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David Raisz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Optimization of Ripple Control Switching

Timetables for Daily Load Balancing

During the simulations the load time-functions of the RCS-
Abstract--In this paper the effective usage of Ripple Control groups is superposed on the undistorted load curve according
Systems (RCS) is investigated from the point of view of daily to various RCS programs, and so the efficiency of those
load balancing. A computer simulation model is developed to be programs in the load-balancing can be analyzed. Important
able to study the power consumption of RCS-controllable groups constraints to be respected are:
and their impact on the daily load curve. The design of an  the change of the total load of the Hungarian system due
appropriate switching pattern is formulated as an optimization to RCS switching is not allowed to exceed 90 MW within
problem with the objective of the highest possible minimal daily
load constrained by duration of service and derivative
a 5-minute interval (written regulation),
conditions.  every group has to be switched on at least 8 hours a day
After the decomposition of the problem a fuzzy logic and (as a guaranteed service ),
genetic algorithm based optimization method is developed. The  the double tariff system according to peak and off-peak
efficiency of the method is shown comparing different switching times is not subject to change.
patterns by computer simulations. These constraints along with the demand for a highest
possible minimal load formulate an optimization problem for
Index Terms -- Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, Load the switching pattern. The total length of the peak-off tariff
management, Optimization methods
time during one day is 15 hours: 13.00 to 17.00 and 20.00 to
07.00 in winter and 14.00 to 18.00 and 21.00 to 08.00 in
summer. Considering that the switching patterns are
By the end of the 20th century, before privatization of the determined in a 5 minute resolution, this yields a total of 180
energy industry in Hungary the system of Ripple Control possible switching instants. Further considering that there are
Systems (RCS) has been installed in order to be able to fill up several dozens of switchable groups yields a pattern to be
load valleys by remotely switching on and off storage heaters optimized depending on several thousand variables; these
from the dispatcher centers of the utility companies. A two- variables are binary: either a group is on or off during a 5
tariff system has been established, supplying energy mainly minute period.
for the switchable hot water electric boilers and heaters
In Section IV a deterministic switching pattern is analyzed. In
considerably cheaper in off-peak time than for the non-
Sections V and VI a soft-computing based optimization
switchable consumers.
Recently the former utilities turned into Distribution System method is developed, which allow the fuzzy formulation of
Operators (DSO) and changed their switching patterns so as the above mentioned objective and constraints.
to keep the deviation from their schedule as low as possible
(still providing at least 8 hours switch-on time for the II. DETERMINATION OF THE UNDISTORTED LOAD CURVE
remotely switchable consumers). This interest contradicts the Some DSO-s have performed systematic measurements of
interest of the Hungarian Independent System Operator, their RCS-groups and obtained detailed information on the
which is still balancing the valley loads so that no one block power consumption of each group. These results match with
of the nuclear power plant Paks has to lower its production following theoretical assumption: the individually set switch-
during the night. off temperatures and the actual amount of heat, stored in each
The RCS is an important factor in the present production- electric boiler result in a nearly exponentially decreasing
trading-consumption structure: it can help to maintain time-function of the consumed power of a controlled group.
balance and ensure the economical efficiency of the system.
The time-function of the power consumption of an RCS-
From this point of view it could be substituted only with very
controlled group can be approximated as
uneconomical solutions (e.g. export of surplus energy at any
t t0 t t0
price).  
1 2 (1)
However the present practice of RCS control does not make P( t )  P0 e  P0 e
the most of its possibilities, though it could do so fairly easily
where t0 is the switch-on time. In the second term τ 2
and without hurting the interests of the consumers.
In this paper various possible RCS switching patterns are determines the rise-time constant, while τ 1 determines the fall-
analyzed and compared based on computer simulations. time constant of the double-exponential curve.
For the simulations it is necessary to know At those DSO-s where no detailed RCS-measurements are
- the change of power demand due to switching on a group available, the following method is used: the undistorted load-
of RCS-controllable consumers curve is assumed to be linear during a certain time-period that
- and also the power consumption without the switchable is, the total power consumption can be expressed as
t t 0 t t 0
consumers (called "undistorted load curve")  
1 2 (2)
This issue is addressed in Section II. P( t )  P0 e  P0 e  mt
The switch-on instant t 0 is found as an abrupt increase of the

D. Raisz ( is with the Department of Electric Power
Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, total consumption, and the other four parameters are
Hungary (H-1111, Egry J. u. 18). determined by a curve-fitting method, so that

t max Section II.

