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range indicates a range of cells, either individual cells separated by a commas: A3, F20, AB23

or a first and last separated by a colon: D40:G56

num indicates either a single cell reference (H34) or a simple number (-300) or an expression

condition indicates a condition which can be true or false, e.g. AF4+SUM(C1:C10) > 30

value indicates either a number (defined as above) or a string in quotation marks (e.g. "Hello")

string indicates a sentence in quotation marks or a cell reference containing a string in quotation marks.

SUM(range) Gives the sum (add up) of all the numbers in the specified range.

AVERAGE(range) Gives the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers

MIN(range), MAX(range) Gives the smallest/largest of the numbers in the range specified

If the condition is true, then this function gives the first number. If the
IF(condition, value, value)
condition is false, then the function gives the second number.

Returns TRUE if all the conditions are true. There can be up to 30

AND(condition, condition, ...
conditions. The function OR() works similarly, but performs an OR
condition), OR( ... )

CODE() takes a string and gives the ASCII code of the first character in the
CODE(string), CHAR(num) string. CHAR() takes a number in the range 32 to 126 and gives the
corresponding character (i.e. treats the number as an ASCII code).

Returns a substring from the string parameter, copying characters

MID(string, num, num) starting at the position given by the first number. The
second number specifies how many characters to copy.

Returns the logarithm of the number. LOG10() gives logarithms to base

LOG10(num), LN(num)
10. LN() gives the natural logarithm of the number.

EXP(num) The exponential of the number, i.e. e raised to that power (e = 2.71)

Gives the first number to the power of the second e.g. POWER(10,3)
POWER(num, num) gives 1000. To calculate a root, specify a fractional power e.g. 0.25 for
fourth root.

LEN(string) Gives the number of characters in a string.

Counts the number of cells in the range that contain numbers. Ignores
cells containing errors, blanks or text.

Count the number of cells which match a criterion specified in the string.
COUNTIF(range, string)
The string can be "32", "<=45", ">0" etc.

SQRT(num) Gives the positive square root of the number

TODAY( ) Gives today's date (no parameters)

NOW( ) Gives the current time (according to inbuilt clock). No parameters

RAND( ) Gives a random decimal in the range 0 < number < 1

CEILING() gives the number rounded upwards to a whole number.

CEILING(num), FLOOR(num)
FLOOR() gives the number rounded downwards to a whole number.

Gives the first number rounded to the number of decimal places

ROUND(num, num)
specified by the second number, e.g. ROUND(3.14159,3) gives 3.142

Gives the absolute value of a number, i.e. positive numbers are left
unchanged, negative numbers have the negative sign removed.

PI( ) Gives the value of  accurate to 15 decimal places.

SIN(num), COS(num), Gives the value of the sine, cosine and tangent of the number, which
TAN(num) represents an angle. The angle must be in radians, not degrees

RADIANS(num) Converts the number representing an angle in degrees into radians.

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