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Tom Riddleʼs Schooldays

Year Four: Serpens Sub Rosa

by David Styles

© 2015 David Styles

Chapter One
Fame and Fortune

“Bludgering Hell, itʼs you!” exclaimed the distorted voice of the masked and robed figure
that had just rounded the corner of the corridor.
" Reducto. Stupefy. Tomʼs spells hit the Wizard directly on, first knocking him
backwards, crashing through an ornate wooden table that stood to the side of the hallway
and onto the plush carpet, surrounded by the thousand shards of the decorative urn that
had been on the table.
" “Reparo... reparo” muttered a voice just behind Tom, and the table and urn
reassembled themselves, leaving the body on the floor where it fell. “Sorry”, the voice
added, as Tom turned to give a reproachful look that was destined to remain unseen
behind his own mask.
" “Come on”, said Tom. “No, wait”, he continued, and magically swatted his
companion aside just in time for an unfriendly Curse to go sailing past between them.
Protego - Tom blocked the next spell that arrived straight after that, and returned fire with a
couple of Blasting Curses, causing the assailant to dive for cover around the corner at the
other end of this stretch of hallway. Tomʼs companion groaned.
" “Was that...?” he began, but Tom held up a hand, and he fell silent.
" “Itʼs alright”, called out Tom, “You can come out now; itʼs over”.
" The assailantʼs masked face appeared around the corner, and Tom hit it with a
Stunning Spell.
" “Idiot”, muttered Tom.
" “Safe?” asked Tomʼs companion.
" “Safer”, replied Tom.
" “So thatʼs Eaves and Vespa down, I got whatʼs-his-name, er, Lucifer already, Miss
Marbleʼs still out there, which frankly worries me the most, and...”
" “Quiet. Hide”
" “Which way?” came the panicked reply.
" “Back. Here” - they retreated back the way they came as per Tomʼs direction.
“Hmm. No, I think theyʼre ours”, he added, “But we donʼt want mistakes. Still, I daresay we
can risk...”
" Tom stepped out, and awaited the newcomers who were taking a little longer than
he anticipated to arrive, but now that he thought about it, they were probably checking the
bodies in the hallway. He heard their muffled voices; their thoughts were clearer than their
spoken words. Then they rounded the corner, coming face to face with Tom.
" “Stupefy” essayed one,
! Expelliarmus! was the otherʼs silent effort,
! Protego was Tomʼs ready reply, dismissing the Spells with casual ease even at such
short range.
! “Oh, itʼs you. We...” began one of the new arrivals, but was interrupted -
" “Behind you!” exclaimed her companion. Tom turned, just in time to catch a
Stunning Spell straight in the face. His mask, crafted of one five-hundredth part Titanium
melded with the extremely rare and tricky Seventy-Seventh Element, robbed the Spell of
its intended function, but the power was sufficient to knock Tom off his feet regardless, the
back of his head cracking sharply into the mask of the Witch now behind him, knocking her
down too. As Tom hit the floor, awkwardly due to the Witch partially beneath him, the
Wizard with whom he had hidden was now also Cursed successfully and fell on top of him.
" The new assailant Stunned the last of the four still on their feet, Disarmed and
Stunned the Witch that Tom had knocked into as she tried to pull herself free of the pile of
bodies, and then stood motionless while looking down at Tom.
" Tom would have been an easy target amidst the tangle of limbs, but the few
seconds time it had taken the assailant to Stun the others gave him chance to fight back,
by fighting for physical control of the assailantʼs wand-arm. Not via the arm-ownerʼs mind,
which was quite inaccessible, but via more direct magical power, gripping the arm itself.
He tried to keep that grip without losing concentration, while working to free his own wand-
" Suddenly, the attacker grabbed her wand with her other, unhindered hand, and
there was an instantaneous flash of red.

Tom awoke, lying on a bed. He was on top of the sheets, and fully clothed. His hand went
instinctively to his wand-pocket.
" “On the bedside table”, said Marca, whom Tom had not noticed sitting in the
armchair in the corner of the room. Tom sat up.
" “Oh... Marvellous” he grumbled tetchily, as he remembered how he came to be
here. “How long?”
" “Not many minutes”, said Marca dismissively.
" “What are we doing here?”
" “I give you a pardon. Here, you have captured the flag”, she said simply, tossing a
large sapphire over to him. He caught it.
" “Why? Why are you betraying your team to allow mine to win?”
" “To allow yours to win”, she replied. “It is necessary that you remain as close to
flawless as you can, in their eyes, if you will be the face of leadership. You must inspire
" “A sound logic”, agreed Tom. “Jolly good. How did you come by this? Wasnʼt it
" “Abraxas, yes, but he is too relaxed. I took it from him almost immediately, to keep it
safe, without him noticing. But as things went, it is better if you have it now”
" “How to you propose I say I came by this?”
" “I propose, that you do not”, replied Marca. “Leave it a mystery and allow
imagination to happen. They will assume, that you have powerful magic that they do not”
" “I do have powerful magic that they do not, Marca”
" “Yes, well, they will assume you have more of it, which is not a bad thing”.
" “True enough. Has the win been declared already? Is everyone else waiting for us
" “No, it has only been a few minutes, remember. The others are in a little mountain
where I left them, not far away in the corridor”
" “Letʼs get to that then, shall we?” suggested Tom.
" Once out in the corridor, Tom summoned Mable the House Elf, and gave it the
agreed-upon instruction to now do the rounds of visiting all the assembled Masked
Legions present (waking them where necessary), to announce the win, whereupon they
would assemble in the Savernake Room. The Savernake Room was a mostly square room
with the exception of bay curve to the outer wall, not unlike the shape of the Lake Window
in the Slytherin Common Room at Hogwarts - only here there was no huge window and no
lake, just four leaded windows, three portraits, and two suits of armour, which mostly stood
against that wall, but had a tendency to wander at night sometimes, when they didnʼt
expect anyone would miss them. Right now, however, the straightened themselves up a bit
upon noticing people re-entering the room.
" The roomʼs most notable feature was a table, round and broad like Slughornʼs fancy
dining table, but this one seemed to be carved from a single tree, which much have been
truly gargantuan, as there was more than ample room around it for all twelve of them
currently staying at Fengrey Hall, while Tiernanʼs parents were in London for a few days.

When they had all returned and taken their places around the table, Tom spoke first:
" “My first question is to Abraxas”, he began.
" “Shouldnʼt we be using our code-names?”, Belinda interrupted.
" “Not necessary here, Belinda”, said Tom. “They are for masked activities, training
for such, and written communications that may be intercepted. Weʼre all friends here”.
" Sat around the large round table of heavy marble, the assembled Slytherin students
reacted to this statement each in their own way. The general response was to smile and
nod, though the sentiments behind the nods and smiles were varied; from Abraxas, who
had a rather practical understanding of “friendship” even by Slytherin standards, to
Antonin, who was mostly keen to not be left out of any such arrangement, to the about-to-
be fifth-year trouble-makers, largely seeing this as an extension of their usual status as
agents provocateurs and upsetters of the status quo, to Tiernan, who seemed the most
positively enthused and was playing the part of half right-hand-man, half charming host; he
had readily offered for this meeting to be held here at Fengrey Hall, the Lestrange family
" Then there was Marca, who neither smiled nor nodded. Tom did not feel she was
fully committed to this, and indeed she had suggested so herself, but for now heʼd rather
have her at his side than not. Nobody would be perturbed by her aloof manner; everyone
knew that sheʼd look just as impassive in almost any scenario.
" “Abraxas”, Tom recommenced, “How did you lose the flag?”
" “I donʼt know”, answered Abraxas, honestly enough. “I had it, and then I didnʼt. Did
you get it from my pocket, or did it fall out somewhere?”
" “It was taken directly from your pocket”, said Tom.
" “How? It had an Anti-Summoning Jinx on it; have you found a way to get past that?”
" “Oh, I have”, said Tom. “And old and powerful force that you may have forgotten”
" “Iʼm all ears”
" “Iʼm sure. Now an open question, to everyone, why did my team win, and Abraxasʼ
team lose?”
" “You are a good leader”, offered Antonin, immediately.
" “You cheated”, offered Belinda.
" “Do enlighten us, cheated by what means?”, asked Tom.
" “You told me the game was over and that it was safe to come out, then Cursed me
when my guard was down”
" “Tell me, had the win been announced by the agreed-upon method?”
" “No, but...”
" “Did you think it would be a good idea to do what youʼre told the leader of the
opposing team?”
" “No, well yes, but...”
" “War is a game of information as much as anything else, and in war people play
tricks with that information, surely you must realize this?”
" “I do”
" “Good”, said Tom. “Any other suggestions as to why my team won and Abraxasʼ
team did not?”
" “It had you on it”, said Tiernan. “Marca took out three of us like it was nothing, but
obviously you bested her”
" “Again I drew upon that old and powerful force that it appears has been unobserved
by some”, said Tom.
" “Are you going to tell us what it is?”, asked Abraxas.
" “Letʼs see what else comes to light first, shall we?” suggested Tom. “Emlyn, when
you encountered me, the most skilled duellist of my team, what was your immediate, most
innate and instinctive response? Was it to strike pre-emptively as quickly as possible,
perhaps? Or maybe to prioritize your defences, and be ready to deflect the Curses I would
surely send your way?”
" “Yeah, pretty much”, agreed Emlyn.
" “Really? Remind me, which Spell did you use?”
" “I didnʼt, I didnʼt have time”, admitted Emlyn.
" “You didnʼt have time”, repeated Tom. “No time to raise your wand, no time to
speak, is that right?”
" “Yeah, well, I was surprised”
" “Indeed. In a battlefield environment, you were surprised to meet an enemy”
" “At that particular moment”, said Emlyn, defensively.
" “You see, I thought you did have time to speak”, said Tom, “I thought you greeted
me with the words Bludgering Hell, itʼs you! when we met”
" “Oh, yeah”, said Emlyn, “I did”
" “Thatʼs four words; think how many Spells you could have cast in that time. So
wasteful. I suggest that you train to make sure that if you must panic, you at least find it
within you to cast some manner of Spell”, said Tom, scathingly.
" “I will”, said Emlyn, “But youʼd have blocked it anyway; Iʼve never beaten you in a
duel yet”
" “Others have”, said Tom. “I am not invincible. Not yet, anyway. If others can, then
you can too. Belinda!”
" “Yes?”
" “At your leisure, and please, not right now, I want you to help Emlyn out, by Hexing
him at random times, will you do that for him?”
" “Absolutely”
" “Good”, said Tom. “Emlyn, you may recall that Belindaʼs wand is ill-suited to casting
Spells silently. You will always have warning, no matter how slight, and time to cast a
Shield Charm. Until you master this very basic response, you are a liability and cannot be
used for actual masked operations”
" There was silence for a moment, and Lucretia raised a hand. Tom raised an
eyebrow expectantly.
" “Marca attacked four of us at once and downed three of us more quickly than even
you could stop her; how can this be?”
" “I didnʼt see her coming”, said Tom.
" “I came quietly while you were too distracted”, said Marca. Emlyn sniggered, but
stopped instantly as both Tom and Marca glanced in his direction.
" “But you always know when people are coming”, objected Tiernan, “You always
know when Iʼm coming, anyway, even if Iʼm behind you”
" “Calm down everyone, you know what he meant” said Tom impatiently. “I am indeed
more aware than most”, he said, “and a great deal more aware than some”, he added, with
a nod to Emlyn. “However, stealth and surprise is not to be underestimated”
" The discussion continued a good while, as various parties blamed each other for
any errors, and weak links in the chain were gradually identified. Certainly Marcaʼs gesture
had been well-placed, as her own reputation as a highly skilled duellist now lent yet further
credence to Tomʼs ability to lead a team to success even against the diminutive terror that
was Marca Zelyonaya.
" The fact that Tom had lost most of his team in the process was chiefly overlooked in
favour of focus on the outcome, or else being pinned firmly on the diverse inadequacies of
individual members of the team. Which was, of course the most useful perspective, in
Tomʼs opinion. After all, problems identified can be eliminated.
A weakness of Tomʼs that he wanted to eliminate was his current inability to Apparate, with
the exception of the one time he had done so accidentally in order to avoid being burned
to a crisp. After the others had retired to their beds, Tom stood on the rough grass of the
moor, just outside the anti-Apparition Wards of Fengrey Hall, under the stars of a clear sky,
with Tiernan. The house loomed large, a few hundred yards away.
" “Are you sure this is a good idea?”, asked Tiernan.
" “Could be terrible; thatʼs why youʼre here”, replied Tom.
" “So if you splinch yourself... You realize I have no healing skills worth a bouncing
" “I realize. However, you can get Mable, whom I remember to have at least some
such knowledge and abilities, and who can at the very least, I presume, transport me to St.
Mungoʼs if necessary, correct?”
" “Yeah, I... guess so...” said Tiernan uncertainly. He had clearly never been taken
anywhere by the House Elf, but if an Elf could transport luggage, it could probably
transport Tomʼs rather slender form without complication. “Youʼre sure you donʼt want to
wait, though? I mean, my dad could... would probably...”
" A look from Tom silenced him. Tom liked to do things on his own terms.
" “Iʼm going to aim for the other side of this stream”, said Tom, indicating across the
small valley.
" “Alright. Do you want me to...” Tiernan trailed off, not quite sure what to offer to do.
" “Just stay here and donʼt do anything”, instructed Tom, giving him what he thought
to be the easiest task he had ever assigned him. “...and be quiet”, he added, pre-
" Tiernan seemed about to reply with some acknowledgement of this instruction, but
thought better of it.
" Tom had little conscious knowledge of how to Apparate, and had not found books
about it in any of the little libraries that heʼd found so far in Fengrey Hall. Evidently it was
more of an oral tradition in the Lestrange Family. Of course he could without doubt find a
manual in Flourish and Blottʼs, but as heʼd done it already without, it seemed to him almost
an insult to his abilities to buy a book to learn to do something he could clearly already do.
So, heʼd buy a manual if necessary, but heʼd much rather do it himself, here and now.
" Focussing on his intended destination and doing his best to ignore Tiernanʼs look of
being on tenterhooks watching him, Tom summoned all his will to recreate what he did
when he Apparated in the Great Hall just a few months back.
" He flung himself at his destination, and immediately after doing so realized that this
was not going to go well for him. Unprepared for failure, because he had allowed himself
to think only of his incumbent success, he was sufficiently caught off-guard that he did not
manage to perform any saving Spell, and instead careened into the little valley, hitting the
ground awkwardly and rolling to near the bottom before he skidded to a halt, slightly short
of the stream that babbled gently in the darkness.
" “Are you alright?” called Tiernan.
" “Never speak of...” began Tom, but had a better idea: “Obliviate”
" Tiernanʼs body rocked slightly as Tomʼs Charm hit it, and Tom undid the memory of
his fall, as he clambered back up to the top. Tom winced as he felt dirt on his hands and a
distinct dampness on his knees and backside, but fortunately it would be too dark for
Tiernan to see that, because Tom couldnʼt clean it off while he was still holding the Memory
Charm on Tiernan. He released the Charm.
" Tiernan looked around, confused.
" “Oh, there you are”, he said. “Sorry, you were saying?”
" “Just stay put and donʼt do anything unless Iʼm injured”, replied Tom with a smile.
“And be quiet”.
" Tomʼs second attempt was more conservative, and also more successful. Rather
than flinging himself into the valley as he had (foolishly, he now concluded) done last time,
he opted to create that feeling of movement by turning sharply on the spot, since then if he
failed, at least heʼd still be where he was.
" Gathering all his will again, he all but snarled as he turned, all his focus on the
opposite bank, ignoring Tiernan, and gloriously landed on the other side; he looked back
where heʼd come from, grinning, and then found himself face-to-face with Tiernan. Tom
stepped back and teetered on the spot, such that Tiernan automatically grabbed him to
steady him, bringing them back together. Tiernan smiled.
" “Youʼre pretty great”, he said.
" “Not perfect yet, but Iʼll get there”, assessed Tom, disentangling himself from
" “What do you want to do now?”
" “First, letʼs just...” began Tom, and Apparated back across the to other side, much
more smoothly this time, and then back again, this time intentionally and without arriving
an inch away from Tiernan.
" “Yep, I do believe you have it”, enthused Tiernan.
" “Now, I want to try...” said Tom, trailing off as he physically took hold of Tiernan, and
Apparated across to the other side of the stream with him, stumbling slightly upon arrival; it
was more clumsy with another person in tow.
" “Warn me next time”, breathed Tiernan, smiling nonetheless.
" “Consider yourself warned”, said Tom, and took them back to the other side. “Will
you try?” he asked.
" “No, I really canʼt”, said Tiernan, shaking his head.
" “Try”, said Tom, with a smile.
" “Really? Now?”
" “Obviously”
" “I donʼt know what to do though”
" “Just do what I did”, said Tom. After all, it seemed to Tom to be more a matter of
feeling, principle, power, and will, than any very technical thing.
" “Alright, Iʼll try”, said Tiernan uncertainly. He looked across the little valley, and back
at Tom, and back across the valley. “Right”, he said, and took a breath, and a couple more,
and then shook his legs out a bit, as though limbering up for some physical feat.
" “Stop doing all that and just go”, said Tom, “Now”
" Tiernan launched himself off, and plummeted mundanely into the stream, where he
lay for a moment before picking himself up.
" “I donʼt think...”, he said as he climbed back up to where Tom stood, “...I can do this
just yet”
" “Weʼll get you there yet”, laughed Tom.

“Mercuryʼs sweaty sandals, hereʼs some news”, said Tiernan, reading the front page
headline, upon the Daily Prophetʼs arrival to the breakfast table in the Throckmorton
Room. “Shock Death: Hogwartsʼ most promising young Quidditch Seeker killed in Muggle
" Those nearest Tiernan craned to try to see the headline and the article beneath it;
further down the table, people stood up. Belinda scalded herself with her tea, and put the
cup down a little too quickly, spilling it further.
" “What?” she demanded, while tending to her scalded hand, “Lies! Why are they
lying about me?”
" “I donʼt think itʼs about you, Belinda”, said Tiernan, his eyes scanning through the
article. “Yep, here we go”, he confirmed, then reading from the article:


Itʼs easy to think the Muggle War doesnʼt affect us magical folk, but not everybody has an
all-magical family, and many struggle to look out for their Muggle relatives, friends, and
neighbours. Last night, it was a matter of a much-loved young Witch being in the wrong
place at the wrong time, while trying to “bridge the gap” between Muggles and Wizardkind,
as many have lately argued we should do, despite all the sound arguments to the contrary
presented regularly by the Daily Prophet (see page 9 for a special editorial for the
confused or Confunded).

“Teires is dead”, enthused Belinda, “Tell me itʼs Teires”. Tom, meanwhile, had already got
the answer directly from Tiernanʼs mind. Tiernan continued reading:

“Owls delivering messages of condolence have been met with the remains of an empty
house, as it appears the entire family left the place during the bombing raid. Ossapheme
Fame, only 15 years old, was at her family home in Everton where her mother, talented
Witch Helen Fame, was entertaining the Muggle neighbours for dinner when the air-raid
sirens (a Muggle technology for raising a public alarm, which works by electrickery)
sounded. The house was of course perfectly protected by defensive Charms, but rather
than break the Statute of Secrecy by revealing this to the Muggles — which we remind our
readers is legal to do in an emergency — she fatefully opted for her and her daughter to
go with them to the nearby air-raid shelter (an unprotected hole in the ground, where
Muggles gather to hide from bombs). It would appear they were killed in the street on the
way to this dubious place of semi-safety.

The mother and daughter are survived, probably, by husband and father Aris Fame, a
Greek national whose whereabouts are currently unknown, but our sources suggest he is
in some way involved in the war effort.”

Tiernan folded down the paper, and put it on the table, where it was immediately picked up
by Abraxas.
" “Then thereʼs more about the importance of surviving, Statute of Secrecy be
damned if necessary”
" “Well, if itʼs Fame, thatʼs good too”, said Belinda. “I mean, Ravenclawʼs going to be
lost without her on the pitch”
" “More to the point”, said Tom, “This highlights the importance of protecting our own
during these times, and not playing at living like Muggles”
" “Hear hear”, said Tiernan, to murmurs of agreement from around the table. This
was, of course, why they were all here.
" “We should”, noted Abraxas, “be able to use this actively in some fashion”
" “There will of course be outrage, and it will of course be forgotten”, observed Tom.
" “So”, said Tiernan, “We need to be able to act swiftly, anything weʼre going to do
about this”.
" “Not too swiftly - itʼs not like itʼll go without mention when we get back to Hogwarts.
So we donʼt necessarily need to act during Summer”
" “But whatʼs the plan?”, asked Belinda. “Who do we strike at for this?”
" “Whom”, replied Marca. “And, I do not think, that violence is the correct course of
action here, but propaganda”
" “Go on”, said Abraxas.
" “This thing happened because they were trying to behave like Muggles. We cannot
openly criticize them for this, because one does not criticize the popular dead, not without
problems. So instead, we criticize what lead them to take this idealistic but foolish
" “The Statute of Secrecy”
" “Not just that, but the conflicting ideas contained in it”
" “What do you mean?”
" “Well, they want us to keep secret from the Muggles, but also to treat the Muggles
as though they are of equal worth. If a Witch or Wizard is to treat Muggles as though they
are of equal worth, then they will feel duty-bound to protect them also. But the reality is,
the way to protect them from themselves would be to do as Grindelwald advises and have
Open Rule for the Greater Good- but without murdering them without necessity, because
that is not a very good protection”
" “So, we advertise that any who really want harmony between Wizardkind and
Muggles should really support doing that with Open Rule”, agreed Abraxas.
" “After all, itʼs the only honest way to do it, too”, chimed in Tiernan. “Without all this
sneaking around”.
" “There we have it”, said Tom. “But theyʼll reject it, of course, just because
Grindelwald says it. So instead it must be posed as a question: what would we need to be
able to do to be able to live in harmony alongside the Muggles, without deception and
" “I donʼt want to live in harmony with Muggles”, piped up Belinda.
" “Nor do I”, laughed Tom, “But the point is we wonʼt have to. Those of us who wish to
rule them can rule them. Those of us who wish to mind our own business can mind our
own business. Muggle-Repellant Charms will still work, you know. In fact it should be
perfectly possible to rule them without coming into much contact with them”
" “So we gain power and freedom from cowering around in the shadows”, filled in
Abraxas, “without any downside that I can see”.
" “Exactly”
" “Well, alright then. So, whatʼs the plan?”
" “Make Tomʼs question the question everyone is asking”, said Tiernan.
" “How?”
" “Does anyoneʼs family have good contacts in the Daily Prophet?”, asked Tom.
" “Yes, of course”, replied Abraxas.
" “Do you feel up to writing a eulogy, Abraxas?”
" “To what end?”, asked the latter.
" “To her end”, of course, smiled Tom. “Just one angle of many from which we can
approach it. A well-written heartfelt eulogy from a friend at Hogwarts should get people
talking a little longer”
" “What do you want me to write?”
" “Find anything good you can say about her, and say it. Express your great respect
for her, how terrible her loss is, how tragic and needless, and how she — or rather, her
mother — was misled by misinterpreting the application of the Statute of Secrecy, how if
only it had been made clearer that we can and should use our magic in situations where
the need is great...”
" “Where life is in danger”, corrected Abraxas.
" “Where the need is great”, repeated Tom. “You see, if we say where the need is
great, theyʼll read it as an artistic rendering of where life is in danger, and let it slide without
editing, since itʼs such a personal piece. But by allowing it to be published, theyʼll have
acknowledged the slightly moved boundary, and itʼll start to seep into the public mind that
magic can and should be used where the need is great”
" “Alright”, agreed Abraxas, nodding slowly. “I follow that”.
" “I canʼt believe weʼre supposed to be singing the praises of this stuck up—” began
" “Quidditch”, said Tom, shushing her. “Good point, good idea, thank you, Belinda”
" “What?” asked Belinda, confused now.
" “You mentioned singing; Quidditch chants are very catchy, people hear them and
remember them. So letʼs honour the fallen Fame with a new chant, shall we?”
" Belinda looked to be highly conflicted by this suggestion.
" “If it helps”, added Tom, “Remember that you can use this to remind Ravenclaw
players of their loss, during at least the first game of the season, if not the others”
" “If weʼre doing it for tactical advantage, why wouldnʼt we do it for all their games? I
mean, we want them to lose against everyone; theyʼre usually our strongest rival. Maybe
we could let them win against Gryffindor”, she concluded, her brow furrowed in thought;
the thought in question being that while Gryffindor had yet to win the Quidditch Cup during
these past years at school, to accomplish this feat-of-exclusion had required several
hospitalizations, a faulty Snitch (or so she believed; Tom of course was privately aware
that it hadnʼt been the Snitchʼs flesh memory that was faulty that time; the fault had been
with Janaʼs flesh), and very close tie-breaks.
" “Well, by all means you can”, agreed Tom, “But the school might ban it if they think it
in poor taste”
" “So we might have just one shot at it?”
" “Correct. Consider though that if you make it largely focussed on how good she was
and what a shame it is they donʼt have her any more, you could well get some of the other
Houses joining in too, in solidarity”
" “Ha! How heart-warming”, interjected Walburga. “Consider us on it like a newly-
Charmed Comet”.
" “Any more ideas for this... Operation Ozzy, or whatever you want to call it?” asked
" “Well donʼt let me hog all the glory”, said Tom with a smile. “Anyone else with good
ideas to bring to the table?”
" “What is the correct method of changing laws in this country?”, asked Marca.
" “I have no idea”, admitted Tom. “Anyone?”
" “No clue here”, confessed Tiernan. “We make sure the Ministry overlooks any little
rule-breaking that we might engage in, but as for actually changing the rules in question...”
" “Make a donation and a suggestion at the same time”, said Abraxas, simply.
" “Simple bribery?”, asked Tom.
" “Itʼs never called that, of course”, answered Abraxas. “And the donation is never to
the Ministry itself as discretionary funds, because then itʼd be very difficult to defend it as
anything other than a bribe. Instead, something ostentatious is paid for, usually something
that will benefit the public and that nobody can criticise.”
" “And a favour asked in return?”
" “Not as such. Itʼs enough that the smallest suggestion be made. I wonder, Minister,
have you ever considered... — thatʼs enough to get the job done. He knows which side his
breadʼs buttered on, and which families he needs to keep sweet”
" “Very well”, said Tom. “Could you pursue that avenue?”
" “Wait... What change exactly do you want? Laws are rather specific, you know”
" “A slackening of the rules regards the non-use of magic around Muggles. In
essence, exactly the change we discussed when speaking of the eulogy... For a start,
" “I canʼt promise anything, and obviously Iʼll need to go through my parents. I can
comfortably tell you now that theyʼll be on board as far as the idea goes, but theyʼll only go
for it if they think it can be done — donʼt forget that because itʼs a donation to some
unrelated thing, not a bribe, the donation isnʼt conditional, and theyʼll have to pay up
regardless of whether the change they want made gets made or not”
" “Iʼm sure youʼll do your best”, smiled Tom.
" “Also, if Iʼm poking for this, the eulogy would be better coming from someone else,
to avoid the obvious immediate vested interest if weʼre going to use that wording. I can still
make sure it gets published, but someone else will need to pen it and sign it; itʼs just that
we can only have the Malfoy name on one thing or the other, but not both. Otherwise it
would compromise both”
" “Agreed. Any volunteers?”
" There was a moment of resounding silence and stillness, before Tiernan half-raised
a hand.
" “Sure, I can do it, if it needs doing”
" “Good show”, said Tom, “And... these are our Hogwarts supply letters, are they, by
the looks of it?” he noted, as some at the table had now begun opening theirs, after the
initial surprise of the newspaper headline which had, of course, been far more eye-
catching than what would surely be mostly a list of schoolbooks for the coming year.
" Not that it would be so necessary to have the lists in hand this year; Tiernanʼs
mother had arranged for representatives of shops such as Flourish and Blottʼs and Madam
Malkinʼs to come over and furnish school supplies to the assembled boys and girls, all
charged to their own familiesʼ accounts, of course. Naturally, Tom did not have an account,
but did have what should be enough gold with him to pay for his necessary wares, he
" None of that would need to be addressed until that afternoon at the earliest,
however, and for the time being there was a final free morning before Tiernanʼs parents
were due to return, and shop representatives due to visit. Tom had plans for profitable use
of this time, though they were admittedly delayed a little by waiting for the remaining
sleepyheads to get up and breakfast. This only strengthened Tomʼs resolve to follow
through on an idea he had for their last little training session of the summer.
Chapter Two
The Farnham Room

The Farnham Room where they now gathered was an airy attic room, large enough to
accommodate the assembled Slytherins, without anybody needing to be so close to the
sides as to need to incline their heads on account of the slanty ceiling. The rain outside
beat down upon the slated roof, and upon the windows that were spaced unevenly along
" “When it comes to engaging Witches and Wizards who do not share our views and
need to be reminded of the precariousness of their position”, began Tom, “we need a little
more than our standard duelling arsenal. Iʼm talking, of course, about the so-called
Unforgivable Curses”.
" Belinda smiled broadly like she had won some manner of prize, and Morgan and
Octavian exchanged grins.
" “Now, weʼre going to have little to no need of the Killing Curse in our harmless little
exploits aimed at... nudging people in a more useful direction than they might perhaps
choose of their own accord, but the other two, we should be able to employ quite liberally; I
daresay I donʼt need to explain how or why”
" Those around him nodded, but not without a few looks of consternation amongst
them, including Abraxas.
" “Isnʼt that going to attract rather a little more attention than weʼd like? Or at least,
the wrong sort of attention from the wrong people? The Ministry monitors for things like
" “It does, yes”, said Tom. “However, at Hogwarts, there is too much magic in the
place overall for the Ministry to be able to discern what spells are being used - it only
appears on their charts as on big glowing mass of magic - as youʼll remember from Ab
Schola Condita and other works that address this issue. Iʼm sure youʼll be aware it caused
quite some concern when the Ministry of Magic first set up the modern incarnation of its
Magic Monitoring Office, and tried to place the onus on Headmaster Black to arrange a
better view for them; it just couldnʼt be done, not that Black was especially keen to have
Ministry Officials snooping at Hogwarts anyway”
" “What about here, though?” asked Emlyn.
" “If, as it seems, youʼre suggesting we all practice the other two Unforgivable Curses
here and now”, said Milton, “do you have anything set up to stop the Ministry from seeing a
mass of Imperius Curses and Cruciatus Curses, and wondering what the wittering whasset
is going on at Tiernanʼs house?”
" “If I may?” responded Tiernan, half-raising his hand as though in class.
" “You may”, smiled Tom.
" “We have a special exemption from the M.M.O., for services rendered to the
Ministry”, said Tiernan. “My grandfather used to developed experimental Charms for
them”, he explained, “and got special exemption for the house in return, and we still have
it, even though he died long ago now”
" “Nobody cared when I used a Killing Curse here last year to get rid of an adder in
the cellar”, noted Tom. “And Tiernanʼs father was about to do the same when it bit him, so
obviously itʼs not a problem”
" “Youʼre sure?” asked Abraxas. “We have it at Malfoy Manor just the same, but we
have to, well, make sure itʼs maintained and that they donʼt let it lapse”
" He spoke as though it were a matter of bureaucracy, and that the Ministry would
never deliberately intrude on his familyʼs privacy, but it was obvious from his thoughts that
this privacy was upheld at the cost of regular “charitable donations” to various causes, and
was unofficially contingent on the constancy of such.
" “Quite sure”, said Tiernan, with a nod.
" “Wait, you mean quite sure as in completely sure, or quite sure as in rather sure, but
not entirely?”
" “Err...” replied Tiernan, hesitantly.
" “Well, that answers that”, said Abraxas, irritably. “Riddle, I donʼt think this is going to
be a good idea”.
" Tomʼs mind raced for a way to test the houseʼs defences. If the house did not still
have exemption from Ministry oversight, then he quite possibly couldnʼt get away with
doing an Imperius Curse or a Cruciatus Curse without exceptionally good reason. It would
be as well to check again to ensure that Spells here would go unnoticed; he couldnʼt
conjure a snake and claim it was anything other than a deliberately arranged killing, if it
turned out the Ministry was now paying attention - but Brega could bring him something to
kill as a pest. If nothing bad happened as a result, then practicing the other two would
surely be safe.
" “Mable!” called Tom. With a crack, the House Elf appeared a second later. It looked
around, expectantly, awaiting an order of drinks or snacks or such. “Mable, go find my owl
and tell him I want him here, now”
" “Mable can bring him for you directly, Master Tom Sir”, offered the Elf.
" “You can try”, said Tom, with a half-laugh. “If you fail to do that, deliver my message
and impress upon him that I want him here promptly”
" Mable the House Elf bowed, and vanished.
" “My owl will be able to bring us some snake or rat or something that we can kill and
see if it causes any problem”, explained Tom to the others, as they awaited Mableʼs return.
“Heʼll bring something, weʼll kill it, then have a break while we wait and see if we get any
attention from the Ministry, and if we donʼt, we can go ahead with our plans”, he
" “Alright”, consented Abraxas with a sigh, “but if this goes badly, itʼs going to be
bloody expensive to put right”
" Tom smiled, at the implicit assurance that things would be put right by the old
familiesʼ money if they were to go wrong.
" With a crack, Mable reappeared, looking somewhat chastened.
" “Mable regrets to inform that Master Tomʼs owl escaped. Mable was able to shout
after the owl, but Mable does not know if he understood the instruction”
" Tom opened a window with a flick of his wand. The House Elf cringed, clearly
unsure as to whether it was to be punished for its failure. Tom, meanwhile, did not dismiss
the Elf, as if Brega didnʼt arrive soon, heʼd send Mabel to go get something directly. Come
to think of it, he probably should have sent the Elf first. Oh well.
" “Brega-hahaha-hoo!” - Brega flapped into the room, causing the window to bang
shut noisily after him, as he knocked it off the latch while passing through. “Hahaha-hoo!”,
he added, upon seeing Mable.
" “Mable, go make yourself useful somewhere”, said Tom. The House Elf didnʼt
hesitate to vanish. “Brega, bring me some small animal, alive, as soon as possible;
whatever you can find most quickly; Iʼm not fussy”
" Brega lifted off and made straight for the now closed window, fighting briefly with the
latch mechanism before Tom opened it for him, and let him out. The owl disappeared out
of sight.
" “He could be gone for a long time”, noted Antonin. “We should arrange lunch, I
" “Heʼll be gone a few minutes; ten or fifteen minutes at most”, countered Tom. “There
are plenty of things on these moors, and heʼs a good hunter”
" While it was clear that not all present shared Tomʼs optimism, and Antoninʼs
suggestion prompted an increasingly lively discussion of the idea of lunch, especially
amongst those who had risen (and thus breakfasted) much earlier than the lazier
latecomers, Brega returned before the argument had reached any consensus, which
immediately took all attention back to him.
" It took a moment to work out what the slightly bloodied creature was that Brega
bore in his talons, but it became more obvious when Brega let go and it started flapping
around, that it was a small Scopsie owl. Brega recaptured it at pecked at it some more,
before letting it go again.
" “Thatʼs my owl!” exclaimed Lucretia, taking out her wand; Tom readied himself to
protect Brega if necessary.
" “Brega-hahaha-hoo!” sung Brega, proudly.
" “Youʼre sure itʼs yours?”, asked Tom, as Lucretia knelt down and scooped up the
injured bird onto her lap.
" “Of course Iʼm sure”, said Lucretia, “This is Olga, my owl, and now look at the state
of her after your birdʼs pecked her half to death”
" “But you live in London, donʼt you?”, asked Tom, frowning.
" “What has that to do with anything?”, asked Lucretia, looking up from the owl in
" “Well, I would have thought youʼd have an owl that could do the long journey
between London and Hogwarts”
" “I didnʼt choose her”, said Lucretia, “She was a present from my Aunt Cordelia, so I
could hardly not use her; thatʼd be rude. I just use the long distance service when itʼs
called for; Tiernan, do you have Dittany?”
" “Who?” asked Tiernan.
" “Dittany, for healing cuts, stopping bleeding, and all that. Quickly”
" “I donʼt know”, replied Tiernan, looking to Tom as though he might know better what
was in Tiernanʼs own house.
" “So if something unfortunate were to happen to this owl”, noted Tom, ignoring that
and indicating Olga, “Youʼd get a free pass on getting a new better owl, without offending
your aunt?”
" “Well yes, but thatʼs beside the point” argued Lucretia, looking more annoyed now
as the blood spread from her hands to her clothing. “Will you please help me with this
" “I know just the Spell”, said Tom, levelling his wand at it.
" “What... no!”
" “Perhaps youʼd prefer to do it yourself?”, suggested Tom.
" “No, I... This is my owl...”
" “Come on, cuz”, said Walburga, soothingly. “The birdʼs done for. Might as well end it
" “I canʼt”
" “Want me to do it for you, cuz?” Walburga offered. Lucretia sighed, and looked
somewhat deflated.
" “Maybe if you put Olga down off your lap onto the floor”, suggested Tom. “You donʼt
want Walburga to miss and end up without a cousin”
" “To end up without a cousin”, said Walburga, looking up at Tom, “Iʼd need to miss
and kill at least half the people here, for a start. But yes, probably best not to do it on
Lucretiaʼs lap... Come on, here... Avada kedavra”
" Walburga consoled Lucretia, while Tom discussed logistics with Tiernan.
" “So how long would an owl usually take to get here with something from the
" “Well, for here they dispatch from the Plymouth Owl Office”, said Tiernan, “So,
fifteen minutes, maybe twenty?”
" “Right, then. Shall we see about those sandwiches, and if we havenʼt heard
anything in half an hour, get going?”
" “Sounds good to me”, said Tiernan, and a number of others nodded or murmured
their agreement.
" When half an hour (and two large platters of sandwiches) had gone by without
incident, Tom called the room to order.
" “So, let us begin with our starting point”, he said once he had everyoneʼs attention.
“Who here has already cast an Imperius Curse?”.
" Nobody indicated that they had done so.
" “Cruciatus Curse?”, he asked. Walburga and Belinda both raised their hands,
prompting some raised eyebrows.
" “What?” objected Belinda. “House Elf discipline”
" “Same” said Walburga. “Canʼt mollycoddle them, you know”
" Apparently everyone else could, but Tom at least could readily see the merits of the
more firm approach. Letting them off easily for small offences would only encourage the
commission of larger offences, and that was obviously to be discouraged.
" “Alright”, he said. “Letʼs begin gently with the Imperius Curse”
" “What if one Killing Curse doesnʼt flag up at the Ministry, but a score of Imperius
Curses do?”, queried Abraxas.
" “Then we say, and truthfully so, that we only wanted to be prepared in the case of
the wars catching up with us; even if not to use these Curses, but to know how to handle
them when cast upon us”, replied Tom, echoing the rationale he had used with Jana last
year at Hogwarts. It was well-received more readily here.
" “Thatʼs true”, agreed Morgan Rosier, “They can hardly complain at us wanting to be
prepared, after news like this morningʼs”
" Granted, Fameʼs death had been the result of the Muggle war, not the Wizarding
one, but still, this too garnered nods of assent around the room.
" “But they are Unforgiveable”, observed Antonin. “Does this not mean that our
reason does not matter?”
" “Thereʼs the War Clause”, said Milton Mulciber. “In times of war, any use of those
Curses is subject to case-by-case examination, so as long as weʼre clearly doing it for
training and by agreement, not randomly torturing people and all that, weʼll be fine”
" After a small amount of further discussion, there was no more active dissent, and
Tom directed everyone to pair up.
" “Are you pairing up as well?”, asked Lucretia. “Thereʼs an odd number without you”
" “There will not be”, said Marca, “I will spectate only”
" Tom had mixed feelings about this; her not taking part might encourage others to sit
out too, especially when they came to the Cruciatus Curse. On the other hand, it was quite
likely that Marca would be nigh impossible to Imperius, and it occurred to Tom that she and
the Cruciatus Curse might actually go very badly together, come to think of it.
" For simplicity of knowing when success had occurred, and also to stop people from
doing anything too bad to each other (that could come later, after all), Tom had everyone
endeavour to Imperius their practice partner to kneel, taking turns.
" Some got this almost immediately; others took more tries. Many had their task
made easier or more difficult by who their partner was. From the sidelines, it was
interesting to see a hierarchy of Will unfolding, of exactly who could most naturally
dominate whom. Abraxas was perhaps at the top end of this scale; Emlyn was perhaps at
the bottom of it.
" “Change practice partners”, Tom directed the group. Upon them doing so, it further
underlined what heʼd already observed, albeit with the addition that some people were
more naturally inclined to obey certain people than others, their general level of Will
notwithstanding. Closer friends were more likely to fall to each otherʼs Spells, for instance,
and attraction seemed to play its part too. But it wasnʼt all going to be so pleasant.
" “Weʼre running short of time”, Tom observed, “So letʼs get in some practice of the
Cruciatus Curse, before Tiernanʼs parents get back. If youʼve yet to master the Imperius
Curse, well, I suggest you borrow a friend and practice when we get back to Hogwarts. I
recommend the Forbidden Forest as a good spot to do so without bringing such practices
unnecessarily to the attention of others”
" A few glances were exchanged; a mixture of acknowledgements of this idea, along
with a small amount of consternation from some, that they would now be moving to the
painful Curse.
" “Pair up again”, said Tom, “and make it someone you havenʼt practiced with already
in this little session today”.
" He added this last, because people had so far naturally paired up as much as
possible according to their smaller friendship groups-within-the-group, and now itʼd be
better for them to avoid those people, to avoid them having problems like Jana had at first,
and being reticent to torture their friends. Privy to their thoughts, Tom noted those who
quietly wished they could excuse themselves as Marca already had, but who did not now
wish to lose face, having committed this far.
" Indeed, with the exception of those two who had already practiced the Cruciatus
Curse on House Elves, it took a little while longer to get going with this one.
" “Remember, you have to mean it”, said Tom. “Find a reason to really want to hurt
your partner, even if itʼs just because you really, really care about being able to do it”
" Before long, the room was ringing with occasional shouts and even screams; Marca
had left the room to go somewhere else to avoid the noise after being unsuccessful in
adequately blocking the sound from her ears, and Tom cast a few judicious Silencing
Charms where necessary.
" The training session was interrupted by Mable appearing, who then looked quite
alarmed at what was going on.
" “What is it?” asked Tiernan, turning his attention from failing to hurt Octavian.
" “Sirs told Mable to tell you when Master and Mistress Lestrange return to Fengrey
Hall”, said Mable, “And they is now here”.
" “Well, it seems itʼs time to call it a day”, said Tom. “Mable, do not speak of any of
our activities that you may have witnessed in this room”
" “If my parents ask”, added Tiernan, “Tell them about anything except for this. That
way you can give them an answer without causing trouble for me. Got it”
" “Yes Master Tiernan Sir”, nodded the Elf, but not without a tone of worry.