  Pmeasured (t )  P(t )
f (P0 , 1 ,  2 , m)  (3) The parameters τon and τoff are also determined based on
the results in Section II, but the following additional
information is used: measurements reported in [7] show that
be minimal. The instant t max is either the switch-on time of the instantaneous domestic hot water usage (l/min) in a large
the next group or the switch-off time of the same group. The area of consumers has two daily maxima: one at approx.
undistorted load curve is then approximated as the difference 7 a.m. and one at 8 p.m.
of the measured load curve and P(t) as in (1). This method It is feasible – though this still needs to be further
can be somewhat inaccurate since the linearity assumption in investigated – that the boilers will reach their switch-off
(2) may not hold, and since tmax may be close to t0. temperature faster if less hot water is used. Therefore τ on and
The result of the above method is shown in Fig.1. τoff are considered to be changing during the simulations, see
Figs. 2 and 3.

Blue: Original Fig.2. Daily variation of parameter τon (in the range 1to 3 hours)
Red: Without RCS

Time (hours)
Fig.1. The measured and the undistorted load curve of one of the six Hungarian

Fig. 1. shows that the switching pattern used makes a

rather low contribution to filling up the valley load minimum
around 4 a.m. The same can be stated if looking at the total
daily load curve of the Hungarian system. The minimal load
at the day dealt with in this paper was 3695 MW.
Fig.3. Daily variation of parameter τoff (in the range 1 to 3 hours)
Simulations are started at the beginning of the afternoon off-
III. SIMULATION METHOD peak tariff time.
The method described in previous Section yields a set of In this paper two scenarios are considered. In the first case
(P0, τ1, τ2) triplets, one for each switchable group. The the whole RCS-controlled load of 1400 MW can be used by
sample-time of the measurements used was 6 s, and for each the Independent System Operator (ISO) for the daily load-
τ2 approximately half a minute was obtained. During the balancing purpose, respecting of course the constraints. This
simulations in Sections IV to VI the sample time is set to 5 is a rather hypothetical case since the RCSs are property of
minutes, so that τ2 and the second term in (1) are neglected. the DSOs.
When a group is switched on, its power consumption is In the second case the ISO is hiring a part of the RCS
approximated as capacity from the DSOs (representing a total load of
t  t on
500 MW) and switching them according to its own pattern.

on (4)
where ton is the instant of switching on, Pon is the initially Though the number of variables in the optimization problem
consumed power of the group. When a group is switched off, described in Section I. is extremely large, a heuristic attempt
the power it would initially consume if it was switched on can be made to manually generate an appropriate switching
again is simulated as pattern.

t  t off For this purpose – to keep the process transparent – the three
off (5) smallest DSO-s are virtually merged to a single one and the
P( t )  Poff  (Pg  Poff )(1  e ) resulting four DSO-s (numbered from 1 to 4) are assumed to
where Poff is the power consumed right before the instant have six RCS-controlled groups (denoted by A to F), each
of switching off, toff. Pg is the nominal load of the group, the representing the same load. (Together they make up the total
power it would consume when switched on for the first time installed RCS load.)
in the afternoon off-peak time. Pg was either available from Tables I. and II. show two switching sequences, each in a
the DSO-s or it was determined based on the results in 5-minute resolution. Both sequences are used for switching
on and off the respective RCS-groups.


RCS group A B C
In this section a fuzzy logic based optimization method is
No. of DSO 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 3 4 1 2 shown which allows the generation of a switching pattern so
that the total consumption of the RCS groups follows – as
long as possible – a pre-defined curve.
RCS group D E F
In each 5 minute interval t a set-point, PGoal(t) is given. The
No. of DSO 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 groups that will be on during one interval are selected as
For example if the sequence in Table I. is used for switching Let TTi denote the total time the i-th group has already been
on the indicated 12 groups beginning with 14:00, that means switched on since the simulation was started. This quantity is
the following: group A of DSO 1 is switched on at 14:00, fuzzified using a membership function μ time as seen on Fig. 5.
group A of DSO 2 is switched on at 14:05, and so on. Finally, This membership function shows how important it is to
group C of DSO 2 is switched on at 14:55. (Note that once a switch on a group to be able to provide long enough supply.
group is switched on, it is on until it appears in a switch-off
The heuristic switching pattern consists of sequences S1 and
S2 as follows:
14:00 S1 On 16:00 S2 On
16:00 S1 Off 17:00 S2 Off
22:00 S2 On 23:00 S1 On
06:00 S2 Off 07:00 S1 Off

The time function of the total load resulting from the above
switching pattern can be observed in Fig. 4.

