glomerular injury.29 Unlike in HSP nephritis, crescents
Grade VI is used for lesions with a membranoprolifer­ are uncommon in IgA nephropathy (detected only in
ative aspect.30 Extent of mesangial proliferation (focal 5–10% of renal biopsy samples) and generally occupy
or diffuse) further characterizes the different classes of only part of the capsule parietal wall.29
ISKDC (Box 2).30 The most characteristic immunohistochemical finding
The glomerular lesions found in patients with HSP consists of predominant glomerular deposits of IgA,
nephritis, particularly those in children, are charac­ mostly represented by the subclass IgA1.29 The typical
terized in early stages after clinical onset by acute immunofluorescence pattern is diffuse, granular mes­
inflammation with leucocyte influx and endocapillary angial staining with associated capillary wall staining
hypercellularity.29,30,42 Tuft necrosis is frequently found in patients with endocapillary proliferation. The associ­
in crescentic glomeruli, and this feature is, therefore, ation between an increased severity of diffuse endocapil-
thought to favour crescent formation.29,30,50 However, lary proliferation (and/or extensive crescent formation)
these acute-phase inflammatory changes can also be and extensive capillary deposits of IgA and complement
found in patients with IgA nephropathy, albeit mostly strongly suggests the crucial pathophysiological role of
in those with macroscopic haematuria or in the rare the latter.29 Differences in the extent and distribution
patients with rapidly progressive disease. By contrast, of crescent formation between the two disorders might
acute-phase inflammatory changes are uncommon in reflect the increased intensity of subendothelial depo-
patients with stable clinical conditions.29 Endocapillary sition of IgA circulating immune complexes (CIC) in
proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration by poly- HSP nephritis.29,30 IgG and/or IgM and fibrin-related
nuclear neutrophils is another histological feature that antigen are also detected in 65–75% of biopsy samples.29
is more frequently observed in HSP nephritis than in Complement factors B, C3 and C5b–9 complex are
IgA nephropathy.29 frequently found in biopsy samples from patients with
The lesions observed in kidney biopsy samples from HSP nephritis.29,30,55 Components of the lectin pathway
patients with HSP nephritis are strongly dependent on (mannose-binding protein C, ficolin‑2, mannan-binding
the timing of renal biopsy in relation to the onset of clini- lectin serum protease [MASP-1] and C4d) are present in
cal symptoms and detection of urinary abnormalities. 50% of patients,55 whereas C1q is rarely found.29
Early acute clinical phases of HSP nephritis are charac-
terized by mesangial and endocapillary hyper­cellularity, Pathophysiology
often with fibrinoid necrosis and small cellular crescents, Both diseases result from the glomerular deposition
whereas advanced stages present with segmental dis­ of IgA-CIC; however, the pathophysiological mecha-
organized sclerosis, mostly coincident with fibrous cres- nisms activated in HSP nephritis (Figure 1) and IgA
cents. The presence of crescents is a prominent histologic nephro­pathy are complex and divergently modulated,
feature of HSP nephritis, and has also been considered leading to relevant histological and clinical differences
a pivotal feature for the ISKDC pathology classification, that might result in disparate responses to the same

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1 microvillus
Mucosal Mucosal
antigen villous

Increased antigen MALT
penetration due to
defective mucosal
immunity DC

Genetic factors
Epigenetic factors CD4+

3 4
Synthesis of galactose-deficient Formation of immune complexes
IgA1 exposing GalNAc residues and autoaggregates
and IgG anti-GalNAc IgA1

GalNAc IgA1
–mucosal antigen GalNAc IgA1–IgG GalNAc IgA1
immune complexes immune complexes autoaggregates

9 Crescent formation

Neutrophil 5
Activation of complement
Lymphocyte in the circulation and at the
mesangial and endothelial level
Macrophage 6 7
Activation of circulating Activation of resident
Monocyte leucocytes endothelial cells
and mesangial cells

Immune complexes
and autoaggregates
Endothelial Glomerular
Dead cell basement
Damaged endothelial cell Podocyte membrane


