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B 31‑DAY B

gj gj
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k k Heal Your Body,
Feel Great, and

Transform Your World



gj J
Foreword by
Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Is Breakfast Sabotaging
Your Day?

I have a problem with breakfast.

I don’t blame the meal itself. My problem is with what our industrial-
ized food industry tells us we should eat every morning.
Recently, I took my kids on a road trip. We traveled across a few states,
visiting national parks (my idea) and going to country music ­concerts
(their idea). In Utah, we stayed in a hotel that offered a free continental
I wasn’t expecting much. But even so, I found it fairly dishearten-
ing. The hotel’s idea of breakfast was fried bacon (no doubt the product
of factory farms), ­white-​­flour pancakes smothered in “­maple-​­flavored”
­high-​­fructose corn syrup, sugary cereal with milk, and pastries.
No offense to anyone who might enjoy those foods. A lot of our fel-
low hotel guests seemed happy enough. But this wasn’t what I wanted
to feed my kids. And I’m thankful it wasn’t what they wanted, either.
River suggested we head to the nearest ­natural-​­foods store to get some
real food.
No more free hotel breakfasts for us.
As we continued our journey into Colorado, a question kept burn-
ing in me: Why do so many people think it’s normal to start the day with
an overdose of sugar, white flour, and fried meat? What would happen
if we started the day off right, with vegetables and wholesome foods? Is
it possible that days would go better if brains had nourishment from the

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102  N o u r i s h

Some people need a filling meal by 7 a.m. in order to have clarity to meet
their day. Others don’t start to get hungry until noon. Every one of us
has a unique metabolism, and sometimes what feels right on one day will
feel very different on another day.
If you engage in a lot of sports or physical activity, you’re more likely
to need a good dose of calories in the morning. But if your body starts
the day slowly, or at a desk, then you might feel better if you eat lightly.
When I eat late at night, I don’t usually wake up hungry the next morn-
ing. My stomach seems to gravitate toward having at least 12 hours off,
and the clock starts ticking whenever I close up the culinary shop at
Listen to your body and see what you learn. Here are four very differ-
ent approaches to breakfast on the Food Revolution Diet Plan.

The Smoothie
While many commercial smoothies come packed with sugar, you can
create your own smoothie with green vegetables; nuts and seeds; avo-
cado, coconut, or other healthy fats; and enough bananas, berries, or
other fruits to make it tasty as well as nutritious.
Blending fruits and vegetables can enable you to absorb a lot of nutri-
ents more quickly than if you ate the foods whole. If you want to suffuse
your body with large amounts of phytonutrients, and to maximize your
nutrient intake from vegetables and fruits, then a blender can be a pow-
erful partner.
Want extra nutrition boosters? Presoak chia and/or flax seeds to make
a paste, which you can keep in the fridge. Incorporate 2 to 3 tablespoons
of this paste, or of ground chia and flax seeds, into smoothies. Try adding
turmeric, tamarind, chopped ginger, or a splash of lemon or lime juice to
your smoothies as well.
When you have your ingredients on hand, you can prepare your
morning treat in minutes. A classic b­ uild-​­your-​­own-​­smoothie recipe is
on page 279. This blueprint will allow you to create a custom blend.
Chocolate lover? Add cacao powder and frozen pitted cherries. Looking

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Is Breakfast Sabotaging Your Day?   103

to boost your protein intake? A scoop of hemp seeds will do the trick.
Need something sweet? Add a few pitted Medjool dates or a banana to
satisfy your craving naturally.
A word of caution: When you blend food, you can drink it down fast.
When your smoothie is full of veggies, it can provide rapidly absorbed
nourishment. But guzzling sweet smoothies can give you more calo-
ries than you might want and can spike blood sugar in a hurry. Adding
­whole-​­food-​­based fats (like nuts, seeds, or avocado) will help to slow
digestion. But diabetics and prediabetics may still need to be careful and
keep their smoothies’ fruit content low.

The Presoak
A couple of nights each week, I like to soak my next morning’s break-
fast in the fridge. I’ll drop a base of ½ cup of oats or 6 tablespoons of chia
seeds into 2 cups of soy or nut milk. Then I add spices, vanilla, fresh or
frozen berries, raisins or other small dried fruits, chopped nuts or seeds,
and if I’m feeling decadent, a couple of teaspoons of maple syrup. My
­nutrient-​­rich feast is ready to grab and go.

The Classic
Some people like an o ­ ld-​­fashioned, hearty breakfast. Here are tips for a
healthier version: If you like bagels or toast, try sprouted ­whole-​­grain
options, and serve them toasted with avocado, salt, lemon juice, and a
dash of your favorite spices. Try oatmeal with nuts and seeds for healthy
fat, and make the main sweetener bananas, other fresh or dried fruit,
or 100 percent ­fruit-​­sweetened jam. If you like a scramble, go for tofu (or
­pasture-​­raised eggs if that’s your preference) and include plenty of veg-
gies. If you’re big on pancakes, make some with ­whole-​­grain or almond
flour, your favorite form of milk, and some nuts, and garnish with berries
or bananas (you can even add fruit to the batter). If you want cold cereal,
look for options with a low ratio of sugar to overall calories. Some grano-
las and mueslis are high in nuts and seeds, while others are packed with
sugar. Read labels and practice discernment. For a little more sweetness,
toss in a few berries or slices of apple.

