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UCSP LECTURE NOTE MORES- the set of ethical standards and moral

obligations as dictates of reason that distinguishes

“Change is the only permanent thing in this world” –
human acts as right or wrong or good from bad. They
define what is morally wrong and right
Nation state- is a sovereign state whose citizens or
LAWS- These are norms that are enforced formally by a
subjects have common culture.
special political organization. Component of culture
Personal identity- is the concept you developed about that regulates and controls the people’s behavior and
yourself that evolves over the course of your life. conduct.

CULTURE refers to that complex whole which includes VALUES- anything held to be relatively worthy,
knowledge beliefs, arts, morals, laws and customs and important desirable or valuable
any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as
TECHNOLOGY- the practical application of knowledge in
member of society.
converting raw materials into finished products.
 A product of human interaction
ETHNOCENTRISM-it is a perception that arises from the
 A social heritage that is complex and socially
fact that cultures differ and each culture defines reality
 Provides socially acceptable patterns for
meeting biological and social needs Judging another culture solely by the values and
 A distinguishing factor standards of one’s own culture.
 An established pattern of behavior
 Cumulative CULTURAL RELATIVISM- the attempt to judge behavior
 Meaningful human beings according to its cultural context.

Culture encompassed…. The principle that an individual person’s beliefs and

activities should be understood by others in terms of
Language, medical cure, religion, food, folk art, that individuals own culture.
celebrations, jokes, manners, clothes and dressing,
working schedules To understand man’s social experience, it is necessary to
make a wider analysis of man’s relationship to his
TYPES OF CULTURE natural environment.
habits, language and symbols and religion) POLITICS
b. MATERIAL CULTURE (technological tools, food, 1. Adaptation and integration
architectural structures, and fashion and accessories) 2. Patterns of acceptable behavior
3. Conveys and facilitate meaning
4. Production of man-made things
a.KNOWLEDGE- refers to any information received and 5. Contributes to overall human satisfaction
perceived to be true
SOCIETIES- product of human social processes (human
b. BELIEF- the perception of accepted reality-refers to interaction and interconnectedness) intended to meet
the existence of things whether material or non- basic needs for survival.
SOCIETY- refers to group of people sharing common
C. SOCIAL NORMS- these are established expectations culture within a defined territorial boundary.
of society as to how a person is supposed to act
depending on the requirements of the time, place, or
situation 1. Representation of our identity
2. Characterize the totality of a territory
D.FOLKWAYS- the patterns of repetitive behavior which 3. Symbol of political interdependence
becomes habitual and conventional part of living. 4. Avenue for economic interdependence
POLITICS- is…. c. Homo Sapiens ”Thinking Man”

a.collective activity MAN CULTURAL EVOLUTION

b.initial diversity of views a. Paleolithic Age

b. Middle/Mesolithic Age-
c. reconciliation of difference c. Neolithic age
d. authoritative policy Characteristics of Human Society
POLITICS may be viewed…… 1. It is a social system
1.consensus and compromise 2. A society is relatively large
3. A society recruits most of its members from
2.society within
4. A society sustains itself across generation
3.power and distribution of resources 5. A society members share a culture
4. art of government SOCIAL EVOLUTION
5.public affair A .HUNTING AND FOOD GATHERING- the earliest form
6.academics of human society. People survived by foraging for
vegetable foods and small game fishing hunting larger
ANTHROPOLOGY- is the branch of knowledge which wild animals and collecting shellfish
deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his
body, his behavior and values, in time and space. B. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES- people learned to use
human muscle power and hand held tools to cultivate
POLITICAL SCIENCE- is a systematic study of a state and fields. Classified as subsistence farming and surplus
its government, with the relationships of men in the farming.
community, with relations of men to the state itself.
1.SUBSISTENCE FARMING- involves only producing
IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE enough food to feed the group, the settlement are small
1.Knowledge based and neighborhood is solid.Political organization is
confined in the village.
2.Competence based
2. SURPLUS FARMING- practice in thickly populated and
3.Skills based permanent settlements. There was occupational
specialization with prestige differences. Social
SOCIOLOGY- accdg. to Joseph Fichter, it is the scientific
Stratification was well established.
study of patterned, shared human behavior. It analyze
human interaction which is essential in understanding C. PASTORAL SOCIETIES- It relied on herding and the
man’s cultural make-up. domestication of animals for food and clothing to satisfy
the greater needs of the group. It was organized along
EVOLUTION- is a natural process of biological changes
male-centered kinship groups.
occurring in a population across successive generations
D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES- the societies were
characterized by the use of the plow in farming.
Ape/primates – the basis of origin of humans Creation of irrigation system provided farming enough
surplus in the community.
Charles Darwin
E. INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES It is characterized by more
“survival of the fittest” process of mutation
than just the use of mechanical means of production.
HOMO-means human constitute an entirely new form of society that requires
an immense mobile diversity, specialized high skilled
A .HoMo Habilis” Handy man”
and well-coordinated labor force
b. Homo Erectus “Upright Man”
specialized knowledge to bring about continuing
*Family* school*church*media*work place*peer
progress in technology. It characterize by the spread of
computer industries.
Value orientation of many societies
1. Achievement and success
2. Activity and work
a. Mesopotamia River 3. Moral orientation
b. Ganghes River 4. Humanitarianism
c. Yellow/Yangtze River 5. Efficiency and practicality
d. Nile river valley
Developed and highly advanced cities
1. Emotional closeness and security in the family
• Well-defined city centers • Complex and systematic 2. Authority value
institutions • Organized and centralized system of 3. Economic and social betterment
government • Formalized and complex form of religion 4. Patience suffering and endurance
• Job specialization • Development of Social classe • SOCIAL STATUS-refers to the position an individual
Advance technology • System of writing and recording occupies in society and implies an array of rights and