Mesangial cell
Leaky Attraction of Podocyte
membrane inflammatory cells foot process
and activation
of podocytes
Inflamed glomerular capillary Glomerular capillary
Figure 1 | Pathogenesis of Henoch–Schönlein purpura nephritis. Genetic and epigenetic factors contribute to activation
of the mucosal immune system after antigen exposure (1), favoured by increased antigen penetration owing to defective
mucosal immunity (2). Antigens reach the MALT and activate DCs and CD4+ lymphocytes, leading to synthesis of GalNAc-
IgA1 (3) and anti-GalNAc-IgA1 IgG autoantibodies. Several circulating macromolecular forms of IgA1: GalNAc-IgA1, IgA-CIC
(formed by binding of GalNAc-IgA1 to mucosal antigens or anti-GalNAc-IgA1 IgG) and galactose-deficient IgA1 autoaggregates,
(4) activate the complement system, mostly through the alternative and lectin pathways (5). Collectively, these factors
favour the activation and influx of PBMCs and neutrophils (6) and the activation of resident endothelial and mesangial cells
(7). Podocytes are activated via chemokines produced by mesangial cells (8). Subendothelial and mesangial deposition of
IgA-CIC leads to fibrin deposition, destruction of the glomerular basement membrane, attraction of macrophages and
inflammatory cells, and cytokine-induced proliferation of epithelial cells in the Bowman space. Eventually, capsular
destruction and fibrous crescent formation result from infiltration of the Bowman space by interstitial fibroblasts (9).
Abbreviations: C3, activated complement component 3 protein; CIC, circulating immune complex; DC, dendritic cell;
GalNAc-IgA1, galactose-deficient IgA1; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell.


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Table 2 | Comparison of primary IgA nephropathy and HSP nephritis treatment (Table 2). The glomerular deposition of
IgA-CIC initiates a cascade of cross-talk between resi-
Clinical and Detection method IgA nephropathy HSP nephritis
histological features dent cells resulting in their mutual stimulation and the
attraction of inflammatory cells. These processes lead
Renal histology
to mes­angial expansion and both endocapillary and
Crescents Light microscopy +/– ++
extracapillary proliferation. The variability of patients’
Glomerular tuft necrosis +/– ++
Neutrophil infiltration +/– ++ symptoms might be explained by differences in the
duration of production, amount, composition and local-
Mesangial IgA deposits Immunofluorescence +++ +++
IgA deposits along – ++ isation of IgA-CIC, as well as by the intensity of reaction
capillary walls of the different cells involved.
Subendothelial deposits Electron microscopy +/– ++ HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy are characterized
Clinical presentation
by an abnormal IgA1 glycosylation pattern with reduced
galactosylation (Figure 2). The lack of terminal β1,3-
Extrarenal symptoms NA +/– +++
galactosyl residues in the hinge region of IgA1 might be
Age at onset NA Mostly >15 years Mostly <15 years due to reduced activity of β1,3-galactosyltransferase in
Nephritic syndrome NA +/– ++ IgA1-producing peripheral B cells,56,57 which might be
Nephrotic syndrome NA +/– ++ regulated by miRNAs58 or the result of type 2 T-helper
Disease course NA Continuous Repeated acute
cell prevalence.59–62 This reduced galactosylation results
moderate activity episodes in exposure of N‑acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) residues
with exacerbations at the IgA1 surface, forming a novel antigen and inducing
Renal outcomes a humoral IgG autoimmune response.63 Circulating com-
Clinical remission NA 30–50% 98%
plexes of mixed IgG and galactose-deficient IgA1 have
