Analog Electronics

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Electronics and Communication Engineering >> Analog Electronics

1. To prevent a DC return between source and load, it is necessary to use

A. resistor between source and load

B. inductor between source and load

C. capacitor between source and load

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
Capacitor offers infinite impedance to DC.
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2. For a base current of 10 μA, what is the value of collector current in common emitter if β dc = 100
A. 10 μA

B. 100 μA

C. 1 mA

D. 10 mA
Answer: Option C
IC = 10 x 100 μA = 1 mA.
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3. Which of the following oscillators is suitable for frequencies in the range of mega hertz?
A. RC phase shift

B. Wien bridge

C. Hartley

D. Both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option C
Only LC oscillators are suitable for MHz range.
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4. If the input to the ideal comparator shown in the figure is a sinusoidal signal of 8 V (peak to
peak) without any DC component, then the output of the comparator has a duty cycle of

A. 1/2

B. 1/3

C. 1/6

D. 1/12
Answer: Option B

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5. A half wave diode circuit using ideal diode has an input voltage 20 sin ωt volts. Then average
and rms values of output voltage are

and 10 V

and 10 V

and 5 V

and 5 V
Answer: Option B

and VC = 0.5 x 20 = 10 V.
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6. An RC coupled amplifier has an open loop gain of 200 and a lower cutoff frequency of 50 Hz. If
negative feedback with β = 0.1 is used, the lower cut off frequency will be
A. about 50 Hz

B. about 5 Hz

C. about 2.38 Hz

D. about 70.5 Hz
Answer: Option C

New lower cutoff frequency = .

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7. In figure v1 = 8 V and v2 = 4 V. Which diode will conduct?

A. D2 only

B. D1 only

C. Both D1 and D2

D. Neither D1 nor D2
Answer: Option B
D1 will conduct and the output voltage will be about 7 V. Therefore D2 will be reverse biased and
will not conduct.
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8. The load impedance ZL of a CE amplifier has R and L in series. The phase difference between
output and input will be
A. 180°

B. 0

C. more than 90° but less than 180°

D. more than 180° but less than 270°

Answer: Option D
It is 180° for purely resistive load and between 180° and 270° for R-L load.
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9. Gain of the amplifier is 'A'. Then the I/P impedance and O/P impedance of the closed loop
amplifier shown below would be





Answer: Option B
By using Miller theorem circuit can be redrawn as
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10. If an amplifier with gain of - 1000 and feedback factor β = - 0.1 had a gain change of 20% due to
temperature, the change in gain of the feedback amplifier would be
A. 10%

B. 5%

C. 0.2%

D. 0.01%
Answer: Option C

As we know, Gain with feedback

A = - 1000, β = -0.1 .
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11. In figure The minimum and maximum load currents are

A. 0 and 60 mA

B. 0 and 120 mA

C. 10 mA and 60 mA

D. 10 mA and 120 mA
Answer: Option B
When RL = ∞, IL = 0,

When RL = 100 Ω, or 120 mA.

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12. In figure, VEB = 0.6 V, β = 99. Then VC and IC are

A. 9.3 V and 1.98 mA respectively

B. 4.6 V and 1.98 mA respectively

C. 9.3 V and 0.02 mA respectively

D. 4.6 V and 0.02 mA respectively

Answer: Option A

VC = 20 - 1.98 x 10-3 x 5.4 x 103 9.3 V.

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13. The input impedance of op-amp circuit of figure is

A. 120 k ohm

B. 110 k ohm

C. infinity

D. 10 k ohm
Answer: Option D
Due to the presence of virtual ground at input, the resistance in the series path of input of
inverting amplifier is input impedance.
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14. In a BJT circuit a pnp transistor is replaced by npn transistor. To analyse the new circuit
A. all calculations done earlier have to be repeated

B. replace all calculated voltages by reverse values

C. replace all calculated currents by reverse values

D. replace all calculated voltages and currents by reverse values

Answer: Option D
All voltages and currents have reverse polarity.
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15. To protect the diodes in a rectifier and capacitor input filter circuit it is necessary to use
A. surge resistor

B. surge inductor

C. surge capacitor

D. both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A
Resistor reduces surge current.
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16. The output V0 in figure is

A. -100 V

B. -100 mV

C. 10 V

D. 10 mV
Answer: Option B
Input to non-inverting op-amp is -10 x 10-6 x 103 = -10 mV.

Therefore output = = -100 mV.

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17. In a CE amplifier the input impedance is equal to the ratio of

A. ac base voltage to ac base current

B. ac base voltage to ac emitter current

C. ac emitter voltage to ac collector current

D. ac collector voltage to ac collector current

Answer: Option A
Input is applied to base with emitter grounded. The input impedance is the ratio of ac base
voltage to ac base current.
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18. For a system to work, as oscillator the total phase shift of the loop gain must be equal to
A. 90°

B. 45°

C. 270°

D. 360°
Answer: Option D

Gain of system with + ve feedback = for oscillation

but V0 ≠ 0
so, that 1 - AB = 0 AB = 1 ∠0° or 360°.
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19. An amplifier has a large ac input signal. The clipping occurs on both the peaks. The output
voltage will be nearly a
A. sine wave

B. square wave

C. triangular wave

D. (a) or (c)
Answer: Option B
When a sinusoidal voltage is clipped on both sides it resembles a square wave.
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20. The transistor of following figure in Si diode with a base current of 40 μA and ICBO = 0, if VBB = 6V,
RE = 2 kΩ and β = 90, IBQ = 20 μA then RB =

A. 200 kΩ
B. 265 kΩ

C. 150 kΩ

D. 100 kΩ
Answer: Option B

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21. In the amplifier circuit of figure hfe = 100 and hie = 1000 Ω. The voltage gain of amplifier is about

A. 0.33

B. 0.5

C. 0.66

D. 1
Answer: Option D

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22. The efficiency of a full wave rectifier using centre tapped transformer is twice that in full wave
bridge rectifier.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Efficiency of full wave rectifier with centre tapped transformer is slightly higher than that of bridge
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23. Assertion (A): CE amplifier is the most widely used BJT amplifier
Reason (R): CE amplifier has zero phase difference between input and output
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
There is 180° phase difference between input and output.
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24. Assertion (A): For large signal variations an amplifier circuit has to be analysed graphically
Reason (R): The output characteristics of a transistor is nonlinear.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
Since the characteristics is non-linear, graphical analysis is needed.
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25. Negative feedback reduces noise originating at the amplifier input.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It has no effect on noise originating at amplifier input.
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26. Maximum efficiency of class B power amplifier is 50%.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Maximum efficiency for class B-operation can be 78.5% .
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27. In figure what is the base current if VBE = 0.7 V

A. 10 mA

B. 9.3 mA

C. 10 μA

D. 9.3 μA
Answer: Option D

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28. In figure ID = 4 mA. Then VS =

A. 20 V

B. 4.4 V

C. 0.4 V

D. 0.44 V
Answer: Option B
VS = ISRS = 4 x 10-3 x 1.1 x 103 = 4.4 V.
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29. The self bias provides

A. stable Q point

B. large voltage gain

C. high input impedance

D. high base current

Answer: Option A
Stable Q point is the advantage of self bias circuit.
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30. In figure what is value of IC if βdc = 100. Neglect VBE

A. 5 mA

B. 5 μA

C. 10 mA

D. 10 μA
Answer: Option C
Since IB = 100 μA, IC = βIB = 10 mA.
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31. In figure the saturation collector current is




D. none of the above

Answer: Option C

Since IE IC, .
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32. Consider the following statements : A clamper circuit

1. adds or subtracts a dc voltage to a waveform
2. does not change the waveform
3. amplifiers the waveform
Which are correct?
A. 1, 2

B. 1, 3

C. 1, 2, 3

D. 2, 3
Answer: Option A
Clamper does not amplify the waveform. Hence 1 and 2 are correct.
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33. In figure v1 = 8 V and v2 = 8 V. Which diode will conduct?

A. D1 only

B. D2 only

C. Both D1 and D2

D. Neither D1 nor D2
Answer: Option C
Both D1 and D2 are forward biased.
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34. A forward voltage of 9 V is applied to a diode in series with a 1 kΩ load resistor. The voltage
across load resistor is zero. It indicates that
A. diode is short circuited

B. diode is open circuited

C. resistor is open circuited

D. diode is either short circuited or open circuited

Answer: Option B
Since load voltage is zero, the current is zero and diode is open-circuited. If load was open-
circuited, load voltage would be about 9 V.
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35. Which power amplifier can deliver maximum load power?

A. Class A
B. Class AB

C. Class B

D. Class C
Answer: Option D
Since efficiency of class C operation is high, maximum load power is delivered.
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36. A CB amplifier has re = 6 Ω, RL = 600 Ω and  = 0.98. The voltage gain is

A. 100

B. 600 x 0.98

C. 98

D. 6
Answer: Option C

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37. A bridge rectifier circuit has input of 50 Hz frequency. The load resistance is R L and filter
capacitance is C. For good output wave shape, the time constant R LC should be at least equal to
A. 10 ms

B. 20 ms

C. 50 ms

D. 100 ms
Answer: Option D
Time constant RLC must be about 5 x 20 ms.
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38. Si transistor of following figure has  = 0.9 and ICE= 0, VEE = 5 V and VCC = 13 V, then RE will be if
IEQ = 1 mA

A. 3 kΩ

B. 4 kΩ

C. 5 kΩ

D. 4.3 kΩ
Answer: Option D

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39. In class C operation of an amplifier circuit, the collector current exists for
A. 360° of input wave

B. 180° of input wave

C. more than 180° of input wave

D. less than 180° of input wave

Answer: Option D
In class C operation output is in the form of short duration pulses.
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40. The 'h' parameters of the circuit shown in the figure are hib = 25 Ω, hfb = 0.999 and hob = 10-6Ω
The Voltage gain is

A. 0.99

B. 1.98

C. 2.0

D. 4
Answer: Option D

Zi = 25 + 10-6 x 0.99 x 104 25

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41. An exponential amplifier has diode in feedback path.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It has resistance in feedback path.
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42. DC amplifiers have a tendency to be unstable.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
Due to drift.
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43. A half wave diode rectifier has a capacitance input filter. If input voltage is Vm sin ωt, PIV is
A. Vm

B. 2 Vm

C. 3 Vm

D. 4 Vm
Answer: Option B
Because capacitor charge is retained.
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44. An amplifier with loop gain Aβ will be more stable for value of Aβ as
A. 0.95

B. 0.7

C. 1.2

D. 1.5
Answer: Option B
A feedback amplifier is stable if loop gain is less than unity. More less, more stable, hence β will
be more stable.
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45. Study the circuit of figure and examine the following statements

1. It is an active low pass finer.

2. It is a second order filter.
3. The change in gain is 40 dB/decade.
Which of the above statements are correct?
A. 1, 2 and 3

B. 1 and 2

C. 1 and 3

D. 2 and 3
Answer: Option A
The circuit is a second order active low pass filter for which gain is 40 dB/decade.
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46. In a circuit of figure, Vs = 10 cos(ωt) power drawn by the 2Ω resistor is 4 watts. The power factor

A. 0.3

B. 0.4

C. 0.6

D. none
Answer: Option C
Vs = 10 cos ωt,
Let I be the current, then P = I2 R
I is the rms current.

Prms = I2 R 4 I2 = 4 I = 2A.

Total power drawn = Vm Im cos θ

10 x 2 cos θ = 10 cos θ
Total power cannot be determine until value of R = 12 Ω is given.
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47. The quiescent collector current IC, and collector to emitter voltage VCE in a CE connection are the
values when
A. ac signal is zero

B. ac signal is low

C. ac signal is negative

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option A
Quiescent-operation means operation when ac signal is not applied.
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48. In the op-amp circuit of figure, V0 =

A. Vi
B. 3 Vi

C. 5 Vi

D. 0.5 Vi
Answer: Option C

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49. Figure shows the self bias circuit for CE amplifier and its equivalent circuit. V BB and
RB respectively are

A. 10 V and 4 k ohm

B. 5 V and 4 k ohm

C. 2 V and 4 k ohm

D. 2 V and 10 k ohm
Answer: Option C

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1. Figure is a 24 Vr stabilized power supply. The zener is 24 V, 600 mW. The minimum zener
current is 10 mA. Proper values R and maximum load current are

A. 320 Ω, 10 mA

B. 400 Ω, 15 mA

C. 400 Ω, 10 mA

D. 320 Ω, 15 mA
Answer: Option D

Max. zener current = .

Maximum load current = 25 - 10 = 15 mA.
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2. The open loop gain of an amplifier is 200. If negative feedback with β = 0.2 is used, the closed
loop gain will be
A. 200

B. 40.12

C. 4.878

D. 2.2
Answer: Option C

Closed loop gain = .

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3. In a class C power amplifier the input signal has a frequency of 250 kHz. If the collector current
pulses are 0.1 μs wide, the duty cycle of current waveform is
A. 50%

B. 25%
C. 2.5%

D. 0.25%
Answer: Option C

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4. In figure as the load resistance is changed

A. the zener current remain constant

B. the load current remains constant

C. the output voltage remains constant

D. the output voltage and current through R remain constant

Answer: Option D

Output voltage = 12 V, .
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5. In figure, voltage across R2 = + 10 V. If VBE = 0.7 V and VE = 0.7 V and RE = 10 kΩ, current
through RE is

A. 1 mA

B. 0.93 mA

C. 2 mA

D. 1.86 mA
Answer: Option B

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6. A 12 kHz pulse wave-form is amplified by a circuit having an Upper cut-off frequency of 1 MHz.
The minimum input pulse width that can be accurately reproduced is
A. 83.33 μ sec

B. 1 μ sec

C. 0.1 m sec

D. 3.5 m sec
Answer: Option B

tr = 10% Pω = minimum Power(P) = 10 tr 10 x 0.35 μ sec = 3.5 μ sec.

Note: The I/P Pulse will be severely distorted if the rise time is more than 10% of Pulse width.
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7. Feedback factor may be less or more than 1.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Feedback factor is much less than 1.
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8. An RC oscillator uses
A. one RC combination

B. two RC combinations

C. at least three RC combinations

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
One RC combination can give a phase shift of less them 90°. Therefore 3 RC combinations are
required for 180° phase shift.
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9. The main advantage of CMOS circuit is

A. high gain

B. high output impedance

C. low power consumption

D. high gain and high output impedance

Answer: Option C
Low power consumption is a big advantage in digital circuits.
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10. Ac signals are given to both inverting and non-inverting terminals of an op-amp. When will the
output maximum
A. when the phase difference between the inputs is 0°

B. when the phase difference between the inputs in 90°

C. when the phase difference between the inputs is 180°

D. when the phase difference between the inputs is 0 or 180°
Answer: Option C
For non-inverting terminal input, output is in phase with input. For inverting terminal input, output
is 180° out of phase with input. If inputs have 180° phase difference, outputs will be in phase and
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11. An ideal op-amp has zero slew rate.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
An ideal op-amp has infinitely fast slew rate.
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12. In a bridge rectifier circuit the rms value of input ac voltage is 10 V. The PIV across each diode is
A. 7.07 V

B. 14.14 V

C. 10 V

D. 28.28 V
Answer: Option B
PIV is 2 x 10 = 14.14 V.
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13. In a half wave diode rectifier circuit the current flows in the load circuit for
A. 90° in each cycle

B. 180° in each cycle

C. 270° in each cycle

D. 360° in each cycle

Answer: Option B
Current flows during positive half cycle.
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14. In a push pull circuit
A. each transistor conducts for 180°

B. each transistor conducts for more than 180° but less than 360°

C. each transistor conducts for less than 180°

D. the period of conduction of each transistor depends on circuit configuration

Answer: Option A
Since each transistor conducts for 180°. Therefore high efficiency but low distortion.
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15. A transistor with  = 0.9 and ICBO = 10 μA is biased so that IBQ = 90 μA. Then IEQ will be
A. 5.15 mA

B. 5.2 mA

C. 5 mA

D. 990 mA
Answer: Option D
IEQ = ICQ + IBQ = 910 μA + 90 μA 990 μA.
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16. In figure, transistor βdc = 100 and LED voltage when it is conducting is 2 V. Then the base
current which saturates the transistor is

A. 18 mA

B. 1.8 mA

C. 0.18 mA

D. 0.018 mA
Answer: Option C

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17. In figure the dc emitter current of each transistor is about

A. 4 mA

B. 2 mA

C. 3 mA

D. 1 mA
Answer: Option D

Total . It divides equally between the two transistors.

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18. The input voltage for starting oscillations in an oscillator is caused by

A. negative feedback

B. positive feedback

C. noise voltage in resistors

D. a special generator
Answer: Option C
The amplifier in the oscillator amplifies the noise voltages. However phase shift around the
closed loop is zero at only one frequency. Therefore, only this frequency appears at output.
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19. The current flowing in a certain P-N junction at room temperature is 2 x 10-7 Amp. When a large
reverse biased voltage is applied. Calculate the current flowing when 0.1 volts is applied.
A. 9 μA

B. 10 μA

C. 2 μA

D. 4 μA
Answer: Option A

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20. In following figure find VDSQ by assuming gate current is negligible for the p-channel JFET. (if
IDQ = - 6 mA, RS= 0, VDD = -18 V, RD = 2 kΩ, IDSS = - 10 mA, IPO = - 3 V)
A. 4V

B. - 6 V

C. - 10 V

D. 6 V
Answer: Option B
By Appling KVL around drain source loop.
VDSQ = -18 - (-6). 2 x 103 = - 18 + 12 k x 10-3 -6 V.
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21. Which of the following power amplifiers has highest efficiency?

A. Class A

B. Class AB

C. Class B

D. Class C
Answer: Option D
Class C has more efficiency than all other classes.
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22. A full wave rectifier using centre tapped transformer and a bridge rectifier use similar diodes and
have equal no load output voltage. Under equal load conditions
A. Output voltage of bridge rectifier

B. Output voltage of bridge rectifier will be more than that of other

C. Output voltage of both will be exactly equal

D. Output voltage of any one may be more than that of other

Answer: Option A
Since two diodes are in series bridge rectifier, voltage drop is more.
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23. Assume that op-amp in figure is ideal. If input Vi is triangular, the output V0 will be

A. square wave

B. sine wave

C. triangular wave

D. parabolic wave
Answer: Option A
It is a differentiating amplifier.
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24. In an amplifier with a gain of - 1000 and feedback factor β = - 0.1, the change in gain is 20% due
to temperature. The change in gain for feedback amplifier will be
A. 10%

B. 5%

C. 0.2%

D. 0.01%
Answer: Option C

. When gain changes,

age change in

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25. In the diode circuit of figure the diodes are ideal. The average current through ammeter is





Answer: Option B

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26. A transistor has two p-n junctions. The batteries should be connected such that
A. both junctions are forward biased

B. both junctions are reverse biased

C. one junction is forward biased and the other is reverse biased

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
Emitter base junction is forward biased and base-collector junction is reverse biased.
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27. The value of parameter re used in re transistor model

A. increases with increase in temperature

B. decreases with increase in temperature

C. is not affected by increase in temperature

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A

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28. Assertion (A): In a full wave rectifier output the lowest ac component is at twice the input
Reason (R): In a full wave rectifier, the output waveform consists of half sinusoids
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
Since output consists of half sinusoids, output frequency is twice the input frequency.
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29. An op-amp has zero gain for common mode inputs. Then CMRR =
A. zero

B. infinite

C. high

D. low
Answer: Option B
Since common mode signal is reduced to zero, CMRR is infinite.
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30. Assertion (A): Negative feedback reduces the bandwidth of an amplifier

Reason (R): Negative feedback stabilizes the gain of an amplifier
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option D
A is wrong because negative feedback increases the bandwidth.
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31. In an amplifier the voltage gain is the ratio of

A. output voltage and emitter resistance

B. output voltage and input current

C. output voltage and input voltage

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
Voltage gain is always the ratio of output and input voltages.
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32. The critical frequency of the circuit of figure is





Answer: Option B

Critical frequency of RC circuit = .

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33. Find resistance RB to bring transistor to threshold of saturation VCB = 0, VBE = 0.7 V,  = 0.96

A. 1.5 kΩ

B. 15 kΩ

C. 10 kΩ

D. 1 kΩ
Answer: Option A
1.5 kΩ.
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34. In figure ID = 4 mA. Then VGS =

A. 4.4 V

B. -4.4 V

C. 0.44 V

D. -0.44 V
Answer: Option B
VGS = -VS = -4.4 V.
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35. A typical value of gm for a FET is about 25 μs.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
gm is about 0.1 x 10-3 siemens.
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36. The dissipation at the collector is in the quiescent state and increases with excitation in the case
of a
A. class A series fed Amplifier

B. class A transistor coupled Amplifier

C. class AB amplifier

D. class B amplifier
Answer: Option D
Only one transistor conducts without biasing.
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37. In following circuit, RB will be if VCC = 10 V, VS = 2 V, RC = 5 kΩ, RS = 90 kΩ, β = 50, ICE = 0,

VCEsat = 0.1 V

A. 230 K

B. 235 K

C. 240 K

D. 250 K
Answer: Option B
By making capacitor blocked, Is = 0, and applying KVL
By considering Si Transistor.
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38. The open loop gain of an ideal op-amp is

A. infinite

B. very high

C. neither high nor low

D. low
Answer: Option A
An ideal op-amp has infinite open loop gain.
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39. In following figure, what will be R1 and R2 for maximum symmetrical swing if VCSat ≈ 0. Given that
RE = 200 Ω, RC = 400 Ω, VCC = 20 V, β = 99

A. 6k

B. 3 k, 6 k
C. 9.9 k, 2.4 k

D. 2.4 k, 9.9 k
Answer: Option D
The quiescent collector current for maximum symmetrical swing.

In standard consideration, a factor of 10 used as the margin of inequality for β independence.



0.7 + 16.66 x 10-3 x 200 = 4 V

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40. The ideal characteristics of a stabilizer is

A. constant output voltage with low internal resistance

B. constant output current with low internal resistance

C. constant output voltage with high internal resistance

D. constant internal resistance and constant output current

Answer: Option A
A stabilizer must give constant output voltage. This is possible only if internal resistance is low.
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41. The ripple factor of a half wave rectifier is more than 2.

A. True
B. False
Answer: Option B
Ripple factor of half wave rectifier is 1.21 .
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42. Assertion (A): The circuit in figure produces repetitive narrow pulses when input is fed with sine
or triangular waveform having peak value more than + V
Reason (R): The high gain op-amp produces voltages at two levels. If input is more than + V,
the output is + 15 V otherwise the output is - 15 V.

A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
It is a comparator circuit.
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43. In a CE amplifier drives a low load resistance directly the result will be
A. overloading of amplifier

B. underloading of amplifier

C. overloading or underloading of amplifier depending on circuit

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
Low load resistance means high current and hence over loading.
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44. For CE amplifier of figure, the slope of ac load line is





Answer: Option A
For ac, RL and RC appear in parallel.

Hence .
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45. For high frequencies a capacitor like

A. an open circuit

B. a short circuit

C. either open circuit or short circuit

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B

. If w is very high, XC, is nearly zero.

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46. A non-inverting op-amp summer is shown in figure, the output voltage V0 is


B. 3 sin (100t)

C. sin (100t)

D. 2 sin (100t)
Answer: Option A

I/p voltage =

-1 + 1 + sin ωt sin ωt

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47. In following figure find VGG by assuming gate current is negligible for the p-channel JFET. (if IDQ =
- 6 mA, RS= 0, VDD = -18 V, RD = 2 kΩ, IDSS = - 10 mA, IPO = - 3 V)
A. 0.67 V

B. 6.7 V

C. 7 V

D. 0.3 V
Answer: Option A
If Gate current is considered to be negligible then VGG = VGSQ


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48. A difference amplifier using op-amp has closed loop gain = 50. If input is 2 V to each of inverting
and non-inverting terminals, output is 5 mA. Then CMRR =
A. 20000

B. 2000

C. 200

D. 20
Answer: Option A

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49. The coupling capacitor in amplifier circuits

A. affects dc biasing

B. does not affect dc biasing

C. affects dc biasing to some extent

D. both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option B
Capacitor is open-circuit for dc.
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50. In figure if C is replaced by short circuit then R B will be

A. 425 K

B. 412 K

C. 474 K

D. 400 K
Answer: Option C
If C is short circuited then, by using KCL and KVL,

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1. A full wave rectifier circuit using centre tapped transformer and a bridge rectifier are fed at 100
V, 50 Hz. The frequencies of outputs in these two rectifiers are
A. 100 Hz each

B. 50 Hz each

C. 100 Hz and 50 Hz

D. 50 Hz and 100 Hz
Answer: Option A
Output wave in each case has two cycles for one cycle of input wave.
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2. When the ac base voltage in a CE amplifier circuit is too high, the ac emitter current is
A. zero

B. constant

C. alternating

D. distorted
Answer: Option D
A high signal causes distortion because v-i characteristics of BJT is non-linear.
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3. When load is coupled to class A amplifier through transformer, efficiency decreases.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Transformer coupling increases efficiency.
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4. The gain of an FET amplifier can be changed by changing

A. rm

B. gm

C. Rd

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
Gain is proportional to gm .
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5. The open loop gain of an actual op-amp is about 100.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It is very high.
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6. In the circuit figure LED will be on when v1 is

A. less than 6 V

B. more than 6 V

C. less than 12 V

D. more than 12 V
Answer: Option B

Voltage input to inverting input is . Therefore, vi should be more than 6 V.

