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The capacity building of disaster management in Bojonegoro regency

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
953 (2017) 012162 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012162

The capacity building of disaster management in Bojonegoro


P Isbandono1, A Prastyawan1, G Gamaputra1

Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas
Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang Street Surabaya 60231, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract. East Java is a disaster-prone area. Head of the National Disaster Management
Agency, Syamsul Maarif (2012) states that "East Java is a disaster supermarket area. Referring
to Act Number 24 Year 2007 Concerning Disaster Management, disaster prevention activities
are a series of activities undertaken as an effort to eliminate and/or reduce the threat of disaster
(Article 1, paragraph 6).The disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk,
through physical development and awareness and capacity building in the face of disaster
(Article 1, paragraph 9). In 2009, the Provincial Government of East Java has been established
Regional Disaster Management Agency and complete it through Local Regulation of East Java
Province Number 3 Year 2010. This research was conducted in Bojonegoro. This study
described the capacity building disaster handling and used descriptive research with qualitative
approach. It focused on the capacity building for community preparedness in the face of. This
study showed the vulnerability of regions and populations to threats flood and drought in
could be physical, social and/or economical. The aims of the capacity building for the
individuals and organizations are to be used effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the
goals of the individuals and organizations.

1. Introduction
Bojonegoro Regency Government administratively divided into 28 districts consisting of 11 villages
and 419 villages where most of the population edged livelihood as farmers [1]. To monitor average
precipitation that falls, Bojonegoro regency is available as much as 22 rain detector is competitive
spread over 16 sub. From the radar, the recorded number of rainy days in Bojonegoro Resident in the
period of the last 3 years are recorded in the amount of 60-64 of the day. So it is inferred that the area
of Bojonegoro including regions with lower rainfall intensity [2].
In the meantime, to tackle water shortage for irrigating farmland in the dry season, done by raising
water from the Bengawan Solo River through pompanisasi. Pumping were spread in eight sub-districts
which includes 24 villages [3].

2. Methods
The research approach used in this research is the study of the implementation of the policy that the
results presented in a descriptive. First, this will describe the disaster in an area to use the model
version of the policy [4].

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
953 (2017) 012162 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012162

Meanwhile, qualitative research method is a method of research based on the philosophy of

postpositifsime, used for research on condition objects natural (as his opponent is experiment) where
researchers are as key instrument, retrieval sample source of the data done and purposively and
snowbaal, technique the data collection was done with triangulation (combined) data analysis is
inductive/qualitative, and results qualitative research is emphasized on than generalization meaning
Based on the population census 2010 until 2012 of the district population Bojonegoro has reached
1.472.865 soul with a population of that man as many as 742.181 lives and female inhabitant as many
as 730.684 lives. Bojonegoro is districts have the potential to a high disaster, including flood potential
(the overflow Bengawan Solo river), floods, waterspout, landslides, failure/technology industry,
drought, land, and forest fire fire settlement and social conflict [6].

3. Results and Discussion

Historical data natural disaster Bojonegoro district shows that almost all areas Bojonegoro has the
potential disasters that vary of natural disasters and non natural disaster. Viewed from the side
historically Bojonegoro district until now never recovered from the natural disasters flooding
throughout the year. The condition of the topography of the district of Bojonegoro drained Bengawan
Solo river splitting part north and south of this district. Along the river Bengawan Solo is a lowland
toward the north, it makes Bojonegoro northern always get the flood of Bengawan Solo draining
floods from the upstream in Central Java.
Historical data show in 2012 drought in Bojonegoro district has attacked 17 subdistrict, among
others in Sugihwaras, Kedungadem, Sukosew, Tambakrejo, Balen, Kasiman, Ngasem, Baureno,
Trucuk, Kepohbaru, Dander, Ngraho, Bubulan, Malo, Tambakrejo, Margomulyo, and Kedewan
subdistrict. The impact of this disaster include breakdowns of farmland people and has resulted in the
harvest fails. Besides led to the harvest fails, drought also resulted in meeting the needs of clean water
for some people in Bojonegoro district [6].
The purposes of disaster management in bojonegoro are as follows:

 Reduce the potential for disaster

 Minimize the number of victims the impact of disastersto realize disaster management in
a planned fashion, integrated, coordinated and thorough
 Maintain security, and harmony environmental sustainability
 Realize participation and partnership public and private in the effort to reduce disaster
 Push the spirit of mutual cooperation, solidarity, and generosity