Down in the Clackmannan Room, Tiernan and Tom greeted Tiernanʼs parents in advance
of the rest coming down, some of whom needed longer than others to make themselves
presentable, and some of whom were content to loiter with those taking longer.
" “Youʼre back early”, noted Tiernan, when the obligatory greetings were out of the
" “Yes, we had expected to stop longer after lunch”, said Lothair, “but Reginald Borgin
was there, and you know how tiresome he can get”
" “I suppose youʼve managed well enough without us?” asked Victoria Lestrange with
a smile.
" “Yes, yeah, fine... delightful. Everybodyʼs just great. No problems” replied Tiernan
amiably, and as innocently as possible.
" “You look exhausted dear, been up late partying, have you?”
" “Erm, I...”
" “Well, he hasnʼt burned the house down”, laughed Lothair, “so Iʼm sure allʼs well and
" As the others made their way down in ones and twos and threes, the greetings and
in polite interrogations took up much of the next half an hour or more, and Marca managed
to get off the hook completely, as Madame Malkin, the young Witch from the robe shop in
Diagon Alley, arrived to do measurings for the new school yearʼs school robes.
" The fittings took a good while, what with the number of people present to be fitted,
and were interrupted periodically by deliveries of books, potions supplies, and the like from
other traders with whom almost everyone already had family accounts.
" At the Lestrangesʼ insistence, accounts were also made for those few who did not
have such already, including Tom, whose family name was obviously new to each trader
who heard it, irking him increasingly each time this occurred.
" Reflecting on this in his room that night when everyone had retired, Tom thought to
himself that he wanted to create a world in which nobody would ever again “I donʼt know
that name” when his was mentioned. It had become increasingly clear that either his father
had never been at Hogwarts, or he had lied about his name, or changed his name, or they
had got it wrong at the orphanage.
" Wherever the break in that chain was, one thing was certain: the name “Riddle” was
not the name of any magical family of which there was record. The only place Tom had
been able to find mentions of the name “Riddle”, other than those pertaining to him, were
in the Muggle archives in London, and he most certainly did not wish to be associated with
Muggles of the same name, whether he was related to them or not (and he hoped not).
" To cleans himself of that association, after thinking long and hard on the matter, he
resolved to make a new name. Not a nom-de-plume alone, though he would use it from
now on in correspondance, but a name that would come to be more him than “Tom
Marvolo Riddle”.
" He liked the sound and meaning of the name he had used previously in some
correspondance, but had had to abandon, “Volodymyr Belovol”, but obviously would not be
using that.
" He liked the feel and meaning of the codename in use for him during masked
operations, Baal, but much less so the sound of that. He wanted something that conveyed
the nobility aspect, but sounded better spoken.
" On the other hand, if he finally traced his blood to its Wizarding origins, it would be
good to still have some connection to that in his name, just not so overt that it is there for
all to see in the meanwhile. No, heʼd need a connection thatʼd only be seen when pointed
" He wrote out various elements, “Volodymyr Belovol”, “Baal”, and “Tom Marvolo
" He scrapped “Baal”, and wrote in the words “King”, “Emperor”, and “Lord”. Then he
erased the former two, since they were too tied to geographic concepts, and without a
kingdom or empire at his command, lost their meaning.
" He looked at the words “Lord Volodymyr Belovol”, and “Tom Marvolo Riddle”. His
eyes were drawn to the repetition of “volo”, and he started looking at how a name might be
made combining elements from each name. “Volodymyr”, looking backwards at it, had
“Rydl”, and he could get to “Ryddle” if he borrowed from the other words.
" Using his wand now to pull the letters apart from each other on the page, he began
idly swapping things around. The “T” of Tom was the most conspicuous by its absence on
the other side, so he tried with it as “Volodymyrt”, half-remembering meanings of
fragments of words from names and Charms and things he had learned in his Glyphs and
Tongues lessons, he remembered about the power of the M-R-T triad.
" He frowned. Now there were too many Ys, in fact, there were none on the other
side. He took them all out. “Volodmrt”. Didnʼt exactly roll off the tongue. He moved one of
the Os. “Voldomort”, wait, that had too many Os now. But no, there were three on the other
side; that was fine.
" And so he continued, until finally, on the one side he had “Tom Marvolo Riddle”, and
on the other, a rendering that was meaningful, powerful, and pleasing. He flicked the
words up into the air, over-scoring the shadowy letters with a ghostly white glow now, such
that he could better look at them in the semi-darkness of the room:

Chapter Three
New Blood

On Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Lucretiaʼs younger brother Orion had been
engaged in conversation by a new first-year-to-be, and was now going through the
traditional ritual of figuring out the newcomerʼs background, though it didnʼt look promising,
as the boy was worse-dressed than even Tom had been on his first day.
" “Whatʼs your name?”, Orion asked the boy.
" “Paul Weaver”. Like Smith and Potter, the name probably had some Muggle
descent - although as magic was also a thing that could be woven, not just textiles, it
wasnʼt absolutely certain, and then there was also the Night Terror Weaver, with which
Tom had become acquainted last year as a result of the then-fourth-yearsʼ shenanigans.
" “What Houses were your parents in?”, asked Orion, pointedly
" “Oh, they were nothing to do with all this”, said Weaver.
" “Muggles?” double-checked Orion, with a tone of distaste.
" “Yeah. Problem?” demanded Weaver, stepping closer to Orion in an effort to
intimidate him, despite being smaller and obviously knowing negligible magic.
" “Well letʼs just say weʼre not accustomed to your kind in our House”, laughed Orion.
He had no fear, of course. He was Orion Black, with half a dozen relatives on the platform,
let alone other Slytherins. And that was without consideration of the difference in relative
size and likely power making either a physical or magical attack unlikely to succeed even if
Orion didnʼt have such convincing back-up.
" Weaver was clearly rankled, but not hot-headed; not out for a fight for fightingʼs
" “I heard people talking about Slytherin, saying it prides itself on being the best
House. If thatʼs the case, I want in. Whatʼve I got to do?”
" Tom smiled, as the boy reminded him of him at that age, and then dropped the
smile instantly as he realized this was a Mudblood reminding him of him.
" Alphard, Orionʼs older brother, joined the conversation:
" “Youʼd have to be ambitious, cunning, ruthless, pragmatic, and determined enough
to get into our House despite your dirty Muggle blood”, he said.
" “Watch me”, said Weaver, coldly.
" “Oh, we will”, smiled Orion, without kindness. The conversation was interrupted by
the whistling-and-hooting approach of the Hogwarts Express; the assembled
schoolchildren took to readying their luggage and jostling for position to get the best seats.
" “Some Mudblood, eh?” joked Tiernan, as he, Tom, and a collection of their usual
companions gravitated towards the carriage that would be next to Slughornʼs private
compartment. It made sense, as half of them would be invited into the latter anyway.
" “Quite”, said Tom. “Where do you think heʼll be Sorted, Tiernan?”
" “Got to be Gryffindor”, he replied. “Plucky little one; obviously not got the blood for
Slytherin, and probably not the brains for Ravenclaw. Canʼt see him going to Hufflepuff.
" “Probably Gryffindor, as you say”, said Tom. “He clearly has many of the qualities
for Slytherin, but that Hat could never put him with us, not with how Slytherin himself felt
about Mudbloods”
" “He thought, that they were dangerous”, chimed in Marca. “It is not known that he
found them equally contemptible as we in more enlightened times find them to be”. Tom
and Antonin stopped in their tracks to address this distinctly minority assessment of
Salazar Slytherinʼs Blood politics. Marca, however, boarded the train without looking back
— evidently under the impression that the boys in her immediate vicinity had taken a
“ladies first” approach to boarding.

When they finally arrived up to Hogwarts, the Great Hall was decked in sombre tones of
dark blue, clearly an effort to present a look between funerary black and a nod to Fameʼs
Ravenclaw colours. There was a hush as everyone filed in to take their seats, and await
the Sorting of the new first-years.
" Dippet strode in after everyone else was already in place. He took his time to
smarten up his robes, not concerning himself with the hundreds of people currently waiting
for him, and finally spoke:
" “To our new arrivals, welcome to Hogwarts. At this point in the evening, we
traditionally Sort you into your Houses before giving any start of term notices, and finishing
with the start-of-term feast. Today we will be honouring this tradition, and also honouring
our fallen dead in these terrible wars”
" Dumbledore took on his usual role of Hatter, and began by placing the Sorting Hat
ceremoniously on the stool that appeared to serve only this function.
" The Sorting Hatʼs song was a little less cheery than its norm:

We can all pull together

My brimʼs near torn in two
Iʼm just very old leather
But the same could happen to you

In times of war and strife

Itʼs easy to lose oneʼs way
Hardship, tears, and loss of life
Wanting to hide away

But we must reach out

And try to help each other
This wise old hat, have no doubt
Knows you must help your brother

Gryffindors brave may rush to save

Those weaker all around them
Hufflepuffs may say “Enough!”
And help those where theyʼve found them

Ravenclaws might take a pause

Lend their minds to the big picture
Even Slytherin, the beast within
Can add their talents to the mixture

The Founders themselves

Found themselves divided
We must be better, we must resolve
To not be so blindsided

So honour your House in its truest form

Donʼt let its noble values get distorted
Make this cold world more warm
And live up to how you are Sorted
Finally, the Sorting Hat shut its brim-hole.
" “Even Slytherin?” muttered Tiernan to the backdrop of applause. “I swear that hat
doesnʼt like us”
" “I think we should give it a reason. Iʼm seriously going to set that hat on fire one
day”, replied Tom, prompting smirks from more than one nearby Slytherin.
" “Burke, Huntley” was Sorted to Slytherin in but an instant - expectedly so, as the
Burkes were an old Pureblood family, not popularly held in quite such esteem as for
example the Lestranges, Malfoys, or Blacks, but nevertheless the Burke family was one of
the Sacred Twenty-Eight, on paper at the very least, and their ideals certainly lived up to
that, making it quite unsurprising that young Huntley Burke had evidently grown to be a
" “Clay, Pomona” was not difficult to sort into Hufflepuff, like her fourth-year brother
Marvin. At least in this case it wasnʼt merely the Hat being lazy and sorting families into the
same House - she clearly was as much a Hufflepuff as he.
" Eventually the Hat had only one left to Sort, that being “Weaver, Paul”, from the
" Hmm, thought the Hat, talking in Weaverʼs head but quite accessible there to Tom,
you do have a lot of determination, donʼt you?
! — Yeah I do, thought Weaver, Let me show them.
! — Could be Hufflepuff, all that determination, a hardy one you are.... not that youʼre
lacking bravery...
! — I can be the best, I can do it and donʼt you dare doubt me.
! — Slytherin pride and self-belief, and not a drop of blood behind it, well this is a
pretty conundrum, a thirst to prove yourself, yes, and your rise would be all the greater for
having come from so low a starting place...
! — Donʼt deny me this.. I can do it... I will do it...
! — Hufflepuff would support you better, yet Slytherin could lift you higher, what to do,
what do to indeed
! —I donʼt need support; I need a chance, Hogwarts is my chance, one chance, and I
want the best step up I can find. I deserve this!
! —All I can give you is what you deserve, and itʼll be a very hard time in...

! “Slytherin!” the Hat called out, to audible gasps and murmurs from a good number
of those who knew of him from the station or the train, and had spent this whole time
assuming the Sorting Hat was deciding between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, or at the very
least, not Slytherin.
" There was the usual obligatory applause, albeit somewhat more stifled and in some
cases non-existent amongst those Slytherins who had already met the boy. He made his
way over to the Slytherin table with a cocky gait and a smirk; taking a place at the table,
those to each side shifted uneasily away from him.
" “Now before we dine, it is my sad duty to announce that during summer, Hogwarts
lost one of our own, an innocent casualty in the ongoing strife that has claimed so many
lives of late. It is with a heavy heart and deep personal grief that I ask you to join me in
remembering Ossapheme Fame”
" There was a bang, and colourful party streamers erupted — hooting and tooting as
they shot through the air — from the tip of Belindaʼs wand, which she had been holding
balanced on the table, point upwards. She looked as shocked as any."
" “Sorry”, she mouthed. “That never happens!”, she added, muttering “I didnʼt even
say anything” as the bright ribbons of paper fluttered down onto the heads of those around
her, and were subsequently brushed off - with some measure of annoyance from those
who had been thusly adorned.
" Up at the Staff table, Merrythought looked murderous, Vassy looked repulsed, and
Slughorn cringed. Dumbledoreʼs reaction was perhaps most interesting; he glared at
Belinda with a mixture of ire and something that Tom couldnʼt quite decide upon.... was it
pain? Anguish? Pity? Tom wasnʼt good at recognising a lot of emotions, and being
consistently unable to access Dumbledoreʼs mind directly did not help. Tomʼs curiosity
was, however, interrupted by Dippet continuing:
" “Ossapheme Fame will be known to most of you especially for her prowess on the
Quidditch pitch, where her skills both as Seeker and as Captain brought renown to
Ravenclaw House”
" There was a distinctly more positive murmuring in response to this from the
Ravenclaw table than from the other tables, though of course nobody could deny her
being well-known for this, especially with her having had a catchy Quidditch chant to her
name, not to mention her Quidditch career having been mentioned before her name in the
Daily Prophet obituary. However, it was not something that the other three Houses had
generally considered to be a pleasing trait — though admittedly, many did respect her for
it, at least.
" “It may not be known to so many of you that Ossapheme Fame was also a skilled
duellist, though itʼs true that she was not a regular at the Inter-House Duelling Club,
preferring to keep her limbs intact for the Quidditch Cup, and appearing in duels only after
Ravenclawʼs final game of each season”
" Tom had in fact noticed this, but would not have expected her cowardice to be
lauded so; and in any case, she was hardly the only one to appear just in time to make a
mad dash effort to rack up a few extra House Points towards the end of each school year.
Tom and the other regulars invariably looked forward to these late-year additions, since
they were easy pickings, ill-accustomed to the Duelling Club and each duellistʼs individual
style, personal repertoire of Spells, and such. Granted, Ozzy didnʼt tend to fare badly, as
Tom recalled, which actually did suggest sheʼd probably have been a force to be reckoned
with, had she actually put more effort in to duelling, and shown up all year round. Tom
looked forward to the new seasonʼs duelling starting, as Dippet droned on:
" “Her dedication to her House was well known, but Ossapheme Fame was a popular
Witch with many friends who will miss her in all Houses”
" Well, perhaps a loose sense of the word “popular”, anyway, thought Tom. From
exchanged glances and occasional hushed words around the Hall, it was clear that some
others thought likewise.
" “To those who might wonder how best to honour our fallen friend, I will say to you
this: live those values that she herself held so highly, of academic and sporting pursuits
alike; do your best in all your schoolwork, OWL and NEWT students, push for those extra
" Well, it seemed everyone had something to use Ozzyʼs death for, and Dippet was
no exception, apparently.
" “But let us not forget the very human aspect at play here; Ossapheme Fame was a
dear friend to many, and it is very important that while we grieve, we do not let our sorrow
turn to anger, and blame the Muggles for this tragedy”
" Blame the Muggles for this tragedy, repeated Tiernan under his breath, next to Tom,
who smiled.
" “The Muggle and Magical communities each face grave dangers at present, and
neither is lesser than the other, as both present very real existential threats, and of course
both are inextricably intertwined. In the one, Gellert Grindelwald seeks to tear down all that
which we hold dear, the harmony that we have enjoyed these many years, and replace it
with a mire of Dark Magic, and the false supremacy of the few over the many. In the other,
Muggles echo this ideology without understanding, without seeing the big picture”
" Tom nodded, thoughtfully; Dippet was at least correct in this last part: the Muggles
were of course very much in the dark, and would need to taught their place — and they
would, in time.
" “Even now, Ossaphemeʼs father continues to do his part for the downfall of
Grindelwald and the restoration of the peace that will bring solace to many. So let us
honour her memory, do the best we can for our school that she loved, and help to create
the better times that we seek to see in the wake of this terrible war”
" It was thus with a more sombre atmosphere than usual they all began their
welcome feast, though it did not take long for spirits to recover throughout much of the
Hall; a particularly joyous spirit was Peeves, who even perked the Ravenclaws up a bit,
albeit by angering them more than cheering them.

As for the Slytherins, when the feast was over and they re-entered the Common Room,
Orion Black was arguing with Paul Weaver, and a small crowd of onlookers had
" “It doesnʼt change anything”, said Orion, “even a Muggle can have ambition, you
still hardly belong here”
" “The Sorting Hat seems to think otherwise”, countered Weaver.
" “Well itʼs got to put you somewhere, hasnʼt it?”, said Orion. “The Hat judges us on
our qualities, and if yours are few, then itʼs going to be rather limited”
" “Where would you have put me then, if you know me so well?” challenged Weaver.
" “On the train home, filth” spat Orion.
" “Hate to break it to you, knobhead, but this is my home now until the holidays, and
thereʼs nothing you can do about it”
" “Weʼll see about that” smirked Orion.
" “Oh yeah? Think you have more say than the Headmaster?”
" Given that Orion was a Black, thought Tom, there was actually every chance that
his sprawling and powerful family could buy or bully the Headmaster, who was after all a
reclusive academic. Orion, it seemed, had a similar view.
" “You know nothing”, he said. “You know absolutely nothing of this world, how it all
works. Who we are. Which families can crush others like insects. Which families you donʼt
want to provoke”
" “Families, is it?” sneered Weaver. “Going to run to Mummy?”
" There were several bangs and flashes, and Weaver lay groaning on the floor, his
robes smoking slightly. He had been hit by at least three Curses, possibly more, and
certainly everyone present now had their wands drawn, except for Weaver.
" “Donʼt” said Tom, holding up a hand to stop Walburga from demonstrating her ability
to use the Cruciatus Curse. “Not worth that trouble”, he said. Of course, he knew that
Hogwarts had so much magic present that individual Spells could not be traced by the
Ministry — he himself had cast a number of Cruciatus Curses in the castle and its
grounds, after all — but casting an Unforgiveable Curse on a first-year who would be sure
to report who had done it, in front of a score of witnesses who could be interrogated with
Veritaserum or Legilimency or both? That would be a incredibly bad idea.
" Walburga barely restrained herself, and Orion and Lucretia looked full of hate and
contempt in equal measure. Alphard Black, who had been behind some others, pushed
through to join them. Others around looked shocked, or stony-faced, or vicariously
angered. The Black family was respected perhaps as much as any family could be, even
by those who were not direct blood relatives.
" “I think heʼs learned his lesson for now”, said Tom, “and if he needs reminding, well,
reminders can be arranged, donʼt you think?” he added with a smile.
" “He cannot... insult the House of Black like that and get away with it”, said
Walburga, “Our family, all our families...”
" “What say you, Mudblood?” asked Tom, nudging him with his foot to prompt an
" “They were... they were right”, croaked Weaver. “Youʼre all a bunch of in-bred
" This time it was Tom who Cursed him first, with a Stunning Spell, before anyone
else could do anything that would land them in Azkaban.
" “I want him out of here”, said Walburga, trembling with rage.
" “Out of this school”, said Orion, firmly.
" “Out of this plane of existence”, furthered Lucretia, with a look of disgust. Alphard
put his hand on her shoulder in solidarity.
" Tom conjured chains onto the downed Mudblood, and magically lifted him into the
" “Do we have a dustbin or something in here?”
" “We do now” laughed an older student, Conjuring one large enough.
" “Jolly good”, said Tom, dumping him in, head first. “Someone get the door; we can
put this in the corridor. No need to clutter up our living space with rubbish, after all”, he
joked. There were murmurs of agreement, and the atmosphere was a lot lighter after this
was done. If anything, it united them together in one spirit, and there was almost a party
feeling to the place now.

The next day, they learned that Weaver had been released from his bonds early in the
morning, by a House Elf on its cleaning round. Not being sure which dormitory was his,
and certainly not wanting to try to get in someone elseʼs bed, heʼd gone to sleep on a sofa
in one of the annexes, until he was woken up by the first wave of activity in the Common
Room, that being first-years being got up to go get breakfast before receiving a formal
welcome from Slughorn.
" As far as anyone knew, nobody mentioned anything to Slughorn about the previous
nightʼs kerfuffle, and Slughorn was hardly going to think it strange that a poor Mudblood
looked scruffier than his usual students of much better background; it was only to be
expected, after all. Slughorn would be no doubt disappointed too, of course, and would
surely be quite keen to be rid of him too; they had the reputation of Slytherin House to
upkeep, and it was not the House of scruffy Muggle-spawn layabouts.
Chapter Four
A Healerʼs Apprenticeship

The first lesson of the new term was Defence against the Dark Arts, and the door to
Professor Merrythoughtʼs office flung itself open as she entered the room. She flicked it
shut behind her with a gesture of her wand, while the class jumped to their feet, as she
insisted they do upon her arrival to the classroom. They were but a few seconds into the
class, and already she did not look pleased.
" “Under what circumstances can a Witch or Wizard of any age use magic legally in
the presence of a Muggle or Muggles?” she demanded.
" There was nobody in the room who did not immediately raise a hand to indicate
they knew the answer.
" “Bagnold!” she snapped.
" “Magic can be used in front of Muggles in exceptional circumstances, including
situations when the life of the Witch or Wizard is threatened, or the lives of other Witches,
Wizards and Muggles are threatened”
" “Good”, replied Merrythought, no less curtly, and without distributing any House
Points for the answer. “And what if youʼre uncertain whether the situation qualifies?”
" Not everybodyʼs hand went up this time.
" “Keenhaven”
" “Use as little magic as possible, as discreetly as possible?”
" “Iʼm looking for a better answer. Zelyonaya?”
" “Survive first. Worry about legal defence later if necessary”
" “Good. Mugglesʼ memories can be modified if appropriate. Itʼs a pain but it can be
done. On the other hand, no Healer will be able to bring you back from the dead. How will
you defend yourself against Muggle bombs, Renard?”
" “Shield Charm, Professor, or Freezing Charm if thereʼs time”
" “Good. Make sure you can cast these quickly and silently - thereʼll be no time to
speak the incantation in full; you should be able to cast a Shield Charm in an instantʼs
thought by now. If you canʼt, practice. Jabez!”
" “ʻtego!” retorted Belinda, starting silently but speaking verbally the latter part of the
Shield Charm spell, just in time to deflect some manner of Hex from Merrythought.
" “Do better, Jabez. You finally had this in hand last year; youʼve let it slip over
" “Yes Professor; sorry Professor, I will”, answered Belinda, narrowly avoiding tagging
another “professor” on the end out of nerves.
" “The quickest way to get out of a tight spot is by Disapparition. For now youʼre all
under age, even with the War Waiver bringing the age down to sixteen. But thatʼs no
reason to be unprepared. Who here can already Apparate? Donʼt be shy, youʼre not in
" Only Tom and Abraxas raised their hands.
" “Riddle, yes, of course, after your incident last year breaking the castleʼs Anti-
Apparition Jinx. Can you control it now?”
" “So far so good, Professor, but Iʼve only done line-of-sight, not big distances”
" “Good start. Donʼt Splinch yourself. Malfoy, whatʼs your control like?”
" “Itʼs good, Professor. My mother started teaching me soon after we went to war, just
in case”
" “Good to hear. Donʼt shout about it, though, as some would consider it a breach of
the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. I donʼt, because as far as
Iʼm concerned, your lives are all constantly under threat at present, so any practice of life-
saving techniques should be considered legal. However, theyʼre commonly not, so on your
own heads be it for now. Youʼve been warned.”
" So, here was perhaps the strictest teacher in the school, bluntly telling them to
break the law but without getting caught. She clearly had her priorities sorted out,
something that Tom appreciated, even if that appreciation was not shared by everyone in
the class, as she now pushed everyone more than ever to do better than they previously
thought possible. This would push some to greatness, definitely, but right now it was also
pushing some to near breaking point.

Their first Transfiguration class of the term was of a very different feel yet in a similar vein,
quite clearly focussed on providing practical defensive skills — in this case,
" Dumbledoreʼs demeanour was, of course, most unlike that of Professor
Merrythought, and as such was rife with his usual whimsical eccentricities fronting an
undertone of seriousness.
" “You will no doubt be able to appreciate”, he said, “that if you are close enough to
see one of these Muggle devices and Transfigure it, then you are close enough to be killed
by it. For this reason, the Spells I am teaching you will always be permissible, and I urge
you to use them at the very first opportunity”
" On his desk was a German Muggle bomb, the size of a large dog, and the class
eyed it warily. Tomʼs hand remained on his wand.
" “Now, who can suggest what the inherent dangers might be in attempting to
Transfigure such a device? Yes, Miss Brown?”
" “It could explode and kill us all, Sir” said Ursula Brown, with a tone that conveyed
her fear of such.
" “Yes, it could”, agreed Dumbledore calmly, “Though you need not fear any such fate
while I am here”
" As usual, his arrogance was overwhelming, and it seemed he was putting their lives
at risk for it.
" “Would anybody like to tell me how we can minimize that risk? Emlyn?”
" “Put a Freezing Charm on it, Sir”, suggested Emlyn.
" “Right you are, but in this class, we will looking to Transfiguration for our answers”
" Well, that was delightful. They were to risk their lives with dangerous Transfiguration
efforts when a Spell that Tom learned when he was eleven would suffice safely and surely.
" “Miss Zelyonaya”, prompted Dumbledore.
" “Perhaps to process the Transfiguration in such a way as will remove the igniting
mechanism on the way, but I donʼt know how that mechanism works”
" “Very good”, praised Dumbledore. “And perhaps as close as you will get to the
answer — which is, I think you will find, quite brilliant”
" Dumbledore went on to explain his own solution to the problem, which was rather
more complex than those offered by the class, and involved the first movement of the
Transfiguration being directed at turning the whole bomb into something soft and wet, such
that it could not ignite mid-Transfiguration.
" With a swish of his wand, he Transfigured the bomb into a fish of around equal size,
which flopped down unpleasantly and thankfully did not explode.
" By the end of the lesson, the classroom stank of fish but nobody had been killed;
only one fish exploded, and that one did so harmlessly enough, showering Meredith
Keenhaven in fish-guts but otherwise, no harm done.
" “Very glad to get out of that classroom”, said Tiernan as they left, trying to smell his
robes to see if the scent had lingered.
" “I wonder, how he comes to have such a bomb in his possession”, said Antonin,
pensively. “The others for us he copied, of course, but the first one he must have received
from somewhere”
" “In fairness”, noted Tom, “The German Muggles have been quite generous with
them, delivering to a good few cities over summer. I expect he just half-inched one on the
" “Half-inch?”
" “Half-inched, pinched, stole”
" “Specially for the class, you mean?”
" “For the class, for personal use, who knows. He loves to meddle with things”, said
Tom, “and so I doubt this would be any different”.
" Happily, Dumbledore did not assign them homework on this task, preferring instead
to return to the same topic in their next few Transfiguration lessons. Unpleasant in class,
but it was at least a small mercy that would keep their Common Room free from smelling
of fish, and free of life-threatening explosions.

The next Monday morning, breakfast yielded the delivery of an unexpected invitation; a
copy of it had been sent to Tom and another to Marca, but not other Slytherins, as it
seemed. It arrived by the regular internal owl post, and was from Healer Tegner. It read, in
Tomʼs case:

Tom Riddle,

This year I will be running a Healerʼs Apprenticeship scheme, whereby a few select
students may benefit from an opportunity to learn more about the Healing profession, and
get practical hands-on experience of such, both up at Hogwarts and down at St. Mungoʼs
Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, subject to Floo Network availability.

Even if you are not considering a Healerʼs profession at this time, the programme I am
planning will furnish you with many transferrable skills and give you a valuable glimpse into
Wizarding working life.

The programme will be extra-curricular, meaning that it will not replace any of your existing
lessons; it will be conducted chiefly at weekends and in the evenings, if accepted. It will
also be free of charge.

I urge you to not be put off by any potential clash with Quidditch or duelling, as obviously I
myself will also always be present at Quidditch and duelling in my usual role.

This invitation has been sent to a handful of select fourth-years, chosen for your high
performance in relevant academic subject areas.

The first session will be Saturday the 13th, meeting at 10am in the Hospital Wing. Please
reply as soon as possible by return owl, indicating your intention to attend.

Well wishes,

Salvo Tegner, DipH SchC OoH

Healer, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

" “Will you attend this?”, asked Marca.

" “Definitely”, replied Tom without hesitation. He would be very glad to have extra
access to Magical medical knowledge and abilities, not to mention its plausibility as a
perfectly well-grounded career option that he might pursue.
" “Do you think to become a Healer?”, Marca asked.
" “Yes; itʼd be a good career”, said Tom, “Or maybe, but even if not, knowledge is
power, and naturally Iʼm all in favour of keeping myself alive — and others around me, if I
wish it”
" “It would suit your skills, I think”, suggested Marca.
" “Clearly Tegner thinks so too”, said Tom. “How about you? Youʼll be taking him up
on the offer as well, I suppose?
" “At least as a matter of trial”, said Marca, non-committally. “Then I will continue, if it
seems to be truly educational. I will discontinue, if it seems to be that we are used for free
labour and little benefit”
" “A fair idea”, agreed Tom.

Saturday morning thus saw a small number of fourth-years of various Houses gathered up
in the Hospital Wing. Present were Tom and Marca from Slytherin, Jana from Gryffindor,
Evangeline Brocklehurst from Hufflepuff, and three Ravenclaws: Raymond Pierce, Elvira
Highcastle, and Lana Renard.
" Tom wondered how many (if any) had been invited and declined to take part, but
that was more a matter of idle curiosity than any particularly important matter. For now, he
payed attention to Tegnerʼs discussion of the more pressing practicalities:
" “Firstly, Iʼll need you to all be wearing white robes like myself, and any other on-duty
Healer or nursing staff. It not only makes us recognizable so we can be sought out when
needed in a busy working environment, but it also shows up any blood or other bodily
substances that may get on you. This serves the dual function of helping you to know
when your robes need disinfecting, and also reassuring patients that our robes fluttering
around them are in fact clean”
" “Are these for us then?”, asked Tom, indicating to the robes folded neatly on the bed
nearest to him; more robes lay on other beds in a like manner.
" “Yep, they should be approximately the right size, and you can always adjust them
yourselves if theyʼre a little on the large or small side, depending on your own personal
proportions. Please change quickly, as weʼve a schedule to keep. And thatʼs it, yes, that
little cord-pull there to operate the curtains”
" Some minutes later, all had emerged in their clean new white robes, far from all the
same size by now. On the chest of each was an emblem consisting of a bone and a wand.
" “This emblem here is that of St. Mungoʼs, where weʼll be this morning. The specific
version youʼre wearing indicates that you are trainees — that is why your emblem is an
outline and mine is filled in — not that itʼs likely many would mistake you for fully trained
staff at your age, of course. Now, letʼs quickly go over the rules, and weʼll be on our way”
" Tom would rather have started by learning what theyʼll be doing, but had more
success in looking at ease with this pace of development than some of the others.
" “First rule: do not touch, perform magic upon, or otherwise interfere with anyone or
anything unless told to do so by a member of staff”
" Well, that was fairly comprehensive.
" “Second rule: anything you see and do while working with patients is private and
confidential, and is not to be discussed idly or with others outside of the professional
" Again, simple enough. Tom smiled at the notion of people and their dearly cherished
illusions of privacy. Marca did not.
" “Thatʼs it, I have only those two rules for you”, said Tegner with a smile. “More rules,
and youʼll just start to forget them. Two rules, and you can keep them in mind. Break them,
however, and you will not only be off this course, but may also be barred permanently from
ever pursuing a career in this field, depending on the severity of the breach. In our
profession we have extremely high standards; do not try your luck. A hospital is not a place
for immature schoolchildren in any capacity besides perhaps as patients. Youʼre here
because you already meet very high academic standards in the most critical subjects, but
your behaviour will also have to be up to parr. I am aware that not all of you have always
had a perfect record of following rules”, he added, without naming names, and
momentarily looking out of the window while he said it, “but now”, he continued, looking
back at them, “is the chance to impress me with your ability to hold yourself to the very
highest standards of behaviour, in keeping with the best traditions of the Healerʼs
" Tegner walked over to where the fireplace was at the end of the ward, and picked
up a brass bucket.
" “Weʼre in luck that the Floo Network is up and running properly at present; itʼs been
on and off of late, due to a combination of the Muggle bombings and Grindelwaldʼs attacks
on British infrastructure essential to the Ministry”, he said, in a tone Tom gathered was to
be considered reassuring. “The destination to announce, by the way, is St. Mungoʼs, Front
" One by one, the seven apprentices passed through the fire. It was Tomʼs first time
travelling by Floo Powder, though he was of course quite familiar with the process in
theory at least, by now. When it came to his turn, he took a handful of the glittering
powder, and cast it into the fireplace.
" “St. Mungoʼs, Front Lobby”, he declared, and the flames flared up green one more
time as Tom stepped into them.
" This was not, he now learned, going to be his new favourite form of transport. He
had a sense of speeding through bricky tunnels and chimneys without any control,
spinning at corners here and there, until he finally found himself cast out into what
promised to indeed be the front lobby of St. Mungoʼs Hospital for Magical Maladies and
Injuries. Almost tripping over himself as he stepped out, he felt a little dizzy for a moment.
" Turning around, he found Marca had already stepped out behind him, and if she
was experiencing any ill effects, she wasnʼt showing them. She looked at him, and looked
away, her eyes flitting around the new environment.
" Behind her, Healer Tegner stepped forth from the Floo Grate, the last of their
company to arrive, bringing up the rear.
" “All here? Good. Please follow me, and do stay together. If you do get lost or
separated though, just go back to the Welcome Witch there, and she can make an
" Tom could just imagine it now, “Tom Riddle has got lost and is in the front lobby,
would someone please come and collect him”. No, he would most certainly make sure to
pay attention to what he was supposed to be doing and where and with whom.
" “This way, through here” said Tegner, ushering them through a door labelled “War
Ward - Triage and Treatment”.
" Through the door was large ward, several times larger than the one at Hogwarts,
and most of the beds were occupied, or had their curtains drawn, or both. Tom was having
difficulty finding the minds of a good number of the patients, no matter whether they were
behind curtains or not. Tegner led the apprentices though another door, however, and soon
they found themselves in a small and uninspiring lounge-like room, with a couple of
dilapidated-looking sofas, some dead potted plants, and an aquarium containing a number
of eight-legged frog-like creatures, that slowly changed colour as they swam about.
" “This is the staff room”, said Tegner, “where Healers come to take a break and
collect themselves... or at least, thatʼs the theory”, he added with a smile. “In practice, itʼs
not uncommon to keep going for the entirety of oneʼs working day; after all, a patient is
often not in a position to wait on a Healerʼs leisure”
" “But you have time for us?” asked Evangeline Brocklehurst, “Not complaining, of
course, but...”
" “You are my job, Miss Brocklehurst”, replied Tegner. “As such, while I can and do
help out down here at St. Mungoʼs, I will always be available at Hogwarts if called upon,
though I confess Iʼd like to get you trained up a little to be able to handle some of the more
minor complaints that arise up at the castle, such that I donʼt have to abandon someone in
serious need of attention down here to attend to the results of a miscalculated Tickling
Charm up at the the castle... Again.”
" “Surely you wouldnʼt anyway, would you? Let someone die here, I mean, to do
something little somewhere else?”
" “Right now, as we speak, people are getting rushed in to St. Mungoʼs from three
continents while the Floo Network is up, and others are Apparated in at other times. War is
raging across half the world, and this is Britainʼs largest hospital facility. At this very
moment, someone somewhere in the hospital is dying, more likely several someones. Yet
here I am, talking to you instead of running to them, and itʼs important that you understand
why, if ever you hope to be a Healer”
" His words carried a graver weight than his usual direct yet soft and reassuring
manner, and it was clear that the other apprentices felt it. Well, apart from Marca, who at
least looked quite unaffected by this shift in tone.
" “Now”, continued Tegner, “I know I cannot be everywhere at once. I know that I
have limits as to what I can do with my time. So, I allot time for saving lives, time for
training you to save lives, time for attending events at the castle where Iʼm likely to be
needed even if usually for more minor things than here, time for eating, time for sleeping,
time for stopping to smell the roses, time for curling up with a book and a brandy. The
world has to go on without us sometimes. The Healer who cannot grasp that, who tries to
spend thirty-six hours a day performing complex life-saving Charms and diagnosing
conditions where one potion might cure the patient and another similar potion might kill
them... Well, that Healerʼs going to burn out very quickly, at best, or worse, commit truly
disastrous errors. So, today Iʼll be lending a hand here and there, but by and large, today
Iʼm here for you”
" And indeed he was, as he spent the morning showing them around the various
activities going on at St. Mungoʼs, explaining all manner of goings-on, from Curse-
damaged patients straight from combat, to more mundane problems, including Floo-
related injuries and the reversals of badly made potions.
" During the afternoon he explained to them more of the jobs they themselves would
be doing over the course of their Apprenticeship, and everyone had a go with some of
them along the way, from applying poultices to measuring correct potions dosages, all
under the watchful eye of Healer Tegner for now, but with the implication that theyʼd soon
be doing things very much like some of the fully trained auxiliary staff, if not the actual
Healers any time soon — though Tegner did note that they should pay as close attention
as possible to the things that he and other Healers were doing, so as to maximize their
educational experience, and also increase their chances of getting to do some of the more
exciting things, a prospect that certainly appealed to Tom and some of the others present,
if not everybody.

Back at Hogwarts, life was pretty quick of pace for Tom over the next few weeks, as
between lessons and homework, Healerʼs Apprenticeship sessions and duelling, there was
not a lot of free time for other things.
" For some, of course, the new Quidditch season was quite a thing, with Quidditch
trials to replace team members who had moved on. Walburga replaced Violet Selwyn as
Captain, but being a Beater would obviously not be replacing her as Keeper; a fifth-year
boy named Liam Wardgarren took that spot.
" Preparations notwithstanding, Slytherin got off to a terrible start by losing to
Gryffindor in their first match, something that a good number of Slytherins felt called for
strong and decisive action both on and off the pitch. One result of this was Jana acquiring
an unofficial guard of Gryffindors when going about; such closing of ranks was common
when a certain player seemed to be more of a target than usual.
" Today, returning somewhat early from the Great Hall, having eaten quickly in the
hopes of having a little extra time to go about his actuating his plans for the evening, Tom
paused as he reached the section of corridor wall that would lead to the Common Room.
Something was going on inside; something prompting a lot of conflict and fear; he could
tell that much, but he had never yet been able to properly connect to any mind on the
opposite side of this wall, and tonight was no exception, so he drew his wand and spoke
the password. The wall slid open, revealing a most uncommon scene.
Chapter Five

“Tom! Keep your eyes open!” exhorted Belinda as he entered the Common Room. She
was standing near the middle of the room, slightly crouched as though ready for action,
with her wand drawn. A couple of other Slytherins from other years were at the edges of
the room, with their backs to the walls, their wands also drawn.
" “If you see it, keep looking at it, and try to stun it!” advised Morgan Rosier.
" “And tell us where it is”, added Octavian Nott, near to him.
" “What are we looking for?” asked Tom, taking his own wand out.
" “Not we. You. Weʼve all used up our chances. You only get one”
" “What are you talking about?”
" “Belinda thought it would be a good idea to...”
" “Itʼs not my fault!” objected Belinda, “You distracted me and let it get away”
" “Thereʼs a Parpalluga in the room”, explained Milton Mulciber quickly, “Blink and
youʼll miss it. I mean literally”, he added, in response to Tomʼs raised eyebrow indicating
that this had not been very informative yet. “They have a special kind of invisibility: you can
see it, but only once”
" “So when you see it, keep it in your line of sight or youʼll never see it again”,
summarized Morgan.
" Tom frowned.
" “What does it look like?” he asked, prompting a variety of answers.
" “Sort of person-sized... ugly...”
" “Long face, and ears”
" “Big teeth”
" “Long fingers, skinny arms, weird feet”
" “Iʼm not seeing it”, said Tom, wondering if this was a practical joke, but getting the
image of it from their minds, suggesting it probably wasnʼt. Then it hit him.
" Knocked to the floor by the thing crashing into his shoulders from behind, he got a
glimpse of it, and then it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
" “Can you see it?” asked Belinda urgently.
" “Not any more”, replied Tom.
" “Great”
" The Common Room door opened again, and Tom wheeled around, pointing his
wand at the source of the movement, out of instinct as much as anything else. It was Paul
" Imperio, he cast, rather than risk a failure to follow instructions.
" “Keep your eyes open; donʼt even blink”, said Tom, “and back up against the wall”,
he added, as the boy did so. “Now, stay still there, and tell us if you see anything non-
human in the room. If you see it, tell us where it is and what itʼs doing, and donʼt take your
eyes off it”.
" Weaver looked shocked, but that might have been a result of the now-constant
wideness of his eyes, as he backed up against the wall as ordered.
" “Anything unusual in this corner here?” asked Tom, indicating
" “Nothing out of the ordinary”, returned Weaver. Tom took up a post there with his
own back to the corner.
" They waited. A lamp fell over and broke, but nobody reacted quickly enough to
blindly stun the beast that must have knocked it. Weaver piped up.
" “Thereʼs a thing behind the settee near the noticeboard. Itʼs scratching its head. Itʼs
carrying on towards...” he continued his narration, but Tom was already connected with his
mind and could now see the Parpalluga again, albeit from Weaverʼs view, which wasnʼt
going to make aiming easy from his own position.
" “Stun it”, ordered Tom. Weaver raised his wand.
" “Stupefy... Stupefy... Stupefy... I missed and itʼs gone in the third-year boysʼ
dormitory”, reported the infuriatingly incompetent Mudblood. He would pay for his failure
later. Or maybe sooner than that, thought Tom, as he had an idea.
" “Run to the doorway it went to, and then block the doorway”, he ordered. The boy
ran to the doorway as instructed, and then instead of blocking it with his body as Tom had
meant, he summoned a nearby coffee table, and then clumsily stood it up in the doorway
" “Clever boy; now brace it”, ordered Tom. Octavian and Morgan took up the post with
him, which was just as well, as the barricade shuddered under the force of what must have
been the Parpalluga ramming it from the other side.
" “Hold on, nearly done”, said Milton, running the tip of his wand along where the
coffee table met the floor and the doorframe on one side - on the other side, there was a
slight gap of maybe half an inch, and he didnʼt approach that.
" “Argh, Glentaggartʼs Gutterspike, exclaimed Morgan, clutching first at his hand and
then at his eye, before rolling onto his back in pain, abandoning the door. Evidently, the
Parpalluga had slashed him with its claws through the gap, but of course nobody had seen
" “There, that should hold now, unless it breaks the table”, said Milton. “Contingent
Sticking Charm”
" “These tables had Unbreakable Charms cast on them long before we got here”,
said Walburga. “Alright, now what?”
" “Now what, Iʼve lost a bloody eye here”, cried Morgan, as though everyone was
missing the most important thing in the situation.
" “Shut up”, said Tom. “Let me see”, he added, making a mental note to focus more
on his bedside manner when apprenticing for Tegner. “No, when I say let me see, that
means you need to move your hand”, he advised. “Stupefy”, he concluded, as Morgan was
just getting in the way of his own treatment here.
" “Ooh, that looks nasty”, observed Octavian, as Morganʼs hand fell away from the
" “Aguamenti” said Tom, rinsing the blood away. More appeared, of course, but the
stream of water was sufficient to keep the wound visible; a blood-stained cut ran partway
across the white of the eye.
" “That is one unhappy eyeball”, opined Lucretia.
" “Iʼve seen worse”, murmured Tom, allowing himself a smile. “Somebody else do the
water a moment; I need my wand free. Mulciber, that means you, do the water for me”, he
clarified, as nobody was taking the initiative.
" “With my own wand, you mean?”, asked Milton.
" “No, with Belindaʼs; yes, with your own wand, you idiot”, he snapped, lest Milton
take him at his word and try with Belindaʼs, which would probably have been disastrous.
Normally Milton Mulciber was the brains of the Mulciber-Rosier-Nott trio, but apparently he
wasnʼt so quick in a crisis.
" A new stream of water established, Tom ended his own and cast a quick Basic
Healing Charm, at the bleeding stopped almost immediately.
" “Good”, said Tom, “Rinse his hand now”, he instructed, lifting the injured hand. “Hold
this, Octavian”, he added.
" “I donʼt want it” objected Octavian, avoiding contact with the messy limb.
" “I said hold it”, repeated Tom.
" “Alright, Iʼm holding it” Octavian conceded, knowing full well that it would go badly
for him if he did not; Tom was a strong ally and not a fun enemy.
" Tom cast the same Basic Healing Charm again, this time though it left a little flap of
skin where the edges of the wound had not quite met. He pondered what to do with this,
and did not like having to ponder this while being watched by quite so many people, not to
mention with a captive Parpalluga subjugation still on the to do list before too many more
people came back to the Common Room. Walburga offered a suggestion:
" “Oh, he can trim that off later; heʼll be fine”
" “No, I think we can do better than that”, said Tom, taking the hand in his own and
relieving Octavian in the process. Holding it carefully, he ran his wand down the unwanted
skin-flap; he made no verbal incantation, but with his mind treated it as a Transfiguration
project; almost a pity Dumbledore couldnʼt see him working on this, and he reshaped the
flesh into its proper form. “There, good as new”, he concluded. “Now, to deal with our
" “How did you do that, though?” asked Lucretia.
" “The tidying up of the finger?”, asked Tom. “I just put Transfiguration principles into
practice; expected itʼd work, and happily it did, saving me some embarrassment and
saving our dear friend Mr. Rosier a scar. But now, as I say, letʼs turn our attentions to our
" “It is still in there, right?”, asked Octavian. “It hasnʼt banged for a bit”
" “Must be”, said Milton, “No other way out of there, is there?”
" “Definitely nobody else in there with it?”
" “Nah, weʼd have heard them”, observed Belinda.
" “We need it to come back”, thought Tom out loud. “We need bait. Mudblood, go and
offer your fingers in the gap”, he instructed to Weaver, who promptly obeyed.
" “What the...” began Lucretia, and her surprise was echoed in the faces of the others
who looked on incredulously. It only just now occurred to Tom that nobody else knew he
had Imperiused the boy, and it further only just now occurred to Tom that heʼd maintained
that control despite the distractions of tending to the injured member of their gang. That
was good.
" “Wait, is he... Oh come on Tom, thatʼs ridiculous” said Lucretia, catching on.
" “Would you rather offer your own hand?” suggested Tom.
" “What are you doing?”
" Weaver opened his mouth in surprise. His eyes, teary already from not blinking,
streamed yet more. Crimson blood appeared on his hand and formed a strange shape in
the air.
" Cassiculus, incanted Tom, Transfiguring the table that was stuck in the doorway.
" “What? We need that to stay there!” exclaimed Milton, raising his wand. Tom
magically swiped him aside with a gesture of his hand, he did not want to lose
concentration on what he was doing, and directed the newly created giant cobweb
speedily into the dormitory, taking the Parpalluga with it. The thing thrashed about on the
floor, its outline visible again thanks to the cobwebs.
" “Incarcerus” added Belinda, and thicker cords wrapped around it, binding it more
tightly. It wriggled less.
" “Whew” expressed Milton.
" “Now”, said Tom, “You had a plan with this thing, Belinda?”
" “Yeah, I thought we could set it on Mudbloods, you know, help them to realize
theyʼre out of their depth here and the magical world isnʼt the place for them”
" “Well, you sure showed them”, said Tom with a cold laugh. “That reminds me
though... Weaver!”
" The boy, who was still standing in the doorway holding out his hand, now dripping
blood, turned to face him.
" Episkey, “There, still in one piece. You can blink again now, by the way. Youʼre
dripping your dirty blood on our carpet though; clean it up”
" The Mudblood set to this task without a word besides the spoken Cleaning Charms.
" “So, I suppose youʼre planning to gift-wrap this and send it to the next Mudblood on
your list, are you?”
" “Actually not far off that, I was thinking we could do like we did with the Night Terror
Weavers last year, and put it in a Snitch. After Shrinking it, obviously”
" “What good would a tiny Parpalluga do up in the air in a Quidditch practice? You
might as well send a mouse for all the bite will be worth”
" “Wait”, interrupted Milton, “What if we only shrink it temporarily? With a potion thatʼll
wear off at the right time?”
" “Thatʼs an improvement, but I think weʼd need to make it able to fly, too, and that
might be a push”, observed Tom. “Thereʼs a lot that can go wrong with trying to make flying
creatures — wings are more complicated than a Levitation Charm, and itʼs not like we can
let it loose to trial them”
" “So we deliver the Snitch to the Common Room, not to the Quidditch Pitch, then it
wonʼt have to fly”
" “Itʼll be Halloween in a few weeks”, said Tom, “How about a little Halloween fun and
games again?”
" This suggestion was well-received, albeit with some confusion.
" “What, masks and cloaks again?” asked Belinda.
" “Stupefy”, replied Tom, Stunning not Belinda but Weaver, who had finished his
cleaning and was patiently awaiting further instructions. He crumpled. “No”, said Tom; I
was thinking we could have rather a more public spectacle this time.
" “But we need masks for public spectacles, donʼt we?”
" “In this case, only those we wear every day”, smiled Tom.
" “Huh?”
" “Ha, well, alright, that some of us wear every day. I must admit you are rather more
forthright, and that has its place too”.
" “So... masks or no masks?” asked Belinda, preferring to stick with practical
concerns over Tomʼs philosophizing.
" “No literal masks”, Tom confirmed. I have an idea, and I shall require a little help,
that will wreak havoc on the Mudblood population of the castle while keeping our faces out
of trouble without the need for covering them”
" “Go on”, prompted Octavian. “In fact, letʼs wake up Morgan, if weʼre going to have a
heads-together session”, he added, pausing for a moment in case of any objection, and
when none was forthcoming, he performed the appropriate Counter-Curse.
" “Wodenʼs monocle!”, croaked Morgan, recovering. “Where is it now?”, he asked, his
hand going unnecessarily to his eye, which was of course now good as new, and then to
his wand, which lay untouched on the floor.
" “Itʼs in here”, said Tom, “Come join us”.
" “So, we have a plan for our newfound friend here”, said Octavian, indicating to the
well-bound Parpalluga, “Riddle, you were saying?”
" “We can set the Parpallugas on the Mudbloods at Halloween by having them
strategically placed in the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast, with Shrinking Solution
administered such that they revert to their normal size well-timed to burst forth from
something... eggs, pockets, pumpkins, I donʼt know”
" “Wait, we have more than one Parpalluga?” objected Morgan. “What did I miss?”
" “Pardon, I am getting ahead of myself”, replied Tom. “Belinda, where did you get
this fellow from, and can you get more of them?”
" “Definitely canʼt get more where I got that one from”, said Belinda, her eyes
widening at the prospect.
" “Then we shall multiply this one at the last minute. I understand that multiplying
living magical creatures is on the OWL syllabus and that Professor Vassy intends to teach
us later this year, which probably means you learned this last year, am I correct?”
" “Yeah, but itʼs bludgering well difficult”, said Morgan.
" “And the copies will die quickly”, added Lucretia.
" “A few hours maybe, tops”, clarified Walburga.
" “Can you perform the Spell or not?”, asked Tom. “Because if not, Iʼll need to turn my
attentions to mastering it before... Friday after next, I think?”
" “We can do it”
" “Good. Incidentally, if a Parpalluga consumes a Shrinking Solution, and then is
copied by means of the aforementioned Charm, what will be the resultant condition of the
copy? Will it be small, and stay small? Will it be large? Will it be small, and revert to large
later like the other?”
" Nobody offered an answer.
" “Funnily enough, Vassy didnʼt teach us that”, offered Octavian.
" “Slughorn might know”, thought Lucretia out loud.
" “Yeah, but thatʼll not exactly cast us in innocent light after Parpallugas start bursting
out of Mudbloodsʼ pockets”, objected Milton.
" “Come on, Slughorn wouldnʼt dob us in” suggested Morgan. “Would he?”
" “I think heʼs a rather understanding teacher, when it comes to such jolly japes”, said
Tom measuredly, “And would turn a blind eye if he could. However, itʼll be a lot easier for
him to turn a blind eye if he doesnʼt know about it.
" “Whatʼs the plan, then?”
" “I suggest we conduct our own research and, if necessary, experiments, so that we
know for sure we can definitely cause a number of potion-shrunk Parpallugas to grow
suddenly back to their normal size at the same time”.
" The experiments in question ended up being conducted mostly by Tom, Lucretia,
and Milton, which started quite a few rumours when they had more than once emerged
together from a dormitory in which they had magically sealed themselves, often looking
somewhat flustered, and decidedly like theyʼd been doing something quite physical.

