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“Philippine population is expected to balloon to 107.19 million by the end

of 2018 due to an increase in women capable of reproducing, the Commission on

Population (POPCOM) said Wednesday. At least 1.8 million Filipino babies are

expected to be born this year, with 4,695 babies born every day or 206 every hour,

POPCOM Executive Director Juan Antonio Perez III said.”According to ABSCBN

NEWS 2018 As of now the Philippine population are still increasing up to now the

Filipinos Family are facing the poverty In their life, they are not satisfy. As the

Government are trying to resolve and lower the average of poverty they study and

search for an answer, So the government think and now they give a chance to every

Filipino Families, they make a Program that can help them to survive their daily

needs. The poverty in the Philippines are still making the large scale of number,

hence the poverty in the Philippines are just like a big picture were we will see the

reflection to our self, you have since and observe the poverty anywhere. Together

with the Department of social welfare and development they conduct a study and

think what would they can do to the Problem of the Philippines, so they make the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4p’s agency accourding to Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program in govPH “The PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps) is a human development measure of the national government that provides

conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and

the education of children aged 0-18. It is patterned after the conditional cash transfer

(CCT) schemes in Latin American and African countries, which have lifted millions

of people around the world from poverty”. The Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) is the lead government agency of the 4Ps.In able to part of the

Program the agency carefully examine and study every people whom want to be part

of the program.Hence this is a Conditional Cash transfer the member should fill up

and sign the Agreement and maintain it. The department of social welfare and

development together with the government join hands and lead this type of

organization. This program aims to solve the large scale of poverty in the Philippines

by investing in their health and education.ThePantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program is

just a support their Basic needs. Accourding to “Philippine population 2019” the

growth of the Filipino family is 107,441,918, as of 2019. The Phillipines is the third

line in world poverty Line up, so after the Publishing the pantawidpamilyang Pilipino

program the second thing they did is the monitor the member of this program,so

every second year of the month they conduct the family development session or FDS

in this case the agency will know if the member of this program are progressive. As

of now the member of PantawidPamilya Pilipino Program for the Filipino family

continually expanding and making the life of every Filipinos more easily. The

program has the standard and able for us to be part of the program, the department of

social welfare and development or DSWD assign the listahanan, where a group of

people sent in different of the country so that they will they sensus if you are qualify

to be part of the program. They will ask several question and collect personal data to

whom they will ask. The PandawidPamilya Pilipino Program strictly monitor each of

the member of this program. This program contributein life of every Filipino by

investing their health and education. The program aims to provide a life changing

action that can lower the average of poverty in the Philippines, though it cant lower
the large number of poverty yet it can help the member to be more success in their

life in a form of education and health that we will carry until the end of time.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this case study is to investigate the role of Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program or 4p’s to provide insight at the Filipino family. It also aims to

identify to different benefits of the program to the family in terms of health and


1.) What are the attitudes of Filipino towards to the program

2.) How the member of this program enjoy their benefits?

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this case study is to investigate the role of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

or 4p’s to provide insight at the Filipino family. It also aims to identify to different benefits of

the program to the family in terms of health and education.

1.) What are the attitudes of Filipino towards to the program

2.) How the member of this program enjoy their benefits?

3.) How the Program improve their livings

Significance of the study The researher of this research aims to give a significance of the

following organization/people.

Community- The finding on this study would give the community an awareness about the Role

of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in able to apply the benefits about the Program.
Significance of this research will give them a wide understanding and appropriate information.

Parents- The importance of this research to the Parents of The Filipino Family will helped them

to know and to find out what was the Real Role of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program also

known as 4p's to each Filipino Family. This research aims to give them a idea about the Program.

Students: The research give a Significance to the students this research will help the students to

know and to understand the real meaning of The program whom their were joing. In the end of

this the students will surely clear their minds and change their perspective about the program.