The targets for this strategy is the use of the research, education and training in measurable and
planned to build culture safety and endurance disaster in the social hierarchy [7]; [8]. The objectives
focused on:

 Integration of the concept of disaster in the school curriculum

 Training for disaster for the capacity of the government
 Empowerment local college

Strategy capacity building and community participation. The objective of this strategy is the rise of
the safety culture and endurance disaster in all levels of society with improve public participation in
the implementation of disaster management [9]; [10]; [11].
a. Increasing the capacity to implement the community disaster management a participative. It should
be noted that one development strategy in Bojonegoro is “sustainable development centering
towards the society, which puts forward the participation of the people In planning, implement, and
supervises the programs development related to perform their own lives”. Hence, disaster
prevention efforts will apply the principle of participative; where the public has an active role in the

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
953 (2017) 012162 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012162

program and activities of disaster management [9]. Thus, the implementation of the disaster
management in turn is likely to considering the aspect of local knowledge.
In this regard, needs to be done a variety of programs and activities that can help improve
community capacity; especially consider the position of the community as affected parties directly
from disaster. The formation and empowerment of forum or tissue areas specifically to disaster risk
reduction could be one of priorities to achieve the objective.
Cooperation and discussion active with the parties required to sum up input for the sake of the
vision and mission disaster management. The form of a discus active could include the formation
and operation of the forum or tissue that is specialized for disaster risk reduction. With the
implementation of the measures, it is hoped that disaster management in Bojonegoro can work
synergistic, effective and optimal [12]; [13]; [14].

b. Build and activate the use of media information for the issues of disaster. Capacity building and
community participation not only gained by involvement in special forum disaster, but also with
uses the media information. Information media meant can be network, system development to
share information, the use of site or bulletin board and so on.
The media will contain information relating to the disaster, including time series natural disaster
in Bojonegoro and adaptation and mitigation measures simple can be done by the community. The
media is expected to accessed at all levels of by all stakeholders.

4. Conclusion
Participation interest of the community tended to care on the importance of activities disaster
management. How to resolve the matter is with the socialization constantly on the importance of the
disaster awareness. The community needs to expressed his appreciation to the institutions regional
disaster management which tried to socialize the program construction of disaster. The other thing is
the need to handle media involvement of information on the issues of disaster. The last thing is to
increase community perspective about the dangers of disaster reduction in a premature manner.

5. References

[1] BPS 2013 Statistik Indonesia 2013 (Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik)
[2] BPBD 2009 Strategis Penanggulangan Bencana 2009-2014 (Surabaya: Badan Penanggulangan
Bencana Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur)
[3] Bapennas 2010 Rencana Nasional Pengurangan Risiko Bencana 2010-2014 (Jakarta: Badan
Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasiona)
[4] Sudarmawan 2014 Materi Pelatihan Jurnalis Siaga Bencana, dokumenBadan Penanggulagan
Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Provinsi Jawa Timur (Surabaya)
[5] Sugiono 2003 Metode Penelitian Bisnis (Edisi 1) (Bandung: Alfabeta)
[6] BNPB 2014 Data Kejadian Bencana Tahun 2014 (Jakarta: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan
[7] DPR 2007 Undang-Undang Repubik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 tentang
Penanggulangan Bencana (Indonesia)
[8] Permendagri 2008 Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 46 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman
Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (Indonesia)
[9] Haryati E 2013 Materi Sosialisasi Peraturan Daerah Nmor 3 Tahun 3010 tentang
Penanggulangan Bencana di Provinsi Jawa Timur (Surabaya)
[10] Syamsul M 2010 Materi Peningkatan Kapasitas Aparatur Badan Penanggulangan Bencana
Daerah( BPBD) Provinsi Jawa Timur (Surabaya)
[11] DPRD 2010 Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur Nomor 3 Tahun 2010 tentang
Penanggulangan Bencana di Provinsi Jawa Timur
[12] Kepala B 2008 Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 4 Tahun

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
953 (2017) 012162 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012162

2008 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Rencana Penanggulangan Bencana

[13] Jawa Timur G 2009 Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Timur No 27 Tahun 2009 tentang
Uraian Tugas Sekretariat, Bidang, Sub Bagian Dan Seksi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana
Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur
[14] Kepala B 2008 Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 3 Tahun
2008 tentang Pedoman Pembentukan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah

The author would like to thank Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
for this manuscript.

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