The Pyramid of Power The Perception Deception Documentary and Movie Story

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Iain C Stamp

How over a twelve-year period, The FSA/FCA destroyed Iain’s reputation

his professional career, six of his businesses, his assets & his income costing him

Why did it all happen – The FSA/FCA cover up for £90 billion of bank fraud against the people to
protect the UK economy.

Iain’s story illustrates that the FSA/FCA do not protect the consumer. In fact they cause massive
detriment to the consumer. The banks and many senior players at the top of the financial pyramid
are corrupt. They defraud their consumers and get away with it via forgery, bribery and blackmail.
It is racketeering on a grand scale. Banks are protected by the FCA, The Treasury and The Bank of
England. The Pyramid of Power.

Verification and Evidence 1

This account, verified by reference to substantial and irrefutable evidence. The report can be verified by Iain’s
lawyers and a regulatory expert who has held senior positions within top FSA/FCA regulated firms. 6
Fines, Sanctions Committals 15
Iain has a clean record, has never been fined, and has never been sanctioned nor committed any offence,19
Interestingly Iain has never been directly accused of any wrongdoing by the FSA/FCA. 21-23
Character References 26
Iain has worked with Magic Circle Law Firms in the UK, US, Asia and Europe. Top tier Asset Managers, Custodians,
Administrators, Actuarial Firms, Banks, Asset Platform Providers, Pension Scheme Trustees, Top Tier IFA Firms,
Family Offices, Venture Capital Firms, Life Assurance Companies, Bookmakers and Betting Exchanges. Click here
for Iain’s character references Character References

Who Is Iain Stamp (Iain)

Iain is a financial engineer, business and systems architect and strategic leader. As an INTJ, Iain is one of the rarest
and most strategically capable personality types. The INTJs form just two per cent of the population. Iain is a serial
entrepreneur, is open-minded, determined, independent, confident and has strategic abilities to do anything he
sets his mind. Iain qualified via the Chartered Insurance Institute. Click here Iain's CV

