Chi Square Test

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We have 3 models in chi square test. They are

I) Chi-square test for GOODNESS OF FIT.
Under this test, Ho would always be the theory.
χ2 cal= Ʃ(Oi-Ei)2
Where; Oi=observed frequencies
Ei=expected frequencies

i) Always ƩOi > 50
ii) Always ƩOi =ƩEi
iii) Ei cannot be less than 5; if it is less than 5 we use pooling

1) In a set of random numbers, the digits were found to have the

following frequencies. Test whether the digits are equally distributed or
2) The number of accidents per week in a certain locality are as follows.
Test the hypothesis that the accidents are uniformly distributed over the
Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequencies 12 8 20 2 14 10 15 6 9 4
3) A sample analysis of examination results of 500 students was made. It
was founded that 220 failed, 170 secured IIIrd class, 90 secured IInd class &
remaining 20 got Ist class. Test the hypothesis that the general examination
results are in the ratio 4:3:2:1, Use 1% LOS.
4)A genetic theory states that children having one parent of blood group ‘M’
and other group ‘N’, will always be one of the 3 types, that are M,N or MN.
The proportion of the 3 types theoretically is in the ratio 1:2:1. A survey of
300 children of one parent having blood group ‘M’ and other group having
‘N’ has 30% of type ‘M’, 45% of type ‘MN’ & remaining of type ‘N’ .Test the
hypothesis at 5% LOS.( χ2 tab=5.991)
5) In experiment of seats it was found that 315 are of type ‘A’, 101 are of
type ‘B’, 108 are of type ‘C’ & 32 of type ‘D’. Theory estimates that the
frequencies should be in the proportion of 9:3:3:1. Test the hypothesis at 5%
LOS.( χ2 tab=7.815)
χ2 for Goodness Of Fit problems using Distribution formulas:

Binomial distribution:- Probability value will never be more than 1.

Standard formula:- P(X=r) =nCr pr qn-r
Where; nCr= (n−r)! r!
n= maximum value of x
r= range of x
p= probability of success
q= probability of failure = (1-p)
Mean of binomial distribution λ = np
Poisson distribution:-
-λ λr
Standard formula:- P(X=r) = e
Where; e= constant value
λ= mean of the distribution
r= range of x
Mean of Poisson distribution = λ

1) Fit a Binomial Distribution to the following and test its goodness of fit.
X 0 1 2 3
F 40 58 62 40
2) A survey of 320 families with 5 children is done. Each has the following
distribution. Test the hypothesis that male and female births are equally

No of boys 5 4 3 2 1 0
No of girls 0 1 2 3 4 5
No of 14 56 110 88 40 12
2) In an accounting department of a bank, 100 accountants were selected at
random and the no: of errors are counted. Verify whether the errors are
distributed according to poisson law or not.
No. of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No of 35 40 19 2 0 2 2
3) A typist in a company commits the following no: of mistakes per page in
typing 432 pages. Thus the information state that the mistakes are
distributed by poisson law.
No. of mistakes 0 1 2 3 4 5
per page(x)
No of pages 223 142 47 15 4 0

Standard Formula:- χ2 cal = Ʃ(Oi-Ei)2


Where; Ei = Row total x Column total

Grand total
Degree of freedom = [(No. of rows-1)*(No. of columns-1)]

1) The following table gives the information about preference of a particular

car across various age groups. Test the hypothesis that the age group and
preferences are independent at 5% LOS.
Preferences Under 20 20-39 40-59 60 & above Total
Liked the car 146 78 48 28 300
Disliked the car 54 52 32 62 200
Total 200 130 80 90 500
2) From the following table test whether there is an association between the
income and education qualifications of the sales man.
Educational Qualifications
Annual Income No degree Bachelors degree P. G Total
Below Rs.6,000 55 77 28 160
6,000-10,000 42 72 66 180
Above 10,000 23 31 6 60
Total 120 180 100 400
Formula for 2x2 matrix problems is as follows.

a b R1 (a+b) Standard Formula:-

χ2 cal = N (ad-bc)2
c d R2 (c+d)
C1 C2 N
(a+c) (b+d)

Yates Correction:- In a 2x2 matrix, if any of the ei values are less than 5,
we use the Yates correction formula; {ei<5}

χ2 cal = N[|ad-bc|-(N/2)]2
D.F=[(no. of rows – 1) x (no. of columns -̶ 1)]

1) 1140 students at a college were graded accordingly to their I.Q and

economic conditions. Use χ2 test to find whether there is any
association between economic conditions and I.Q.