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7. A differential amplifier consists of two CB amplifiers.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It consists of two CE amplifiers.
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8. Figure shows a portion of linear v - i characteristics of diode. If applied voltage is + 6 V, the

current will be

A. 42 mA

B. 48 mA

C. 51 mA

D. 54 mA
Answer: Option D

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9. A power transistor dissipates 5 W. If ambient temperature is 30° and case to air thermal
resistance is 10° C/W, the case temperature is
A. 80°C

B. 20°C

C. 32°C

D. 305°C
Answer: Option A

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10. An R-C coupled amplifier has mid-frequency gain of 200 and a frequency response from 100 Hz
to 20 kHz. A negative feedback network with β = 0.2 is incorporated into the amplifier circuit, the
Bandwidth will be
A. 50 kHz

B. 20 kHz

C. 100 kHz

D. infinite
Answer: Option C

B.W. = fH' - fL' .

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11. In figure the zener current

A. is always 130 mA

B. may vary between 10 mA and 130 mA

C. may vary between 60 mA and 130 mA

D. is always equal to 65 mA
Answer: Option B
When IL = 0, Zener current = 130 mA, when IL = 120 mA, zener current (t = 10 mA).
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12. In a commercially available good power supply the voltage regulation is about
A. 1%

B. 5%

C. 10%

D. 20%
Answer: Option A
A good power supply does not allow output voltage to vary by more than 1% .
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13. In the circuit of figure the diode

A. will conduct as the whole cycle

B. will conduct in the positive half cycle

C. will not conduct

D. will conduct from 30° to 150° in the positive half cycle

Answer: Option C
Diode will always be reverse biased.
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14. The most commonly used bias in BJT amplifier circuits is

A. voltage divider bias

B. emitter bias

C. collector bias

D. collector feedback bias

Answer: Option A
Voltage divider bias stabilizes IC.
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15. In the circuit of figure, v1 = v2 = 10 V. Then

A. I1 = I2

B. I1 > I2

C. I2 > I1

D. I1 = 0
Answer: Option C
Current in diode D2 will be more because resistance in series with D 2 is less.
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16. The inverting op-amp shown in the figure has an open loop gain to 100. The closed loop

given is

A. -8

B. -9

C. -10

D. -11
Answer: Option D
Applying KCL inverting node
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17. In a voltage regulated power supply the zener operates in the breakdown region when (V in is
input voltage and Vz is zener breakdown voltage)
A. Vin < Vz

B. Vin > Vz

C. Vin = Vz

D. both (a) or (b)

Answer: Option B
Zener breakdown when input voltage is more than zener breakdown voltage.
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18. The parameter h11 for CB circuit is higher than that for CE circuit.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It is lower.
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19. Figure shows a self bias circuit for FET amplifier, ID = 4 mA. Then IS =

A. 4 mA

B. 2 mA

C. 0.4 mA

D. 0.2 mA
Answer: Option A
Since gate current is negligible IS = ID = 4 mA.
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20. In the CE equivalent circuit of figure, the voltage gain is

A. 200

B. 40

C. 5

D. 1000
Answer: Option A
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21. In a CE amplifier
A. both ac and dc load lines have the same slope

B. the ac load line has more slope than dc load line

C. the ac load line has less slope than dc load line

D. the two load lines may have slope more than the other
Answer: Option B
Since ac collector resistance is less than dc collector resistance, slope of ac load line is more
than that of dc load line.
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22. The voltage gain of an amplifier without and with feedback are 100 and 20. The negative
feedback is
A. 4%

B. 5%

C. 20%

D. 80%
Answer: Option A

or β = 0.04 or 4% .
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In the circuit shown in figure, RC = 10k, RE = 150Ω, β = 100, I = 1 mA. The value of , will

A. 50

B. 100

C. 192

D. 400
Answer: Option C
circuit shown is Darlington Amplifier.


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24. Calculate the conductivity of pure silicon at room temperature when the concentration of carriers
is 1.6 x 1010per cm 3. Take μe = 1500 cm 2/V-sec, μh = 500 cm 2/V-sec at room temperature,
A. 5.12 x 10-16

B. 5 x 10+16

C. 1016

D. 5 x 1020
Answer: Option A
σi = (μe + μn) . e . ni .
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25. A potential of 7 V is applied to a silicon diode. A resistance of 1 kΩ is also connected in series. If

the diode is forward biased, the current in the circuit is
A. 7 mA

B. 6.3 mA

C. 0.7 mA

D. 0
Answer: Option B

A = 6.3 mA.
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26. Which of the following?

A. Voltage series feedback and decrease I/P impedance.

B. Voltage shunt feedback and decrease I/P impedance.

C. Voltage series feedback and increase I/P impedance.

D. Voltage shunt feedback and increase I/P impedance.

Answer: Option C
Because sample signal is voltage and feedback signal is also voltage. The drop in R E change
the input voltage at Base Emitter Junction.
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27. In a transistor E mode the collector current with the transistor in cut off region is
A. zero

B. high

C. equal to saturated value

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
When transistor is cut off, IC is zero.
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28. Two CE stages, 1 and 2 are coupled through a capacitor. VCC is the same for both. Base
resistances RB1 and RB2 are such that RB1 > RB2. Then
A. base currents for both stages are equal

B. base current of stage 1 is more than that of stage 2

C. base current of stage 2 is more than that of stage 1

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option C
Since RB2 < RB1, IB2 > IB1.
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29. In a two stage CE amplifier circuit, the ac collector resistance of the first stage depends on
A. load resistance

B. input impedance of first stage

C. input impedance of second stage

D. all of the above

Answer: Option C
Since the first amplifier is feeding the second stage, the input impedance of second stage is the
ac collector resistance of first stage.
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30. In a CE amplifier the ac cut off voltage is 9 V and slope of ac load line is - 0.5 mA/V. The ac
saturation current is
A. 9 mA

B. 4.5 mA
C. 3 mA

D. 18 mA
Answer: Option B
AC saturation current is cutoff voltage x slope of ac load line.
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31. For dc the current through coupling capacitor in CE amplifier circuit is

A. very high

B. high

C. low

D. zero
Answer: Option D
dc remains confined within BJT. Only ac signal comes out.
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32. In a CE amplifier the collector resistance is short circuited. The ac output voltage will
A. increases

B. remains the same

C. increases or decreases

D. decreases
Answer: Option D
Since the output is taken across collector resistance, short-circuiting collector resistance will
decrease output voltage.
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33. In a transistor CE mode, VCC = +30 V. If the transistor is in cut off region, VCE =
A. +30 V

B. +20 V

C. 10 V

D. zero
Answer: Option A
When transistor is in cut off region VCE = VCC .
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34. The dc load current in a bridge rectifier circuit is 10 mA. The dc load current through each diode
A. 40 mA

B. 20 mA

C. 10 mA

D. 5 mA
Answer: Option D
Since both diodes contribute equal load current, each diode current is 5 mA.
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35. An integrating amplifier has resistance in feedback path.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It has capacitance in feedback path.
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36. The units of transistor h parameters h11 and h22 are the same.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
The units of h11 are ohms and units of h22 siemens.
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37. Positive feedback is mainly used in

A. oscillators

B. thyristors

C. voltage regulators
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option D
In oscillators, the oscillations are generated due to positive feedback. In thyristors anode current
increases due to positive feedback.
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38. For a BJT if β = 50, ICEO = 3 μA and IC = 1.2 mA then IB

A. 24 μA

B. 23 μA

C. 20 μA

D. 10 μA
Answer: Option A

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39. In figure, ID = 4 mA. Then VD =

A. 20 V

B. 10 V

C. 30 V

D. 1 V
Answer: Option B
VD = 20 - 4 x 10-3 x 2.5 x 103 = 10 V.
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40. The main application of enhancement mode MOSFET is in

A. amplifier circuits

B. oscillator circuits

C. switching circuits

D. all of the above

Answer: Option C
Because of high switching speed MOSFET is very suitable for digital circuit.
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41. A circuit using an op-amp is shown in the given figure. It has

A. voltage series feedback

B. voltage shunt feedback

C. current shunt feedback

D. current series feedback

Answer: Option B

From above mathematical expression

Feedback current If is proportional to V0. So it is a voltage shunt feedback.
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42. Assertion (A): In CE amplifier the emitter is at ground potential for ac signals
Reason (R): A CE amplifier has near unity voltage gain
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
CE amplifier has good voltage gain.
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43. An oscillator requires an amplifier

A. with negative feedback

B. with positive feedback

C. with either positive or negative feedback

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
Positive feedback is necessary for sustained oscillations.
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44. A full wave bridge diode rectifier uses diodes having forward resistance of 50 ohms each. The
load resistance is also 50 ohms. The voltage regulations is
A. 20%

B. 50%

C. 100%

D. 200%
Answer: Option D

No load output voltage =

Output voltage at full load =

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45. The disadvantage of direct coupled amplifiers is
A. drift

B. large size of transistor

C. low voltage gain

D. both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option A
The drift is amplified by different stages.
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46. A transistor has a power rating of 8 W for a case temperature of 25°C. If derating factor is 30
mW/°C, the power rating for 55°C, case temperature is
A. 8W

B. 7.5 W

C. 7.1 W

D. 6.8 W
Answer: Option C
Power rating = 8 - (55 - 25)(30 x 10-3) = 7.1 W.
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47. In figure VBE = 0.7 V. The base current is

A. above 97 μA

B. about 97 mA

C. about 75 μA

D. about 75 mA
Answer: Option A
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48. An ideal power supply has

A. zero internal resistance

B. very high internal resistance

C. high output resistance

D. both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option A
An ideal power supply should have zero voltage drop.
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49. In a self bias circuit for CE amplifier, the emitter resistance is made three times the original
value. The collector current will
A. remain the same

B. become three times

C. decrease

D. become one-third
Answer: Option D
The emitter current becomes one-third since collector current in BJT is almost the same as
emitter current, collector current also becomes one-third.
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50. A P-channel MOSFET operating in the enhancement mode is characterized by Vt = - 4 V and

IDQ = - 10 mA, when VGSQ = - 5.5 V, what will be VGSQ if IDQ = -15 mA and ID, on = - 16 mA
A. -2V

B. 3 V

C. 0.13 V

D. 1.3 V
Answer: Option C
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1. If the Q of a single stage single tuned amplifier is doubled, the bandwidth will
A. remain the same

B. become half

C. become double

D. become four times

Answer: Option B

. If Q is doubles, bandwidth becomes half.

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2. In full wave rectification, if the input frequency is 50 Hz, then frequency at the output of filter is
A. 50 Hz

B. 0 Hz

C. 100 Hz

D. 75 Hz
Answer: Option B
Filter output will give d.c. signal and d.c. signal Passed zero frequency.
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3. The circuit in the given figure is

A. low pass filter

B. high pass filter

C. band Pass filter

D. band reject filter

Answer: Option A
It is a L.P.F. of second order.
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4. The turn ratio of a transformer is 20:1, if a load of 10Ω is connected across the secondary, what
will be the effective resistance seen looking into the Primary?
A. 2 kΩ

B. 4 kΩ

C. 8 kΩ

D. 32 kΩ
Answer: Option B

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5. In a CE amplifier circuit the ac voltage between emitter and ground

A. is very high

B. may be high or low

C. is zero

D. depends on circuit configuration

Answer: Option C
Common emitter means emitter at ground potential.
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6. A 120 V, 30 Hz source feeds a half wave rectifier circuit through a 4 : 1 step down transformer,
the average output voltage is
A. 30 V
B. 13.5 V

C. 10 V

D. 7.07 V
Answer: Option B

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7. The slew rate of an ideal op-amp is

A. very slow

B. slow

C. fast

D. infinitely fast
Answer: Option D
Slew rate signifies the fastest change which can occurs in output voltage. In an ideal op-amp the
output can change instantaneously.
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8. Regulation of the DC power supply of 12 V, 100 mA is the effective resistance of power supply is
20 Ω
A. 22%

B. 131%

C. 30%

D. 20%
Answer: Option D

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9. A bridge diode circuit using ideal diodes has in input voltage of 20 sin ωt volts. The average and
rms values of output voltage are





Answer: Option A

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10. In the circuit of figure v1 = 8 V and v2 = 0. Which diode will conduct (Assume ideal diodes)?

A. D1 only

B. D2 only

C. Both D1 and D2

D. Neither D1 nor D2
Answer: Option A
Since only v1 is positive and more than 0.7 V only D1 will conduct.
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11. Assertion (A): An op-amp has high voltage gain, high input impedance and low output
Reason (R): Negative feedback increases output impedance
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
Negative feedback reduces output impedance.
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12. A transistor has a maximum power dissipation of 350 mW at an ambient temperature of 25°C. If
derating factor is 2 mW/°C, the maximum power dissipation for 40°C ambient temperature is
A. 300 mW

B. 330 mW

C. 350 mW

D. 380 mW
Answer: Option C
Derating improves reliability but does not affect maximum power dissipation.
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13. The output voltage waveform of a CE amplifier is fed to a dc coupled CRO. The trace on the
screen will be
A. dc output voltage

B. ac output voltage

C. sum of dc and ac output voltage

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
Due to direct coupling between output and CRO both dc and ac output voltage will appear on
screen of CRO.
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14. In an RC phase shift oscillator, the total phase shift of the three RC lead networks is
A. 360°
B. 180°

C. 90°

D. 0°
Answer: Option B
Each RC network gives 60° phase shift.
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15. In the circuit of figure β = 100 and quiescent value of base current is 20 μA. The quiescent value
of collector

current is
A. 0.2 μA

B. 2 μA

C. 2 mA

D. 20 mA
Answer: Option C
IC = βIB = 2 mA.
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16. Values of VT at 20°C for an ideal P-N diode

A. 25.27 mV

B. 30.3 mV

C. 23 mV

D. 50 mV
Answer: Option A

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17. Assertion (A): In an op-amp the voltage gain and band width can be adjusted as per
Reason (R): Large value capacitor can also be fabricated on a chip
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
Large value capacitor cannot be fabricated on a chip.
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18. In figure which diode will conduct and what will be the value of V 0?

A. D 3, 1 V

B. D1, 2 V

C. D2, 5 V

D. D1, 5 V
Answer: Option C
Since battery connected to anode of D, is of 5 V it is forward biased. D1 and D3 are reverse
biased. Output voltage is 5 V.
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19. For the amplifier circuit of figure, the h parameters of transistor are hib = 25 Ω, hfb = 0.999, hob =
10-6 Ω. The voltage gain is

A. 0.999

B. 1.98

C. 20

D. 400
Answer: Option D

It is a common base circuit .

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20. In figure, VCC = + 30 V, R1 = 200 kΩ and R2 = 100 kΩ. If VBE = 0.7 V, the voltage a cross RE =

A. +20 V

B. +19.3 V
C. +10 V

D. +9.3 V
Answer: Option D

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21. A negative feedback can be of

A. 2 types

B. 3 types

C. 4 types

D. only 1 type
Answer: Option C
Series voltage, series current, shunt voltage and shunt current.
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22. In a class C power amplifier the input frequency of ac signal is 1 MHz. If tank circuit has C =
1000 pF, the value of L =
A. 25 μH

B. 50 μH

C. 100 μH

D. 200 μH
Answer: Option A

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23. The Vo of the op-amp circuit shown in the given is

A. 11 Vi

B. 10 Vi

C. Vi

D. zero
Answer: Option D

V0 = (Vs2 - Vs1)

[Vs1 - Vs1] = 0.
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24. In calculating output impedance of an amplifier the source is replaced by an open circuit.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It is replaced by short circuit.
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25. For transistor 2 N 338 the manufacturer specifies Pmax = 100 mW at 250°C free air temperature
and maximum junction temperature of 125°C. Its thermal resistance is
A. 10° C/W

B. 100° C/W

C. 1000° C/W

D. 5000° C/W
Answer: Option C

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26. In figure base current is 10 μA and βdc = 100. Then VE =

A. 5V

B. 10 V

C. 15 V

D. 20 V
Answer: Option C
IC = 1 mA and VCE = 20 - 5 x 103 x 1 x 10-3 = 15 V.
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27. It has been found that in a rectifier circuit with RC filter one RC section reduces ripple by 15%.
Two RC sections are used in cascade the reduction in ripple would be
A. 15%

B. 30%

C. 150%

D. 225%
Answer: Option D
One filter reduces ripple to 0.15 of initial value. The second filter reduces ripple to 0.15 x 0.15 of
initial value.
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28. An op-amp has

A. low input and output impedance

B. low input impedance and high output impedance

C. low output impedance and high input impedance

D. high output impedance and high input impedance

Answer: Option C
High input impedance ensures minimum loading of source. Low output impedance is required for
impedance matching at output.
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29. In the figure, assume the op-amp is to be ideal. The output Vo if the circuit is

A. 10 cos (100t)




Answer: Option A
KCL at mode one.

... (1)
Applying KCL at node (3)
... (2)
From (1)

V2 = 100 L sin ωt
Put value of V2 in equation (2) and solve for V0 .
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30. As the ratio Rf/RL increases the efficiency of a rectifier increases.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B

As increases efficiency decreases.

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31. Assuming VCE sat = 0.2 V and β = 50, the minimum base current (IB) required to drive the
transistor in the given figure to saturation is

A. 56 μA

B. 140 μA
C. 60 μA

D. 3 μA
Answer: Option A

or = Ic = βIB and
2.8 mA

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32. A half wave diode rectifier uses a diode having forward resistance of 50 ohms. The load
resistance is also 50 ohms. Then the voltage regulation is
A. 20%

B. 50%

C. 100%

D. 200%
Answer: Option C

No load output voltage =

Output voltage at full load = .

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33. A Hartley oscillator is used for

A. very low frequencies

B. radio frequencies

C. micro wave frequencies

D. audio frequency
Answer: Option B
LC oscillators are used for radio frequencies.
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34. In Class C operation the collector current looks like

A. full sine wave

B. half sine wave

C. narrow pulses

D. nearly half sine wave

Answer: Option C
Since collector current exists for less than 180°, it looks like narrow pulses.
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35. An op-amp integrating circuit uses

A. an inductor

B. a capacitor

C. both inductor and capacitor

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
Capacitor in feedback path provides integration.
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36. In the op-amp circuit given in the figure, the load current iL is




Answer: Option A
Applying KCL

[KCL at non inverting terminal]

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37. A CE amplifier has re = 6 Ω, β = 100 and  = 0.98. The input impedance is

A. 6Ω

B. 100 Ω

C. 600 Ω

D. 98 Ω
Answer: Option C
Input impedance of CE amplifier is β re = 100 X 6 = 600 Ω.
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38. A full wave diode rectifier using centre tapped transformer has diodes with forward resistance of
50 ohms each. The load resistance of 50 ohms each. The load resistance is also 50 ohms. The
voltage regulation is
A. 20%

B. 50%

C. 100%

D. 200%
Answer: Option C

No load output voltage =

Output voltage at full load =

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39. Leakage current approximately doubles for every 10°C increase in the temperature of a
transistor has ICBO = 400 nA at 25°C, then its leakage current at 80°C
A. 10 μA

B. 18 μA

C. 20 μA

D. 15 μA
Answer: Option B
ICBO = (400 x 10-9) 2(80-25)/10 = 18 μA.
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40. A CB amplifier has IE = 3.5 mA,  = 0.98 and RL = 600 Ω. The input impedance
A. 0.98 Ω

B. 0.025 Ω


D. 600 Ω
Answer: Option C

. Input impedance of CB amplifier equals re .

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41. An amplifier has open loop gain of 100, input impedance 1 kΩ and output impedance 100 Ω. If
negative feedback with β = 0.99 is used, the new input and output impedances are
A. 10 Ω and 1 Ω

B. 10 Ω and 10 kΩ

C. 100 kΩ and 1 Ω

D. 100 kΩ and 10 Ω
Answer: Option C
Input impedance with feedback = (1 kΩ) (1 + 100 + 0.99) = 100 kΩ. Output impedance with

feedback = .
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42. In a BJT amplifier the power gain from base to collector is 4000. The power gain in dB is
A. 3.6

B. 36

C. 7.2

D. 72
Answer: Option B
Gain in dB = 10 log (4000).
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43. In figure, secondary winding has 40 turns. For maximum power transformer to 2 ohm resistance
the number of turns in primary is

A. 20

B. 40

C. 80
D. 160
Answer: Option C

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44. In a CE amplifier circuit the dc voltage between emitter and ground

A. is always zero

B. cannot be zero

C. may or may not be zero

D. is negative
Answer: Option B
Since dc is flowing through emitter resistance, dc voltage cannot be zero.
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45. A buffer amplifier should have

A. high output impedance and high input impedance

B. high output impedance and low input impedance

C. low output impedance an low input impedance

D. low output impedance and high input impedance

Answer: Option D
So that it can couple high impedance source to low impedance load and maximum power can be
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46. If the differential voltage gain and the common mode voltage gain of a differential amplifier are
48 dB and 2 dB respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is
A. 23 dB

B. 25 dB

C. 46 dB
D. 50 dB
Answer: Option C

We know that CMMR =

20 log (CMMR) = 20 log Ad - 20 log Ac = 48 - 2 46 dB.
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47. An npn transistor has a Beta cutoff frequency fβ of 1 MHz, and a common emitter short circuit
low frequency current gain β0 of 200. It unity gain frequency fT and the alpha cut off
frequency f2 respectively are
A. 200 MHz, 201 MHz

B. 200 MHz, 199 MHz

C. 199 MHz, 200 MHz

D. 201 MHz, 200 MHz

Answer: Option A

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48. In figure if the transistor is cut off, the collector voltage is equal to


B. 0.5 VCC

D. zero
Answer: Option A
Since transistor is cut off, IC = 0 and VC = VCC .
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49. If input frequency is 50 Hz, the frequency of output wave in a full wave diode rectifier circuit is
A. 25 Hz

B. 50 Hz

C. 100 Hz

D. 200 Hz
Answer: Option C
There are two output waves for one input wave.
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50. A class A transformer coupled power amplifier is to deliver 10 W output. The power rating of
transistor should not be less than
A. 5W

B. 10 W

C. 20 W

D. 40 W
Answer: Option C
Efficiency is 50%. Therefore input is 20 W.
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1. A CB amplifier has  = 0.98 and RL = 600 Ω. If IE = 3.5 mA, the current gain is
A. 1

B. 0.98

C. 0.98 x 3.5


Answer: Option B
Current gain of CB amplifier is .
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2. funity of an op-amp is about 1 kHz.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
It is about 1 MHz.
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3. Assertion (A): In an RC coupled amplifier the junction capacitances can be neglected at low
frequencies but not at high frequencies
Reason (R): Capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to frequency.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
At high frequencies XC is very small.
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4. In figure, D1 turns on when

A. vi is more than V1

B. vi is less than V1

C. vi is between V1 and V2

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
D1 is forward biased when vi > V1.
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5. In a full wave rectifier circuit using centre tapped transformer, the peak voltage across half of the
secondary winding is 30 V. Then PIV is
A. 30 V

B. 60 V

C. 15 V

D. 10 V
Answer: Option B
In full wave circuit using centre tapped transformer PIV = 2Vm .
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6. In the circuit of figure both diodes are ideal. If v1 = 10 V and v2 = 10 V which diode will conduct?

