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V10 -03/03/14

RAPID’Salmonella/Agar 356-3961

RAPID’Salmonella agar is a chromogenic FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
medium used for the detection of • ISO 6579 (July 2002): Food microbiology -
Salmonella spp. in the analysis of food products Horizontal method for the detection of
for human, animal consumption and in Salmonella spp.
environmental samples.
NF VALIDATION by AFNOR RAPID’Salmonella agar allows the presumptive
CERTIFICATION as per EN ISO 16140 identification of Salmonella spp., by detecting
protocol C8-esterase activity. Simultaneous screening of
The RAPID'Salmonella method has been β-glucosidase activity permits the differentiation
certified NF VALIDATION as alternative to of salmonella colonies from those of other
reference method NF EN ISO 6579, according enterobacteria.
to the ISO 16140 protocol, for the detection of After incubation, salmonella appear as readily
Salmonella spp. in all food products for human identifiable typical magenta colonies whereas
and animal consumption (short protocol and non-salmonella grow as blue or non colored
double enrichment protocol) and in colonies.
environmental samples (Short protocol only and RAPID'Salmonella agar permits detection of
primary production stage samples excluded). motile and non-motile salmonella, as well as
lactose-positive Salmonella, Salmonella Typhi
and Salmonella Paratyphi.

• Pre-poured
90 mm x 20 dishes code 356-3961
BRD: 07/11–12/05
90 mm x 120 dishes code 356-3963
Certified by AFNOR Certification 500g code 356-4705


• Pre-poured: at + 2° to 8°C in a dark place.
The RAPID’Salmonella method is validated by
• Dehydrated: at + 2° to 8°C, in carefully sealed
the AOAC Research Institute under the
bottles in a cool, dry place.
"Performance Tested Methods" status, under
• Expiration date and batch number are shown
Certificate n° 050701.
on the package.
The RAPID’Salmonella method (short protocol
Nutritive Mix 14.5 g
and double enrichment protocol but with RVS
Selective Agents 14 g
enrichment time 24h±2 only) is NordVal
Chromogenic Mix 2.3 g
validated as an alternative method to the
Agar 12.7 g
reference standard EN ISO 6579, according to
Distilled water qsp 1000 mL
the ISO 16140 protocol, for the detection of
Final pH = 7.2 ± 0.2
Salmonella spp. in all food products for
human, animal consumption and in
environmental samples (Short protocol only and OTHER PRODUCTS REQUIRED
primary production stage samples excluded). (NOT SUPPLIED)
• Buffered Peptone Water : 6 vials of 225 ml
(ex. code 355-4179), 500 g (eg. code 356-
4684),5 bags of 2,3 L (eg. code 355-5789) 2
bags of 5 l (eg. code 355-5790)

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Selective supplement: RAPID’Salmonella agar.

• 100 RAPID’Salmonella capsules (code 356-
4710), 100 x Quantity for 250 ml. Reading
• 100 RAPID’Salmonella capsules - 10 times Salmonella form magenta colonies on
concentrated (code 356-4709), 100 x QSP 2.5 RAPID'Salmonella agar plate.
• RAPID’Salmonella Supplement - (code 356- NF VALIDATION CERTIFIED
4712), 1 x QSP 100 analyses RAPID’SALMONELLA METHODS

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED (NOT RAPID’Salmonella method - Short protocol

SUPPLIED) Preparation of samples
(Non exhaustive list) Dilute η g or η mL of sample in 9 x η mL of
• Scales Buffered Peptone Water (eg. Codes 355-4179,
• Sterile weighing bags 355-5789, 356-4684 and 355-5790).
• Stomacher e.g.: dilute 25 g or 25 mL of sample in 225 mL
• Hotplate of Buffered Peptone Water broth to obtain a
• Magnetic stirrer 1/10 dilution.
• Sterile Petri dishes (∅ = 90mm) Specific preparations (cocoa, acid foods,…) are
• Sterile Pasteur pipettes or inoculating loops described in ISO 6579 standard.
• Water-bath Homogenise with an agitator like a Stomacher.
• Thermostatically-controlled incubator or Open a RAPID’Salmonella Capsule (code 356-
incubation room, precise to ± 1°C 4710) and pour its content directly in the broth.
• All usual laboratory equipment Homogenize by strong shaking.

