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The purpose of this document is to ensure that you understand the company,
the direct marketing industry and the role. Please spend adequate time reading
and understanding the information provided before you attend the interview
2nd Round Interview Process
We take this opportunity to thank you for sparing your valuable time for this full day evaluation. Our recruitment
process is different from other companies, we do not evaluate our people based on one parameter at a time.
Our second round of interview is a complete 360◦ evaluation so that we can test not just on your aptitude but your
attitude as well.
We are looking for ambitious, hardworking individuals who can join us at the first stage and grow up the ladder and
become part of huge growth and expansion.






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About SGC & What We Do

SAFFRON GLOBAL CORP was established in 2005 in Sydney, Australia. We are a leading Sales and Marketing
company specializing in face-to-face marketing. We provide marketing services to national and international
clients from various market segments including fundraising, telecommunications, banking and financial
Saffron Global Corp was founded with a team of 5 people from a small office in Australia, then moved to Asia
mentoring 15 + entrepreneurs in Malaysia and The Philippines. Today, we are a well-established and a
fast growing face-to-face marketing company in India with a team of over 400 people across the network.
India is one of the fastest growing major economies in the world and we have BIG plans for our business
here. We are expanding the entrepreneurial opportunity into different cities across India. Potential cities of
growth are Bangalore, Chennai, Raipur, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur, Pune, Warangal, Vishakhapatnam
and Vijayawada, to name a few.
The team at Saffron Global Corp offers a wealth of experience and knowledge in the sales and marketing
industry. The company is growing from strength to strength since our inception driven by the dynamic
leadership of our Managing Director Rama Samudrala.

4 12 20 400
Countries Years Independent Sales Force
Offices in Network
Vision & Mission

Clients We Work With

Goals & Expansion Plans

We as an organization are on a rapid

expansion mode. We have identified
number of cities where we plan to
open our associate offices by 2022.
Any ambitious and hardworking
Business Associate, can leverage our
training and development program
and grow into Business Ownership
roles and be a part of our expansion.
Success Stories
Moinuddin has a Bachelors Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. He
started working with SGC while pursuing his final semester of B.Tech.

He saw an opportunity to grow fast and to also have his own company within a short period
of time and since he didn’t want to do a regular job and wasn’t really interested in pursuing a
career in his field of study he took up the role.

After joining SGC, he never looked back and with the exposure trips and business meetings
he got to attend where he saw young people running their own companies, he got inspired.

After over 2 and half years of hard work and dedication on 11th Feb 2017 he got promoted
into an ownership role and is now the proud Owner of his own company Infinity Global
Md. Ahmed Moinuddin His Vision by 2020 is to build IGM organization with 4+ offices and 150+ people.
Business Head
Infinity Global Management

Akanksha hails from Ambejogai city, Maharashtra. She completed her B.Tech in Electrical
Engineering from Dr.B.A.T.University. She came to Hyderabad for GATE coaching. But after a
few months decided to get a job as she didn’t want to depend on her parents anymore.

When she was offered a position of Business Associate from Saffron Global Corp, she took up
the offer even though she did not have any marketing experience as she wanted to get some
professional experience.

She faced a lot of challenges on her way to Management but was always calm and composed
and was never shy or afraid to seek help from her trainers and managers. Her openness to
taking feedback and learning from it helped her develop her skills and transformed her into a
dynamic and confident leader.

Her vision 2020 for her company Aspire Global Corp is to have 100+ people in 3 cities and I'm
prepared to work hard in achieving this goal. She wants to be a Successful Woman
Entrepreneur and to add value to our society.
Akanksha Mahajan
Business Head We are proud to have Akanksha as a part of our organization.
Aspire Global Corp

Satish completed his Bachelors of Commerce and a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer
Applications and was one of the very few people from his hometown who pursued higher
education and also moved away from home in order to pursue a career. He came to
Hyderabad in search of jobs and took up various short-term courses. He worked as a
software tester for a few months but soon realized that he wasn't developing any skills and
would probably remain in the same position for a long time. Also, he had no job security.
Many of his colleagues were being terminated every month because of recession and cost

He then came across this opportunity and joined because he saw that he could develop his
communication and leadership skills and he also had the opportunity to grow and become an
Independent Business Owner within a short period of time. He has been extremely
hardworking and committed and a never say die attitude which led him to get promoted and
Satish Yadav run his own company Aim Global Corp.
Business Head The journey wasn’t easy, but he kept going and proved that with dedication and hardwork
Aim Global Corp anything is possible. He has promoted 1 Owner and is looking to expand his business into
other cities across India now.
Ravinder is from a small-town Warangal from a middle-class agriculture background. He
studied Engineering from IIIT, Allahabad (IT). After his graduation he wanted to pursue higher
studies, so he prepared for CAT to pursue an MBA. During this time, he also was looking for
jobs so he could support himself financially and not depend on his parents.

