Matthew 3 Questions

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Name __________________________________________ Date __________________ MS Bible (7-8)

☆ Matthew 3 * Use your Bible and notes. *

(1) Use your Bibles. If you don’t have one with you, use your tablet: go to
(2) Notes can be accessed and downloaded at:
(3) Answer each question below with your Bible with complete answers and sentences.

1. Where did John the Baptist preach? __________________________________________________________________

2. What did John the Baptist preach? ___________________________________________________________________

3. What does “repentance” mean? _____________________________________________________________________

4. Which prophet does Matthew note connected to John the Baptist? ________________________________________

5. What is the Scripture reference of this prophet (give Book, Chapter, Verse)? _______________________________

6. What kind of clothing did John the Baptist where? _____________________________________________________

7. What was John’s diet? ______________________________________________________

8. Where did people come from to be baptized by John? __________________________________________________


9. What does “confess” mean? _________________________________________________________________________

10. What were the people confessing? __________________________________________________________________

11. What does “sin” mean? ___________________________________________________________________________

12. Where were the people baptized? __________________________________________________________________

13. Which two groups came to John while he was baptizing people? _______________________________________

14. What did John call them? __________________________________________________________________________

15. What does “wrath” mean? ________________________________________________________________________


16. What is John’s answer in Matthew 3.8? ______________________________________________________________

17. Who is the father talked about in the O.T.? __________________________________________________________

18. In John’s illustration what tool is used to cut down trees? ______________________________________________

19. Who is the one who comes after John? ______________________________________________________________

20. What are the two baptisms are talked about in Matthew 3? ____________________________________________


21. What tool and crop is talked about in Matthew 3.12? __________________________________________________

22. What does John say will happen to the chaff? _________________________________________________________


23. Where did Jesus go to be baptized? _________________________________________________________________

24. Who baptized Jesus? ______________________________________________________________________________

25. Why did this person _____________ not want to baptize him? __________________________________________

26. Why did Jesus want to be baptized? _________________________________________________________________

27. What does “heaven was opened” mean in Matthew 3.16? ______________________________________________


28. What kind bird was the sign of the Spirit? ___________________________________________________________

29. Whose voice spoke from heaven? ___________________________________________________________________

30. What did this voice say? ___________________________________________________________________________


31. Why was God pleased? ____________________________________________________________________________


32. What do you think about John’s preaching to the people? _____________________________________________


33. What do you think about John’s message to the Jewish groups? ________________________________________


34. John’s message was about repentance. Why do you think repentance is necessary today in a Christian’s life?



35. List three facts about Abraham. Look in places like Genesis 12. ________________________________________


36. “Kingdom” is talked about in Matthew 3. What do you think this means in Matthew? ____________________


37. Jesus came from Galilee. Is Galilee north, south, east, or west of Jerusalem? _____________________________

38. If you could pick one word to describe Matthew 3, which would it be? __________________________________


39. From the reading of Matthew chapter 3, what does baptism mean? _____________________________________

40. List three things that happened after Jesus was baptized. ______________________________________________


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