A. D1 only

B. D2 only

C. Both D1 and D2

D. Neither D1 nor D2
Answer: Option C
Both D1 and D2 are forward biased.
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7. The output impedance of an ideal op-amp is

A. zero

B. low

C. high

D. infinite
Answer: Option A
An ideal op-amp has zero output impedance and can deliver any amount of load current without
any voltage drop.
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8. In the circuit of the given figure, assume that the diodes are ideal and the meter is an average
indicating ammeter, the ammeter will read

A. 0.42 A

B. 0.4 A


D. 0.4/ mA
Answer: Option D
Ammeter will real during +ve half cycle only and

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9. A virtual ground is a ground for

A. voltage

B. current

C. both voltage and current

D. voltage but not for current

Answer: Option D
No current can flow through virtual ground. However voltage is zero.
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10. As compared to a full wave diode rectifier circuit using centre tapped transformer, the bridge
diode rectifier circuit has the main advantage of
A. higher current carrying capacity

B. higher efficiency

C. lower ripple factor

D. lower PIV
Answer: Option D
For bridge rectifier, peak inverse voltage is equal to peak value of ac voltage while for the circuit
using centre tapped transformer peak inverse voltage is 2 Em.
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11. A dc power supply has no load voltage of 30 V and full load voltage of 25 V at full load current of
1 A. The output resistance and voltage regulation respectively are
A. 5 Ω and 25%

B. 25 Ω and 20%

C. 5 Ω and 16.7%

D. 25 Ω and 16.7%
Answer: Option B

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12. The main advantage of CC amplifier is

A. High input impedance and low output impedance

B. Low input impedance and high output impedance

C. High voltage gain

D. High current gain

Answer: Option A
Therefore, it is suitable for impedance matching.
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13. If  = 0.995, IE = 10 mA, ICO = 0.5 mA, then ICEO will be

A. 100 μA

B. 25 μA

C. 10.1 μA

D. 10.5 μA
Answer: Option A

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14. Assertion (A): In class C amplifier the efficiency is more than that for other classes of amplifiers
Reason (R): In class C amplifier we can get high efficiency over a wideband
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
R is not correct because bandwidth of class C amplifier is narrow.
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15. In the following figure C = 0.02 μF, and Vth is known to be of frequency ω = 107 rad/sec and rd =
2.5 Ω and ZTh= RTh = 10 Ω Then phase angle between id and Vd

A. 26.5°

B. 25°
C. 30°

D. 0°
Answer: Option A

Zd = (rd)11 (-jxd) 2 - JΩ
θ = tan-1 (-1/2) 26.56 .
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16. A class C amplifier has input frequency of 200 kHz. If width of collector pulses is 0.1 μs, duty
cycle is
A. 1%

B. 2%

C. 10%

D. 20%
Answer: Option B

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17. Output of a phase splitter is

A. a pair of sine waves of unequal amplitude

B. a pair of sine waves of equal amplitudes

C. a pair of sine waves of equal amplitudes and opposite phase

D. a pair of sine waves of unequal amplitudes and opposite phase

Answer: Option C
A phase shifter gives two voltages which have equal magnitudes but are out of phase by 180°.
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18. In a transistor the minimum and maximum values of βdc are 100 and 121. The proper value of
βdc to be used to locate Q point is
A. 100
B. 121

C. 110.5

D. 110
Answer: Option D
Lowest value of β should be used to locate Q point.
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19. The input to an op-amp integrating amplifier is a constant voltage. The output will be
A. a constant voltage

B. a sawtooth wave

C. a ramp

D. ac voltage
Answer: Option D
Integral of a constant is t.
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20. FET amplifier is more difficult to analyse than BJT amplifier.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
FET amplifier is easier to analyse since gate current is negligible.
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21. To bypass a 100 ohm emitter resistor at

A. 10 μF

B. 100 μF

C. 1000 μF

D. 1 μF
Answer: Option C

XC < 0.1 x 100 or XC < 10 Ω or 10 = or C 1000 mF.

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22. In a CE amplifier the dc load line is the same as ac load line when
A. ac collector resistance and dc collector resistance are equal

B. ac collector resistance and dc emitter resistance are equal

C. ac collector resistance is very high

D. ac collector resistance is one half of dc collector resistance

Answer: Option C
When ac collector resistance is very high, the net resistance is the same as dc collector
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23. If the output current wave shape of class C circuit has a period of 1 μs and a pulse width of
0.006 μs, the duty cycle is
A. 6%

B. 0.6%

C. 0.006%

D. 0.06%
Answer: Option B

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24. Which configuration is suitable for impedance matching?




D. CB and CE
Answer: Option C
CC has high input impedance and low output impedance. Hence suitable for impedance
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25. A BJT is said to be operating in saturation region if

A. both junctions are reverse biased

B. both junctions are forward biased

C. base emitter junction is forward biased and base collector junction is reverse biased

D. base collector junction is forward biased and base emitter junction is reverse biased
Answer: Option B
For saturation both junctions have to be forward biased.
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26. If an amplifier with gain of - 100 and feedback of β = - 0.1 has a gain change of 20% due to
temperature the change in gain of the feedback amplifier will be
A. 0.02%

B. 2%

C. 0.1%

D. 0.01%
Answer: Option B

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27. In figure the cut in voltage of diode is 0.7 V and its bulk resistance is 20 Ω. The peak value of
circuit current of during positive and negative half cycles are

A. 10 mA and zero

B. 9.12 mA and zero

C. 9.3 mA and zero

D. zero and 9.12 mA
Answer: Option B

During positive half cycle current I = or I 9.12 mA. During negative half
cycle diode is reverse biased and current is zero.
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28. A voltage gain of a CE amplifier connected in collector to base configuration is 50. Collector to
base resistor RF= 1 kΩ, RC = 4Ω, the O/P resistance R0 =?
A. 800 Ω

B. 813 Ω

C. 817 Ω

D. 819 Ω
Answer: Option B

R0 = RC || RF' and , where RF is Miller resistance.

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29. A voltage multiplier circuit, using diodes and capacitors is suitable for
A. high voltage high current device

B. high voltage low current device

C. low voltage low current device

D. low voltage high current device

Answer: Option B
It is a high voltage device. However current has to be low since diode rated currents are low.
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30. In a CE amplifier the ac emitter resistance
A. is zero

B. is high

C. is very high

D. may have any value

Answer: Option A
Emitter is at ground potential for ac signals.
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31. Heat sink results in

A. slower dissipation of heat to atmosphere

B. faster dissipation of heat to atmosphere

C. lower ambient temperature

D. lower transistor power

Answer: Option B
Surface area of heat dissipating surface increases. Therefore heat dissipation is faster.
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32. A buffer amplifier should have

A. high input impedance and low output impedance

B. high input impedance and high output impedance

C. low input impedance and high output impedance

D. low input impedance and low output impedance

Answer: Option A
To provide impedance matching input impedance should be high and output impedance should
be low.
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33. In a CE amplifier, the output voltage is equal to product of

A. ac collector current and ac collector resistance

B. ac base current and ac collector resistance

C. ac emitter current and ac emitter resistance

D. ac collector current and source resistance

Answer: Option A
Since output is taken from collector terminal, output voltage is equal to collector current
multiplied by collector resistance.
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34. In figure, VG =

A. 2.22 V

B. 22.2 V

C. 0.22 V

D. 0.022 V
Answer: Option A

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35. A diode can have a very high forward resistance.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Forward resistance of diode is low.
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36. In figure the voltage drop across diode is 0.7 V. Then the voltage across diode during negative
half cycle is

A. 10 V

B. 9.3 V

C. zero

D. 10.7 V
Answer: Option A
PIV = 10 V.
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37. In figure vi = 10 mV dc maximum. The maximum possible dc output offset voltage is

A. 60 mV dc

B. 110 mV dc

C. 130 mV dc

D. 150 mV dc
Answer: Option B
Maximum dc output offset voltage = .
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38. A transistor with  = 0.9 and ICBO = 10 μA is biased so that IBQ = 90 μA. Then ICQ will be
A. 910 mA

B. 5 mA

C. 5.25 mA

D. 4.95 mA
Answer: Option A

ICEO = (β + 1)ICBO (9 + 1) 10 μA 100 μA

ICQ = 9 x 90 x 10-6 + 100 x 10-6 = 910 μA.
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39. For the circuit of figure the critical frequency is





Answer: Option B
The two resistances are in parallel.
Critical frequency = .
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40. The current through R1 is(If β = 99, VBE = 0.74 V)

A. 0.1 mA

B. 0.35 mA

C. 0.2 mA

D. none
Answer: Option A
IE = 1 mA, VBE = 0.7V, β = 99,

IC = IE, IC = β, IB 1=

IB = 0.01 mA.

0.1 mA.
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41. Which of the following can be used as a buffer amplifier?




D. Both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option B
Because of high input impedance and low output impedance, CC amplifier is suitable as buffer
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42. The feedback technique employed in the following circuit is

A. voltage series feedback

B. current series feedback

C. voltage shunt feedback

D. current shunt feedback

Answer: Option C
It is a voltage shunt feedback because output voltage is sampled and feedback current at the
input side. The circuit can be redrawn as follows.
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43. A second order active bandpass filter can be obtained by cascading LP second order filter
having higher cut off frequency fOH with a second order HP filter having lower cut off
frequency fOL provided
A. fOL < fOH

B. fOL > fOH

C. fOH = fOL

D. fOH < 0.5 fOL

Answer: Option A
If fOL is less than fOH, a passband will exist from fOL to fOH .
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44. In figure the approximate voltages of

A. base and emitter are - 8 V and - 7.3 V

B. base and collector are - 8 V and - 5 V

C. collector and emitter are - 5 V and - 7.3 V

D. base, emitter and collector are - 8, - 7.3 and - 5 V

Answer: Option A

Base voltage = . Emitter voltage = - 8 + 0.7 = - 7.3 V.

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45. The open loop gain of an amplifier is 50 but likely to decrease by 20% due to various factors. If
negative feedback with β = 0.1 is used, the change in gain will be about
A. 20%

B. 2%

C. 0.5%

D. 0.05%
Answer: Option C
The stabilisation of gain is one of the advantages of closed loop system.
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46. An increase in ambient temperature means that maximum power rating of transistor
A. will increase

B. will decrease

C. may increase or decrease

D. may increase or remain the same

Answer: Option B
Increase of ambient temperature means that heat dissipation is slower.
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47. Two CE stages are coupled through a capacitor. To calculate the quiescent base current of the
two transistors, the capacitor is treated as
A. open circuit

B. short circuit

C. neither (a) nor (b)

D. either (a) or (b)
Answer: Option A
Capacitor has infinite impedance for dc.
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48. If it is desired to have low output impedance in an amplifier circuit then we should use
A. common collector circuit

B. common base circuit

C. common emitter circuit

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
Therefore CC configuration is used for impedance matching.
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49. Generally the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the
A. internal capacitance of device

B. coupling capacitor at the I/P

C. skin effect

D. coupling capacitor at the O/P

Answer: Option A
At high frequency, internal capacitance comes into consideration.
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50. Which one of the following is connect expression of id for figure?



C. 0

D. id1 - id2
Answer: Option A
iD = iD1 + iD2

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1. A voltage tripler circuit and voltage quadrupler circuit use identical components. Then
A. voltage regulation in both circuits will be same

B. voltage regulation in both may or may not be same

C. voltage regulation in quadrupler circuit will be better than in tripler circuit

D. voltage regulation in quadrupler circuit will be poorer than in tripler circuit

Answer: Option D
Since voltage quadrupler circuit uses more components, voltage drop will be more and voltage
regulation poorer.
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2. A Ge diode operated at a junction temperature of 27°C. For a forward current of 10 mA, V D is
found to be 0.3 V. If VD = 0.4 V then forward current will be
A. 400 mA

B. 475 mA

C. 477 mA

D. 480 mA
Answer: Option C

iD2 = (47.73) x 10 mA = 466 mA.

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3. In a power amplifier the collector current flows for 270° of the input cycle. The operations is
A. class A

B. class B

C. class AB

D. class C
Answer: Option C
In class A operation IC exists for 360°. In class B operation IC exists for 180°. In between there is
the class AB.
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4. An amplifier has input impedance of 4 kΩ and output impedance of 80 kΩ. It is used in negative
feedback circuit with 10% feedback. If open loop gain is 90, the closed loop input and output
impedances are
A. 40 kΩ and 8 kΩ respectively

B. 4 kΩ and 80 kΩ respectively

C. 0.4 kΩ and 800 kΩ respectively

D. 8 kΩ and 160 kΩ respectively

Answer: Option A
Closed loop input impedance = 4 (1 + 0.1 x 90) = 40 kΩ,
Closed loop Output impedance = = 8 kΩ.
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5. In figure the current through resistor R

A. is always equal to 130 mA

B. may vary between 130 mA and 10 mA

C. may vary between 65 mA and 10 mA

D. is always equal to 65 mA
Answer: Option A

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6. In a negative feedback amplifier A = 100, β = 0.04 and Vs = 50 mV, then feedback will be
A. 4

B. 8

C. 10

D. 2
Answer: Option A
Feed back factor (βA) = 4.
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7. For an npn transistor connected as shown in the figure VBE = 0.7 volts. Given that reverse
saturation current of the junction at room temperature 300K is 10-13A, the emitter current.

A. 30 mA

B. 39 mA

C. 49 mA

D. 20 mA
Answer: Option C

IE = IE + ICBO and approximated.

But  is not given in the question. It is not possible to find.
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8. The dc output voltage of the circuit is

A. 4.3 V

B. 1.369 V

C. 3.87 V

D. 1.94 V
Answer: Option B
This is half wave Rectifier, because in +ve cycle both the diode will be in forward biased.

For +ve cycle,

Vo max = Imax. Req
2.59 x 10-3 x 1.66 x 103
4.299 volt.

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9. A voltage doubler circuit is fed by a voltage Vm sin ωt. The output voltage will be nearly 2 Vm only
A. load resistance is small

B. load resistance is large

C. load resistance is neither small nor large

D. either (a) or (c)

Answer: Option B
If load resistance is large, current would be low and voltage drop would be low.
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10. The purpose of connecting a coupling capacitor in the output circuit of an amplifier is
A. to increase voltage gain

B. to increase collector current

C. to block dc collector voltage

D. all of the above

Answer: Option C
Capacitor acts for ac or dc.
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11. Which component is allowed to pass through it by a choke filter?

A. Dc

B. Ac

C. Both dc and ac
D. Only high frequency ac
Answer: Option A
XL is zero for dc.
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12. In the diode circuit shown in figure the diodes are ideal. The impedance seen by source is
A. 1 k ohm

B. 2 k ohm

C. 0.5 k ohm

D. infinite
Answer: Option A
Only one diode conducts at one time.
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13. In an amplifier the stray capacitances assume impedance at low frequencies

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B

Stray capacitances assume importance at high frequencies because .

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14. In CE amplifier the base current is very high.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Base current is small.
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15. In the graphical analysis of CE amplifier circuit, the upper end of load line is called
A. saturation point
B. cut off point

C. Q point

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
Current is maximum at saturation point.
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16. A full wave rectifier supplies a load of 1 kΩ. The a.c. Voltage applied to the diodes is 220 - 0 -
220 Volts rms. If diode resistance is neglected, then Average d.c. Voltage
A. 220 V

B. 200 V

C. 198 V

D. 0 volts
Answer: Option C

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17. In the graphical analysis of an amplifier circuit, the slope of dc load line depends on
A. load resistance only

B. collector supply voltage only

C. both load resistance and collector supply voltage

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A

Slope is .
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18. In figure we need an ac ground. The proper value of C is

A. 1000 μF

B. 100 μF

C. 10 μF

D. 1 μF
Answer: Option A
XC should be less than 10% of 10 kΩ. There XC < 1000 Ω.
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19. For the circuit in figure the output wave shape is




Answer: Option D
It is a biased limiter circuit. During positive half clipping is at 5 V due to battery.
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20. In figure V0 =
A. 11 Vi

B. 10 Vi

C. Vi

D. 0
Answer: Option C

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21. In figure, ID = 4 mA. Then VS =

A. 20 V

B. 16 V

C. 6 V

D. 0.6 V
Answer: Option C
VS = 4 x 10-3 x 1.5 x 10-3 = 6 V.
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22. The circuit shown is

A. voltage series feedback amplifier

B. transconductance amplifier
C. transresistance amplifier with open circuit mutual resistance RF

D. transresistance amplifier with short circuit mutual resistance R F

Answer: Option C
Circuit can be redrawn as.

This is an inverting amplifier with inverting terminal virtual ground.

Hence, Vo = - iin RF
This RF is termed as mutual resistance here, Rm.
output voltage with load

Where R0 is output Resistance of Op-Amp.

if RL >> R0 output terminals become open circuited.
and VoL = Rm.Iin
where Rm work as mutual resistance.
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23. Consider 49 cascaded amplifiers having individual rise time as 2 n sec. 3 n sec. ... 50 n sec. The
input waveform rise time is 1 n sec. Then the output signal rise time is given time by (Assume
output signal rise time is measured within 10 percent range of the final output signal.)
A. 39 - 28 μsec

B. 2.28 μsec

C. 0.228 μsec

D. 39.28 μsec
Answer: Option C
Output rise time (tr) 1.1ti02 + t12 + ... + t492,
where t, t2 ... t49 are the individual rise time.
tr 1.1 (1 ns)2 + (2 ns)2 + (50 ns)2

1.1 0.228 msec.

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24. The zener diode in the rectangular circuit shown in the figure has a zener voltage of 5.8 volts
and a zener knee current of 0.5 mA. The maximum load current drawn from this circuit ensuring
proper functioning over the input voltage range between 20 and 30 volts, is
A. 23.7 mA

B. 14.2 mA

C. 13.7 mA

D. 24.2 mA
Answer: Option D
It is zener diode, hence 5.8 volt remain constant.
By applying KVL
30 = 1000 Imax + 5.8
Imax = 24.2 mA.
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25. In figure, ID = 4 mA. Then VDS =

A. 20 V

B. 16 V

C. 4 V

D. 0.4 V
Answer: Option C
VDS = VD - VS = 10-6 = 4 V.
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26. In figure, V0 =

A. 20 V

B. 10 V

C. 5 V

D. 0
Answer: Option D
Both collector terminals are at the same potential.
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27. In the circuit of figure diode will conduct

A. from 90 to 180° in the positive half cycle

B. from 30° to 180° in the positive half cycle

C. from 50° to 160° in the positive half cycle

D. from 30° to 150° in the positive half cycle

Answer: Option D
Diode will conduct when instantaneous value of ac voltage is more than 50 V.
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28. The input to integrating op-amp is a rectangular wave. The output will be
A. a sine wave

B. a rectangular wave

C. a triangular wave

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
Integral of constant is t.
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29. The most widely used diode rectifier circuit is

A. half wave

B. full wave with centre tapped transformer

C. bridge

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
Bridge rectifier has the advantage of lower PIV. Moreover it does not require centre tapped
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30. In figure, V0 =

A. -1 V

B. 2 V

C. +1 V

D. +15 V
Answer: Option B

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31. The main advantage of a crystal oscillator

A. can oscillate any frequency

B. gives a high output voltage

C. frequency of oscillation is almost constant

D. can operates at a low dc voltage

Answer: Option C
Crystal oscillator has the advantage of frequency stability.
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32. A full wave rectifier circuit using centre tapped transformer, the input frequency 50 Hz. The
frequency of output is
A. 100 Hz

B. 50 Hz

C. 25 Hz

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
There are two output waves in one cycle of input wave.
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33. If the midband gain of an amplifier is 40 dB, the gain at half power frequency is
A. 37 dB

B. 30 dB

C. 20 dB

D. 13 dB
Answer: Option A
Half power frequency is -3 dB frequency.
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34. It is desired to reduce distortion in an amplifier from 8% to 2% by using 5% negative feedback.

The open and closed loop gains respectively are
A. 60 and 15

B. 15 and 60

C. 6 and 1.5

D. 1.5 and 6
Answer: Option A

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35. An ideal op-amp requires

A. zero input offset voltage

B. low input offset voltage

C. high input offset voltage

D. infinite input offset voltage

Answer: Option A
An ideal Op-amp has identical transistors and hence does not require input offset voltage.
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36. The JFET in the circuit shown in figure has an IDSS = 10 mA and Vp = -5V. The value of the
resistance Rs for a drain current IDS = 6.4 mA is

A. 156 Ω
B. 470 Ω

C. 560 Ω

D. 1 kΩ
Answer: Option A

VGS = - 1 V

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37. In figure, V0 =

A. zero

B. 5.7 V

C. 6.9 V

D. 12.6 V
Answer: Option C
Output voltage is j 6.3 + 0.7 V.
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38. In the op-amp circuit of figure, V0 =

A. 10 V

B. -10 V

C. 5 V

D. -5 V
Answer: Option B

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39. In figure the zener has a resistance of 5 ohms. As the load resistance is varied, the output

A. will remain constant at 12 V

B. will vary between 12.05 and 12.65 V

C. will vary from 10 to 20 V

D. will remain constant at 12.05 V

Answer: Option B
V0 = 12 + Iz x 5, Max Iz = 130 mA, minimum Iz = 10 mA.
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40. Percentage increase in the reverse saturation current of a diode if the temperature is increased
from 25°C to 50°C
A. 50%

B. 500%

C. 565.7%

D. 575.6%
Answer: Option C

= 2(T2 - T1)/10

= 2(50-25)/10 x 100% 565.7% .

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41. The transistor of following figure in Si diode with a base current of 40 μA and ICBO = 0, if VBB = 6V,
RE = 2 kΩ and β = 90, IBQ = 20 μA then IEQ =

A. 1800 μA

B. 180 μA

C. 2000 μA

D. 3000 μA
Answer: Option A

, ICQ = β IBQ = 90 x 20 μA = 1800 μA.

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42. In a self bias circuit for CE amplifier, an increase in emitter resistance R E results in
A. increase in emitter voltage
B. decrease in emitter voltage

C. increase in emitter current

D. decrease in emitter current

Answer: Option D
Emitter voltage is the same. Increase of emitter resistance decreases with emitter current.
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43. For a BJT if β = 50, ICEO = 3 μA and IC = 1.2 mA then IE

A. 1 mA

B. 1.2 mA

C. 1.3 mA

D. 1.4 mA
Answer: Option B
IE = IC + IB .
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44. In the CE circuit shown in figure the slope of ac load line will be





Answer: Option B
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45. When the circuit is switched on, the loop gain of a Wien bridge oscillator is
A. 1

B. more than 1

C. less than 1

D. about 0.5
Answer: Option B
The initial loop gain must be more than 1.
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46. The op-amp circuit shown in the figure is a filter. The type of filter and its cut off type of filter and
its cut off frequency are respectively.

A. high Pass, 1000 rad/sec

B. low Pass, 100 rad/sec

C. high Pass, 10000 rad/sec

D. low pass, 10000 rad/sec

Answer: Option A
At 1000 Hz frequency,

Hence, high pass filter, .

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47. In a capacitor filter, the time constant RLC should be small.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
Time constant should be large.
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48. A 741 type op-amp has a gain bandwidth product of 1 MHz. A non-inverting amplifier using this
op-amp and having a voltage gain of 20 dB will exhibit a -3dB bandwidth of
A. 50 kHz

B. 100 kHz



Answer: Option B
As we know, Gain Bandwidth, Product = β x A
106 = β x A
20 log A = 20
A = 10' 10
β = 100 kHz.
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49. In a full wave rectifier circuit using centre tapped transformer, the peak voltage across half the
secondary winding is 40 V. If diodes are ideal, the average output voltage is
A. 40 V

B. 25.5 V

C. 20 V

D. 2.55 V
Answer: Option B
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50. In the circuit of figure, PIV can be up to

A. Em

B. 2 Em

C. 0.5 Em

D. 2 Em
Answer: Option B
Peak inverse voltage can be upto 2Em since capacitor can store charge equal to Em.
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1. It is desired to reduce distortion in a CE amplifier circuit. We should

A. reduce emitter current

B. reduce collector current

C. reduce ac base voltage

D. reduce base emitter voltage

Answer: Option D
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2. In the circuit of figure β = 50 and VBE = 0.5 V. The quiescent value of base current IB is

A. about 28 μA

B. about 28 mA

C. about 0.28 μA

D. about 2.8 A
Answer: Option A
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3. For a push pull circuit the most favoured biasing method is

A. self bias

B. emitter bias

C. diode bias

D. collector bias
Answer: Option C
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4. In feedback amplifier the closed loop gain is nearly independent of open loop gain and depends
only on the feedback factor.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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5. In a N-P-N transistor, when emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse
biased, the transistor will operate in
A. active region

B. saturation region

C. cut of region

D. inverted region
Answer: Option A
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6. A feedback network to be used with an amplifier to provide oscillation is tested and found to give
an output of 0.124 V with a 0.5 V input. What percentage negative feedback should be
introduced to the amplifier so that linear oscillations result?
A. 1.25%

B. 2.50%

C. -1.25%

D. -2.5%
Answer: Option C
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7. The advantage of Weinbridge oscillator over the phase shift oscillator is that oscillator the
frequency may be varied over a range of
A. 1:2

B. 1 : 3

C. 1 : 5

D. 1 : 10
Answer: Option D
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8. In figure the input and output Miller capacitances are

A. 0.25 μF each

B. 500 pF each

C. 0.25 μF and 500 pF respectively

D. 500 pF and 0.25 μF respectively

Answer: Option A
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9. An inverting amplifier has R1 = 10 kΩ, and Rf = 150 kΩ then the O/P voltage, if input voltage Vi =
1 volt.
A. -15 V

B. -10 V

C. 15 V

D. -14 V
Answer: Option A
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10. Figure uses 10 V zener diode. The minimum and maximum current through series resistance

A. 10 mA and 30 mA

B. 20 mA and 40 mA
C. 0 and 30 mA

D. 0 and 40 mA
Answer: Option A

Minimum current = = 10 mA.

Minimum current = = 30 mA.

