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Who is at war with whom in the Middle East in 2015?

What I mean is: Who is ISIS at war with, who are the Kurds supporting, what extremist groups are
operating in Iraq and Syria, and are any established countries in the Middle East at war with one
another? Source: Quora
Ans : Before I begin, let me state that IS is scum. What Hitler did to the Jewish people is what IS is
replicating & they must be stopped before it really gets out of hand.
The first obvious opponent of IS is Assad, the leader, I mean dictator of Syria. You see, Assad is an
Alawite, which is a branch of Shia Islam. You have to remember that IS is entirely composed of
"Sunni" Muslims, I placed Sunni in quotations because I doubt they are actually practicing Sunni
Muslims. You see, 1400 years ago the prophet Muhammad died and at his death there was a
division within the community of Muslims (Ummah). The Sunni's said that the next in line to rule over
the Muslim community should be decided upon by a voting process. The Shia said no, the leader of
the Muslims should be from the family of the prophet. The first caliph (successor) of Islam was Abu
Bakr, he gained this power by a majority vote (Sunni method), which pissed quite a few people off
(The Shia's mainly).
Ever since that split there has been animosity within the Muslim community. Yes it is stupid and
childish and yes, many powers have used the split as a means to leverage their own political
agenda. Some Sunni's think Shia's are not true Muslims, these feelings are reciprocated, by this, I
mean that some Shia feel the same way about Sunni Muslims. How idiotic. IS uses this "Cleanse
Islam of the infidels" motto to attract and brainwash morons from across the globe, sadly it's working.
Essentially IS has declared a "Jihad" on Assad, Iraq, Shia's and non Muslims who refuse to convert.
IS want Assad out so that they can claim the land and make it apart of the Islamic Caliphate which
they are striving for. Right now people say it won't happen, but look how quickly these maggots
spread from Iraq to Syria, you can't underestimate their insanity.
Also, the weapons America has given the rebels in Syria has backfired. God knows how many of
those "rebels" are actually IS members, you see the logic? I don't.
Now, the second enemy of IS is Iraq. You see, Sadam was Sunni and he ruled over a Shia majority
and let me tell you, he treated them like crap. When he bit the dust the Shia's moved in to take
power slowly but surely, but some groups (ahem...) didn't want that. After the death of Sadam there
was a vacuum of power which needed to be filled, and IS was that vacuum filler. They, being Sunni,
didn't like how Shia's were the majority and as we all know they "love Shia's" so they decided to show
them who's boss in the area. So here we are now, IS is dominant in both Iraq and Syria.
In order to keep people "in line" they have been raping women and children (boys and girls), have
been beheading both Muslims and religious minorities and have been setting people on fire along
with crucifying them. They are implementing "Sharia" law apparently and they say their caliphate is a
utopia. A utopia? Do they even know the definition of the word? Hell, if it was such a utopia, why is
everyone fleeing from your territory? Hmm.
From above we now know that IS is against Syria and Iraq, but who else? The US, UK, Russia, Iran,
U.A.E, Jordan, Turkey, a few other countries and of course the Kurds are also the enemies of IS.
Mind you, Iran is working with Iraq and Syria so that they can win them over and establish Shia
dominance in these areas, it's a big mess to be frank.
Now, you may be asking, "If that many countries are up against IS, why are they not defeated yet?"
You know what, it is easier said than done. We do not want another Afghanistan or Iraq (though I
think it's to late), so these nations are very hesitant with putting boots on the ground.
In regards to the Kurds, they want their own homeland as well, Kurdistan. They are famous for their
female soldiers, which actually fight well and scare IS members, why? Well, apparently if you are
killed by a woman you don't get the title of a martyr and don't get that ticket to Heaven. You could
say the Kurds are but aren't on anyone's side, it's kind of complicated. What is certain is that they
are on their own side and are doing their best in keeping the scum known as IS out of their territory.
When it comes to other extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, Nusra front is one group operating within
these regions. Other groups include: The Turkistan Islamic Party, Tehrik I Taliban Pakistan, Fatah Al
Islam, Ghuraba Al Sham and a few other small groups which no one gives a damn about. All of these
unemployed fools are causing hell for the people of Syria and Iraq, as if things were not already bad
Now, which countries are at war with one another in the Middle East? Well the main war is between
Saudi Arabia (Sunni based) and Iran (Shia based), wow, what a coincidence no? No it isn't, don't fool
yourself, you're better than that. You see Saudi Arabia is piss scared that Iran is gaining power
through the military support it has sent both to Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Saudi Arabia knows that if Iran
wins in these countries, then Iran will have proxies in these countries. Yemen has an internal conflict
between the, yep you guessed it, Houthi rebels and Sunni government. Saudi Arabia is bombing the
rebels while Iran is arming them.
Mind you, there are rumors going around that Saudi Arabia is actually supporting IS financially so
that they can to overthrow Assad. After all, Saudi Arabia is known to support Sunni extremists and is
the birth place of Wahhabism, an extremist ideology which has plagued the world.
First things first, the division between Sunni's and Shia's has to be eradicated. This is pure tribal
ideology which has no place in today's society. I have no idea why clerics and religious leaders in the
Muslim community have not yet come forward and abolished the sects. Oh wait, that's right, some of
them are corrupt as hell and profit off all of this mayhem. They gain followers and preach their own
little version of Islam, brainwashing the youth in the process.
People have to understand that the sahaba (companions of Muhammad) were just Muslim, no sects
existed. The Quran forbids sects, I don't know how most people overlook this fact. I said it once
before and I will say it again, every IS member is mentally deranged and have some sort of
neurological disorder. They join this group and use religion as a scapegoat in a land with no laws so
that they do not have to face the repercussions of their actions.
Raping women, little boys and little girls, selling them as sex slaves, beheading people or setting
them on fire is not the way to set up a caliphate, far from it. Who wants to live under such tyranny.
What could possibly flourish from this kind of society? Nothing beautiful, rather something even
We have to solve this problem once and for all. Remember that man in Germany? He wasn't taken
serious at first, however, things got real bad real quick and only then did the world open its eyes.
Let's not go there again and act in a decisive manner for the sake of our future.

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