Craft laws • Implement laws • Impose justice and ASCRIBE STATUS

punishment • Collect taxes • Sometimes act as religious -Those which are assigned to the individual from birth
leaders as well
-it involves little personal choice like age and sex
-It carries with certain expectations of behavior
SOCIALIZATION- is a continuing process whereby
individuals acquires a personal identity and learn the ACHIEVED STATUS
norms values and behavior and social skills appropriate -it is required by choice, merit or individual effort
to his/her position.
-it is made possible through special abilities or talents,
Points of view…. performance or opportunities
OBJECTIVE SOCIALIZATION- It refers to the society acting -Choice in occupation, marriage joining a religious
upon the child organization are example.
SUBJECTIVE SOCIALIZATION- The process by which Essential in ROLE playing
society transmits its culture from one generation to the
next and adapts the individual to the accepted ways of -a definition of the role and an identification of self
organized social life.
-behavior in given situations appropriate to the role
-a background related acts by others(counter
1. Personality and ROLE Development roles)which serve as cues to guide specific
2. Skills Development and Training performances
3. Values Formation
4. Social Integration and Adjustment -an evaluation by the individual and by others of the
5. Social Control and Stability performance of the role.

CONFORMITY - is a type of social influence involving a

change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a
Conformity can also be simply defined as “yielding to 1.Deviance affirms cultural values and norms
group pressures”. Group pressure may take different
2.responding to deviance clarifies moral boundary
forms, for example bullying, persuasion, teasing,
criticism, etc. Conformity is also known as majority 3.responding to deviance promotes social unity
influence (or group pressure).
4. deviance encourages social change.
1. COMPLIANCE-(group acceptance)
Occurs when individual accepts influence STRAIN THEORY
because he hopes to achieve a favorable Robert Merton argued that in an unequal society
reaction from another person or group. He the tension or strain between socially approved
adopts the introduced behavior because he goals and an individual’s ability to meet those goals
expects to gain specific rewards or approval and through socially approved means will lead to
avoids specific punishment or disapproval by deviance as individual’s reject either the goals the
conformity. means or both.
2. INTERNALIZATION-(genuine acceptance of
group norms) This occurs when an individual Forms of deviance
accepts influence because the content of the
a.CONFORMITY- it involves accepting both the
introduced behavior –the ideas and actions of
cultural goal of success and the use of legitimate
which it is composed-is intrinsically rewarding.
means for achieving that goal.
He adopts the introduced behavior because it is
congruent or consistent with his value system. b. INNOVATION- this response involves accepting
3. IDENTIFICATION( or group membership)-this the goal of success but rejecting the use of socially
occurs when an individual accepts influence accepted means of achieving it, turning instead to
because he want to establish or maintain a unconventional illegitimate means.
satisfying self-defining relationship to another
person-group” c.RITUALISM- this occurs when people deemphasize
4. INTEGRATIONAL –This is when a person or reject the importance of success once they
conforms to impress or gain favor/acceptance realize they will never achieve it and instead
from other people. It is similar to normative concentrate on following or enforcing these rules
influence, but is motivated by the need for than ever was intended.
social rewards rather than the threat of d. RETREATISM-this means withdrawal from society,
rejection. caring neither about success nor about working.
FUNCTIONS OF DEVIANCE e. REBELLION- this occurs when people reject and
Accdg. to Ronald W. Smith and Frederick W Preston attempt to change both the goals and the means
deviance performs to support the social system in approved by society.
the following. CONTROL THEORY
1. Deviance serves as an outlet for diverse forms Travis Hirschi assumed that the family, school and
of expressions other social institutions greatly contribute to social
2. Deviance serves to define the limits of order by controlling deviant teandencies in every
acceptable behavior individual.
3. Deviance may also promote in-group solidarity
4. Deviance can serve as barometer of social strain SOCIAL CONTROL OF DEVIANCES

SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF DEVIANCE In order to regulate nonconformity with the social

norms, society created measures in order to limit
deviance. Emile Durkheim deviance can serve a
INFORMAL SANCTIONS- these are unofficial, often
number of functions for society
casual pressures to conform
Positive informal sanctions involve rewards for
conformity or compliance.

Negative sanctions involves penalties for non


FORMAL SANCTIONS- these are official

institutionalized incentives to conform and penalties
for deviance

These are needed in large, complex societies

The criminal justice system is the most important

and visible institution of social control

These may take the form of arrest, pre-trial,

sentencing or imprisonment


Human Rights-are natural rights of all human beings

whatever their nationality, religion, ethnicity and
sex, language and color.


1. Natural rights- these are rights inherent to man

and given to him by God as human being
2. Constitutional Rights- these are rights
guaranteed under the fundamental charter of
the country
3. STATUTORY RIGHTS- these are rights provided
by the law making body of a country or by law
such as the right to receive a minimum wage
and the right to preliminary investigation.
4. CIVIL RIGHTS- these are rights specified under
the Bill of Rights.
5. ECONOMIC RIGHTS- these are rights to property
whether personal real or intellectual.
6. POLITICAL RIGHTS- these are rights an individual
enjoys as a consequence of being a member of
a body politic.

DIGNITY OF HUMAN- means being essential concept

in the society as well as in morality because through
in the quality and honor the people can be
determined and from the sense of dignity the
concept of human right can also be measured.

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