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Urban deforestation in context of Karachi

The Megacity
The megacity Karachi, a hub for economic and industrial activity contributes immensely to the
GDP and revenue of the Country. The GDP contribution was US $8.9 billion in the financial
year 2008-2009 according to a report by the Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and it also
contributed to around 54% of the revenue generated throughout Pakistan. (JICA, 2012).
The Forest Coverage
The city is divided into six main districts with varying number of recorded parks, gardens and
grounds (PGG’s) in each district. The largest number of these recorded PGG’s are in the South
district and smallest in the West district with numbers up-to 65 and 5 respectively. (Urban
Resource Centre [URC], n.d.)
It is evident through satellite images that the city suffered considerable reduction in green areas
since 2000 because of the developmental projects (roads, sewerage lines and others) that have
taken place in that time (Qureshi, S., Kazmi, S. and Breuste, J. ,2010). The rising value of the
land also caused mass deforestation and reduction in open spaces (DAWN, 6 August 2016). The
Kirthar National Park which covers more than 20% of the area in Karachi is situated far from the
main population centers and therefore the benefits that could be received by the general
population are undermined (CDGK, 2007). [(Hasan, Pervaiz, & Raza, 2017)]
This massive deforestation has given rise to numerous problems for the residents of the city.
From respiratory problems and headaches to the lethal heat waves that hit Karachi in 2015 and
took the lives of more than 1200 people (BBC, 2015).
Efforts and the Existing Gap
Although there have been attempts by the government and NGO’s to counter the epidemic of
deforestation and prevent another catastrophe by a heatwave, but there have been little to no
understanding of the social borders that exist as a result of the heatwaves, in the day to day lives
of the people in different classes and social standings.
JICA, 2012. Karachi Transport Improvement Project, Vol. 1.
Hasan, A, Pervaiz, A and Raza, M. 2017. Drivers of climate change vulnerability at different
scales in Karachi. IIED Working Paper. IIED, London.
Urban Resource Centre. (n.d.). List of Parks, Gardens & Grounds in Karachi. Retrieved from
Qureshi, S., Kazmi, S. and Breuste, J. (2010). Ecological disturbances due to high cutback in the
green infrastructure of Karachi: Analyses of public perception about associated health problems.
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 9(3), 187–198.
DAWN (6 August 2016). War against greenery.
City District Government of Karachi (CDGK) (2007). Karachi Strategic Development Plan,
BBC (2015, July 02). Why did so many die in Karachi's heatwave? Retrieved from

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