The load change from one interval to the other is between –60
and 60 MW, the groups A, B and C are switched on for 9
hours and groups D, E and F for 10 hours; the minimal daily
load is 3655 MW. (Note that the peak load is increased by Fig. 5. Membership function μtime
200 MW which is not a desirable effect.)
Also the power P(t)i the i-th group would consume if it was on
is calculated for each i, see (4) and (5).
Precedence among the switchable groups is defined based on
μtime, and the groups that have the same μ time are ranked based
on their power P(t)i. The higher this power the higher the
The groups that will be switched on during the next 5-minute
interval t are selected from the beginning of the precedence
queue as long as their total load
Psum ,k ( t )   P( t ) i (5)
i 1
is not greater than PGoal(t), where k denotes the number of the
last group selected so far. For the next group (k+1) in the
precedence queue
ΔPk+1(t) = Psum,k+1(t) – PGoal(t) (6)
Fig. 4. Result of the heuristically determined switching pattern
Pchange ( t )  Psum, k 1 ( t )  Psum ( t  1) (7)
are calculated, where Psum ( t  1) denotes the total
Of course, a manual trial-and-error tuning of the above switched-on power in the previous 5-minute interval.
switching pattern could lead to a better result, but this method Two membership functions are defined for the quantities
is by far not universal and must be manually performed each calculated in (6) and (7) as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The lower
time the conditions or preferences change. the membership degrees μ ΔP and μPchange, the higher the
In the next Sections a method for the automatic generation of acceptability of ΔPk+1 (deviation from the set-point) and P change
the switching pattern is shown, which is achieved by the (change compared to the previous interval) which would be
decomposition of the original optimization problem in two caused by switching on also group k+1 besides the first k
sub-problems. groups in the precedence queue.

All the groups are switched on only for approx. 6.5 hours and
Pchange exceeds -90 MW right before 18:00. The minimal daily
load is 3885 MW.

If only 500 MW of the total RCS-controlled groups are used

(20 groups of equal load are assumed), the result for the same
PGoal(t) is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 6. Membership function μΔP

Fig. 9. Result of the optimization process: the undistorted daily load curve for a
summer weekday, PGoal and the resulting load curve if 500 MW RCS load is used

All the groups are switched on for more than 12 hours (even
in the afternoon they all receive a gap of more than 3 hours)
and - 60 MW < Pchange < 73 MW during the whole day.
Fig. 7. Membership function μPchange It can be observed that e.g. after 22:00 all the groups are
switched on but their total load is quickly decreasing so that
The (k+1)st group is selected to be switched on if they hardly contribute to the increasing of the minimal load.
 time ,k 1  MAX( P ,  Pchange ) (8) In both cases a more clever definition of the PGoal(t) curve is
If so, the next, (k+2)nd group is considered, the quantities in necessary which is done as described in the next Section.
(5) to (7) and the membership degrees according to Figs. 6
and 7 are recalculated and the decision is made for group k+2 VI. FUZZY GA-BASED OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOAD CURVE
according to (8), and so on. In this section the automatic optimization of the P Goal(t) curve
is described, which yields a PGoal(t) time function that
If (8) is false, the selection for the actual 5-minute interval is – together with the fuzzy logic optimized switching pattern
done, and one can go over to the next interval t+1. from Section V – will result in a highest possible minimum of
The result of the above optimization process is shown in the daily load curve.
Figs. 8 and 9 for a heuristically defined P Goal time function. If For this purpose PGoal(t) will be represented by its values at the
the whole RCS load of 1400 MW is under control of the ISO, peak load hours (14:00,15:00, and so on) of the off-peak tariff
the result is plotted in Fig. 8 (for the sake of simplicity 50 zone. For the time-points representing 5-minute intervals
groups of equal load are assumed). between two neighboring hours linear interpolation is used,
for time-points in the peak tariff zone the P Goal(t) is not
defined since no RCS group will be switched on at that time.
To be optimized are therefore 15 values of P Goal(t). The lower
bound of these variables is 0 MW, the upper bound depends
on how large the peak load is allowed to be; in the simulation
400 MW is used in the afternoon and at 21:00 and the total
RCS load (500 MW or 1400 MW) for the other points.
The optimization is performed using a Genetic Algorithm
(GA); in the terminology of GAs an "individual" is one set of
the 15 variables (representing one PGoal(t) function), the
"fitness" of an individual is a performance index, based on
which the individuals are compared. The fitness is defined as
For each individual PGoal(t) is calculated using the
interpolation described above, and then the Fuzzy Logic
Fig. 8. Result of the optimization process: the undistorted daily load curve for a based optimization of the switching pattern is performed as in
summer weekday, PGoal and the resulting load curve if 1400 MW RCS load is
used Section V. This switching pattern results in a time function

