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Challenging yet happiest life experience

Everybody said that life is a never ending experience. We are constantly battling everyday for the

sake of happiness and satifasfaction. But the real thing is, how can we turn those challenges into

happiness? Should we rely on the things that we used to do, or should we strive harder to achieve

things which are beyond our limits. Back t1hen, I am a person who doesn’t believe in myself, and

I can say that the confidence that I have is a little bit lacking, but something change when I learn

to be more than I am. How did it start? Listen carefully. Back when I was in 3rd year high school,

my adviser aannounced that our school will gonna be participate in a one week provincial camping

on the 4th day of November 2013. That sounds really interesting for me. But how can I able to join

if my parents doesn't afford to pay my camping fee before the end of the month of October. So I

challenge myself that I will do everything in order to participate in that specific event. I earned

money by myself, save money, and I even sacrificed my snacks during break time. I always

attending practice for the preparation of the song and yell competition without any assurance of

joining the event. But despite of those hindrances, I find it very challenging yet interesting. The

hope of saving enough money before the deadline of payment is the only strength that I carry in

the remaining days of the month. But thank God, I’ve been able to save enough money for that

provincial camping. That is one of the few days that I gained trust and confidence and I think my

willingness and my perseverance help me in attaining that specific goal. The camping start and I

enjoy every single day of the week, the thrill and challenges, socializing to other people, and most

importantly, living by myself with a few guide of my teachers and classmate. The activities are

beyond my limits and the time goes by so fast due to the fact that the experience that I have been

enjoying was no equivalent amount of peso. Every second and every minute of the whole week

gave me a challenging yet happiest life experience that I will treasure even in the last breath of my


My Biggest Pet Peeves

Every person in this world find something annoying particularly an irritating one. There is

something that could possibly irritating to most of the people but it doesn't mean that it is also

irritating to everyone. Our point of view to things that is happening around us can dictate if that

specific situation will affect us negatively or not. Experience of the people can be the key of turning

those negative situation into a positive insight.

I can say that I'm an optimistic person that possessed broad intellectual capabilities to understand

why people did something annoying without the awareness that it could potentially irritate the

people around them. Even though I'm that kind of person, there are also something that also

irritates me the most or something that I found annoying, and I can called these as My Biggest Pet


Tolerating the bad deeds of the others is something that irritates me the most. Even they knew that

there will be a consequences that awaits them, they still continue those habits due to the toleration

of others especially their friends. Interrupting me in the times when I’m working with something

important is also my biggest pet peeves. But I also understand the way they interrupt if there’s a

sense of genuineness in they way they approached me or maybe if there’s something important

that they needed to tell. And last, giving me all the responsibility in a group work is something that

affects me negatively. Bearing the whole group made me feel that “what is the essence of calling

these as a group, if only one person will bear all the responsibility”. Division of labor is I think the

right solution for this case but there’s an instances that one or two of your groupmates couldn't do

their jobs so the possible outcome is you will also do the jobs that are assign to them. These pet

peeves is something that I find vey annoying and irritating but sometimes turning these negative

situation into a positive point of view can reverse the whole situation.

Outdoor Activities

Being free in the world that is full of requirements, deadlines, expectations and responsibility is

something that made everyone felt amazing. The time when we set aside those things is also the

time when we are free to enjoy our lives especially with ourselves or maybe with other people.

And this is something that I can consider as limitless situations which we can do anything without

the fear of failures and rejections.

I am a person who loves extra challenging activities. Hiking, scuba diving with whales and sharks,

camping in the forest and traveling are some of the things that I like to do when those free time

comes. But the thing that I love the most is going to a Theme Park like Enchanted Kingdom and

Star City and dump on all the extreme rides to feel unexplainable and incomparable experiences

which I think that I'll enjoy the most. Being an outdoorsy person is something that I look forward

to. And if I were given a chance to pick a person who I can company with, I think I will also choose

a person who loves extra challenging activities. I don't want a person who always say “I can't, I

don't and I wouldn't try”. How could I enjoy those time if there is someone that holding me back

due to the thoughts that I don't want to make them feel that the only person who loves those

activities is just me. And I don't want to feel that they accompanied you due to the fact that they

don't have any choice. So that’s why I want those persons who can ride my trip and enjoy things

that are out of the box.

I believe that enjoying our lives can lessen the feeling of loneliness, stress or even prevent

depression that most of the people doesn't want to experience. So the right thing to do is feel free

to do the things that can potentially create a wonderful experience in our mind that no one can

possibly eliminate because of the fact that those experiences is the reason why you as a person

build a stronger personality that no one can ruin.


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