Their hard work paid off, though, because by the time Halloween came around, they had
one tiny Parpalluga for each Mudblood in school, and Octavian had succeeded in Memory
Charming a House Elf to “remember” that a certain stack of cauldron cakes were to be
served one each to that list of students, by special order of Headmaster Dippet.

Up in the Great Hall, the Mudbloods were now in for the Halloween surprise of a lifetime;
they thought this was all about pumpkin juice and licorice bats, chocolate frogs and
backdraught bubblegum, but they were about to be reminded of the dangers inherent to
studying magic.
" As Slytherin had only one Mudblood in the entire House, naturally he got the only
Slytherin-table Parpalluga. As it burst from its cauldron cake, Paul Weaver froze, perhaps
in shock, before leaping to his feet. The Parpalluga sized him up, face to face with him
now. Tom wondered if the creature would bite the boyʼs face, as Weaver seemed
paralysed with fear.
" Then the beast let out a wild squealing cry, showering the Mudblood with flecks of
saliva - and blood. It made a momentʼs fumbling effort to move the boyʼs hand with its
claws, then dropped to lie on the table, convulsing, knocking the remaining food in that
section onto the floor.
" Weaver, meanwhile, contemplated the bloody knife in his hand, and stuck it back
into the Parpallugaʼs neck, for lack of a better place to put it. He drew his wand, finally, and
looked around the Great Hall for more Parpallugas - which, of course, all vanished from his
sight when for one reason or another his view was broken by all the hubbub in the room,
making his interference with them unlikely.
" Suddenly, everyone in the Great Hall, including Tom, froze in position. From the
food that was being sent sailing into the air along the Gryffindor table, it seemed at least
one of the Parpallugas was still active, but it wasnʼt attacking anyone as such.
" “Stop that, Peeves”, called the sharp voice of Professor Merrythought. The cascade
of food ceased, and Peeves became visible. He looked around the Hall; it seemed he had
stopped not so much out of obedience but curiosity, surprised at everyone suddenly
standing still. Or rather, everyone apart from the teachers, who were still mobile, having
been behind the point of origin of her Spell.
" Merrythought spoke more quietly in a conspiratorial aside to Dumbledore, who
nodded, and the pair of them descended upon the main part of the Great Hall, while the
rest of the staff left them to it, glad to keep out of the mess. The students, for their part,
had little choice but to be patient in the matter. Tom endeavoured to slowly break the
Freezing Charmʼs hold on him, focussing all his will first on just moving his fingertip, and
heʼd take it from there, gradually freeing more and more of his body; this was a
methodology heʼd used before to some good effect when breaking other similar Charms
and Curses. One thing was clear though, he wasnʼt going anywhere quickly.
" Healer Tegner came down to the House tables too, as he made his way around the
Hall checking for injuries, of which there were quite a few minor slashes and the like, from
Parpallugas catching those nearest to them with their claws upon first bursting forth. Tom
was pleased to note that these were mostly Mudbloods, and entertained to see that Janaʼs
first reaction had been to grab the wrist of her Parpalluga, though she must have blinked
since accessing her mind, she could no longer see it, only feel it.
" Professors Merrythought and Dumbledore stalked the aisles between the House
tables identifying with some difficulty where the Parpallugas were. Dumbledore fired
Curses here and there, mostly hitting nothing, and occasionally capturing a Parpalluga; it
seemed he was using the Incarcerus Curse, and it simply had no effect when hitting the
tables or the walls. Merrythought did not cast any Curses; perhaps she needed more
concentration to maintain a Freezing Charm holding quite so many Beings at once; every
child in the castle and a good number of Parpallugas.
" Of course, what they didnʼt know was exactly how many Parpallugas there were,
and it took a few tries of releasing and then re-establishing the Freezing Charm —
resetting Tomʼs progress at breaking it, much to his annoyance — to get them all.
" Even Weaverʼs obviously dead Parpalluga (easy to find, with blood over a fair
portion of it) was Incarcerated, just in case. Peeves contented himself with thoughtfully
delivering cakes and the like directly to the faces of many of those Freeze Charmed, while
cackling about how he wouldnʼt want the poor pupils to starve to death while the teachers
were busy hunting things they could no longer see — something that also prompted him to
improvize a ditty or two about their eyesight failing them in their old age. A funny notion,
since Peeves was of course far, far older than either of them. Tom wondered whether
Peeves could see the creatures himself, but had never yet been able to access (or even
detect) the Poltergeistʼs mind, and tonight was no exception.
" “Be silent and be seated”, Merrythought called out sharply through the Great Hall,
when a final test of dropping the Freezing Charm suggested that all Parpallugas were now
captured. “If anybody would like to do the right thing and take responsibility for the
ridiculously stupid act of bringing these creatures into the Great Hall, now would be an
excellent opportunity to at least earn my respect with your honesty”
" Tom felt absolutely no urge to earn Merrythoughtʼs respect in that particular way at
this moment in time. From the lack of volunteers, it was thankfully clear that nobody else
did either.
" “I am disappointed. Next, if anybody would like to do the right thing and convey any
information they may have as to who did this thing, then now would be a good time for
that. Do not fear the rebuke of your peers, because the whole school is going to be
punished unless the culprit or culprits can be identified. To this end, anyone sharing such
information will be saving the vast majority of the school a vast amount of trouble, and will
as such should win the favours of most, I should think”
" Still nobody came forward, though a good number of minds and eyes went to
common offenders; some Slytherins stole surreptitious glances at the Nott-Rosier-Mulciber
trio, for instance, and they werenʼt alone; some from other Houses and Professor
Merrythought herself also looked their way; rather more openly in her case and with a
steely expression that Tom was quite glad was not directed at him.
" Across at the Gryffindor table, Rubeus Hagrid attracted attention to himself by quite
vocally denying what must have been quieter suspicions aired by one or more of those
near him. Visions from some of the minds near the giant boy told a vivid tale of havoc
being wrought recently in Gryffindor Tower, as a result of him smuggling a Niffler into the
castle from who-knew-where; naturally it had then gone through everybodyʼs things in their
absence, causing much damage and making Hagrid quite unpopular.
" Merrythought paced the aisles some more, stopping to look into the eyes of some
along the way, her cold inner fire burning as she did so. As far as Tom could tell, she was
no Legilimens, or at the very least not without using a Spell for such, but it must have been
very intimidating for those she stopped by. She did not stop by him. She did stop by the
fourth-year boys that had been involved in it, but they didnʼt yield anything.
" “If nobody comes forward, the entire school will be placed in detention forthwith, all
extra-curricular activities suspended, including Quidditch, and every evening will be spent
here, silently, each day writing a new essay on the value of honesty”
" This raised a couple of eyebrows up at the staff table, but Merrythought was not
challenged in her self-appointed role as chief giver of discipline.
" “Now, with this in mind, does anybody have anything they wish to say”
" There was a grave silence, broken by a loud fart. Again Hagrid protested his
innocence, interrupted by a much longer, wetter-sounding fart, in turn followed by Peevesʼ
cackling laughter; he had been the source of the noise. How did he even make that sound,
Tom wondered to himself, but Merrythought had a more pressing line of enquiry.
" “Have you something to say for yourself, Peeves? Was this your doing?”
" “Why?”, asked Peeves slyly, “Whatʼll you do to me if it was? Put me in detention?
Shall I fetch you a cane?”, he laughed.
" “Shall we fetch the Bloody Baron, perhaps?”, Merrythought offered in turn. “You
know, with the Bloody Baron on your coattails and the entire school in a state of mind-
numbing collective boredom in detention, with no fun pursuits, no chance for your hijinks,
just how much do you think youʼre going to enjoy the coming days, weeks, months if
necessary? I should think that if you know something about who did this, youʼd do well to
say so”
" “Forgetting the contract, are we?” challenged Peeves with a grin.
" “The contract, as you know full well, only provides for the presence during school-
time of children at Hogwarts; it does not speak for the conditions under which they will be
kept; the rest of the contract provides only for your privileges, not theirs. I assure you I will
make this castle as entertaining as a tomb if needs be”
" Peeves sailed to and fro awhile, as though pacing, muttering to himself.
" “Wonʼt tell you who it was if you donʼt say please”, he returned. Merrythought
frowned, and paused for thought herself.
" “And if I were to say please?”
" “Then Iʼll give you a name”
" “The name of the one or ones to blame for this, specifically”, Merrythought clarified,
wise to Peevesʼ tricks after her many years in the castle.
" “Alright”, said Peeves with an impish grin, eager to hear the strict old Witch entreat
him politely.
" “Then you will please me by telling me who is to blame”, said Merrythought sharply,
but emphasizing the word please, to indicate she had upheld her part of the bargain.
" “Oh fine then, you can blame old Peevsie” said Peeves, doing a somersault. “Now
what, merry merry Merrythought?”
" “All students will return immediately to their Houses” replied Merrythought loudly.
Chapter Six

Peeves may have got them off the hook for the time being, but Tom would be very
surprised if Merrythought didnʼt try to interrogate the Poltergeist further. Peeves would
probably find this funny and frustrate her for a good while, but he might well put the blame
back on the students in time. Tom only hoped Peeves didnʼt know who had actually done
it; he could well have been invisible at any place or time, and the only half-reassurance
that he had not been so was that he had not shown himself, something he could generally
not resist doing. Fortunately, Peeves was rarely down in the Dungeons, so almost certainly
missed everything.
" Still, when it was ascertained that the Parpallugas came out of cauldron cakes, the
House Elves would be questioned, and one of them would “remember” an order coming
from Dippet about the affair, with a list of students, who were entirely coincidentally all
Mudbloods, which in turn would bring Slytherin House under the spotlight. Right now, most
Slytherins didnʼt know anything about it, but a cluster of them did, and those Slytherins
now conspired in a corner of the Common Room.
" “Nott”, said Tom, resorting as he often did when particularly serious to a slightly
more formal address than first name terms, “you Memory Charmed a House Elf, and thatʼs
going to be discovered at this rate if Merrythought isnʼt satisfied with Peevesʻ questionable
" “What do you suggest?”, replied Octavian. “Find the Elf again and do another
Memory Charm, to wipe out the first one? But thatʼd be a bit of a risk in itself, going to the
Kitchens now while weʼre all supposed to be in our Houses”
" Tomʼs mind raced, to various possibilities ranging from Polyjuice Potion (no good;
he had no such potion and no bit of someone else to put in it) to Imperiusing a Hufflepuff to
go and get the Elf (no good; the Hufflepuffs would all be safe in their Common Room by
" “Time for a masked operation, I think”, said Tom.
" “Weʼre going to march into the Kitchen in masks? Thatʼs going to raise one Hell of a
stir that wonʼt go away soon”
" “Do you know what that particular Elf was called? Could you summon it by name?
Please donʼt, we donʼt want it here, but could you do it?”
" “Yes, yes I could” said Octavian. “You know how they all include their name in every
other sentence, so yep, this one did too”
" “Good”, said Tom. “Summon it not here, but outside the Hufflepuff Common Room;
itʼs close enough and will have to do. Gryffindor would be more believable, but this is no
time to go the other end of the castle”
" “We could take brooms”, said Belinda. Itʼd be quick, and if weʼre spotted, weʼd be
gone before they could stop us. “Then we could do Gryffindor Tower”
" “But afterwards, how to get back without leading to our House?” asked Antonin.
" “And their Common Room has a portrait right outside it”, said Tom. “Itʼd see us, and
report our appearance if questioned, including us arriving and departing on brooms. One
could go unseen, I have a provision for that, but not more. Are you up to a solo mission?”
he asked, of Octavian.
" “Invisibility cloak?” asked the latter.
" “After a fashion. Itʼs not a true invisibility cloak, but youʼll blend in near perfectly with
your surroundings and certainly be even less identifiable than with mask and cloak alone”
" “Iʼve got an Invisibility Potion”, said Milton Mulciber, “it should do three people for
about half an hour, at a pinch; better if it were only taken between two, though”
" “Why do we need so many people?” asked Morgan. “Octavian can zip up there,
summon the Elf, Charm it, and dart back here. Itʼs a stealth mission, not a battle”
" “And if Merrythought finds me?” objected Octavian. “Or Dumbledore, on his way to
his House? Iʼll need backup, if Iʼm going to get back here in one piece after meeting either
of them”
" There was a momentʼs silence, while the group contemplated how badly it could go
if it came to a duel with Merrythought, or even Dumbledore, who was rumoured to have
once duelled Grindelwald and come out of it unscathed.
" “Tomʼs held Merrythought off in the end of year practical exams”, offered Tiernan,
" “Which might rather highlight that itʼs me, if I have to do so tonight”, replied Tom,
thinking out loud. “If thereʼs a couple of us though, itʼd be less obvious”
" “Iʼll come”, Belinda volunteered.
" “Good. Good flyer, good duellist”, Tom complimented her. “Nott, you in?”
" “Nott in”, said Octavian, with a grin. “Sorry, I mean yes, Iʼm in” he added, when it
was obvious his humour hadnʼt been well-received.
" “Good. One more. Marca perhaps? Probably our best duellist whoʼs not me”
" “If it is needed”, Marca consented with a curt nod. “I have no desire to do so and
would welcome a volunteer to take my place, but—”
" “I can go”, offered Antonin. “I am not so good a duellist as Marca, but I am good,
and perhaps a better flyer, if she will forgive my conceit to suggest it”
" “I forgive”, replied Marca. “I have no love of flying”
" “Itʼs settled then”, said Tom, “And time is of the essence, so letʼs get going. The
Invisibility Potion?”
" Some minutes later, Milton returned with the potion, and Tom had taken up his
chameleon cloak, but not yet donned it. Those who were due to head out held their
brooms as inconspicuously as possible, on their laps.
" “A distraction, if you please”, said Tom, “that we can leave without too much notice,
in case questions are asked of this lot later” he explained, gesturing to the other Slytherins
in the Common Room. “Granted we can disappear now with these things, but better that
the door opening goes as unnoticed as possible, not to mention the brooms”
" “On it”, said Morgan. “Go”
" He Charmed a table near the lake window to charge at people nearby, and when
that grabbed their attention, Tom slung his chameleon cloak over his robes, and the other
three took the Invisibility Potion between them, and the four of them sped from the
Common Room.
" “Masks on just in case”, said Tom, “and code-names only”
" They did so, and flew as quickly as possible without crashing or losing each other
— after all, even just their brooms were difficult to see in the half-light of the night-time
corridors — and soon came to the Grand Staircase that would lead them close to
Gryffindor House.
" “Stop at the top of the stairs”, ordered Tom. This they did.
" Confundus incanted Tom, Confunding the painting that hung nearby. The Witch in it
looked suitably confused, and carefully examined her wine glass.
" “Baal, where are you?” asked Octavian.
" “Here”, said Tom. “Vespa?”
" “Here”
" “Vespa, go and be a look out in the main stairway. If anybody comes, donʼt engage
them, come and warn us. Also, donʼt wander off, or weʼll lose you”
" “Got it”, said Belinda, and dived down in the gap between the flights of stairs.
" “Naka?” asked Tom.
" “Here”, said Antonin. He had taken his name from a short form of Nakazanya, which
he described as meaning “Discipline”, though Tomʼs Perevodal Glass also gave
“punishment”, “retribution”, and a bunch of other things.
" “Watch out the East side of the staircase; Iʼll take the West”
" “Very good”
" “Kraken”, said Tom.
" “Here”", replied Octavian.
" “Summon the Elf. Charm it to forget the other memory; it must believe it had nothing
to do with it. Then send it back to the kitchens”
" “Hebe!” called Octavian, accentuated with a clap of the hands. There was a crack,
and the House Elf appeared, and looked around it, confused.
" “Obliviate” - the Elf looked yet more confused, but stopped looking around. Octavian
worked his Spell, and then said aloud, “Go back to the kitchens”.
" The Elf vanished.
" “Close ranks”, said Tom, “Kraken, Naka, with me” he added, diving down after
Belinda, finding her more readily with his mind than his eyes. “Vespa”, he called, “Job
done, letʼs go home”
" They sped back to the Dungeons, and found their journey mercifully free of
Professors Merrythought or Dumbledore, or indeed anyone else. Back at the entrance to
Slytherin House, they dismounted, and upon a final glance around, Tom spoke the
password, “Curcurbita Maxima”. The doors opened and they went in; one or two Slytherins
did look up, but saw nothing identifying, and gazed at it for a moment before going back to
minding their own business.

Over the coming days, it became clear that Merrythought had grudgingly dropped the
investigation, or at least suspended it, as she would have it, as no evidence could be
found to indicate it wasnʼt Peeves. The Parpalluga copies all died promptly, but the cause
of their deaths remained unknown. The Parpalluga that didnʼt die of its own accord was
slaughtered by Merrythought, after what was reputed to be a lengthy argument between
her and Professor Phillips, the schoolʼs resident Beastmaster, and teacher of the
eponymous subject.
" Paul Weaver came back from his next Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson
carrying a Parpalluga head on a mount, silver-plated for visibility; it was the head of the
Parpalluga he had killed, and Merrythought had arranged for it to be stuffed, plated, and
mounted for him to keep as a trophy, which he in turn stuck above his bed. Attempts were
made to play pranks with this, but it transpired that he had precluded this possibility by
placing an Unbreakable Charm on it, and affixing it with a Permanent Sticking Charm. So,
unless someone Transfigured it, it was there to stay, and would in all likelihood be at the
school a lot longer than he was.
" While many of those involved with the goings-on of Halloween felt satisfied it had
gone very well, albeit with more limited casualties than they might have liked, Tom shared
the opinion but not the satisfaction. He needed to turn his attentions to more serious
" Tonight, he sat alone at one of the writing desks in an alcove to the edge of the
main area of the Slytherin Common Room. Light from the lamp above him cast dark
shadows on the page, but did not obscure his view of where he paused with the quill,
unsure as to how to begin the letter he had decided to write, in the hopes of beginning a
potentially very rewarding correspondance with the Wizard who appeared to share his
goals more than any other, Gellert Grindelwald himself.
" How does one address a megalomanic revolutionary, without being either offensive
or sycophantic? How would he, Tom, like to be addressed? “My Lord” would do nicely, he
smiled to himself, but did not seem appropriate for Grindelwald, who did not use that title,
or indeed any title; for all he was the commander of an ongoing revolution, he did not
seem to tie that to any specific named role - Perhaps that was key; his position had never
been named because he never foresaw it being taken by someone else, as he did not
intend to die. In essence, his “position” in the world was “Gellert Grindelwald”, which was,
truth be told, admittedly both unique and powerful. Tom hoped that one day his own name,
his chosen name, would command the same kind of respect. Yes, he thought to himself,
heʼd make that happen.
" As for this correspondence now, Tom thought back to more formally addressed
letters that he had received without any special title, and began with a similar salutation:

! Most Esteemed Gellert Grindelwald,

Now what? How to make sure that it would receive a reply? They were not best friends,
and Lord Voldemort would not be any figure that would have his respect from the name
alone. He would need to encourage Grindelwald to read on, right from the start.

! I have something that will be of great importance to you in your war.

Tom had no idea what this might be yet, but wanted to whet the war leaderʼs appetite, so
opted to keep the suspense going for a little bit first, so he continued on the same line:

" What I am about to reveal to you will without doubt change the face of Europe at the
very least, and give you the power to remodel the world in your image.

Naturally, he would have to appeal to Grindelwaldʼs base desires and biases, so there was
no reason to not throw in a few extra of those too. After all, he could promise the moon,
since he had no intention of delivering in full on any claim. In part, yes, but if he were to
deliver in full, heʼd have nothing left to hold as further leverage. So, confident yet
extravagant claims seemed to be the way forwards.

" Your new era can only endure if overseen directly, and for that, it will be necessary
that you yourself endure. While you take steps to ensure your heart continues to beat, I
can safely assure you Iʼm a little further along that path than you. I daresay youʼd like to
catch up, as it were, and I will be only too glad to help a like mind such as yours, from my
position in the shadows.

Now of course he needed to tie these ideas together, lest Grindelwald think he only had
immortality to offer, and not also a war-changing secret weapon.

" Only with this twin dynamic - proofing against death itself, combined with the power
to restructure the nations around you in accordance with your will, and effortlessly put their
resources to your cause; putting their assets and key positions into your hands - only with
these things combined can you swiftly become the complete and total leader that the world
requires, that the world sorely needs, and that the world will recognise in history as the
Wizard who brought us into the light, who brought us forwards together, and who brought
us into a new era of prosperity, a Golden Age of Wizardkind.

Alright, thought Tom, maybe he got a little carried away there, but it did the job, and would
hopefully get Grindelwald into a state of mind to leap at the chance to meet him.

! Naturally, I could not entrust these two things to anyone who might betray the
Cause, or seek to supplant you. To this end, I entreat audience with you. I recognise that I
am as a stranger to you, so feel free to take whatever security precautions you see fit; it is
a dangerous time for all of us who are in the vanguard of this advance.
Itʼd be necessary to make provisions for a reply, and for that he needed a reply address of
at least some kind; fortunately Bregaʼs talents made for a degree of flexibility in that

" For my own safety I value my secrecy, and I do not include my address in case this
letter is intercepted. I am in Scotland, however, so when you reply, if you send your
communication addressed to me by name via the Hogsmeade Owl Office, then such will
be collected by my owl and brought to me at my home.

! For the Greater Good,

! Eternally,

! Lord Voldemort

Tom put down his quill, and sat back to reread what he had written. As he did so, Tiernan
" “History of Magic?”
" “Excuse me?”
" “Oh, I just thought you were doing the History of Magic homework that Binns gave
us on Tuesday. Itʼs usually the only subject that makes you stop after every line or so and
gaze into space for a while”, he explained, with a smile.
! “No”, laughed Tom. “A letter. Anyway, what do you want?”
" “To live up to the noble ancestry of the House of Lestrange, to lay down a proud
legacy for future generations, and also... to ask if you fancy a snack, because Iʼm going to
the kitchens so I could bring you something back if you like”
" “Yes, thatʼd be a good idea”, agreed Tom. “See if they have any of that wild game
pie left, if not, some cheese perhaps”
" “Will do”
" “Oh, and see if you can bully the House Elves into giving us some of that Mullitover
spiced wine”
" “For the Greater Good”, grinned Tiernan, and set off. By the time he returned with a
large portion of the wild game pie, an assortment of aged cheeses, and a bottle of
Everwarm-Charmed Mullitover spiced wine, Tom had reread and made some small
adjustments to his letter, and now had it ready to dispatch via Brega. Heʼd send it
tomorrow though; it was already too late today. Naturally heʼd not want Brega to be gone
for months delivering the thing, but nor was Gellert Grindelwald the sort of Wizard to whom
one could use the regular Owl Office long distance services without being noticed. So
more extreme methods would be required. Tom remembered the Owl Emporium
proprietorʼs story of how Brega got into the Ministry of Magic by flying through a Floo grate
from who-knew-where; perhaps there was an idea he could use; if he could send Brega by
Floo to a major Owl Office somewhere controlled by Grindelwald, the letter would be safe
from that point on. But for that, several other things would need to be aligned first.
" For now, he set the letter aside, and turned his attentions to his supper, while he
and Tiernan discussed Peeves, whose uses Tom reckoned as fewer than Tiernan would
have it.
" “I donʼt know... Maybe... Youʼre probably right”, concluded Tiernan, eventually. “I
donʼt know about you, but I need to sleep, if you donʼt mind”.
" “I also need to sleep”, said Tom, “havenʼt fully fixed that one yet; potions only do so
" “Well, shall we?” said Tiernan, rising from his seat.
" “Yes”, replied Tom, “Yes, I think so” - he was clearly more wakeful than Tiernan, but
not quite so wakeful that he was going to accomplish great things in any remaining time he
continued to stay up tonight.
" Heading to their dorm, Tom saw Paul Weaver was still up - he hadnʼt noticed that,
and had been under the impression there was only himself and Tiernan here, and a
handful of older students up at a table at the other end of the Common Room, nearer the
lake window.
" “Hey, good evening” said Weaver, to no immediate response beyond a somewhat
surprised look from the fourth-year boys. “Riddle, could I... have a quick word before you
go to bed? If you donʼt mind?”
" Curious, Tom assented, and gestured for Tiernan to go on ahead of him, which he
" “What is it?” asked Tom, without preamble. The boyʼs thoughts were all over the
" “I wanted to ask your advice”, said Weaver, measuredly.
" “Ah, everyone hates you, and you want me to help”, replied Tom, filling in the blanks
from the montage of thoughts flitting through Weaverʼs mind.
" “Well, sort of”, replied Weaver, “not help exactly, just, you know... advise. I mean,
youʼre... Half-Blood, someone said? Sorry if thatʼs wrong and youʼre Pureblood, itʼs just
someone said...”
" “My family history is not so well mapped-out as some”, answered Tom, curtly but
without the obvious anger that would betray his position on the matter.
" “Right, but everyone loves you, even people from the old Pureblood families, they
practically worship you. The firstborn son and heir of the Lestrange family basically asked
your permission to go to bed just now”
" Tom cracked a smile, as Weaverʼs observation softened his demeanour.
" “So you wonder why they look up to me, despite my less obvious heritage, and yet
look upon you with nothing short of contempt, distrust, and dislike?”
" “Basically”, answered Weaver.
" “For a start, youʼre a Mudblood, and I am not” said Tom, to make that part
absolutely clear in case it wasnʼt already. “I may not be on any of my friendsʼ family trees,
but Iʼm born of Wizarding Blood, not of Muggle filth”, he continued, even though this was
pushing the truth a little; after all, he almost certainly was not completely Pureblood.
" “Understood”, said Weaver. He struggled to articulate what he wanted to say in an
unoffensive way, which was that normally the Purebloods looked down upon even Half-
Bloods as though they were but a small step up from Mudbloods, yet Tom seemed to have
escaped this fate, and he, Weaver, wanted to know how. Tom opted to proceed as if heʼd
found a way to say it, in the interests of getting the conversation over with.
" “I am brilliant, and they know it”, said Tom, most simply.
" “How did you make them see it, though? Anything I do just gets sneered at, at best,
like I tried too hard. And the reality is I do try hard, but then who gets to the top without
" “No, Weaver. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I am merely
competent. The fact is that I am far better at most things than they are, and I have
powerful abilities that they do not, some of which they could scarcely miss if they tried”,
said Tom. “Others are more subtle, but power comes from many angles”.
" “And they donʼt feel... threatened by that?”
" “They feel threatened insofar as they rightly fear getting on the wrong side of me”,
smirked Tom.
" “But they donʼt need to, you know, push you down to make themselves feel safe?”
" Tom gave a cold laugh at this notion.
" “They couldnʼt push me down if they tried, and they know it. Therein, Weaver, lies
the difference between us”
" “So... What can I do?”
" “Suffer”, replied Tom, as the most obvious response, before getting his more
problem-solving brain into gear, more to see if he could than any other reason. “Also...
Give service, of a kind. What talents you have, if you have any worth speaking of, offer
them. Be useful. We Slytherins value usefulness. Gain our respect by providing worth”
" “You think theyʼll allow themselves to see what I bring to the table?”
" “Maybe, eventually, maybe not. But at the very least, thatʼs the part I think you need
to play”, said Tom. He certainly couldnʼt imagine any other approach working for this
" “Well, you know what they say: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent
under it. Or, thatʼs what Lady Macbeth said, anyway”
" “Shakespeare?” said Tom, incredulously. He had never seen an actual play in his
life, but knew the name from it having been advertised in London.
" “Yes, whatʼs wrong with that? Let me guess, if itʼs not magical, itʼs no good? Thereʼs
witches in it, you know”
" “Iʼm just having a hard time imagining a pauper child like you going to the theatre”,
said Tom, as though he himself had been anything else.
" “I was mostly living at the workhouse for the last couple of years right up until
coming here”, shrugged Weaver. “And the theatres need workers to run around behind the
scenes, so thatʼs a job for a few months sometimes”
" “I can imagine little worse”, said Tom, wincing at a fleeting thought about his
grandfather, who had most likely been a Muggle circus worker.
" “Well anyway, youʼd probably like the play if you could get over it being Muggles. Itʼs
about magic and prophecy and a rise to power. And then a fall from power, but hey, learn
from other peopleʼs mistakes and all that”
" “How does she fall from power?” asked Tom, curious despite himself.
" “He, really, she just nags him most of the time. But anyway, yeah, there was a
prophecy and he went and misunderstood it and mucked things up for himself, and in the
end he got killed in a duel when he thought heʼd be invincible. Something to do with how
the other chapʼs mum died when he was a baby; I never quite got it because I always
missed bits”
" “So, you waste my time with half a story?”
" “Iʼll not waste it any longer. Thanks for the advice, Riddle. And, er, let me know if
you want me for anything at any point”
" “I will”, smiled Tom.
Chapter Seven
A Song of Futures Past

The second Quidditch match of the season was Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff, something that
had an unusual level of preparation from Slytherin House, as Ozzy Fameʼs new chant was
to be put into practice, to get some use out of her death while ostensibly merely
memorializing her. For some, this was a matter of using one thing to cloak another. In
Tomʼs case, he personally considered that her death was indeed genuinely a waste, and to
let it go without making it useful would of course only increase the amount of waste. He did
not want Magical blood spilled unnecessarily, and most certainly not on account of
" The creation of the newer, lengthier chant for Ozzy ended up being a collaborative
effort, and sufficiently deferential in its wording as to allow its judicious dissemination for
use school-wide by those who had not necessarily hated Ozzy as much as many of
Slytherin House had, especially its Quidditch team.
" Belinda was sufficiently irked by this as to threaten to resign from the Quidditch
team, but Walburgaʼs counter-threat to offer the Seeker spot to her cousin Alphard called
Belindaʼs bluff and persuaded her to pipe down about it a bit.
" Tom was quite aware from Belindaʼs thoughts that she had every intention of
singing her own slightly modified (and less complimentary) version, as doubtlessly a
number of others would too, but that was all well and good. Sheʼd be drowned out by the

When the match was in play, it was Slytherins who began the chant, followed soon by
some from the other Houses who had by one friendship connection or another had the
new chant brought to their attention:

Ozzy Fame, she played one,

She played Quidditch and she won;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown,
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Tom himself was not chanting, nor even with his classmates in the usual part of the stands.
He was over with Healer Tegner, and his fellow apprentices who were not in Houses
whose teams were playing today, which meant that Tom was flanked by Jana and Marca,
as all the other apprentices were Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

Ozzy Fame, she played two,

She played Quidditch better than you;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown,
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

It was clear the Ravenclaw players were more distracted by this chant than the Hufflepuff
team, but Tom was more interested in the reactions of the teachers and other staff.
Professor Vassy looked uncharacteristically stony-faced, and her mind was of course on
Ozzy — with anger, too, but Tom could not tell whether the anger was directed at the
chanters of the chant, or circumstances that had lead to Ozzyʼs death, or the Muggles, or
the Ministry of Magic, or any number of possible sets of people who could be assigned
some kind of blame.
Ozzy Fame, she played three,
She was Ravenclaw's queen bee;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Jana was mouthing the words absent-mindedly to herself, while her eyes darted about
looking for the Snitch. Tom would be impressed if she could spot it from here, without it
coming to pay them a visit. After all, up the air, sheʼd then have a chance of keeping up
with the thing, but as a spectator, even if it came into view, much like a Parpalluga itʼd be
likely be gone again from sight mere seconds later.

Ozzy Fame, she played four,

She could have played so much more;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Professor Slughorn was looking distinctly dismayed, but making a foray into his thoughts
suggested that this was more about the reminder of the loss of Ozzy, than any problem
with the chant per se. Of course he always wanted Slytherin to win the Quidditch Cup, and
so by default privately wished Ozzy all the worst on the Quidditch pitch, but any such
victory would be very dearly bought if it cost the life of one of his beloved Slug Club
favourites. Some might care most about the moment; for Slughorn, all was about the long-
term and the big picture, and what his relationships with everyone might do for him over
the course of their lives. In Ozzyʼs case, this was now “not a lot”.

Ozzy Fame, she played five,

She played Quidditch, when alive;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Ravenclaw Chaser Trispen Hodnet scored the first goal of the match, prompting a strong
but doubtlessly temporary lift to Ravenclawʼs spirits. Tom wondered idly how bets had
been placed on the outcome of todayʼs game.

Ozzy Fame, she played six,

She played Quidditch full of tricks;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Over in the Slytherin stands, Belinda was most definitely singing her own version, having
found her own things to rhyme with “six” and “Snitch”.

Ozzy Fame, she played seven,

She made this pitch her own Heaven
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.
Professor Merrythought seemed ready to kill someone, but then that wasnʼt too far from
the norm for her. This year in general she seemed much more serious than previously,
something Tom would not have thought possible back in his first year.

Ozzy Fame, she played eight,

She played Quidditch quite first rate;
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

To look at Dumbledore, he seemed less affected than many teachers, but Tom wouldnʼt
have liked to guess what was going on in that head. He certainly wasnʼt paying attention to
the game, in any case.

Ozzy Fame, she played nine,

Who put her life on the line?
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

The predictable clockwork that was Armando Dippetʼs brain was now whirring on the topic
of what he personally could do to better secure the safety of his pupils — hopefully heʼd
come to some useful conclusion, but in all likelihood heʼd need to over-think it for at least a
day or so, and knowing the Headmaster, that would result in him taking no relevant action
whatsoever by the time Monday rolled around.

Ozzy Fame, she played ten,

Never can she play again
Terrific Snitch Witch, one little hitch:
Our favourite Seeker's flown!
Ozzy Fame's not coming home.