PREPARATION OF DEHYDRATED Note: Either the whole capsule or its contents

only can be added before the stomacher phase.
In order to make handling easier, we
“Always shake well before use”
recommend opening the capsule and pouring
out the contents (see PRECAUTIONS FOR
Dissolve 43.5 g of powder in 1 litre of distilled
water and mix until a homogenous suspension
is obtained.
Note: In the context of NF VALIDATION mark,
Heat gently, agitating frequently, then brings to
no samples of over 25 grams were tested.
the boil for less than 1 minute.
Sample preparation with addition of the
selective supplement as a concentrated
Cool down the medium to 50°C.
solution, to the enrichment broth
Dispense in Petri dishes and leave to dry.
The capsule contents and RAPID’Salmonella
Reconstitution ratio: 43.5 g / litre
Supplement boxes (code 356-4712) can be
500g of powder make 11.5 litres of medium.
diluted in Buffered Peptone Water first or Sterile
Distilled Water for incorporation in liquid form.
- Dilute η g or η mL of the sample in 9 x η ml of
Buffered Peptone Water. (ex. codes 355-4179,
Preparation of samples
355-5789, 356-4684 and 355-5790).
According to standards for the product
- Homogenise in a Stomacher blender.
- Where RAPID’Salmonella QSP 250 ml
capsules (code 356-4710) are used: Open n
According to standards for the product
capsules and pour the contents directly into n x
10 ml Buffered Peptone Water to obtain a
concentrated supplement solution.
Inoculation and incubation
Add η x 0.4ml of the concentrated supplement
Streak in the usual way 10 µL of the enrichment
solution to the sample to be analysed.
broth at end of incubation onto
Homogenise by agitating vigorously.
RAPID'Salmonella agar and X.L.D. agar (codes
354-1751 and 356-9124).
- Where RAPID’Salmonella QSP 2.5 Litre
Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 24 ± 3 hours for capsules are used (code 356-4709): Open n
X.L.D. agar and 24 ± 2 hours for
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capsules and pour their contents directly into an Reading

empty recipient. Fill with n x 10 ml Buffered Salmonella form magenta colonies on
Peptone Water or with n x 10 ml of Sterile RAPID'Salmonella agar plate.
Distilled Water.
Homogenise by agitating vigorously to obtain a RAPID’Salmonella method – Double
red concentrated solution. enrichment protocol
Add η x 0.04ml of the concentrated
supplement solution to the sample diluted in the Preparation of samples
Buffered Peptone Water. Dilute η g or η mL of sample in 9 x η mL of
Homogenise by agitating vigorously. Buffered Peptone Water (eg. Codes 355-4179,
355-5789, 356-4684 and 355-5790).
- Where RAPID’Salmonella Supplement - (code e.g.: dilute 25 g or 25 mL of sample in 225 mL
356-4712), 1 x QSP 100 analyses are used: of Buffered Peptone Water broth to obtain a
Open the box and fill with 100 ml of Buffered 1/10 dilution.
Peptone Water or Sterile Distilled Water. Specific preparations (cocoa, acid foods,…) are
Homogenise by agitating vigorously to obtain a described in ISO 6579 standard.
red concentrated solution. Homogenise with an agitator like a Stomacher.
Add η x 0.04ml of the concentrated
supplement solution to the sample diluted in the Note: In the context of NF VALIDATION mark,
Buffered Peptone Water. no samples of over 25 grams were tested.
Homogenise by agitating vigorously.
Example for a 10g sample: Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 18 ± 2 hours.
- Dilute the 10g sample in 90 ml Buffered
Peptone Water. Transfer 0,5 mL of culture from the non-
- Homogenise using a Stomacher type blender. selective enrichment to 10 mL of RVS broth
- Dilute 1 RAPID’Salmonella QSP 250 ml (eg. codes 356-4324 and 355-5773), previously
capsule (code 356-4710) in 10 ml Buffered brought to incubation temperature.
Peptone Water to obtain a concentrated Incubate at 41,5°C ± 1°C for 6 to 26 hours.
supplement solution In the case of the NF VALIDATION certified
- Add 4 ml of concentrated supplement solution method, enrichment in RVS broth takes:
to the 90 ml Buffered Peptone Water diluent + - 6 hours to 26 hours for seafood products,
sample in order to achieve the correct capsule vegetables, dairy products and egg products
dilution ratio. - 24 ± 2 hours for meat products and animal
N.B.: The concentrated solution, once
reconstituted with Buffered Peptone Water or Inoculation and incubation
Sterile Distilled Water can be stored for 1 week Using a sterile loop, collect 10 µL of enrichment
at ambient temperature, or at +2-8°C. broth at end of incubation and inoculate
RAPID'Salmonella plate by streaking in the
Note: In the context of NF VALIDATION mark, usual way.
no samples of over 25 grams were tested. Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 24 ± 2 hours.