Scope and Delimitation

The researcher give the scope and limitations to this research in able for the readers to

understand and get loss. The researcher scope of study is focus on the member of the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program also known as 4P's lived in the Southville III Muntinlupa city. The

scope of this study is only to those member of the program or those Cash grants included the

Parent leader and the 4p's Member,the limitation of this research is only focus on the

Related literature:

Social Mobilization


According to Benjamin R Quiñones, Hans Dieter Seibel Policy Sciences 33 (3-4), 421-433, 2000

The present study examines how formation of social capital in themicrofinance sector is affected

by enlarging the political or economicresources of the informal groups of poor households and

microfinanceinstitutions (MFIs) that contribute to social cohesion. In particular, thischapter

attempts to show how the regulatory and supervisory framework as wellas the financial
innovations of microfinance institutions have affected poorhouseholds' capacity for cooperation

and mutual support in their fightagainst poverty.


According to American political science Review 55 (3), 493-514, 1961Social mobilization is a

name given to an overall process of change, which happens to substantial parts of the population

in countries which are moving from traditional to modern ways of life. It denotes a concept

which brackets together a number of more specific processes of change, such as changes of

residence, of occupation, of social setting, of face-to-face associates, of institutions, roles, and

ways of acting, of experiences and expectations, and finally of personal memories, habits and

needs, including the need for new patterns of group affiliation and new images of personal

identity. Singly, and even more in their cumulative impact, these changes tend to influence and

sometimes to transform political behavour

Related literature:

Social Mobilization


According to Benjamin R Quiñones, Hans Dieter Seibel Policy Sciences 33 (3-4), 421-433, 2000

The present study examines how formation of social capital in themicrofinance sector is affected

by enlarging the political or economicresources of the informal groups of poor households and

microfinanceinstitutions (MFIs) that contribute to social cohesion. In particular, thischapter

attempts to show how the regulatory and supervisory framework as wellas the financial
innovations of microfinance institutions have affected poorhouseholds' capacity for cooperation

and mutual support in their fightagainst poverty.


According to American political science Review 55 (3), 493-514, 1961Social mobilization is a

name given to an overall process of change, which happens to substantial parts of the population

in countries which are moving from traditional to modern ways of life. It denotes a concept

which brackets together a number of more specific processes of change, such as changes of

residence, of occupation, of social setting, of face-to-face associates, of institutions, roles, and

ways of acting, of experiences and expectations, and finally of personal memories, habits and

needs, including the need for new patterns of group affiliation and new images of personal

identity. Singly, and even more in their cumulative impact, these changes tend to influence and

sometimes to transform political behavour

According to Filaria journal 2 (1), 12, 2003 Within the Philippines areas endemic for lymphatic

filariasis are in regions with the highest incidence of poverty. Out of a total of 79 provinces, 39

have a higher poverty incidence than the national average and 30 of these 39 provinces are

endemic for lymphatic filariasis. Recognizing that provinces endemic for lymphatic filariasis

(LF) are also the poorest provinces, the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in these areas presents

significant opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities in health. The implementation of an

effective national programme for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis will provide means for

sustainable development at national, local and community levels. The elimination of lymphatic

filariasis as a public health problem is a 20-year strategic plan for the world community, with the

vision of all endemic communities free of transmission of lymphatic filariasis by 2020 and with
the commitment to ensure the delivery of quality technologies and human services to eliminate

lymphatic filariasis worldwide through a multi-stakeholder global alliance of all endemic

countries. This global goal of elimination of lymphatic filariasis is a significant opportunity for

partnerships – a world with less poverty through sustainable development and free from the

scourge of lymphatic filariasis. The Philippines have the highest incidence of Poverty. In 79

Provinced 39 of them have a higher incidence of poverty. The provinces that endemic for

lymphatic filriasis recognize has the poorest provinces. The LF elimination can reduce the total

amount of poverty and health inequalities. This means that it will provide the needs for the

sustainable development at national and local community levels. The elimination of lymphatic

filariasis is 20 years. Strategic plan for the community 2020. The vision of all endemic

communities is free from lymphatic filariasis transmission.

According to the UNITED NATION Poverty entails more than the lack of income and

productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and

malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and

exclusion, as well as the lack of participation in decision-making. Today, more than 780 million

people live below the international poverty line. More than 11% of the world population is living

in extreme poverty and struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access

to water and sanitation, to name a few. There are 122 women aged 25 to 34 living in poverty for

every 100 men of the same age group, and more than 160 million children are at risk of

continuing to live in extreme poverty by 2030.