Pyramid of Power

The Pyramid comprises elite banking families, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), The Bank of International
Settlements (BIS), The Treasury, The Bank of England, The FCA, The Banks, Top Auditing Firms, Magic Circle Law
FCA Complicit Relationship With Banks
Iain's research concludes that the FSA/FCA have complicit relationships with many of the UK's banks. Via a
revolving door culture, senior people at the UK's financial regulator, the FCA, get top jobs at the FCA, banks and
auditors. Iain believes this is a cartel, enriching these people while they protect the banks against the
consequences of financial genocide against the people. Iain's experience, one of the worst examples in UK
financials services history, has suffered the devastating effects of the FCA's complicit relationships. As you walk
through Iain's ordeal. It is self evident to see how the Financial Services Authority/Financial Conduct Authority
(FSA/FCA) hide behind Parliamentary exemptions and use propaganda to maintain a perception deception that
they do indeed protect the consumer. But, in Iain's story, the evidence points to the inverse. Do the FSA/FCA
protect the consumer? Or, does the FSA/FCA aid and abet the banks, specifically Halifax Bank of Scotland
(HBOS)/Lloyds, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to cause massive consumer detriment. The evidence points to the
FSA/FCA assisting the banks and many senior players at the top to play the system. The FSA/FCA appears to be
complicit, corrupt and turn a blind eye to bank signature and document forgery, bank fraud, bribery and blackmail.
Iain's account illustrates that the FSA/FCA have engineered a well thought out strategy that makes him a
scapegoat for certain bank crimes. The FSA/FCA deny him licenses, create and publish false speculations that he
may have broken the law, which is a breach of his Human Rights.
Iain The Patsy and The Scapegoat
Iain has been battling for over ten years against Lloyds Bank, formally HBOS, the Newcastle Building Society2(NBS)
and the FSA/FCA. HBOS and NBS made Integrity a patsy for £400m of fraudulent lending to ordinary borrowers 4
that Integrity introduced to HBOS NBS via 250 advising IFA firms. Integrity TEP Factory and HBOS were in a Joint
Venture (JV). Integrity provided facilitation, plan design and administration services to IFAs, HBOS and NBS. 14 HBOS
and NBS provided a leveraged bank account that held life policy assets. In 2008 HBOS and NBS asset-stripped 16
their customers, many of whom had re-mortgaged to subscribe to an HBOS bank account that provided credit 18 to
purchase life policy assets. The FSA forced Integrity into liquidation and made Integrity scapegoat for the asset
stripping. The first of Iain’s businesses had been destroyed by the FSA. Integrity was an IFA business with several
thousand clients and an impeccable reputation. The FSA bribed the Integrity liquidator to accept assertions25that
Integrity was the product provider. Regulatory experts and a High Court Judge have concluded that the loans 27
granted to facilitate the creation of the GTEP product is an integral part of the product. Without the loan29-30
there is
no gearing (the "G" in GTEP) and as the banks were the only people to lend money; They had to be the product
provider.“ The FCA issued a Public Censure against Integrity, authored by Tom Spender. The Censure, a whitewash,
did not mention HBOS or NBS once. Tom Spender is now Head of the Legal Department at Lloyds Bank. It looks
like Tom Spender was protecting HBOS via a complicit relationship. James Crosby was the CEO of HBOS at the time
and simultaneously a board member of the FSA; Interestingly, throughout the whole time Mr. Cosby was in tenure
at the FSA, HBOS did not receive a single fine from the FSA. What a coincidence! Of significant relevance, after
Integrity's Censure, the FSA issued Final Notices against six IFA firms who had introduced some of the customers
to HBOS and NBS. These Final Notices did not describe Integrity as the product provider, nor did they mention
HBOS NBS. The plan described as a Geared Traded Endowment Plan or GTEP. No significant IFA firms were ever
investigated by the FSA. As a consequence of the Integrity Liquidation, Iain's control of Integrity had been lost, he
had no right to complain to the FSA. Iain wanted to complain about the FSA; he tried to argue that Integrity was
not a bank and could not provide credit. Iain's asked his MP George Hollingbery to complain to the FSA. Mr
Hollingberry received a written response from Margaret Cole of FSA. The letter said that the FSA would not re-
open the case as Integrity's liquidator had accepted the FSA's assertions. The message went on to say that Iain
shouldn't worry as he was never under investigation. However, on a subsequent subject access request made by
Iain, the FSA confirmed that he had been under investigation. After Integrity's liquidator had struck a deal with
FSA's Tom Spender Peter Yeldon of Middleton Partners was subsequently struck off for dishonesty.
Iain The Patsy and The Scapegoat
Iain, frustrated and his reputation in tatters, applied to the FSA/FCA for regulatory licences six times. None of the
licence applications was successful, each one put in the long grass by the FSA/FCA until Iain withdrew them in fear
of repercussions. On the basis that the FSA/FCA did not reject Iain's applications he had no right to complain. But,
on the sixth application, Iain did complain to the FCA via his MP Caroline Dinanage. As a result of this complaint,
the FCA systematically destroyed four more of Iain's businesses and further ruined his reputation. The FCA
speculated that Iain might have breached the General Prohibition, a severe breach of the law carrying a two-year
jail sentence. To achieve their plan, the FCA singled out one of Iain's fund manager counterparts, Stargate Capital
Management (Stargate). The FCA asserted that Stargate was causing consumer detriment; they put pressure on
the firm to give up their licences. Justifying this via spurious speculations that were not supported by any
substantive evidence, many of the speculations fabricated.