When he attended an interview with us he realized that he didn’t really need to have an MBA
to be a Business Manager or Entrepreneur and that he could not only work with us but get a
practical MBA and an opportunity to run an independent business unit.

He developed a lot of skills - Confidence, Leadership skills, Communication skills and Public
speaking skills. Ravinder got promoted to a Business Ownership role and is now successfully
running his own company Migrate Marketing Solutions in Visakhapatnam.

His Tips for people starting out in the business:

1) Learning Mentality: Have a student mentality. Learn from everyone without an ego.
Ravinder Naik 2) Network with people: Network with different positive and successful people both inside
Business Head and outside of business.
Migrate Marketing Solutions 3) Hard work: Be committed and prepared to work hard for your success in any situation.
4) Believe: you must believe that you will become successful in your life.
5) Clear Goal: whatever the goal you want to achieve make it clear and plan for it and be
ready to face the obstacles.

Ashok completed his MBA and joined our company because he saw it as an opportunity to
not only work, learn and grow fast but also have loads of fun while doing that. Ever since he
joined us, he has been one of the most sincere and hardworking people and this is what has
helped him achieve the promotion to an Assistant Owner. When asked about his experience
here’s what he had to say
“First thing I improved is my communication skills. Now I can communicate with anybody, I
can talk to people at different levels even some at very high positions in companies without
any fear. I learnt how to manage a team of people. How to coach and guide them to give
their best to the business. I faced many challenges while interacting with people, I used to
feel nervous while talking to them. Now I improved a lot. Every day we have training sessions
not just on sales or leadership but on various generic topics and these sessions help us
become better individuals.
Tips for New BA’s - Learn, Learn and Learn—this is the most important, don’t treat this like a
regular job. Think that it’s an MBA college and you are coming here to develop your skills. In
Ashok Surapally the next 2 years you not only would have earned and saved a lot of money but also will
Assistant Owner become an Entrepreneur—Your Own Boss. You don’t get this kind of opportunity anywhere.
Suzlon Value and Respect it.”

SaiKrishna is a B.Tech and joined the company because he got attracted to the fact that he
could become a successful entrepreneur with the provided training. He also understood that
the growth here is much faster when compared to other companies or industries.

Here’s what he has to say in his own words

“I lacked public speaking skills, I was very shy. But I got many opportunities to speak in the
morning meetings and other training sessions and even when I made mistakes everybody
encouraged me. This is how I got better and confident. I still have a lot a to learn and am
excited about it.
I will run my own organization Sunshine Business Solutions.
SaiKrishna Parigi I will promote 4 people into Ownership with (150 Leaders) in my organization by 2020.”
Assistant Owner
He is now in an Assistant Ownership role and only one step away from having his own
Sunshine Business Solutions
business. We wish him all the success.
Before joining this business I thought I would be just like all my friends, get a job and do
the same monotonous tasks everyday. But here, I get to learn something new everyday, I
get to travel and the best part is I can provide jobs and create employment for others.
~Sai Bharadwaj

I was a very shy person before joining Saffron, now I have the confidence to interact with
any type of people.
~Mahesh Baling, B.Tech, MBA

My leadership skills have improved as I manage a team and get involved in day to day training
~SaiKiran Ponaganti, B.Tech

Marketing and Sales helped me improve my communication and interpersonal skills. I have the
confidence that I will be successful in life and in my career because of the training I received here.
~Sumit Sourabh, B.Tech, NIT Goa

I mainly got attracted to the training, the Practical MBA program and fast growth as a Business
Associate. I developed my communication skills, interpersonal skills and confidence as well. I
learnt how to take responsibility for myself and my career and how to run a business.
~Akash Mathur, MBA

Mainly I got attracted to fast growth, skill development & personality development. I also liked
the fun environment and enjoying even while working whole day.
~S. Nagaraju, M.Tech

I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Saffron Global has provided me the right platform
to hone my skills.
~G. Srikanth, B.Tech
Roles & Responsibilities
Position: Business Associate (BA) - Manager-in-Training (MIT)
As a Business Associate, you will be involved in various aspects of the business which includes:

We focus on over all development

of an individual starting from
mastery in sales to
communication skills, personality,
public speaking skills, leadership
skills etc.