According to Investopedia review by James Chen (2018) Poverty is a state or condition in which

a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of

living. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Local According to the Philippine social protection
note, (2011)The Pantawid Pamilya is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program which provides

cash to beneficiary households, subject to compliance with program conditionalities. The

Pantawid Pamilya is targeted at chronic poor households with children aged 0-14 years who are

located in poor areas. The cash grants range from P500 (US $11) to P1, 400 (US $32) per

household per month, depending on

meant to improve the children’s health and education such as visiting health centers regularly,

sending the children to school, and undertaking preventive check-ups for pregnant women. Like

most CCT programs, the Pantawid Pamilya aims to alleviate current poverty by supplementing

the income of the poor to address their immediate consumption needs, while the conditionalities

can help improve human capital and thus break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.

According to Social Protection Note 63418 (2011) This Policy Note presents the potenfial

poverty impacts of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Pantawid Pamilya) using simple

analyfical tools and the government’s largest database of poor households to date, the Nafional

Household Targefing System for Poverty Reducfion (NHTS-PR). In doing so, the Note also aims

to encourage policy-makers and researchers to not only use the NHTS-PR for its intended

purpose, that is, for objecfive targefing of social assistance programs, but also for analysis to

maximize the ufility of informafion contained in the database. The Note finds that the Pantawid

Pamilya can reduce poverty incidence among beneficiaries by up to 6.2 percentage points. In

program areas, it can reduce poverty incidence by 2.6 percentage points and inequality by 6.6

percent. Increasing compliance of exisfing beneficiaries will enhance the poverty-reducing

impacts of the Pantawid Pamilya. Expanding program coverage will produce higher impacts as

long as targefing and program implementafion remains properly managed.

According to PIDS Discussion Paper Series (2016) The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

has been much maligned and dismissed as a "dole-out" program. Critics have focused on the fact

that it provides cash grants directly to poor families, believing it would promote the culture of

mendicancy and dependence. Others believe that the grants would just be wasted on vices

(perhaps alcohol, cigarettes, even drugs) instead of human capital formation (education and

health of the children). Stereotyping of the poor prevented society from providing meaningful

support in the past by refusing to understand their situation. It turns out that both of these have

been proven unfounded by rigorous program evaluations, showing no impact on work effort of

beneficiaries nor on expenditure on vice goods. In addition, data show that the poor do respond

correctly to incentives of highlighting the importance of investing in the human capital of their

children even if returns from such investments are farther away than what usually is their

immediate concern. Given the evidence, should we not let Pantawid Pamilya provide us a more

nuanced view about the poor that is empirically based so that we can be more effective in

assisting them?

According to Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts, and Sciences, 2 (3), 1-5 ( 2015 )Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a version of cash transfer program here in the Philippines

under the Department of Social Welfare and Development, its aim is to eradicate extreme

poverty in the Philippines by investing in health and education particularly to children from 0-18

years old. The research focused on the education of pupils with the 4Ps assistance. To verify the

use, help and satisfactory level of this program to the pupils from poor families in the said

school, the researchers used the quantitative and qualitative method. With the use of a rating
scale, questionnaires and interview guide, it was revealed that pupils very satisfactorily benefit

from the assistance given by the 4Ps in terms of Health and excellent in terms of Nutrition and

Education. Thus, 4Ps has significant impact on pupils’ education based on its beneficiary

conditionalities, is able and motivated to attend classes because of adequate school supplies,

satisfied meals, parasitic free stomach and supportive and active parents.

According to Asian Development Bank, 2008 This paper provides an ex ante assessment of the

implementation of the conditional cash transfer (CCT) program in the Philippines, the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino. The study investigates the impact of CCT on current poverty, and the impact

of this extra money on school attendance under different transfer amounts and different targeting

criteria such as universal targeting, geographical targeting, targeting of the poor, and progressive

targeting. In the poverty simulation approach, it is assumed that transfers given to children are

pooled within families and distributed to each member so that all enjoy the same level of

welfare. As for school attendance, the study evaluates the potential impact of changes in program

design—with alternative benefit levels and targeting scenarios—on the behavioral response and

welfare of households. The simulation is carried out based on microeconometrically estimated

models of household behavior.

