Full Org Chart External High Level

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Australian Trade and Investment Commission

Chief Executive Officer


Stephanie Fahey

Deputy CEO Chief Client Officer Deputy CEO

Business, Partnerships & Client Group Global Markets & Sector
Support Kelly Ralston Engagement
David Hazlehurst Tim Beresford

General Manager
General Manager Chief Operating Officer Assistant General Manager Global Operations
Strategy & Business General Manager
Government & Partnerships Transformation Corporate Operations Client Experience
Sally Deane Rob Donelly Kelly Sims Identifying opportunities, connecting these to Trade and Investment
Jay Meek Jenny West
(Acting) Australian capability, and delivering solutions
Understanding the needs of our and services to clients and investors.
current and future clients Identifying opportunities with high growth
Assistant General Manager Providing input into agency strategies and capacity and positioning Australia’s
Assistant General Manager Assistant General Manager
Policy & Coordination Developing tiered services plans, and informing change to programs and capabilities internationally.
Strategy Human Resources
Lynne Ashpole model, products and services policy, leveraging knowledge and insight from
Jay Meek Hamish Hay Developing market entry and investment
catalogue. across the international network.
Improving Australia's strategies, in partnership with offshore,
Continuing review and Delivering Global HR services states and territories.
international capability, and Ensuring effective service
development of Austrade’s
delivery of services to clients delivery, and implementing
strategies and initiatives. Chief Finance Officer Providing specialist advice to clients and
through better policy export & investment capability
outcomes. Finance development programs. investors, delivering tailored and strategic
Managing strategic, corporate Michael Koh services.
and business planning, and (Acting)
Taking a lead role in
reporting, and organisational Assistant General Manager
disseminating information Delivering Global Financial
performance monitoring. Client Information
between government and Management Services
General Manager SIS SIS
client about policy and Chris Stamford
Undertaking business Americas Resources and Energy Major Infrastructure &
regulatory challenges and Chief General Counsel
transformation and redesign, Nicola Watkinson David Grabau Urban Development
opportunities. Legal, Procurement & Fraud Delivering first tier services to
and strategic resource New York Hugh Funder
David Tonkin clients, including implementing
Assistant General Manager planning, management and
use of technology to streamline
Partnerships service delivery. General Manager
Providing Legal, Procutment
Chris Rees Europe SIS SIS
Chief Digital Officer and Fraud advice
Working with partners to Richard Leather Services & Technology Tourism & Regional
Engaging and collaborating Digital & Data develop and deliver seamless Frankfurt Kevin Cryan Investment
with government agencies and TBC client services.
Assistant General Manager Emma McDonald
private entities on issues Security, Consular and
relevant to international trade Embedding digital capabilities Developing, packaging and General Manager
into strategic priorities and Property
and investment. disseminating information and ME & Africa
business operations. Catharine O'Ryan
insights to clients. Ian Halliday SIS SIE
Working with partners to Dubai Agribusiness & Food Advanced Man, Defence &
Development of digital and Delivering domestic and Delivering FTA seminars
deliver a coordinated 'Team Karen Caston & Anne Maree Key Accounts
data strategies, and digital international security program
Australia' position. Weston Roland Stephens
project portfolio management. General Manager
Delivering consular services Greater China
Assistant General Manager
Driving and embedding Assistant General Manager Daniel Boyer
Ministerial, Economic & Coordinating and managing
innovation. Global Communications Beijing AGM SIE
International Engagement domestic and international Jessica Hamilton R&E, A&F and Tourism International Education
Margaret Bowen Assistant General Manager property and facilities
Research & Analysis Catherine Taylor Rebecca Hall
Development and delivery of General Manager
Leading Austrade’s Matthew Durban
global communications, media, ASEAN & Pacific
engagement on international (Acting)
Chief Information Officer marketing and promotion. Sally-Ann Watts
trade, economic and foreign Creating and managing
policy issues. Information and Technology Jakarta AGM
agency wide research and Delivery of large scale events Assistant General Manager
Services S&T, Major Infra and Int
analytics. and business missions. State Operations & Projects
Liaising with the Minister and Nick Woodruff Health
General Manager Dan Williams
his office. Deliveringmacro and micro Shelley Jackson
South Asia
economics research and Delivering global IT systems (Acting)
Nation Brand Lead John Madew
Coordinating Ministerial analysis, in particular through and services, solution
Brand Australia New Delhi (Acting)
briefing and correspondence, Tourism Research Australia. development and deployment,
Fiona de Jong Asia
Cabinet and parliamentary and
(Temporary) Global Markets
processes. network and communications General Manager (Vacant)
North East Asia
Brett Cooper
Assistant General Manager Tokyo
Client Programs
Dom Bilbie

Delivery of EMDG, FTA grants

and tourism programs.

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