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11. When Z1 << Z, The circuit of figure works as

A. inverting amplifier

B. Schmitt trigger

C. non-inverting amplifier

D. source follower
Answer: Option D
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12. In a class C operation VCC = 40 V, RL = 50 Ω. The maximum load power can be

A. 64 W

B. 32 W

C. 16 W

D. 8 W
Answer: Option C
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13. IF VCC = 15 V, VCEQ = 5 V and ICQ = 50 mA, the efficiency in class A operation is
A. 100%

B. 50%

C. 25%

D. 16.7%
Answer: Option D
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14. A bridge rectifier circuit has a dc load current of 10 mA and a filter capacitance of 1000 μF. The
peak to peak ripple voltage is
A. 0.01 V

B. 0.05 V

C. 0.1 V

D. 0.5 V
Answer: Option C

Peak to peak ripple voltage = .

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15. Which of the following best represents the bandwidth of an actual op-amp?
A. 100 Hz to 1 MHz

B. 0 Hz to 100 kHz

C. 0 Hz to 10 MHz

D. 0 Hz to infinity
Answer: Option B
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16. For an ideal noise free transistor amplifier the noise factor is
A. zero

B. zero dB

C. 1 dB

D. depends on other factors

Answer: Option B
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17. In a crystal
A. the frequencies of series and parallel resonance are equal

B. the frequency of series resonance is more than frequency of parallel resonance

C. the frequency of parallel resonance is more than frequency of series resonance

D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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18. Voltage VL in the circuit when Vs < 0 where D is an ideal diode. (Take R1 = Rs = RL = 1 Ω)

A. 0

B. 1

C. 1.5

D. cannot find
Answer: Option A
if Vs ≥ 0, then id ≥ 0

if Vs < 0 then id < 0, Diode D is replaced by and open ckt and id = 0, hence VL = id . RL = 0.
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19. Ultra high frequency oscillators work in the range

A. 20 Hz to 20 kHz

B. 1 kHz to 30 kHz

C. 30 kHz to 30 MHz

D. above 30 MHz
Answer: Option D
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20. N-channel FETs are superior to p-channel FETs because

A. mobility of electrons is smaller than that of holes

B. mobility of electrons is greater than that of holes

C. they consume less power

D. they have high switching time

Answer: Option B
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21. For the amplifier in figure, β = 800. The mid-band voltage gain V0/Vi is

A. 0

B. < 1

C. ≈ 1

D. 800
Answer: Option C
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22. In the circuit of figure, v0 =

A. 3 v1 + 4 v2

B. -3 v1 - 4 v2

C. 4 v1 + 3 v2

D. -4 v1 - 3 v2
Answer: Option B
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23. Class C amplifier is suitable for

A. a narrow frequency band

B. a wide frequency band

C. audio frequencies

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
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24. In a N-P-N transistor, when emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse
biased the transistor will operate in
A. active region

B. saturation region

C. cut-off region

D. inverted region
Answer: Option A
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25. A Wien bridge is suitable for

A. audio frequencies only

B. radio frequencies only

C. both audio and radio frequencies

D. very low frequencies only

Answer: Option A
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26. The signal input to a given amplifier is made up of 100 mΩ signal power and 1 mΩ noise power.
The amplifier contributes an additional 100 mΩ of noise and has a power gain of 20 dB. The
noise factor is
A. 1

B. 1.5

C. 2.0
D. 15
Answer: Option C
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27. Assertion (A): The gain of an FET amplifier can be changed by changing gm
Reason (R): Most receivers use automatic gain control to counteract changes in volume caused
by fading
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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28. The element in the feedback circuit of a logarithmic amplifier using op-amp is
A. a resistor

B. a capacitor

C. an inductor

D. a diode
Answer: Option D
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29. In a FET, gm varies as



C. 1/IDS

Answer: Option D
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30. Assertion (A): Class A and Class B amplifier predominate in audio applications.
Reason (R): Class C amplifier is used at radio frequencies.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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31. At midband frequencies the coupling capacitor in RC coupled CE amplifier may be considered
A. open circuit

B. short circuit

C. a reactance equal to load resistance

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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32. An engineer designs an amplifier to have a voltage gain of 60, but when constructed it only had
a gain of 50. What percentage of feedback will cause oscillations?
A. 0.1%

B. 0.5%

C. 1%

D. 2%
Answer: Option D
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33. The bandwidth of an amplifier is BW, of n-stage of such as amplifier are cascaded, the
bandwidth will become
A. n BW



Answer: Option D
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34. If a class C power amplifier has an input signal with frequency of 200 kHz and the width of
collector current pulses of 0.1 ms, then the duty cycle of the amplifier will be
A. 1%

B. 2%

C. 10%

D. 20%
Answer: Option D
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35. An ideal voltage amplifier should have

A. low input impedance and high output impedance

B. high input impedance and low output impedance

C. high input impedance and high output impedance

D. low input impedance and low output impedance

Answer: Option B
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36. The h parameter equivalent circuit of BJT has one voltage source and one current source.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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37. The voltage eo indicated in the figure has been measured by an ideal voltmeter. Which of the
following can be calculated?

A. Bias current of inverting input only

B. Bias current of inverting and non-inverting inputs only

C. Input offset current only

D. Both the bias currents and the I/P offset current

Answer: Option C
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38. In an RC-coupled amplifier for improving the low frequency response

A. lower RL is provided

B. more bias is used

C. less gain is provided

D. higher CC is used
Answer: Option D
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39. The circuit of figure is

A. Precision integrator

B. Hartley oscillator

C. Butterworth high pass filter

D. Wien bridge oscillator

Answer: Option D
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40. The minimum gate source voltage that creates the n-type inversion layer is called
A. cut off voltage

B. on voltage

C. threshold voltage

D. zener voltage
Answer: Option C
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41. In figure gain bandwidth product is

A. 200 Hz

B. 200 MHz

C. 200 kHz

D. 2 MHz
Answer: Option C
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42. Consider the following statements

A totem pole configuration used in the output stage if an op-amp has the advantage of using
1. Only n-p-n BJTs
2. Complementary symmetrical pair of transistors
3. Only one transistor
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A. 1 alone

B. 2 alone

C. 3 alone

D. 1 and 3
Answer: Option A
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43. Assertion (A): An op-amp amplifier can amplify dc signal

Reason (R): An op-amp amplifier is a direct coupled amplifier
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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44. The most common method for biasing a JFET is

A. reverse bias

B. self bias

C. voltage divider bias

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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45. Which of the following figures is an ideal equivalent circuit of a n-p-n transistor?

A. figure A

B. figure B

C. figure C

D. none
Answer: Option B
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46. Which op-amp circuit uses a capacitor in series with input and resistance in feedback path?
A. Differentiating amplifier

B. Integrating amplifier

C. Logarithmic amplifier

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
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47. For class B operation the theoretical maximum efficiency is

A. 100%

B. 78.5%

C. 50%

D. 27.5%
Answer: Option B
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48. Typical values of current gains for CE, CB and CC amplifiers are
A. 120, 120 and 1 respectively

B. 120, 1 and 120 respectively

C. 1, 120 and 120 respectively

D. 1, 1 and 120 respectively

Answer: Option B
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49. To draw ac equivalent circuit for a CE amplifier we should

A. Reduce all dc sources to zero
B. Short all capacitors

C. Reduce all dc sources to zero and short all capacitors

D. Reduce all dc sources to zero and open all capacitors

Answer: Option C
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50. In the circuit of figure, the value of re is (neglecting vbe)

A. 100 Ω

B. 75 Ω

C. 50 Ω

D. 25 Ω
Answer: Option D

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1. In a transistor amplifier, the reverse saturation current ICO

A. Doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature

B. Doubles for every 20°C rise in temperature

C. Increase 100°C with temperature

D. Doubles for every 5°C rise in temperature

Answer: Option A
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2. When the emitter current of a transistor is changed by 1 mA, its collector current changes by
0.990 mA. The common-emitter short-circuit current gain is
A. 1

B. 199

C. 99

D. 9.9
Answer: Option C
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3. In figure Vi may vary from 15 to 20 V and load current may vary from 20 mA to 100 mA. Suitable
maximum value of R is

A. 20 Ω

B. 50 Ω

C. 100 Ω

D. 200 Ω
Answer: Option B
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4. Assertion (A): A common collector amplifier is used for matching a high impedance source to a
low impedance load
Reason (R): A common collector amplifier has a near unity voltage gain
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong
D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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5. In a crystal oscillator of the Colpitt's oscillator type, the crystal is put is place of the
A. resistor R1

B. condenser C2

C. condenser C1

D. inductor L
Answer: Option D
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6. Astable multivibrator has

A. one stable state

B. two stable state

C. two quasi-stable states

D. one quasi stable state

Answer: Option C
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7. Most small signal transistors are

A. N-P-N, silicon, in a plastic package

B. P-N-P, silicon, in a plastic package

C. N-P-N, germanium in a metallic case

D. P-N-P, germanium in a metallic case

Answer: Option A
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8. A FET is a better clapper than a BJT because it has

A. lower off-set voltage

B. higher series ON resistance

C. lower input current

D. higher input impedance

Answer: Option A
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9. The input gate current of FET is closer to

A. few amperes

B. few milli amperes

C. few microamperes

D. negligibly smaller value

Answer: Option D
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10. When a 1 V increase in gate voltage changes the drain current 10 mA in an FET, its gm equals
A. 10 μμ

B. 100 μμ

C. 1000 μμ

D. 10000 μμ
Answer: Option D
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11. In the circuit shown in the given figure, the current flowing through resistance of 100 Ω would be

A. 8 mA

B. 10 mA

C. 20 mA

D. 100 mA
Answer: Option A
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12. A sine wave is passed through an amplifier which severely limits it symmetrically. If then passes
to a second amplifier which is narrow band and tuned to the frequency of the original sine wave.
What will be the output wave from this second amplifier?
A. A square wave of the same frequency as that of the original sine wave

B. A square wave of double the frequency of that of original sine wave

C. A sine wave of constant amplitude at the frequency of the original sine wave

D. A sine wave of constant amplitude at double frequency of the original sine wave
Answer: Option C
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13. In which configuration is ac collector voltage zero?



D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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14. Which connection is rarely used?




D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B
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15. Assertion (A): The main use of positive feedback is in oscillator circuits.
Reason (R): In an oscillator the loop gain Aβ is kept slightly more than unity
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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16. In a transistor which of the following region is very lightly doped and is very thin?
A. Emitter

B. Base

C. Collector

D. None of the above

Answer: Option B
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17. The properties of FETs closely resemble those of a
A. thermionic valve

B. P-N-P transistor

C. N-P-N transistor

Answer: Option A
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18. The purpose of providing groundings rings with MOSFET is to

A. avoid any stray voltage at the gate that may destroy SiO2 layer

B. protect against any descaling

C. ground all eddy currents

D. protect against any physical injury

Answer: Option A
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19. The minimum value of hfe of a transistor used in RC phase shift oscillator is
A. 54.4

B. 45.4

C. 44.5

D. 29
Answer: Option C
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20. Self bias is an example of __________ feedback that tends to stabilize the drain current against
changes in temperature and JFET replacement.
A. variable

B. low
C. negative

D. positive
Answer: Option C
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21. In voltage amplifiers, the load resistance

A. should be a small as possible

B. should be as large as possible

C. must be equal to output impedance

D. must be half of output impedance

Answer: Option B
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22. The RC network of wein bridge oscillator consists of resistors and capacitors of values R = 220
kΩ and C = 250 PF Determine the frequency of oscillation
A. 2.98 kHz

B. 3 kHz

C. 2 kHz

D. 10 kHz
Answer: Option A
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23. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. FET and junction transistor both are unipolar

B. FET and junction transistor both are bipolar

C. The FET is bipolar, while junction transistor are unipolar

D. The FET is unipolar, while junction transistor are bipolar

Answer: Option D
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24. In a single stage differential amplifier, the output offset voltage is basically dependent on the
mismatch of
A. VBE, IB and β

B. VBE and IB

C. IB and β

D. VBE and β
Answer: Option C
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25. In figure the dc load line will meet the y and x axis respectively at

A. 20 mA and 30 V

B. 15 mA and 20 V

C. 25 mA and 40 V

D. 10 mA and 20 V
Answer: Option A
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26. Transformer coupling is mostly used in

A. RF amplifier

B. audio amplifier

C. both audio and RF amplifier

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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27. Which of the following method cannot be used to increase the bandwidth for cascaded RF
amplifier stages?
A. Wave traps in each stage

B. Stagger tuning

C. A shunt damping resistor across each tuned circuit

D. Doubled tuned transformers with tighter coupling

Answer: Option A
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28. The current ICBO flows in

A. base and emitter leads

B. base and collector leads

C. collector and emitter leads

D. collector, emitter and base leads

Answer: Option B
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29. The h parameter h11 is the same in CE and CC circuit.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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30. A second-order band-pass active filter can be obtained by cascading a low pass second order
section having cut off frequency fOH with a high pass second order section having cut-off
frequency fOL provided
A. fOH > fOL
B. fOH < fOL

C. fOH = fOL

D. fOH ≤ 1/2fOL
Answer: Option A
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31. Class A and Class B power amplifiers predominate at

A. audio frequencies

B. radio frequencies

C. all frequencies

D. audio and radio frequency

Answer: Option A
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32. In a class C operation VCC = 30 V and VCE(sat) = 2 V. The efficiency is

A. 93.75%

B. 88%

C. 6.66%

D. 3.33%
Answer: Option A
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33. In a CE amplifier, the collector resistance is 6 kΩ and load resistance is 3 kΩ. The ac load
resistance is
A. 9 kΩ

B. 6 kΩ

C. 3 kΩ

D. 2 kΩ
Answer: Option D
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34. A voltage tripler circuit uses

A. 2 diodes and 2 capacitors

B. 3 diodes and 3 capacitors

C. 2 diodes and 3 capacitors

D. 3 diodes and 2 capacitors

Answer: Option B
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35. An op-amp uses

A. RC coupling

B. direct coupling

C. transformer coupling

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option B
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36. In a biased limiter the clipping level can be adjusted by adjusting the voltage of battery.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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37. One input terminal of high gain comparator circuit is connected to ground and a sinusoidal
voltage is applied to the other input. The output of comparator will be
A. sinusoidal

B. full rectified sinusoidal

C. half rectified sinusoidal

D. square wave
Answer: Option D
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38. 3N 200 is a
A. semi-conductor diode

B. P-N-P transistor

C. dual gate MOSFET

Answer: Option C
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39. The A.C. resistance of the emitter diode will be

A. 5.05 Ω

B. 50.5 Ω

C. 505 Ω

D. 5050 Ω
Answer: Option B
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40. For a transistor amplifier with self biasing network, the following components are used. R 1 = 4
kΩ, R2 = 4 kΩ, RC = 1 kΩ. The approximate value of the stability factor 'S' will be
A. 4

B. 3

C. 2

D. 1.5
Answer: Option B
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41. The gate electrode in the FET corresponds to the
A. collector in a bipolar transistor

B. base in a bipolar transistor

C. emitter in a bipolar transistor

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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42. The properties of JFET resemble those of

A. thermionic values

B. N-P-N transistors

C. P-N-P transistors

D. unijunction transistor
Answer: Option B
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43. Assertion (A): Transformer coupling has the disadvantage of the weight of transformer and
Saturation of core
Reason (R): Transformer coupling is very suitable for impedance matching
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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44. A Hartley oscillator is used for generation

A. very low frequency oscillation

B. radio frequency oscillation

C. microwave oscillation
D. audio-frequency oscillation
Answer: Option D
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45. In a CE class A amplifier the quiescent current and voltage are ICQ and VCEQ. The maximum
power output can be



D. 2 (VCEQ)(ICQ)
Answer: Option B
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46. The ripple factor of a power supply is





Answer: Option B
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47. In a P-N-P junction transistor as compared to base region is more heavily doped so that
A. leakage current is minimized

B. recombination will be increased in the base region

C. the flow across the base regional is only because of electrons

D. the flow across the base region is mainly because of holes

Answer: Option D
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48. In every practical oscillator the loop gain is slightly more than unit and amplitude of oscillations is
limited by
A. magnitude of loop gain

B. onset of non-linearity

C. magnitude of gain

D. β
Answer: Option B
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49. Which of the following is not valid in case of FETs?

A. It has low voltage gain

B. It has high input impedance

C. It has fast switching time

D. It is voltage controlled device

Answer: Option C
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50. When the emitter current of a transistor is changed by 1 mA, its collector current changes by
0.990 mA. The common base short circuit current gain  for the transistor is
A. 0.99

B. 1.01

C. 1.001

D. 0.990
Answer: Option A
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1. Which of the following amplifier circuits has highest input impedance?

A. Circuit using BJT

B. Circuit using JFET

C. Circuit using MOSFET

D. Either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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2. Which of the following device acts as an N-P-N and a P-N-P transistor connected base to base
and emitter to controller?


C. Diac

D. Triac
Answer: Option B
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3. A differentiating amplifier has capacitor in the input path.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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4. Which of the following statement about TRIAC is incorrect?

A. It is not particularly suited to A.C. or mains power control

B. Any one of its main terminals can be used either as cathode or as anode

C. It can be triggered in response to both positive and negative gate terminals

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
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5. A half wave diode rectifier and full wave diode bridge rectifier both have an input frequency of 50
Hz. The frequencies of outputs respectively are
A. 100 Hz and 50 Hz

B. 50 Hz and 100 Hz

C. 100 Hz each

D. 50 Hz each
Answer: Option B
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6. Tuned amplifiers are used at radio frequencies.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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7. The knee voltages in silicon and germanium diodes respectively are

A. 0.3 V and 0.7 V

B. 0.7 V and 0.3 V

C. 0.7 V each

D. 0.3 V each
Answer: Option B
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8. In calculating input impedance, the load impedance is considered to be connected at the output.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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9. In a transistor βdc is likely to vary between 100 and 400. The proper value of β dc to be used to
located Q point is
A. 100

B. 400

C. 250

D. 200
Answer: Option D
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10. Which of the following noise becomes of great importance at high frequencies?
A. Shot noise

B. Agitation noise

C. Flicker noise

D. Transit time noise

Answer: Option D
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11. Assertion (A): The duty cycle of a class C amplifier affects the power dissipation of transistor
Reason (R): At higher harmonics the efficiency of a class C amplifier becomes poor
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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12. If the op-amp in figure has a unity gain frequency of 1 MHz, the cut off frequency is

A. 100 kHz

B. 1 MHz

C. 10 MHz

D. 90 MHz
Answer: Option A
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13. In a self bias circuit for CE amplifier the collector supply voltage is made twice. The collector
current will
A. decrease

B. increase

C. remain the same

D. increase or decrease
Answer: Option B
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14. In a full wave voltage doubler circuit, the input frequency is 560 Hz. The ripple frequency is
A. 25 Hz

B. 50 Hz

C. 100 Hz

D. 200 Hz
Answer: Option C
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15. Assertion (A): A tuned amplifier uses a parallel tuned circuit

Reason (R): A tuned amplifier is used to amplify a narrowband frequencies
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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16. The ac collector current is nearly equal to

A. ac base current

B. ac signal current

C. ac supply current

D. ac emitter current
Answer: Option D
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17. From a measurement of the rise time of the output pulse of an amplifier whose input is a small
amplitude square wave, one can estimate the following parameter of the amplifier
A. gain bandwidth product

B. slew rate

C. upper 3 dB frequency

D. lower 3 dB frequency
Answer: Option C
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18. In an amplifier, if the output current flows for 120° of the input cycle, the class of amplifier will be
A. A

B. B

C. C

Answer: Option C
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19. Assertion (A): If we overdrive an amplifier the output signal may get clipped
Reason (R): To dissipate heat to atmosphere a heat sink is sometimes attached to the case of
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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20. Which op-amp circuit uses a diode as one of the circuit components?
A. Integrating amplifier

B. Differentiating amplifier

C. Logarithmic amplifier

D. Summing amplifier
Answer: Option C
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21. Overall efficiency of class B amplifier is

A. 72%

B. 75%

C. 78.5%

D. 70%
Answer: Option C
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22. For a transistor to have-a larger β it must have and a

A. close to zero

B. close to 0.5

C. close to unity

D. nearly infinite
Answer: Option C
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23. JFET is also known as

A. linear device

B. square law device

C. inverse law device

D. logarithmic law device

Answer: Option B
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24. Drain feedback bias is often used with



C. both D and E MOSFETs

D. neither D nor E MOSFETs

Answer: Option B
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25. CMRR of a difference amplifier is equal to

A. (Av')/(Acom)

B. Av/Acom

C. Acom/Av'

D. (Av)/(Acom)2
Answer: Option A
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26. In a class C amplifier, full cycle conductor of the current is achieved by employing
A. tuned circuit

B. transformers

C. complementary pair

D. Push pull configuration

Answer: Option A
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27. Higher order active filters are used for variable

A. bandwidth

B. gain in the pass band

C. impedance

D. roll off rate

Answer: Option D
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28. Which of the following statement is false?

A. The gate of DMOSFET may be biased positively, zero or negatively

B. N-channel enhancement-only MOSFET conducts only when its gate is highly positive

C. JFET has lower input impedance than MOSFET

D. The bipolar base is forward biased, JFET gate must also be forward biased
Answer: Option D
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29. Assertion (A): The main use of Miller integrator is to generate ramp
Reason (R): An inverting amplifier can handle more than one input at the same time.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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30. In figure, IC ≈

A. I1


C. 0.5 I1

D. 0.5 IB
Answer: Option A
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31. High cut off frequency can be expected in case of

A. common-base

B. common-emitter
C. common-collector

D. all of the above

Answer: Option C
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32. Which coupling produces the minimum interference with frequency response?
A. RC coupling

B. Transformer coupling

C. Direct coupling

D. Impedance coupling
Answer: Option C
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33. Assertion (A): A sine wave with slew rate distortion looks rectangular
Reason (R): The maximum rate of output voltage change is called slew rate
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option D
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34. In a P-N-P transistor, electrons flow

A. into the transistor at the collector only

B. into the transistor at the base and the collector leads

C. out of the transistor at base and collector leads

D. out of the transistor at base, collector as well as emitter leads

Answer: Option B
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35. A generator with an internal resistance of 600 Ω drives an amplifier whose input resistance is
400 Ω. The generator's open circuit voltages is 1 mV; the amplifier develops 100mV across an
8kΩ load. The input voltage to the amplifier is
A. 0.1 m V

B. 0.4 m V

C. 1 m V

D. 4 m V
Answer: Option B
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36. Thermal run away of a transistor occurs when

A. heat dissipation from transistor is excessive

B. transistor joints melt due to high temperature

C. there is excessive leakage current due to temperature rise

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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37. JFET has __________ degree of isolation between input and output, and a __________ noise
A. low, low

B. high, high

C. low, high

D. high, low
Answer: Option D
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38. The advantage of FET over BJT is

A. high input impedance

B. lower noise
C. no thermal runaway

D. all of the above

Answer: Option D
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39. The MOSFET is almost ideal as a switching device because

A. it has linear characteristics

B. it works progressively

C. it consumes low power

D. it has longer life

Answer: Option C
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40. The input and output signals for CE amplifier are always
A. equal

B. in phase

C. out of phase

D. complementary to each other

Answer: Option C
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41. The voltage gains of an amplifier without feedback and with negative feedback respectively are
100 and 20. The percentage of negative feedback (β) would be
A. 40%

B. 5%

C. 20%

D. 80%
Answer: Option A
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42. Figure shows a


B. n-channel MOSFET

C. p-channel MOSFET

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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43. Three cascaded stages have gains of 10, 20 and 25. The overall gain will be
A. 10

B. 55

C. 500

D. 5000
Answer: Option D
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44. Find the odd one out

A. sweep voltage generator

B. multivibrators

C. sine wave oscillators

D. blocking oscillators
Answer: Option C
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45. The equivalent circuit shown in figure is for




D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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46. In a one pole active low pass filter, the cut off frequency is fc. Then
A. gain decreases at the rate of 20 dB per decade increase in frequency above fc

B. gain decreases at the rate of 20 dB per decade decrease in frequency below fc

C. gain decreases at the rate of 40 dB per decade increase in frequency above fc

D. gain decreases at the rate 40 dB per decade decrease in frequency below fc

Answer: Option A
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47. Turn off time of a transistor switch is equal to (where ts is storage time and tf is fall time.)
A. ts + tf

B. ts - tf

C. 2ts

D. 2tf
Answer: Option A
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48. In a CE amplifier circuit the emitter by pass capacitor is remove. The ac output voltage
A. increases

B. remains the same

C. increases or decreases

D. decreases
Answer: Option D
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49. In a differential amplifier, CMRR can be improved by using an increased

A. emitter resistance

B. collector resistance

C. power supply voltages

D. source resistance
Answer: Option A
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50. If ac resistance of diode is re, then In CE, BJT amplifier the input impedance is
A. re

B. β re


D. (βre)2
Answer: Option B
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1. Pick the odd-one out

A. Hartley Oscillator

B. Colpitt oscillator

C. Clapp oscillator
D. Weinbridge oscillator
Answer: Option D
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2. In a CE amplifier the output coupling capacitor is short circuited. The dc collector voltage
A. will increase