been detected in both HSP nephritis and IgA nephro­
CKD long after apparent NA – +
complete remission
pathy.64 The characteristic feature of IgA nephropathy is
an increased proportion of circulating mucosal-type IgA1
ESRD NA 20–40% after 1–3% in children,
20 years 30% in adults
antibodies.65 However, this ‘hypogalactosylated’ form
of IgA1 is not restricted to patients with IgA nephro­
Transplantation outcomes
pathy but is also observed in the serum of individuals in
IgA deposit recurrence Immunofluorescence Frequent Frequent response to mucosal infection.65 The pathophysiological
Graft loss at 5 years NA Rare Rare role of galactose-deficient IgA1 molecules in renal lesions
post-transplantation is suggested by the observation that they are only found
Graft loss at 10 years NA 9.7% 7.5% in the serum of patients with HSP when they are having
post-transplantation an episode of nephritis.57
–, +/–, +, ++ and +++ indicate the relative likelihood of each clinical or histological feature occurring in Since HSP nephritis and IgA nephropathy are both
a direct comparison of IgA nephropathy and HSP nephritis. Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease;
ESRD, end-stage renal disease; HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura; NA, not applicable. characterized by predominant glomerular IgA depos-
its and mesangial proliferative changes, they have been
suggested to be determined by the same pathophysio­
CH1 logical mechanisms. A relationship between these two
Pro Gal diseases was further confirmed by the detection of
Ser β1-3
Thr* familial clustering of individuals with HSP nephritis
GalNAc GalNAc α2,6 GalNAc
α1-0 α1-0
and IgA nephropathy, who have similar circulating IgA
Pro abnormalities.12,13 However, the two diseases also have
Pro important differences that should be considered in
Hinge I II III
Ser* therapeutic decision-making.
Ser* Neu5Ac Neu5Ac The increased intestinal permeability reported in
CH2 Pro α2-3 α2-3 patients with HSP nephritis,66 and the reduced mucosal
Thr Gal Gal Gal immune reaction to novel antigens in those with IgA
Pro β1-3 β1-3 β1-3
Thr* nephropathy, 67 suggest that resistance to mucosal
GalNAc GalNAc α2,6 GalNAc α2,6
CH3 Pro Neu5Ac Neu5Ac antigen penetration is impaired in both diseases. A
Ser α1-0 α1-0 α1-0
high antigen load stimulates the immune system to
Ser produce large amounts of galactose-deficient IgA 1,
CH2 forming circulating IgA-CIC that cannot be cleared by
Figure 2 | Human IgA1 O‑glycosylation sites and galactosylation patterns. The hinge asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 on hepatocytes. The size of
region of IgA1 contains up to six major glycosylation sites at serine and threonine macro­molecular IgA1 further increases after binding to
residues. The O‑glycans include a core GalNAc, usually extended with Gal to form IgA Fc receptors (FcαRI, also known as CD89) on leuco-
Galβ1,3GalNAc, which can bind to Neu5Ac. Thus, each IgA1 O‑glycan can have one
cytes, and IgA1–FcαRI complexes are released after cleav-
of four short carbohydrate structures (types III, IV, V and VI), leading to a mixture of
IgA1 forms with varying degrees of galactosylation. Patients with Henoch–Schönlein
age of the FcαRI extracellular domain.68,69 Why IgA-CICs
purpura nephritis or primary IgA nephropathy have a high prevalence of galactose- provoke multi-organ inflammation only in patients with
deficient (types I and II) IgA1. Abbreviations: Gal, galactosamine; NAc, N‑acetyl; HSP nephritis is not known. However, some data suggest
Neu5Ac, α2,6 sialic acid and/or α2,3 sialic acid. that IgE-associated mechanisms (such as an increased