According The Pantawid Pamilyang Pil

were frequency count, percentage, and mean done through the Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences (SPSS) software. Results revealed that there was ample evidence on the improvement

in the preventive healthcare among pregnant women and younger children. Improvement was

observed in the reduction of malnourished children. Results also showed an increase in the

enrollment of children in public schools. Likewise, the attendance rate of children also increased.
Accordingly, the decrease was observable in the incidence of child labor among children. The

decrease to nearly 0% in the drop-out rate of school children was an indication of improvement.

Moreover, the results showed that the beneficiaries spent the largest amount of income on food,

followed by education, hospitalization (medicine), and savings. In the same manner, the 4Ps

program increased parents’ participation in the Family Development Sessions to nearly 100%.

According Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 23 (1), 24-34, (2013) This

article examines the role of social work in three poverty-reduction programs in the Philippines.

The examination centers on the values and principles underpinning the work undertaken and

their relation to particular conceptions of social work. It is argued that the role played by social

work in these programs reflects the dominant ideology in Philippine social policy. The perceived

legitimacy of approaches is linked to the extent to which they embody mainstream conceptions

of social problems and social work, characterized by intensive worker–client engagement with

the aim of effecting changes in individuals and their immediate environment.

According Administrative Sciences 5 (4), 240-259, (2015) This paper evaluates current payment

schemes employed by the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the Philippines using

six assessment criteria: transaction cost, security/risks, speed and timeliness, acceptability,

resilience and flexibility. Employing data collected at the regional level, we establish four main

findings:(1) all 4Ps payment conduits present trade-offs;(2) a payment approach that uses

mainstream financial infrastructure is beneficial if cost, speed and simplicity of the payment

system are critical;(3) competition for 4Ps contracts for Payment Service Providers (PSPs) has

improved the quality of payment services and minimized costs; and (4) the efficiency of the

program is greatly influenced by the commitment of the PSP to deliver the cash benefits to the

recipients in a timely manner rather than by maximizing conduit branches. View Full-Text
According PIDS Discussion Paper Series, (2013) When the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program was designed, the government publicly promised to limit to five years the giving of the

education and health grants. This five-year limit is almost over for the first set of beneficiaries by

2013. The natural policy question then is: Would it be wise to keep the promise or would an

extension be better? This paper presents five arguments and evidence why the extension of the

program is better than keeping the promise to limit it to five years. The five arguments include:

(a) the problems that the Pantawid had been designed to address continue to be high priority

issues; (b) Pantawid remains credible as an effective and valuable instrument for poverty

alleviation in the short run and for reducing the transmission of intergenerational poverty in the

long run; (c) the extension could provide great opportunities to produce a much greater positive

impact on the welfare of the poor; (d) the extension could buy much-needed time for developing

and implementing an adequate and workable transition promotion strategy to help beneficiaries

outgrow their need for CCT assistance and, therefore, facilitate its termination; and (e) secondary

education enrollment and completion produces high returns in terms of increased earning and is

achievable with a moderate amount of subsidy. The paper ends with cautionary notes including

articulating that Pantawid remains a bridging program; the need for a careful study to ensure

affordability and maximize its cost effectiveness; the need to continue to generate better

estimates of key parameters such as income elasticities; and possible phasing for affordability

and recognition of possible supply-side constraints.

According Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Makati City, (2013) The Pantawid

Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps or Pantawid) is the centrepiece social protection program of the

Philippine government. Like conditional cash transfer programs in many other countries it

provides cash grants to beneficiaries provided they comply with specified conditionalities such
as keeping their children in school, getting health check-ups, and attending family development

sessions. One of the main concerns of the program is the fear that the monetary assistance could

foster welfare dependency. On this point, the

impact on the work efforts of adult household members. And, where they appear to have an

impact, its size was deemed negligible. And in regard to child labor, the evidence indicates that

CCT has a significantly negative effect, as expected. The initial findings of Nazmul, Friedman

and Onishi (2013) regarding the Philippine experience appear consistent with the lessons learned

from the Latin American CCT experience. They find no evidence that the introduction of the

Pantawid Pamilya encourages beneficiaries to work less or make less effort at obtaining more

work. Despite this evidence from local and international experience, critics of Pantawid Pamilya

continue to assert that the program encourages laziness and dependency on public assistance and

that, therefore, it should be de-funded.