Presult(t), the minimum of which is intended to be maximized. the "8 hour" and "90 MW" constraints are transformed to be
part of the objective function.
A membership function μ MIN for min{Presult ( t )} is defined
t The result of the optimization can be observed in Fig. 13
as in Fig. 10. (with 1400 MW RCS load) and Fig. 14 (with 500 MW RCS
3.5 5400
P (MW)
5200 PGoal
4600 PResult
Undistorted daily
1 4200
load curve
0.5 4000
3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 3750 3800
MIN t [Pres ult(t)] (MW) 3600
Fig. 10. Membership function μMIN 3400
00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00
Time (h)
The "8 hour" and "90 MW" constraints are also fuzzified, but Fig. 13a. Result of the optimization process: the undistorted daily load curve for
the membership functions (see Figs. 11 and 12) are different a summer weekday, PGoal and the resulting load curve if 1400 MW RCS load is
for this optimization process from the ones described earlier. used
The fitness of an individual is now defined as
F   MIN  MIN{MIN{ (time
}, MIN{ Pchange( t ) }} (9) 9
Total switch-on time for one group (h)
i t
where i denotes the number of the group and t is the time for 8
each 5-minute interval. 7
Simulation start
00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00
12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00
Time (h)
Fig. 13b. Result of the optimization process: the total switch-on time for one
RCS group, if 1400 MW RCS load is used

If using 50 equal groups with a total load of 1400 MW, each

group is switched on for 8 hours and 5 minutes or 8 hours
and 10 minutes (even in the afternoon they all receive a gap
Fig. 11. Membership function μtime of 1 hour and 20 minutes) and - 80 MW < Pchange < 80 MW
during the whole day, except one single 5-minute interval
when Pchange is -94 MW. The minimal daily load is raised to
3955 MW.

If using only 20 equal groups with a total load of 500 MW,

each group is switched on for 8 hours or 8 hours and 5
minutes (even in the afternoon they all receive a gap of more
than 1 hour and 40 minutes).

Fig. 12. Membership function μPchange

The Genetic Algorithm searches for the maximum of F

varying the 15 parameters that define P Goal(t). In such a way

[2] L.C.Jain, N.M.Martin: Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Sets, and

5 400 Genetic Algorithms (Industrial Applications), CRC Press, Boca Raton,
P (MW) 1999
5 200 [3] ABB Kent Messtechnik: LMM610 RCS
5 000 [4] Wladyslaw Mielczarsky: Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Power Systems,
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998
4 800 P [5] Ripple Control Systems
Goal (
4 600
[6] Rundsteuertechnik (Übertragung von Steuersignalen über das
4 400 Energieversorgungsnetz),
Undistorted daily [7] Balázs Némethi: On the determination of the standard domestic hot water
4 200 usage in town houses,
load curve
4 000 SID=OhymEL9jbkovSjmw9bO0&group=epgep&project=node&job=sho
3 800 %E1s_ea_HMVfogy.ppt
3 600
3 400
00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 IX. BIOGRAPHY
Time (h)
Fig. 14. Result of the optimization process: the undistorted daily load curve for a
summer weekday, PGoal and the resulting load curve if 500 MW RCS load is used Dávid Raisz was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1977. He graduated from the
Department of Power Systems of the University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary, in June 2000 after a one year research stay at Department
During the whole day - 66 MW < Pchange < 73 MW and the for Electrical Power Systems of University of Technology Graz, Austria. His
minimal daily load is increased to 3766 MW. research interests are in power quality and AI applications.
Both values allow the normal operation of the nuclear power He is now working towards his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering as
plant. assistant lecturer at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is
member of IEEE and the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association

In this paper the effective usage of Ripple Control Systems
(RCS) is investigated from the point of view of daily load
A computer simulation model is developed to be able to study
the power consumption of RCS-controllable groups and their
impact on the daily load curve.
The design of an appropriate switching pattern is formulated
as an optimization problem with the objective of the highest
possible minimal daily load constrained by duration of service
and derivative conditions.
After the decomposition of the problem a soft-computing-
based optimization method is developed. The first sub-
problem consists of the fuzzy-logic supported generation of a
switching pattern so that the total consumption of the RCS
groups follows a pre-defined load curve. The second sub-
problem is to generate the optimal pre-defined load curve
using fuzzy logic and a genetic algorithm.
The result of the optimization process can be influenced by a
small number of parameters which define the membership
functions, i.e. the importance (severity) of the constraints and
The tool developed is efficient in generating the optimal
switching pattern and different market conditions and
constraints can easily be taken into consideration.
Further investigations will focus on the more exact modeling
of the behavior of RCS-controllable groups, including the
thermal and statistical modeling of electric boilers and
storage heaters.

A similar fuzzy-logic based algorithm as shown in this paper

is being tested for using RCS to keep the deviation from the
scheduled load curve minimal.


[1] Oswald K.-Nagy Gy.-Vimi J.: Ripple Control (Hungarian), Műszaki

Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1981

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