Goals were scored now and again by both sides, Ravenclaw keeping a slight edge,
despite any distractions. Hours passed, and Tom was sincerely missing Ossapheme Fame
who would surely have caught the Snitch by now.
" As night fell, so too did the frequency and volume of the chants, and the players
were showing obvious signs of fatigue. Tom himself was getting hungry, and he wasnʼt the
only one pleased when at six oʼclock, a House-Elf facilitated back-up catering arrangement
prompted a renewed atmosphere, as hot soups, potatoes, pies and the like were eaten in
the cool night air, making the evening feel like one big outdoors dinner party, with
Quidditch as entertainment - however much less attention the game now got in light of the
competing distraction, the food.
" Tom wondered if the players themselves were more distracted by the chants before,
or the food-for-everyone-else-but-them now, and upon reaching out to their minds, came to
the conclusion that it was at the least a very different kind of distraction, but in all honesty
no less potent.
" The first injuries serious enough to temporarily halt play were no doubt born of the
increasing player fatigue, as Hufflepuff Beater Rastus Warren missed a Bludger, and
narrowly avoided being injured by it by instead crashing gloriously into the Gryffindor
" In and of itself, this would not have been terrible, as Warrenʼs sideways barrel roll
into the stands was far from a head-on collision, but as he was still on his broom, the
Bludger still treated him as a target. Of course, Vassy stopped the game and the Bludgers
with it, but not before several nearby Gryffindor first-years had been quicker with their
wands to try to deal with the Bludger themselves, and the resulting Spell damage was
sufficient to require relocation of Warren to the Hospital Wing.
" “Right, apprentices, I need a volunteer to come with me and Mr. Warren to the
Hospital Wing, and then stay there with him”
" “Iʼll come”, said Tom quickly. He was very comfortable missing Quidditch, and also
this would give him the opportunity he needed to use an unattended Floo grate while
everyone was out here. Warren groaned, but it could have been on account of his injuries
as much as any disapproval of being entrusted to the care of a Slytherin, the House most
commonly responsible for sabotaging other Housesʼ Quidditch players.
" “Good”, said Tegner. “You two”, he added to Marca and Jana, “hold the fort down
here until I get back; if anything else happens while Iʼm at the castle, tend to it if you can,
donʼt do anything youʼre not absolutely confident doing, and Iʼll be back as quickly as I can.
" “Clear”, answered Jana, as Marca nodded.
" Tegner raised the having-been-Conjured stretcher with Warren on it, and indicated
to Tom to follow him off the pitch; Vassy re-started the match behind them; in the absence
of a reserve Beater, Hufflepuff would need to play on with just one for the time being. That
said, Ravenclaw were not playing on top form either, so it was still anybodyʼs match.
" “Now, stairs and stretchers, always a wonderful combination”, said Tegner as they
reached the base of the stairs that would lead up to the Hospital Wing. “Letʼs leave our
brooms here so as to not overcomplicate things”, he added, gesturing to the broom
cupboard by the door. As the flight of brooms within the walls of Hogwarts was forbidden in
theory and strongly discouraged in practice, provisions had been made for the stockage of
brooms of those who preferred to drop them off and pick them up when entering and
leaving the Castle. It saved a lot of brooms from cluttering up the Great Hall at weekends,
when flyers came in to eat.
" Tom hooked his broom onto a free mount, and a shimmer of magic showed the
Charm was in place to keep it there securely until he got back — only the person who
placed a given broom there would be able to retrieve it. Administrative exceptions could be
made only by Headmasterʼs disposition, and so happened rarely.
" When they got up to the Hospital Wing, Tegner unlocked the main doors by tracing
his hand down where they met.
" “Thatʼd be a handy thing for us to be able to do”, suggested Tom.
" “Later maybe”, replied Tegner. “Responsibility first; power later. Besides, I doubt the
Headmaster would agree to it; heʼs not usually thrilled at giving pupils access to more
things, and knowing you rascals, I canʼt say I blame him, the mischief you might get up to”
" “Well, I shall look forward to the responsibility”, said Tom.
" “Alright, letʼs just pop Mr. Warren down here”, said Tegner, transferring him to a bed.
" “Am I going to die?” asked Warren, in his first full sentence since his injury.
" “Not from this”, smiled Tegner. “It looks a lot worse than it is; donʼt worry”
" Warren didnʼt seem certain whether Tegner was being honest, as he looked at his
stomach where it had been blasted open by a Blasting Curse.
" “I donʼt feel anything; shouldnʼt I be feeling something?” he asked.
" “Not after the Calming Draught and the Stabilization Charm”, said Tegner.
" “I donʼt remember you giving me a potion”, said Warren, uncertainly, as he tried to
recall it.
" “I administered it directly”, said Tegner, “as there was no need for the potion to take
the scenic route via your mouth, what with...” — he indicated the still-gaping wound to
Warrenʼs stomach.
" “Huh” said Warren, ostensibly accepting this.
" “Now, this is a Tissue Repair Solution”, said Tegner, of an absinthe-green potion in a
bottle that he now unstoppered, and poured into a graduated cylinder, and then poured a
measure of it from the graduated cylinder into a phial. “This will cause your flesh to regrow
itself in its proper place”, he said as he poured the measure of liquid into Warrenʼs
stomach, as the latter tried not to look, “but I canʼt give it to you all at once, or itʼll rebuild
the tissue too quickly all in one place, and we donʼt want that”
" Warren grimaced.
" “So”, continued Tegner, “My apprentice Mr. Riddle here will administer one fluid
ounce every ten minutes, until six doses in total have been administered. Riddle, please
" “One fluid ounce every ten minutes until six doses in total have been administered,
so, five more in addition to the one youʼve just given him”
" “Good. If there are any problems, come and get me immediately”
" “If you donʼt mind, Iʼll quickly get my owl first”, said Tom, “I can be back with him in
five minutes, and then if thereʼs any problem, I can send a message down to you more
quickly and without leaving a patient unattended in crisis”
" “Good idea”, agreed Tegner. “Donʼt dilly dally on the way though; straight back here”
" “Of course”
" Not long later, Tom was back in the Hospital Wing alone with Brega and Warren.
Brega perched on the rail at the end of the bed, looking inquisitively at Warrenʼs open
" “Can you get that bird away from me, please”, said Warren, “Heʼs looking at me like
Iʼm a buffet”
" “Brega”, called Tom.
" “Brega-hahaha-hoo!” returned the bird, alighting on Tomʼs outstretched hand. Tom
would now need a way to get Brega into the Floo Network without making Warren
" “Why were you so keen to come up here to stay with me?” Warren asked.
" “Truth be told”, said Tom, “I donʼt care for Quidditch so much as most, so Iʼd rather
potentially learn something useful up here”
" “Sounds like we can still hear the commentary at least”, said Warren.
" “Yes”, said Tom, “Even more audible in the corridor just outside here on the way
back; Ravenclaw scored another goal when I was passing through there”
" “Thank you for rubbing that in”, sighed Warren, moving as though to touch his
wound, then realizing that would surely be a bad idea.
" “Time for your medicine”, noted Tom, indicating to the clock.
" “Joy”, groaned Warren.
" Tom measured out the correct dose, and brought it over to Warren. Holding the
phial over the wound, he carefully poured it very slowly. Warren closed his eyes and
looked tense, so Tom took this opportunity to draw his wand without notice.
" Stupefy.
" Tom finished administering the potion to Warrenʼs now-Stunned body, and turned to
" “We donʼt have much time, so quickly now”, he said. “I need to send this
internationally, but I canʼt use the British Owl Post to do it, because they would open a
letter to this addressee. Iʼm going to get you into the Floo Network, and will send you to the
Paris Owl Office; you can pass on the message to revolutionary forces there, then get
back to me when you can. Got it?
" “Hahaha-hoo!”
" “I hope youʼve got it”, said Tom. “Alright”, he said, giving the letter to Brega and
taking up a handful of Floo Powder, “Paris Owl Office!”
" A flash of emerald green flames later, and Brega was gone. Tom went quickly back
to Warrenʼs bedside.
" Rennervate.
" “You alright there?”, asked Tom. “Seemed to be a bit of a spasm”
" “Feel so groggy”, groaned Warren.
" “Iʼll bet you do”, said Tom. “Iʼd give you something to perk you up a bit, but I donʼt
know how itʼd react with the other potions, so best not”.
" “Yeah, Iʼll live”, said Warren. “Or so Iʼm told, anyway”, he added with a weak smile.
" The Quidditch commentary outside caught the boysʼ attention with its upturn in
excitement, and the words:
" “Seth Halbert has caught the Snitch! A hard-fought victory for Hufflepuff!”
" “Yes!” shouted Warren, followed swiftly by “Owww oww ow, I should not have done
that...”, prompting a cold laugh from Tom, and a genuine smile.
" All that remained for Tom now was to await Bregaʼs return, and hopefully, though itʼd
probably take longer if it came at all, a reply from Grindelwald.
" Meanwhile, Tom would bide his time, carry on his own research, continue playing
the part of a brilliant but otherwise ordinary student in his lessons.
Chapter Eight
The Longest Minute

“Now I warn you”, said Slughorn, “This is going to be a very long lesson for you, despite
the fact that I plan to let you leave early”
" He flicked his wand and the potionʼs name appeared on the board:

Quickening Solution

“Quickening Solution - also known, of course, as a Speed Potion, but weʼll be using its
proper textbook name here. Now, besides the obvious, can anyone tell me the key
properties of this potion?”
" Marca responded first. Tomʼs mind was still on the obvious function of the potion.
" “Yes, Miss Zelyonaya? No need for a Quickening Solution for you, I see”
" “The obvious part is that it is a solution that quickens the drinker. As for the details,
the drinker will accomplish in one second what would normally take them one minute, or in
one minute what would normally take them one hour to do. The potionʼs effects last only
for one minute maximum, but of course the drinker can do very much in that time”
" “Very good, I can see someoneʼs been paying attention, five points for Slytherin.
Now, who, somebody else, can tell me the hazards associated with this potion? Yes,
" “A lot of wind, Sir, and friction burns when touching things - I imagine thatʼs why last
lessonʼs Fricshod Potions are on the trolley there”, he said, indicating, “so we can go about
without causing catastrophe”
" “Hopefully, yes”, agreed Slughorn, “Five more points to Slytherin. Although I must
say itʼs still going to take some care, which is why we donʼt do this potion earlier in your
school career; itʼs not very tricky to make, but it takes a certain level of maturity to use it
" Indeed, Tom could readily imagine plenty of catastrophes that could occur as a
result of accelerating a person to sixty times their normal speed.
" “Yes, Miss Gould?” asked Slughorn, as Gryffindor Deidre Gould had raised her
" “If an hour passes for us while only a minute passes for everyone else, does that
mean that if we used it a lot, weʼd get older really quickly?”
" “Yes, it certainly does, and thatʼs why itʼs important to not overuse this one -
although some Witches and Wizards have been known to temper it with a Rejuvenation
Potion, but that has its own risks too, so weʼll not go into that today”
" Tom would rather go straight to learning how to brew a Rejuvenation Potion, but he
could look that up later, and in any case, it was not a potion he needed at this stage in his
life, not unless he planned to consume a lot of Quickening Solutions.
" “Now, there will be House Points associated with todayʼs brewing, but points will be
allocated based on the average for your House in a fifty question quiz that I expect each of
you to complete within a minute of unrolling the parchment, a copy of which youʼll need to
collect from the front here... but only when youʼve drunk your successfully brewed potion”,
he concluded, looking proud of himself for coming up with such a means of testing them.
" Slughorn conjured the ingredients list and instructions up onto the board, and soon
everyone was busy grinding cinnabar salts into their cauldrons; Tom smiled wistfully when
it came time to add the powdered unicorn horn, an incredibly expensive and powerful
ingredient that he had failed to harvest from the unicorn he felled back in his first year.
" “How are we supposed to shred this?”, asked Tiernan, holding a snakeskin notably
longer than himself. “It just says black mamba skin, shredded - no word on how to go
about it”
" “Letʼs give it a go with the rocking knife, shall we?” suggested Tom. A fairly safe bet,
as he noted over at Janaʼs table she was finely chopping hers with a knife just as one
would with many herbs and herb-like ingredients. He set the rocking knife rocking, and
flicked it a few more times to, ironically enough, increase its speed. “Now, just feed that
through there, without mincing your fingers”
" Very carefully, Tiernan did as he was told. The result, when all was said and done,
was a pile of thin strips of snakeskin and no minced fingers.
" “Jolly good, boys, very industrious” enthused Slughorn. With the aid of the non-
standard magical knife, they were now slightly ahead of the class.
" After mixing in the arrowroot as directed, the potion thickened up until it was clearly
time to add the final proper ingredient, a whole kantreatʼs claw. Whatever a kantreat was,
its claw was scaly, four-toed, and a vile yellow colour. It looked like it came from some sort
of bird, in any case.
" “Now”, said Tiernan, reading from the instructions, “We stir it quickly sixty times,
Bonkling Boggartsbane, thatʼs a lot, anyway, we stir it sixty times clockwise with this
bamboo straw, then immediately drink it through the same, wait a minute, we only have
one straw, how are we going to work this?”
" “Using two might not work”, observed Tom, “And given the instruction to drink it
immediately, drinking one after the other might not work”
" “You go first”, offered Tiernan, “And Iʼll see if it still works after. Donʼt forget to take
your Fricshod Potion before you do, though”
" Tom picked up the potion that he had bottled last lesson, still sealed, still with his
name on the label tied to its neck.
" “Here goes”, he said, and drank it. The immediate effect of the Fricshod Potion was
to make his clothes feel uncomfortable, or perhaps, strangely more comfortable than they
should. As he moved, they didnʼt quite move with him in the same way; it felt like
everything he was wearing slipped over his skin like the highest quality silk, and not the
cheap cotton and wool that his clothing mostly was. On the other hand, it felt perfectly
normal when he touched it with his hand; the Fricshod Potion reduced friction over the
entire body, except the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, including the
undersides of the toes and fingertips, of course. The idea was that one could broadly go
about without friction, but would still be able to walk and hold things without falling over or
having everything slip from oneʼs grasp.
" “And now for the Quickening Solution”, said Tom. He took the bamboo straw and
stirred it as per the instructions; it took a surprising amount of concentration to count quite
as rapidly as he was stirring, since one rotation was quicker than he could say a lot of
numbers, especially those involving the digit seven. Nevertheless, he got to sixty sooner
than he expected, and quickly took a deep draught of the potion, while still leaving enough
for Tiernan.
" He offered the straw to Tiernan, who gazed at it open-mouthed without taking it.
Then Tom realised that he, Tom, was Quickened, and Tiernan was not, so it was going to
take Tiernan a minute to complete an action that would currently take Tom a single
second. Deciding he had time to be a helpful friend, Tom lifted the potion to Tiernanʼs face,
and put the bamboo straw in his mouth for him, to save waiting forever for him to get it
" Tiernanʼs face - excruciatingly slowly - adopted a surprised expression. His hands
were just about moving towards the beaker, but werenʼt going to get there any time soon,
so Tom put a Hover Charm on the beaker, such that he could leave him to it, to catch up
when he eventually got to drink the potion that Tom had already put to his lips for him, but
couldnʼt actually get him to drink it any sooner without siphoning it in, and come to think of
it, Tiernan might not react well to it arriving in his mouth so much more rapidly than
expected. Itʼd be a waste if he ended up very slowly spitting it out in surprise.
" Tom looked to Jana to see how she was doing, as the most likely candidate for
finishing around the same time. She was still in the process of stirring, and her head was
full of the thought of the number forty-seven, meaning that sheʼd be stirring a good while
" In accordance with Slughornʼs directions, Tom made his way up to the front of the
class to collect a copy of the Potions quiz. As he moved, his clothes hung back sluggishly,
as though being dragged through water. Of course, the Fricshod Potion had only affected
his skin, and not the clothes, which were now being slowed down by considerable air
resistance as he moved. He squirmed out of his outer robe, which then hung behind him in
mid-air, falling almost imperceptibly slowly. He took off his tie as well, but decided against
undressing any more than that, since in the not-too-distant future the rest of the class
would be going at the same speed and he would no longer be quite so alone and at peace
as he was presently.
" His copy of the quiz likewise expressed a reluctance to move, of course, and he
had to take quite some care to not rip it as he took it back to his place.
" “Capricious kelpies!”, said Tiernan, spluttering and putting the beaker down.
" “Ah, youʼve caught up”, observed Tom.
" “Yeah, I... Gosh, these robes donʼt want to move, do they? Oh, you took yours off,
thatʼs a good idea” he said, doing the same, but taking the trouble to fold his, and then
Tomʼs too, which he caught just as they were about to reach the ground, and which he
now manhandled onto the worktop instead.
" “Well, the quiz doesnʼt look too hard”, said Tom, dipping his quill into the inkwell,
and shaking the excess ink off it; a routine action normally quite uneventful, but now a jet
of inky droplets splashed upward from the force of it.
" “Oops... Tergeo”, incanted Tiernan, cleaning up the spillage while half of it was still
on its way back down to the desk. “I donʼt think itʼs the questions thatʼll be trying us”, he
observed wryly.
" “Slughorn wasnʼt exaggerating when he said this was going to be a long lesson”,
said Tom.
" “He seems to be looking at us; can he hear us?”
" “Weʼre going at sixty times our normal speed, so who knows what we sound like to
him, but Iʼm quite certain he canʼt understand it”
" “Feels weird, doesnʼt it?” said Tiernan, in hushed tones. “I feel like I could shout
rude things at him and get away with it, but something in me wonders if he knows a way
around so that heʼd hear it anyway”
" “It does seem quite trusting of him to not take a Quickening Potion at the same
time”, said Tom; “Iʼm surprised he doesnʼt want to keep an eye on the class. Oh well, best
not do anything too silly; I like him liking us”
" “Iʼm going to take a quick look at other peopleʼs potions”, declared Tiernan.
" “Obviously itʼll be a quick look, Tiernan”, said Tom, wishing he had a pencil or a pen,
and thinking on how to solve this problem. He certainly didnʼt fancy trying to answer the
whole page of questions with a quill at this speed, and would delegate that task to Tiernan
if necessary.
" “Heh, yeah” answered Tiernan with a laugh. “Look how funny Marca looks while
sheʼs drinking through the straw”
" Tom looked across at Marca, and then glanced back at Jana, who was still stirring,
her mind now on the number fifty-one. Jana might be the more talented potioneer in
general, but in all likelihood she had wasted time talking to Valerie, while Marca had got on
with the work.
" “Argh!” cried Tiernan, stumbling away from Marca, who had just hit him in the face.
" “Why did you have your face so close to me?”, she asked.
" “Sorry, I was just looking”, Tiernan replied, apologetically.
" “Is your eyesight faulty?”
" “No, I just... forgot you were about to come back to life”
" “I did not stop being alive”, objected Marca.
" “Yeah, I mean, now youʼre back up to our speed, and before you werenʼt”
" “I still do not see how that required your face to be so close to mine”
" “It didnʼt; Iʼm sorry; my mistake”
" “Do not make the mistake again”, Marca advised him.
" “Marca, do you have a pen or a pencil?” asked Tom, partly to break up the
interrogation that was otherwise likely to continue perpetually as Tiernan could not offer an
acceptable answer.
" “I do not have either with me”, replied Marca. “I have some pencils in my bedroom”
" “Back in the girlsʼ dorm, you mean?”
" “No. In my bedroom. In Sverdlovsk”
" “Thatʼs no good to us; ah, wands, of course”, said Tom. “I donʼt know how to conjure
a pen or pencil, but I can conjure writing, and itʼll be neater than any effort with a quill at
this speed”
" “Good thinking”, commended Marca. “A quill would probably flick ink everywhere at
this speed. Why do you laugh?”
" “Itʼs because we already tried the quill and found out the hard way”, confessed
" Marca moved to make off towards the front to collect a copy of the quiz, and found
the same problem with her robes that the boys had.
" “Glisseo” she incanted, robbing her robes of friction and allowing her to move much
more freely and easily, without having to remove them. Tom and Tiernan silently repeated
her idea on their own remaining uniforms.
" Marca regarded Antonin, her brewing partner, and evidently came to the conclusion
that heʼd get there eventually with drinking it, as she did not so much as lift it off the
worktop for him.
" “This is not very difficult”, she observed, reading through her copy of the quiz.
" “No”, agreed Tom, “I think the reason for having us do it was more just an excuse to
give us something to do while Quickened. Like he said, itʼs going to be a long lesson for
" “Do you think we should take this opportunity to interfere with the Gryffindorsʼ
potions, for points?”, suggested Tiernan. “After all, the less time they have to do the quiz,
the lower their Houseʼs average mark will be”
" “Not unless you can think of a way of doing it thatʼs not obvious”, said Tom.
“Otherwise they might not see properly what weʼre doing, but theyʼll see a blur visiting their
cauldron and it wonʼt be difficult to work out what it was”
" “Fair enough” agreed Tiernan, diligently copying Tomʼs answers so far.
" “Robes feel weird like this”, announced Jana, catching up. “Just you two... three...
Quickened so far?”
" “And you”, Tom corrected her.
" “Yeah, and me. Right, where are the quizzes again?”
" “Up front”
" Jana battled her way towards the front of the class, getting a good portion of the
way back before stopping to observe that Marcaʼs robes werenʼt behaving the way hers
were, and came upon the idea of Charming the friction out of them as the others had.
" “This is not easy to move”, said Antonin, taking his turn now. Marca applied the
Charm to his robes without a word. “Ah, that is better”, he agreed.
" “If you donʼt mind”, said Tiernan, “Iʼm going to nip back to our Common Room to
use the bathroom; I really donʼt want to wait nearly an hour for this potion to wear off”
" “Well, see you in a few seconds then, I suppose” said Tom; after all, the Common
Room was not far from here at all. Tiernan went to the back of the classroom, and pulled
the doorknob off the door.
" “Err... help?” he asked, repairing it with his wand. “How do I open this without
breaking it?”
" “Slowly”, Marca called back to him. Slowly, carefully, Tiernan opened the door
without further incident, and disappeared out into the corridor, leaving the door to swing
shut behind him. In all likelihood, heʼd be back before it was all the way closed.
" “Tom, do you know the chief properties of the Wimbling Woadweed?”, asked Marca,
“because I do not”
" “No, Iʼm sure itʼs in Pepculerʼs book though, but presently Iʼm leaving that one for
later, as I donʼt expect itʼs easy to use a book at this speed”
" “Wimbling Woadweed?”, repeated Jana.
" “Yes, do you know?”
" “It makes things blue, but only when theyʼre moving”, said Jana.
" “What use is that to things?” wondered Antonin aloud.
" “Hang on, thereʼs more... what was it? There was a more serious use...” said Jana,
racking her brains. “Ah, it binds fluxes, erm, so... itʼs good in potions that have defluxions
of the blood as a side-effect” she announced proudly, as though expecting House Points to
Gryffindor for the answer.
" “Very well then, thank you”, said Tom, as he and the others wrote it down. Jana
was, it seemed, not so concerned with competitiveness in this milieu as Tiernan was, or
perhaps was just so used to earning points in Potions lessons by being the first to answer
questions correctly, and so continued to do so now even though Slughorn was obviously
not listening.
" “Heh, thereʼs a thing you donʼt often see”, she observed, “the very dignified and
proper Abraxas Malfoy is picking his nose”
" Indeed, Abraxas was probably giving his nose a half-second scratch while nobody
was looking, but it looked very uncouth when it was lasting half a minute instead.
" Soon, Valerie had also caught up, had her robes Charmed, and learned to not try to
use a quill at sixty times normal speed.
" Not that this was the worst mistake one could possibly make, as they found out
when Tiernan got back, laughing.
" “Do not try to use a toilet at this speed” he recommended.
" “What happened?” asked Antonin.
" “Well, I realized the Common Room door would probably be a challenge, so I went
up to the toilets up by the portrait of Myfanwy Quimble instead. Got in without too much
difficulty, but letʼs just say the ricochet was impressive and not something I want to repeat”
" Tom would not have shared this information if it had been him who had erred so, but
apparently Tiernan was quite lax with such.
" Somehow, Tom had expected more of the class to have joined them in pace by now,
but doing the maths, he now realized that this would require a synchronized finishing (and
drinking) of potions all within the same minute of real time, and thus quite unlikely to
happen. Using some of the extra time he had after completing his quiz, Tom strolled
around the classroom, seeing where various people had got to in the process. Some were
nearly finished; others were still shredding snakeskin the slow way, and still yet others
didnʼt appear to be engaged in potion-making at all. No doubt something had momentarily
distracted them, but that moment obviously seemed like a long time to Tom, and those
others currently operating at the same speed.
" Eventually, Tomʼs potion wore off, causing a strange sensation of disorientation.
" “Ah, Riddle, first to finish, eh?” enthused Slughorn. “You did finish the quiz, I trust?”
he added.
" “Yes, of course, Sir”, replied Tom with a smile, trying not to be distracted by the blur
of Hogwarts uniforms rushing by. He felt somewhat self-conscious, knowing theyʼd be
seeing every tiniest gesture and expression from him stretched out for minutes on end.
" “Well, do pop it on my desk, and you can head off early”, said Slughorn.
" “Thank you Sir”, said Tom, applying the Counter-Charm to his robes to stop them
from whipping around dramatically, now that the Charm was no longer needed to permit
his movement. He took his quiz up to Slughornʼs desk, reflecting on how long this walk
must seem to his hastened colleagues, and was just about to gather up his things when
they pre-emptively gathered themselves up in an instant without him touching them, and
occurrence that was swiftly followed by Tiernan coming to an abrupt halt as his own potion
wore off.
" “Welcome back, Lestrange” Slughorn greeted him, “Glad to see my own House
showing their merit, but come on Gryffindors, donʼt get left behind” he added, to those who
who had still not completed their potions, much less their quizzes. Of course there were
Slytherins still brewing their potions too, but Slughorn was far too partial to concern himself
with little things like that.
" Slughorn, who had earlier in the term clearly been somewhat winded by the loss of
one of his Slug Club favourites, had been regaining his usual attitude as he went and now
seemed to finally be fully back to his old self; probably he would hold one of his dinner
parties again soon.
" Others were not so apt to recovering; Professor Vassy, for instance, seemed to be
mostly going through the motions of teaching, this year — the death of one of her star
pupils seemed to have had the opposite effect on her than it had on the likes of Professors
Merrythought and Dumbledore; while it had fired up the former and redirected the latter to
at least useful lessons, it had quite pulled the rug out from under Vassy, as if it were all no
longer so worthwhile as it had been to her previously, when in fact the opposite was true.
" More than usual stayed behind at Hogwarts when it came to the Christmas
holidays, an understandable circumstance in light of the dangers still rife through the
country, and also the fact that many pupilsʼ parents were themselves called off to various
war efforts, but Slytherin Houseʼs holiday-staying population increased only by one, in that
Tom, Antonin, and Marca were joined by Paul Weaver, who predictably had nowhere better
to be. Happily, he did not impose his company upon them however, and the holiday
promised to be quite peaceful.
" Nevertheless, it turned out to be far too much to expect it to pass uneventfully.
Chapter Nine
Christmas Delivery

“Look!” said Jana excitedly, throwing down a newspaper. The pictures were all frozen in
" “How did you do that?” asked Marca, before realizing, “Oh, it is a Muggle
newspaper. Why have you brought it to us?”
" “Well, Iʼd do it with Valerie, but sheʼs not here, so...”
" “Jana, what are you talking about?” asked Tom, looking at the page of Muggle
news, as presented by what he now saw was page ten of the Manchester Guardian.
" “Look, here” she said, reading out now the headline in question, a half-column
article partway down the page, entitled “Who is Stephanie Faye?”
" “Well?” asked Tom. “Who is Stephanie Faye, and why do we care?”
" “Read it!”
" With a sigh, Tom skimmed through the article:

One of the patients under the care of the Womenʼs Voluntary Services of blah blah blah...

...found in the rubble after German Air-Raid of...

...head injury, and comatose since...

...suffering from apparent memory loss, has identified herself by the name of Stephanie
Faye and now believes she is a witch, and must be sedated daily as she insists she be
given her magic wand or a broomstick, but becomes very distressed when offered
broomsticks in an effort to placate her - the nurses, of course, have patiently tried to ease
her suffering. If any friends or family members are reading this, please contact...

" “Alright, so itʼs either a Witch or a muggle who thinks she is one”, observed Tom.
" “Itʼs Ozzy Fame”, said Jana. “Look, same air-raid, and Stephanie Faye, they
probably just misheard Ossapheme Fame”
" Tom looked back at the article.
" “You know what, youʼre probably right”, he said. “Youʼve told Vassy, I presume?”
" “Sheʼs not here - sheʼs doing something for the Ministry and wonʼt be back until
Christmas Eve at the earliest. Iʼll send Tetu with the newspaper clipping and a note, but
Tetu will go to the Hogsmeade Owl Office, theyʼll transfer it to a long-distance owl at dusk,
and Vassy wonʼt get it until the morning, and thatʼs if thereʼs no delays to her mail down in
London, which there probably will be; there is a war on, you know”
" “Well, good luck then, well-spotted”, said Tom.
" “We could go and get her while weʼre waiting”, said Jana. “It has the address right
here. Itʼd be brilliant, weʼd be bringing Ozzy Fame back”
" “Belinda will kill you”, laughed Tom.
" “It might not be her”, observed Antonin, speaking for the first time.
" “Oh come on”, said Jana, “it must be, and besides, whatʼs to lose?”
" “Your morning, your sanity, and the Statute of Secrecy”, replied Marca curtly.
" “So, nothing of pressing importance thatʼs not lost already”, thought Tom, out loud.
“How did the Ministry of Magic miss this though, thatʼs what I want to know - donʼt they
have people for this sort of thing?”
" Jana shrugged.
" “Itʼs a regional newspaper”, she said. “Reports on stuff in the North-West; donʼt
expect many people in London read it, let alone notice a tiny article on page ten. Or maybe
they have, and we just havenʼt heard about it yet”
" “Why were you reading it?”
" “I just like to keep tabs on things, especially as it looks like my brother might get
called up soon for the Muggle war”
" “I see”, said Tom dismissively, lest she start talking more about her family. “What are
you suggesting? About bringing Fame back?”
" “Well, since the Floo Networkʼs been restricted, we could fly or go by train”
" “To the WVS place in Liverpool? Thatʼd be a long flight, or a long train journey”,
observed Tom. “Apparition...”, he suggested, looking up to the teachersʼ table, which was
empty. “Are there any teachers still around? There must be some”
" “Almost everyoneʼs off somewhere because of the war”, said Jana.
" “Professor Diggory is still here, I think”, offered Marca.
" “No, heʼs definitely consulting down in London”, said Jana. “Something to do with
making sure we can do without imported crops, if Grindelwald blocks our supply lines”
" Tom pondered this.
" “I spent some time during summer practicing Apparition”, said Tom, slowly. “Are you
game for a side-along with an unqualified Wizard?”
" “No, not” replied Marca, most quickly.
" “You can Apparate?” asked Jana, impressed. Tom gave her a withering look. “Oh
yeah, you did it in the Great Hall that time”.
" “You can control it now, after this practice that you mention?”, asked Antonin.
" “Iʼve only done short distances, outside at Fengrey Hall; line-of-sight hops”, said
Tom, “But yes”
" “This is not a short distance” noted Marca. “One cannot see Liverpool from here”
" “Thatʼs true”, said Tom. “In fact, I canʼt see Liverpool at all, even in my mind; Iʼve
never been there. Iʼve seen a couple of pictures of the docks and the rubble and the Liver
building, but itʼs not really enough; the rubble could be anywhere, the docks as I
understand it are now heavily damaged and we donʼt want to land in the Mersey if we can
help it; as for the Liver building, well, I could probably land us on top of it if necessary, but
Iʼd rather make a subtler, safer entry. Jana, have you been there? Liverpool town, I mean?”
" “Yes, I went there with my family when...”
" “Thatʼs fine. I can work with that. If youʼre comfortable riding on the strength of my
" “Whatʼs life without a little risk?” replied Jana resolutely, and grinned.
" “Tom, no, this is stupid” objected Marca.
" “I prefer to stay here”, said Antonin, “But I will come with you, if you need me”.
" “That is a bad idea”, Marca told him, “More people means more difficult. Have you
ever yet Apparated a long distance with a spare person?”, she asked, turning back to Tom.
" “No, but how hard can it be?”, returned Tom. “Sheʼs surely the same as any other
random object I take with me”
" Jana looked conflicted at this assessment, but assented:
" “Iʼm sure youʼll do fine. I trust you”
" “That also is a ba...” began Marca, but she broke off at a reproachful look from Tom.
" “Well then, it seems weʼre going on an expedition”, said Tom to Jana, with a smile.
" “Great. What do we need?”
" Tom thought for a second, but it was Marca who replied:
" “A plan, you crazy Gryffindor ready to jump into the smallest chance of adventure”
" “So”, said Tom, “We get ready, we walk into Hogsmeade, we Apparate to Liverpool,
we find the place, we...”
" He hesitated at this stage in the plan. They couldnʼt do magic when not on magical
premises without it being noticed. In fact, would appearing in Liverpool be enough to
cause alarm, or would it be alright, as the spell was performed in Hogsmeade? He looked
to Marca.
" “Assuming you Apparate with success, nobody should notice. However, you will not
be able to do more magic there then”, she replied to his thoughts that had been shared
with a glance. “And how will you find the place? And how will you return, as if you
Disapparate from Liverpool, you will need to use magic there?”
" “There must be some magical residence that we could use to get back from”, said
Tom. “Weʼd just need to find it. Anybody know any?”
" “Thereʼs a little place in Manchester, a bit like Diagon Alley but smaller”, said Jana.
“Itʼs not Liverpool, but if we canʼt find anywhere in Liverpool, itʼs at least closer, if we need
to take a train - weʼd only need to ride between Liverpool and Manchester, which isnʼt that
" “If you are really going to do this madness”, said Marca, “It would be sensible to
arrive to that magical place, not to the middle of Liverpool. This way you will more certainly
avoid notice, if you succeed in not making yourself a gruesome part of the scenery”
" “A good point”, replied Tom. “Alright, both ways then, via...”
" “Caulspell Square”, repeated Jana.
" “And catch the Muggle train from Manchester to Liverpool; how much does that
cost? I donʼt have much Muggle money and we canʼt just Confund the ticket inspector”
" “Iʼll have enough”, said Jana, “Itʼll be less than the train between Manchester and
" “Alright, youʼre paying, then”, confirmed Tom. “Then we go to the place on foot; do
we have the address?”
" “Yes, itʼs here”
" “We go to the place on foot, pretend to be relatives to get to see her, then improvize
from there to get her out, depending on the layout, people, and such”
" “I guess weʼll have to”, agreed Jana.
" “Do you have any useful potions to hand, by the way? Things we could use to great
effect without using magic where we shouldnʼt?”
" “Nothing too out of the ordinary”, said Jana. “Bunch of health and beauty things,
" “No Quickening Solution? Invisibility Potion? Liquid Luck?”
" Jana shook her head.
" “Sorry”
" “Well, if thatʼs that then, letʼs change into more appropriate attire, and meet in the
Entrance Hall as soon as possible?”
" “See you there”, affirmed Jana.

Some twenty or so minutes later, Jana finally caught up with Tom, as she came hurrying
down the Grand Staircase to meet Tom, who was ready waiting for her.
" “I would never have foreseen saying this, Jana, but it may be best if you at least try
to look a bit more like a Muggle”
" “Come again?”
" “Here we are, about to embark on a kidnapping, and with your hair like that, you are
the most recognizable person in Britain”
" “I think Rubeus Ha... Wait, a kidnapping? Itʼs not a kidnapping, Tom, itʼs a rescue
mission”, retorted Jana.
" “A rescue mission of great stealth, because otherwise weʼll end up having to Curse
the Muggles, and Iʼm sure you donʼt want that any more than I do”, said Tom, opting to
ignore the fact that he would, of course, be quite content to Curse as many Muggles as
happened to show their stupid Muggle faces, were it not for the stiff warnings heʼd
received against doing so, and the near-certainty of being caught if he were to go ahead
and Curse them anyway. Jana, for her part, looked pensive.
" “Itʼs not a kidnapping because we wonʼt be taking Ozzy against her will; sheʼll be
glad to come with us”
" “She might not even be conscious, and who knows what the Muggles have done to
her”, observed Tom quietly. “Anyway, this is all beside the point. No matter if Ozzy leaps
into our arms on sight, the Muggles will still consider this a kidnapping, unless the Muggles
agree to hand her over to us, which theyʼre not likely to do without some show of us being
grown-up relatives of hers”
" “So I donʼt want my recognisable description being given to the police” concluded
Jana, catching on eventually.
" “Correct. So, either we outright disguise ourselves using Polyjuice Potion, or we at
the very least do something about your hair so that we look... ordinary”
" “I donʼt think it would be a good idea to use Polyjuice Potion as a disguise, if you
donʼt mind”, said Jana, “I really donʼt want to draw attention to my use of it, and Iʼd have to
wait for this form to run out, take the other, wait for that to run out, take this one... No,
thatʼd be really... I donʼt want to do that”, said Jana, plaintively.
" “Then I recommend a less conspicuous hairstyle”, said Tom.
" “Right”, said Jana, taking a compact mirror from her pocket, and pointing her wand
at her hair, “Conflacrinis” - her hair fell flat over her eyes - “Capilustruo...” - it reordered
itself in a more backwards-facing arrangement, much like a flattened version of her usual
style - “Umm.. Comacollo” - the whole mess took on a neat combed-looking appearance
as she ran her wand down the back of her head - “and now I just need something to look
like itʼs keeping it in place, umm... Kalamsarsham” - a tan felt beret appeared, and she slid
it on to her head.
" “Now you look like a Muggle”, nodded Tom, with mixed feelings about that.
" “It feels weird”, said Jana, frowning.
" “Well, yes, youʼre not a Muggle”, agreed Tom.
" “No, I meant the hair, and the hat”
" “Youʼll live”, opined Tom, as they now headed out of the castle. When they arrived in
Hogsmeade, naturally there was no shortage of people in the village, what with it being a
Friday shortly before Christmas. In light of this, they elected for a deserted side-street, to
make their departure.
" “Alright, stay close to me”, Tom instructed her. He nearly continued with “Not that
close, Jana” but considered that under the circumstances he would do well to tolerate her
closeness for a moment, in the interests of arriving in one piece.
" Laying a hand on top of Janaʼs, to feel that he had a grip on her as well as her
having a grip on him, which latter he did not feel certain of relying upon, he twisted on the
spot as he had learned to do at Fengrey Hall, focussing all the power of his mind on the
vision that Jana had of the bar that served as the entranceway to Caulspell Square,
pushing off through reality as he did so.
" There was a loud CRACK, and they tumbled to a wooden floor. Jana looked
shocked and pained.
" “That was louder than usual”, observed Tom, “Maybe because of the extra weight”
" “My ankle” said Jana, her eyes watering. A voice interrupted them before he could
investigate what had happened to her ankle, however.
" “What are you doing there?”
" “Pardon, fell over while Apparating”, said Tom, getting up. Jana tried to get up too,
but found that to not be happening just yet, on account of her ankle.
" “I can see that”, said what must surely be the barman of the Old Wellington Inn. At
any rate he was clearly not a Muggle, if he was familiar with Apparition. “A bit young to be
Apparating, arenʼt you?”, he asked.
" “My ankle...” repeated Jana, as though her plight was being unreasonably ignored.
" “Did you splinch... Ah, looks like your shoe got stuck in the floor, then the rest of you
fell down from there” observed the barman. “Looks nasty though, better get that seen to.
Where did you come from, anyway? Letʼs get you back there”
" “Liverpool”, said Tom, before Jana could answer with something less helpful.
" “Well Iʼm not Apparating with schoolchildren I donʼt know, and the Floo Networkʼs
down again, so weʼd best send for someone to come and get you - what are your names;
who are your parents?”
" “That wonʼt help”, said Tom, “Iʼm an orphan and sheʼs a Mu—”
" “Muggle-born”, winced Jana, gingerly probing her ankle with her hand.
" “So whoʼs responsible for you?”, asked the barman.
" “I am”, said Tom. He turned to Jana, prompting her “And I think you have a potion
thatʼll sort that out, donʼt you?”
" “No, I just... Oh yeah”, she concluded, catching on, and wincing again now as she
twisted to reach her usual supply of Polyjuice Potion, that would of course restore her to
her usual shape, complete with non-broken ankle. Her base form would retain the broken
ankle, of course, but that could be dealt with later and was not a problem for now, being as
it was currently unmanifest.
" “Well, Mr. Responsible”, said the barman with a tone of open-minded skepticism,
“what do you propose we do with you?”
" “Well, if youʼre not up for giving us a lift back to Liverpool”, said Tom, “then weʼll take
the Muggle train; the stationʼs not far from here, I think?”
" “Your friend here wonʼt be walking on that ankle until itʼs sorted, so—”
" “Aargh!” exclaimed Jana in pain, as her ankle reformed itself, rendered perhaps a
little more painful than it should by the fact that her leg was starting at ninety degrees to
the foot, which was until now still in the shoe, which was still in the floor. She clutched her
mended ankle, now freed from the shoe. “That was not fun”, she breathed. “But itʼs sorted
" “You alright now?”, asked the barman.
" “I think so, yes”, answered Jana, clambering to her feet and carefully testing putting
her weight upon it.
" “Youʼll be wanting a shoe before you go anywhere”, observed the barman.
" Tom cast an Unbreakable Charm on the shoe, and then followed that up by Blasting
the floor into which it was embedded.
" “Excuse me!” objected the barman. Tom ignored him, in favour of returning the shoe
to Jana, and repairing the floor.
" “There, no harm done”, he smiled.
" “No harm done? Youʼre lucky if I donʼt tell your...” he faltered, realising he could not
very well threaten to tell the parents of an orphan and a Muggle-born anything about this.
“...your school about this”, he concluded, somewhat more feebly.
" “Well, we very much appreciate your understanding”, said Tom, mentally stabilizing
the barmanʼs mood a little, softening him, subduing him.
" “Just... donʼt let me catch you up to such hijinks again. Youʼll be straight off to the
train station now, will you?”
" “Yes, itʼs... which way, sorry?”
" “Through here”, said the barman, indicating to two doors next to each other; a large
sign above them read:


The doors themselves had a small sign each, saying “LADIES” and “GENTLEMEN”
" Jana went through one door; Tom through the other. On the other side, Tom found
himself in a small space with another door; behind him now was a toilet, and no trace of
the door he had just walked through. He opened the door that was now in front of him, to
find himself facing a couple of sinks, and another stall to the side of the one he had just
now exited. He found the way out, into what was clearly the Muggle lounge. Jana
appeared from an adjacent door.
" “This way”, she indicated, and indeed a doorway out to the street could be seen.
Casting a look back at the bar, where the same barman now returned the glance —
evidently he had his own route between Muggle and Magical sides of the bar — and
walked out into the Muggle streets.
" It did not take long for Jana to lead the way to Exchange Station, where Tom
delegated the task of talking to the Muggle ticket-seller."
" “Good morning, could we have tickets for two for Liverpool and back, your
cheapest, please?”
" “There and back today?”
" “Yes please”
" “You two travelling, is it?”
" “Thatʼs right”
" “Return for Lime Street, thatʼs three and seven a piece Third Class, half price for a
childʼs ticket, so three and seven total, if you please”
" Jana paid up, and received in return two small tickets, each perforated to divide
them into outward and return sections.
" “Thanks”
" “Twelve thirty-five, platform three”
" “Thanks a lot, bye”
" On the platform, Jana looked around uneasily.
" “I feel like everyoneʼs looking at me”, she said. Tom glanced around.
" “Theyʼre not”, he assured her.
" “I suppose I just feel silly with the disguise hair and the disguise hat”
" “Well, youʼd still look fine without the hat, so you may remove that if you wish”
" “Then my hair will look like itʼs staying in place by magic”, objected Jana.
" “Donʼt Muggle women have Muggle potions to do that for them?”, asked Tom, quite
certain that they did.
" “I... donʼt know. Probably, but Iʼm not sure” replied Jana unhelpfully. “I didnʼt exactly
get a Muggle girlʼs upbringing, and Iʼve learned to do everything the magical way. Even in
the holidays, Iʼm living with a Squib Potioneer, remember”.
" “Well, never mind then, leave the stupid hat on”
" “Do you think itʼs a stupid hat?”, asked Jana, sounding half-hurt, half-annoyed."
" “I think itʼs stupid to worry so much about it. Your hairʼs not spiky, thatʼs good
enough to avoid attracting undue attention. Aside from that, hat or no hat, I donʼt think
anyone will care, and cannot see why you do”
" The train ride was decidedly overpopulated with Muggles, and so didnʼt provide for
further brainstorming together; as such, Tom was privy to Janaʼs thoughts, but could not
share his own with her. Heʼd have to work on a way to get his own thoughts into other
peopleʼs heads without speaking or casting a Spell, but for now, he went mostly over his
own considerations in the privacy of his own mind.
" “You know”, said Jana when finally they were in the relative freedom of the streets
of Liverpool, “If this goes at all badly, theyʼre going to have to Obliviate the Muggles at the
hospital place”
" “Yes, I know”, said Tom. “Letʼs see how low-impact we can make what we do”, he
reminded her. She wasnʼt generally one for breaking the “no magic outside of school” rule,
having more of a habit regards such than he did, what with living at a Squibʼs house over
summer, but it didnʼt hurt to reiterate it rather than have a reckless Gryffindor do her thing
in the heat of the moment.
" Finding the place was not as easy as expected, and they had to ask more people
for directions than Tom would have liked; it was not good to leave such a trail of memories
of them throughout the city, but it couldnʼt be helped if they were to reach their objective.
Eventually, they reached at the very least the right place, as the sign beside the door
indicated “Womenʼs Voluntary Service - Blitz Casualty Reception Ward”.
" “Here goes”, said Tom. “I suggest you let me do the talking”
" “Fine by me”, consented Jana readily.
" Tom pulled on the doorbell, and a ringing could be heard on the other side of the
door. They waited, and waited some more.
" As Tom considered ringing it again, it opened.
Chapter Ten
A Broken Flight

A tall and rather careworn-looking nurse stood in the doorway.

" “Yes?” she asked, by way of greeting.
" “Weʼre here about Stephanie Faye; sheʼs our cousin”
" “Oh, right” replied the nurse, taking this news positively. “Donʼt you have any grown-
up with you?”
" “Mum wonʼt be able to get here before three oʼclock”, said Tom.
" “Youʼre the vanguard are you then?” replied the nurse, checking the time on her fob-
watch. “Alright, you can come in and wait here, so long as youʼre good and quiet - any
nonsense or trouble, and you shall have to go and come back later”
" “Of course”, smiled Tom.
" “Your cousin, you say?”, double-checked the nurse, as she saw them into the
building, her mind on their respective appearances.
" “Sheʼs our cousin”, said Tom, repeating the lie. “If like many youʼre surprised by the
complexion that we donʼt share, sheʼs part Greek and weʼre not”
" “I see. Well, here we are”, said the nurse, lowering her voice now as they entered
what was clearly a hospital ward room. Tomʼs eyes scanned the beds for Fame, and it took
him a second glance to recognise her. She seemed to be asleep, her hair was different,
and of course he was used to seeing her in school robes or Quidditch robes, not in bed,
in... what was doubtlessly a Muggle hospital nightgown, under those linen bedsheets.
Damn, he thought, he had forgotten completely about this, and apparently Jana had too.
How were they going to get her across two cities and a train unnoticed in a hospital gown?
" “Let me get you another chair, so you can both have a seat; Iʼm afraid it might be a
bit of a boring wait for you, but here she is, getting better now”
" “How badly is she hurt?”, asked Jana.
" “Sheʼs a very lucky girl”, opined the nurse. “Fractured skull and a concussion, but
otherwise in one piece - was touch and go for a while, slipping in and out of coma. Sheʼs
been stable for the best part of this week, so touch wood, hopefully she doesnʼt slip back.
Sheʼs really not herself, though, Iʼm afraid, very confused, bless her. Weʼve been doing all
we can, but thatʼs not much. What she most needs is recovery time and love”
" Tom tried to not sneer at that last. Love was hardly going to fix her fractured skull.
What she needed was a competent Healer.
" “Does she have any bags that need packing?”, he asked, hoping to prompt an
offering of clothing for her departure.
" “She didnʼt come in with anything, just the clothes she was wearing and her gas
mask; theyʼre in the little cupboard there. Well, Iʼll leave you to it for now. Thereʼs some
orange squash there if you want a drink, and you see thereʼs already two glasses there -
we put two on each table so thereʼs always one for a visitor, but youʼre the first here for
her, of course, so... well, anyway, there you are, just let me know if you need something”
" Tom nodded and Jana smiled, each by way of dismissal. They waited until the nurse
left, and discussed the situation:
" “Her clothes need to be on, and theyʼre not” mentioned Tom, first of all.
" “Shall we wake her up now or do we need to do anything first?” asked Jana.
" “My only plan is the one we discussed, to create a distraction and leave with her on
foot; obviously she needs to be awake and dressed for that”
" “Right”, said Jana, shaking Fameʼs shoulder, gently at first and then a little more
vigorously, before looking back to Tom, with a clear thought of I donʼt know what to do now
because sheʼs not waking up but I donʼt want to shake her any harder.
" Tom, meanwhile, inspected the clipboard at the end of her bed.
" “Morph / Barb PRN”, he read aloud from it. “I know what morphine is”, he said,
knowing that some Muggles were addicted to it for its pain-numbing qualities that helped
them to cope with their unpleasant existence, “but do you know what Barb PRN means?”
" Jana shook her head.
" “Sorry, no idea”
" “Whatever it is, hopefully itʼs not going to cause a problem for us. Now, how to wake
her up”
" “Ooh” interjected Jana suddenly, her mind going to a small bottle in her bag.
“Wideye Potion might do the trick, I carry it with me because I donʼt get to sleep through
the night undisturbed and sometimes I, well... shall we try?”
" Tom waved a hand in a “go ahead” gesture. Jana took out the bottle, and after a
shifty look around, carefully poured a little into Fameʼs mouth.
" A second later, Fameʼs eyes opened suddenly, with a look of panic followed by
confusion; obviously disoriented. She turned to face Jana, and frowned in concentration.
" “You... thingy... Are you...?” she stuttered.
" “Ssh”, said Jana, putting a finger to her lips, “Itʼs me, Jana”
" “Jana...” echoed Fame, before a look of hope broke out across her confused face.
“Itʼs really you... I... you... please help, Iʼve got to get back to...” - she trailed off.
" “I know”, Jana reassured her, soothingly, “Weʼre here to take you back, Ozzy”
" Without warning, Ozzy Fame sat forwards and wrapped Jana in a clearly heartfelt
hug, before seeing Tom and frowning, sitting back again.
" “Why are you... why is it you two here, whereʼs... well... is it time to go back to
school already, whereʼs my mum?”
" “Sheʼs dead, and itʼs December”, replied Tom. Jana looked at him like he was crazy.
Fameʼs eyes filled with tears, but she looked too dismayed to actually cry; too much to
process at once, perhaps, especially in her drugged state, Wideye Potion or not. It was a
short while before she spoke again, and despite the short schedule, Tom thought it best to
give her a moment.
" “Is... Is Professor Vassy here?”, she asked, hopefully. Jana shook her head.
" “Sheʼs doing some work for the Ministry; sheʼs in London, we think”
" “So... is it just you here?”
" “Afraid so, but weʼre going to take you back to Hogwarts now. Healer Tegner will fix
you up in no time — when he gets back, anyway”
" “Alright, let me just grab... whereʼs my... have you seen my wand?”
" “If you donʼt have it, then either the Muggles took it, or more likely, it was destroyed
in the bombing”, said Tom.
" “Why more likely?”
" “If the Muggles had found it, then the Ministry would likely have found you”,
assessed Tom.
" “Thatʼs true. Alright, my wand is gone. Iʼm a bit sad about that”
" “You can get a new one”, Tom reminded her, although privately he could quite
understand her sentiment; or rather, he would not be so much sad as angry, if he were to
lose his wand, but still, the overall idea was not alien to him. “For now, letʼs get you out of
" “Right. Have you told the Matron?”
" “No, and nor do we intend to. She knows nothing of Hogwarts or magic, and thinks
you are our Muggle cousin, and is waiting on an adult relative to arrive”
" “Whoʼs that?”
" “There isnʼt one, which is why weʼre going to need to get you out of here without the
Matron knowing”
" “Oh. Canʼt you get Professor Vassy?”
" “Weʼve written to her, but she wonʼt get the message until tomorrow or maybe later.
And weʼre not going to leave you here longer than necessary”, he said, resolutely.
" “Thank you. So... We just make a run for it? I tried to leave already, but they
stopped me, wouldnʼt let me...”
" “Let them try to stop us”, said Tom, with a grin. Ozzy seemed unsure how to take
this, but assented.
" “Alright, Iʼll trust you. What do we do?”
" “Well to start with, you need to look a bit more presentable than you do presently;
canʼt take you through the streets in a hospital gown”
" “Right”, said Ozzy, sitting up awkwardly. Jana got her clothes out for her.
" “These are bit tatty”, she said. It was quite an understatement; theyʼd clearly been
washed since coming in, as they were clean and neatly folded, but they were torn and
" “Yes, there was a bomb”, said Ozzy, still rather dazed.
" “Theyʼll do”, said Tom, “Theyʼre better than this nightgown. Help her get them on”
" Tom politely turned his back on the girls to watch the door instead, not that it
hindered even remotely his ability to keep a mental eye on their painfully slow progress.
" “Weʼre done”, announced Jana unnecessarily, when Ozzy was finally dressed,
shoes and all.
" “Not a moment too soon; letʼs go”, said Tom. “Remember, if we get into trouble, be
ready to grab onto me and Iʼll Apparate us straight back to Hogsmeade. Statute of Secrecy
goes out the window if weʼre under threat”
" “Mustnʼt let the Muggles know”, said Ozzy, as though she hadnʼt personally broken
the Statute of Secrecy badly enough that it had been reported in a Muggle newspaper
serving the entire North-West.
" “Come on, off we go, we have a train to catch”, said Tom.
" “Hogwarts Express”, said Ozzy, brightly.
" “Muggle train from Lime Street”, Jana corrected her. “Come on”
" They made their way more awkwardly than Tom would have liked to the front door,
only to be confronted by the nurse just as they were leaving.
" “Where on Earth do you think youʼre going?!” she demanded.
" “She just wanted some fresh air”, said Tom, with a smile.
" “Back to bed with her, now”, insisted the nurse, outraged but trying to keep her
voice down.
" “Back to Hogwarts”, Ozzy chimed in.
" “She is absolutely in no state to—” began the nurse, but Tom interrupted her:
" “Wait” he commanded. The nurse frowned, taken aback but also waiting. Tom
approached her, and Janaʼs heart raced while Ozzyʼs tranquility was threatening to
become a thing of the past.
" “Just who do you think you are?” asked the nurse. Tom fought the urge to answer
that one honestly, satisfying as it may be. Instead, he ignored her question in favour of
bringing a more useful idea to the forefront of her mind.
" “Iʼm here to help. Weʼre here to take Ossapheme home, and youʼre not going to
stop us”, he said calmly but firmly.
" “Stephanie...”
" “Weʼre going to take her home, and youʼre not going to stop us”
" “Not going to... But why are you—”
" “Here to help. Go to your other patients; they need you. This oneʼs in good caring
hands now”
" “Caring hands”, echoed the nurse, her brow furrowed in concentration, but her mind
struggling with the task as much as if she had been Confunded. Without casting a single
Spell, Tom had all but overthrown her mind, which was in all likelihood very sharp in its
own known environment, but could not possibly hope to contend with the natural power of
Lord Voldemort, who was here to recover a Witch, and was certainly not going to let an old
Muggle get in the way of this. Muggles had done enough harm to the Witch already.
" “Go”, he concluded, with a note of finality.
" “Yes, goodbye”, nodded the nurse gravely.