According to PIDS Discussion Paper Series, (2013) When the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program was designed, the government publicly promised to limit to five years the giving of the

education and health grants. This five-year limit is almost over for the first set of beneficiaries by

2013. The natural policy question then is: Would it be wise to keep the promise or would an

extension be better? This paper presents five arguments and evidence why the extension of the

program is better than keeping the promise to limit it to five years. The five arguments include:

(a) the problems that the Pantawid had been designed to address continue to be high priority

issues; (b) Pantawid remains credible as an effective and valuable instrument for poverty

alleviation in the short run and for reducing the transmission of intergenerational poverty in the
long run; (c) the extension could provide great opportunities to produce a much greater positive

impact on the welfare of the poor; (d) the extension could buy much-needed time for developing

and implementing an adequate and workable transition promotion strategy to help beneficiaries

outgrow their need for CCT assistance and, therefore, facilitate its termination; and (e) secondary

education enrollment and completion produces high returns in terms of increased earning and is

achievable with a moderate amount of subsidy. The paper ends with cautionary notes including

articulating that Pantawid remains a bridging program; the need for a careful study to ensure

affordability and maximize its cost effectiveness; the need to continue to generate better

estimates of key parameters such as income elasticities; and possible phasing for affordability

and recognition of possible supply-side constraints. CNU Journal of Higher Education 6 (1), 40-

57, (2012) The Government of the Philippines, through the leadership of the Department of

Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) implemented a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)

Program dubbed as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. Aside from providing income support

to extremely poor households that would encourage them to increase investments in their

children‘s human capital, 4Ps will serve as the lead vehicle through which the many cross-

cutting issues (eg targeting, monitoring and evaluation) will be addressed (4Ps Concept Paper,

2009). The effectiveness of the program lies on its impact toward its target clientele. Using the

Technical-Economic-Political-Administrative (TEPA) format, this study sought to examine the

premise that whether or not the 4Ps has successfully delivered its intended purpose in poverty

alleviation. A focused group discussion (FGD) among the different stakeholders involved with

the policy was conducted to assure the appropriate distribution of weights in all the criteria

involved. Since policy analysis determines which of the various alternative policies will most

achieve a given set of goals based upon the probable impact of each, 3 alternative options were
considered in the study to wit: Option 1-4Ps, Option 2-India‘s poverty alleviation scheme, and

Option 3 is the combination of PantawidPamilya and India model. There are myriad possibilities

for the persistence of poverty even in the midst of economic growth. Policy makers and analysts

should be sensitive to geographical, political and cultural conditions that each play a role.

Poverty alleviation must go hand in hand with measures to increase national income. More than

the Conditional Cash Transfer that provides short term assistance, enhancement of skill to

strengthen labor market and employment guarantee should also be a prime strategy to reduce


According Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Makati City, (2013) The Pantawid

Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps or Pantawid) is the centrepiece social protection program of the

Philippine government. Like conditional cash transfer programs in many other countries it

provides cash grants to beneficiaries provided they comply with specified conditionalities such

as keeping their children in school, getting health check-ups, and attending family development

sessions. One of the main concerns of the program


The researcher used the case study method.This Case study focus on phenomena within the

contexts of real-life situations. A case study is purely more realistic.We used this technique

because it includes personal interviews and detailed investigations of small group of people.

According to the Press Academia(2018), a case study is a research methodology that has

commonly used in social sciences. It is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that

investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context. In this citation concludes a research that
has a study to the social science in able for the research to know and to attach the right design of

research. The researcher used this type of design in able to recognize the right thing and conduct

a Good research.

The respondent

The researcher give background to the respondent. The respondent from Southville III Poblacion

Muntinlupa city, we choose them selectively, The respondent At first they we're shy of us but we

never stop on them and after the third chance we completely got an interview on them. It's hard

for us to find their house, together With our group we seek and find ways to find our respondent.

some of them aren't want to have an interview so they set an date and as a researcher we

respectfully accept it.


The researcher used the technology in able for us to do easily. We used the Camera video,and

audio recording. The researcher ask first the respondent if we can used the video to record whole

interview and luckily they give us their permission .