Benefits / What Will You get?



Management Sales


100 100
0 20



Skills You Will Develop

Why do a Marketing Campaign?
All companies want to sell more of their products or services to raise revenue, increase their market share and
ensure long term survival. In order to make profit, a company must choose a strategy that increases sales and
There are three aims of any marketing campaign to promote and sell a product or a service:
1. Create Impact
2. Provide Exposure
3. Generate Return On Investment (ROI)
A successful marketing campaign is one that will meet all these main criteria. So this means, a marketing campaign
needs to be remembered by the people who see it (Impact), be seen by lots of people (Exposure) and that the
income generated from the sales made as a result of that marketing campaign should be greater than the cost of
making and producing the campaign (Return on Investment).

Different Marketing Channels

There are, in general terms, two main types of marketing:
Indirect Marketing (Above the line) – Tv ads, print media, flyers, pamphlets, hoardings, radio, internet etc.
1. It’s expensive.
2. There is no guarantee that they will reach their target audience.
3. Cannot guarantee return on investment (ROI).
4. Rely on the customers to respond/take action.
5. Difficult to monitor their effectiveness and inflexible to changes in the market.
6. Over exposure and desensitization (Thousands of adverts are shown every day, because there are so many
adverts we mentally or physically switch off to them).

Direct Marketing (Below the line) – Face-to-Face (Human) Interaction

1. Less expensive compared to other marketing channels, it’s cost-effective.
2. Field Representative can respond to the customer’s individual needs and answer questions.
3. Guaranteed return of investment (ROI) for the client.
4. Delivers results in a time-critical environment.
5. Its people selling to people: the human touch is far more effective.
6. Reinforces brand awareness, educating the customer and delivering services effectively and professionally.
7. Delivers large-scale, immediate and localized exposure.

Above The Line (Indirect Marketing) Below The Line (Indirect Marketing)

Brand Awareness Brand Awareness + Sales

Expensive Not Expensive

Difficult to Monitor
Easy to Monitor Results

Impersonal Personal
Customer Conversion Ratio for Various Channels

Why Clients Choose Us

Frequently Asked Questions ‘s

I am a fresh graduate and no experience. What can I expect?

We have lot of success stories where fresh graduates started with us and thrived. Whether you are looking for a
short term or a long term career path you can expect the following:
• Improve your communication and interpersonal skills
• Boost in Self Confidence
• Good Work Ethics
• Practical applied knowledge in Sales, Marketing and Leadership
• Confident in Public speaking
• Work with a fun and young team.
• Improved Leadership skills

I am a Fresh Graduate. Do I still have opportunities for Career advancement?

100%. As a Business Associate we don’t discriminate whether you are a Fresh Graduate or someone with
experience. As long as you have hit the performance standards in our company then you are entitled for your
Career Advancement. Find out more regarding Career Advancement during your appointment.
I don't like Sales and Marketing but I am interested in Management. Can I still work as a Business Associate?
Everyone in our company starts in Sales and Marketing and work towards Management role. That is where you
learn your practical knowledge so that in Management you can teach that to your team, even our Managing
Director started in Sales and Marketing. Many people don’t like Sales and Marketing but if it is for Short term
why not?
Can I work with the company short term ?
We are flexible as a company. Some of our Business Associates work with us short term and some long term.
Please speak to the HR team regarding this during your interview.
Do I need to pay for the training provided by the company?
No. We take pride in providing the best training for our Business Associates and we provide it for free.
Do I need to have Marketing or Business Experience?
Not really. If you have any relevant Marketing or Business experience, then it can be an added advantage but it
is not necessary because we provide complete in house training for our Business Associates and also a personal
trainer to assist you.
Does your company provide travelling opportunities?
Yes we do, both domestic and international. Travelling a big part of our work culture, it helps our team get new
ideas and enhance skills.
I saw some negative things about the company online?
Every individual has a right to express their own opinion online. We are not a perfect company. We work with
the best of the best clients globally and that says a lot about who we are as a company. Either you can read
online something by someone (you don’t even know who they are) or you can come and find out more
information and the truth. You can believe what you see through your own eyes.

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