B. may increase or decrease

C. will remain the same

D. will decrease
Answer: Option D
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3. A certain transistor has dc of 0.98 and a collectors leakage current of 5 μA. If IE = 1 mA, the
collector current will be
A. 1.005 mA

B. 0.985 mA

C. 0.975 mA

D. 0.955 mA
Answer: Option B
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4. If 1.5% of the output of an amplifier is feedback positively to the input, the minimum gain
required of the amplifier for oscillations to occur, is
A. 16.6

B. 44.4

C. 66.6

D. 75
Answer: Option C
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5. The use of a capacitor filter in a rectifier circuit gives satisfactory performance only when the
A. current is high

B. current is low

C. voltage is high

D. voltage is low
Answer: Option B
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6. The transconductance curve of a JFET is

A. a straight line

B. parabolic

C. hyperbolic

D. inverted V-type
Answer: Option B
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7. The input resistance R, of an ideal voltage amplifier is __________ and that of a current
amplifier is __________ .
A. zero, zero

B. infinite, infinite

C. zero, infinite

D. infinite, zero
Answer: Option D
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8. In CE amplifier circuit, voltage gain is directly proportional to

A. β

B. collector supply voltage

C. base resistance

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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9. The heat sink disposes off heat mainly by

A. radiation

B. natural convection

C. forced convection

D. conduction
Answer: Option B
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10. A major advantage of TWT over a Klystron lies in its

A. higher bandwidth

B. higher gain

C. higher frequency

D. higher output
Answer: Option B
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11. When narrow current pulses drive a high Q resonant circuit the voltage across the circuit looks
A. narrow pulses

B. half sine wave

C. almost sine wave

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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12. The multivibrator circuit that has a typical application of converting sinusoidal input into a square
wave output is
A. emitter coupled binary

B. Schmitt trigger

C. monoshot multivibrator

D. free-running multivibrator
Answer: Option B
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13. Symbol shown in figure represents a

A. P-channel enhancement MOSFET

B. N-channel DEMOSFET

C. UJT with P-type base

D. UJT with N-type base

Answer: Option A
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14. The feedback resistance rd in small signal model of MOSFET is of the order of
A. 1000 MΩ

B. 1 MΩ

C. 1 KΩ

D. 100 Ω
Answer: Option A
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15. Which amplifier has a voltage gain of less than 1?
A. Common emitter

B. Common collector

C. Common base

D. Both CB and CC
Answer: Option B
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16. A clamper
A. adds a dc component to the input signal

B. removes signal voltages above or below a specified value

C. both (a) and (b)

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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17. For holding the drain current constant in spite of large changes in JFET parameters
A. current source bias is used

B. voltage divider bias is used

C. reverse bias is used

D. no bias is used
Answer: Option A
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18. The main disadvantage of a JFET is

A. low gain-bandwidth product

B. high noise level

C. high cost

D. low gain
Answer: Option A
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19. For Q >> 1, the output frequency of LC oscillator is equal to resonant frequency.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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20. At the peak of negative half cycle in figure

A. diode A is forward biased and diode B is reverse biased

B. both diodes are reverse biased

C. both diodes are forward biased

D. diode A is reverse biased and diode B is forward biased

Answer: Option D
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21. IN 3242 is a
A. P-N-P transistor

B. N-P-N transistor


D. semi-conductor diode
Answer: Option D
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22. Low frequency response of amplifier is mainly limited by
A. input capacitor

B. bypass capacitor

C. output capacitor

D. biasing capacitor
Answer: Option B
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23. With negative feedback the closed loop gain is always less than open loop gain.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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24. As compared to a bipolar transistor, a JFET is

A. highly sensitive to changes in input voltage

B. more sensitive to changes in input voltage

C. less sensitive to changes in input voltage

D. equally sensitive to changes in input voltage

Answer: Option C
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25. In a bistable multivibrator, commutating capacitors are used to

A. increase the base storage charge

B. provide ac coupling

C. increase the speed of response

D. alter the frequency of the output

Answer: Option C
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26. Two 3Ω speakers in series will have a total impedance of
A. 1Ω


C. 3 Ω

D. 6 Ω
Answer: Option B
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27. The input resistance Ri of the amplifier shown in the figure


B. 100 kΩ

C. 40 kΩ

D. ∞
Answer: Option B
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28. In a CE amplifier the ac signal is increased. Which of the following will not change?
A. Ac base voltage

B. Ac collector voltage

C. Ac emitter voltage
D. Ac collector voltage and ac emitter voltage
Answer: Option C
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29. The ideal op-amp has the following characteristics

A. Ri = ∞, A = ∞, R0 = 0

B. Ri = 0, A = ∞, R0 = 0

C. Ri = ∞, A = 0, R0 = 0

D. Ri = 0, A = ∞, R0 = ∞
Answer: Option A
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30. The input differential stage of op-amp. 741 is baised at about 10 μA current such a low current of
the input stage gives
1. high CMRR
2. high differential gain
3. low differential
4. high input impedance
Which of these are correct?
A. 1 and 2

B. 1, 2 and 4

C. 3 and 4

D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: Option B
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31. A Darlington circuit is obtained by connecting

A. two CB stages in cascade

B. two CE stages in cascade

C. a CE stages followed by CB stage

D. two emitter follower in cascade
Answer: Option A
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32. A CE amplifier has a high input signal. In the wave shape of emitter current
A. positive and negative half cycles will be symmetrical

B. positive half cycle will be elongated and negative half cycle will be compressed

C. positive half cycle will be compressed and negative half cycle will be elongated

D. the half cycles may be either elongated or compressed

Answer: Option B
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33. An inverting voltage feedback is a

A. voltage amplifier

B. current amplifier

C. current to voltage converter

D. voltage to current converter

Answer: Option C
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34. If a transistor is operating with both of its Junctions forward biased, but with the collector base
forward biased, but with the collector base forward bias greater than the emitter-base forward
bias, then it is operating in the
A. forward active mode

B. reverse saturation mode

C. reverse active mode

D. forward saturation mode

Answer: Option C
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35. In a CE amplifier the Q point is very close to cutoff point on the load line. This results in
A. saturation clipping

B. cut off clipping

C. both saturation and cut off clipping

D. either saturation clipping or cut off clipping

Answer: Option B
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36. If the value of C2 and C3 are doubled, the oscillation frequency will be
A. quadrupled

B. doubled

C. unchanged

D. halved
Answer: Option C
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37. Which of the following statement about JFET is correct?

A. In an N-channel JFET, the channel is the narrowest under zero gate bias condition

B. In a JFET the gates are always forward biased

C. In a JFET, gate-source cut off voltage is numerically equal to the pinch off voltage

D. It is a voltage controlled device

Answer: Option C
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38. Assertion (A): In Darlington pair, the overall β is product of individual β s

Reason (R): The voltage gain of a base driven amplifier is equal to ac collector voltage divided
by ac base voltage
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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39. A Wien bridge oscillator uses Wien bridge for

A. tuning and phase shift

B. tuning

C. phase shift

D. either tuning or phase shift

Answer: Option A
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40. A cascade amplifier will have higher cut off frequency

A. equal to that of single stage amplifier

B. less than that of single stage amplifier

C. more than that of single stage amplifier

D. none of these
Answer: Option B
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41. In figure, current gain is

A. 

B. re


Answer: Option A
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42. In the CE circuit shown in figure the slope of dc load line will be





Answer: Option A
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43. Which of the following values represents the open loop gain of typical op-amp?
A. 100

B. 10000

C. 100000

D. 1000000
Answer: Option C
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44. Which of the following configuration has low thermal stability?




D. All have identical thermal stability

Answer: Option A
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45. Efficiency of class A power amplifier is very poor.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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46. In an op-amp comparator, the positive or negative output is

A. saturated

B. amplifier

C. unsaturated

D. any of the above

Answer: Option A
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47. In logarithmic amplifiers, output voltage is equal to

A. K.log10 (input voltage)

B. K.loge (input voltage)

C. input voltage

Answer: Option B
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48. In a series regulated power supply circuit the voltage gain of pass transistor satisfies the
A. Av → ∞

B. 1 << Av → ∞

C. Av ≈ 1

D. Av << 1
Answer: Option C
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49. Occasionally a discrete amplifier user RF chokes instead of collector resistors. Such amplifiers
are inherently
A. low pass amplifiers

B. high pass amplifiers

C. band pass amplifiers

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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50. In oscillator circuits the energy feedback to its input terminal from output is
A. always in phase with the input signal

B. 90° out of phase with the input signal

C. 180° out of phase with the input signal

D. 270° out of phase with the input signal

Answer: Option C
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1. CC circuit is suitable for impedance matching.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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2. Which of the following number specification refers to FET with one gate?
A. 2N

B. 3N

C. 3Y

D. 3X
Answer: Option B
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3. Which of the following plot can be directly used to determine β?

A. VCE versus iC for constant IB

B. VBE versus iB for constant VCE

C. VCB versus iC for constant IB

D. All of the above

Answer: Option A
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4. Oscillation of frequency in Hartley oscillator is




Answer: Option B
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5. The emitter follower steps up the impedance by a factor of

A. 

B. β

C.  β

D. /β
Answer: Option B
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6. In each of circuits below, indicate which diode is conducting?

A. Figure A

B. Figure B

C. Figure C

D. All the three

Answer: Option D
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7. A dc amplifier can operate
A. at zero frequency

B. only at low frequency

C. only at high frequencies

D. both at low and high frequencies

Answer: Option A
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8. Assertion (A): In a common source amplifier with source terminal at ac ground the voltage gain
is about gm rd
Reason (R): A common source amplifier is a source follower circuit
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
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9. Thermal runaway will take place if the quiescent point is such that




Answer: Option A
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10. In applications where __________ input resistance is needed, the JFET is preferred to the
bipolar transistor.
A. zero

B. very low

C. low

D. high
Answer: Option D
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11. A Clapp's oscillator is

A. a modified Hartley oscillator

B. a modified Colpitt's oscillator

C. a modified RC oscillator

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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12. In the circuit shown in the figure, the approximate voltage at the transistor,

A. base and emitter respectively are -8 V and -7.3 V

B. base and collector respectively are -8 V and -5 V

C. Collector and emitter respectively are -5 V and -7.3

D. base, emitter and collector respectively are -8 V, 7.3 V and -5 V

Answer: Option D
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13. A quiescent state of a transistor implies

A. zero bias

B. no output

C. no distortion

D. no input signal
Answer: Option C
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14. A transistor may fail due to

A. open weld at the wire leads to the semi-conductor

B. short circuit caused by momentary overloads

C. overheating due to circuit failures

D. any of the above

Answer: Option D
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15. In a P-N-P transistor, with normal bias, the emitter junction

A. is always reverse biased

B. offers very high resistance

C. offers a low resistance

D. remains open
Answer: Option C
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16. In a tuned class C power amplifier the quiescent value of collector to emitter voltage is equal to
(VCC denotes collector battery voltage)

B. 0.5 VCC
C. 0.25 VCC

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
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17. Volt equivalent temperature in a PN Junction diode is




D. 11600 T
Answer: Option A
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18. Primary advantage of a crystal oscillator is that

A. it can oscillate at any frequency

B. it gives a high O/P voltage

C. its frequency of oscillation remains almost constant

D. it operates on a very low dc supply voltage

Answer: Option C
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19. The conversion or collector circuit efficiency is a measure

A. how successfully the active device converts D.C. power to A.C. signal power

B. how much distortion in output is reduced with respect to input

C. how successfully the active device converts A.C. power to D.C. signal power

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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20. A transistor amplifier is operating in class A mode. If a transformer is connected for impedance
matching, the efficiency will
A. increase

B. decrease

C. not be affected

D. increase or decrease
Answer: Option A
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21. The pinch-off voltage is the drain voltage on the shorted gate drain curve above which the drain
current becomes
A. almost negligible

B. very high

C. almost constant

D. highly variable
Answer: Option C
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22. Which of the following plot can be used to show the input volt-ampere characteristics of a
common-emitter configuration?
A. VBE versus iB for constant values of VCE

B. VCE versus iC for constant values of IB

C. VCE versus iC for constant values of IE

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
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23. A transconductance amplifier has

A. high input impedance and low output impedance

B. low input impedance and high output impedance

C. high input and output impedance

D. low input and output impedance

Answer: Option C
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24. The signal input to a given amplifier is made up of 100 mΩ signal power and 1 mΩ noise power.
The amplifier contributes an additional 100 mΩ of noise and has a power gain of 20 dB. The
output signal-to-noise ratio is
A. 100

B. 50

C. 10

D. 5
Answer: Option B
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25. In order to protect a MOSFET against damage from any stray voltage at the gate
A. grounding rings are provided

B. terminals are shorted

C. source terminal is earthed during transit

D. none of these
Answer: Option C
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26. A capacitor input filter relies on

A. average detection

B. peak detection

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option B
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A. Capacitance : Inductance

B. Series resonance : Parallel resonance

C. DC : AC

D. Regulation : Efficiency
Answer: Option D
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28. A voltage doubler circuit uses

A. two diodes

B. two capacitors

C. two diodes and two capacitors

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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29. Which amplifier will be preferred for highest gain?

A. Darlington's pair

B. Single stage amplifier

C. Cascade amplifier

D. Depends on the circuitry

Answer: Option C
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30. Which of the following are synonymous?




D. P-N-P and N-P-N

Answer: Option A
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31. Which of the following contributes to harmonics distortion in amplifiers?

A. Positive feedback

B. Presence of noise

C. Defective active device

D. Non-linearity in active device

Answer: Option D
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32. Which of the following couplings may cause unwanted clamping?

A. Resistive

B. Inductive

C. Capacitive

D. Both (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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33. The name field effect is related to the __________ layers of a JFET.
A. depletion

B. drain

C. source

D. gate
Answer: Option A
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34. If input frequency is 50 Hz, the frequency of output wave in a half wave diode rectifier circuit is
A. 25 Hz

B. 50 Hz

C. 100 Hz

D. 200 Hz
Answer: Option B
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35. For an amplifier, the coupling method which gives the highest gain in
A. impedance coupling

B. transformer coupling

C. capacitance coupling

D. resistance coupling
Answer: Option B
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36. An ideal op-amp can amplify dc signals

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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37. Consider the following statements :

The lower cut off frequencies of an RC coupled amplifier depend on
1. input and output coupling capacitor
2. emitter by pass capacitors
3. junction capacitances
Which of the above are correct?
A. 1 only

B. 2 only

C. 1 and 2

D. 2 and 3
Answer: Option A
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38. Assertion (A): In a circuit using FET, gate is approximately at dc ground

Reason (R): Self bias stabilizes the quiescent operating point against changes in JFET
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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39. The Darlington pair consists of the following two stages

A. CE and CC

B. both CE

C. both CC

D. CE and CB
Answer: Option C
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40. Figure represents

A. Adder

B. Multiplier

C. Subtractor

D. Log Amplifier
Answer: Option C
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41. Which of the amplifier circuits using junction transistors has the best gain?
A. Common emitter

B. Common base

C. Common collector

D. All above has the same gain

Answer: Option A
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42. To obtain very high input and O/P impedance in a feedback amplifier, the type of feedback
A. voltage series

B. current series

C. voltage shunt

D. current shunt
Answer: Option B
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43. The thermal resistance of a BJT is about

A. 100° C/W

B. 200° C/W

C. 20° C/W

D. 2° C/W
Answer: Option B
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44. Oscillator with best frequency stability is

A. Crystal oscillator

B. Phase shift oscillator

C. Clapp oscillator

D. Hartley oscillator
Answer: Option A
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45. The IF amplifier in a superheterodyne receiver is

A. single-stage single-timed amplifier

B. two stage of single tuned amplifier

C. double tuned amplifier

D. class-C amplifier
Answer: Option B
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46. Examine the circuit of figure and the following statements

1. Vs is more than the zener breakdown voltage.

2. IL = I1 - I2.
3. Rs is less than zener nominal resistance.
Which of the above statements are correct?
A. 1, 2, 3

B. 1, 2

C. 1 only

D. 2 and 3
Answer: Option B
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47. The approximate value of input impedance of CE amplifier with emitter resistance R E is given by
A. hie + Ai RE

B. hie + (1 + hfe) RE

C. hie

D. (1 + hfe) RE
Answer: Option C
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48. The advantage of using crystal oscillator is that it

A. requires low d.c. supply voltage

B. works at high frequency

C. gives high output voltage

D. gives constant frequency of oscillations

Answer: Option D
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49. A transistor will operate in inverted region when

A. emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased

B. emitter junction is reverse biased and collector junction is forward biased

C. emitter junction as well as collector junction are forward biased

D. emitter junction as well as collector junction are reverse biased

Answer: Option B
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50. Cross-over distortion behaviour is a characteristic of

A. class A output stage

B. class B output stage

C. class AB output stage

D. common base output stage

Answer: Option B
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1. In figure the collector to emitter breakdown voltage of the transistor (βVCEO) should be

A. more than VCC

B. more than 0.5 VCC

C. more than VCC + E

D. more than 2 VCC
Answer: Option B
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2. An amplifier signal is made up of just two frequencies 1000 Hz. The output signal consists of 500
Hz and 25000 Hz frequencies. This may be attributed to
A. harmonic distortion

B. intermodulation distortion

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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3. If input ac is 10 Vrms, then maximum voltage that will appear across the diode of a half wave
rectifier with a capacitor I/P filter will be
A. 10 V

B. 14 V

C. 20 V

D. 28 V
Answer: Option B
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4. In figure the voltage gain is

B. re



Answer: Option C
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5. One of the major applications of JFET is in

A. switching

B. constant current-source

C. constant voltage-source

D. electron flow regulation

Answer: Option A
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6. A Hartley oscillator uses

A. a tapped capacitor

B. a tapped inductor

C. a tapped inductor for inductive feedback

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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7. Aperture circuit produces __________ in sample hold circuit.

A. the total sampling time

delay between the instance at which hold command is initiated and the instance at which
O/P starts tracking I/P
C. the time taken by O/P to settle within the specified 1% error band, that of the I/P

D. time required by holding capacitor to reach upto the level close to input
Answer: Option B
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8. A clipper
A. adds a dc component to the input signal

B. removes signal voltages above or below a specified value

C. both (a) and (b)

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option B
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9. In a rectifier circuit the filter capacitance is increased. Then the ripple will
A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option B
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10. The circuit in figure is

A. positive clamper

B. negative clamper
C. positive peak clipper

D. negative peak clipper

Answer: Option A
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11. Which of the following circuits can operate class AB for audio power output?
A. Emitter follower

B. Push pull

C. Cascade

D. Darlington pair
Answer: Option D
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12. In a P-N-P transistor, with normal bias

A. the collector junction has negligible resistance

B. only holes cross the collector junction

the collector-base junction is reverse biased and the emitter base junction is forward

D. only majority carriers cross the collector junction

Answer: Option C
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13. If Rs is the sources resistance, the O/P resistance of an emitter follower using the simplified
hybrid model would be




Answer: Option A
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14. A D.C. amplifier amplify

A. D.C. only

B. A.C. only

C. both A.C. and D.C.

D. none of the above.

Answer: Option A
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15. In common base amplifier the current gain is less than one, but the voltage gain may be
anywhere from
A. 0.5 to 1

B. 1 to 5

C. 5 to 10

D. 50 to 2000
Answer: Option D
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16. Figure represents

A. Integrator

B. Differentiator

C. High Pass Filter

D. Band Pass Filter

Answer: Option A
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17. In a class C operation

A. VCC is much larger than VCE(sat)

B. VCC is much smaller than VCE(sat)

C. VCC and VCE(sat) are nearly equal

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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18. The frequency response of an ideal tuned amplifier should be as represented in figure by

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D
Answer: Option C
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21. The static characteristic of an adequately forward biased p-n junction is a straight line if the plot
is of
A. log I vs log V

B. log I vs V

C. I vs log V

D. I vs V
Answer: Option B
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22. The main use of JFET with a

A. frequency mixer

B. source follower

C. voltage doubler

D. trigger
Answer: Option B
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23. Assertion (A): A dc stabilizer has constant output voltage irrespective of variations in input
voltage and load current
Reason (R): A dc series regulator uses a zener diode across the load to stabilize the output
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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24. In the self biasing scheme (RF across collector to base) of BJT, S1 tends to unity by __________
RC is the collector load Resistance.
A. increasing RF

B. decreasing RF

C. decreasing RF and increasing RC

D. increasing RF and decreasing RC

Answer: Option C
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25. In op-amp integrating amplifier the input is feed to

A. inverting input

B. non-inverting input

C. both inverting and non-inverting input

D. either inverting or non-inverting input

Answer: Option A
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26. In a resistance loaded amplifier, the gain decreases at high frequencies because
A. decreasing reactance of the stray C T
B. increasing reactance of the stray C T

C. increasing reactance of CT

D. decreasing reactance of CT
Answer: Option A
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27. A 1 ms pulse can be stretched to 1 sec pulse by using

A. an astable multivibrator

B. a monostable multivibrator

C. a bistable multivibrator

D. a Schmitt trigger circuit

Answer: Option B
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28. Most of the transistor data sheets specify the power rating for an ambient temperature of
A. 10°C

B. 25°C

C. 50°C

D. 75°C
Answer: Option B
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29. In figure vi is a sinusoidal wave. Which of the following best describes the output v0?




Answer: Option B
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30. The early effect in BJT is caused by

A. fast turn on

B. fast turn off

C. large collector base reverse bias

D. large emitter base forward bias

Answer: Option C
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31. Transformer coupling in transistor amplifier circuits provides high efficiency, because
A. d.c. resistance is low
B. collector voltage is stepped up

C. flux linkages are incomplete

D. all of the above

Answer: Option A
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32. Two identical FETs each having parameters gm and rd are connected is parallel. The composite
FET has parameters
A. 0.5 gm and 2 rd

B. 0.5 gm and 0.5 rd

C. 2 gm and 2 rd

D. 2 gm and 0.5 rd
Answer: Option D
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33. If f is more than funity the gain of op-amp becomes less than 1.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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34. For an amplifier the input output signals are shown in figure. The class of amplifier is

A. A


C. B

D. C
Answer: Option D
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35. In a N-P-N transistor the function of the emitter is

A. to emit or inject holes into the collector

B. to emit or inject electrons into the collector

C. to emit or inject electrons into the base

D. to emit or inject holes into the base

Answer: Option C
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36. The noise figure is

A. 3 dB

B. 6 dB

C. 6.6 dB

D. 12 dB
Answer: Option A
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37. A Darlington pair is used for

A. low distortion

B. high frequency range

C. high power gain

D. high current gain

Answer: Option D
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38. In a shunt-shunt negative feedback amplifier, as compared to the basic amplifier

A. both input and output impedances, decrease

B. input impedance decreases but output impedance increase

C. I/P impedance increases but O/P impedance decreases

D. both input and O/P impedance increases

Answer: Option B
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39. In rectifiers the use of RC filters is recommended when

A. load current is high

B. load current is small

C. load current is neither high nor small

D. either (a) or (c)

Answer: Option B
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40. The coupling capacitor mainly affects

A. bandwidth
B. lower cut-off frequency

C. higher cut-off frequency

D. both lower as well as higher cut-off frequency

Answer: Option B
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41. A CE amplifier is the most common BJT amplifier.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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42. The main drawback in the performance of shunt peaked wide band amplifier is
A. two low gain at low frequency

B. poor phase response

C. reduce frequency at middle frequency

D. that the maximum gain of the stage is small

Answer: Option B
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43. A generator with an internal resistance of 600 Ω drives an amplifier whose input resistance is
400 Ω. The generator's open circuit voltages is 1 mV; the amplifier develops 100mV across an
8kΩ load. The current amplification is
A. 2.5

B. 12.5

C. 25

D. 125
Answer: Option B
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44. In a CE amplifier circuit
A. Q point must lie on both dc and ac load lines

B. Q point lies on dc load line

C. Q point lies on ac load line

D. Q point lies may or may not lie on both dc and ac load lines
Answer: Option A
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45. In a push pull circuit the two transistors are

A. both pnp

B. both npn

C. one pnp and other npn

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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46. The oscillator shown in figure is a

A. Colpitt's oscillator
B. Hartley oscillator

C. Tuned emitter oscillator

D. Clapp oscillator
Answer: Option A
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47. In which configuration does output ac voltage appear between emitter and ground?



D. Both CE and CB
Answer: Option C
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48. Figure represents a

A. JFET shunt switching circuit

B. JFET series switching circuit

C. JFET analog switch

D. multiplexing
Answer: Option B
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49. At high frequencies the output circuit of transistor amplifier reduces to

A. a lead network
B. a lag network

C. either (a) or (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option B
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50. A pulse transformer uses

A. ferrite core

B. air core

C. iron core

D. copper core
Answer: Option A
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1. A transistor in CE mode is in saturation region. Then the collector is almost at

A. ground potential

B. a potential equal to VCC

C. a potential equal to 0.5 VCC

D. a potential equal to 2 VCC

Answer: Option A
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2. The semi-conductor type 2 N 34 indicates

A. a n-channel MOSFET


C. a diode with two electrodes

D. a diode with three electrodes

Answer: Option C
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3. The emitter bias largely depends on

A. gain

B. signal input


D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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4. A limiter circuit can be built using a diode and resistance.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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5. In saturation region JFET acts like a

A. bipolar device

B. short circuit

C. switch

D. resistance
Answer: Option D
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6. Which of the following are difficult to be fabricated in a monolithic IC?