Liability Transfer and Bad Faith

The transference of the £400m liability achieved Tom Spender's strategy to protect HBOS and NBS to the Financial
Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS paid out £40m to claimants on the basis that Integrity had
defaulted, but £360m of losses for 2,500 ordinary people have never been recovered. The FSCS justified their pay-
out on the back of a QC Opinion written by Patrick Green and the FSA Integrity Censure. However, the Opinion
constructed following bad faith representations and factually incorrect information, given to the QC by the4law
firm Croft Solicitors (run by Rupert Croft) and the claims management firm Financial Advice Liability (run by5 Paul
Nedas). 7-13
The Media 17
Iain is an expert on with-profit endowment policies; he had done live radio shows with an actuary for independent
radio networks. Following these shows, Iain was invited by the Radio 2 programme Moneybox. Iain assumed21-23
Moneybox wanted to discuss endowment policies. On the programme, aired to 5m listeners Moneybox asked Iain
numerous questions about Integrity and its product failure. The Rip Off Britain TV show also covered the matter
and blamed Integrity. Over 30 national newspaper articles were written, they all blamed Integrity and Iain28for the
losses. 31-55

FCA Abuse of Powers

Over a seven-year period, Iain applied six times for regulatory licenses from the FSA/FCA to run his businesses.
Each time the FSA/FCA put Iain’s applications into the long grass, neither accepting them or rejecting them Iain
afraid of repercussions withdrew the applications. On the sixth occasion, the application carried on for 16 months,
and Iain ultimately again withdrew it in fear of consequences. Iain asked his MP, Caroline Dinenage, to complain
about the abuse of FCA powers and the extraordinary application period. A letter in response to the complaint
was sent to Mrs Dinenage by Andrew Bailey (CEO) of the FCA. The letter was full of excuses and brushed off the
whole matter making it out to be Iain's fault.

Iain was invited to the FCA's headquarters to discuss his sixth license application. Iain was not advised to bring a
lawyer. Iain met by four senior FCA staff was asked if he had a lawyer with him, Iain said “why do I need a lawyer”
The FCA asked Iain if he wanted to continue with the meeting. Iain did not need a lawyer, as he had done nothing
to justify the need for one. He said to the FCA that they could continue without him having a lawyer present. Iain
was interrogated for four and a half hours. The FCA repeatedly asked Iain what he had learnt from the whole
Integrity matter and asking many questions about unregulated services Iain's companies provided to regulated
companies. Iain believes that the FCA was fishing to see what Iain knew about the HBOS fraud and the FSA/FCA
complicit relationship. Iain felt this meeting was an attempt to entrap him.
Trying to Survive
Iain’s business UK Innovative TI Ltd licensed currency trading software to Stargate Capital Management (Stargate)
an FCA licensed fund manager. The software also licenced to Hantec Markets an FCA licenced currency broker.
Iain’s business UK Innovative TI Ltd licensed ETF fund management software via The Pension Solution
Collaboration (PSC) licensed Stargate, Thornbridge an FCA licensed fund manager, Valbury Capital an FCA licensed
instruments platform, Intelligent Money an FCA licensed pension Trustee. The PSC intended to bring a
revolutionary solution to UK pensioners facing pension deficits. The FCA speculated that Iain’s company UKITI was
managing currency without a license. UKITI was not, UKITI’s software was under the control of the Stargate.
Stargate’s lawyers Howard Kennedy provided the FCA with significant evidence that UKITI was a software provider.
UKITI delivered a barristers opinion that evidenced that UKITI was a software provider. The FCA ignored the
evidence, discredited Stargate by creating false speculations that Stargate was causing consumer detriment; they
were not. The FCA published a First Supervisory Notice against Stargate. The Notice speculated that UKITI and Iain
had breached the General Prohibition. The Notice listed UKITI and Iain eighty times, the Notice was reported on
by the media who repeated the speculations and brought the perception deception about Integrity into the
articles. The FCA replaced the Notice with a redacted version and claimed that despite Supervisory Notices going
through at least five sign offs had made an error in publishing it. The FCA backdated the original Notice making it
look like it was written before receiving Stargates and UKITI’s evidence. 1
FCA Destruction 4
The FCA had achieved its objectives of destroying UKITI's businesses via their attack on Stargate. The FCA 6
contacted all PSC counter-parts by phone, asking if they thought Iain was fit and proper. Each of Iain’s PSC14
counterparts cancelled their contracts with Iain’s business in fear of the FCA. Iain tried to recruit other counter-
parts, but none were interested due to the media speculation that he may have breached The General 17
Prohibition. Iain, trying to keep his business revenues and opportunities alive kept his staff employed and19offices
open for one year trying to find a solution. To fund his operational costs Iain sold his all his assets. Iain ultimately
ran out of money, all Iain’s staff were made redundant. Iain closed his offices after 30 years of being in business,
having employed over 250 people. In total, six of Iain’s companies were destroyed by the FSA/FCA. 27
No Right to Justice – Abuse of Powers - FCA Blackmail – Human Rights Breaches 31-55

