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Nama: Nova Rusydiani Putri

NRP : 2103167051

1. There is a snake under the grass Ada musuh dibalik selimut
2. Make hay while the sun is shining Keringkan jerami saat matahari bersinar
3. Variety is the spice of life Keanekaragaman adalah bumbu kehidupan
4. To know nothing is better than know half Lebih baik tidak tau sama sekali daripada tau
5. When in Rome do as the Romans do Lain ladang lain illalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya
6. Let by gone be by gone Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu
7. Home, sweet home Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri
awak, elok juga di negeri awak
8. A minute careless may destroy what was Setitik nila, rusak susu sebelanga
bulit in a age
9. Do not take advantage of somebody Jangan mengambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan
10. A bird in the hand is worth two in the Beruk di hutan disusukan, punai di tangan
bush dilepaskan
11. Real sorrow doesn't exist and real joy Kalau sedih jangan berlarut-larut kalau senang
doesn't either jangan pula
12. All roads lead to Rome Banyak jalan menuju Roma
13. Such things bring grist to his mill Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba
14. To carry coals to New-castle Abaikan garam dilaut
15. Leaves don't wave if there is no wind Tak ada asap tanpa api
16. To cherish a viper in one's bosom Air susu dibalas air tuba
17. To have an axe to grind Ada udang di balik batu
18. A friend in need is a friend indeed Teman sejati ada saat dibutuhkan
19. A thorn in one's flesh Seperti duri dalam daging
20. Kill two birds with one stone Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui

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