Nobody spoke until they had turned the corner at the end of the road.
" “How did you do that?”, asked Jana.
" “Talk her down?” asked Tom. “Just... Will. Itʼs not like her Muggle mind was going to
stand up to mine”
" “You didnʼt Confund her, or...?” Jana trailed off, without going so far as ask whether
he had Imperiused her, in so many words.
" “I cast no Spell”, said Tom. “We need to go more quickly, or weʼre going to miss the
train, and then weʼll have to Apparate”
" “Where are we going?” queried Ozzy, as though they hadnʼt told her several times.
" “Lime Street Station”, Jana replied. “Unless you know a magical property we can go
to nearby, because then we could Disapparate from there”
" “My house... No, they said thatʼs gone” answered Ozzy, unhelpfully. “Thereʼs the
Owl Office” she added, more helpfully.
" “Whereʼs that?” asked Tom.
" “Liverpool Owl Office”, Ozzy replied, “Itʼs near the cathedral”
" “Which one? Which way?” asked Jana. “No wait”, she added, while Ozzy pondered
the question, “Weʼre on the wrong side for either of them”, said Jana. “Itʼd be closed before
we got there, even if we knew where we were going”
" “Lime Street it is then”, sighed Tom.
" At the station, another ticket was purchased, this time for Ozzy, and they got to the
platform in time for the train back to Manchester. It had even more Muggles on it than the
previous one, but fortunately Ozzy was coming to her senses more, and didnʼt say
anything too damning or too loud, as they discussed their situation in hushed tones.
" Finally back in Manchester, they headed back to Caulspell Square, from where they
could Disapparate, or even travel by Floo if the network was back up yet.
" “What are you doing back here?” asked the barman of the Old Wellington Inn.
" “Heading home now”, said Tom, as reassuringly as possible.
" “Is that... Are you Ossapheme Fame?”
" “Thatʼs me”, replied Ozzy, who was much more with it my now. “Rumours of my
death have been exaggerated, but not by much”
" “Come on through, Iʼll take you this way” offered the barman in a low voice, inviting
them behind the bar, rather than them having to go through the toilets to get into the the
magical side of the bar.
" “Is the Floo Network back up yet?” asked Tom.
" “Not yet. You going to be alright Apparating? You didnʼt do too great on your way in”
" “I can do it” said Ozzy, “But Iʼll need a wand”
" “You sure?” asked Tom, somewhat alarmed at the prospect of entrusting their
wellbeing to her.
" “Yeah, my headʼs much clearer now, honestly, Iʼm fine”
" She sounded it, and Tom couldnʼt deny his own arrival with Jana hadnʼt exactly
been stellar.
" “You can stop here the night, you know, if you want to wait for someone to come get
you”, offered the barman.
" “Iʼve done my waiting”, said Ozzy, “Please, I just want to get back to Hogwarts”
" “Alright, if youʼre sure”, said the barman, not sounding convinced that this was the
best course of action, but not so unconvinced as to stop them.
" “I still need a wand, though”
" Jana offered up hers, which was just as well, as Tom certainly wasnʼt willing to be
parted from his, and would rather chance doing the Apparition himself, if it came to it.
" “What wood is this; what core?”
" “Sycamore; Dragon heartstring”, answered Jana.
" “Mine was Laurel and Phoenix tail-feather”, sighed Ozzy. “Jana, if you hold my
wand-arm and wish us well, it should help the wand to help me”
" Jana took the Ozzyʼs wand-arm as directed, and Tom took the other as Ozzy held it
out in turn.
" “To Hogwarts!” she proclaimed, as though to speed them on their way, pushing off
from the floor of the Old Wellington Inn.
" An instant later, Hogwarts Castle stood before them in all its glory. Or rather, below
them; Ozzy had Apparated them well above the castle.
" “Oh bludgering snidgewicket, the Anti-Apparition Wards”, she cried. “Accio Broom,
Accio Brooms” she added, gesturing awkwardly with the wand in the general direction of
the Broom Shed — which would, in all likelihood, be locked. Meanwhile, they were falling
and nearly at the castle.
" “Now!” cried Tom, calling his wand to his hand and focussing all his energy on the
Hogsmeade end of the Hogsmeade Bridge, and bringing the two Witches with him.
" A great whirling split-second later, he landed awkwardly on the cobbles that lay on
the bridge-ends; they had made it. At least, he had — looking up, he saw Ozzy had too, as
she was now lying on her back on top of the short wall that bordered the bridge. Which
meant Jana was... He got to his feet, and moved to peer over the bridge. Jana was
clinging to a tree-branch, the wrong side of the wall, the river running some distance
" “All in one piece”, she called over to him. “Are we? All in one piece?”
" Tom looked to Ozzy, who seemed to be fine, albeit taking a moment to rest where
she lay.
" “One piece each, anyway”, called Tom in return. “Could have been worse. Can you
get down from there?”
" “Getting down isnʼt the problem; Iʼd rather get up from here, or across from here”
" “Fair point”, observed Tom, his eyes scanning for a way for her to get across. “Aha,
brooms”, he said, narrowly avoiding being hit by the brooms that Ozzy had summoned,
and which had now finally arrived. Maybe the Broom Shed had been unlocked, maybe
theyʼd come from somewhere else, but in any case, three brooms hovered patiently by
them. Tom mounted one, and took another down to Jana, who easily got on it and rode it
back up to where Ozzy was now cradling hers to her like a precious object.
" “I never thought Iʼd be so glad to see a Comet 140”, she said. After a moment, Jana
" “So, back up to the castle, I suppose”, she offered.
" “Specifically, the Hospital Wing first”, said Tom. “Letʼs get you fixed up before your
Housemates swamp you”
" “Good idea; Iʼm in no good shape right now and donʼt think I can face much”, Ozzy
replied, kicking off from the ground.
" “Can I have my wand back, by the way?”, asked Jana, rising up after her.
" “Sorry, of course” said Ozzy, returning it to its owner.
" “Thanks”

A short flight later, the three were safely back in Hogwarts Castle, which prompted
glistening not-quite-tears from Ozzy, and Tom was keen for his part in this little adventure
to be over soon. He rang once again the bell in the Hospital Wingʼs antechamber.
" “Please do not ring this bell again”, advised the bell, in its tinkling voice.
" “Letʼs see if we can... Reducto!” incanted Tom, before being knocked backwards off
his feet. The doors remained in place.
" “Looks like theyʼve beefed up the doors a bit”, said Jana.
" “Thank you for that observation”, replied Tom tersely, getting back up.
" “Oh well, weʼre here, weʼre safe, weʼre... about as home as Iʼm going to get now”,
sighed Ozzy, taking a seat.
" Tom and Jana exchanged a brief glance, and Tom looked away. For them, and
especially for him at any rate, Hogwarts was more home than anywhere else.
" There was a heavy-sounding CLUNK, and the doors to the main ward opened, with
Healer Tegner standing amid them. That was quick.
" “You two agai—” he began, and then saw Ozzy sitting behind them.
" “Ossapheme? How?”
" “Hi”, she said in reply, raising a hand weakly. “Not dead yet”
" “Where have you been? How are you?” asked, his eyes taking in the injury to her
head and her general exhausted appearance.
" “Muggle hospital”, she said, “And... well, Iʼm alive, but Iʼve no idea how I am beyond
that; I was hoping you could tell me”
" “Of course”, said Tegner, catching up with himself. “Can you walk?” he asked,
offering a hand.
" “Yep. Walk, fly, Apparate...ish. I need a new wand”
" “Letʼs settle for walking for the moment, shall we?” suggested Tegner, helping her
unnecessarily as they entered the main ward. “And you two, dare I ask?” he added,
addressing Tom and Jana.
" “They found me”, answered Ozzy. “Came and got me, please overlook if they broke
any rules; I owe them my life”
" “I donʼt know about owing your life”, said Tegner, “But I can say Iʼm very glad to
have you here. Not just to have you back, I mean — though of course that as well — but
also Muggles donʼt do very well with these sorts of injuries; what have they been doing to
" “I donʼt know; I slept a lot, dreamed strange dreams...”
" Tegner gave her a concerned but piercing look, as though trying to unravel what
exactly had happened to get her into her current state.
" “Her medical notes said Morphine Barb PRN”, said Tom. “The morphine I
understood, but the—”
" “Barbiturates”, said Tegner. “They gave her a Barbiturate Potion whenever she
started to get agitated about being a Witch in a Muggle hospital”
" “What does that do?” asked Jana.
" “Itʼs a sort of Muggle Sleeping Potion”, said Tegner, “But itʼs not as good as magical
Sleeping Potions, and itʼs very dangerous”
" “Will I get better?” asked Ozzy. “Because right now I feel, well... useless”
" “Youʼll be as well as can be, given time and proper treatment”, said Tegner.
" “Any word on my mum?”, asked Ozzy, hopefully.
" “None”, said Tegner, shaking his head sadly. “I canʼt deny thereʼs a tiny chance she
survived as you did, but I cannot help but conclude that if she had, she would have been
found by the same Muggles as found you, and taken to the same hospital. Youʼre sure she
wasnʼt there?”
" “She definitely wasnʼt there”, confirmed Ozzy. “Iʼll find her, if sheʼs alive though.
What about my dad?”
" “As I understand it, the authorities have been unable to get in touch with him;
communications arenʼt great, out where he is. Iʼm sure theyʼll make a redoubled effort,
though. In the meantime, letʼs look after you”
" Tegner ran the tip of his wand down the side of her head.
" “This is fractured, and theyʼve done almost nothing with it”, he said. There was a
brief glowing between his wand and her injury. “Thatʼs the fracture fixed, but what lies
underneath will take quite a bit more fixing”
" “Whatʼs underneath?” asked Ozzy.
" “Well, your brain”, answered Tegner. “But more specifically, heavy physical trauma,
and the brainʼs not a simple organ. Iʼm going to need to keep you here for a bit while I see
to that. Could be a few days, could be more; it depends on how well you take to the
" “Better here than that place”, said Ozzy. “At least Iʼll be able to think clearly again,
without the Muggle potions... Wonʼt I?”
" “Thereʼs... do you want to have this conversation privately, perhaps?” asked Tegner.
" “At this stage, I donʼt care”, answered Ozzy. “These two have seen me at my worst
" “Thereʼs a chance you might still need sedation; your mind has become used to the
Muggle potions... You might get anxious without them now”
" “Please, I donʼt want them. Please let me think clearly again”
" “Weʼll see how it goes, and Iʼll do what I can”, said Tegner, his voice grave with what
might have been pity. “You two”, he added, turning tom Tom and Jana, “If you could leave
Ossapheme to rest now, and me to tend to her, I think that would be best. Who else knows
sheʼs here?”
" “Nobody else yet”, answered Tom. “We sent a message to Professor Vassy, but she
wonʼt receive it until tomorrow at the earliest”
" “Very well”, said Tegner. “I would request your discretion on this topic, and by that I
mean please resist the urge to mention Miss Fameʼs return to others, however tempting it
may be. Ossapheme, is there anyone in particular youʼd like sent for, or shall we wait for
Professor Vassy?”
" “Let me get my own head clear first”, said Ozzy. “I really donʼt feel up to meeting
more people than necessary just yet”
" “Jolly good. Well, you two... Please return to your Houses, and keep this to
yourselves for now. I daresay your part will be known in time, and I expect Headmaster
Dippet will be wanting a word with you to explore just how exactly you came upon
retrieving Miss Fame, and why you took it upon yourselves to go and get her instead of
alerting the staff”
" “Everyone seemed to be away, even you”, objected Tom, “And she might not have
been there, so we didnʼt want to waste anybodyʼs time”
" “Given the circumstances”, replied Tegner, “I expect youʼll escape any form of
punishment, but I recommend you prepare yourselves for a fair interrogation first”
" “Punishment?” repeated Ozzy, “But they—”
" “Theyʼll be fine, Iʼm sure” Tegner said to her reassuringly. “Youʼre back, youʼre alive,
thatʼs what matters the most”
" “If they need me to vouch for them, of course Iʼll be all too ready to do so”
" “Thatʼs very thoughtful, but for now, letʼs focus on you, shall we?”, said Tegner.
" It took a few attempts, but Tom and Jana managed to take their leave, soon parting
also from each other, as they headed back each to their own House.
" Naturally, Tom did report his success to Antonin and Marca, since they already
knew the intended purpose of his excursion anyway. Jana, meanwhile, would have to sit
on the secret, as whom was she going to tell up in Gryffindor Tower over Christmas?
" Headmaster Dippet and Professor Vassy did indeed soon both want to see Tom and
Jana to extract any information possible from them on the topic. Under the circumstances,
it was agreed that Tomʼs use of magic outside of school — he had, after all, Apparated into
and out of Caulspell Square, even if his Apparition had not been traced by the Ministry due
to where it had occurred — was a justified exercising of the Exemption Clause to the
Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.
" It doubtlessly helped that they were both old Ravenclaws, and it equally doubtlessly
further helped that Ozzyʼs death had been so politicized as to bring a lot of attention to the
importance of using magic when necessary to save magical lives, even if it may
sometimes mean going against the Statute of Secrecy or in this case, practicing Underage
Sorcery, not to mention Apparition without a Licence, itself a thing that was a hot talking
point in the papers these days, with many calling for the deregulation of Apparition entirely.
" “Safety first” was a watchword by which Witches and Wizards were finally beginning
to live correctly: by empowering themselves, instead of holding back in misplaced fear.
Chapter Eleven
Acquisition and Apparition

Of gifts given and received in honour of Christmas 1941, the one from Ozzy surprised
Tom; he hadnʼt expected anything from her, as he had rather grown accustomed to his
small and fairly closed circle of festive offerings.
" It was not unusual by now that Tom passed the first clutches of Christmas morning
down in the Slytherin Dungeons with Antonin and Marca, and while they had all grown up
notably since since they first did this three years ago, it was with a slight smile that Tom
knelt to open presents on the plush carpet by the ornate tree that stood in the wide alcove
at one end of the Common Room, just in front of the broad window that just about showed
the morningʼs sunlight through the rippling waters of the lake.
" “From Ossapheme Fame”, noted Antonin, reading the label upside-down as Tom
examined the package. “Ah, you are her saviour now”
" “I would say I only rescued her from the Muggles”, said Tom, “as itʼs not like I pulled
her out of the rubble in Everton, but then again, I think the Muggles are arguably worse, so
you may well have a point, my friend”
" Inside the packaging was a small box, and atop the box was a note; it read:

Dear Tom,

Iʼm afraid I donʼt have much to give in the way of gifts, as most of what I had was lost in
the bombing. I Transfigured and Charmed this bracelet for you; Jana has a similar one with
a lion clasp. As for yours, if you touch the silver serpent with your thumb and forefinger, the
clasp on mine — I have one too — will glow warm, and Iʼll get a sense of where you are. I
canʼt promise itʼll work at Hogwarts, with all the magical interference here, but it did work
when I tested them when they were right next to each other, here in Ravenclaw Tower.

Anyway, the idea is that if ever you find yourself alone and in need of a friend, you can
alert me to that, and I can find you. I hope you donʼt think itʼs too silly a thing, but I can
probably never repay you for coming to find me, and this is my small effort at making sure
you can always call upon me.

Merry Christmas,


Well, that was a mess of sentiment, but it was an interesting idea behind it. Tom opened
the box, and found as described a light bracelet, with a silver clasp in the form of a
serpent, wrapped around itself in a flat knot. He resisted the urge to hold the clasp itself to
look at it, lest he trigger its connection to Ozzyʼs, not that sheʼd be able to find him down
here in any case.
" “A jewellery?” said Antonin, looking over at it.
" “It has some magical property, I suppose?” added Marca.
" “Yes”, said Tom, “It has a Charm set into it, an... err... Ozzy-summoning Charm”
" “I cannot imagine, wanting someone to be able to summon me to them at whim”,
said Marca.
" “It could be useful, especially in war”, countered Antonin. “I would not mind such a
Up in the Great Hall, as usual it was snowing at dinnertime, but the fairies normally present
in the Christmas trees there were absent - perhaps called away on some wartime duty -
and the trees were illuminated with many tiny candles instead.
" Paul Weaver was already at the Slytherin table, and the three new arrivals sat a
short way along from him, albeit returning his greeting with passing politeness as they did
so. Tom, for his part, wondered where the younger boy had been that morning; the boyʼs
thoughts gave no clue, however, as they returned to a family scene of some Christmas
past. A Muggle, presumably Weaver Sr, expressed his discontent with what could be taken
to be Mrs Weaver, flinging a Christmas dinner into the wall of their dining room. Gravy
trickled down the wallpaper, and here in the current world, the young Mudblood thought on
how he might use magic to set things right.
" “Tom?” said Antonin. Marca would not have interrupted Tomʼs Legilimency.
" “What?” said Tom, tersely.
" “You are thinking of him? He is content over there”
" “Yes, I daresay”, said Tom, abandoning his effort and turning his attention to the
victuals before him.
" It wasnʼt long before the Ravenclaws were down, including Ozzy, who gave a smile
but did not come over to disturb them. She glanced over from time to time, but broadly
stayed involved in her immediate Ravenclaw social circle.
" Soon the castleʼs few holiday-staying Gryffindors arrived en masse, greeting the
Hufflepuffs as they passed their table. Hagrid made a point of speaking loudly across the
Great Hall, wishing the Ravenclaws and Slytherins a happy Christmas too..
" “If youʼll excuse me”, Tom said to his companions as he rose from his seat, “Iʼm
going to find out what this flask is about”. He was speaking of the gift he had received from
Jana, which had arrived with a card but without an explanatory note of the kind usually
considered standard practice when giving gifts with special Charms whose function might
not be immediately obvious. Jana was often lax in this regard; in fairness, so was Tom. As
he approached the Gryffindor table, she greeted him.
" “Happy Christmas, Tom”
" “Good morning, and yes, happy Christmas and all that”, returned Tom. “Do explain,
why have I received what appears to be a one-way potion flask?”
" “Itʼs an unspillable flask”, said Jana, brightly.
" “I gathered that much”, said Tom. “The potion wonʼt come out at all; is there some
trick to it, or is the thing entirely a humorous novelty?”
" “It has to be drunk”, replied Jana.
" “How, when it wonʼt come out?”
" “Just put it to your lips and drink it, and itʼll come out just fine; and then when youʼve
drunk the Hyggelixir thatʼs in it, you can put something else in that you donʼt want spilled”
" “Really? Hmm” — Tom had not considered this, that merely drinking it would work
when attempting to decant a small volume of it had not. Then again, heʼd learned to be
somewhat cautious with Janaʼs gifts. After all, the last potion-like thing he had received
from her had gone blazing through the Slytherin Common Room.
" “Thanks for the book; I donʼt know how much good itʼll do me, but itʼs very sweet of
" “Youʼre welcome”, said Tom; “In any case, see you about”, he concluded, taking his
leave and heading back to the Slytherin table.
" The book in question had been a copy of Unravelling Your Blood, by Diena
Helikazeus, and promised to help the reader learn what they could about their bloodlines,
complete with testimonials of Witches and Wizards finding themselves distantly related to
various heroes of old. It seemed incongruous that Mudbloods should get magic from just
nowhere, and case was made for magic sometimes skipping a generation or six. Tom
wasnʼt sure whether to believe this, and if not, where exactly Mudbloods did get their
magic from, but he had originally bought the book for his own use, to help him on his quest
to de-mystify his own ancestry.
" The main thing that he had learned from the book was more a confirmation of a
supposition he had already made, that specific talents were commonly hereditary, and rare
talents could often be used for tracing oneʼs roots. The book used chiefly the example of
metamorphmagi, though for Tom the same argument would surely apply to the ability to
speak Parseltongue.
" What he had not as yet succeeded in doing was finding Witches or Wizards other
than himself in anything close to recent years who could speak it, based on any references
he had been able to find in publications on cross-species communications, even with a
pass to the Restricted Section from Professor Mipsum, citing a research project into
possible connections between Parseltongue and Draconian.
" “Apparently itʼll work if I drink directly from it”, said Tom, in response to the
expectant looks from Marca and Antonin, neither of whom had been able to coax any
liquid out of the flask either, when they had tried it earlier in the morning.
" “And what is the potion, thatʼs in it?” asked Antonin.
" “Hyggelixir, so quite safe”, affirmed Tom. After all, about the only way Tom could
think of that Hyggelixir could possibly be dangerous would be drinking it before needing to
be very much on oneʼs guard, such as duelling or a similar activity.
" These past few days, however, with Christmas Day being no exception, Tom was
far more likely to be ambushed by people wanting to talk to him about how he and Jana
had recovered Ozzy Fame.

New Yearʼs Eve brought with it Tomʼs birthday, which an increasing number of people were
getting to know about. Each year brought a present or two more than the previous, but
Tom had no need for constant company, and soon found himself at least as alone as he
tended to get these days, which as a rule meant quiet study time — or sometimes, private
experimentations, quiet or otherwise. Most recently that had meant trying to deconstruct
the Charms set into some of the gifts he had received, to see how they worked.
" Tom had spent some time trying to work out how the Charm bracelet from Ozzy
worked, for instance, such that heʼd only need to ask her about it quite minimally, if at all. It
occurred to him that the bracelet itself was not a thing heʼd really want on him at all times;
in fact, he had already found it sufficiently irritating on his wrist that it now lived in one of
his pockets. Indeed, it was a good thing to have with him, but it seemed hardly the best
medium for it.
" What Tom really wanted to do with this particular magic was find a way to bring into
reality an idea heʼd had last year but as yet failed to get working the way he wanted, which
was to provide a method for gathering his masked Legions to him, be it a matter of
regrouping them in the event of calamity, or just assembling them for some more proactive
purpose; a sort of “Call to Arms” Charm that he felt certain ought to have been pioneered
by someone already, but as far as he could tell, it had not. Witches and Wizards would
shoot up sparks of various colours, would send forth Patronuses, would amplify their
voices, and so forth, but had never been so practically minded as to put into one Spell or
magical artefact, so far as he had been able to find, a means of gathering oneʼs followers
to oneself quickly and efficiently, in any circumstances.
" He tried various avenues of investigating this bracelet, and when he found himself
sufficiently frustrated, from time to time he would take a break and turn to investigating the
Charm on the flask from Jana. This was of course far less practical; after all, Tom could not
envisage an occasion when it would be especially useful to have a potion whose vessel
one could only empty by drinking it, but nevertheless, he did find himself curious, and this
challenge he met sooner than the other, upon realizing that it was a matter of certain
conflicting Charms interplaying with each other, to create this ostensibly unique result.

The return of the rest of the students to the school brought with it more topical endeavours:
in the wake of the events during the Christmas holiday, Professor Merrythought had finally
got her much sought-after permission to teach Apparition at Hogwarts, to all students aged
thirteen and over, which had been the Ministryʼs sticking point.
" To teach everyone at once would be utterly chaotic, of course, so lessons were
timetabled into the evenings. This was an arrangement that troubled Quidditch Captains
and homework strugglers alike, but the argument was made that everyone was in the
same boat, so it was completely fair.
" There was a degree of falsehood to this claim, of course, as it could happen that
one House might lose half of its players on their training evening, while another House
might luckily dodge that fate by chance, but this was (rightly, in Tomʼs opinion), considered
trivial next to the genuinely life-and-death matter that was Apparition.
" “We will do Apparition without line-of-sight constraints in the next session, so do not
concern yourself with that for now”, advised Merrythought, during the fourth-yearsʼ first
session. Tom would still concern himself with this, but would certainly not do so unless a
perfect opportunity happened to present itself to him to do so without incurring
Merrythoughtʼs displeasure.
" “As for safety, there are a lot of us in the Hall, so to start with - and that means until I
say otherwise - you will only be Apparating into the hoop in front of you. I do not want to
see you splinched into the walls or floor, let alone each other. Any splinchings that do
occur will be dealt with by Healer Tegner if necessary, and by me in any case - I can
assure you, you wonʼt splinch twice”
" There was a tone of menace to her voice that suggested punitive action would be
taken for even accidental splinchings.
" “Now, regards technique. You will require your wand to dislodge you from your
current position, and to allow you to arrive to your intended destination without mishap.
Apparition without a wand is technically possible - some of you may even have done so in
your years before Hogwarts, prompted by some accident or incident - however, itʼs
extremely unadvisable except in the very direst of circumstances, as your control will be
truly terrible without a wand. To start with, itʼs likely to be bad enough even with a wand, so
letʼs get started. Draw your wands.”
" Those who did not already have their wands in hand now did so, and waited
apprehensively; some with excitement and readiness, many with a sense of dread that
they might well be about to spirit themselves into a wall.
" “The Anti-Apparition Charm has been lifted from the Great Hall alone, so do not try
to go anywhere else. Again, just the hoop in front of you. Not your neighbourʼs hoop, not
the staff table, not the ceiling, whereupon you would have only yourself to blame for the
consequences you would incur”
" Tom looked at the green wicker hoop in front of him. It did not seem very exciting,
but then, he wasnʼt sure where the Anti-Apparition Charm re-began, and whether it would
be possible to splinch into the floor as he had done in the Old Wellington Inn.
" “You will now twist yourself out of your current location, using your wand to excise
you, and find yourself inside your hoop. This act must be pre-determined before you do it;
donʼt try to do it on the go. Before you Apparate, you will focus strongly on your
destination. Because your hoop is very much like the hoops of those around you, I suggest
to not concentrate on the hoop itself, so much as the patch of floor within it, noting its
details that will allow you to differentiate between it and your neighbourʼs patch. Take a
moment now to examine your bit of floor more carefully than you have ever examined a
patch of floor previously”
" This was not a thrilling exercise, and indeed it seemed to calm the nerves of some
of the more anxious attendees in the Great Hall. Tom, for his part, made out the rough
edges of the otherwise smooth-polished flagstones, taking in every crevice as though it
were a great ravine seen from afar.
" “Now, focusing all your attention on your destination, turn on the spot and twist
yourself out of your current location, into your hoop. Do this now”
" Apparating into the hoop was not tricky for Tom, after the Apparitions he had done
already. A split second later he was in the hoop, not even feeling off-kilter. He looked
around him.
" Tom, Tiernan, Abraxas, and Ravenclawʼs Elvira Highcastle had succeeded, albeit
Tiernan stumbled in his hoop and had to scramble back to his feet; most others in the
room teetered off-balance exactly where they had started. Nobody was splinched — yet.
" “Those of you in your hoops, remain there for the moment”, instructed Professor
Merrythought. “The rest of you, focus more sharply. Make sure you absolutely desire and
intend to arrive at your destination, with all your heart and will. Concentrate absolutely on
where you want to be, and excise yourself from your starting point with a flick of your wand
as you turn, and end up where you want to be NOW”
" The up-turn in her tone at the end of her sentence prompted quite a few learners to
success, but not quite everyone.
" “Your destination is everything” exhorted Merrythought. “More important than
anything else. Be determined to get there; stake your life on getting to that position, where
you absolutely want to be more than anywhere else, do it now!”
" Something heavy slammed into Tom; his knees buckled and he stumbled to the
ground, his free hand breaking his fall only partially as he hit the stone floor with his face
as his instinct to preserve his wand was apparently stronger than his aversion to pain,
meaning that he didnʼt put out his wand hand to slow the impact. Nor did any instinctive
magic come to him on this occasion; perhaps he had taken too much to heart
Merrythoughtʼs admonishment to stay put.
" “Oh bummer, sorry, are you alright?” asked Jana.
" “Get off me” grunted Tom, shoving her aside roughly, partly with his hand and partly
with magic. There was a tearing sound, and it became clear that while they were not
splinched together, their robes were. Tom glared at Jana for a furious moment, and then
slashed their robes apart with a swish of his wand. He repaired his own, and left her to
tend to hers. Nearby, Gryffindor Arthur Harding sniggered, and stopped instantly when
Tom made eye contact with him.
" “Teires, back to your starting point”, snapped Merrythought, apparently not
removing people from the class for such accidental antics despite her initial tone regards
splinchings; perhaps mishaps were expected in such a lesson, things theyʼd just have to
weather if they wanted to learn to Apparate effectively.
" “Sorry Professor, accident” said Jana, scrambling back to her feet and momentarily
looking around her, disoriented, to find her starting point again - of course, it was not
where it felt to her it should be, owing to her having Apparated partway across the Great
" Tom, meanwhile, felt his face for damage, after observing that he was dripping
blood onto the floor.
" “Hold still”, said Tegner, appearing to the side of him with a damp cloth, which stung
slightly, no doubt dampened with a tincture of Squinancy Woodruffe and Essence of
Murtlap. “There, good as new”, he smiled.
" Tom did not return the smile, but nodded curtly.
" The remainder of the lesson gave slightly better results for some, but by the end of
it, there were many who had not so much as budged, and one case of splinching, that
having been Leonid Llewelyn, who was soon put right be Healer Tegner — although
Professor Merrythought directed the boy to clean his own blood and stomach contents off
the floor, which he did.
" Leaving the Great Hall at the end of the lesson, Tom felt it had rather been a wasted
hour, but planned further attendance regardless, in the hopes that Professor Merrythought
would teach better skills for Apparition outside of line-of-sight, and of course itʼd be of great
benefit to be able to take others for side-along Apparition without dropping them off the
sides of bridges. If not, well, he would learn; this he resolved to do no matter what the
inconvenience to those with whom he had to practice.
Chapter Twelve

Brega watched with interest as Tom opened the letter hastily; he skimmed quickly through
for the most vital information first: had Grindelwald responded positively with some
suggestion regards a meeting?

“ facilitate our meeting, I will send my trusted lieutenant, Special Envoy Kharon, to
meet you in Scotland and bring you to my own secret location. Be in the main street of
Hogsmeade, Sunday night at one oʼclock in the morning on the 13th of January. Kharon
will make himself known by tapping his wand thrice. You must then make yourself known
by twice turning your wand in hand. After this introduction, he will then bring you to this
vicinity by Apparition, whereupon a short walk will suffice to bring you to my presence, and
we can discuss at our leisure that which you have to offer.”

The 13th of January, that was tomorrow, good, plenty of time to prepare. But wait, it said
Sunday, that was tonight, so which was it to be? Ah, Sunday night, one oʼclock in the
morning, that would be after midnight and therefore the 13th. Not so much time to
prepare, then!
" Well, in an ideal world heʼd have the time to make himself look older, be it by an
Aging Potion or by some other means of disguise, but then unless Grindelwald and any
who were privy to his secrets were all accomplished Occlumenses, he should be able to
get the information he needed quite promptly and without the need for trust on their part.
" However, they would be more suspicious, and therefore more guarded, around him
with his current appearance, and Tom did not want to have to fight his way out of the
situation, not against such a legendary Wizard as Grindelwald, complete with the backing
of his followers. On the one hand, Tom was a very competent duellist by now. On the
other, he wasnʼt perfect, and such a situation was not the kind of circumstance where Tom
felt he had room to play with the possibility of failure.
" Aha, his mask and Vantamantium-weave robes would be a good option here. With
them, his height may still be perhaps a little under that of an average grown-up, but then,
so was Professor Sortsunʼs - the important thing was that his identity would continue to be
disguised, and he would not appear to be an obvious schoolboy. Tom was on the tall end
of things for his age; furthermore, his skin would be hidden, and his voice, distorted.
" This too was of course imperfect, and would hardly result in a friendly chat over a
cup of tea, but Grindelwald could surely understand a desire for secrecy more readily than
the appearance of a schoolboy.

Tom made immediately back down to the Slytherin Dungeons, in order to prepare these
things now; he would also need to mentally prepare himself, but he could do that out in
Hogsmeade as easily as here. After all, nobody was likely to notice him after nightfall in
Vantamantine robes with his chameleon cloak worn over — not that he was going to put
that on just yet, of course.
" “Going somewhere?” asked Tiernan as Tom got himself ready.
" “Yes, into Hogsmeade”, replied Tom, wondering what he was forgetting, and wishing
for more peace than Tiernan was giving him.
" “Care for company?”
" “Not on this occasion”
" “Dark deeds afoot, eh?”, asked Tiernan. “Sorry, Iʼll take that as a yes and leave you
to it”, he concluded, as Tom stopped what he was doing to look him in the eye. “Let me
know if you want anything from me, though”
" Content to now be left alone by Tiernan, Tom did a quick run-through of what he
would need: wand, Vantamantine-weave robes, chameleon cloak, gloves, mask (currently
in its discreet pin form). He considered it would be wise to bring his letter as token, in case
of any mishap with the suggested method of recognition, so he tucked that into a pocket
" Checking his pockets, his fingertips touched upon the Charm bracelet from Ozzy;
he slid it onto his wrist, and shrank it down slightly so that it didnʼt move about so much.
He had considered cutting off the rest of the bracelet and just attaching the serpentine
clasp to something, but he wasnʼt utterly sure the Charm was set only into the clasp,
despite it being the triggering mechanism. He didnʼt want to break the Charm by breaking
the bracelet, so with him the bracelet was destined to come for now.
" Not that he foresaw wanting to call Ozzy to wherever he might find himself with
Grindelwald, but it seemed only sensible that he might as well have the option as not. Of
course even then, any appearance of such aid would be delayed, as sheʼd have to leave
the castle grounds before she could Apparate to him.
" And then when all was said and done, heʼd need to tell a fantastic story to explain
what he was doing in the presence of Grindelwald in the first place, or quite possibly kill
her. Or both. And then that would become very complicated, politically, what with the prior
politicizing of Ozzyʼs death at the hands of Muggles, if she were now to die at the hands of
Grindelwald as well. Tom would definitely rather avoid that if possible, and would certainly
only summon her at the utmost end of need.

The front door being locked at this hour, Tom left via the ramparts. Not wanting to be
burdened with a broom out at this meeting, and not wanting to leave his broom unattended
in some outside place either, he simply donned his chameleon cloak and jumped down,
magically countering his momentum before reaching the ground. Looking back up at the
castle against the stars, he wondered how many others had done the same over the
centuries, and whether the castleʼs security was more about dissuading the masses from
making midnight sortees than it was about impeding the actually competent from their
nocturnal business.
" Leaving the castle behind him, Tom headed forth towards Hogsmeade. Passing by
the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he was reminded to take a glance at the moon; it was a
beautifully clear full moon, tonight. Marvellous. He peered warily into the inky blackness of
the forest. Not that a werewolf should be too much of a threat to him, of course, so long as
he was careful. Such a beast might smell him under his cloak easily enough, but it was
after all he who was carrying a wand, and could have the creature at his mercy quite
swiftly. And Tom did not have very much in the way of mercy at the best of times, so any
creature “at it” would soon find he had none left at all.
" For now, however, he followed the shore of the lake whose ripples gave no
suggestion of the many creatures great and small below its dark surface. Tom walked with
his wand in hand, just in case. It wasnʼt far from here that he had duelled with Jana in their
first year, unaware of quite how many dangers lurked there. Indeed, he hadnʼt learned
about the schoolʼs arrangement with the Mer-people of the lake to not drown
schoolchildren until much later, and if Merrythought was to be believed, the Grindylows
were still a law unto themselves — not that they would be able to reach him on the shore,
but as she often pointed out, any Witch or Wizard on the shore was only a whim of the
giant squid away from finding themselves in deep water, and deep trouble.
" Upon arrival, the big clock above the front door of the Hogsmeade Owl Office
showed that it was twelve minutes to one. He waited in a shadow, not that such was
necessary with his invisibility cloak over his Vantamantium-weave robes; between these
two artefacts, he would be hidden to all but the most careful observer - a person would
really have to be looking for him, right there, and know what they were looking for, in order
to have a chance of making him out against the rest of the shadows.
" Someone else moving in the street caught his attention; was Grindelwaldʼs Special
Envoy early? Peering through the darkness, Tom saw that it was in fact not one but two
people; had Grindelwald sent a two-person guard? No, the white “W”s on these Wizardsʼ
hats, gleaming in the moonlight, showed them to be Ministry-appointed Watchwizards,
stationed in Hogsmeade to keep an eye out for, well, exactly the sort of thing that was
about to happen; agents of Grindelwald entering a British Wizarding community with
nefarious intentions.
" “Well, whaddya know, Nobby”, said one of them, “Looking like another nice night of
Grindelwaldʼs armies not invading Hogsmeade High Street. Whoʼda thunk it”
" “You complaining at three Sickles an hour for patrolling a peaceful village?”, asked
" “Nah, ʻcourse not, but itʼs a daft job all the same. Whatʼre we supposed to do if
Grindelwald or his soldiers show up anyway?”
" “You know the drill, Bill: Shout, Stun, and Send up Sparks; simple as that, nothing
" “Come on, Nobby, thatʼs just the Ministry line. Itʼs not like Grindyʼs gonna be playing
to a Ministry rulebook, is it? Are you telling me that if a squad of Grindyʼs finest show up
one night, youʼre going to holler out and hope for the best in a battle?”
" “Well, who knows how itʼd pan out” said Nobby. “Weʼll probably never know until it
happens, and hereʼs hoping it it never does”
" “Aye, Iʼll drink to that”, said Bill, “Or would, if they let us drink on duty”
" Their conversation continued, but they rounded the corner, and Tom did not follow
their conversation with his mind, as he found he would rather focus his mind on his own
apparent problem of what he would do with Kharon arriving shortly and potentially getting
seen by the Watchwizards - whom heʼd then almost certainly kill, assuming Grindelwald
has more reliable Wizards as his confidants than these Watchwizards with their casual
attitudes - but this would cause an alarm and enquiry that might make it difficult for Tom to
get back without being noticed, given how security would probably get stepped up ten
" One possible way to avoid this would be for him to Stun Nobby and Bill sooner than
Kharon could kill them, but even this would create quite a mess, as obviously somebody
must have done it. Similarly, an Imperius Curse would be all very well and good for now,
but then heʼd need to maintain it potentially indefinitely afterwards, lest they report it as
soon as theyʼre clear of the Curse. Maybe he could Imperius them and have them go and
quietly kill themselves somewhere else at a later time to rid him of their nuisance, but even
then, heʼd have to maintain the Curse for at least the time between now and when he got
back, and he wasnʼt sure he could do that, especially at such a distance and with such
distractions going on. He understood from his readings on the subject that such longer-
term control was possible, even over the course of days, with the casting Wizard
presumably facing many distractions in the meantime, not to mention possibly sleep - but
he, Tom, did not yet know how to do so, and now did not seem to be the ideal time to find
out the hard way if it turned out he had the wrong idea about it.
" Six minutes to one, now. Whatever Tom was going to do, he was going to have to
do it soon. Maybe Kharon would arrive before they rounded back on the main street.
" Maybe Tom could distract them over in one of the backstreets. But how? There
wasnʼt time to go set a trap that could be later considered something very trivial. Maybe if
he set fire to one of the buildings up near the opposite end of the street, it would be
distraction enough? But he didnʼt know which end that was going to be; Kharon might
appear anywhere.
" Four minutes to one. If only there were not street-lamps lit. Didnʼt they know there
was a war on?
" One minute to one. Was Kharon coming? Would be be late?
" Tom didnʼt have to wait long for his answer, because as the clock hand shifted onto
the hour, so a figure appeared in the middle of the street. That must be him; no time to
wait. A quick check into his thoughts revealed the focused mind of a soldier, quickly
scanning the street for dangers, though he did not move from the very exposed point of his
arrival. He was brazen, that was for sure. Tom would have to be brazen too; he stepped
" Just as he did so, and was about to doff his chameleon cloak, the Watchwizards
Nobby and Bill rounded the corner again.
" “Whoʼs that?” called out one of them. Kharon didnʼt move, and didnʼt answer. His
wand was already drawn; it had been upon his arrival.
" “Warning yer”, called the Watchwizard, “Identify yourself or youʼll find yourself under
arrest”, he threatened, as he and his fellow Watchwizard advanced warily.
" “Avada kedavra”
" There was a flash of green light, and the sound of rushing death, and one of the
Watchwizards fell.
" “Nobby! Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Incarcerus! Protego!” exclaimed the remaining
Watchwizard; his efforts were almost inconsequential in and of themselves, as Kharon
blocked everything easily, but the ongoing barrage of Spells did mean one thing, which
was that Kharon wasnʼt getting time to cast another Killing Curse, and was having to settle
for Spells that were quicker to get out. Tom leveled his wand at Bill the brave but foolish
Watchwizard, but this latter now fell before Tom could Curse him; Kharon had hit him with
something, possibly a Stunning spell, judging from the appearance.
" Tom stepped out now, and as he did so, Kharon glanced around, spun on the spot,
and vanished.
" “Kharon!” called Tom in a loud whisper, creating a strange voice as he tried to make
it both a shout and a whisper at once. He laughed at the absurdity of it, but any lightening
of tension was but momentary, because now the villageʼs General Alarm was sounded,
and it rang loud in Tomʼs ears, not to mention the ears of every other living soul in
Hogsmeade. He shrank back into the shadows, not that he would be likely to be seen in
this cloak even out in the middle of the street.
" What to do now? Villagers were appearing in windows, and lights were being turned
on; the exact opposite of what happened in Muggle residential areas when the Air Raid
Sirens were sounded. Tom sighed. There was nothing else for it; Kharon was gone and
wasnʼt coming back. He, Tom, might as well return to the castle and figure out where to go
from here.
" The walk back to Hogwarts seemed a lot slower and more onerous than the walk
out, and Tom found himself increasingly annoyed with Kharonʼs failure. He hoped that
Grindelwald would be at least equally annoyed, and punish his lieutenant accordingly. He
glanced back, half wondering if Grindelwald might appear in the village to finish the job
himself; such a great Wizard as Grindelwald would surely not fear a few village locals. But
there seemed to be no sign of a battle now, so Tom trudged on up to the castle, and
resolved to write back — again — in the morning.