Iain and Stargate applied for an Upper Tribunal (UT) court hearing versus the FCA. The trial granted, the FCA
repeatedly objected to the Court, the Judge did not waiver. The FCA knew they were up against it if Iain and
Stargate appeared in Court. To deal with the FCA's problem, the FCA blackmailed Stargate into dropping their case
against the FCA by offering a deal, Stargate took the deal and dropped its case against the FCA. With Stargate out
of the UT hearing, Iain had no Third-Party Rights at the UT, the FCA had achieved its objective. The FCA put
a condition in the agreement with Stargate that prohibited Stargate disclosing the deal contract to Iain. Stargate
was also prohibited from working with Iain again. Stargate got some of its licenses back and walked away.
FCA Parliamentary Exemptions Cause Human Rights Breaches
The FCA applied to the Court to strike out Iain’s case on the basis that Iain had no Third-Party Rights at the Court.
Iain appealed, and the case went ahead. The Judge told Iain that a Parliamentary exemption protected the FCA,
Iain had no rights, and there was nothing Iain could do in his Court. The FCA can say whatever they like in
Supervisory Notices about third parties. Interestingly, within the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA)
There is a Section 393 which states that a copy of a warning notice which identifies a third party must be given to
the third party with time for the third party to make representations. This same section says the same with
respect to Decision Notices. But in respect of Supervisory Notices, no such provision exists. So the FCA smeared
Iain with apparent impunity. Iain did not get a copy of the notice before its publication, and Iain was not afforded
Third Party Rights. Many Barristers chambers have covered the matter as it appears it has never happened before.

FCA Complaint
Iain complained to the FCA, they wrote back to Iain after a year and said his complaint was too complex for them
to consider, it should be considered at a Court.

FCA Complaints Commissioner – Complicit

Iain complained to the FCA Complaints Commissioner; he rejected Iain’s case on a technicality. The Commissioner
said Iain had not complained in time. Iain asked the Commissioner to use his discretion, and he refused to do3 so.
FCA Complaint Part 2 6
The FCA Complaints Commissioner told Iain that the FCA would reconsider his complaint. To date, the FCA14has
appointed five case officers, each time Iain receives an email that says, a new case manager has taken over 16the
matter, they need to look into the FCAs files, will write with a decision in four weeks. No decision made, the
18 FCA
keep appointing new case managers. 20
Judicial Review 24
26 Iain's
Iain applied for a Judicial Review at the High Courts of Justice in London for multiple Human Rights breaches.
case accepted at the Court; the FCA objected numerous times to the Court. Iain's trial was set to proceed 28as the
Court as they did not succumb to the FCA's pressure. Without any justification Iain's Judicial Review was31-55
transferred to the Cardiff Courts, the Cardiff Courts rejected it on a technicality, Iain appealed, the FCA objected.
The appeal granted, Iain's appeal was transferred to the Bristol Courts.
Judicial Review Appeal
Iain attended against the FCA Complaints Commissioner. The Judge told Iain that his case could not be considered
in his Court as Iain was claiming damages of £53m. The Judge read out a decision that Iain believes was given to
him by the FCA Complaints Commissioners Barrister. Iain asked the Judge which Court could consider his case. The
Judge told Iain, The Queens Bench may do, according to the Judge, there is no scope to award damages at the
Administrative Court, losses are not allocated via Judicial Reviews! Iain argued that there were many examples of
damages awards via Judicial Review. The Judge did not comment.

