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Dept./Section__________ Date________________
Area_________________ Zone No.____________

Sl. No. Check Item Evaluation Criteria Marks

1 lockers i) Is there any irrelevent material?
File Cabinets ii) Are they properly arranged?
Almirah iii) Is there any loose paper in the cabinet or file?
Side Racks iv) Is filing index in order?

2 Desks i) Are ther papers kept below the glass?

ii) Do they have place fixed for the telephone, Desk calender, tray etc. ?
iii) Are things in table drawers in order?
iv) Are the papers in tray relevant?
v) Do they use standard paper weight?

3 Standard for disposal Do they have any method fixed for disposal for documents?

4 Visual Control i) can relevant items or documents be identified at a glance?

ii) Are all visual displays updated in the room including calender?
iii) Do they have prefixed location for all things in the room?
iv) Do they have the first aid box at a proper place?

5 Storage Lables Are tha labeling of lockers, filing cabinets, almirahs done?

6 Labels for Documents Is everything properly identified?

7 Orderly Storage i) Is every thing stored in a proper place?

ii) Are old records kept properly identified?

8 Aisles and Display Areas Have they marked aisles properly and are notice boards in proper places?

9 Floor i) Condition of floor

ii) Cleanliness of floor

10 Dust and Dirt Are windows, window stills and shelves, corners of the wall, ceiling, grill etc., clean?

11 Waste Basket i) Do they have prefixed place for waste paper basket?
ii) Is the perodicity of the waste clearance alright?

12 Cleaning i) condition of name plate and door closer

ii) Condition of walls, doors, floor and windows
iii) Conditions of fans and lights

13 Ventilation Is the ventilation of the room proper?

14 Lighting( Electrical) i) Are the electrical fittings, switches etc., in proper order?

15 Furniture How is the condition of table and chair/

16 Toilets i) Is there any water leakage?

ii) Is ther any foul odour?
iii) How is the ventilation?
iv) Is it clean?

17 Participation What is the participation level of the employes in Five S activities?

18 Retrievability Can materials, files be retrieved easily in a minute?

19 Rules Are they following all the rules and regulations properly?

Zone Leader Signature Auditor's Name & Signature

Marking Criteria
1= Very Bad
2= Bad
3= Average
4= Good
5= Very Good

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