Agents of Dark Wizard Grindelwald infiltrated Hogsmeade on Sunday night, leading to the
shocking murder of Norbert “Nobby” Bullock, 49, a heroic Watchwizard assigned to protect
the safety of the village.

The Daily Prophet spoke with eyewitness Bill Talbot, 51, who was on duty with Bullock
when the fateful events occurred. Talbot told us the chilling tale:

“There we were, a peaceful evening, doing our job patrolling the village, and this Wizard in
black robes just Apparated right into the middle of the street. Nobby challenged him, and
just like that, the Wizard struck him dead with a Killing Curse, and starts launching Curses
at me. Of course I gave him what for, but he got away, the coward”

Nobody seems to know who the mysterious combatant was, or what dark business he
had in Hogsmeade, but we can only hope that the Ministry will do the necessary and
improve security, as the residents of Hogsmeade live in fear of another attack, not knowing
where or when the mad followers of Grindelwald will strike again

Tom passed the morningʼs newspaper back to Tiernan.

" “So, any thoughts on it, Tom?”, Tiernan asked openly enough, without voicing the
rest of his thoughts, which would have been along the lines of because you went out into
Hogsmeade last night wearing black robes.
! “I think itʼs nothing we need worry about”, said Tom.
" “Wonder what Grindelwald wants in Hogsmeade”, said Abraxas, “And why he or
whoever it was cleared off so quickly”
" “If they wanted to invade Hogsmeade, it surely could not not hold its ground”,
opined Antonin.
" “Reinforcements could arrive in an instant from London though, couldnʼt they?”
suggested Tom. Abraxas shook his head.
" “No. Well, yes, rather, but not if whoever got there first put up Anti-Apparition Wards
before doing anything else, to isolate the place. Itʼs standard practice now, so they say”
" “I wonder, if he got what he came for”, said Antonin.
" “Doesnʼt look like it, does it?”, said Tom. “Itʼs a curious thing, though, a powerful
Dark Wizard having his plan foiled by village Watchwizards”
" “Well, you know what they say”, said Abraxas, “Sometimes if you want something
doing, youʼve got to do it yourself”
" “You could well be right”, said Tom with a smile, “Maybe Grindelwald will make a
personal visit next time”
" “You laugh”, said Abraxas, “But it depends what it is he wants; if itʼs something
really important, he might well show up, and we should be ready in case we need to make
certain decisions”
" Tom nodded. He didnʼt know whether Grindelwald would come personally in the
wake of Kharonʼs failure, but he also didnʼt really care, so long as the meeting succeeded
in taking place somewhere, and that was clearly something that was going to take a little
more work, it seemed.
Chapter Thirteen
Return Post

The morningʼs Charms lesson had them Charming pocket-watches to sing them the time,
and it being so focussed around listening did not afford much chance for discussion, which
suited Tom. By lunchtime however, Tiernan predictably did ask Tom privately about the
business of last night, as they headed up to the History of Magic classroom for their next
lesson after eating.
" “Tom, a quick word in private?” he asked, gesturing towards a rarely-used corridor
that led to little more than an oubliette — if the oubliette had a function, it had long since
been forgotten.
" “Of course” said Tom, as it would be better (and safer) to get this done with than
leave Tiernan wondering or have him ask at a worse time.
" “So, that last night... Was that you?” asked Tiernan, after checking the coast was
clear. “I mean, if it was, Iʼm sure you had good reason, donʼt worry about anything; you
know you can trust me”
" “Iʼm sure I can”, said Tom. “But the Wizard in the article was not me, and I didnʼt
Curse anyone. The reason I went out into Hogsmeade was to meet him, as Iʼve been
corresponding with his master”
" “Grinde—”
" “Ssh”, said Tom. “This much Iʼve shared so that you can put the matter out of your
mind. The less involvement you have with it, the better. If I need you, Iʼll call on you. Until
such a time, this conversation never happened. Understood?”
" “Right”, said Tiernan, simply. “History of Magic, then?”
" “History of Magic”, nodded Tom.
" “Yay”
" In the class, Binns droned ceaselessly on the threateningly boring topic of Spell
Standardization Treaties, which had been better summarized in the libraryʼs copy of
Universal Animus, which Tom had read not two months ago, while researching Spell
creation methods for a personal project inspired by one of Professor Vassyʼs lessons.
Binnsʼ mind tended to be as dry as his lecturing, and very often offered little more than
glimpses of pages with the same information as he was relaying to them. His lack of
imagination was truly impressive, and Tom sometimes wondered if the old man had ever
even left the castle in living memory.
" Certainly he didnʼt even join the majority of the staff in dining down in the Great Hall,
for Tom never saw him there. Frankly, even the Bloody Baron, who had been dead for
centuries, seemed to get around the castle more than Cuthbert Binns did.
" In any case, Tom opted relieve some of his boredom by doing something he most
certainly could not have got away with doing in Charms with Vassy: writing a new missive
to Grindelwald, with whom he was practically pen-pals by now. Taking a fresh sheet of
parchment and noting that the only person who might possibly be in a position to see was
Tiernan, and he was gazing into the distance, his mind on the particulars of the party he
would like to throw at Fengrey Hall if Grindelwald were to attend.
" Tom took up his quill and wrote:
Most Esteemed Gellert Grindelwald,

By now you will be aware that last night at one oʼclock the morning of the thirteenth, your
Special Envoy Kharon was involved in an altercation with two Watchwizards on duty in
Hogsmeade village, killing one and duelling briefly with the other before Disapparating,
whereupon the General Alarm was soon sounded by a third villager.
I was there in the street, hidden by means of my invisibility cloak, and would have revealed
myself if it were not for the fact I had full confidence that your agent would kill the second
Watchwizard and then wait at least a few seconds for me before departing.

Alas, as we now know, this was not to be. After the Special Envoyʼs swift departure, and
with the klaxons of the General Alarm ringing in my ears, and villagers appearing at many
windows, and the dead Watchwizard lying dead for all to see—

“You wrote dead twice” whispered Tiernan, startling Tom, who had not hitherto noticed
Tiernan was reading his letter.
" “I didnʼt ask you to proofread it”, said Tom, testily.
" “Sorry, didnʼt mean to”, offered Tiernan. Tom glanced sideways at him.
" “Do not speak of this to anyone”, he said, folding the letter away to finish it later.
" “Of course not”, said Tiernan, shaking his head.
As Tiernan clearly could not control his curiosity despite his best efforts, Tom finished his
letter that evening in the solitude of the local history section in the library, before returning
to the Common Room, contemplating how to send the letter this time, once again needing
access to a connected Floo grate — assuming the Floo network was even up and running
— to hasten Bregaʼs arrival to an Owl Office in a Grindelwald-controlled area, to pass on
the letter to friendly communication channels.
" He sank into an armchair in a dark corner of the Common Room to ponder this
problem anew, since obviously the method he used last time was quite opportunistic and
would not be viable again. He could maybe break into the Hospital Wing, taking his broom
and gaining access via a window if needs be, but he had absolutely no idea when Tegner
retired for the night, and did not want to have to find out in person. Even if he checked for
Tegnerʼs presence by magical means before entering the ward, if he got up there and
Tegner was indeed there, he didnʼt want to have to sit on the roof for hours on end, waiting
for him to leave.
" Tom had an idea, and called over to Belinda, who was frowning at her essay
" “Belinda, I require a distraction”
" “Yeah, me too”, said Belinda, looking up from her essay. She stretched, and smiled,
before coming over to join Tom at his armchair and sitting herself on his lap. She was
heavier than he would have expected; perhaps he had been misled by the combination of
her generally dynamic nature, and often seeing her whizzing around on a Broomstick.
" “What are you doing?”
" “Distracting”, said Belinda. “Good to take a break now and again”
" “It is not I who needs distracting” clarified Tom, disentangling her.
" “But you said...” began Belinda, confused.
" “I need a distraction for someone else” clarified Tom.
" “Huh?”
" “I need there to be a distraction in the castle that will require Healer Tegnerʼs
attendance, to make absolutely sure heʼs not in the Hospital Wing for a few minutes”
" “What are you doing there?” she asked, sitting up straighter.
" “The less you know, the less trouble youʼll be in if youʼre found out. Can you make a
distraction for me?”
" “When, now?”
" Tom thought through how he needed to get Brega first - bearing in mind that Brega
was near the top of the castle and he was near the bottom - but that Belinda would also
require time to get herself into position, and then Tegner would need time to get himself to
the scene of the distraction.
" “Yes, now would be good”, affirmed Tom. “Have you something in mind already?”
" “I could start a fight... set something on fire... release some creatures...”
" “Ideally without getting caught yourself, or associated with it. Also probably not
parpallugas, after the Halloween show”
" “Not parpallugas, alright then. And as for places, not Gryffindor”, thought Belinda
out loud, “Because theyʼre pretty close to the Hospital Wing already, and Ravenclawʼs not
terribly further off, so maybe Hufflepuff”
" “Alright, badger-baiting it is, then. Shouldnʼt take too long for someone to be going
to the kitchens to collect a supper snack, at this hour — aha, take Tiernan with you, go
collect some food, release a creature, pretend to try to stop it, accidentally hit a Hufflepuff,
Tiernan can hurry off to get help, then no House Points will be lost for Slytherin, but Iʼll get
the distraction I need. Repeat to me the plan, so I know you understand it”
" “Take Tiernan to go get snacks from the kitchens. Lurk around waiting for a
Hufflepuff to come by; release something, havenʼt figured out what yet, accidentally-on-
purpose make sure the Hufflepuff gets injured, send Tiernan to go get help from Tegner”
" “Good, you have it. The Hufflepuffs will be suspicious, Tegner might too, but thereʼll
be no evidence to the contrary. Even if he reads minds, heʼll only get a glimpse of me, not
enough information to damn anybody, because you donʼt know what Iʼm doing. Perfect. As
I said, the less you know, the safer you are, which makes you quite safe indeed”
" “Thanks”
" “Tiernan!”
" “Hello”, replied Tiernan from an alcove-table a short distance away. He looked over
expectantly, but visibly confused as to what was wanted of him. Had Tom been on his own,
itʼd be obvious that he was to come over to him; with Belinda sat on Tomʼs lap, it was much
less clear that this was what was desired. Tom noted this, and gave Belinda a shove.
" “What?” she asked.
" “Get off”, he said. “Youʼre too heavy”
" “I am not...” she began, but trailed off as Tom waved a hand to indicate this was
irrelevant, and that he was now interested in getting Tiernan to come over.
" “You wanted me?” asked Tiernan, upon joining them.
" “Obviously. You and Belinda have a mission. I do too, but...”
" “...the less you know, the safer you are”, interrupted Belinda, with a knowing smile.
" “Exactly”, agreed Tom, “which is why you and Belinda donʼt need to know what Iʼll
be up”. Belinda looked slightly less pleased, now that it was obvious to Tiernan that she,
too, had not been let in on the secret.
" “Jolly good then”, said Tiernan stoically, “What do you want us to do?”
" “Create a distraction”, said Belinda. “He wants us to distract Tegner down to the
dungeons, without getting caught doing anything serious enough to get us into trouble,
long enough for him to do his thing up in the Hospital Wing”
" “So whatʼs the plan?”
" “Weʼre going to go to the kitchens pretending to go to get sneaky food, but weʼll wait
and ambush a Hufflepuff when they do the same, set some creatures on them, get them
injured, and then you can run up to the Hospital Wing to get Tegner”
" “Thatʼs a lot of running”, observed Tiernan.
" “Well, he does it often enough”, observed Tom. “Youʼll live”
" “What creatures are we setting on them?”
" “Belinda?” prompted Tom. It took Tiernan a beat to realise Tom was inviting Belinda
to answer, not suggesting that she was what was going to be set upon them.
" “Not Parpallugas, after Halloween, not Night Terror Weavers after last year, how
about luring a Kelpie from the lake?”
" “How will you acquire and transport it? Shrink it, I suppose, but getting it in the first
" “I... Well, I suppose we could get someone to pretend to be stuck, and... Hmm...”
" “Do we need creatures, definitely?” asked Tiernan, tentatively.
" “Well, yes, we donʼt want it to be a replay of last yearʼs raid on the Hufflepuffs, do
we? Itʼd link it too closely and make it far more obvious it was us last year”
" “But... Sorry if Iʼm being stupid here... Do we need the Hufflepuffs, either?”
" “Ah, youʼre right” replied Tom. “Good point. Stay here, both of you. Iʼll be back in just
a moment”
" Tom dashed off the fourth-year boysʼ dormitory, and pulled out his coffer. He took
out the Glauber Globe, filled with Heptamirabilite Thanaroles that he had been working for
Al-Muharik. He smiled, and hurried back out to rejoin Tiernan and Belinda.
" “Whatʼs this?” asked Belinda.
" “Itʼs my Alchemy coursework”, said Tom.
" “It is? What is it? I donʼt even know what Iʼm doing for mine yet”
" Tom didnʼt answer, but moved Tiernan aside slightly with a gesture of his arm, and
made to show the thing more closely to Belinda alone. Carefully, he unscrewed the top
part of the dark metal orb, allowing the contents to dramatically up-light Belindaʼs face as
she peered into it — then she recoiled in horror.
" “Thatʼs enough, then”, said Tom, closing the thing.
" “What have you done to me?” demanded Belinda, putting her hands to her face to
feel it.
" “I havenʼt done anything to you”, said Tom, “you just took a look at my Alchemy
homework, which turned out to be a bad idea”
" “It stings, it burns, owww... Spittal of Glenshee, this really hurts and and youʼd better
put it right soon, ow, I canʼt open my eyes; it hurts...”
" “Perfect”, said Tom. “If you canʼt open your eyes, you canʼt reasonably go to the
Hospital Wing, so Healer Tegner must be called down here. Donʼt tell him I gave you this
to look at; tell him it was on the table and you ignored my instruction to make sure nobody
looks at it, understood?”
" “Can you not fix this?”, demanded Belinda.
" “No, I have no idea how, and if youʼd like us to get Healer Tegner to look at, I
suggest you confirm what youʼre going to tell him”
" “Fine, err, your stupid ball thing was on the table and I looked at it”
" “Despite my instruction not to”
" “Well what did you expect?!” complained Belinda, as though they were now
discussing something that had actually happened.
" “Alright; you sit tight, and Tiernan will go get Tegner. If youʼd be so kind...” he added,
to Tiernan.
" “Of course”
" “Come to think of it” said Tom, casually Stunning Belinda as she started to get up to
try to go somewhere, “Iʼll actually be coming with you most of the way. Accio broom”
" “Weʼre flying?” asked Tiernan, as Tomʼs broom arrived from where it had been,
stored above his bed.
" “No, of course not; you know weʼre not allowed to fly in the corridors”, said Tom with
a smile. “However, Iʼm bringing this with me” he confirmed, heading out of the Common
Room, with Tiernan following swiftly after, leaving Belinda slumped back in the armchair.
" “What is that you did to her face, by the way?” asked Tiernan as they climbed the
stairs up from the Dungeons.
" “I didnʼt do anything; my homework did it”, said Tom, innocently. “However, what it
did was replace the natural salts in a good portion of her skin and eyes with new and more
interesting salts. Itʼs actually quite possible sheʼll be fine by the time you get back, or then
again she might have nasty burns, Iʼm honestly not sure. Do let me know, as I am curious
and obviously canʼt be there”
" “Will do. Sheʼll be alright then?”
" “Itʼs Tegner, he can sort anything out, and there might not even be anything to sort
" “Why did you Stun her?”, Tiernan asked.
" “Mainly so that nobody asks her what happened, while weʼre away. If she talks to
people in the Common Room while weʼre gone, then Tegner asks what happened, one of
them might tell him the truth. So, unconscious friends tell no tales”, he smiled. “If sheʼs still
out when you get back, which she should be, you can tell Tegner you Stunned her for her
own safety because she was panicking and seemed to be a hazard to herself”
" “Fair enough”, said Tiernan. “So, if we mention thatʼs your homework that did it, he
might ask where you are, to ask about it; where should I say are?”
" “Owlery” said Tom. “And in the unlikely event he then goes looking for me at the
Owlery, heʼll find me there, or on the back way down from there”.
" “Fair enough, so if youʼre really going there, whatʼs with getting Tegner out of the
Hospital Wing?”
" “You didnʼt ask that”
" “I didnʼt...? Oh, right, of course, I follow now. Sorry.”
" Upon parting ways with Tiernan, Tom picked up the pace in the remainder of his
ascent to go get Brega, who would hopefully be in the Owlery and not out hunting, as he
didnʼt have time to wait, and all his efforts so far would be for nothing in Bregaʼs absence.
" “Brega-hahaha-hoo!”
" “Ah good, you are here”, said Tom. “We have work to do”
" “Hahoo!”
" “First things first, I need you to come with me; follow” said Tom, kicking off with his
broom and gliding out through one of the many unglazed windows of the Owlery.
" “Brega-hahaha-hoo!” - Brega soared and banked alongside Tom, and together they
arrived to roof of the Hospital Wing; Brega fluttered to alight on a leaden ridge, while Tom
hovered a moment. Casting forth his mind, he couldnʼt find Tegnerʼs in the ward below, nor
anyone elseʼs, for that matter. He swung down to the high windows, and peered through;
certainly no sign of anyone there.
" The windows were all closed; hardly surprising in the middle of January. His first
thought was to break one and repair it afterwards, but then had a better idea:
" Alohomora, he essayed. It worked! The latch undid itself, and thereafter it was easy
to open the window itself.
" “Hahaha-hoo!” enthused Brega, still up on his newfound perch.
" “Come Brega”, said Tom. “Weʼre going inside. Be quiet now”
" “Hoo”, cooed Brega softly, and glided silently in ahead of Tom, and alighting on a
partition rail. Tom entered a little less elegantly, but got in nevertheless. He dearly hoped
Tegner didnʼt arrive back right now, because he wasnʼt getting out of that window without
at least a comparable struggle, so hearing the first set of doors wouldnʼt be sufficient
notice to get out before the second set of doors were opened.
" “Another long distance message, Brega”, said Tom, giving Brega the letter.
“Assuming it works, this Floo grate will get you to the Paris Owl Office, then you pass the
letter to the Revolutionary Post Grid in the morning, and get back here when you can,
" “Hahoo”
" “I hope thatʼs a yes. Alright”, he said, picking up a handful of Floo Powder, “Paris
Owl Office!” - he threw the powder into the fireplace, and Brega swooped in and vanished
as the bright green flames flared up. Tom glanced back at the door, and briefly considered
whether there was anything he wanted to raid while he was in here, but decided it was not
worth risking capture for greed, so opted instead of making a hasty retreat. Squirming back
out of the window was not easy, and without a broom heʼd surely have plummeted down
the other side, but as it was, he closed the window behind him, smiled at a job well done
— or his part of it at least, since he wouldnʼt know of Bregaʼs success for sure for a little
while yet — and flew back to the Owlery, to re-enter the castle that way.
" Healer Tegner didnʼt come to find Tom up at the Owlery, but they did pass each
other much nearer to the Slytherin Dungeons, as Tegner was back on his way up.
" “Evening, Tom”
" “Healer Tegner”, replied Tom, deferentially. “Were you visiting us?”
" “Yes, as a matter of fact; your homework tried to burn Miss Jabezʼs face off”
" “Ah, my Alchemy coursework, you mean? I told her not to touch it, but she did keep
asking about it”
" “Yes, well, maybe have someone else watch it next time”
" “Sheʼs alright now, I suppose?”
" “Yes, yes, sheʼs fine. Inverted Decoction of Sandiver. Sheʼll be a bit fresh-faced for a
day or so, but thatʼs all”
" Having bidden the Healer goodnight, Tom re-entered the Common Room a little
cautiously in case Belinda was still about and angry, but it seemed she had already retired
to her dormitory now, or bathroom, and was in any case nowhere to be seen.
" “Did what you needed to?” asked Tiernan.
" “Yes, thank you”, replied Tom with a smile.
" “Good good. Let me know if you need anything else, obviously”
" “I will”.
Chapter Fourteen
Looking Forward, Looking Back

The third Quidditch match of the season was soon upon them, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor.
After Gryffindor winning their first match (vs Slytherin), and Hufflepuff winning their first
match (vs Ravenclaw), this would probably be a more exciting match for most of the
spectators than Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff matches might usually be.
" Not that this pairing was always devoid of interest, despite Gryffindorʼs more well-
reputed Seeker - after all, Janaʼs first-year match against Hufflepuff had been quite a
spectacle to behold.
" Of course there were some hoping for similar goings-on this time around, and
others who merely hoped their preferred team would win; for Tomʼs part, he merely hoped
that somebody would catch the Snitch fairly soon. He had a mild passing interest in the
Quidditch games as they occurred, often seeing them more as an interesting interplay of
the wills and ambitions of those in flight, more than the actual scores of this-team-vs-that-
team. On one previous occasion, when he had been confined up in the Hospital Wing
during a match, heʼd much rather have been down at the pitch - after all, it was more
interesting than an otherwise empty Hospital Wing where he was not even at liberty to
explore, or to experiment with its contents. At times like now, however, heʼd rather be up
there with a clear goal of his own in the undertaking. However, it seemed that would have
to wait for now, unless a player got sufficiently injured as to require medical attention.
" As it happened, both Seekers ended up with mild injuries, but only at the very end
of the game; as the Snitch whizzed through the air with both Seekers in hot pursuit of it,
the Snitch doubled back to go the other way. Halbert was too slow, and it rushed past his
grasp. Janaʼs fingers closed upon it, but she couldnʼt get to it directly, as it had flown
straight up Halbertʼs sleeve after his fingers missed it. They both realized what had
occurred, and both tried to get it out, resulting in them getting tangled at a very high speed
and low altitude.
" After the inevitable crash, the two Seekers were clearly in more or less one piece,
but it was Halbert who held up the Snitch, uncontested, as Jana had never quite reached
it, despite catching it first through the fabric of his sleeve, which didnʼt count.
" Jubilation for Hufflepuff; frustration for Gryffindor. Indifference for Tom, but at least it
hadnʼt been so long a match as the Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw game.

“Well, weʼre now down to you four”, proclaimed Tegner the next day, meeting the
assembled Apprentices for their Sunday session, where they had been waiting for him in
the antechamber of the Hospital Wing.
" “Evangeline isnʼt coming either?”, asked Raymond, the last Ravenclaw remaining in
the Apprenticeship group after his fellow Housemates Elvira and Lana had already
dropped out.
" “No indeed, her friend Miss Meyrick conveyed her apologies to me at breakfast this
morning; so it seems Miss Brocklehurst will be enjoying a long lie-in while we get to work.
Possibly just as well, depending on how vigorously she celebrated Hufflepuffʼs win
yesterday evening; I suspect a lot of her House had rather a late night”
" “So sheʼll be coming back?”, asked Jana.
" “Maybe”, said Tegner, “But if she wants to return sheʼll need to do so next session.
Healership is a serious business, so naturally we canʼt have someone reappear at the end
of the year and enjoy the same honours that you enjoy from having been here all year
" “Fair enough”, said Tom, pleased that it was taken seriously by Tegner and that his
own efforts would not be undervalued — not that Tom was in this for the plaudits, but that
didnʼt mean he couldnʼt appreciate them.
" “That said, weʼll have to work hard”, said Tegner, “because next month weʼll be
missing a couple of sessions; one because itʼs a short month, and one because of the
Valentineʼs Day Ball”
" “There definitely will be one, then?” asked Tom. “People have been wondering, but
thereʼs been no announcement”
" “Yes”, said Tegner, “There will be one, even after the various antics last year, and
since Valentineʼs Day in on a Friday, the Ball is scheduled for when weʼd normally have
our Friday evening session, and I can hardly expect you spend your Valentineʼs Day
evening with me”, he smiled.
" I wouldnʼt say no, thought Jana, but mercifully said nothing.
" Soon the five of them were at St. Mungoʼs Hospital for Magical Maladies and
Injuries, and the four students had been split into two pairs, and tasked with assignments.
In Tom and Marcaʼs case, this involved administering potions scheduled at certain times to
a series of patients according to instructions; a task that would be disastrous if carried out
incorrectly, but simple enough that this was very unlikely to occur — doubtlessly the
reason Tegner had entrusted it to them. In a lull between scheduled potion deliveries, Tom
talked with Marca:
" “So, would you care to accompany me to the Ball again?”, he asked.
" “No”, replied Marca.
" “What?”
" “No, I would not care to accompany you to the Ball” reiterated Marca, as clearly as
" “Is there some problem?” asked Tom, baffled. Marca looked intently at an empty
Spleech jar for a while, before answering:
" “What do you mean; are you asking if there is a problem with us socially?”
" “Yes, thatʼd be one way of putting it”, said Tom. Almost anyone else, heʼd have the
answer by now.
" “Then no, I do not think there is a social problem, do you?”
" “I must confess to some confusion”, said Tom. “Was it terrible with me last time? Or
is it just that you have someone else in mind?”
" “You are not good for me in that way”, said Marca. “So I will see if somebody else
will be good for me in that way. That is all.”
" It was Tomʼs turn to pause for thought. He had been somewhat neglectful of her last
year; had she required more attendance from him? It had not seemed so. Certainly he
would not want someone who required a lot of attention anyway.
" “Oh well, thatʼs your choice”, said Tom. “Good luck with that. I am curious though, in
what way am I not good for you?”
" “As a romantic partnership. You would only ever give to that how much is
convenient, and would not hesitate to cut or destroy a thing for which you do not have a
" “Well, yes”, shrugged Tom. “Iʼm a Slytherin; Iʼm a pragmatist”
" “I also am such”, said Marca, “and so I politely reject that which will clearly not serve
my interests at all in the field of courting”
" “Well, let me know if you change your mind”, said Tom, on the off-chance she would
save him the job of finding someone else.

They rotated jobs at midday, and Tom found himself assigned to prepping Healer supply
kits with Jana, who was by far the most cheerful person in the place.
" “Hey guess what?”, she asked, almost immediately.
" “Raymond asked you to the Ball, and you agreed”, said Tom.
" “How did you... Oh yeah, bloody mind-reader, I should really... Hmmm”
" “I thought it was your practice to wait for a bunch of boys to ask you, and then
choose one?”
" “What? No... I mean, last year I was holding out hope that you might ask me, but
since you made it quite clear that... Wait were you going to ask me?” she asked, looking
shocked. “Iʼm sorry, I—”
" “No, I was not going to ask you, you mad Witch”, laughed Tom. “When it comes
down to it”, he added in a more serious tone, “Itʼd do our friendship a disservice if I were to
lead you on, and I do think that even if you tried not to, youʼd take it too much to heart. So
Iʼd rather keep you in my life as you are, while Ball dates come and go”
" “So you wonʼt be asking Marca, then?”"
" “No”, said Tom, “I will not be asking her”
" “Well, thatʼs very principled of you, at least”, said Jana. “Do you know who you are
going to ask?”
" “One metayoking sponge”, said Tom.
" “I beg your pardon?”
" “One metayoking sponge; you just put two in that kit”
" “Oh, right”, said Jana, removing the extra sponge. “But yeah, the Ball, do you know
who youʼll ask this year?”
" “No”, answered Tom, honestly enough.
" “Well, youʼre the Ravenclawsʼ hero now”, said Jana, “I expect you could have your
pick of them”
" “Maybe”, said Tom, thoughtfully. “Couldnʼt you?” he added, as an afterthought. “I
mean, youʼre the hero of the hour in that regard too; you didnʼt need to accept the first offer
someone made you — or was Raymond your first choice?”
" “Heʼs nice”, said Jana, “You should spend more time with him”
" “Ha!” laughed Tom, “Iʼm not sure that niceness is contagious”
" “I didnʼt mean it like that; I just meant, you clearly get on with him here and at the
occasional Slug Club dinner”
" “Heʼs a bright Wizard of thoroughly acceptable company”, shrugged Tom.
" “Do we have enough Essence of Dittany for all these kits?” - the conversation
turned to their task a while, and then petered out. Eventually their job was done, and it was
time to head back to the main ward to look for Tegner, for another assignment or else
dismissal back to Hogwarts. Jana looked concerned, when it would surely be more
reasonable that she should be happy to soon be able to varyingly get something to eat
and catch up with Raymond. He looked into her mind.
" “You seem to be concerned about Belinda; why?”
" “Huh? Oh, nothing, I was just... Overthinking things and hoping youʼll not end up
going to the Ball with her, because... well, if you do, Iʼll be dodging you at the Ball; I donʼt
want to speak badly of your friends, but she—”
" “Iʼm quite aware of your mutual dislike”, said Tom. “I could possibly go with her.
Probably not. Who knows”.
" “You should ask Ozzy; I bet sheʼd say yes”, said Jana.
" “Iʼm impressed, Jana, you must really hate Belinda if youʼd palm me off on the Witch
who stole your date last year, not to mention a fellow sporting rival, of yesteryear at least,
as she doesnʼt appear to be making a comeback any time soon”
" “Ozzyʼs alright”, said Jana. “I mean... she might kiss half the boys in the school, but
sheʼs not hateful like Jabez”

Tom did not feel rushed to ask anyone to the Ball, however; after all, most of the school
didnʼt even know for sure there would be one, yet. More students were surely getting to
know about it in dribs and drabs, though, because in their next Divination lesson,
Professor Sortsun all but confirmed it to those who asked him his predictions regards
" Sortsun was easily side-tracked in his lessons, but heʼd almost always find his way
back to lesson plan, and today, that was a rather more far-flung look into the future, using
more direct methods than they had previously, moving on now to the use of crystal balls
for such. He swished his wand in the direction of the windows, and shutters flew closed
over them, each in turn.
" “So take a look, relax, take as much time as you need, and see where youʼll be in
five years from now”
" Tom peered into his crystal ball, scrutinizing it for any signs of information. At first,
all he saw was reflections of things and people about the room, albeit in its now dimmer
light. Parts of the image, distorted by the shape of the crystal, blended and flowed into
other parts. He cocked his head slightly, and Tiernanʼs reflection loomed over the rest of
the image; Janaʼs, on the other side, disappeared into a swirling shadow.
" A point of light appeared near the middle, that might or might not have been the
reflection of the fireplace in the classroom. Tom focussed on it, and saw that it was a
reflection of sky; looking more closely, sweeping mountains and valleys ranged under it,
and a castle, certainly not Hogwarts, although it also had a forest near it. He peered more
closely still, and a face became visible; it was Professor Sortsun, squinting into the other
side of the crystal ball.
" “Carry on”, he enthused, moving to another table to disturb someone else, but Tom
wasnʼt able to reacquire any kind of imagery in his crystal ball now, beyond that naturally
reflected from the room.
" After some time of pupils peering and scribbling and sketching and scrying, Sortsun
picked out students one by one, to tell the class about their findings.
" “I tried to look at five years in my future”, said Jana, “But all I got was swirly
" “Maybe you were seeing a particularly stormy Quidditch match”, offered Valerie
Clemence, helpfully.
" “Or maybe you were knocked out in a game and unconscious in hospital... again”
offered Belinda in turn.
" Jana looked thoughtful; Sortsun spoke to quash these suggestions.
" “The crystal ball tends to give more of a rounded view of oneʼs future at that general
point in oneʼs life, not a specific moment in time. In your case Jana, itʼs possible you just
didnʼt succeed in connecting to it at this time; all that means is to keep on trying. How
about you, Valerie, any more luck?”
" “Yes, it worked fine for me, Sir”, affirmed Clemence. “I got pinpricks of light that
became faces in the Wizengamot - at first I thought I might be on trial, but no, I was sitting
in the Wizengamot, so perhaps a legal career for me”.
" “Very good, very good. And you, Tom?”
" “A sky, and then rolling mountains and valleys, not these ones, and a castle”, said
Tom, honestly enough. “So I seem to be travelling, for one reason or another, whether to
further my education or perhaps on some tour of duty. I do plan to become a Healer, so
either could be entirely possible”
" “Excellent. And yes, itʼs often very good to take a travelling sabbatical, for any
vocation that involves a lot of continued learning. Iʼve been on a fair few myself”, he added
with a smile which, as Tom saw in his mind, was connected to thoughts of attending
gambling halls in far-flung places, and lazing on beaches sipping drinks. “Tiernan?”
" “Yes, travellingʼs great – oh, you mean what did I see in the crystal ball, right...”
began Tiernan, gazing thoughtfully back at the ball in the hopes of receiving some
reminder of what he saw, but what he saw had in fact been quite vague.
" “The Ministry of Magic”, said Tiernan. “Iʼve never exactly imagined myself working
for them, but I daresay I might have dealings with them”
" “Any more specificity to your vision, Tiernan?”
" “Not really, Sir. I mean, I could see myself doing consultations regards International
Magical Cooperation, but thatʼs just me assessing me, not really anything coming from the
crystal ball there”.
" “Very well; Belinda?” asked Sortsun, shifting his attention to her.
" Belinda immediately recalled the vision she had seen in the crystal ball, of her
torturing somebody in a Ministry Office that she had clearly broken into.
" “I... in five years time Iʼm a professional Quidditch player”, she lied. “Playing for...” -
she looked back at the crystal ball as though double-checking the details that she was in
fact making up - “England; Iʼm playing for the national team; sorry, I didnʼt see my regional
team in the vision”
" “Thatʼs quite alright”, smiled Sortsun, “Do be sure to let me know if you get any
glimpses of scores though, will you?” he suggested, jovially.
" Professor Sortsun continued to go around the class until everyone was done; most
had at best some vague notion of what they would be doing five years from now; in most
cases, no better nor clearer than what they might have guessed themselves without a
crystal ball, and in some cases, decidedly more vague or confusing.

The lesson that followed Divination, Glyphs and Tongues, was the one that gave Tom a
rather more surprising revelation, as todayʼs class was to be about the hieroglyphs used
by Egyptian scribes of antiquity, a writing system that had long since fallen into disuse.
" The examples that Mipsum conjured up onto the board were very familiar to Tom;
they were the same style of pictures as were on his pyramid stone. The same manner of
little people with funny hats, the same little snakes, the same little birds, the same eye with
long curly eyelashes.
" Tom sat up straighter, and paid much more attention as she went on to explain their
usage, and had the class conjure simple collections of glyphs — mostly names and titles
and the like, not actual sentences — but what Tom was now impatient to do was of course
to get back to the Slytherin Dungeons, to re-inspect his pyramid with the Perevodal Glass,
not something he had ever thought to do before, not having expected the little pictures to
constitute writing, as such. Experiments with the Perevodal Glass here in the lesson
showed that the Glass took its time to translate them, initially causing Tom to think it wasnʼt
working at all, but did get there eventually.
" The same was true, he found, of the pyramid, when he got to examine it upon
hurrying there after the lesson. Like the hieroglyphs in the class, they did not immediately
change, but rather slowly, sluggishly, shifted through a more writing-like form, before finally
becoming legible words; the resultant words were still difficult to read on account of how
they came in and out of being and took each otherʼs places, but with some effort, and
working his way around the four sides of the pyramid that had these markings, he made
out the following words:





Tom could all but hear his own heartbeat now, racing as he read and reread the words,
lest he lose them and be unable to get them back.
" The part about eyes he was sure he understood; it meant that the Parseltongue that
he needed to speak to use this key, he must speak in a place without onlookers. That was
easy and obvious enough.
" “Greatest Salazar Slytherin Four Hogwarts” was at once both clear and yet just out
of reach in its connection to the other sides, insofar as Salazar Slytherin was ostensibly
being proclaimed “greatest” of the four Hogwarts founders, but was it he who was seeing a
mouth door against enemies of a rose stone? What was a mouth door? What was a rose
stone? Was it the same thing, repeated? Was one a metaphor for the other?
" Why was the serpent perfectly safe underneath the King, and why was he being
told this? Or was it the King who was perfectly safe, with the serpent under him? Yes, that
made more sense; the King was the Parselmouth, commanding the serpent metaphorically
under him, not necessarily literally, the serpentʼs mouth was a door against enemies,
" Tom lay back on his bed thinking about these possibilities and more, until he finally
recruited Tiernan to the task, who often had a way with reading things, and he didnʼt need
to know where it came from.
" “Well letʼs see, weʼve got some names... Salazar Slytherin, Hogwarts, the number
four, a person, Greatest, thatʼs an honorific...” — Tiernan turned the thing in his hand, his
eyes narrowed as he scrutinized it. “Here we have a mouth and an eye, enemies,
protection against enemies, a desert rose?”
" “I got it as rose stone”, said Tom, “but carry on”
" “The rose could symbolize any number of things, to be honest, letʼs leave that bit
and come back to it... Definitely some kind of protection against enemies, something to do
with stone, serpent underneath... Serpent underneath the stone? The king is... in complete
safety in a place without eyes, oh, weʼre back to the beginning, speak to me in a whisper,
no, I whisper, you whisper? Somebody whispers, tell me, speak to me, ah, itʼs part of the
next bit, speak to me, o great Salazar Slytherin of the four of Hogwarts, I guess thatʼs the
Founders, and show me... Iʼll show you? See? Look at? Somebodyʼs showing something,
showing the door to the enemies? No, it canʼt mean that... Itʼs like showing the way in,
maybe, a sort of signpost, marking the entrance, but the door is shut against enemies,
thatʼs it... I still donʼt know what this rose is about, to be honest... It could be to do with the
snake? See, itʼs as though it has a bloom on top of it, maybe the kind of snake?”
" Tom and Tiernan discussed the possibilities a while longer, until theyʼd got as much
as it seemed they could for now, and Tom declared he was going to go and check some of
the ideas in the library, and took his leave accordingly.
" In reality, Tom had no intention of taking it to the library at this time, and instead, he
made his way to dark dungeon room some way from anywhere that would be likely to be
visited or even passed by at this hour, in order to try again to use the stone, this time with
his newfound knowledge.
" By the light of his wand, Tom held the stone before him, and spoke in Parseltongue:
" “There are no eyes here but mine. Speak to me, Salazar Slytherin, greatest of the
Hogwarts four, show me the...”
" He stopped; the pyramid itself was opening, the sides of the stone folding down like
petals of a flower; evidently these words had been enough.
" Tom watched, transfixed, as glowing particles of dull yellowish light rose up, and
formed the familiar shape of Hogwarts Castleʼs most notable features, from its towers to its
dungeons, but then it carried on, there was more, a shimmering thread ran deeper like a
runaway root, and then spread out into a network of more caverns, far deeper than the
deepest dungeon; in the centre of them there formed a chamber around the size of the
Great Hall, but far down below it.
" The cord that ran between this place and the rest of the castle ran up through what
had always been called the lowest Dungeons, not far from here, in fact, and carried on up
some way past ground level, stopping slightly short of Ravenclaw Tower, not far from
where it would meet the way to the library.
" As Tomʼs eyes roved over the glittering map hovering in three dimensions in front of
him, suddenly it all moved back in towards that snake-like thread that lead from (almost)
top to bottom, forming an actual snake for a moment, before collapsing back down into the
pyramid stone, which snapped shut after the last of the sand-like particles of light had
made its way safely inside.
" “Come back, show me again”, Tom entreated it, but it did not. Maybe he needed to
do the incantation again? “Speak to me Salazar Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four,
show me your secrets one more time, I bid you”
! It did not open again, and Tom glanced around uncertainly, in case this was
because there were now more eyes than just his here. Unfortunately, after gazing so
intently at the light of the castle in the air, everything else in the room was cloaked in
impenetrable inky blackness. He lit his wand, which revealed only the dank stones of the
" “Peeves, show yourself!”, Tom demanded. Nothing. Of course, that didnʼt
necessarily mean he wasnʼt there, but usually Peeves was fairly easily taunted if present in
a given room.
" Tom pocketed the pyramid, and went for a walk, looking for the various places that
tallest shaft in the map might make an appearance into corridors or rooms behind some
hidden wall, but to no avail just yet, and there was a limit to how long he could spend
showing unusual amounts of interest in the walls in various parts of the castle that were
otherwise nothing to do with his more mundane daily activities.
" Still, it most certainly was not something he planned to let drop.
Chapter Fifteen

“This is even worse than last time”, complained Tiernan. “I really donʼt want to go with Julia
again, not after last time, it took ages to get rid of her - what am I supposed to do? Donʼt
answer that; I know what Iʼm supposed to do, but really... Save me, Tom”
" “Pick another respectable girl, ask her, then politely distance yourself afterwards”,
shrugged Tom.
" “What if I pick someone worse than Julia?”
" “Donʼt pick someone worse than Julia, then”
" Tiernan did not seem placated by this advice.
" “How am I supposed to do that? Get her to sign a waiver in advance, or
something?”, he suggested desperately.
" “Take someone that you can count on to not take it as anything grander than it is,
like I did with Marca”
" “Yeah, youʼre alright, you have her; you can just pick her up and drop her off, and
she cares as little as you do”
" This was an interesting way of looking at it, but, from what Tom could tell, not far
from the truth; or at least it had worked out well enough that way last year, even if she was
apparently not so keen on repeating that idea this time.
" “Ask her then”, suggested Tom. “Youʼre a perfectly respectable partner; Iʼm sure
sheʼll be content with you”
" “Donʼt you want her?”, asked Tiernan.
" “I could ask her or one of any number of other people”, said Tom, nonchalantly. “If
you want her though, youʼd better be quick before Antonin plucks up the courage to ask
" “I donʼt know that sheʼd be thrilled; she didnʼt seem too impressed with my dancing
last year”, reflected Tiernan.
" “Well, dance better, then” advised Tom, perhaps unhelpfully. “You only need to show
up with her and leave with her; itʼs not like either of you are going to cast a Permanent
Sticking Charm, is it?”, he added, more helpfully.
" “But what will you do for yourself if I ask Marca and she says yes?” queried Tiernan.
" “I could take Belinda; I know sheʼs keeping several boys waiting while she sees
what best offer comes her way. I feel I could be... persuasive”
" “Iʼm sure you could”, agreed Tiernan with a smile.
" “In any case, Iʼm sure Iʼll be fine regardless. I could even go alone if everyone
respectable is otherwise paired up; itʼs not that consequential for me; honestly I have more
important things on my mind”.
" “Alright, if youʼre sure, no time like the present, eh? Iʼd better go find Marca”
" This he did, and Tom soon learned of Marcaʼs acceptance of this offer, much to
Antoninʼs quiet annoyance. For Tom, however, this all seemed quite trivial, but then, he
had greater aims in mind that petty notions of romance, and considered love to be
something of a poison, that corroded the greatness of many.
" For others, sport was the poison of choice. The time came for Ravenclaw and
Gryffindor to clash on the Quidditch pitch, and in the wake of the formerʼs resounding
defeat at the hands of the latter, Jana was ever yet more the Lionsʼ hero. This resulted in
her having to decline yet more requests to go to the Valentineʼs Day Ball together, the
disappointment of various boys being made yet funnier — from an outsiderʼs perspective,
at least — by the fact the boy Jana had already said yes to was a Ravenclaw.
" Meanwhile, Tom largely put such thoughts form his mind, and was more interested
in possible alterations to Hogwarts castle that may allow for a very old map being
inaccurate now. To this end, he found himself in the library, using a Bookworm to point out
books that heʼd find most stimulating. After all, this was quite a specific research project,
and he was willing to entertain wildly speculative books if they might give him ideas he
hadnʼt considered yet, ideas he could put to the test. Right now though, he was to be
disturbed before he could get that far.
" “You know you really shouldnʼt trust those”, said Ozzy, indicating to the Bookworm.
" “So Iʼve heard, but they have their purposes”, replied Tom. “What are you doing
" “Looking for you, actually”
" “Then what brought you here?”, asked Tom. “I could have been anywhere”. He
wondered if his bracelet told her where he was, even when he did not activate its Charm.
That would be concerning, and would certainly be a good reason to not carry it with him.
" “Your friend Lestrange said you were in the Library. Madame Redmond said you
were in the History of Magic department, again”
" “Hmm. Well, to what do I owe the disruption?” asked Tom, with a smile.
" “Oh, simple enough. Quick question really. Ball. Whom are you taking?”
" “Nobody yet. I set my most likely prospect up with my friend”, said Tom.
" “Marca Zelyonaya?”, asked Ozzy.
" “Yes”
" “So whoʼs she going with now?” furthered Ozzy, curious.
" “Tiernan. Why the interest in fourth-year Ball partnerships?”
" “Actually no special reason there when it comes to them. But I did want to ask,
youʼre not taking Jana?”
" “I havenʼt planned to, no”, replied Tom.
" “Why not, if I may ask?”
" “She... likes me too much. If I took her to the Ball Iʼd never be rid of her, and I prefer
her as a friend”
" “Itʼs not because of her being Muggle-born, then?”, asked Ozzy, pointedly. “I expect
itʼd make things difficult for you with your Housemates if you did”, she offered, to suggest
that she might not condemn him for avoiding Jana as a date on those grounds.
" “I associate with whomsoever I please”, answered Tom, dodging the question
slightly. “My Housemates have got quite used to that and would not challenge me”, me
concluded, half-truthfully. After all, taking Jana to the Ball would evoke quite some
response, but nothing he couldnʼt quickly quell. However, it was a circumstance heʼd rather
avoid — not to mention the reason he had given already, that Jana may grow far too
attached. Last yearʼs Ball had been bad enough in that regard. Ozzy looked thoughtful, so
Tom looked into her thoughts; as he did so, however, she spoke again:
" “Strange question then: would you like to go to the Ball together? With me, I mean”,
she clarified.
" “Why is that a strange question?”, countered Tom. He could think of a number of
possibilities, but it was of interest to him to know which it was in her mind.
" “Well, I just mean weʼre a year apart, or a bit less if you take our birthdays into
account, and different Houses, and Slytherins arenʼt exactly known for inter-House unity,
but you seem a bit of an exception to that rule, especially of late, and—”
" “Iʼm an exception to a lot of rules”, observed Tom. “But arenʼt you snowed under
with prospects from your own year and House, the famous Ozzy Fame?”
" “I... wouldnʼt be left without a date, far from it, but... everyoneʼs different with me
" “Different?” asked Tom, with a raised eyebrow.
" “After my return from the dead”, said Ozzy. “I swear, Iʼm treated like a ghost half of
the time. The Quidditch team are almost normal with me, but even thatʼs only really when
training Quidditch — Iʼve been attending Ravenclaw training sessions, even though Iʼm not
playing — or talking about it”
" “Well, I daresay theyʼre confused. It took them a good while to get to grips with your
death, and then back you came. And you missed out on nearly half the school year, which
only heightens your alienation”
" “Tell me about it”, sighed Ozzy. Her mind went back to her question, but she didnʼt
want to repeat the question directly; asking it once had been hard enough.
" “As to your suggestion”, said Tom, letting her off the hook, “why me?”, he asked,
more to buy himself a little more time than because he couldnʼt pre-empt the answer sheʼd
now give.
" Sure enough, she replied as expected, with an expression of feeling at least
somewhat more comfortable with him, as he treated her in a friendly but otherwise normal
fashion. As she explained this, Tom reflected on her as a prospect. Pureblood, glamorized,
universally recognised as brilliant, popularly considered attractive. Ravenclaw, sworn
enemy of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Belinda at the very least would need pacifying with
some promise of violence and some explanation as to why this was a good strategic
move. He could give her these things, granted.
" “Sure”, said Tom. “Letʼs do that”.