Out Of Resources
To take my case to The Queens Bench, Iain will be asked for a £10,000 filing cost plus a minimum of £500,000 for
security for costs for the FCA should Iain lose. Iain has been ruined and can't afford this cost. Iain tried to get
Public funding, but there is no scheme for his case. Iain decided to get third party funding, all funders he
approached told him that very few people ever win against the FCA, Parliament and the Courts protect them.
Group Claim Against HBOS and NBS
Iain is currently seeking funding to put together a group claim for 2,500 HBOS NBS customers who lost £400m via
fraud and asset stripping. The case against the two banks includes:

• Mortgage fraud
• Inducement to defraud via an asset credit facility
• Fraud in Factum
• Conspiracy to defraud
• Unfair Relationships

The FCA Protection of Banks

Iain has carried out extensive research into what he calls The Pyramid of Power. Iain’s research indicates that the
banks are racketeers protected by the FCA, The Treasury, The Bank of England. The FCA has extensive
Parliamentary Exemptions and privileges. The FCA uses its exemptions and abuses its powers to protect the
banks. Iain’s research also indicates that there is a revolving door culture, senior staff move between The FCA, The
Banks and Top Auditing Firms.

Why Do The FCA Protect Banks

According to Anthony Stansfeld (Thames Valley Police Commissioner). The Banks asset-stripped their customers
via fraud, forgery, blackmail, extortion and racketeering. Anthony’s estimates that £90 billion of bank theft
occurred running up to the financial crisis of 2008 via asset striping. RBS and Lloyds were insolvent; they needed

Perception Deception The Documentary & Movie

Iain has agreed with a well-known film producer to make a documentary and movie about his 12-year struggle
against the lack of integrity in the financial system. The documentary and film called “The Perception Deception”,
a cross between The Insider, The Shawshank Redemption and The Big Short is in the planning stage.

Public Enquiry
Iain is petitioning for a public enquiry, intended to be put forward to the Government via Kevin Hollinrake MP, the
minister for fair banking. Iain has assembled an impressive group of banking and regulatory experts to support the
petition. Ultimately the goal is to convince Boris Johnston to set up a Public Enquiry into the Pyramid of Power.
Iain believes that banking can be set up to benefit the public, Professor Richard Werner has written many papers
on the subject. The regulatory system needs reform from its roots upwards. The Public Enquiry will be
The FCA Charter

“Our strategic objective is to ensure that the relevant markets function well and our operational objectives are to:

1. protect consumers – we secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers

2. protect financial markets – we protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system
3. promote competition – we promote effective competition in the interests of consumers

Iain’s account as illustrated in this document fundamentally challenges these promises to the public.

Iain’s Quote
The Hillsborough Public Enquiry took twenty-six years. The affected people can’t wait that long. The majority of
the UK’s population are confused by money and banking. It is all made to look so complex when it is actually
simple. The majority of the people are hypnotised to believe that their interests are being looked after by the
experts, they are being fooled. It’s a massive perception deception, the financial system needs reform, there is a
much better way to run the UK’s banking and regulatory system. The people deserve a better system that puts
the people first not the elites.

Iain’s Struggle for Integrity Iain's Struggle For Integrity

Stargate Defence Stargate Defence

Systemic Bank Fraud - FCA Complicit

Anthony Stansfeld Open Letter/Interview Explosive Interview The Need For A Public Enquiry

Bank Signature Forgery Bank Signature Forgery - FCA Cover Up

Bank Control Fraud Control Fraud - Banks - FCA Complicit Cover Up

Vavassuer James Crosby FSA - HBOS - J Rothchild

Vavassuer Corruption

James Crosby James Crosby Kinghthood Stripped

Tom Spender Tom Spender FSA - Lloyds Bank - Complicit 2
Margaret Cole Margaret Cole Complicit FSA – PWC 5
Peter Yeldon Peter Yeldon FSA Bribery - Disgraced 15
Bank of England Bank of England Money Creation 18
Lord Adair Turner Credit Creation and its Implications 24
Professor Richard Werner Three Theories of Banking 27
Currency Creation From Thin Air

Interest Free Credit

Public Enquiry Public Enquiry

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