Economic High Low

Rich 460 140

Poor 240 300

2) Given the attributes ‘A’ & ‘B’, test whether there is an association between
two attributes.
A/B B1 B2
A1 2 10 R1=12
A2 6 11 R2=17
C1=8 C2=21 N=29
3) Given the following data about the two researches who adapt different
sampling techniques while investigating the same group of students, to
classify them based upon their intelligent levels. Can it be said that the
sampling techniques adopted by the two researchers are significantly
Intelligent levels
Researchers Below Avg. Avg Above Avg. Genius Total
X 86 60 44 10 200
Y 40 33 25 2 100
126 93 69 12 300
Standard formula:- χ2 cal = Ʃ (X-𝑋)2 (or) ns2
𝜎2 𝜎2
where; s=sample standard deviation
𝑋=sample mean
𝜎=population standard deviation
n=sample size
s2 =standard variance
𝜎2=population standard variance

1) A random sample of size 20 from a normal population gives the

sample, standard deviation of 6. Test the hypothesis that the
population standard deviation is 9.
2) Weights in kgs of 10 students are given below; Can we say that the variance
of the distribution of weights of all students from which sample is drawn is
greater than (20)2.
Weights 30 40 45 53 47 43 55 48 52 49
ANOVA (or) Analysis Of Variance:-
It is a statistical technique specially designed to test whether means of more
than 2 quantitative populations are equal or not.
Types of Anova:- 1)One-way Anova 2)Two-way Anova
Procedure for ANOVA ONE WAY:-
Step 1) Frame Ho, Ha.
Step 2) Identify the LOS
Step 3) Coding: - It is done to simplify the data i.e. if the value of the
observation is very large, we go for this technique to obtain smaller values.
Coding procedure:-Select the smallest element in the given observations and
subtract it from all other observations.
Step 4) Calculation: -
a) Correction factor (C.F.) = G2
Where; Grand Total (G) = ƩT
Total no: of observations (N) = Ʃn
b) Raw sum of squares (RSS) = sum of squares of each element
c) Total sum of squares (TSS) = RSS-C.F
d) Column sum of squares (CSS) = ∑𝑘𝑖=1 (𝑇𝑛𝑖) ̶ C.F.
Where; Ti = Total of column
ni =no of observations in ith column
Step 5) Construction of Anova one way table:-
Sources Sum of squares Degrees of Mean sum of F cal value
freedom squares
Due to columnSc2= CSS k-1 𝑆𝑐2
Due to error S.E2=ST2-Sc2 N-k 𝑆. 𝐸 2 F cal=
=𝐵 𝐵
Total ST2 = TSS N-1

Step 6) Conclusion:- Compare f tab & f cal value at given LOS at certain d.f.
If F cal< F tab, accept Ho
If F cal< F tab, accept Ha
1) The following are the measurements of performance obtained after
training 4 groups by different methods. Find out whether there is a
significant difference between these 4 groups in terms if their performance
after training.

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4

17 21 20 13
19 23 16 15
18 20 21 16
15 19 17 17
21 19 19 13
19 16 16
16 16
2) Four salesmen were posted in different areas of the city by a company.
The no of units of a commodity sold by them in 4 weeks is as follows; is
there any significant difference in performance of these sales men?
No of weeks Sales of Sales of Sales of Sales of
salesman A salesman B salesman C salesman D
1 18 24 25 17
2 20 30 27 23
3 25 32 40 20
4 33 32 28 28
Procedure for ANOVA TWO WAY:-

Step 1) Frame Ho, Ha

Step 2) Identify the LOS
Step 3) Coding: - It is done to simplify the data i.e. if the value of the
observation is very large, we go for this technique to obtain smaller values.
Coding procedure:-Select the smallest element in the given observations and
subtract it from all other observations.
Step 4) Calculation: -
a) Correction factor (C.F.) = G2
Where; Grand Total (G) = ƩT
Total no: of observations (N) = Ʃn
b) Total sum of squares (TSS) =ƩƩxij-C.F.
where; i=row no: j= column no:
c) Sum of squares due to row (SSR) = Ʃ - C.F.
d) Sum of squares due to column (SSC) = Ʃ - C.F.
e) Sum of squares due to error (SSE) = TSS-SSR-SSC
Step 5) Construction of Anova two way table:-
Sources Sum of squares Degree of Mean sum of F cal
freedom squares
Due to row SSR (r-1) 𝑆𝑆𝑅 F1cal=A/C
(𝑟 − 1)
Due to column SSC (c-1) 𝑆𝑆𝐶 F2 cal=B/C
(𝑐 − 1)
Due to error SSE (r-1)(c-1) 𝑆𝑆𝐸
(𝑟 − 1)(𝑐 − 1)
Total TSS N-1

Step 6) Comparison & Conclusion:-

1) The following are the defective pieces produced by 4 operators working on 4
different machines. Perform analysis of variants a 5% LOS to ascertain whether
variability in production is due to variability in operators performance or
variability in machines performance.
Machines B1 B2 B3 B4
M1 34 28 33 29
M2 31 24 35 22
M3 27 20 43 72
M4 28 29 29 36

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