Tom had figured that he could wear the same smart dress robes that he had worn last
year, but when it came to the night in question, it turned out that he had grown more than
he thought, and they now looked a touch silly on him. He could put an Engorgement
Charm on them, of course, but then theyʼd grow in all directions, while he had grown rather
more up than across.
" “Those arenʼt right”, observed Tiernan, in his much better-fitting robes, in the fourth-
year boysʼ dormitory.
" “Yes, I can see that”, said Tom. “Whereʼs your date?”
" “Still getting dressed, in the girlsʼ dormitory”, replied Tiernan. “Or at least, she hadnʼt
emerged when I was out there just a minute ago”
" “Still getting dressed?” echoed Tom. “How long can it possibly take to put a dress
" Tiernan shrugged.
" “Baffles me too”, he said, “but there we are”
" “Well, let her know I want her, when you see her”, said Tom.
" “You... what?”
" “Sheʼll be able to sort this out; I know she knows all kinds of Charms for clothes
" “She hates everything”, offered Antonin, joining the conversation.
" “Come again?” asked Tiernan.
" “She finds fault with most clothes, and then corrects them so that they do not annoy
her so much”
" “Well, I donʼt, but Iʼll be glad of her doing the same with these” said Tom. “But I donʼt
pressingly want to wait out there looking like this, so Tiernan, if you could get her to come
in here when heʼs ready, that would be best”

Indeed, Marca fixed Tomʼs robe proportions in about three seconds flat, and also Tiernanʼs
hair, before bidding the latter to escort her to the Great Hall.
" “Coming?” Tiernan asked Tom; Antonin had already gone on ahead, having found
the courage this year to attend despite once again missing out on asking Marca to the
Ball, and once again not wanting to ask anybody else.
" “Yes”, said Tom, “Though Iʼm meeting Ozzy up at Ravenclaw Tower first, so Iʼll be
leaving you partway”.
" “You are already late”, observed Marca.
" “Sheʼll cope”, said Tiernan. “She was the late Ozzy Fame for half the year, after all”
Tom had never been all the way to Ravenclaw Tower before, and now he found himself
ascending its very many stairs for the first time. At the very top of the staircase he came to
a door, whose only feature was a large bronze door-knocker in the form of the Ravenclaw
eagle. He knocked it, and it spoke:

“He sent war, a revolution. You seek me, what am I?”

“Iʼm here for Ossapheme Fame”, said Tom, and waited. Nothing. He knocked again.

“He sent war, a revolution. You seek me, what am I?”

Ah, it was a riddle. He glowered at it; due to the obvious play on words with his name, he
had come to hate riddles. Well, the first part was clearly a reference to Grindelwald, whom
Tom did indeed seek, but it was concerning that the door-knocked should know this. Still,
the allusion was obvious enough that it would not be incriminating to answer:
" “Gellert Grindelwald”
" Still nothing. Then again, it had said what, not who.
" “A revolutionary?”, he essayed.
" Not a word, not a movement. Well, on the bright side, someone else would surely
be emerging soon, be it Ozzy or someone else. He contemplated using the Charm on his
bracelet. Yes, after all, itʼd be quite apparent to her why he was summoning her so. He
reached into his pocket, and balls, it was in his other pocket, in his other robe. Down at the
opposite end of the castle. He knocked again, for lack of anything immediately more
promising to do.

“He sent war, a revolution. You seek me, what am I?”

This time the door then opened, before he had chance even to try another answer.
" “Oh, itʼs you”, said Sofia, “Sorry, I thought you were my date”, she added, and
moved to close the door.
" “Wait, let me in”, said Tom, and she paused accordingly, but kept the door closed
mostly to.
" “No, you have to wait there”, she said. “Youʼre here for Ozzy though, arenʼt you? Iʼll
tell her youʼre here”
" “Thanks”, said Tom, contenting himself that the message would at least be
conveyed. The door closed again with a gentle thunk. It looked like wood, probably oak,
and he had not even tried blasting it apart. He looked down the spiral staircase that he had
ascended, and considered that itʼd be an uncomfortable fall if the door were Charmed to
bounce his Spells back at him.
" Tom turned back to the door as it opened, and this time it was Ozzy Fame who
appeared, and stepped outside, letting the door fall closed behind her.
" “Hello”, she said, and offered her hand. Tom took it, and made a polite bow, and
kissed it.
" “Hello”, he replied. “Shall we?”
" “Yep, letʼs go” she smiled, dropping the pretence of formality.
" “Iʼm curious”, said Tom, as they headed down the stairs of Ravenclaw Tower, “How
does that door-knocker work? Do you have a list of riddles and answers inside, then it
gives you a random riddle, to prompt the answer? I imagine it doesnʼt really give actual
solvable riddles?”
" “It really gives actual solvable riddles”, laughed Ozzy. “I gather it stumped you,
" “Well, I didnʼt get it before Sofia answered the door anyway”, said Tom, somewhat
defensively. After all, quite possibly heʼd have got it with a few more tries.
" “Did you get it in the end?”
" “No, not yet”, said Tom, growing more irked. “What was the answer?”
" “I donʼt know; what was the riddle? It makes a new one every time someone gets
the old one, so I wonʼt have heard the one you got”
" “Something about Grindelwald”, said Tom, “He sent a war, a revolution, you seek
me, what am I?”
" “Ah right”, said Ozzy. “A revolution, that could be just that, or it could be a clue, that
something needs to be turned around. Always look out for instructions like revolve, turn,
add, take away, et cetera... He sent a war, that could be about Grindelwald as you say,
whatʼs that backwards? Dwlad... Dlaw...led... nirg? I donʼt know, Iʼd have to write that one
out and play with it...”
" “How long does it usually take you to get into your own Common Room?” asked
Tom; it was his turn to laugh now.
" “Normally not too long”, said Ozzy. “The easiest ones are usually the ones that have
the answer hidden in the question, or are just logic puzzles. The worst ones are the ones
that actually require knowledge of something too; then itʼs all very well if you know it, but if
you donʼt, then itʼs a trip to the library, and by the time you get back, itʼs probably a
different riddle. But youʼll have learned something on the way, so itʼs not all bad.”
" “Spoken like a true Ravenclaw”, said Tom. “So thereʼs no cheat-sheet?”
" “Spoken like a true Slytherin”, said Ozzy. “And no, there isnʼt”
" “Surely that means anyone of any House has equal chance of getting in, or nearly
equal chance if we consider that Ravenclaws are more used to playing these word
" “Very occasionally someone from another House gets in”, Ozzy admitted.
" “What happens to them then? Mobbed by Ravenclaws and thrown down the stairs?
You do seem to have a terrain advantage”, he said, indicating to the large drop in the
centre of the spiral staircase.
" “No, we serve them tea in the First Atrium”, said Ozzy. “Itʼs tradition”
" “Iʼve never heard of this tradition”, said Tom, looking in to her mind. She didnʼt seem
to be lying, but it was difficult to tell. She had a mental image of such a circumstance, but it
could easily have been fabricated, which would be equally natural if she were joking.
" “I guess none of your friends have made it in, then”, smiled Ozzy.
" “Who has made it in? Anyone Iʼd know?”, asked Tom.
" “Carlotta Pinkstone got in a few times”, said Ozzy, “and Healer Tegnerʼs never had a
problem whenever heʼs had to come over”
" “With whom is Sofia Clarence going to the Ball?” asked Tom, as they neared the
bottom of the staircase. “I was led to believe she was waiting for her date, which implies
itʼs someone from another House, but nobodyʼs passed us, and weʼre a touch on the late
" “Emil Talbot”, answered Ozzy, “Not someone whoʼs ever got into our Common
Room, I might add”
" “I donʼt know him”, said Tom. “Doesnʼt it bother you that anyone whoʼs sufficiently
clever can get into your Common Room?”
" “Well, technically the same is true of all the Common Rooms, isnʼt it?” countered
Ozzy. “You just have a greater illusion of security”
" “Really?”, said Tom. “How would you go about getting into our Common Room,
" “Well”, thought Ozzy out loud, “We all know you live down in the Dungeons
somewhere, and I know from briefly dating Sylvester Murdock that your Common Room
door looks like a plain corridor wall, and that for security reasons there are no portraits or
statues nearby — he bragged about the cleverness of this, and that narrows it down a lot
— and that itʼs accessed by a set password.”
" “Very helpful of him to compromise our security by bragging about it”, observed
" “Indeed, and I know from you, or at least can reasonably infer, that your password is
indicated on a noticeboard in your Common Room, probably on a rotational basis”
" “I donʼt think that latter part helps you, though”
" “Maybe, probably not”, said Ozzy, “but itʼs good practice to consider all known parts
of a puzzle; you never know when a piece of information may come in handy”
" “So whatʼd be your strategy in this case?”, asked Tom.
" “Probably use my feminine wiles to get a Slytherin boy to yield the password”, she
said with a smile.
" Tom frowned; heʼd made the same mistake as Abraxas had made back in summer;
assuming security and paying too little attention to the high chance of betrayal by a trusted
member of oneʼs own in-crowd. He silently vowed to make sure to burn this weakness out
of himself.
" “Donʼt worry; Iʼve no such ambition”, she said, kissing him on the cheek as they
neared the Great Hall.

When they got there, of course most of the school was already present. Much like last
year, petals fell from the ceiling, disappearing shortly above the heads of everyone except
for Hagrid, who made periodic futile attempts to waft them away.
" Arriving to the Ball with Ozzy was very different than arriving last year with Marca;
people stopped and stared before looking hastily away upon making eye contact. Furtive
words were shared amongst the hubbub:
" “Ozzy Fameʼs with that Tom Riddle”
" “Look whoʼs here”
" “Isnʼt he the one who found her?”
" “How long dʼyou reckon theyʼll last?”
" A lot of unspoken thoughts were far less polite. Some smiled, and Ozzy greeted
people as they went by. She was either unaware of the malice or ignored it; her own mind
was a racing mass of the pairings and dynamics of the Hall.
" “Drinks?” suggested Tom.
" “Sure”, consented Ozzy.
" This year, there was no magical drinks fountain, possibly on account of last yearʼs
mishap. Instead, there bar of non- or low-alcoholic drinks down where the teachersʼ table
would normally be, staffed by the Landlord of the Lonely Broomstick, a middle-aged
Wizard with a bald head, a curly beard, and rosy cheeks. Tom gathered the school was
paying, as the bartender didnʼt seem to be taking money.
" Ozzyʼs mind went to the butterbeers.
" “Two butterbeers please”, said Tom.
" “How do you know if thatʼs what I want?”, asked Ozzy
" “Just intuition”, said Tom. “Is it what you want?”
" “Butterbeer will be great thanks, yes”, she confirmed.
" “Better late than never, Tom”, said Tiernan, appearing to Tomʼs flank. “Ozzy”, he
added by way of greeting to the latter, in a friendly enough tone. “We were beginning to
worry youʼd kidnapped him”, he added.
" “Thatʼll be be me”, she said, “Like a Siren, luring young Wizards away and then
mercilessly torturing them with blow-by-blow accounts of Holyhead Harpies victories
against their team”
" “Youʼre a Harpy supporter?” asked Tiernan.
" “Of course, you?”
" “Puddlemere United”, retorted Tiernan, indignantly but jovially enough.
" “Ah, the only team in the British and Irish Quidditch League to fail to come up with
an alliterative name”
" “Call us rebels”, smiled Tiernan.
" “Nah, we all know your teamʼs proper alliterative name is the Puddlemere Pi—”
" “Iʼll leave you two to talk Quidditch”, interrupted Tom, bowing out of the
" “No no, come back” said Ozzy, “Lestrange and I can discuss another time how his
team lost to the Chudley Cannons, despite...”
" “Later?” suggested Tiernan, as Tom made to leave again.
" “Alright then, but you know itʼs true”, chided Ozzy.
" “Lost Marca already?” asked Tom of Tiernan, to change the subject.
" “Yeah, sheʼs dancing with Antonin... somewhere” answered Tiernan, momentarily
trying and failing to point her out, but clearly unconcerned.
" While looking around for Marca, Tom couldnʼt immediately see her either, but make
eye contact with Jana, who mentioned this to Raymond, resulting in the two of them
coming over.
" “Looks like Ravenclaw dates are in fashion” said Jana, to Tom.
" “Canʼt be; I donʼt have one” objected Tiernan.
" “Iʼm sure you could have found yourself one”, said Ozzy, graciously enough, “so
long as they werenʼt scared off by your family name”
" “Scared off by my family name?” echoed Tiernan, with a tone of annoyance Tom did
not often hear. “Whatʼs that supposed to mean?”
" “Oh not like that”, said Ozzy, “Just, you know, intimidated”, she suggested, by way
of a save.
" Tiernan was about to reply, but was interrupted by the rather distracting event that
was Rubeus Hagrid sneezing behind him.
" “Sorry” said Hagrid, “Ruddy flowers” he added, trying unsuccessfully to waft them
" “Here”, said Jana, producing her wand from her small shoulder-bag, and muttering
a Conjuration Spell under her breath. Something pink shot out of her wand, expanding to
cause all but Hagrid to jump back; it dropped to the ground between them, and remained
stationary. “Sorry, didnʼt mean for it to burst open like that... or for it to be pink... but it
should keep the petals off at least, if you want it”, she said, handing the pink umbrella to
" Hagrid looked utterly ridiculous, well, more ridiculous than usual, sporting a pink
umbrella to keep the petals from falling into his face, but it clearly did the job and he
seemed very pleased with it.
" Everyone steered as well clear of Hagrid as possible over the course of the
evening, who was a menace at the best of times seemed strangely more threatening with
an umbrella, even though nobody elseʼs head was at that height to lose an eye on account
of his wayward swings.
" It was at least halfway through the evening before Ozzy parted from Tom to dance
with someone else, a Ravenclaw boy whose name Tom did not know. Heʼd rather
expected her to abandon him earlier than that, but it wasnʼt like he had anything more
important to do; tonight was just about going through the motions of the social game he
was expected to play — much like Tiernan, and so many others, who would not actually
have this as their first choice of how to spend an evening.
" By the end of the night, Ozzy did seek out Tom again, kissing him goodnight, which
he had foreseen, and giving him every chance to invite her somewhere else, which he had
not considered and did not consider now. In the end he walked her back to her House,
whereupon he opted to leave her with the throng of tired and in some cases slightly
inebriated Ravenclaws arguing about the new riddle. Not before sheʼd excised another last
kiss from him, but without yet learning the answer to the infernal door-knobʼs new riddle:

“Talons of Talus tell us tall tales of Talos — how does the Ichor flow?”
Chapter Sixteen
Unpleasant Preparations

In the wake of Valentineʼs day, life returned soon enough to normal, or what passed for
normal at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or at least for most of its denizens.
" In Tomʼs case, when he was not in lessons, duelling, Healerʼs Apprenticeship
sessions, doing homework, coursework, or very occasionally eating and sleeping, he was
scouring certain parts of the castle for any entrance to the tunnels that, according to the
map, would lead to what must be the Chamber of Secrets.
" This endeavour had yet to bring him success. He was working from memory, and so
had an imperfect assessment of where that main shaft down lay. He tried re-checking in
library books that contained information on the castleʼs various features and occasional
additions or modifications over the centuries, but the only one with any meaningful degree
of detail was merely about the rather mundane topic of the castleʼs sanitation facilities
being updated in the time of Headmaster Black, so naturally the entrance to the Chamber
of Secrets would not be anything to do with any of those pipe ducts and channels, since
the Chamber pre-existed them by many centuries, meaning it must be accessed by some
other secret door or passageway.
" Othersʼ obsessions were decidedly more prosaic. After the loss early in the year
against Gryffindor, it was of course absolutely crucial that the Slytherin Quidditch team
should triumph against their next opponents, Hufflepuff, to be in with any chances in the
Quidditch Cup, and Walburga was no gentler a taskmaster as Captain than Violet Selwyn
had been before her, and once again much of Slytherin House gave concessions to the
Quidditch team to enable them to get the most of their training time available; doing their
homework for them, handling errands such as the library run for them, making sure that no
sleeping Quidditch player was disturbed unless on the Captainʼs orders, and so forth.
" When the day of the match game, Selwynʼs replacement Liam Wardgarren did a
much better job as Keeper against Hufflepuff than he had against Gryffindor, something
that clearly relieved many Slytherin spectators, no matter whether it was a result of him
being more “broken in” by now or whether simply Gryffindorʼs Chasers had been more
skilled and aggressive than Hufflepuffʼs.
" Seth Halbert was no Jana Teires, and while naturally the pressure was very much
on Belinda to perform, she clearly felt assured enough in her superiority over Halbert that
she could go about her task without the kind of distraction that Tom had observed her to
typically suffer when flying against Jana or Ozzy; indeed, by the end of the match it was
the Slytherin side who came out victorious by a huge margin, as Belinda held the aloft the
" Returning to the castle with the cheering crowds, Tom found particular personal
cause for a good mood also, as Brega had brought him mail, that from its familiar
appearance promised to be — and indeed was — from the office of Gellert Grindelwald.
" Inside the envelope was a postcard from Egypt, showing three pyramids, and the
words “Wish you were here”. Turning it over, bemused, the other side was blank. He
unfolded the letter itself, and read:

Most Eminent Lord Voldemort,

Perhaps we overlooked a simpler way of getting you out; you will find enclosed with this
letter a Portkey in the form of a postcard; this Portkey will activate to facilitate a meeting on
Easter Sunday, the 13th, at 13:00h.

The Enemies of the Cause have bombarded this area with Disruption Jinxes. To minimize
the effect of this, please ensure that at the appointed hour you are not holding the Portkey
in an area that already has a lot of magical disruption at your end, for example the British
Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts Castle, or Azkaban Prison.

I can make no guarantee of being able to extract you from any of those places.

For the Greater Good,

Gellert Grindelwald

Tom smiled at the notion that he could possibly be engaging in this correspondence from
Azkaban Prison; it was difficult enough getting letters to Grindelwald from the comfort and
relative convenience of Hogwarts.
" Well, itʼd be simple enough to be out in or near Hogsmeade in the afternoon on
Easter Sunday, but Tom would much rather have a more adult appearance. Last time he
had cobbled together a semi-respectable look with his mask and cloak, but that had not
been his first choice, and was assembled only out of need, what with the very short time
constraints. Now, in contrast, he had time to prepare an appearance that would not only
not show him to be a schoolchild, but also not require that he do business from behind a
faceless mask.
" No matter how much he considered various Transfigurative disguises,
experimenting before a mirror in his dormitoryʼs bathroom, Tom could not help but
conclude that the only way he wasnʼt going to look like a teenager that had Hexed himself
was by means of either an Aging Potion or a Polyjuice Potion.
" In favour of the Aging Potion was that he would broadly maintain his own
appearance, which could be the start of a good long working relationship with Grindelwald.
On the other hand, this would reduce its effectiveness as also being a security
countermeasure, if he was going to be recognizable as himself. Yet further, the history of
the use of Aging Potions was fraught with disaster; there were many things that could go
wrong, and the reversal of them was often quite haphazard. All in all, it seemed an
unfavourable cost to worth analysis if he had a better option.
" Polyjuice Potion as an option had its own problems; it took longer to brew than he
had to brew, which meant heʼd have to procure some ready-made, the only obvious
sources of which was Janaʼs personal supply either with her, or her back-up supply which
Tom was aware of being kept in the Hospital Wing. Not pressingly wanting to have to go
through the whole rigmarole of breaking into the Hospital Wing again unnecessarily, he
resolved to approach Jana somewhat directly on the topic.

After a fierce evening at the Duelling Club, Tom dismissed his entourage of Slytherins and
accosted Jana alone, after separating her from Valerie, by means of calling Jana back as
everyone left the Great Hall; of course she motioned for Valerie to go on without her, and
with the sea of duellists going the other way, it was easy for Valerie to accept this
" “Whatʼs up?” asked Jana, as they themselves now left the Hall, and Tom
endeavoured to pace them such that they would neither catch up with the others, nor be
caught up by Merrythought and Tegner, who had lingered talking in the Great Hall.
" “Jana, I need Polyjuice Potion; can you spare me some?”
" “Why?”, asked Jana with a note of concern. “I mean, in principle I could, but I really
shouldnʼt; itʼs a dangerous potion... what do you need it for?”
" “Nothing to do with school stuff”, Tom reassured her, “Nothing thatʼll possibly get
you into trouble”
" “What out-of-school stuff could you possibly need it for?” asked Jana, now more
confused than skeptical.
" “I correspond with various Witches and Wizards - call it a degree of extra-curricular
education; I think we both know that our lessons here donʼt exactly push me in most
subjects - but now I need to meet with one of them, and itʼd be better for my safety and
security if I go as a grown-up”
" “Oh alright, that makes sense” said Jana, with a furrowed brow. “Yes, important to
be safe, especially with the war on, and what happened at the start of term. But be careful
though, and do you have a donor of body-bits? Because I donʼt think most people would
take kindly to being impersonated”
" “I do”, Tom assured her without actually giving any name to back it up, “I just need
the potion itself, and I need it sooner than I can make it, since it takes forever, what with
" “—21 days for the lacewing flies, yes, believe me, itʼd be a bugger to be caught out
in a pinch”
" “Well, I am”, said Tom. “Caught out in a pinch, that is. Will you help me?”
" Putting it this way seemed certain to get the needed result.
" “I will” answered Jana, not having entirely put aside her concerns, but at least
acquiescent for the moment. “How much do you need?”
" “A few hoursʼ worth at the very most, and in all likelihood very much less”
" “So, if I give you... quarter of a bottle the size of my normal flask, youʼll be fine? I
donʼt mean to be stingy, but if you donʼt need more, then thereʼs no reason to waste it, and
itʼs pretty valuable to me, you know”
" “How long would that give me?”, asked Tom.
" “Well, my day-flask is good for a little over sixteen hours, so quarter of that would be
good for four hours”
" “Thatʼll be plenty, and very sincerely appreciated”, said Tom.
" “When do you need it?”
" “I need it for Easter weekend, so any time between now and then is fine; of course
the sooner I have it in hand, the sooner I can rest easy that itʼs taken care of”
" “You can come with me and get it now, if you want”, said Jana.
" “Thatʼd be perfect”, agreed Tom.

Up on the seventh floor, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower that could be found there
behind a painting, Jana bade Tom wait, something he readily consented to do as the
Common Room would of course now be full of Gryffindors, not like the last time he was
here, when everyone had been down in the Great Hall.
" He had not been pacing long in the corridor by the time Jana re-appeared clutching
a small flask of syrupy liquid.
" “There should be plenty here for four hours”, she said. “Remember, you need to
take it every hour; you donʼt want to accidentally revert. You can overlap it a little to be on
the safe side; you canʼt overdose, but when youʼve tasted it, youʼll understand why nobody
takes it more than necessary”
" Tom opened the flask, and smelled it. He jerked his head back, and closed the
" “How do you drink this stuff?” he asked, his nose wrinkled in disgust.
" “Quickly”, replied Jana. “Also, make sure you change into size-appropriate clothes
before you take it; you donʼt want to... Well, youʼve seen what happens otherwise”, she
" “Indeed”, said Tom. “Well, thank you”, he said, raising the flask as though in a toast,
and turning to leave.
" “And Tom?” called Jana after him. He paused to look back at her. “Do be careful”,
she added.
" “I will”, affirmed Tom with a smile. “Goodnight, Jana”
The obvious place to get a bit of a grown-up who wasnʼt a teacher was, of course,
Hogsmeade village, and Tom headed out there as soon as most of the school had emptied
for the Easter holiday. There were shopkeepers and the like, and certainly some who had
long enough hair to surely find some of theirs about the place; heʼd just need to be subtle
about it. Of course, only a Wizardʼs hair would do; Lord Voldemort could hardly be a Witch.
" His first port-of-call was the Owl Office, usually presided over by a Wizard with quite
long hair; indeed he was there today, but as Tom approached the counter he noted that
there was no hair to be found within easy reach anywhere but on the Wizardʼs head, and
his own abilities did not extend so far as plucking hair from someoneʼs head, while they
are conscious, without them noticing. He abandoned that option, but a back-up plan did
occur to him in the process:
" If all else failed him, he could get Brega to snatch some Wizardʼs hair. That would
be irksome, as Brega might then be recognised afterwards and heʼd rather not be
associated with an owl who attacked a local Wizard, but if needs must, then that was a
way of getting what he needed. And when it came down to it, he would always err on the
side of getting what he needed, no matter what it necessitated doing to achieve it.
" Wandering up the main street, he passed by the local teashop and bookshop, each
staffed by a Witch. He peered through the window of the apothecary, but here was a short-
haired Wizard. He decided however to chance it, as one never knew when a hair might
fall, all the same.
" “Morning”, the Wizard greeted him, with a smile.
" “Good morning”, said Tom, “I wonder if you can help me, Iʼm looking for Bulbiferous
Toothwort” - an ingredient Tom knew to be fairly uncommon. Hopefully they wouldnʼt have
it here, but if they did, heʼd still be able to say the price was beyond his means, and dodge
the purchase that way.
" “Bulbiferous Toothwort?”, echoed the Wizard. “Sorry, we donʼt keep that in stock
here. I can get it mailed in for you though, if you like”
" “How long will that take?” asked Tom, his eyes scanning the countertop as he ran a
hand along it casually, as though absent-mindedly. There was no hair to be found.
" “Well, Iʼll have to send for it, then thereʼs usually a two-day turn around, then Iʼve got
to get it back, and then thereʼs Easter this weekend, so... a little under a week, all told,
" “Iʼm afraid thatʼs no good to me”, replied Tom. “Thanks anyway”, he said, turning to
" “Your only other option”, continued the shopkeeper, “Is to try Professor Slughorn or
Healer Tegner if theyʼre still up at the castle - they both keep their own stocks - but I
wouldnʼt count on them having Bulbiferous Toothwort, or even on them still being up at
" “Thanks” replied Tom, simply. “Bye”
" Carrying on up the road, Tom noted a side-street heading up a hill. At the top of that
lane was another pub, less popular than the Lonely Broomstick, but he might as well check
it out while he was at this end of the village, and then swing by the Lonely Broomstick on
the way back if necessary.
" Arriving at the door and pushing it open, some bells rang to announce his presence.
There seemed to be nobody immediately about, though, so he walked in and looked
around for any sign of life, or at least of hair.
" Both greeted him soon enough, as a long-haired Wizard tramped up some stairs
from a lower level.
" “What do you want?”
" “A drink?” suggested Tom. “This is the Hogʼs Head pub, isnʼt it?” he asked,
momentarily wondering if he had walked through the wrong door; that would explain the
lack of other customers and, come to think of it, the lack of drinks behind what he had
taken to be the bar.
" “Yeah”, said the Wizard. “What do you want to drink?”
" Tom glanced behind the bar for inspiration, but did not find it inspiring.
" “You donʼt seem to have a wide variety of drinks available here”, commented Tom,
walking up to the bar now, his eyes scanning for any sign of hair or similar. The place was
filthy, but the only hair he could see anywhere was a few wispy strands on a seat cushion,
that were not only the wrong colour — they were white, and this Wizardʼs hair was brown
— but also down at that level, they were more likely some petʼs hair, and thus best
" “I donʼt keep stuff out for people to pinch”, said the Wizard, as though the picture-
postcard village of Hogsmeade might actually be a den of thieves of the kind more readily
found back in Whitechapel.
" “Right”, said Tom uncertainly. “Well, if you have some kind of red wine, Iʼll take one
of those while I wait for my friend to meet me”
" “Red wine? How old are you?”
" “How old do you think I am?”, asked Tom with a smile. He felt sure he could get
what he needed if he could just get this grumpy barkeep to relax a little, and jovial
conversation seemed a possible approach to that, and safer than risking trying to Obliviate
him while he was paying full attention and would surely be alerted by him drawing his
" “Old enough to handle a small glass” said the Wizard grudgingly, looking under the
bar now. Tomʼs hand went to his wand, but the Wizard re-emerged too quickly for him to
take it out and make use of it.
" “How much?” asked Tom amiably, hoping that he looked plausibly like he might
have been reaching for his money, and not his wand. Judging from the Wizardʼs thoughts,
it was clear that he was entertaining both possibilities now.
" “Youʼll not be using your wand to pay, laddy, no matter how good at Conjuration you
think you are”, he advised. “Three Knuts of real bronze, a small red”
" “Of course”, said Tom with a smile, patting his various pockets as though heʼd
merely been unsure which one heʼd put his money in. As he counted out three Knuts, the
bartender put a dusty cardboard box half-filled with bottles on the bar, sending up a fair
amount of the dust as he did so.
" “Letʼs see, there should be one Iʼve... Achoo! Opened already, yes, here we are”
" Tomʼs nose wrinkled in disgust on account of the unimpeded sneeze at such close
quarters, made worse when he now noted the foul Wizard had sneezed over his — Tomʼs
— hand. Ah, but mucous could be used for Polyjuice Potion. Tom felt conflicted and pained
by this prospect, but when it came down to it, he didnʼt have a better option.
" “You know what, I think Iʼll leave it” said Tom coldly, and turned to leave, fighting the
urge to clean his hand, and fighting the urge to unleash his fury on the loathsome excuse
for a Wizard that had befouled it.
" “Agh, get out of here, time-wasting puck”
" This was not an instruction that Tom needed repeating, and he was very soon out of
the door. He walked quickly down the approach, to turn the corner as soon as possible,
such that he might deal with this mess on his hand usefully but without arousing suspicion.
" As soon as he had the offending slime coaxed into the small glass tube he had
intended to use for storing hair, he cleaned his hand with three different Charms, and
resisted the inclination to set it on fire. He briefly contemplated severing it and growing it
back, but realized he didnʼt actually know how to do that latter, and merely expected it to
be not only possible but also simple enough to be well within the realms of basic Healer
" For now, he contented himself with walking quickly back to Hogwarts, where he
would at least shower, bathe, and shower again.
Chapter Seventeen
Gellert Grindelwald

Through Easter holiday week, Tom impatiently awaited Sunday, and the meeting that it
would surely bring. Not that he neglected his search for the entrance to the Chamber of
Secrets, but that was admittedly getting a little tedious without any signs of progress or
further clues, and he was running out of ideas as to how to check for hidden doorways.
" Thus, he would take breaks from that and turn to his school coursework, before
restlessly turning back to his increasingly detailed investigation of certain parts of
Hogwarts Castle.
" Distractions abounded also in the form of social invitations to dodge; Tom did not
mind the company of Antonin and Marca, or of Jana, or even some of the Ravenclaws and
Hufflepuffs remaining at the castle over Easter, but entertaining the overtures of friends
meant tolerating friends-of-friends (or at least, Housemates who might consider
themselves such) who were sometimes, well, intolerable.
" Owing to the tendency of those remaining at Hogwarts to band together, Jana
would rarely be seen in the Great Hall without Hagrid around to bring any conversation
down to the level of Trolls, and while there were a good number of perfectly tolerable
Ravenclaws in the castle, Tom found himself resisting the urge to murder the little
Mudblood Warren, not to mention that Hornby girl who constantly wound her up, making
her more irritating than ever. Perhaps the only thing worse than her being in a bad mood,
was her being a good mood; she had such a dreadful laugh that there were rumours
amongst second-years that she was actually part Banshee.
" Myrtle Warren could kill any pleasant or productive mood at twenty paces, and was
exactly the sort of reason her kind should not be allowed in this place. Weaver, at least,
knew when he was not welcome and got on with things in his own little way, which Tom
could respect, despite the fact that all things being equally heʼd still love to transfer him to
another House.
" In an ideal world, of course, Mudbloods would be examined and judged, before
being either sent to a separate school for Mudbloods, or killed, according to merit; no need
to leave in existence that kind of cancer of the Wizarding world.

To Tomʼs knowledge, Grindelwald wasnʼt yet planning any sort of extermination as an

endgame, but any plan could be improved upon in time, naturally. For now, Tom was
content that Grindelwald would at least put Muggles in their place, and help shape a
society that allowed Witches and Wizards to go about their business without interference
from such.
" As such, when Sunday came along, it was with a glad heart that Tom readied for his
meeting with the great Dark Wizard. He borrowed some larger robes from an older
Slytherin who would not miss them due to being away for Easter like most of the House,
and folded up his chameleon cloak to wear it like an invisible scarf; in such a fashion, heʼd
have it if he needed it, but he could hardly set off wearing it in the middle of the day without
attracting far more attention than he would without it; in broad daylight, heʼd be quite
visible in it.
" What he did do, however, when one oʼclock approached, was complete the
Polyjuice Potion by adding his disgusting sample of the Hogʼs Head barman, and drink it in
the castle, before setting out. This way, he could attend to some of the necessary
grooming, using the mirrors and such in the castle. On the flip side, this meant he had to
walk through Hogwarts looking like a tidied-up version of the Wizard whose appearance he
was borrowing, but there were not too many people in the castle, and if seen, he resolved
simply to nod politely by way of greeting, and continue on his way, and hope they assumed
he had a valid reason for being there. If not, well, he could always Curse any botherer who
tried to stop him, and it would be the barman who would be blamed for it. Better to avoid it
if possible, of course, since an investigation could be irksome.
" Noting that while his appearance wasnʼt going to turn any heads in a positive way
even after the efforts heʼd made, but that time was nevertheless growing short, Tom made
his departure from the castle.
" Grindelwald had said to not be in Hogwarts (or the Ministry of Magic, or Azkaban,
the latter of which Tom agreed would be an especially good place for him to avoid), but
Tom didnʼt know how far out heʼd need to be; whether outside the door would suffice, or
whether crossing the boundary of the Anti-Apparition Ward would be in order, or some
other distinction. Erring on the side of caution, as he didnʼt know how far into the
Forbidden Forest the Anti-Apparition Ward extended, he strode towards Hogsmeade,
since he new that by the point of Hogsmeade Bridge, at least, heʼd be beyond the Anti-
Apparition Wards.
" Checking the time when he got there, he had a few minutes remaining to loiter,
ideally unseen, but also ideally without attracting suspicion if seen, so rather than use the
chameleon cloak, he took a detour down the grassy slope towards the river that ran below.
There, he took the postcard-Portkey out of his pocket, held it in his hand, and waited. He
felt slightly uneasy now; he wasnʼt sure whether it was doubt that the Portkey would work,
or whether it was because if it did, then he was about to face the most feared Dark Wizard
of the world, whom he planned to deceive and manipulate, and that there were many
things that could go badly. But there was no time for concerning himself with that now, as
the Portkey activated.

" The grassy bank span away, and Tom was hit by a blast of heat. Momentarily
unsure which way up the room was, he landed triumphantly on his feet with more stability
than he expected. The room felt like an oven though; this was not a good place to be. He
turned around, squinting as he looked for an exit, and saw the unmistakeable figure of
Gellert Grindelwald, who did not look at all troubled to be in the same blazing heat.
" Upon seeing Tom, however, his face contorted immediately to a furious mixture of
surprise and disgust, quickly followed by colder hatred.
" “You!” he spat, and flashed his wand in Tomʼs direction - the Spell caught Tom
straight in the chest, knocking him into a crumpled heap at the edge of the room, his head
cracking painfully into the wall.
" Tom felt sick, and also disoriented. He struggled to get his eyes into focus, and also
to not throw up. The wall had moved. No, he had moved, he had been Stunned.
" Definitely his worst duel ever.
" He put his hands to his face to feel whether the Polyjuice Potion was still in effect; it
" “What are you doing here?”, asked a stern voice. Tom remembered he was not
alone, and turned towards the voice, clambering to get back up off the floor as he did so.
He came face to face with a lot of teeth in a reptilian mouth.
" “Who are you and what am I doing here?” demanded Tom, stumbling backwards
away from it in surprise. As he did so, he saw the snake had a lot of dark hair, which
further confused him. Only it wasnʼt a snake, it was a crocodile. With a black lionʼs mane
feet to match. It was a black lion with a crocodileʼs face? And truly horrifying breath. Tom
backed away a little further.
" “Well, I must say, you have surprised me. Congratulations”, said the voice, sharply.
It didnʼt come from the... thing, but from the Wizard behind it. Gellert Grindelwald stood
there, wand in hand. Tom reached for his own, and the sick feeling returned as he couldnʼt
find it.
" “Whereʼs my wand?” he demanded."
" “Oh, are you looking for this?” replied Grindelwald, patting the wand that was stuck
through the belt of his tunic-like robes. Tom saw that it was his. He snatched it back with
his mind, but the wand only got as far as clattering to the floor before Grindelwald pinned it
in place with a swish of his own wand, and summoned it back to his spare hand.
" “I think I shall keep this for the moment. A new wand, I see”, he said, appraising it.
“And new abilities”, he added with a nod to Tom. “Wandless magic, and was that... surely
not Parseltongue, that I heard? Not that Parseltongue would do you much good here, not
with... Ah yes, introductions are in order. How rude of me. This is Falohya. She is going to
eat you if you fail to quickly explain why I should keep you alive”.
" Tomʼs anger would have to wait a little longer, as he had no useful way to express it
without his wand; not against a powerful Sorcerer such as this, in any case. But anger
gave way to confusion; why was he receiving such a poor welcome? Grindelwald was
talking as though they had met already. Was Grindelwald expecting someone else? Was
this a case of mistaken identity?
" “Who do you think I am?”, asked Tom.
" “I think youʼre an idiot who will have to present something rather good very quickly
indeed if he wants to leave here alive”, returned Grindelwald.
" “No, really”, said Tom, “Who? I think youʼre mistaking me for someone, which is
quite understandable if you are, since this isnʼt my body, Iʼm just using it for this meeting”
" Grindelwaldʼs mind showed a flash of images relating to a Wizard that at least bore
a strong resemblance to Tomʼs current appearance; the figure in Grindelwaldʼs mind was
much younger and definitely better groomed.
" “You are possessing this body? THIS body?” asked Grindelwald, raising his wand
unnecessarily to point at him; Tom rather wished he wouldnʼt.
" “After a fashion. I am Lord Voldemort, and I am using Polyjuice Potion to conceal
my identity for my security, and by happenstance it would appear that this appearance is
one that disturbs you. But I am not my appearance. Now that we have cleared up that
misunderstanding, it would be good to return my wand to me”, he concluded, now
speaking with a tone of aggression perhaps a little bold for his currently wandless
condition, “as I am your invited guest, not to mention a powerful ally not lightly cast aside.
Do not make the mistake of thinking you can take by force the advantages I came to offer
you. Furthermore, if I am not safely back to my own secret place by the first light of
morning, machinations will already be set against you in my absence, to turn my offered
advantage to your foes instead”
" “You would threaten me so, you who professed to share my great goal?”
" “It would pain me more than you can know, for these weapons to fall into our shared
enemiesʼ hands”, said Tom. “However, there is nothing worse than death, so of course I
had to protect myself against any threat you might make”.
" It was entirely a bluff, of course, as Tom had made no such arrangements, and
furthermore the best that he could offer Grindelwald, such as selling out some of his
enemies at Hogwarts, was not something he could offer to them in turn.
" Gellert Grindelwald did not reply immediately, and Tom could tell he was going
through the same mental race as Tom had gone through back in the forest with Jana,
when needing to ascertain who she was. Unlike Jana, Tom wasnʼt babbling and pouring
out information, and Grindelwaldʼs mind went to this other Wizardʼs identity instead, but
quickly became more scattered, and mixed with Tomʼs own thoughts, a moment later and
Tom could not find any thoughts belonging to Gellert Grindelwald; the great Wizard had
been caught off-guard initially (much as Tom himself had been), but now had caught up
with himself and was paying more attention to Occlumency.
" “Iʼm going to return your wand”, said Grindelwald measuredly, “But when I do that,
youʼre going to cast a Patronus Charm so that I can see it. Do not try to do anything else,
or I will kill you. Clear?”
" “Clear”, said Tom, to get his wand back. Heʼd concern himself with the problem of
casting his first ever Patronus once he had his wand. One problem at a time.
" Grindelwald took Tomʼs wand out from his belt, and tossed it over to him. In
catching it, Tom moved a little closer to the multi-creature monstrosity between them, and
the thingʼs head moved slightly; it had been motionless for since he backed off from it.
" “The problem is”, said Tom, ready to defend himself as necessary now, “Iʼve never
cast a Patronus in my life. I donʼt have a Patronus”
" Grindelwald looked stony-faced, and did not attack immediately.
" “Me neither”, he said, breaking into a slight laugh. “Pity, if you could have shown me
any other Patronus, you would be in the clear. As it is, however...”
" “Here”, said Tom, moving his non-wand hand in an open gesture to avoid it being
perceived as a threat. He slowly produced the small flask from his pocket. “Polyjuice
Potion. You can try it. I warn you though, you donʼt want to know part of this Wizard went
into it”
" He sent it slowly, magically, over to the Wizarding Commander of a sizeable portion
of the world. The latter, for his part, took the flask but did not open it. Instead, he flicked his
wand, and a man appeared to the side of him, dressed in the robes of the region.
Grindelwald spoke to him, and gave him the flask. The newly appeared man, be he
Summoned, Conjured, or however he had appeared, took a swig of the potion, and quickly
took on a slightly scruffier version of the appearance Tom was currently sporting. Satisfied,
Grindelwald dismissed the man, who now left through a doorway some distance behind his
" “A strange choice of disguise, but I believe you”, declared Grindelwald.
" “Good” said Tom. “Now we can make progress, I hope”.
" “Well then. Offer your gifts, Lord Voldemort”, said Grindelwald with a smile, and an
open gesture.
" This was not quite the negotiating position Tom had hoped for. He had rather
expected such a powerful person to meet him with a small army of guards and advisors,
any one of whom could give away secrets with their thoughts. And here he was, Gellert
Grindelwald alone, giving him nothing, a walking Transfiguration accident of a pet, and the
nearest other minds were... all around him; there were at least six others in the room,
maybe more! Invisible, by whatever means. He had just not reached out with his mind to
find them, until now. The man Grindelwald had had taste the potion was surely one of
these too, merely unveiled when it became necessary that he be made visible. He dared
not look in their directions, lest he give away this new knowledge of their presence, but he
" “I know what it is you seek more than anything else”, began Tom. Grindelwaldʼs
mind gave nothing, but those around offered a variety of suggestions: the Deathly Hallows,
immortality, total dominion over the world. A Wizard after Tomʼs own heart.
" “And I know how you expect to attain your goals”, he continued. The guards were
less helpful this time; their minds went chiefly to various quasi-military operations currently
" “What if I were to tell you there is a masterstroke, a key advantage that can be
yours for the claiming, and the fools are trying to keep it safe in Britainʼs Hogwarts
Castle?”, he offered. The minds went to various places; the Hogwarts Founders
themselves, the Philosopherʼs Stone, the Library, Dippet, and Dumbledore.
" “I would ask you which you think it is”, said Grindelwald. “There are many places in
the world with many secrets, and that school has an ample share of them”
" “Itʼs true there are a good number of things to be gained there”, said Tom. “As just
one example, why do you suppose Armando Dippet is over three hundred years old,
without looking a day over a hundred and two?”
" “He is supplied with the Elixir of Life by his more talented friend, Nicholas Flamel,
who in turn enjoys the protection of his more talented friend—” replied Grindelwald, who
seemed to think twice about identifying the more yet talented friend. At least two of
Grindelwaldʼs invisible guards thought of Dumbledore. Another thought of Leonard
Spencer-Moon, who did at the very least seem a more imposing Minister for Magic than
his predecessor.
" “What would you give for access to those people?”, asked Tom.
" “What manner of access?”, returned Grindelwald.
" “What would you want of them?”, asked Tom in turn.
" “Are you here to treat with me on their behalf?, suggested Grindelwald.
" “No”, said Tom, putting an end to the cascade of unanswered questions. “I am here
to offer you the most valuable resource on this earth: information. In return I ask only a
little of the same”
" “This is a pretty policy indeed, but it has not escaped my notice, Lord Voldemort,
that so far you have promised much and given nothing. Now would be the time for you to
present your first honest token of goodwill”, said Grindelwald in a pleasant tone that no
doubt belied his true sentiment.
" Tom had prepared for such a challenge, and had a ready reply. It was something of
a gamble, but if it worked, it would pay dividends.
" “Youʼre here in Egypt looking for lost information to reveal ancient powers, and the
keys to mastery over life and death itself”
" “Obviously”
" “I already have it”, said Tom.
" “Tell me more”
" “I can show you”, Tom offered, taking out the pyramid stone that he had brought
with him for exactly this purpose. This time he offered it to Grindelwald directly, closing the
gap between them. The crocodile-lion-thing took a few paces nearer, and stopped again.
" Grindelwald took the stone in his hand, and turned it, his eyes roving over the
" “Slytherin”, he read aloud. Evidently he had no need of a Perevodal Glass. This was
hardly surprising now that Tom thought about it, for a Wizard of Austrian-Hungarian origins
who was educated at Durmstrang before spending some time in Britain, who now had a
headquarters in Bavaria and had spent the last however long here in Egypt, and before
that, Yugoslavia. If anyone could be expected to not be baffled by a language barrier, it
was Gellert Grindelwald.
" “Salazar Slytherin, how came you by this?”
" “Itʼs mine”, said Tom, simply. Grindelwald frowned.
" “Parseltongue, when you arrived here”, he said. “I think, whoever you are, you are
Slytherinʼs heir, and this does indeed make you of interest to me”
" Tom endeavoured to not react to this proclamation; it was an idea that of course
Tom had entertained previously, but somehow it sounded a lot more credible when the
worldʼs most renowned Dark Wizard simply announced it as though a fact.
" “Thereʼs a side missing” said Grindelwald, as he continued to examine the stone.
“Did you think I would not notice?” He was holding the pyramid upside down now, and
tapped its base with his wand. More glowing writing appeared, but not hieroglyphs this
time, it was some more script-like form of writing that Tom nevertheless could not read.
Whether or not Grindelwald could was not clear, from the Wizardʼs response.
" “Well, Iʼm most glad to see that you did notice”, said Tom. “It shows itʼs not wasted
on you. Youʼre not the only one who has knowledge to guard, Grindelwald”
" Grindelwald glanced up at Tom, upon being addressed by name. He looked back at
the stone.
" “And this”, he said indicating part of the hieroglyphs, “perfect safety, the King safe
inside the stone, is it? What is this, did Salazar Slytherin make a Horcrux, or perhaps his
father before him? I am not interested in anything so reckless; I have my purer goals, as
you should know”
" “I donʼt doubt your goals”, said Tom, wondering what a Horcrux was. From
Grindelwaldʼs mind, of which Tom got a brief insight while he was momentarily distracted, it
seemed to be about putting something in something else, but then, most forms of magic
were, when it came down to it, about putting something in something else.
" “And I donʼt doubt your offerings”, said Grindelwald, “and your potential to offer
much more. I will arrange for you to be transferred Nurmengard, where what you have to
offer can be explored in much greater depth”
" “I donʼt think so”, laughed Tom.
" “No?” replied Grindelwald, taking a step back, the better to use his wand if
necessary. His guards did not miss this cue, and also became much readier for an attack.
" Tom considered he had outstayed his welcome at this point, and hoped like Hell the
Portkey was good for a return journey, and also that it was still in his pocket. He reached
for it with his free hand, ready with his wand in his other hand to block any Curse that
might come his way. As he did so, Grindelwaldʼs expression shifted in an instant of
understanding, and he flicked his wand violently at Tom, uttering something that Tom quite
hear as the Portkey activated; he felt the Curse hit his body all the same as he failed to
block it, but the Portkey was already whirling him away into a dizzy vortex of nauseating
Chapter Eighteen
Questions and Answers