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Table 3 | Immune system reactants involved in the pathogenesis of HSP nephritis Mesangial cells
After penetration into the mesangium, which is driven by
Reactant* Details Reference(s)
the intraglomerular filtration pressure, macromolecules
Circulating IgA Galactose-deficient IgA1 34,35 containing galactose-deficient IgA1 can bind to resident
molecules Autoaggregated galactose-deficient IgA1 77
IgG antibodies to galactose-deficient IgA1 63 mesangial cells. Mesangial proliferation is an invari-
IgG–IgA1 circulating immune complexes 76 able histological finding in patients with HSP nephritis.29
IgA1–soluble CD89 complexes 69 Binding of IgA-CICs to mesangial cells, and subsequent
Receptors for IgA1 Myeloid FcαRI (also known as CD89) 68 activation of these cells, depends on the constituents of
Transferrin receptor (also known as CD71) 129 IgA-CICs, and particularly their galactose-deficient IgA1
on mesangial cells content.68,69,73–76 As circulating galactose-deficient IgA1 is
Cytokines‡ IL‑17 (increased ratio of IL‑17:TREG cells), TNF, 130 also found in healthy relatives of patients with HSP
IL‑1β, IL‑2, IL‑6, IL‑8, TGF‑β, VEGF, TWEAK, low nephritis and IgA nephropathy, the involvement of some
IFN‑γ and IL‑12, increased IL‑4 (imbalance of
TH1:TH2) additional factors is likely to be necessary to render
galactose-­deficient IgA1 pathogenic.76 This ‘second hit’
Mesangial cell C3, FcγRI, TNF, TGF‑β, PDGF-RB, IL‑1, IL‑6, IFN‑γ, 78,79
receptors§ fibronectin receptor, integrins, angiotensin II might be related to the degree of self-aggregation of
receptor, CD71, EGF, TLR‑3, TLR‑4, chemokines galactose-­deficient IgA 1,77 the presence and amount
Products of Cytokines: TNF, IL‑1β, IL‑6, TGF‑β 78 of molecules other than IgA1 in IgA-CIC, for which mes­
mesangial cells Chemokines: IL‑8, RANTES, MCP‑1 angial cells also display membrane receptors (including
Prostanoids, angiotensin II, nitric oxide, reactive IgG autoanti­bodies and complement breakdown ­products;
oxygen species Table 3)73,75–79 or the presence of oxidative stress.80
*This list is not exhaustive; the most relevant reactants are shown. ‡Produced by endothelial cells and/or Stimulation of mesangial cells by aberrantly glyco-
infiltrating blood mononuclear cells. §Activated by specific ligands released in the mesangium.
Abbreviations: C3, complement protein C3; EGF, epidermal growth factor; FcαRI, IgA fragment crystallizable sylated macromolecules triggers their proliferation and
receptor; FcγRI, IgG fragment crystallizable receptor; HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura; IFN, interferon;
MCP‑1, monocyte chemotactic protein 1; PDGF-RB, platelet-derived growth factor-receptor β polypeptide;
matrix production, along with the release of many factors
RANTES, regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted; TGF-β, transforming growth (Table 3): prostaglandins, angiotensin II, nitric oxide
factor-β; TH, T‑helper; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TREG, T regulatory; TWEAK, TNF-like
weak inducer of apoptosis; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. synthase,56 chemokines that attract polymorphonuclear
leuco­cytes and monocytes,56,73,74,78 cytokines and medi­
ators that affect key functions of podocytes (including
Table 4 | Treatment of HSP nephritis local migration, adherence to the basement membrane
Type of treatment Evidence and control of proteinuria).81,82 Cytokines involved in
acute and chronic inflammatory responses stimulate mes­
Randomized clinical trials Nonrandomized studies
angial cells,78 and can be produced by the mesangial cells
Oral steroids Oral prednisone does not prevent No effect of prednisone themselves (in an autocrine process) or by inflammatory
the development of nephritis17 alone on existing
nephritis (retrospective cells that have migrated into glomeruli (Table 3).74,78,83–90
studies)25,36,122,123 Tumour necrosis factor seems to have a key role as a
Other In children, no advantage of Advantage of direct or indirect effector of podocyte damage and altered
immunosuppressive cyclophosphamide (used without methylprednisolone pulses nephrin expression.82,89,90
drugs or prednisone) over placebo109 followed by prednisone In summary, the stimulation of mesangial cells by glo-
combination In adults, no advantage of versus prednisone alone merular deposition of IgA-CIC can result in mesangial
cyclophosphamide plus (prospective study with
historical controls)116 hypercellularity, extracellular matrix expansion, oxi­
methylprednisolone pulses
followed by oral prednisone versus Favourable effect of dative stress, attraction of inflammatory cells and altered
the steroid schema alone111 immunosuppressive drugs podocyte function. These factors lead to glomerulo­
In patients with nephrotic-range in patients receiving several sclerosis and tubulointerstitial damage, owing to feed-
proteinuria, 1 year of treatment agents (retrospective studies back mechanisms involving the glomeruli and tubules,
with ciclosporin is not inferior to and one prospective
study)45,118–121 which have the clinical consequences of proteinuria,
methylprednisolone pulses
followed by 4 months prednisone110
hypertension and renal insufficiency.
ACE inhibitors NA Efficacy of ACE inhibitors in
moderately severe proteinuria
Complement activation
(retrospective study)131 In patients with HSP nephritis, extensive crescents are
Plasma exchange NA Favourable effects of plasma
often associated with capillary wall destruction and
exchange in patients with very endocapillary hypercellularity,30 along with the pres-
severe clinical and ence of subendothelial immune deposits of IgA and
histological features complement.29 These observations, combined with data
(retrospective study)114,115
on experimental crescentic glomerulonephritis,50,91–102
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura; NA, not available.
suggest that the mechanism of crescent formation
involves local complement activation.
abundance of mast cells in skin, gut and joints, peri­ Glomerular C3 deposits are seen in the vast majority
vascular IgE dermal deposits, high IgE plasma levels and of patients with HSP nephritis.30 Although no relation-
high concentration of eosinophil cationic protein) have ship between serum levels of C3 and C4 and the presence
a role in increasing vascular permeability and favour of nephritis has been demonstrated,103 in situ activation of
IgA-CIC deposition in various organs.70–72 the complement system is probably an important event in


