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1. How do you see yourself as Asian youth?

To answer this particular question, I have to be certain which age group of people are
determined as youth? WHO stated that it is people at the of 15-24 are considered youth.
Thus, included both Millennials and Generation Y within. Why do people at this age group are
having so called important role? I believe it is because they can be most productive among
other age groups and can perform better at growth of society. Now I am wondering why the
question asks us to be focusing on ASEAN youth only. Should not it be better to collaborate
with people around the world to solve problems? Well, then I realized how this world is
divided into layers of social classes. We, ASEAN, are considered as a group of still-developing
country. But I second the BBC on describing us, “At first glance, it might seem like a group of
still-developing countries, but, as a whole, ASEAN is like a powerhouse.”

Then let us contemplate for a moment of our contributions to the world- Asean- our country
so far? I am not certain for what I’ ve become actually, as youth. But the Rhenald Kasali’s
saying strikes me again with his slogan of “Tomorrow is Today”. Despite contemplating of
what I’ve done so far, I should’ve been more aware of what can I do for the world’s better
and brighter future?
Indeed, we can’t undo the future, thus why we should think of action plans for the future
today. However, it is hard for our voices to be heard seriously by the political leaders I
suppose, then we need to be in the system and create changes from within in order to make
real actions. Then here comes the answer for this question: I see myself as one of the
impactful and powerful future leaders. Whoa, there I gotta chill a bit aint I? but I cannot see
other possibilities better for us youth in seeing ourselves. Each of us has different skill and
interest, then let us build the better and brighter world upon that, shouldn’t we?
Last but not least I am just going to put this here for reminding us, the Asean youth:

Why should we be planning for the future if that soon will be no more? (Greta Thunberg,

2. What is the biggest challenge that Asean face related to environmental issues? What
will you do about it?

I ve read several issues lately related to this question. I got plenty ideas on what do Asean
countries face environmentally. But it takes a while for me to decide on which one is the
biggest challenge. It could be air and water pollution, fresh water scarcity, deforestation, sea
level rises, urbanization, ecosystem and biodiversity loss, waste management. All of them are
hazardous and could lead to natural disaster for sure, as well to worsen the climate crisis at
the same time. As I couldn’t pick one, I ‘ll be focusing two issues; air pollution and waste
management since both of the issues are very relevant to our daily lives. Then it will be
depend on us whether to live by it or change our way of live in order to get rid of these issues.

World Health Organization, Adolescent health and development

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