S Jeeva Daily Documentation

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Mini Task 1

2. ​Linux File Commands

3. ​Python and its Packages
4. Listing USB devices: lsusb (or) usb-devices
​Cheese Stuffs
Volume: ​amixer sset 'Master' 50% (Setting Volume to 50)
amixer scontrols (To get the volume controls)
# decrease by 3%
amixer -q sset Master 3%-
​youtube-dl commands
​ etworking Commands
5. Bash Script - Give the commands after Shebang ( #!/bin/bash )
chmod -x FileName (To make the file executable)

Mini Task 2
#Insert the screenshots

Mini Task 3
#Done with Arduino playlist

Mini Task 4
1. My GitHub ​Profile
2. Done with Python basics.
3. Debug the scoring part in tkinter.
4. Started with OpenCV tutorial (Do question 3)
Tech Related to the Project
● Heat Maps on the field of Vision - ​Sentigaze
● CV for recognition of Hands - ​Leap Motion
● Medical process for Peripheral Vision Test - ​Website
● Research Paper​ #Read this later
● Basic Way for Testing - ​PVT
● Related Projects - ​Relativ VR​ , ​Nova-DIY Oculus
ElectroOculography for eye-tracking - ​EyeBoard

● Uses

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