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Box 3 | Treatment of HSP nephritis in children development of CKD in this population,33,36,42 the treat-
ment policy changed and the use of steroids and immuno­
Principles of treatment based on pathophysiology
■■ Reduce endocapillary hypercellularity owing to inflammatory cell infiltration
suppressive treatments was recommended even in the
■■ Reduce endothelial cell activation absence of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.107,108
■■ Reduce mesangial cell activation and proliferation Randomized controlled trials in HSP nephritis are
■■ Reverse podocyte activation and crescent formation scarce and have provided little clinically useful informa-
■■ Reduce the production of aberrantly glycosylated IgA1 and anti-GalNAC IgG tion109–111 (Table 4). In the absence of strong therapeutic
■■ Enhance the removal of circulating IgA1-containing immune complexes evidence, principles of treatment should take into account
Important clinical observations and resulting principles of treatment existing knowledge of pathophysiological mechanisms
■■ Initial clinical and histological symptoms do not predict outcome accurately and important clinical observations (Box 3).
except when very mild or very severe Updated Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
■■ Renal lesions can rapidly change owing to dynamic pathogenetic events and
(KDIGO) guidelines for the treatment of HSP nephri-
histology can deteriorate rapidly
■■ Renal biopsy samples might not be representative of the whole kidney
tis were published in 2012.112 In light of the similarities
■■ Worsening of clinical features can follow detection of moderate lesions (in renal between HSP nephritis and primary IgA nephritis, the
biopsy samples) by only a few days KDIGO guidelines include similar indications for the two
■■ Delaying adequate treatment can be harmful diseases when their clinical features are similar (Box 4).112
■■ Owing to the unpredictability of disease evolution, prolonged follow-up is However, these guidelines conflict with generally used
mandatory clinical protocols, which include the use of methyl­
■■ In case of no response or deterioration under treatment, a repeated renal biopsy predniso­lone pulses, other immunosuppressive drugs and
is useful to adapt therapy
plasma exchange in patients at a lower threshold of long-
Abbreviation: HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura.
term CKD risk (Box 4).113–121 Moreover, although these
two diseases can present with clinical and histological
similarities, HSP nephritis differs from IgA nephropathy
Box 4 | 2012 KDIGO guidelines for treatment of HSP nephritis112
in pathophysiology, the predictability of its prognosis and
■■ Only when proteinuria is >0.5g/1.73 m2 daily, treat children (including those the effects that delayed treatment can have on patients’
with nephrotic syndrome) with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors or
long-term outcomes. Following the KDIGO guidelines
angiotensin II-receptor antagonists for 3–6 months
■■ In patients who fail to respond to the above treatment, administer corticosteroid
might, therefore, delay the initiation of effective treatment
therapy and increase the risk of CKD in the long-term.23,115,116
■■ More aggressive treatment, including methylprednisolone pulses plus For example, in patients with nephrotic syndrome and
cyclophosphamide, is reserved for patients with >50% crescentic glomeruli and ISKDC grade III disease who have extensive inflamma-
rapidly progressive renal deterioration with or without nephrotic syndrome. Plasma tory lesions, the KDIGO guidelines recommend initial
exchange sessions can be added when plasma creatinine is >500 μmol/l treatment with angiotensin-converting-­enzyme (ACE)
Abbreviations: HSP, Henoch–Schönlein purpura; KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global inhibitors, and only suggest adding oral prednisone if
improvement does not occur (Box 4). However, treat-
ment with ACE inhibitors is unlikely to improve the
the pathophysiology of glomerular lesions. Complement acute glomerular inflammatory changes in these patients,
activation might be initiated by subendothelial and and a delay of 3–6 months before initi­ation of a possibly
mesangial deposition of IgA-CIC, leading to fibrin depo- effective treatment might not prevent the development
sition, destruction of the glomerular basement membrane of sclerotic changes. Although some retrospective case
and attraction of inflammatory cells and macrophages series reported a lack of effect of oral prednisone,25,36,122,123
as well as cytokine-induced proliferation of epithelial a possible beneficial effect of methyl­prednisolone pulses
cells in the Bowman capsule space. Ultimately, IgA-CIC followed by prednisone was suggested in a prospective
­deposition results in destruction of capsular integrity and case series (in which parti­cipants were compared to a
formation of fibrous crescents due to infiltration of the cohort of historical controls treated at the same centre),116
Bowman space by interstitial fibroblasts (Figure 1). as well as in the control arm of a randomized controlled
Immunofluorescence studies, as mentioned above, trial.111 The beneficial effect of methylprednisolone pulses
suggest a role of both the alternative and lectin path- is also suggested in patients receiving combinations of
ways in activation of the complement system. However, multiple immuno­suppressive drugs (Table 4),119–121 and
mannose-binding protein C, MASP‑1 and C4d depos- is supported by experimental models showing maximal
its are associated with severe glomerular inflammation therapeutic benefits of steroids with 30 mg/kg intra-
and clinical signs in both patients with HSP nephri- venous methylprednisolone pulses in experimental
tis55 and IgA nephropathy,104,105 which suggests that the crescentic glomerulonephritis.124
­pathogenetic role of the lectin pathway is predominant. Children with similar presentations of HSP nephritis
can experience either complete disappearance of urinary
Treatment signs or an unexpected late progression to CKD—­
HSP nephritis in children was initially considered to be sometimes in spite of an apparent long-term remission of
a rather benign disease for which only supportive treat- symptoms—hence, prolonged observation is necessary.
ment was necessary, as affected children mostly undergo Repetition of renal biopsy is mandatory for individuals
spontaneous recovery.106 However, after the publica- with symptom aggravation or lack of improvement with
tion of long-term follow-up studies showing delayed therapy, as useful information for choosing a therapeutic