A. Inductors

B. Large capacitors

C. Small capacitors

D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option D
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7. In an op-amp a common mode signal is applied to

A. inverting terminal

B. non-inverting terminal

C. both terminals

D. one or both the terminals

Answer: Option C
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8. The ripple factor of a full wave rectifier is about 0.5.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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9. Which of the following op-amp circuits has zero resistance in the feedback path?
A. Inverting amplifier

B. Summing amplifier

C. Source follower

D. Integrating amplifier
Answer: Option C
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10. In an LC filter, the ripple factor,

A. increases with load current

B. increases with load resistance

C. remains constant with the load current

D. has the lowest value
Answer: Option D
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11. FET can used in

A. buffer amplifier circuits

B. cascade amplifier circuits

C. digital circuits

D. all of the above

Answer: Option A
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12. The circuit in figure is

A. CE amplifier

B. CB amplifier

C. Constant voltage source

D. Constant current source

Answer: Option C
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13. Each of two cascaded stages has a voltage gain of 30. The overall gain is
A. 3
B. 9

C. 30

D. 900
Answer: Option D
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14. A two stage amplifier has an upper cutoff frequency of 2 MHz and a lower cutoff frequency of 2
MHz and a lower cut off frequency of 30 Hz. If both stages are similar, their individual upper and
lower cut off frequencies respectively are
A. 4 MHz and 60 MHz

B. 3 MHz and 20 Hz

C. 3 MHz and 60 Hz

D. 4 MHz and 20 Hz
Answer: Option B
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15. A bipolar transistor is a __________ controlled devices whereas a FET is a __________

controlled devices.
A. current, voltage

B. current, current

C. voltage, current

D. voltage, voltage
Answer: Option A
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16. The input impedance of a non-inverting amplifier is very low.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
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17. RC oscillator can be used upto
A. 1 kHz

B. 10 kHz

C. 50 kHz

D. 100 kHz
Answer: Option B
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18. In a N-P-N transistor of the emitter junction is reverse biased and collector junction is also
reversed biased, the transistor will operate in
A. active region

B. saturation region

C. cut-off region

D. inverted region
Answer: Option C
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19. Wide banding technique is employed in the

A. video amplifier of a TV receiver

B. IF amplifier of an FM receiver

C. RF amplifier of an AM receiver

D. input section of a communication receiver

Answer: Option A
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20. Assertion (A): The maximum efficiency of a class B push pull amplifier is 78.5%
Reason (R): A current mirror uses a compensating diode in parallel with the emitter diode
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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21. In a common Emitter BJT amplifier, the maximum usable supply voltage is limited by
A. avalanche breakdown of Base emitter junction

B. collector to Base Breakdown voltage with emitter open (βVCBO)

C. collector Emitter Breakdown voltage with base open (βVCBO)

D. zener breakdown voltage of the emitter base Junction

Answer: Option D
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22. High frequency oscillations can be caused by

A. electric coupling

B. magnetic coupling

C. ground loop

D. all of the above

Answer: Option D
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23. In order to obtain triangular pulses at the output of the circuit in the figure, the input should be.
A. grounded

B. a square wave

C. Triangular wave

D. Trigger
Answer: Option A
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24. The circuit in figure is

A. rectifier

B. voltage to frequency converter

C. frequency to voltage converter

D. logarithmic amplifier
Answer: Option D
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25. A feedback network to be used with an amplifier to provide oscillation is tested and found to give
an output of 0.124 V with a 0.5 V input. What will be the effect on output if the amplifier's gain is
twice that required by the Barkhausen criterion?
A. Linear oscillations

B. Non-linear oscillations

C. Damped oscillations

D. No oscillations
Answer: Option D
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26. The oscillator shown in figure is a

A. Clapp oscillator

B. R-C Phase shift oscillator

C. Hartley oscillator

D. Colpitt's oscillator
Answer: Option A
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27. In a combination limiter with sinusoidal input voltage the output wave can be nearly square.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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28. Assertion (A): A Darlington amplifier has very low output impedance
Reason (R): The circuit has a low resistance RE between emitter and ground
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
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29. A Hartley oscillator uses

A. a tapped inductor

B. a tapped capacitor

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option A
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30. A silicon PN junction diode under reverse bias has depletion region of width 10 μm. The relative
permittivity of silicon, εr = 11.7 and the permittivity of free space ε 0 = 8.85 x 10-12 F/m. The
depletion capacitance of the diode per square meter is
A. 100 μF

B. 10 μF

C. 1 μF

D. 20 μF
Answer: Option B
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31. The properties of FETs resemble closely to


B. current transformer

C. thyristor

D. thermionic valves
Answer: Option D
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32. The source of the harmonic distortion in a RC coupled transistor amplifier is usually
A. power supply

B. capacitor

C. R-C circuit

D. transistor
Answer: Option D
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33. Two transistors have same value of a but different gain (G) bandwidth (B) product. The
transistors have similar geometry. However one of them is germanium and the other is silicon.
The transistor with lower GB product
A. is germanium

B. is silicon

C. may be either of two

D. cannot be identified on the basis of above data

Answer: Option B
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34. Which distortion is least objectionable in case of audio amplifiers?

A. Phase distortion

B. Frequency distortion

C. Harmonic distortion

D. Inter-modulation distortion
Answer: Option A
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35. In a single stage differential amplifier, the output offset voltage is mainly dependent on the
mismatch of
A. VBE, IB and β

B. VBE and IB

C. IB and β

D. VBE and β
Answer: Option B
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36. A delay equalizer is a

A. low pass filter

B. band pass filter

C. all pass filter

D. high pass filter

Answer: Option B
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37. A cascade amplifier stage is equivalent to

A. common emitter stage followed by a common base stage

B. common base stage followed by an emitter follower

C. an emitter follower stage followed by a common base stage

D. a common base stage followed by a common emitter stage

Answer: Option A
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38. Which one of the following devices is not used as the controller in a stabilizer?



D. Power transistor
Answer: Option A
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39. The disadvantage of transformer coupling in amplifier is

A. cost of transformer at audio frequencies

B. size of transformer at audio frequencies

C. size of transformer at radio frequencies

D. cost and size of transformer at audio frequencies

Answer: Option D
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40. For an I/p of Vs = 5 sin ωt (assuming ideal diode), circuit shown in the figure will behave as a

A. clipper, sine wave clipped at -2 V

B. clamper, sine wave clamped at -2 V

C. clamper, sine wave clamped at 0 volts

D. clipper, sine wave clipped at 2 V

Answer: Option D
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41. A transistor is said to be in a quiescent state when

A. the amplitude of input and output signal is equal

B. the phase of input and output signal is identical

C. no signal is applied to the input

D. the transistor is unbiased

Answer: Option C
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42. According to Barkhausen criteria in order to sustain the oscillations

A. loop gain of the circuit must be negligible

B. loop gain of the circuit must be equal to unity

C. the phase shift around the circuit must be 180°

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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43. A Wien bridge oscillator uses

A. negative feedback

B. positive feedback

C. both negative and positive feedback

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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44. In the above case, what will be the value of capacitor to obtain 100 kHz frequency?
A. 0.0065 pF

B. 0.0130 pF

C. 0.0260 pF

D. 0.520 pF
Answer: Option A
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45. Equal amplitude ac signals are given as inputs to both inverting and given as inputs to both
inverting and non-inverting terminals of an op-amp. The output will be zero when the phase
difference between inputs is
A. 0°

B. 90°

C. 180°

D. 270°
Answer: Option A
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46. Which of the following can be used to isolate a low impedance from a high impedance source?
A. Emitter follower

B.  filter

C. Darlington pair

D. Any of the above

Answer: Option C
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47. A class C amplifier uses

A. high Q tuned circuit

B. low Q tuned circuit

C. untuned circuit

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
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48. In figure

A. the collector currents of T1 and T2 are equal

B. the collector current of T1 is more than that of T2

C. the collector current of T1 is double that of T2

D. the collector currents of T2 is more than that of T1

Answer: Option A
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49. A three-section RC phase shift oscillator has R = 10K ohms and C = 0.001 μF. If the oscillator is
to be made variable using the same value of R, what should be the value of capacitor to obtain a
frequency if 1 kHz?
A. 636 pF

B. 180 pF

C. 65 pF

D. 30 pF
Answer: Option C
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50. The input to negative clamper has a peak value of Vp. Then in the output the positive and
negative peaks are nearly
A. 0 and -2 V respectively

B. Vp and -Vp respectively

C. 2 Vp and 0 respectively

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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In a Hartley oscillator the condition for sustained oscillations is . If there exists mutual
inductance M between coils L1 and L2, then the above condition will get modified as hfe





Answer: Option C
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2. Figure shows current pulses of a class C power amplifier. The fundamental frequency of these
pulses is

A. 100 kHz

B. 1000 kHz

C. 10 kHz

D. 1 kHz
Answer: Option A
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3. A FET has
A. very high input resistance

B. very low input resistance

C. high connection emitter junction

D. forward biased PN junction

Answer: Option A
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4. A TRIAC is a semiconductor device which acts as a

A. 2 terminal unidirectional switch

B. 2 terminal bidirectional switch

C. 3 terminal bidirectional switch

D. 4 terminal multidirectional switch

Answer: Option C
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5. The Clapp oscillator shown in figure will operate at

A. 4.6 kHz

B. 46 kHz
C. 460 kHz

D. 4600 kHz
Answer: Option C
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6. In a Darlington pair
A. the emitter of first transistor drives the base of the second

B. the base of the first transistor drives the emitter of the second

C. emitters of the two transistors are connected through a resistor

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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7. Figure shows a zener circuit and characteristic of the zener used. If R 2 is the lowest load
resistance, then for proper voltage regulation R 1 must be

more than

more than

less than

less than
Answer: Option C
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8. In CC configuration, the output signals has approximately
A. the same amplitude and phase

B. opposite amplitude and phase

C. same amplitude but opposite phase

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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9. The PIV of a bridge rectifier is less than that of full wave rectifier with centre tapped transformer.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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10. Zero bias works only with



C. both D and E MOSFETs

D. neither D nor E MOSFETs

Answer: Option A
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11. Which of the following uses a capacitor in the feedback path?

A. Active low pass filter

B. Active high pass filter

C. Both (a) or (b)

D. Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option A
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12. In an inverting amplifier using op-amp the current input to the inverting terminal
A. is equal to the current through feedback resistance

B. is less than the current through feedback resistance

C. is more than the current through feedback resistance

D. may be equal to, less or more than current through feedback resistance
Answer: Option A
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13. For a transistor the normal collector voltage is 12 V. If actually it is found to be + 28 V, the
trouble could be
A. RL is open

B. RE is open

C. CE is shorted

D. CE is open
Answer: Option B
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14. In a CE transistor amplifier, when collector-emitter voltage increases

A. the instantaneous operating point moves up the load line

B. the instantaneous operating point moves down the line

C. load current increases

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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15. In figure, VC is approximately equal to

A. 2V

B. 4.6 V

C. 8 V

D. 7.6 V
Answer: Option C
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16. Which one of the following power amplifier has the maximum efficiency?
A. Class A

B. Class B

C. Class AB

D. Class C
Answer: Option D
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17. Figure shows small signal model of CB amplifier circuit. Then I and R are respectively equal to

A.  ie and re

C.  ie and re ( - 1)

D. ( - 1) ie and re
Answer: Option A
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18. The common emitter short circuit current gain β of a transistor

A. is a monotonically increasing function of the collector current I c

B. is a monotonically decreasing function of Ic

increasing with Ic, for low Ic, reaches a maximum and then decreases with further increase
in Ic

D. is not a function of Ic
Answer: Option C
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19. A complementary symmetry amplifier has

A. 1 P-N-P and 1 N-P-N transistor

B. 2 P-N-P transistor

C. 2 N-P-N transistor

D. 2 P-channel FETs
Answer: Option A
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The units of are
A. V

B. V-1

C. J

D. J/K
Answer: Option B
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21. Negative feedback is used in audio amplifiers to

A. operate class C

B. reduce distortion

C. increase distortion

D. increase gain
Answer: Option B
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22. A BJT amplifier has a power gain of 0.5 from source to base. The power gain in dB is
A. -0.3 dB

B. -3 dB

C. -6 dB

D. -10 dB
Answer: Option B
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23. A rectifier circuit has load resistance R. It uses a capacitance filter having capacitance C. For
low ripple in the output
A. RC should be 1

B. RC should be low

C. RC should be high

D. RC should be neither low nor high

Answer: Option C
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24. In graphical analysis of BJT amplifier the slope of ac line is more than that of dc load line.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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25. Which circuit is called emitter follower?




D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A
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26. Logarithmic amplifiers are used in

A. adders

B. dividers

C. multipliers

D. all of the above

Answer: Option B
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27. Figure represents a

A. JFET shunt switching circuit

B. JFET series switching circuit

C. JFET analog switch

D. multiplexing
Answer: Option A
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28. In figure VBE = 0.7 V. If base current required to saturate the transistor is 0.1 mA, Vi =

A. 5V

B. 5.7 V

C. 10 V

D. 10.7 V
Answer: Option B
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29. As per miller theorem the circuit of figure (1) can be replaced by that in figure (2) If V 1/V2 = K,
then Y1 and Y2are equal to

A. Y(1 - K) each

Y1 = Y(1 - K) and Y2 =

Y1 = and Y2 = (1 - K)
Answer: Option C
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30. In a biased JFET (Figure) the shape of the channel is as shown because

A. it is the property of material used

B. the drain end is more reverse biased than source end

C. drain end is more forward biased than source end

D. impurity profile changes with distance

Answer: Option B
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31. Assertion (A): In class A amplifier the distortion is minimum

Reason (R): In class A amplifier collector current exists for 360° of input cycle
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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32. Assertion (A): In a differential amplifier the current through common emitter resistor is called tail
Reason (R): CMRR of an op-amp indicates how a differential signal amplified
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option C
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33. Quartz crystal has

A. very small Q

B. small Q

C. very high Q

D. Q less than 1
Answer: Option C
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34. The current ICBO

A. increases with increases in temperature

B. is normally greater for silicon transistor than germanium transistors

C. mainly depends on the emitter base junction bias

D. depends largely on the emitter doping

Answer: Option A
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35. Assertion (A): In a push pull circuit each transistor stays in the active region for one half cycle
Reason (R): A push pull amplifier has low distortion
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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36. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. A FET is a current controlled device

B. A BJT is always reverse biased

C. The semi-conductor material of the gate in an N-channel JFET is p-type

D. JFET has higher input impedance than MOSFET

Answer: Option C
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37. In a bipolar transistor at room temperature if the emitter current is doubled the voltage across its
base emitter junction
A. doubles

B. halves

C. increase by about 20 mV

D. decrease by about 20 mV
Answer: Option B
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38. Which one of the following power amplifier has the maximum efficiency?
A. Class A

B. Class B

C. Class AB

D. Class C
Answer: Option A
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39. Negative feedback lowers the cut off frequency and increase the upper cut off frequency of
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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40. In a single-stage RC coupled common emitter amplifier, the phase shift at the lower 3 dB
frequency is
A. zero

B. 135°

C. 180°

D. 225°
Answer: Option B
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41. CE mode input V-I characteristic can be shown by a plot of

A. VBE versus iB for constant values of VCE

B. VCB versus iC for constant values of IE

C. VCE versus iE for constant values of VEB

D. VCE versus iE for constant values of VCE

Answer: Option A
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42. n-channel MOS is

A. slower than p-channel MOS

B. faster than p-channel MOS

C. same as p-channel MOS

D. none of these
Answer: Option B
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43. Which of the following compensation method in amplifier can be used to reduce the bandwidth?
A. Pole-zero compensation

B. Dominant pole compensation

C. Lead compensation

D. Any of the above

Answer: Option B
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44. A push pull amplifier balance out

A. odd harmonics

B. even harmonics

C. both odd as well as even harmonics

D. neither odd nor even harmonics

Answer: Option A
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45. In a half wave rectifier, Vrms is




D. None of these
Answer: Option A
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46. If the thermal resistance of a transistor is lower it means
A. higher junction temperature

B. lower junction temperature

C. higher or lower junction temperature depending on circuit conditions

D. higher or lower junction temperature depending on transistor

Answer: Option B
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47. A Darlington pair has β = 300. If RE = 1 kΩ and RL = 100 Ω, the input impedance at the base is
A. 300 k ohm

B. 3 k ohm

C. 100 k ohm

D. 30 k ohm
Answer: Option B
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48. Barkhausen criterion is 1 + Avβ = 0.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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49. The voltage gain of which transistor configuration is less than unity?



D. None
Answer: Option C
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50. Linear transistor circuits always operate in

A. saturation region

B. cut off region

C. active region

D. passive region
Answer: Option C
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1. Assertion (A): Manufacturer's quote h parameters of transistor

Reason (R): h parameters of a transistor are easiest to measure
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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2. The P-type substrate in a conventional pn Junction isolated integrated circuits should be

connected to
A. any where

B. a dc ground potential

C. the most positive potential available in the circuit

D. the most negative potential available in the circuit

Answer: Option C
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3. Wien bridge uses

A. lead network
B. lag network

C. lead-lag network

D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C
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4. Which of the following is not necessarily the advantages of a push pull amplifier?
A. It gives more output

B. It removes odd a well as even harmonics

C. There is no effect of ripple of the power supply

D. It consumes least power

Answer: Option B
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5. Which of the following best represents the output impedance of an actual op-amp?
A. 10 ohm

B. 100 ohm

C. 10 k ohm

D. 100 k ohm
Answer: Option B
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6. In CE amplifier
A. input and output are in phase

B. phase difference between input and output is 30° to 90°

C. phase difference between input and output is 60° to 120°

D. output is inverted with respect to its input voltage

Answer: Option D
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7. The approximate value of input impedance of a common emitter amplifier with emitter resistance
Re is given by
A. hie + AI Re

B. hie + (i + hfe) Re

C. hie

D. (1 + hfe) Re
Answer: Option B
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8. The collector voltage VC of the circuit shown in the given figure aside is approximately

A. 2V

B. 4.6 V

C. 8 V

D. 8.6 V
Answer: Option B
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9. The symbol shown in figure represents a

A. P-channel MOSFET

B. UJT with N-type base

C. N-channel DEMOSFET with internal zener protection

D. P-channel DEMOSFET with internal zener protection

Answer: Option C
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10. The phase angle of a lag circuit is

A. between 0 and -90°

B. between 0 and +90°

C. 90°

D. more than 90°

Answer: Option B
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11. Which of the following components is essential for a voltage multiplier circuit?
A. Resistor

B. Inductor

C. Capacitor

D. Both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option C
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12. Which of the following represents the equivalent circuit of a crystal for crystal oscillator?

A. Figure A

B. Figure B

C. Figure C

D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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13. The transistor specification number 2N refers to

A. triac

B. diac

C. junction transistor

D. FET with one gate

Answer: Option C
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14. Stability factor for S is given by for a fixed bias

A. 1+β

B. 1 - β

C. 1/β

D. β - 1
Answer: Option A
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15. In figure, the function of resistor R is

A. to reduce ripples in the output

B. to improve voltage regulation

C. to limit the surge current

D. either (a) or (c)

Answer: Option C
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16. The phase angle of lead circuit is

A. between 0 and -90°

B. between 0 and +90°

C. 90°

D. more than 90°

Answer: Option B
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17. A generator with an internal resistance of 600 Ω drives an amplifier whose input resistance is
400 Ω. The generator's open circuit voltages is 1 mV; the amplifier develops 100mV across an
8kΩ load. The power gain is
A. 125

B. 250
C. 1125

D. 3125
Answer: Option D
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18. The circuit of figure is

A. clipper, sine wave clipped at - 2 V

B. clamper

C. clamper, sine wave clamped at zero V

D. clipper, sine wave clipped at + 2 V

Answer: Option B
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19. The upper end of the d.c. load line is called the __________ point and the lower end is the
__________ point.
A. cut off, saturation

B. saturation, active

C. saturation, cut off

D. active saturation
Answer: Option C
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20. In figure output impedance of amplifier is




D. re + RE
Answer: Option C
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21. In a good voltage amplifier, its input impedance

A. must be high compared to the resistance of the source

B. must be low compared to the resistance of the source

C. must be equal to the resistance of the source

D. must be half the resistance of the source

Answer: Option A
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22. A non-inverting voltage feedback amplifier is a

A. voltage amplifier

B. current amplifier

C. current to voltage converter

D. voltage to current converter

Answer: Option A
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23. A Colpitt's oscillator uses
A. a tapped inductor

B. an inductor and two capacitors

C. both (a) and (b)

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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24. In every practical oscillator, the loop gain is slightly larger than unity and the amplitude of the
oscillations is limited by the
A. magnitude of the loop gain

B. onset if non-linearity

C. magnitude of gain of the amplifier

D. feedback transmission factor

Answer: Option B
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25. IF amplifiers for radio receivers are often tuned to

A. 456 Hz

B. 456 kHz

C. 3456 MHz

D. 456 GHz
Answer: Option B
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26. In CE circuit the parameter f12 is very small.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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27. In which amplifier circuit is gate conductance negligible?

A. JFET amplifier

B. MOSFET amplifier

C. Both JFET and MOSFET amplifier

D. None of the above

Answer: Option B
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28. In figure VCEQ for each transistor is


B. 0.5 VCC

C. 0.75 VCC

D. 0.25 VCC
Answer: Option B
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29. Which of the following combinations has no phase inversion of the signal?
A. Two CE stages
B. CE and CC stages

C. Three CE stages

D. CE stages and emitter follower

Answer: Option A
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30. Which of the following h parameters is an admittance?

A. hie

B. hre

C. hfe

D. hoe
Answer: Option D
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31. The linear transistor circuits always operate in the

A. saturation

B. cut off

C. active

D. inactive
Answer: Option C
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32. In the graphical analysis of CE amplifier circuit, the intersection of base current and dc load line
is called
A. saturation point

B. cut off point

C. Q point

D. operating point
Answer: Option C
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33. In an amplifier circuit the emitter is at ac ground potential in a

A. CB circuit

B. CC circuit

C. CE circuit

D. both CB and CE circuit

Answer: Option C
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34. An ideal op-amp has

A. infinite input and output resistance

B. low input and output resistance

C. low input and high output resistance

D. infinite input resistance and zero output resistance

Answer: Option D
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35. A class B amplifier

1. is biased just at cutoff
2. has a high theoretical efficiency of 78.5% because its quiescent current is low
3. is biased at midpoint of load line
Of the above statements
A. 2 and 3 are correct

B. 1 alone is correct

C. 1 and 2 are correct

D. 2 alone is correct
Answer: Option D
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36. In a practical oscillator, the magnitude of loop gain Aβ is kept slightly larger than unity and the
amplitude of oscillations is limited by
A. the ratio of A to β

B. the on set of non-linearity of amplifying device

C. the linearity of amplifying device

D. all of the above

Answer: Option B
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37. Assertion (A): Direct coupled amplifiers are rarely used

Reason (R): Direct coupled amplifiers suffer from the disadvantage of drift
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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38. A multistage amplifier has a low pass response with three real poles at s = - w1 - w2 and w3. The
approximate overall bandwidth B of the amplifier will be given by
A. B = w 1 + w 2 + w3


C. B = (w1 + w2 + w3)1/3

D. B = w12 + w22 + w32

Answer: Option A
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39. In a feedback series regular circuit, the output voltage is regulated by controlling the
A. magnitude of the I/P voltage
B. gain of the feed back BJT

C. reference Voltage

D. voltage drop across the series pass transistor

Answer: Option D
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40. The transformer cores operating at microwave frequency ranges are generally made up of
A. silicon steel

B. ferrites

C. albino

D. super alloy
Answer: Option B
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41. In high frequency region, an amplifier behaves like a

A. band pass filter

B. low pass filter

C. high pass filter

D. any of the above

Answer: Option B
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42. Class C operation finds application in

A. RF power amplifiers

B. frequency multipliers

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C
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43. In the circuit shown in the figure

A. only red will glow

B. only green will glow

C. both red and green will glow

D. none will glow

Answer: Option A
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44. In a CE amplifier circuit the load resistance is open circuited. The output voltage will
A. increase

B. decrease

C. become zero

D. increase or decrease
Answer: Option A
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45. Emitter follower is in which of following configuration.

