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Freedom Writers (Movie, 2007)

Movie Analysis
Freedom Writers movie is a movie that is based in real-life story of Ms. Erin Gruwell that
became an English teacher for the first time. She encountered her students and meet her with
their delinquencies due to their situations. The class she had was a class filled with students that
are challenge by life and is affecting their school involvement and their relationship with each
other and even to Ms. G as they call them.
Ms. G had been moved by their situation and tried to understand their situations and
reach them through sharing a portion of her to her students. She made an extra effort for the
students to reach their hearts. She choose to be the light and hope among this students and gave
them direction through her ways and united them with an understanding that all of them are
experiencing the same pressure.
Freedom Writers is a movie that tackles personal struggles that everyone has different
cases. This made the movie so relatable and has this message that this people had triumphed over
this struggles so are we. Ms. G had been an inspiration for this students in order for them to take
a step forward to their success. Enabling them to have a better perspective towards others and
their situations.
The Movie states how a person’s morality could be affected with their situations, that we
are all vulnerable and no one is exempted to such trials and adversities in life but we can choose
how to deal with it. Are we going to let this things destroy us or be strong and triumphed over
this things. This students had chosen to make their story a testimony for all, that they had made
a step and told everyone through their book that they won over it through the help of each other.
Their book had reached millions of people around the world making an impact. Springing hope
and giving encouragement to everyone.


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