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strategy can result from the analysis of crescent patho- complete healing. To modulate each patient’s treatment
physiology.51,92,93 The timing and frequency of biopsy is according to the specific pathophysiological pathways
dependent upon the severity of the symptoms and his- activated, the researchers will need to evaluate at regular
tology, on the evolution of the disease and on response intervals the relationships between clinical signs, histo-
to treatment.45 logic findings, treatments and levels of immune ­reactants
in plasma and/or urine that reflect an active process
Conclusions (Table 3). Further research into the pathogenetic impor-
It seems obvious that the clinical, histological and patho- tance of circulating galactose-deficient IgA1, CIC consist-
physiological differences between IgA nephropathy and ing of galactose-deficient IgA1 bound to anti-GalNac-IgA1
HSP nephritis need different therapeutic approaches. In IgG, cleavage products of C3 and C5b‑9 resulting from
our opinion, this renders the 2012 KDIGO guidelines, activation of the complement system, urinary podo-
which are mostly based on evidence obtained in adults cyte markers and expression of CD71 (the latter result-
with IgA nephropathy, at risk of being inappropriate for ing from the high proliferation activity of mesangial
children with HSP nephritis. cells11,56,57,75,126–130), is highly recommended. This research
A 2013 study has shown that even small acute changes should be supported by online registry data coupled to all
in kidney function, particularly in pre-existing kidney prospective clinical trials in patients with HSP nephritis.
disease, can be complicated later on by CKD.125 Improved In the meantime, panels of paediatric experts should be
treatment strategies are necessary to detect patients at risk created by international societies to amend the KDIGO
of CKD at an early stage. This goal should be achieved guidelines in accordance with clinical practice, to propose
by advances in understanding of HSP nephritis patho- prospective studies on new biomarkers of disease activity,
physiology, the availability of new biomarkers of disease and to design randomized controlled trials.
activity, and improved knowledge of the pattern of pro-
gression to CKD (either scarring resulting from acute but Review criteria
self-limited episodic disease, or a slowly progressive The PubMed online database was searched for full-text,
but chronically active process, as occurs in IgA nephro­ English language articles published in major medical
pathy). A serious need remains for multicentre, inter­ journals during 2010–2014. The search terms used were
national studies that prospectively enrol patients at their “IgA nephropathy” and “Henoch–Schönlein purpura”. The
initial presentation with the disease (including individu- authors also utilized their personal libraries of original
als with mild initial symptoms), and include continued papers and review articles on the same topic. Reference
lists of identified papers were reviewed for further leads.
monitoring for long periods of time, even after apparent

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