Data collection Procedure

The first thing we did was find the respondents and interview them about what 4ps help with the

development of their life and what benefits they receive from it that helped to survive everyday

expenses and provide for the education needs of children In coding we separately separate

themes, descriptions, sample responses to know and answer the SOP and to read and understand

readers more easily with fellow researchers and they will know the point of our research and for

what we did. Result In Findings of this research of every SOP is In this part. In SOP#1 the
findings is the program help their family,they also find out that the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program have a big Impact on their family According to PIDS Discussion Paper Series, (2013)

When the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program was designed, the government publicly

promised to limit to five years the giving of the education and health grants. This five-year limit

is almost over for the first set of beneficiaries by 2013. The natural policy question then is:

Would it be wise to keep the promise or would an extension be better? This paper presents five

arguments and evidence why the extension of the program is better than keeping the promise to

limit it to five years. In SOP#2 with the theme of helping in budget their basic needs. The

beneficiary taught that the Program help their family because of their monthly allowance from

the Program, they received 300 in elementary and 500 in highschool. The respondent believe that

the cash they get from the program is useful to their expenses like MERALCO bills,water bills,

house rent and also to their son's whom were studying. In SOP#3 The research find out that the

respondent agree that because of the Program, it can cause to lessen the poverty in the

Philippines and because of their monthly allowance they get from Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4p's). This research aims to give the reader an insight about the Program, we

recommend this research to the Filipino Family to know the real Worth of the Program, The

health is more worth it than money, yes we may have low salary of allowance we get from this

program but we can make our self more reliable to each other. To the parents whom holding and

managing the Money from the program they need to know and to consider every little things

from the program, they must use it properly And follow the rule and condition of thee. The

Community is more important,the community describe who will is to day, we hopefully that with

this research the Community will grown ang give an Idea to pursue it's willingness to improve

it's social mobilization.

Asia Pac J Multidisciplinary Res 3, 59-65, 2015 Iloilo, Philippines. The Input-Process-Output

Model was used. The participants were the 327 beneficiaries selected through random sampling

method. Four municipalities in the Province of Iloilo with high poverty incidence, gap, and

severity were included in the study. The data were gathered through survey-checklist form. The

statistical tools used

Alleviate - make suffering, deficiency, or a problem less sever

chronic - ( of an illness) persisting for long time or constantly recorring

eligible - having the right to door obtain something satisfying the condition appropriate

lymphatic filariasis - also known as elephantiasis, is a human disease caused by parasite

worms known as filarial worms

incidence - the occurrence, rate or frequency of a disease, crime, or something else


microfinance - microfinance is a category of financial services targeted at individuals and

small business who lack access to conventional banking and related services.

affiliation - the state or process of affiliatiating or being affiliated

cumulative - increasing or increased in quality, degree or force by successive additions

sensus - sensus provides smart technologies and services for water, gas, electric and

lighting utilities

Under taking –

A formal pledge or promise to do something

Human capital - human capital is the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality

attributes, including, creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce

economic value

Intergeneratinal cycle - of violence is a pattern of violence or abuse that is passed from

one generation to the net

Poverty - poverty is a multifaceted concept, which may include social economic, and

political elements absolute poverty, extreme poverty, ordestitution refers to the complete

lack of the means necessary to meet basic personal need such as food. Clothing. And


Manifestations - an event, action or object that clearly shows or embodies something

especially a theory or an abstract idea

Sanitation - conditions relating to public health specially the provision of clean drinking

water and adequate savage disposal

Endemic - (of a disease or condition) regularly round among particular people or in a

certain area

Executive - the executive is the organ exercising authority in and holding responsibility

for the governance of a state, the executive executes and enforces law.

Multi-stakeholder - governance model, sometimes known as a multistakeholder initiative,

is a governance structure that seeks to bring stakeholders together to participate in the

dialogue, decision making, and implementation of solutions to common problems or

goals Alliance - is a relationship among people, groups or state that have joined together

for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose, whether or not explicit greenest

has been worked out among them. Members of an alliance are called allies. Cohesion-the
action or fact of forming a United whole. Mobilization - the action of a country or its

government preparing and organizing trips for active service the action of making

something movable or capable of movement.

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