When Tom caught up with his stomach, he found himself once again on unsteady legs, still
disoriented, and this time he stumbled onto all fours, due to the unevenness of the ground
as much as the momentum of his arrival and his unsteady state of mind owing to the
sickening experience of the journey. He didnʼt stop there even a second, though; dropping
the postcard, he Disapparated and re-Apparated perhaps twenty feet away, his wand
levelled at the spot where he had arrived. His hand was trembling slightly, as though he
were greatly weakened in some fashion.
" It was dark. Why was it dark? It it should be the middle of the afternoon. Tom felt
confused, as though in a dream that didnʼt quite make sense. Perhaps he was dreaming.
Perhaps the Portkeyʼs action had been disrupted, resulting in him arriving hours later than
he started. Resolving this would have to wait though, as right now the agents of
Grindelwald might arrive to join him at any second.
" Now seemed like a great time to put further distance between himself and his arrival
point, or rather, less traceable distance. But where to go? He could not Apparate into the
castle, and he could walk back into Hogwarts yet looking like this either. And if he
Apparated somewhere far away to bide some time, heʼd be wary of reappearing in
Hogsmeade while Grindelwaldʼs agents might still be on the lookout, not to mention how
many rules he would be breaking if he were found out.
" Opting for the lesser of many evils, Tom walked through what must be the borders
of the Anti-Apparition Wards, and headed on foot into the Forbidden Forest, to wait for the
Polyjuice Potion to wear off.
" There were worse ways to spend an evening, he thought to himself, when his brisk
retreat had settled into a more casual stroll, even if still a somewhat cautious one, given
that itʼd be very embarrassing to elude Gellert Grindelwald only to be bested by some
lowly creature of the night in his own back garden.
" Eventually, his flesh took on that unpleasant creeping feeling again; he put his hand
to his face to feel whether the Polyjuice effect was completely gone, just in time to feel his
beard recede under his fingertips, and his long hair pull short and become cleaner. His
head seemed much lighter without it, and he felt somewhat as if he had lost a hat.
" All in all, definitely a lot more manageable than the last Polyjuice reversal he had
witnessed in this forest, as the worst he had to show for it was distinctly oversized robes.
" He did face one small problem, however: he needed to get back into the castle
despite having lost his chameleon cloak somewhere in Egypt, probably when he was first
Stunned by Grindelwald upon arrival, and despite the fact he got out of the castle by
through the front door, which would now be locked, and now he was down here without
any obvious way up.
" Accio Broom, he essayed. It had worked for Ozzy, after all. He waited, and soon
gave up. Perhaps she had had specific brooms in mind; knew somewhere that brooms
would be stored and could be summoned from a distance.
" There were those winged things, Thestrals, in the forest somewhere, and he could
hitch a lift by means of the Imperius Curse, but that would require finding such a beast. A
skinny black flying horse in the black forest in the black night. No, that was probably not
going to be his best bet.
" He thought back to the map of unknown-to-others tunnels and chambers beneath
the Hogwarts Dungeons, and reflected on how really, some extra tunnels were in order: at
the very least, one out into the Forbidden Forest, and one into Hogsmeade would be ideal.
If that were ever to become a reality, though, it was almost certain that magically tunnelling
out of a castle would be a lot easier than magically tunnelling into it. After all, castles were
broadly built to keep people out, not to keep people in, and Hogwarts was, notwithstanding
all its rules against student wanderings, no exception.
" Of course he could summon Ozzy, if the Charm bracelet would even wake her, but
that would then need some explaining, or else if he wanted to Obliviate all memory of it
from her, heʼd need to actually accompany her back to bed, and Obliviate her there, which
did not seem much more practical than his other ideas so far.
" Eventually he settled for a much less exciting approach, and simply walked over to
Broom Shed to borrow a broom to get him inside, and just hope that nobody looked. It was
a risk to take, and the trip across the open expanse between the castle and the forest had
most certainly never seemed so long, but he got there without incident, and soon he was
landing in ramparts on a rickety old Comet 140, which he then pushed back off in the
general direction of the Broom Shed.
" It glided neatly for a short distance, before veering off out of sight and into the side
of the castle; Tom winced at the distant sound of breaking glass; evidently it had found a
window. Oh well, it was nothing to do with him anymore. Maybe theyʼd learn to lock the
Broom Shed more securely one day, who knew. For now, Tom yawned, and headed in
through and upstairs door, and began the long descent to Slytherin House.

Lessons the next day were all but a blur for Tom, as he at most went through the motions
of participation, doing mostly the bare minimum while focussing on his own curriculum, not
only the hints he had acquired from Grindelwald directly, but also the peripheral lessons
learned: to have more ways of being invisible and more ways of flying, at the very least.
" Invisibility Cloaks, true ones, were rare and expensive, and Invisibility Potions were
bulky and inconvenient. He now learned there was a Charm for it too. Why had nobody
told him this before? In any case, he resolved to perfect the practice of the Disillusionment
Charm, as it was called, which promised to save him a lot of trouble, once mastered. But
that certainly wasnʼt the only thing he wanted to learn.
" “Marca”, said Tom, as they sat in a quiet corner of the Common Room, “I wonder,
do you know what a Horcrux is?”
" “I do not”, said Marca, and looked at him expectantly.
" “Nor do I” replied Tom, upon realizing she didnʼt know he didnʼt know either. “It has
to do with immortality, and itʼs something even a reckless Wizard considers reckless.
Thatʼs all I know”
" “Well”, observed Marca, “If even a reckless Wizard considers it reckless, then it is
probably not a safe thing, in any case”.
" “No indeed, I seriously doubt it is a safe thing. But still, Iʼd rather know what it is; it
irks me, to know of something that might lead to immortality, without knowing what exactly,
or how. Even if I donʼt use the unsafe thing, it might at least give me ideas, ideas I can
modify and make useable”
" “I expect that if anyone will do such things, you are a good candidate for success”,
affirmed Marca. “However, as for what a Horcrux is, I cannot help. Have you asked—”
" “No, Iʼve asked only you. Iʼd rather know a little more before I go asking Healer
Tegner or any of the teachers; I presume thatʼs what you were going to ask?”
" “Yes”, confirmed Marca. “What harm can come of asking?”
" “Well, I wouldnʼt like to have to discuss where I heard about it”, said Tom, “And also,
without knowing more about it, I wouldnʼt know which teacher to ask, making Tegner the
only possible point of enquiry anyway”
" “And the Library?”
" “I wouldnʼt know where to begin, and I can hardly ask Madam Redmond without
knowing at least enough about it to have a plausible reason as to why Iʼm asking”
" “Ask a ghost? They might know something about immortality”
" “Theyʼre dead”, countered Tom. “Theyʼre just shades of the people they used to be.
They clearly know nothing of immortality”
" “I have no further suggestions”, concluded Marca.
" “I, on the other hand, have another question, though itʼs something Iʼll at least pass
by Tiernan as well... What do you make of this?”
" He placed the pyramid stone on the table, with the flowing lettering of the foreign
script facing her. He handed her the Perevodal Glass.
" “Pesknauka”, she read aloud. Obviously, the Perevodal Glass would translate into a
semblance of Russian for her, not a semblance of English as it did for Tom. “It is about
Geomancy, is it not?” she asked.
" “You tell me”, said Tom.
" “Well this” - she indicated - “is sand wisdom, sandlore perhaps one could say, the
science of sand, maybe”.
" “Yes, I got that”, said Tom. And the other one, I get “Sandstrike”
" “A credible translation”, agreed Marca.
" “Whatʼs it about?”, asked Tom.
" “It is Geomancy, and it is largely connected with Arithmancy. Connected with, or
connected to?”
" “Either will do”, said Tom, “But what exactly is it and what does it do?”
" “It is the understanding of structures and spaces, the arrangement of patterns and
shapes, the making of impossible things possible - Hogwarts Castle has many such Spells
built into its walls”
" “Maybe thatʼs how I beat the Anti-Apparition Wards, you mean?” wondered Tom
" “Possibly. That, and rooms that move about, or are not always there, these sorts of
things”, explained Marca. “Also certain routes that are made different than how they would
otherwise be”
" “Shortcuts?”
" “Yes, shortcuts through the shapes that make up the Castle, by appealing to the
ancient kind of magic that binds certain forms to each other, or else keeps them apart.
With the right invocation, one can slip through the shapes, or cause them to be...
disturbed? No, distorted is a better word, changed anyway, made to meet in places they
would not already. It is the same kind of magic that allows Apparition in the first place - this
appeals to the option of slipping through the cracks - and also the magic that makes
Portkeys possible, which is actually the opposite thing, making parts of the shape meet
that would not have met without tampering”
" “Why am I just learning about this now?”, asked Tom, sharply. “Why has this not
been included in our schooling?”
" “It is discussed in some low amount of detail in Arithmancy”, said Marca. “So if you
did Arithmancy, you would know these things. But it is not a lot of detail; not a big topic of
" Tom reflected on why Grindelwald would have such an interest in the topic, and did
not wonder for long.
" “It seems to me”, he said slowly, thinking out loud, “that a full mastery of this magic
would allow one an incredible power, to enter and leave places with impunity; to access
places that have been considered secure, to make places that no other can access, to
keep oneself utterly safe - a fortress that others couldnʼt even get to, let alone assail. And
yet no enemyʼs lesser stronghold would hold out against such a Wizard”
" “Indeed, the applications could be of considerable importance”, agreed Marca.
" “I will learn this magic”, affirmed Tom. “Can you point me any more specifically?
Otherwise, I think I have enough to go raid the library on this topic at least”
" “If you are going to the library, then I have nothing to contribute that you will not
easily find there in greater abundance than will be found in our Arithmancy textbooks”
When he did get to the library, Tom saw that Madam Redmond was not at the counter, but
then, it was quite late, and she didnʼt live there. Well, she lived close enough, granted -
she had an office accessible from an upper level of the library, and Tom knew from her
thoughts that her living quarters were accessible from that office. However, he didnʼt need
her now; he knew where the Arithmancy section was, and could narrow it down quickly
enough from there.
" He hadnʼt been there more than quarter of an hour or so when he was startled by
realizing Professor Binns was standing right behind him, having arrived as quietly as a
" “Sorry Professor, didnʼt see you there”, said Tom.
" “Theyʼre not doing Geomancy lessons anymore”, replied Binns.
" “Yes, I know, personal project, Sir”
" “What project?” asked Binns, frowning. Why did the old man have to be so curious?
Why did he have to be interested in something now after showing nothing but disinterest
for even his own subject these past four years?
" “Trying to understand more about the castleʼs construction” answered Tom, honestly
" “You wonʼt learn it here; thisʼll be quite beyond you without learned tuition, boy”
Binns advised him. Tom felt hatred rise within him; the last person that had told Tom
something would be beyond him, Tom had destroyed with fire, but granted, that had been
a portrait, and not a flesh-and-blood teacher.
" “Iʼll take my chances, Sir” said Tom, perhaps a little abruptly. “Goodnight, Professor
Binns”, he concluded, before leaving the library with the books heʼd selected so far,
wondering what Binns himself had been doing in that part of the library.
" Back in Slytherin House, Tom pored over the books through the night, cross-
referencing ideas with the architectural plans he had, and his memory of where the main
shaft for the Chamber of Secrets ought to be.
" He was at the point of giving up, since the only points that would otherwise make
sense were one of the girlsʼ toilets up between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers, and
a part nearer to home, between the Slytherin and Hufflepuff Common Rooms, that he
knew from experience was definitely an unused sewer duct; it led to the lake but was not
connected to any actual sewers. Obviously Slytherin would not put the entrance to the
Chamber of Secrets in such an ignominious place, twice.
" Then he had a startling moment of realization, that the plumbing system had been
modernized in more recent years; these features would not have been there when the
Chamber was made. The renovations were made during Headmaster Blackʼs time, and
the portrait of him had clearly known something about the matter, as he knew it had to do
with a secret, a key, and Parseltongue. Could the entrance have been in the way of the
renovations, unknown to most, and now hidden by the same? And that is why that sewer
duct wasnʼt used? And what of the bathroom, or toilets, or whatever it was, up near
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers?
" He got up, resolving to go and investigate while everyone else was asleep, but
upon checking the time found it was almost time that everyone would be waking up again
and going about their morning activities — and so, a very bad time to be exploring
bathrooms and sewers. Itʼd have to wait, but it wouldnʼt wait for long.

“What I donʼt get”, said Emlyn over breakfast in the Great Hall, as they discussed the
morningʼs edition of the Daily Prophet, “is why Grindelwaldʼs so interested in Africa in the
first place. Itʼs not like itʼs the centre of any great power - theyʼre all in Europe or Asia”
" “Or America”, offered Marca. “They too are not to be underestimated”
" “America?” challenged Belinda. “But theyʼre so... unrefined”
" “Itʼs true they have a lot of silly ideas of egalitarianism holding them back, at the
very least”, agreed Abraxas.
" “But... Africa?” repeated Emlyn. “Whatʼs so special there? Is Egyptian magic really
so special as to wage a war over it?”
" “Yes”, answered Tiernan, Marca, Belinda, and Tom, almost of one voice.
" “Why? All it has in the Prophet is this city lost, that city gained, forces moving East,
forces moving West...”
" “Salazar Slytherin came from where?” asked Marca, pointedly.
" “Ireland... Oh wait, his father from Egypt though, right, of course. So Grindelwaldʼs
seeking after heirlooms? Slytherin Seniorʼs forgotten notebooks?”, suggested Emlyn, half-
joking, half serious.
" “It wouldnʼt be the first time that magical wars have been fought over such things”,
observed Tiernan. “Remember the library of Alexandria”
" “Iʼve never been there”
" “Well none of us have, but thatʼs the point. Competing nations fighting over the
scrolls there, ended up burning the whole place to the ground; had to blame the Muggles”
" “So... something survived?”
" “We donʼt know, do we?” interjected Abraxas. “Itʼs not like Grindelwald meets us for
tea and lets us in on his plans”
" “Must be a powerful weapon”, nodded Belinda to herself. “I mean, Africa has a lot of
valuable resources and all, but would Grindelwald be there personally if it were just about
that? Nah, I think heʼd just send in his armies and sit back on his throne in Europe - itʼs got
to be something more personal - the question is: what?”
" “Quidditch”, said Walburga, “Come on”
" “Huh? Oh right yeah, that time already” said Belinda, finishing up her breakfast, and
leaving the non-players to speculate about Grindelwald a little more before heading out to
watch her play. Tom didnʼt learn anything from their speculations though, and nor did he
expect to; after all, heʼd researched the matter heavily and had also recently met
Grindelwald in the flesh and discussed it with him, and still didnʼt have a clear idea what
was going on over there, so what chance did these others have?

As for the more homely goings-on, Slytherin could not win the Quidditch Cup — even
winning todayʼs game against Ravenclaw would only put them on an equal score with
Gryffindor, but the start-of-season loss against same would mean the Lions being ahead in
the standings by virtue of the head-to-head tie-break.
" However, there was plenty to play for: if Slytherin won today, theyʼd be on an equal
score also with Hufflepuff, and beat them on tie-break by the same mechanism. If Slytherin
lost today, on the other hand, theyʼd be one for one with Ravenclaw; such a head-to-head
loss vs Ravenclaw would of course put them at the very bottom of the standings table, not
a shame that any Slytherin wanted to see.
" To this end, todayʼs match had importance for all four Houses, as the final standings
for everyone would be decided by the outcome today. It was not unexpected that inter-
House tensions reached their usual end-of-season high, though incidences of attempted
sabotage were minimal, if indeed extant at all - Tom was not aware of any plots going on,
and Tom was usually more aware than anyone else who wasnʼt directly involved in them.
" Simply, there didnʼt seem to be much to do in terms of sabotage. Peregrinus Hood
had not exactly distinguished himself so far in the season, and Slytherinʼs Beater duo were
already notably better than their Ravenclaw counterparts. Slytherinʼs Liam Wardgarren
had proven himself a handy Keeper, albeit not a patch on Violet Selwyn, meaning the only
likely spot for sabotage making any difference to the game would be to hobble the
Ravenclaw Chasers. This had not, however, come to pass in any grand form, and while it
was a fiercely fought game, Hood managed to equalize Belindaʼs season-long score of
one, by catching the Snitch while she was the other end of the pitch.
" The result, of course, was an inglorious win for Ravenclaw — this win scraped them
from last place into third, and so was hardly worthy of celebration for them — but also a
crushing loss for Slytherin, as while they could have been in second place, they were now
relegated to fourth. Needless to say, Belinda was furious and she wasnʼt the only one.
" Tom, however, was only too keen to get away from the pitch sooner than the others,
easy as he wasnʼt in the main stands, owing to having volunteered to do Apprenticeship
duties despite Slytherin playing, and go investigate the possible entrance while most were
still out, and knowing that theyʼd be heading each back to their Houses fairly promptly, and
all moving in a big mass, easy to avoid. Slipping off from the others, who were now
seeking their own Housemates, he headed into the castle alone.
" His pace quickened as he went, and so did his thoughts, racing now and swimming
with the possibilities of what he might finally have found; now was his chance to find out.
Chapter Nineteen
The Chamber of Secrets

Of the two possibilities, Tom chose to go for the topmost entrance first, since the
lowermost site would be the one easier to explore at nighttime, not needing to stray too far
from Slytherin House.
" After a quick glance around to confirm nobody was arriving in that stretch of
corridor, Tom drew his wand and entered the girlsʼ toilets, ready to Stun anyone who
should happen to be in there, not that he expected anyone. The wooden door creaked
closed behind him, and that was the only sound in the place. He quickly checked the stalls
to make absolutely sure he was alone, then turned back to the door.
" Colloportus.
" There, that should keep at least casual would-be intruders from entering. If
someone really wanted to get in, itʼd hardly keep them out, but the most likely scenario
would be that someone just wanted to avail themselves of the facilities here, and would
simply consider the place was closed for some reason, and head off to a different girlsʼ
" Rounding back into the room, Tom tried various Revealing Charms, to no effect, and
paced around the central hub of washbasins. One of them caught his eye, as it had a
small snake motif on one of the taps. He turned the tap. Nothing. No secret doorway, not
even any water, for that matter.
" “Open up” he tried, first of all. To his surprise, it worked immediately. The tap glowed
and spun; a second later, the sink sank into a sunken sump, revealing an uninvitingly dark
hole behind it, between the other sinks of the hub; it looked to be a sheer drop.
" Illuminating his wand and looking down the hole, he discovered that on the contrary,
it appeared to bend away to the side slightly. On the one hand, this meant he would not
plummet straight downwards if he went in; on the other, it also meant that it would be
irksome to use a Momentum-stopping Charm here the way he had in the other shaft the
night of Halloween last year. Resolutely, he prepared to climb down, as he should be able
to wedge himself between the opposite sides easily enough, but this too turned out not to
be a viable plan, as he found the pipe was coated in a thin slime.
" “Tergeo” he muttered, and some of the slime retreated briefly, before returning to its
previous position.
" He considered burning it off, but he didnʼt really want to set fire to whatever was at
the other end of the pipe without examining it first. If only he had some Fricshod Potion - or
a broom, for that matter.
" However, he was far too excited at having come this far, to go back now and get
any of those things. Ready to magically save himself if necessary, he jumped in.

After some twists and turns and stomach-lurching drops, the pipe became more level, and
Tom finally gasped as he sped out into an inches-deep body of water in a larger cavernous
room, perhaps a wide hallway, from what he could see.
" Suddenly, a torch flared up on the wall to each side of him, and two by two, more
torches ignited along the walls. Evidently, this was the way forwards. He tested the floor
carefully with his feet as he went, wary of a sudden drop-off since the floor was difficult to
see on account of the patchy and flickery lighting, but the water remained shallow, and
soon he was at the other side of it.
" It occurred to him the entrance up at the top was probably still open, and anyone
could follow him down here. It also occurred to him he wasnʼt sure how heʼd get back up to
get out, but one problem at a time.
" “Serpensortia” - he cast a sizeable hooded cobra, which landed on the floor with a
wet THWACK - “Guard this area; donʼt let anyone past this point unless itʼs me - or
someone wearing a tie like mine”, he added, “with the green stripess; can you ssee that?”
" The snake rose up smoothly and looked at the tie, its nose almost touching it. Tom
wondered as to the quality of its vision, or its colour-vision, at least. Catching a brief
glimpse through the snakeʼs mind, indeed the colours were distinctly muted, but just about
discernible. His throat, on the other hand, gave off an invitingly warm glow. He watched his
pulse quicken and resisted the urge to bite it.
" Tomʼs connection to the snakeʼs mind was broken by this thought, and now the
serpent now rose up further and backwards a little, so that it was face to face with Tom.
" “I ssee it, and I sssmell... Deathth” hissed the snake, its tongue flickering as it
spoke. The lamplight from the torches reflected in its beady eyes.
" “Well I havenʼt killed anyone... recently” said Tom. The snake looked around, darting
its tongue in and out as it tasted the air. Suddenly the snake recoiled with a hiss.
" “Bassliisssssk”
! Tom froze, and dared not turned around.
" “Where?”
" “Somewhere”, replied the snake, unhelpfully, “I tasste itss sscent”
" “Fantastic” muttered Tom irritably. “Alright. Wish me luck, and remember, stop
anyone who isnʼt wearing one of these green-striped ties”
! “Good luck, and goodbye” hissed the snake, coiling itself into a dark corner near the
" Tom walked slowly with his eyes uncharacteristically downcast, his ears alert for any
movement. He recalled that Basilisk scales were as strong as a dragonʼs, and would
cause spells to bounce off in a similar fashion. Like dragons, the eyes were a weak point,
being covered by only a single scale, but it wouldnʼt be easy to aim at those without dying
in the process. He stopped for a moment to think about this and reconsider whether it was
a good idea to carry on without better preparation.
" If he could have something else with him, to aid him, what would it be? Well, some
more people to scout ahead of him would be great, but even then, a momentʼs warning
would do little good. Maybe some broad attack with fire or another Curse that doesnʼt
require careful aim; flames sufficient to fill up the tunnel would be likewise sufficient to give
even a Basilisk a faceful of fire. But then, the Basilisk would be so very much better as an
ally than an enemy, of course, and setting a creature on fire would not be the best of first
impressions - although, Tom noted, that approach had worked fine with Jana.
" Nevertheless, he couldnʼt count on a Basilisk being so good-natured and sporting
as Jana, so getting the beast on his side would be more likely with... perhaps some show
of power, still, but not one that might cause irreparable damage, or prompt an immediate
counterattack, or both.
" The legends said that the Heir of Slytherin could control the beast, so there must be
some secret to that, perhaps something that he too could do. Perhaps Parseltongue would
suffice, as it did with lesser snakes - and in any case, it was not at all lost on Tom that his
ability to speak Parseltongue may well indicate not only a good Pureblood background and
with it connections to the old Wizarding families, but also that it was not at all
unreasonable to think he may have some of the last drops of Slytherinʼs own blood in him.
There were, after all, not many Wizards known who could speak it, and Tom would
certainly rather claim lineage leading back to Salazar Slytherin, than for example Herpo
the Foul - much as this latter was credited with a rather strong mastery of Basilisks. On
that note, thought Tom, now was probably not the best time to be daydreaming about
ancestry, and perhaps it would be better if he focussed on the task at hand, putting his
idea into practice.
" “Basilisk? Are you there?” he called. No reply. Oh well, it was worth a shot. Before
long, he came to a dead-end, or more accurately, the worldʼs most obvious of secret
doors. Two snakes were carved into the otherwise flat rock-face, with what must be the
doorway between them.
" “Open up”, he essayed.
" The rock in front of him split, and the divided parts moved aside just like the
Slytherin Common Room doors. Tom smiled, in gladness that there had not been a
password as such, merely the requirement to speak Parseltongue. He remembered to
lower his gaze again as he walked through the doorway.
" “Basilisk, if youʼre in here, show yourself without looking me in the eye. I will not
harm you”. Again no reply.
" Putting a hand to his brow as though keeping the sun off his eyes on a summer day,
Tom looked cautiously around the room, moving his eyes slowly, so as to be able to look
away at the first sign up the beast.
" He was in a large high-vaulted chamber, with vast stone pillars to the sides, with
snakes carved onto them, winding upwards. At the far end of the room was a statue; he
chanced looking up at the rest of it to find, unsurprisingly, it was a statue of Salazar
Slytherin, quite recognizable from the painting in the Slytherin Common Room.
" “Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four” he hissed, in case the
same trick would work here. Around Hogwarts, statues were not nearly so likely to talk as
paintings, but it was always worth a try.
" The statueʼs face moved, and its mouth opened, but it did not speak. It just stood
there, mouth open, in a silent battle-cry, no words coming from the dark hole that this
action revealed. Then words came, but as the mouth wasnʼt moving, it seemed the words
came from the cavernous abyss therein, not the mouth itself:
" “Who awakens me from my ssslumbering sssleep, is it time?”
" Tom froze. The Basilisk of which the cobra had warned him was here, and was in all
likelihood about to emerge from this hole any second now. He looked at the floor.
" “A Slytherin of the Blood of Slytherin”, he replied hopefully, “And one who will give
you great purpose”
" “Shshield your eyesss, or youʼll be the first to fall”, came the reply.
" Tom did so, or rather, closed his eyes.
" The bulk of the beast was obvious from the sound, the feel in the room, and the
contact with its mind, though the latter was somewhat indistinct, and Tom had to work to
improve it. As he did so, the Basilisk slid out of the gaping mouth, and circled around to
draw itself up behind Tom, who now felt smaller than he had ever felt in his life. He also
experienced something of an enlightenment on the concepts of trust and hope.
" “You donʼt look like him... but your scent shows your blood to be true...”
" “Him?”, asked Tom
" “I know not how many generations have passed while I slept. Does Corvinus live?”
" “What did Corvinus do with you?” asked Tom, dodging the question, as he didnʼt
want to have to ask who Corvinus was - heʼd rather appear to be as in on the secrets of
the Chamber as possible.
" “Nothing” hissed the Basilisk. “But the entrance was threatened, and he sured it
against the outsiders”
" “How?”
" “The entrance has a new aspect; it was Corvinus who gave it that, lest the outsiders
find it, as they meddled with my sacred space”
" “This place was in danger of being found?”
! “Yesss”
! “What new aspect did he give it?” asked Tom, thinking of the plumbing alterations,
and wondering if his theory was correct, and that was why the entrance was where it was.
! “I know not; I have not ventured forth; I have not been called. But he gave the
entrance a disguise, so the secrets are kept safe. But speak quickly; what purpose have
you here? Rises there a new threat in the castle?”
! “Yes, the safety of Witches and Wizards is sacrificed on the altar of the worship of
! “Are they coming? Is it time? Time to kill, time to fell their armies, time to slaughter
those who would threaten the House and the line and the pure of blood?”, asked the
Basilisk, its speech quickening in anticipation of the massacre it foresaw.
" “It is nearly time”, said Tom, who did not want to unleash the Beast already without
a plan. Much as he may sometimes want to just destroy everything, for simplicity, it was
usually the case that a little patience would pay dividends in the category of achieving
oneʼs ends without unnecessarily harming that which he actually wanted kept more or less
intact, in this case, the Wizarding world.
" “I will be ready”, promised the Basilisk. Tom didnʼt doubt it.
" “I wish to first learn the Secrets of this Chamber more fully before our counterattack
is launched”, said Tom. “Iʼd also like to do so without risk of accidental death; if I leave and
return, where will you be, that I might avoid your resting place?”
! “I slumber in my sleeping hide”, said the Basilisk, perhaps a touch unhelpfully, but it
at least meant that Tom could explore the main Chamber.
" “And youʼll come out only if I call to you, as I did today?”
! “Yess”
! “Good”, said Tom. “We will make our partnership work so well, Basilisk, that weʼll
cleanse this castle of filth and restore its beauty and perfection, and explore the secrets of
the ancients, that I and the line of Slytherin will be forevermore. Until then, return to your
sleep, and guard your strength and power, while I build my own in the castle above, and
we can unleash our force together”
" The Basiliskʼs body slid heavily past Tom; he kept his eyes closed.
" “Walk this way, son of Slytherin”, said the Basilisk. Tom turned towards the sound.
“Here”, continued the Basilisk, “here you can find your way back to the world above, and I
shall await your return”. Tom followed the sound further, reaching out now with his mind to
find the Basiliskʼs; it was easier than most, and it made the task of following the Basilisk
with his eyes closed easier too. He walked cautiously, and came into what, if the Basiliskʼs
mind was to be trusted, was a corridor, a turning, another turning, and small room, with...
what was that?
" “Open your eyes, Wizard” said the Basilisk, “I am not before you”
! Tom opened his eyes slowly and cautiously, looking first at his feet. He opened
them a little more, and looked up a little further.
" In the floor of the room was what appeared at first to be a small pond, of the kind
perhaps would one expect to find exotic ornamental fish. The water lapped clear green
against the marble rim, and as Tom looked into it, he saw that it was not water at all, but
some magical barrier in a constantly shifting state. There was, thankfully, no reflection. It
distorted the view through the surface, but nevertheless the view was quite recognisable;
Tom was now looking at the Slytherin Common Room, but upside-down, as though he
were looking up from the carpet.
" “Tell me what you know about this magic”, said Tom.
" “It allows you access to your sleeping hide”, replied the Basilisk from behind Tom.
“You can leave the Chamber by this pool, but you can only re-enter the way you came in”
" “I donʼt want you to”, began Tom, “but could you pass through this portal, into our
Common Room?”
" “Yesss”
" Well, there was a sobering thought.
" “Why is this portal here? Why would you be given access to our Common Room?”
" “In case of need. In case I must strike. Through these pools I can strike to many
parts of the castle, wherever the invaders have taken”
" “There are more such portals?”
! “Magical ways out into the castle, yesss, only the physical way in. This is a secret
place, a safe place...”
" “And it shall remain so”, thought Tom out loud. It would be good to have his own
secret space within the castle, that nobody else could access, and from which place he
could access what apparently amounted to many places within the castle. Not to mention,
as he now observed looking up at someone who walked across the floor below him in the
pool, spying upon them without notice. This was going to be good. He just needed to work
out how best to use it, without wasting his opportunity. “I step in?”, he double-checked. Itʼd
be unfortunate to step in and then find he was supposed to use a Spell of some kind.
" “You step in”
" He stepped in, letting himself meet the ripples face-first, and he in so doing he
carried on all the way through, his momentum carrying him to being the right way up, stood
in the middle of the Common Room floor.
Chapter Twenty
Letting Sleeping Serpents Lie

In one of the annexes of the Slytherin Dungeons, Tom and Marca sat at a table that was
covered with papers and books, long after most of their Housemates had retired to bed,
the Quidditch loss not having inspired them to stay up late. The very few others who
remained up seemed to be in similar situations, either doing last-minute revision, or else
working on projects of their own, wanting to get as much done as possible while they still
had access to the schoolʼs unparalleled resources.
! Tom and Marca fell more into the latter category, and by this point in the night, the
papers and books spread over the table were scening trappings, as much as anything
else, that anyone who looked in might take a glance and conclude they were busy and not
open to social overtures — and this they most definitely were not, as they spoke in hushed
tones, about the Chamber of Secrets and the Beast within it, as Tom considered Marca the
absolute safest of confidantes, what with her being impenetrable to Legilimency, and and
already having half of his secrets anyway; he might as well make use of her, even if her
opinions werenʼt always to his liking.
" “A Basilisk is not like most Beasts, Tom”, she objected, once again, as she
endeavoured to dissuade him from seeking to use a creature that could lay low an entire
army with a single glance; a creature that was known to have an innate desire to kill,
stronger in it than any other desire.
" “And Iʼm not like most Beastmasters”, replied Tom, with assured confidence. “Itʼll kill
when I tell it to; not before, or it will suffer the consequences”
" Marca sighed.
" “So your plan is what, exactly? To have a giant snake as a pet and use it to impress
people and win them to your side? I would say that you are compensating for something, if
it were not for—”
" “Nothing so puerile, Marca”, interjected Tom. “Though I donʼt deny that may be an
additional benefit, my primary goal will be to do with it exactly as was intended by the
Wizard who left it there”
" “Which was what purpose?”
" “To kill the Mudbloods, obviously; for what other reason would he leave such a
dangerous Beast in the school, a Beast that can only be controlled by me, in a place that
can only be accessed by speaking Parseltongue, something no Mudblood could ever do?”
" “To kill the Mudbloods? But why?” asked Marca, neither surprised nor accusing,
merely with the tone of someone asking why a person might be going to the shops.
" “To cleanse Hogwarts of them; you know as well as anyone that he never wanted
them here in the first place”, said Tom.
" “He also never killed them all himself; why do you think that is?”
" Tom hesitated, unable to immediately come upon a good answer. Why had
Slytherin refrained from killing them all, when he obviously had the means to do so? What
contingency was he waiting for?
" “I donʼt know”, Tom admitted, “but from history, legend, and the Basiliskʼs own word
for it, he distrusted them, and knew that the time would come when itʼd be necessary to
unleash the Basilisk on them”
" “Even if it is so that Salazar Slytherin would do that, why will you do that? You are
not his puppet, after all”
" “To do what I said Iʼd do”, said Tom. “Bring about Wizarding supremacy, instead of
skulking about in the shadows, and that can start by cleaning house here at home at
" Marca thought about this for a moment.
" “But if you start killing Mudbloods, you will need to finish the job very soon, perhaps
the same night, or else they will simply evacuate the school. You are not ready to declare
war on the world, I think”
" “And I canʼt reasonably do it in one night”, said Tom, “Not without unacceptable
Wizarding fatalities - especially as itʼd probably be a lot of the more powerful Witches and
Wizards whoʼd try to fight it. No, I wouldnʼt want that, not without giving them the chance to
join me first”
" “So, you do have a plan? But I cannot find it; what is it?”
" “I have an idea at least; I need all the Mudbloods in one place”, replied Tom, with a
" “I do not think, that they will line up for you”
" “Oh, they will, Marca; they will. They just need the right motivation”.
" “A convention for Mudbloods?”, suggested Marca.
" “A refuge for Mudbloods”, corrected Tom.
" “Ah, frighten them, they gather, you attack”
" “Thatʼs right. And besides, it will almost certainly not be necessary to do much more
than that. When Mudbloods realise the danger they are in here with us in the magical
world, far fewer of them will bring their Muggle filth with them here. If they have worth, they
could maybe be educated at a small special institution for Mudbloods. I am not needlessly
cruel, after all; everything serves its purpose. Itʼs just an idea, mind. I could change it ten
times before I actually implement it”
" Marca nodded thoughtfully.
" “For the Greater Good, indeed. Yes, it would be unfortunate to waste the talents of
those, but also pleasing to have our own space free from such. Far better that those odd
Witches and Wizards of no discernible magical origin be placed in an institution more
appropriate for them, as you suggest. When will you do this? If you wish to make a reign of
terror, there is not very much time that remains between now and the end of term, and
then everyone will be away in many places”
" “Yes, itʼs clear that it will need to wait until September”, sighed Tom. “Itʼs going to be
very frustrating, knowing that I have a Basilisk at my command, and a whole new secret
headquarters for my personal use, and yet Iʼll have to bide my time over summer, waiting”
" “I am sure, that you will find a way to use it productively”, noted Marca.

Before he could do so, however, there was still a part to play here at school. Exam season
came and went, and much of the little remaining time was taken up with the usual last-
minute duelling for House Points, an activity now yet more strongly promoted to all
students of all Houses, with the current state of the world being what it was. Everyone
understood the importance of being a fighter, even those who had absolutely no wish to
" The House points received by Slytherin and Gryffindor for the finding of Ozzy Fame
had set the Houses some way above the others, and had also unexpectedly taken the
wind out of the sails of Ravenclaw efforts, as they seemed to feel indebted to them for the
rescue. Consequently, the Snakes and Lions had been in the lead since then, with hard-
working Hufflepuff some way ahead of more inconsistently focussed Ravenclaw.
" To this end, the only question regards the House Cup of late had been whether
Slytherin or Gryffindor would come out on top. At home in Slytherin House, confidence was
strong but not devoid of concern for the possibility that Gryffindor made a last-minute
comeback, since they had been so close.
" “Whatʼs the latest that points can be added?”, asked Tiernan.
" “It must be up until the Great Hallʼs doors are opened”, said Tom. “After all, thatʼs
when we see the decorations in the colours of the winning House; they canʼt exactly
change it after that, can they?”
" “No, I suppose not. I was just thinking that points-tallying might be closed the night
before, after all, Dippet always has a speech to give about it, and I donʼt expect he does
that off-the-cuff; he must prepare it the night before”
" “I suppose if he comes down and finds the wrong House is winning, he could
always just add some extra points to the right House, before anyone else sees”
" “Nah, what kind of Headmaster would fix the House Cup like that?”, objected
Tiernan. “Itʼd make a mockery of the thing and completely take away any value - itʼd kill the
House Cup”.
" “Well, if he did it, heʼd certainly have to make sure to not get caught. No
Headmaster could possibly be respected if he got caught doing that. And if a Head of
House got caught doing it, thatʼd be worse, as itʼd be a disgrace to the whole House. So I
donʼt think Slughorn or Dumbledore would throw in arbitrary extra points at the last minute
" “Yeah, I expect youʼre right”, agreed Tiernan. “Speaking of last minuteness, shall
we get going?”
" “Yes, letʼs”

There was a large assembled throng in the entrance Hall, and a great hubbub of voices;
the outcome of the House Cup was being hotly debated by many, and everyone wanted to
be near the front, as though getting the knowledge a couple of seconds earlier was really
that important — if only they took the same attitude to learning throughout the year, Tom
expected theyʼd all have done their NEWTs by now, and the school could use the extra
time for yet further education, delving deeper and darker into the various disciplines.
" As it was, classes at Hogwarts tended to proceed in accordance with the pace of
the average student, not the top few, who would have to continue to content themselves
with supplementary extra-curricular studies, something that Tom had of course taken upon
himself ever since being a first-year.
" The huge doors of the Great Hall opened, prompting grins and told-you-sos from
the Slytherin students, as green and silver banners bearing the Slytherin emblem hung
about the Hall. This year, all the staff had assembled in the Great Hall before the doors
had been opened. Slughorn gave a cheery wave as the schoolchildren poured into the
room - obviously he was as pleased as any other Slytherin to win back the House Cup
after a couple of years of mishaps.
" When they had finally all taken their seats, it was Dippet, however, who addressed
the Hall:
" “Firstly, all due congratulations to House Slytherin for a well-won House Cup this
" A raucous cheer went up from the Slytherin table, with uncharacteristically strong
applause also from the neighbouring Ravenclaw table.
" “...and of course to Gryffindor, coming closely behind in second place under similar
circumstances, hard-won in no small part by daring actions of the kind that set their House
" Loud jubilations erupted over at the Lionsʼ table, and again a sturdy support from
Ravenclaw. Tom thought it a little inaccurate, as after all Jana had been no braver than he,
if it was that to which Dippet was alluding. But, they could have their moment — after all,
Slytherin had beaten them anyway.
" “In third place we have Hufflepuff, whose ability to soldier on through tumultuous
times has impressed us all”
" Distinctly less cheering in response to this, but the Badgers were clearly happy
regardless. They had won the Quidditch Cup for the first time in quite some years, not that
it had received a mention yet in Dippetʼs address to the school.
" “Last but not least, Ravenclaw House has had perhaps the most trying time of all
this year, and yet still came out with clear top marks across the board in the N.E.W.T. and
O.W.L. examinations, and in the majority of end-of-year examinations for the other years.
Congratulations, Ravenclaw”
" More cheering than there had been for Hufflepuff; perhaps pity was in order. Tom
never quite understood pity as an experiential concept, but intellectually at least he had
discerned that it often meant a person or a group giving to another something unmerited,
or at least in unmerited disproportion, simply because the recipient had suffered in some
" Dippet went on to talk about the war, and keeping safe over summer, despite the
fact that there could not possibly be a single Witch or Wizard in the school who was not
now very aware indeed of the dangers posed by the Muggle War, never mind the magical
one. Ossapheme Fameʼs return from the dead did nothing to undo the message that had
been well-conveyed by her apparent demise in the smouldering ruin of a Muggle street,
and it was quite certain that most were now keeping to Wizarding residences and business
places as much as possible if they werenʼt previously.
" War, it seemed, had taught them a lesson they had been unable to learn in
peacetime, and one that Tom would seek to hammer home yet more in the coming year:

" Magical folk and Muggles would mix only at their mutual peril.

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