A. common Base

B. common Emitter
C. common collector

D. common Base or common Emitter

Answer: Option C
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46. Saturation region of a JFET is also known as

A. source region

B. analog region

C. pinch off region

D. ohmic region
Answer: Option D
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47. Which junction transistor is preferred for high input and low output impedances?
A. Common emitter

B. Common base

C. Common collector

D. Any of the above

Answer: Option C
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48. For operation of enhancement only N-channel MOSFET, value of gate voltage has to be
A. zero

B. low positive

C. high negative

D. high positive
Answer: Option D
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49. Sweep voltage generators, sweep current generators, multivibrators and blocking oscillators can
be combined as

A. negative resistance oscillators

B. tuned base tuned collector oscillators

C. relaxation oscillators

D. L-C tuned oscillators

Answer: Option C
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50. A generator with an internal resistance of 600 Ω drives an amplifier whose input resistance is
400 Ω. The generator's open circuit voltages is 1 mV; the amplifier develops 100mV across an
8kΩ load. The voltage multiplication is
A. 25

B. 50

C. 125

D. 250
Answer: Option D
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1. The ripple factor of a full wave rectifier is about 0.5

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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2. Which of the following statement is false?

A. The zener diode is uses as a constant voltage source

The SCR is a silicon rectifier with a gate electrode to control when current flows from
cathode to anode

C. The gate electrode in the FET corresponds to the collector in a bipolar transistor

D. None of the above

Answer: Option D
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3. The configuration of figure is a

A. Hartley oscillator

B. Precision Integrator

C. Wienbridge oscillator

D. Butterworth high pass filter

Answer: Option C
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4. The voltage gains of an amplifier without feedback and with negative feedback respectively are
100 and 20. The percentage of negative feedback would be.
A. 40%

B. 5%

C. 20%

D. 80%
Answer: Option C
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5. In a CE amplifier circuit, the output voltage

A. is very small

B. is always constant

C. depends on β

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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6. CMOS is widely used in

A. digital wrist watches

B. analog circuits

C. high power circuits

D. all of the above

Answer: Option A
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7. Oscillation frequency in colpitt's oscillator is




D. none of these
Answer: Option A
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8. A JFET can operate on

A. enhancement mode only

B. depletion mode only

C. both depletion as well as enhancement modes

D. neither depletion nor enhancement mode

Answer: Option B
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9. Which of the following is the point of reference JFET?

A. Drain

B. Gate

C. Source

D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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10. A Darlington pair consist of

A. two CB amplifiers
B. two CC amplifiers

C. two cascaded CC amplifiers

D. two cascaded CE amplifiers

Answer: Option C
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11. The purpose of using negative feedback in a op-amps is to

A. stabilize overall gain

B. increase output

C. stabilize overall gain and increase output

D. increase output and decrease input

Answer: Option A
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12. A transistor amplifier with 85% efficiency is expected to be

A. class A

B. class B

C. class C

D. class AB
Answer: Option C
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13. In the case of the circuit shown in the figure Vio = 10 mV dc maximum, the maximum possible
output offset voltage Voo caused by the input offset voltage Vio with respect to ground is

A. 60 mV dc

B. 110 mV dc

C. 130 mV dc

D. 150 mV dc
Answer: Option C
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14. The advantage of transistor over vacuum tube is

A. no heat is required

B. small size and light in weight

C. very low power consumption

D. all of the above

Answer: Option D
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15. Which of the following is necessary transistor action?

A. The base region must be very wide

B. The base region must be very narrow

C. The base region must be made of some insulating material

D. The collector region must be heavily doped

Answer: Option B
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16. An op-amp is fed from a signal source through resistance R 1. If it is to work as sign changer, the
feedback resistance Rf should be
A. equal to R1

B. twice R1

C. half R1

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
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17. For a sinusoidal input, the circuit shown in the figure will act as a

A. Pulse generator

B. Full wave rectifier

C. Ramp generator

D. Voltage Doubler
Answer: Option B
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18. A multivibrator can be used as a

A. cavity resonator
B. harmonic generator

C. wave form modifier

D. any of the above

Answer: Option C
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19. A multivibrator generates

A. sinusoidal waveforms

B. non-sinusoidal waveforms

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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20. The derating factor, for ambient temperature higher than specified, for a transistor is about
A. 2.5 mW/°C

B. 0.5 mW/°C

C. 10 mW/°C

D. 20 mW/°C
Answer: Option A
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21. Which of the following circuit can operate class AB for audio power output?
A. Push pull

B. Cascade

C. Pull down

D. Darlington pair
Answer: Option A
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22. Ebers Moll model is applicable to

A. bipolar Junction transistor

B. N MOS transistor

C. unipolar junction transistor

D. field effect transistor

Answer: Option A
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23. A FET
A. has two P-N junctions

B. has three P-N junctions

C. depends on the variation of the depletion layer width with reverse voltage, for its operation

D. depends on the variation of a magnetic field for its operation

Answer: Option B
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24. For oscillations to starts, the loop gain A β of the oscillator must be initially
A. less than unity

B. 0.5

C. 1.0

D. more than unity

Answer: Option D
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25. Pick the Odd one out


C. Planer transistor

D. Unijunction transistor
Answer: Option D
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26. The circuit of figure is called

A. diode bias

B. current mirror

C. complementary mirror

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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27. If the changes in zener current in a voltage regulator circuit are too large, it can be corrected by
using a
A. emitter follower

B. CE amplifier

C. capacitor

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option A
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28. MOS circuits as compared to bipolar circuits take
A. more chip area

B. less chip area

C. same chip area

D. none of these
Answer: Option B
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29. Typical values of voltage gain for CE, CB and CC amplifiers are
A. 100, 100 and 1 respectively

B. 100, 1 and 100 respectively

C. 100, 1 and 1 respectively

D. 1, 100 and 100 respectively

Answer: Option A
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30. For a transistor if dc = 0.98 and emitter current IE is 2 mA, then collector current will be
A. 0.44 mA

B. 0.88 mA

C. 1.96 mA

D. 3.32 mA
Answer: Option B
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31. In figure the potential of gate terminal is

A. 4V

B. -4 V

C. 0

D. 20 V
Answer: Option C
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32. The gate-source voltage that reduces the drain current to approximately zero is called
A. gate-source on voltage

B. gate-source voltage

C. pinch-off voltage

D. gate-source cut-off voltage

Answer: Option C
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33. In a half wave voltage doubler circuit the input frequency is 50 Hz. The ripple frequency is
A. 25 Hz

B. 50 Hz

C. 100 Hz

D. 150 Hz
Answer: Option B
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34. Class A amplifiers are preferred when

A. minimum distortion is required

B. maximum voltage gain is required

C. output signal is desired in phase with input signal

D. signal having A.C. superimposed on D.C. are to be amplified

Answer: Option A
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35. In figure the source resistance of current source IEE is infinite, then common mode gain is

A. infinite

B. zero

C. indeterminate


Answer: Option A
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36. Which of the following circuit would be preferred for a 355 KHz IF amplifier?
A. Resistance loaded
B. Double tuned transformer

C. Video amplifier

D. Class C
Answer: Option B
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37. In a series regulated power supply circuit, the voltage gain A v, of the 'pass' transistor satisfies the
A. Av → ∞

B. 1 << Av < ∞

C. Av ≈ 1

D. Av << 1
Answer: Option C
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38. Assertion (A): In CC amplifier the collector is at ac ground

Reason (R): CC amplifier is also called emitter follower
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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39. The circuit consisting of two transistor connected in series with the d.c. supply voltage is called
A. push pull

B. differential pair

C. stacked V+

D. complementary symmetry
Answer: Option C
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40. Common emitter transistor has

A. high current and high voltage gain

B. low current gain and low voltage gain

C. high current gain and low voltage gain

D. low current and voltage gain

Answer: Option A
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41. A three terminal monolithic IC regulator can be used as

A. an a adjustable output voltage regulator alone

B. an adjustable output voltage regulator & a current regulator

C. a current regulator & a power switch

D. a current regulator alone

Answer: Option D
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42. Which of the following is not the main characteristic of a FET?

A. Drain resistance

B. Forward transconductance

C. Temperature stability

D. Amplification factor
Answer: Option C
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43. The basic amplifier in Weinbridge oscillator consists of

A. CE stage followed by CE
B. CE stage followed by CB

C. CB stage followed by CE

D. CC stage followed by CE
Answer: Option A
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44. A distorted sinusoidal has the amplitudes A1, A2, A3 ... of the fundamental, second, harmonic
third harmonic, ... respectively. The total harmonic distortion is





Answer: Option B
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45. To obtain very high I/P and O/P impedances in a feedback amplifier, the topology used is
A. voltage series

B. current series

C. voltage shunt

D. current shunt
Answer: Option C
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46. Efficiency of a half wave diode rectifier is less than 40%.

A. True
B. False
Answer: Option A
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47. Generally op amp is used in

A. open loop

B. closed loop

C. cascaded loop

D. either (a) or (c)

Answer: Option B
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48. The equivalent circuit of an op-amp has

A. a virtual ground at input

B. a virtual ground at output

C. virtual ground at input as well as at output

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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49. In a transistor with normal bias

A. the emitter junction has a low resistance

B. the emitter junction has a very high resistance

C. the emitter junction supplies majority carries into the base region

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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50. A transistor has
1. collector
2. emitter
3. base
In a N-P-N transistor the electron flow into the transistor at
A. I only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. I and II only
Answer: Option D
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1. Negative feedback in amplifier

A. reduces gain

B. increases frequency and phase distortion

C. reduces bandwidth

D. increases noise
Answer: Option A
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2. Which of the following is the fastest switching device?




D. Triode
Answer: Option C
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3. Which of the following is not valid in case of bipolars?

A. It has a low input impedance
B. It has high voltage gain

C. It is a current controlled device

D. It is difficult to bias
Answer: Option D
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4. The input resistance of JFET ideally approaches

A. zero

B. 1 ohm

C. 100 ohm

D. infinity
Answer: Option D
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5. In the analysis of common emitter amplifier we may neglect

A. hre

B. hoe

C. hfe

D. hie
Answer: Option A
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6. The ac input voltage of an amplifier

A. is always equal to ac signal voltage

B. may be equal to or more than ac signal voltage

C. is always less than ac signal voltage

D. may be equal or more or less than ac signal voltage

Answer: Option D
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7. Assertion (A): Negative feedback reduces the gain of an amplifier

Reason (R): Negative feedback is very commonly used in amplifier circuits
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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8. In figure the coordinates of Q point on the load line are (Neglect V BE)

A. IC = 10 mA, VCE = 15 V

B. IC = 5 mA, VCE = 22.5 V

C. IC = 5 mA, VCE = 15 V

D. IC = 10 mA, VCE = 22.5 V

Answer: Option A
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9. In the re model of a BJT amplifier, the ac resistance of diode at room temperature is about (I E is
quiescent emitter current)




Answer: Option A
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10. The emitter resistor RE in the emitter of CE amplifier stabilizes the dc operating point against
variation in
A. temperature only

B. β of transistor

C. both temperature and β

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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11. Which of the following circuit does not need a coupling capacitor?
A. Resistance loaded

B. Transformer coupled

C. Impedance coupled

D. Single tuned
Answer: Option B
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12. Assertion (A): A large negative feedback is deliberately introduced in an amplifier to make its
gain independent of variation is in parameters of active device and other components.
Reason (R): A large negative feedback results in a high value of return difference compared to
unity which makes the feedback gain inversely proportional to feedback factor.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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13. In case of a transistor amplifier the emitter resistance Re is removed

A. the gain of the amplifier will reduce

B. heat sink will not be required

C. Q-point will become unstable

D. base to emitter function will be less forward biased

Answer: Option C
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14. In oscillators class C operation is preferred because

A. is most efficient

B. has frequency stability

C. gives larger output

D. it produces nearly square waves

Answer: Option D
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15. In a common emitter circuit all voltages are measured with respect to
A. base

B. emitter

C. collector

D. base or collector
Answer: Option B
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16. A ripple in collector supply voltage of the output stage of amplifier causes noise.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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17. In a transistor IE = 10 mA, ICO = 0.5 μA and  = 0.995. Then ICEO =

A. 100 μA

B. 25 μA

C. 10.1 mA

D. 10.5 mA
Answer: Option A
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18. As a compared to a CB amplifier, a CE amplifier has

A. lower current amplification

B. higher current amplification

C. lower input resistance

D. higher input resistance

Answer: Option B
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19. The stray capacitance between the last stage and the first stage of an oscillator may cause
A. unwanted low frequency oscillations

B. unwanted high frequency oscillations

C. unwanted oscillations at low and high frequencies

D. large feedback
Answer: Option B
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20. In a voltage regulator circuit using zener diode the load voltage is nearly constant only if
A. zener current is very small

B. zener current is very large

C. zener current is neither small nor large

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
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21. Symbol shown in figure represents a

A. P-channel DMOSFET

B. N-channel DMOSFET

C. UJT with P-type base

D. UJT with N-type base

Answer: Option A
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22. Figure shows basic Hartley oscillator configuration. Do you think the polarities marked for the
split coiled are correct?

A. yes they are

B. no they are not

C. it really doesn't matter

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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23. If the Q of a single-stage single-tuned amplifier is doubled, then its bandwidth will
A. remain same

B. become half

C. become doubled

D. become four times

Answer: Option B
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24. A boot strap generally incorporates

A. CB configuration

B. CE configuration

C. emitter follower

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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25. The common-drain amplifier, better known as the source follower, has a voltage gain
__________ and the output signal is __________ with the input signal.
A. approaching unity, in phase

B. approaching unity, out of phase

C. is very high, in phase

D. is very high, in reverse phase

Answer: Option A
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26. In CB amplifier the distortion of the input voltage waveform may occur due to
A. very low input resistance of an amplifier

B. very high input resistance of the amplifier

C. improper biasing

D. ripples in power supply

Answer: Option A
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27. As compared to full wave rectifier, a half wave rectifier

A. has higher ripple factor

B. has lower ripple factor

C. may have higher or lower ripple factor

D. has same ripple factor

Answer: Option A
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28. Assertion (A): A self bias circuit is the most commonly used bias circuit for bipolar junction
Reason (R): A self bias circuit limits the increase in collector or emitter current due to change in
junction temperature.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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29. In an amplifier if conductor during the cycle is from 0 to 90° and again from 180° to 270°, the
amplifier will be termed as
A. class A
B. class B

C. class C

D. class AB
Answer: Option B
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30. A sine wave with slew rate distortion looks like

A. step wave

B. square wave

C. triangular wave

D. cosine wave
Answer: Option C
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31. In the case of the circuit shown in the figure, the collector current IC will be, if β = 100, VBE = 0.7
V, ICO = 0.1 βA at 20°C

A. 2.26 mA

B. 1.85 mA

C. 0.357 mA

D. 0.185 mA
Answer: Option A
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32. A three-section RC phase shift oscillator has R = 10K ohms and C = 0.001 μF. The frequency of
oscillations is
A. 1.1 kHz

B. 2.5 kHz

C. 3.3 kHz

D. 6.5 kHz
Answer: Option D
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33. The circuit of figure is

A. positive clipper

B. negative clipper

C. combination clipper

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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34. Assertion (A): Electric coupling, magnetic coupling and ground loop can cause unwanted high
frequency oscillations.
Reason (R): Hartley oscillator uses a tapped inductor
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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35. In figure VCE (sat) = 0.1 V. Then IC (sat) =

A. 10 mA

B. 20 mA

C. 30 mA

D. 40 mA
Answer: Option B
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36. Power transistors are invariably provided with

A. soldered connections

B. heat sink

C. metallic casing

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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37. Assertion (A): The ac load line is different from dc load line
Reason (R): The ac load resistance seen by collector and emitter is different from dc load
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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38. In a class C operation VCC = 40 V and VCE(sat) = 0.4 V. The efficiency is

A. 90%

B. 49.5%

C. 1%

D. 0.5%
Answer: Option A
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39. The circuit shown in figure will

A. oscillate at 456 kHz

B. oscillate at 228 kHz

C. oscillate at microwave frequency

D. not oscillate
Answer: Option D
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40. The absolute values of pinch-off voltage and gate-source cut-off voltage are
A. nearly zero

B. complementary to each other

C. never equal

D. equal
Answer: Option D
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41. A radio frequency choke permits an easy flow of __________ current and at the same time it
offers a very impedance to __________ currents.
A. A.C., low frequency

B. A.C., high frequency

C. D.C., low frequency

D. D.C. high frequency

Answer: Option D
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42. Assertion (A): In an op-amp the gain bandwidth product equals ffinity
Reason (R): The change in open loop gain of an amplifier has almost no effect on closed loop
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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43. Lower chip area requirements of MOS is advantage in

A. low power circuits

B. high power circuits

C. repetitive operation circuits

D. large scale integration

Answer: Option D
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44. For high frequency response of a transistor amplifier, suitable model to use is
A. Kelvin network

B. Lattice network

C. Hybrid 

D. T-network
Answer: Option C
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45. A transistor with  = 0.98 then β will be

A. 49

B. 50

C. 47

D. 48
Answer: Option A
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46. Harmonic distortion in CB amplifier may be least when the load resistance is
A. negligible

B. very low

C. very high

D. infinite
Answer: Option C
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47. If a common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistance RC has an overall transconductance gain
of 1 m A/V, a voltage gain of - 4 and desensitivity of 50, then the value of the emitter resistance
R would be
A. 50 kΩ
B. 0.98 kΩ

C. 50 Ω

D. 0.98 Ω
Answer: Option B
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48. Turn on time of a transistor switch is equal to sum of (where tr is rise time, td is delay time)
A. ts - tr

B. ts - tf

C. td + tr

D. 2tr
Answer: Option C
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49. For the circuit shown in the figure, the capacitor C is initially uncharged. At t = 0, the switch S is
closed. The voltage Vc across the capacitor at t = 1 millisecond is (In the figure shown above, the
op-amp is supplied with ± 15 V and the ground has been shown by the symbol)

A. 0V

B. 6.3 V

C. 9.45 volts

D. 10 volts
Answer: Option D
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50. In amplifiers, the parasitic oscillation result due to
A. transistor inter junction capacitance

B. push pull operator

C. negative feedback

D. poor inter-stage coupling

Answer: Option A
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1. When a transistor is to be at a temperature above 25°C

A. smaller heat sink be provided

B. maximum power rating be derated

C. biasing circuit must be strengthened

D. earth connections must be connected through a resistor

Answer: Option B
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2. Assertion (A): In monolithic IC the components are part of one chip

Reason (R): An op-amp is a high gain dc amplifier
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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3. The most widely used LC oscillator is

A. Hartley oscillator

B. Crystal oscillator

C. Colpitt's oscillator
D. Clapp's oscillator
Answer: Option A
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4. Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A depletion type N-channel MOSFET conducts even when VGS = 0

B. A BJT is very sensitive to radiation whereas FET is relatively immune

C. Bipolars need higher supply voltage than FETs

D. Both N-channel as well as p-channel JFETs work in the depletion mode

Answer: Option C
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5. The disadvantage of FET over BJT is

A. poor high frequency performance

B. low power-handling ability

C. low values of voltage gain

D. all of the above

Answer: Option D
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6. In a self bias circuit for CE amplifier, the base voltage is

A. equal to supply voltage

B. more than supply voltage

C. equal to or more than supply voltage

D. less than supply voltage

Answer: Option D
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7. A push pull amplifier is a

A. power amplifier

B. voltage amplifier

C. current amplifier

D. both power and current amplifier

Answer: Option A
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8. An engineer designs an amplifier to have a voltage gain of 60, but when constructed it only had
a gain of 50. How much feedback should be used to provide the desired level?
A. +0.03%

B. +0.33%

C. +1.30%

D. +3.3%
Answer: Option B
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9. Which of the following oscillator circuits uses three capacitors in the phase shifting network?
A. Hartley

B. Clapp

C. Colpitt's

D. Both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option B
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10. Consider the following rectifier circuits :

1. half-wave rectifier without filter
2. full-wave rectifier without filter
3. full-wave rectifier with series inductance filter
4. full-wave rectifier with capacitance filter.
The sequence of these rectifier circuits in decreasing order of their ripple factor is
A. 1, 2, 3, 4

B. 3, 4, 1, 2

C. 1, 4, 3, 2

D. 3, 2, 1, 4
Answer: Option A
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11. The depletion type MOSFET can operate in

A. depletion mode only

B. enhancement mode only

C. depletion or enhancement mode

D. neither depletion nor enhancement mode

Answer: Option C
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12. In figure, D2 turns on when

A. vi is more positive than V1

B. vi is less positive than V1

C. vi is more negative than V2

D. vi is less negative than V2

Answer: Option C
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13. One of the following can be used to generate a pulse whenever triggered
A. flip-flop

B. monostable multivibrator

C. stable multivibrator

D. Schmitt trigger
Answer: Option B
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14. Figure shows the feedback network of one of the very popular types of sinusoidal oscillators.
Which one is that?

A. Weinbridge oscillator

B. Hartley oscillator

C. Colpitt's oscillator

D. R-C phase shift oscillator

Answer: Option A
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15. Which amplifier has the higher power gain?

A. Common emitter

B. Common collector

C. Common base

D. Both CC and CE
Answer: Option A
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16. 2N 2430 could be a

A. semi-conductor diode

B. dual gate MOSFET


Answer: Option C
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17. If re is ac resistance of diode, the Thevenin input impedance of a differential amplifier is

A. re

B. bre

C. 2 bre

D. 0.5 bre
Answer: Option C
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18. In figure the trace on the CRO will be

A. half rectifier wave

B. clamped wave

C. no trace at all

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option C
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19. The circuit shown I/P in the figure represents

A. Low pass filter

B. High pass filter

C. Band Pass filter

D. Band stop filter

Answer: Option C
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20. To have a centred Q point in CE amplifier

ac resistance of collector circuit

ac resistance of emitter circuit

ac resistance of collector and emitter circuit

ac resistance of collector and emitter circuit
Answer: Option C
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21. The h parameter equivalent to ac resistance re is

A. hib

B. hfe
C. hob

D. hrb
Answer: Option A
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22. In figure the diode is ideal (zero cut in voltage zero forward resistance). Then the current through
diode is

A. 0

B. 4 A

C. 1 A

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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23. The theoretical maximum efficiency of a half wave diode rectifier is

A. 40.6%

B. 50%

C. 81.2%

D. slightly less than 100%

Answer: Option A
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24. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The input impedance of CE amplifier is usually around 10 Ω

B. The voltage gain of a transistor amplifier in CE mode is always less than unity
The output impedance of a transistor amplifier is independent of the transistor

D. The voltage gain of a transistor amplifier is independent of the load resistance

Answer: Option A
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25. In a transistor push pull amplifier

A. there is no dc present in the output

B. there are no even harmonics in the output

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C
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26. When negative feedback is used the fractional changes in closed loop gain are desensitized by
the factor (1 + Avβ)
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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27. Which of the following statement about JFET is true?

In a JFET, gate and source have opposite polarity with respect to drain irrespective of the
type of FET

B. In its schematic symbol for JFET, the arrow always points to p-type material

C. In an n-channel JFET, the channel is the narrowest under zero gate bias condition

D. In JFET, gate source cut off voltage is numerically equal to the pinch off voltage
Answer: Option D
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28. Which of the following is the common feature between FETs and bipolars?
A. Have low input impedance

B. Have low voltage gain

C. Are difficult to bias

D. None of them
Answer: Option D
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29. The circuit shown in the figure is that of

A. non-inverting amplifier

B. Inverting amplifier

C. an oscillator

D. Schmitt trigger
Answer: Option D
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30. The current through common emitter resistor of a differential amplifier is called
A. differential current

B. emitter current

C. ground current

D. tail current
Answer: Option D
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31. V MOS have the advantage of

A. faster switching

B. no thermal run away

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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32. For an op-amp source follower circuit

A. input and output voltages have same magnitude

B. output and input voltages are in phase

C. output and input voltages are in phase but have different magnitudes

D. output and input voltages have same magnitude and are in phase
Answer: Option C
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33. In CE approximation, the upper end of d.c. load line is called the __________ point and the
lower end is the __________ point.
A. Q, base

B. base, Q

C. saturation, cut off

D. cut off, saturation

Answer: Option C
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34. In a class C power amplifier

A. resonant frequency of tuned circuit is equal to fundamental frequency of pulsed waveform
B. resonant frequency of tuned circuit is half the fundamental frequency of pulsed waveform

resonant frequency of tuned circuit has no relation to the fundamental frequency of pulsed

D. either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A
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35. A low noise device is most important

A. at front end of equipment

B. in the last stage of equipment

C. in the middle stages of equipment

D. both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option A
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36. How many cascaded stage of CE amplifiers will result in polarity inversion of the input signal?
A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. None
Answer: Option B
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37. Circuit shown in the figure is

A. astable multivibrator

B. monostable multivibrator


D. ramp Generator
Answer: Option A
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38. The gain of a source follower is unity.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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39. In a transistor, current ICBO flow when

some D.C. voltage is applied in the reverse direction to the emitter junction with the
collector open circuit

some D.C. voltage is applied in the forward direction to the collector junction with the
emitter open circuit

some D.C. voltage is applied in the reverse direction to the collector junction with the
emitter open circuited

some D.C. voltage is applied in the forward direction to the emitter junction with the
collector open circuited
Answer: Option C
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40. The D.C. alpha() of a transistor is approximately

A. unity

B. 10 to 50

C. 100 to 500

D. 1000 to 5000
Answer: Option A
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41. The period of oscillation of a symmetrical multivibrator depends upon the discharging time
constant and is roughly given by
A. T = 1.4 RC


C. T = 1.4 RC

D. T = 1.4 RC
Answer: Option A
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42. For the high-pass circuit to act as a differentiator, the time constant must be
A. small

B. very small in comparison to the time period of the input signal

C. very high in comparison to the time period of the input signal (that is low pass circuit)

D. moderate value
Answer: Option B
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43. When a CE transistor is cut off
A. voltage across collector reduces to zero

B. voltage across collector is maximum

C. maximum collector current flows

D. maximum voltage appears across the load resistance

Answer: Option B
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44. With JFETs cascade means

A. a common source driving a common gate connection

B. a common gate driving a common source connection

C. two FETs connected in parallel

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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45. The bandwidth of an amplifier can be reduced by

A. miller effect compensation

B. pole zero compensation

C. dominant pole compensation

D. lead compensation
Answer: Option C
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46. To draw dc equivalent circuit for a CE amplifier circuit we should

A. Reduce all ac sources to zero

B. Open all capacitors

C. Reduce all ac sources to zero and open all capacitors

D. Reduce all ac sources to zero and short all capacitors

Answer: Option C
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47. The maximum efficiency of class A amplifier is

A. 100%

B. 81.8%

C. 50%

D. 40%
Answer: Option C
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48. In a cascade amplifier, the intermediate stages are always in

A. CC configuration

B. CB configuration

C. CE configuration

D. any of the above

Answer: Option C
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49. For an amplifier the power gain in decibels will be equal to voltage gain in decibels only when
A. R0 = 0

B. R0 = Ri = 90

C. R0 = Ri

D. Ri = 0
Answer: Option C
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50. In a differential amplifier, CMRR can be improved by using an increased

A. emitter resistance
B. collector resistance

C. power supply voltages

D. source resistance
Answer: Option A
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1. Which of the following are linear ICs?