Enrichment Reading
Incubate at 41.5°C ± 1°C for 18 ± 2 hours. Salmonella form magenta colonies on
RAPID'Salmonella agar plate.
Note: After incubation, the enrichment broth
may be stored in a refrigerator (2°-8°C) for 72 CONFIRMATION OF POSITIVE
hours, before inoculating RAPID’Salmonella. RESULTS
In the context of the NF VALIDATION mark, all
Inoculation and incubation samples identified as positive must be
Using a sterile loop, collect 10 µL of enrichment confirmed in one of the following ways:
broth at end of incubation and inoculate
RAPID'Salmonella plate by streaking in the - Using the conventional tests described in
usual way. the standardized methods by CEN or ISO
Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 24 ± 2 hours. (including the purification step)
- Using nucleic probes as described in ISO
7218 standard (eg. iQ-Check Salmonella

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II, code 357-8123) using isolated colonies to add the capsule to the bag. We recommend
(with or without purification step). that you check that the capsule actually opened
during the stomaching stage.
- Evaluation of oxidase activity (oxidase test, - If the capsule contents are handled with the
code 355-3834), followed by omnivalent fingers, it cannot be added to the enrichment
Omni-O test (A60) (code 356-0781) using 1 broth due to the risk of contamination.
to 3 isolated suspect colonies. If reaction is - The RAPID’Salmonella capsule and
positive to the Omni-O test, proceed with an RAPID’Salmonella Supplement - (code 356-
ONPG biochemical test (code 355-3822). 4712) contain selective agents and an
Salmonella are negative to oxidase test, excipient. Selective agents dissolve very well.
positive to Omni-O test (A60) and negative The excipient however, remains in suspension
to ONPG test, with the exception of lactose- and may create a deposit when the contents of
positive salmonella which are ONPG+. the capsule are diluted in a small quantity of
Buffered Peptone Water or Sterile Distilled
- Performing a latex agglutination test : Water. Always shake well therefore before
SALMONELLA LATEX (code 355-6710) using the concentrated solution.
test on an isolated colony. Salmonella of - End of NF VALIDATION: please see the
groups B to E and G are positive to the latex certificate BRD: 07/11–12/05. This certificate is
test, or performing a Salmonella Confirm available from Bio-Rad representative or
Latex test, using an isolated colony (code AFNOR Certification
355-6711). Oxoid Salmonella Latex test was
also validated. REMARKS
As with all chromogenic media, it is essential to
- Use of any other NF VALIDATION carry out streak inoculation so as to obtain
certified method based on a different correctly isolated colonies.
principle from that of RAPID'Salmonella.
The validated protocol of the second QUALITY CONTROL
method must be respected in its entirety, i.e. Every product manufactured and marketed by
all steps preceding the intermediary stage Bio-Rad is subject to a quality-assurance
used as departure point for confirmation procedure at all stages, from the reception of
must be common to both methods. raw materials to the marketing of the end-
In the event of discordant results (presumptive Each batch of finished product undergoes
positive with RAPID'Salmonella method, quality control and is marketed only if it satisfies
negative with confirmation method and the acceptability criteria.
especially by the Latex test) the laboratory must Documentation relative to the production and
follow the necessary steps to ensure validity of control of each batch is kept on file.
the result obtained. .
Results after 24 hours
culture at 37°C
• ONPG confirmation test excludes confirmation Salmonella Enteritidis
Magenta colonies
of lactose positive Salmonella. ATCC 13076
• Although the most prevalent Salmonella Salmonella Typhimurium
Magenta colonies
strains can be detected by Salmonella Confirm ATCC 14028
Latex kit, it must be noted that during the NF Escherichia coli Partial or total inhibition
ATCC 25922 Colourless colonies
VALIDATION extension of RAPID’Salmonella
Enterococcus faecalis
method, Salmonella Confirm Latex kit not Total inhibition
ATCC 19433
allowed the detection of 41 of the 150 tested
• Some strains of Salmonella (a few are part of KEY WORDS
Dublin serovar and S. Bongori specie) can RAPID'Salmonella / Salmonella / Food products
show a weak magenta color due to a low / Detection / Enumeration / Chromogenic /
esterase activity. Medium.

- Respect of Good Laboratory Practice (eg. EN • PERRY J.D., FORD M., TAYLOR J., JONES
ISO 7218). A.L., FREEMAN R., GOULD F.K. 1999: ABC
- If the whole capsule is added to the Buffered medium, a new chromogenic agar for selective
Peptone Water, sterile tweezers must be used isolation of Salmonella spp. J Clin Microbiol, 37
(3): 766-8
V10 -03/03/14



A.C. 1999: A novel chromogenic agar medium
for detection of Salmonellae, Appl. Environ
Microbiol. 65 (2): 807-12.


1991: Fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates
used in bacterial diagnostics. Microbiol. Rev. 55
(3), 335-48.


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