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104  N o u r i s h

The Regular Meal

I have a confession to make. I hope you don’t hate me for it.
Often, for breakfast, I eat leftovers from dinner.
I’m not against traditional breakfasts. It’s just that sometimes dinner
was really good! I’ve never quite understood why so many people think
breakfasts should be so different from other meals, when the human
body’s needs for nourishment are not fundamentally all that different in
the morning.
So there you have it. If the idea of eating a warm “cheezy” broccoli
casserole or a sweet potato with tofu chive spread for breakfast grosses
you out, don’t do it. But if hearing it from me gives you permission to
enjoy a delicious meal that’s a little outside the box, consider yourself

Option 1: Concoct a healthier version of a classic breakfast. You might sweeten
oatmeal or pancakes with fruit or berries, eat 100 percent w
­ hole-​­grain bagels or
toast, or include a few vegetables as a main or side dish.

Option 2: Make a green smoothie, combining green vegetables, nuts or seeds,

and some lemon, tamarind, and/or ginger for extra flavor. Use just enough fruit to
make it tasty. (Hint: When it comes to adding sweetness to a smoothie, bananas
and frozen mango are especially potent.)

Option 3: Try my “regular meal” option. It might sound weird, but seriously, give
it a try! See what happens if you eat a nice plate of vegetables with some spicy
beans and greens, a piece of ­lentil-​­walnut loaf, or a warm bowl of fragrant Indian
dal over quinoa. If it doesn’t work out, at least you gave it a fair try! And if it does,
your concept of breakfast might expand in a way you love.

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Praise for Ocean Robbins and

“I’ve been watching the work that Ocean Robbins and his father, John,
have been doing with Food Revolution Network for many years now,
and I’m proud of what they’ve accomplished. The more people who hear
this message and move toward diets marked by compassion and respect
for life and the earth, the better off our world will be. The book that you
hold in your hands is lighting the way for the future of your health and
that of the planet.” —Paul McCartney

“With his passionate, playful, and persuasive style, Food Revolution

leader and inspiration to millions, Ocean Robbins, shows you how to
make healthy eating simple and irresistible.”
—Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author

“Ocean’s genius four-step plan will help you build a better relationship
with your food, your loved ones, and your community. Let him show
you how to discover and practice everlasting habits that lead to a healthy
and vibrant future. Your body will thank you for the rest of your life.”
—Vani Hari, New York Times bestselling
author of The Food Babe Way

“Ocean Robbins advocates tirelessly for dietary practices that foster the
health of people, protect the health of the planet, and respect the well-
being of all other creatures. This compilation of his gentle, wise, and
well-informed counsel is a wonderful asset for anyone wanting to eat
well, be well, and do good.”
—David Katz, MD, founding director, Yale-Griffin Prevention
Research Center; and immediate past-president,
American College of Lifestyle Medicine

31DayFoodRevol_HCtext16P.indd i 11/13/18 7:44:57 AM
“Ocean Robbins will show you how to put an end to procrastination
and start getting the results you want. His straightforward, no-nonsense
approach provides a brilliant pathway to a healthier life. And his book is
a pleasure to read, too!”
—JJ Virgin, New York Times bestselling author and
host of The JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show

“More than ever before, food is a hot topic in terms of our health, our
politics, and even our spirituality. Ocean Robbins continues a family
tradition of uplifting both our intellectual and moral understanding of
the importance of our food choices, and how to make changes in our
eating that better both ourselves and our world.”
—Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times
bestselling author

“Ocean’s new book has a depth, spirit, and breadth of information that
makes it a must-read for anyone looking to up their game with the power
of strong food. 31-DAY FOOD REVOLUTION shows how easy and
delicious it can be for you to step into greater health for you and for your
—Rip Esselstyn, firefighter, triathlete, and New York Times
bestselling author of The Engine 2 Diet

“I learned so much that was new to me! This impeccably researched

book made me realize that the food choices I make on a daily basis are
BY FAR my biggest leverage point in making the world a better place.
Ocean Robbins is probably the wisest, most brilliant, most visionary
thinker I know.”
—Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, New York Times
bestselling author of Bright Line Eating and
founder, Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss

“31-DAY FOOD REVOLUTION provides a simple road map to a bet-

ter future for you and for the planet. Combining the latest in nutritional

31DayFoodRevol_HCtext16P.indd ii 11/13/18  7:44:57 AM

science with practical implementation breakthroughs, Robbins will
show you how easy it can be to lose weight, banish fatigue and brain fog,
prevent diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia, and
contribute to a healthier world for you and all future generations.”
—John Mackey, cofounder and co-CEO, Whole Foods Market, and
author of The Whole Foods Diet

“Ocean Robbins is able to inform and influence people in a way that

grips their interest and also touches their soul. His insight, warmth, and
care for humanity are compelling and support the important scientific
facts presented that are crucial for our world.”
—Joel Fuhrman, MD, New York Times bestselling author and president,
Nutritional Research Foundation

“In this accessible and timely book, Ocean Robbins provides the knowl-
edge and guidance to help each of us become a creator of a new food
future. One that protects our health and that of our families, revital-
izes our farm communities, stops the suffering of countless animals, and
affirms that healthy food will lead to a healthy planet. Get this critical
road map for yourself, and share it with everyone you know. It opens a
path to freedom from the toxic industrial food model—and a grounded
hope that will empower you for life.”
—Andrew Kimbrell, executive director,
Center for Food Safety

“Ocean Robbins understands that we are smart, capable, and powerful

beings who want what’s best for our families and our planet. In 31-DAY
FOOD REVOLUTION, he combines the light-giving, life-giving ele-
ments of food with a secret-telling and shadow-revealing exposé of the
industry. When we know the truth, we can make informed choices and
take action. Ocean is a wise being and we need him now. Lucky us that
he has shared that wisdom in 31- DAY FOOD REVOLUTION.”
—Geneen Roth, #1 New York Times bestselling author of
Women Food and God and When Food is Love

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