A. RF and IF amplifiers

B. Wide band amplifier

C. Audio amplifiers

D. All of the above

Answer: Option D
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2. The more negative gate voltage, the conductive channel becomes

A. narrower

B. wider

C. thicker

D. linear
Answer: Option A
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3. Which circuit has its output signal from, the emitter?

A. Common base

B. Common emitter

C. Emitter follower

D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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4. Symbol shown in figure represents a

A. P-channel DEMOSFET

B. N-channel DEMOSFET

C. UJT with N-type base

D. UJT with P-type base

Answer: Option C
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5. A JFET is a
A. unipolar device

B. bipolar device

C. tripolar device

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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6. Which configuration has high input impedance and low output impedance?



D. CB and CE
Answer: Option C
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7. Assertion (A): An ac amplifier uses coupling capacitors at input and output

Reason (R): The capacitive reactance varies inversely with frequency. It is infinite for dc
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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8. Common base configuration is little used because

A. it has low input impedance

B. it has high input impedance

C. it does not heat up

D. it has very high gain

Answer: Option A
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9. In figure it is desired that output wave is symmetrical. Then

A. both diodes should be similar and |V1| = |V2|

B. both diodes should be similar

C. |V1| = |V2|

D. either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option A
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10. If the plate supply voltage for a plate modulated class C amplifier is E volts, the maximum plate-
cathode voltage could be almost as high as
A. E

B. E/2

C. 2E

D. 4E
Answer: Option D
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11. If three cascaded stages of amplifier have gains 10, 20 and 30 the overall voltage will be
A. 30

B. 60

C. 600

D. 6000
Answer: Option D
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12. A collector collects

A. electrons from the base in case of N-P-N transistor

B. electrons from the emitter in case P-N-P transistor

C. holes from the base in case of N-P-N transistor

D. holes from the base in case of P-N-P transistor

Answer: Option B
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13. In a resistance loaded, RC coupled amplifier the d.c. component is blocked by

A. Transistor



Answer: Option B
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14. A logarithmic amplifier has diode in the feedback path.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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15. The input resistance of FET in the low frequency small signal operation is
A. infinitely high

B. around 1 kΩ

C. around 50 Ω

D. very small
Answer: Option A
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16. The enhancement type MOSFET is called a

A. normally on MOSFET

B. normally off MOSFET

C. P-type MOSFET

D. N-type MOSFET
Answer: Option B
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17. The input gate current of a FET is

A. a few amperes

B. a few milli amperes

C. a few micro amperes

D. negligible
Answer: Option D
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18. For maximum unclipped output from a CE amplifier, the Q point should be
A. at the centre of dc load line

B. at the centre of ac load line

C. at the centre of collector current

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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19. The circuit shown in figure will act as

A. differentiator

B. adder

C. clipper

D. clamper
Answer: Option C
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20. Which of the following best represents the input impedance of an actual op-amp?
A. 10 ohm

B. 1 k ohm

C. 1 M ohm
D. 100 M ohm
Answer: Option C
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21. An engineer designs an amplifier to have a voltage gain of 60, but when constructed it only had
a gain of 50. Which of the following will increases from this type of operation?
A. Stability

B. Bandwidth

C. Distortion

D. Input resistance
Answer: Option C
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22. For a transistor if dc = 0.98 and emitter current IE is 2 mA, then base current will be
A. 10 μA

B. 40 μA

C. 80 μA

D. 200 μA
Answer: Option A
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23. Assertion (A): Linear ICs include audio amplifier, wideband amplifier, RF amplifier and IF
Reason (R): The error voltage in a feedback circuit is very small
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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24. The given circuit has a feedback factor of





Answer: Option D
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25. Assertion (A): The horizontal intercept of dc load line is the same as ideal cut off point
Reason (R): When a transistor is in cut off region, collector current is zero
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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26. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A. UJT is a 3-terminal diode having two unequally doped regions

B. A UJT can be triggered by any one of its three terminals

C. The bi-directional switching characteristics of a diac are symmetrical

D. As compared to JFETs, MOSFETs generate less noise in high gain amplifiers

Answer: Option D
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27. Which circuit is called swamped amplifier?




D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A
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28. The ripple factor of a power supply is given by

A. Pdc/Pac




Answer: Option B
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29. In a linear op-amp circuit

A. the product of gain and bandwidth is constant
B. input can be dc only

C. input can be ac only

D. saturation may occur

Answer: Option A
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30. In a normally biased N-P-N transistor the main current crossing the collector junction is
A. a drift current

B. a hole current

C. a diffusion current

D. same as the base current

Answer: Option A
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31. The changes in ambient temperature affect the open loop gain of amplifier.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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32. In a JFET, the lower end is called the __________ and the upper end is called the __________ .
A. source, channel

B. channel, drain

C. source, drain

D. drain source
Answer: Option C
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33. A semi-conductor device that behaves like two SCRs is




Answer: Option D
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34. As compared to a BJT amplifier circuit, a JFET amplifier circuit

A. has low input impedance

B. has high input impedance

C. has very low input impedance

D. may have either low or high input impedance

Answer: Option B
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35. In an oscillator the total phase shift around the loop must be
A. 180°

B. 90°

C. 270°

D. 0°
Answer: Option D
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36. Which of the following parameters of CE circuit has the unit of ohms?
A. hie

B. hre

C. hfe

D. hoe
Answer: Option A
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37. In the op-amp circuit shown in figure the current through load resistance R L is





Answer: Option A
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38. Whenever a JFET operates above pinch-off voltage

A. depletion regions become smaller

B. drain current increase steeply

C. drain current starts decreasing

D. drain current remains nearly constant

Answer: Option D
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39. A Weinbridge oscillator is a
A. VHF oscillator

B. RF oscillator

C. microwave oscillator

D. audio frequency oscillator

Answer: Option D
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40. RC network shown in the given figure can provide a maximum theoretical phase shift of

A. 90°

B. 180°

C. 270°

D. 360°
Answer: Option B
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41. Assertion (A): In the circuit shown figure the diode is used to protect the active devices.
Transistor T goes into saturation when a positive pulse is applied at base and non conducting
Reason (R): When the current in an inductor is suddenly stopped, a high voltage is induced
across it.

A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong
D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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42. When the ac input signal is very large the instantaneous operating point CE amplifier moves all
the way between
A. ac saturation and ac cut off points

B. ac operating and ac cut off points

C. ac saturation and ac operating points

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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43. For full wave rectification four diode bridge rectifier is claimed to have following advantages:
1. Less expensive transformer
2. Small size transformer
3. Suitable for higher voltage applications
Which of these are correct?
A. 1 and 2 only

B. 1 and 3 only

C. 2 and 2 only

D. 1, 2, 3
Answer: Option D
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44. Following figure is a signal conditioning Amplifier, changes gain depending upon the polarity of
Vs. What will be circuit voltage gain for + Vs and for - Vs if D2 is ideal.

A. AV = -R3/R1

B. R3/R1

C. R1/R3

D. 1 + R3/R1
Answer: Option A
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45. Which class of amplifiers operates with least distortion?

A. Class A

B. Class B

C. Class C

D. Class AB
Answer: Option A
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46. In a full wave diode rectifier circuit each diode carries current for
A. 90° in each cycle

B. 180° in each cycle

C. 270° in each cycle

D. 360° in each cycle

Answer: Option B
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47. When a JFET is cut off, it's like an __________ switch and when it is saturated, it's like a
__________ switch.
A. closed, open

B. open, closed

C. open, open

D. closed, closed
Answer: Option B
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48. The mobility of e- for Ge and Si respectively is

A. 1.66, 2.5

B. 2.5, 1.66

C. 2.7, 2.33

D. 2.33, 2.7
Answer: Option A
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49. If a capacitor C is charged by a constant current I, then the rate of change of voltage with time
given by sweep speed equal to
A. C/I


C. I/C


Answer: Option C
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50. In operational Amplifier, Common mode voltage gain should be
A. 0

B. ∞

C. 1

D. 0.5
Answer: Option A
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1. Which op-amp circuit uses a resistance in series with input and capacitor in feedback path?
A. Differentiating amplifier

B. Integrating amplifier

C. Logarithmic amplifier

D. Exponential amplifier
Answer: Option B
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2. Saturation of iron core causes distortion.

A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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3. Which of the following is non-sinusoidal oscillator?

A. Multivibrator

B. Relaxation oscillator using UJT

C. Relaxation oscillator using tunnel diode

D. Any of the above

Answer: Option A
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4. Low gain-bandwidth product of a JFET is due to
A. reduced number of holes

B. junction capacitive effects

C. low degree of isolation between input and output

D. all of the above

Answer: Option B
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5. The circuit of the figure is an example of feedback of the following type

A. current series

B. current shunt

C. voltage series

D. voltage shunt
Answer: Option D
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6. Oscillation frequency in Wein bridge oscillator is



C. f = 2 CR

Answer: Option A
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7. Assertion (A): A class C amplifier can also be used as frequency multiplier

Reason (R): When narrow current pulses drive a resonant circuit the output can be a near
perfect sine wave
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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8. The parameter β of a BJT change by 300%. If self bias is used in the amplifier using this BJT,
the quiescent value of IC and VCE remain almost the same.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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9. A bypass capacitor produces

A. dc ground

B. ac ground

C. both dc and ac ground

D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
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10. Rise time in a transistor is change from
A. 10% of its final value to 90% of its final value

B. 0% of its final value to 90% of its final value

C. 10% of its final value to 100% of its final value

D. 10% to its final value to 50% of its final value

Answer: Option A
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11. The common gate amplifier has a characteristically __________ input resistance and a
__________ output resistance.
A. low, low

B. high, high

C. low, high

D. high, low
Answer: Option C
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12. For input and later stages, BI-FET op-amp use

A. JFETs and MOSFETs respectively

B. MOSFETs and JFETs respectively

C. JFETs and BJTs respectively

D. BJTs and JFETs respectively

Answer: Option C
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13. The emitter coupled pair of BJT's gives a linear transfer relation between the differential output
voltage and the differential input voltage Vid only when the magnitude of Vid is less  times the
thermal voltage, where  is
A. 4

B. 3
C. 2

D. 1
Answer: Option D
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14. In most transistor the collector region is made physically larger than the emitter region
A. for dissipating heat

B. to distinguish it from other regions

C. as it is sensitive to ultraviolet rays

D. to reduce resistance in the path of flow of electrons

Answer: Option A
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15. The leakage current in CB configuration may be around

A. few micro amperes

B. few hundred micro amperes

C. few milliamperes

D. few hundred milliamperes

Answer: Option A
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16. In figure VCC = + 30 V, IC corresponding to Q point is 1 mA. If RC = 5 kΩ and RE = 5 kΩ,
VCE corresponding to Q point is

A. 30 V

B. 20 V

C. 25 V

D. 5 V
Answer: Option B
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17. Symbol shown in figure represents a

A. Enhancement only N-channel MOSFET

B. UJT with p-type base

C. N-channel DMOSFET with internal protection

D. Phototransistor
Answer: Option C
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18. In which of the following circuits is op-amp used in open loop configuration?
A. Comparator

B. Summing amplifier
C. Integrating amplifier

D. Logarithmic amplifier
Answer: Option A
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19. In the op-amp circuit of figure, V0 =

A. 3 V1 - 4 V2

B. -3 V1 + 4 V2

C. 3(V1 - V2)

D. -3(V1 - V2)
Answer: Option B
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20. In a diode rectifier with a capacitance input filter, a surge current is likely to flow when the circuit
is switched on. The cause of this surge current is
A. the non linear behaviour of diodes

B. the capacitor acts as a short circuit at the instant of switching,

C. the inductance of leads

D. both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B
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21. In a CE amplifier it is desired that the signal should be able to swing equally in both directions.
Then the Q point should be
A. at the centre of ac load line
B. at the centre of dc load line

C. at the centre of collector voltage

D. at the centre of collector current

Answer: Option A
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22. In a base driver amplifier the voltage gain is the ratio of

A. ac collector voltage to ac base voltage

B. ac emitter voltage to ac base voltage

C. ac collector voltage to ac emitter voltage

D. ac base voltage to ac emitter voltage

Answer: Option A
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23. Assertion (A): A class C amplifier is a timed amplifier which needs a tank circuit as the load in
the collector circuit of the transistor for its proper operation
Reason (R): In class C operation collector current flows for less than 180° of the ac cycle and
thus flows in pulses
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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24. A junction Field Effect Transistor can operate in

A. depletion mode only

B. enhancement mode only

C. depletion and enhancement modes

D. neither depletion nor enhancement modes

Answer: Option A
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25. The re model equivalent circuit shown in figure is for

A. CE amplifier

B. CC amplifier

C. CB amplifier

D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
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26. CMRR is the ratio of differential voltage gain to common mode gain.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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27. The purpose of impedance matching in an amplifier circuit is to achieve

A. high efficiency

B. reduce distortion

C. maximum power transfer

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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28. For the circuit of figure the input and output Miller resistances are

A. 5 kΩ each

B. 1 ohm and 5 kΩ respectively

C. 5 kΩ and 1 ohm respectively

D. 1 ohm each
Answer: Option B
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29. In a BJT CE amplifier circuit the value of coupling capacitor should be such that
A. its reactance is small for the lowest frequency in the input and output

B. its reactance is high for the lowest frequency in the input and output

C. its reactance is zero for the lowest frequency in the input and output

D. its reactance is infinite for the lowest frequency in the input and output
Answer: Option A
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30. In order to rectify sinusoidal signals of millivolt range (< 0.6 V)

A. bridge rectifier using diodes can be employed

B. full wave diode rectifier can be used

C. a diode is to be inserted in the feedback loop of an op-amp

D. a diode is to be inserted in the I/P of an op-amp

Answer: Option C
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31. CMRR of an op-amp is about 0.1.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option B
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32. A transistor amplifier has poles at

s1 = - 0.000245 x 109 rad/sec.
s2 = - 0.0748 x 109 rad/sec.
s3 = - 0.670 x 109 rad/sec.
s4 = - 4.38 x 109 rad/sec.
The upper 3 dB frequency of the amplifier will be
A. s1

B. s1 + s2 + s3 + s4

C. s1 + s4

D. s4
Answer: Option A
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33. In the circuit of figure for sinusoidal input the waveform of the output will be as shown in

A. figure A

B. figure B

C. figure C

D. figure D
Answer: Option D
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34. An engineer designs an amplifier to have a voltage gain of 60, but when constructed it only had
a gain of 50. What value of feedback will double the gain?
A. +0.5%

B. +0.66%

C. +1%

D. +3.3%
Answer: Option C
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35. The maximum theoretical efficiency for class A amplifier is

A. 12.5%

B. 25%

C. 50%

D. 75%
Answer: Option B
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36. In the case of an amplifier, the normalised voltage gain is given by.

where f0 is zero frequency, fP is pole frequency. For a standard frequency response of the
A. fP >> f0

B. fP = f0

C. fP << f0

D. f0 = 2 fP
Answer: Option A
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37. In a rectifier only a portion of input power is converted into DC power. The rest is AC power.
A. True

B. False
Answer: Option A
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38. The slope of the transfer characteristics of an N-channel JFET is

A. positive

B. negative

C. constantly varying

D. zero
Answer: Option B
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39. Figure shows a

A. bipolar transistor


C. p-channel MOSFET

D. n-channel enhancement MOSFET

Answer: Option D
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40. In a current mirror

A. the i - v curve of compensating diode is similar to collector curve of transistor

B. the i - v curve of compensating diode is similar to transconductance curve of transistor

C. either (a) or (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option B
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41. In a JFET, gates are always

A. forward biased

B. reverse biased

C. either forward or reverse biased

D. unbiased
Answer: Option B
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42. By connecting external resistances to a differential amplifier we can adjust

A. voltage gain

B. bandwidth

C. both voltage gain and bandwidth

D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
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43. In a CC circuit the current gain is



D. β
Answer: Option A
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44. A feedback network to be used with an amplifier to provide oscillation is tested and found to give
an output of 0.124 V with a 0.5 V input. What must be the minimum gain of the oscillator to
provide oscillations?
A. 40

B. 60

C. 100

D. 130
Answer: Option A
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45. For the circuit shown in figure low cut-off frequency is

A. 1.59 Hz

B. 159 Hz

C. 1.59 kHz

D. 1.59 MHz
Answer: Option A
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46. In a CE amplifier the Q point is very close to saturation point on the dc load line. This results in
A. positive clipping of collector current

B. negative clipping of collector current

C. both positive and negative clipping of collector current

D. either positive or negative clipping of collector current

Answer: Option A
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47. Class-B amplifier has less efficiency compared to

A. class A

B. class B

C. class C

D. class A, AB and C
Answer: Option A
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48. In the amplifier circuit figure the quiescent point voltage and current are

A. 12 V, 5 mA

B. 12 V, 2 mA

C. 10 V, 2 mA

D. 10 V, 5 mA
Answer: Option C
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49. Calculate the O/P voltage of a non-inverting constant gain multiplier with R1 = 100 kΩ, Rf= 600
kΩ, V1 = 2 volt, then O/P voltage Vo of non inverting op-amp is given by
A. 16 V

B. 14 V

C. 20 V

D. 15 V
Answer: Option B
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50. For a BJT, β and  are related as





Answer: Option D
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1. The noise figure of FET circuit is

A. independent of the quiescent point

B. dependent on the quiescent point only

C. dependent on the triggering mechanism

D. independent of all above

Answer: Option A
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2. The circuit diagram shown in the figure consists of transistors in;

A. parallel connection

B. cascade connection

C. darlington connection

D. series connection
Answer: Option A
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3. The encapsulation of transistor is necessary for

A. preventing radio interference

B. preventing photo-emission effects

C. avoiding loss of free electrons

D. mechanical ruggedness
Answer: Option D
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4. The circuit of figure is called

A. current mirror

B. voltage mirror

C. impedance inversion

D. phase splitting
Answer: Option A
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5. In CE approximately, the active region is where the collector curves are

A. almost horizontal

B. almost vertical

C. inclined at 45°

D. inclined at 60°
Answer: Option A
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6. In a transistor leakage current mainly depends on

A. doping of base

B. size of emitter

C. rating of transistor

D. temperature
Answer: Option D
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7. In a CB amplifier the maximum efficiency could be

A. 99%

B. 85%

C. 50%

D. 25%
Answer: Option D
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8. Assertion (A): As per Miller theorem a capacitance C from input to output appears as a much
larger capacitance across input terminals
Reason (R): In a lag network the output voltage appears across capacitor
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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9. When a transistor is connected in common emitter mode, it with have

A. negligible input resistance and high output resistance

B. high input resistance and low output resistance

C. medium input resistance and high output resistance

D. low input resistance as well as output resistance

Answer: Option C
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10. In the equivalent circuit of figure voltage gain is

A. 




Answer: Option C
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11. The signal input to a given amplifier is made up of 100 mΩ signal power and 1 mΩ noise power.
The amplifier contributes an additional 100 mΩ of noise and has a power gain of 20 dB. The
input signal-to noise ratio is
A. 2

B. 10

C. 20

D. 100
Answer: Option D
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12. Assertion (A): A good op-amp should have very large band width
Reason (R): An ideal op-amp should have infinite input resistance and zero output resistance
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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13. In all base driver amplifiers

A. ac collector voltage is 180° out of phase with ac base voltage

B. ac emitter voltage is 180° out of phase with ac base voltage

C. ac collector voltage is in phase with ac base voltage

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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14. The horizontal intercept of dc load line is the same as ideal

A. cut off point

B. saturation point

C. operating point

D. quasi saturation point

Answer: Option A
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15. Figure represents a

A. NPN transistor

B. PNP transistor

C. Zener diode

D. Power diode
Answer: Option A
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16. In deriving ac equivalent circuit for an amplifier circuit we short circuit
A. all resistors

B. all transistors

C. all inductors

D. all capacitors
Answer: Option D
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17. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Push pull signals are equal and opposite in phase

B. Class AB operation cannot be used for a push pull audio power output phase

C. A push pull output transformer has a centre-tapped primary

D. All of the above

Answer: Option B
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18. Which of the following amplifier circuit using junction transistor has the best gain?
A. Common base

B. Common emitter

C. Common collector

D. All have the same gain

Answer: Option B
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19. In an op-amp differentiator

A. the amplitude of output is proportional to rate of change of input

B. the amplitude of output is proportional to input

C. output occurs when input is finite and constant

D. polarity of input and output is the same
Answer: Option A
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20. In switching devices, gold doping is used to

A. improve bonding

B. reduce storage time

C. increase the mobility of the carrier

D. protect the terminals against cooperation

Answer: Option B
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21. In a BJT amplifier circuit the size of coupling capacitor depends on

A. lowest frequency

B. highest frequency

C. average of lowest and highest frequencies

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
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22. In a closed loop non-inverting amplifier, constructed using single break-frequency op-amp,
bandwidth with feedback can be written as. (f0 - break frequency, β - gain of the feedback circuit,
A - open loop voltage gain, Af - closed loop voltage gain)




Answer: Option A
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23. A silicon sample A is doped with 1018 Atoms/cm 3 of Boron. Another sample B of identical
dimensions is doped with 1018 atoms/cm 3 of phosphorus. The ratio of electron to hole mobility is
3. The ratio of conductivity of the sample A to B is
A. 3

B. 1/3

C. 2/3

D. 3/2
Answer: Option B
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24. Which of the following circuit has the greatest bandwidth?

A. fr = 455 MHz; Q = 10

B. fr = 455 MHz; Q = 100

C. fr = 1 MHz; Q = 100

D. fr = 1 MHz; Q = 10
Answer: Option D
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25. A FET is a __________ controlled device whereas a bipolar transistor is a __________

controlled device.
A. gate, drain

B. drain, gate

C. current, voltage

D. voltage, current
Answer: Option D
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26. Two identical FETs, each characterised by the parameters gm and rd are connected in parallel.
The composite FET is then characterised by the parameters

and 2rd


2gm and

D. 2gm and 2rd

Answer: Option C
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27. Assertion (A): If power gain doubles the power gain increases by 3 dB
Reason (R): The bel power gain of cascaded stages is equal to sum of each bel power gain
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option A
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28. The V MOS can handle __________ currents than a conventional MOSFET.
A. much lower

B. almost same

C. almost half

D. much larger
Answer: Option D
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29. Assertion (A): A resistor is a passive load and a transistor is an active load
Reason (R): Op-amp is mostly used in feedback mode
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation for A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation for A

C. A is correct R is wrong

D. A is wrong R is correct
Answer: Option B
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30. Which mode is usually preferred for cascading?




D. Any of the above

Answer: Option A
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31. A certain transistor has dc of 0.98 and a collectors leakage current of 5 μA. If IE = 1 mA, the
base current will be
A. 35 μA

B. 25 μA

C. 15 μA

D. 5 μA
Answer: Option C
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