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NẴNG HSGQG LỚP 12 THPT Chủ tịch Hội đồng

SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO NĂM HỌC 2009 - 2010 chấm thi ghi
************************************* MÔN TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 23 tháng 10 năm 2009
(VÒNG 1)

Họ tên và chữ ký giám khảo Điểm

Giám khảo 1: Bằng số Bằng chữ

Giám khảo 2:

Đề thi gồm 09 trang.

Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi và ghi câu trả lời vào ô trống tương ứng cho mỗi câu hỏi.


I. Select the best option to complete each sentence. Write your answer A,
C or D in the box provided.
1. Don’t take any notice of him - he’s just being ________.
A. funny B. lousy C. touchy D. messy
2. Have you ever thought of _________ medicine?
A. catching on B. voting for C. going in for D. working out
3. She couldn’t quite _________ out what the sign said.
A. read B. make C. turn D. take
4. If you consult a new doctor you should tell him or her if you are already on any
A. drug B. medicine C. pills D. medication
5. It’s a(n) ________ club to which only members are admitted.
A. private B. personal C. inclusive D. exclusive
6. Many people have _________ for the same trick that I did.
A. made B. fallen C. given D. looked
7. __________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic
has been largely discontinued.
A. Despite B. In response to C. Since its D. Because of its
8. I don’t have the information at the moment, so I’ll call you back __________ .
A. most of the time B. time and time C. within the D. once in a while
again hour
9. Half of the meeting was _________ over to reading the minutes.
A. given B. got C. taken D. left
10. The terrible car accidents has left her completely ___________ .
A. detached B. broken C. immobile D. disheartened
11. The rather humid climate in no way __________ the natural beauty of this holiday
A. detracted B. attracted C. subtracted D. contracted
12. As a child, his brother was an __________ coach potato.
A. overweigh B. overweight C. overweighing D. overweighting
13. There is a growing tendency among the customers to spend more on __________
goods for their home.
A. imperishable B. inevitable C. unavoidable D. irreplaceable
14. Before you take those pills, read the label to see what the correct __________ is.
A. suggestion B. dosage C. advice D. prescription
15. _________modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting
to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.

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A. If B. With C. But D. Once
16. The speech given by the new Minister was most enjoyable and much more
___________ informative than we had expected.
A. lengthy B. weird C. contradicting D. informative
17. He gave her a mischievous _________ when she handed him his order.
A. wink B. peep C. peer D. blink
18. She managed to get into the building by __________ off herself as the Mayor’s
A. pretending B. taking C. calling D. passing
19. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely ________.
A. charitable B. donated C. voluntary D. free
20. They welcomed us to the reception with a big dinner __________ for a king.
A. appropriate B. fit C. suited D. proper

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

II. Use the right form of the word given in brackets to complete each
Write your answers in the box provided.

1. It usually takes you a lot of time to (climate) ___________ when you arrive in a
tropical country.
2. Thanks to their (persevere)___________ with the research, the scientists have
at last been able to identify the virus causing the disease.
3. After having driven for a few miles, I got a sneaking (suspect)___________ that
we were going the wrong way.
4. Tiredness affects your powers of (centre)___________.
5. The goal being scored at the very last minute was just a (sick)___________
feeling to the fans.
6. She watched (wonder)____________ as the fingers of the pianist
smoothly moved on the keyboards.
7. Horses were among the first wild animals to have been (domestic)___________
to work for humans.
8. Prisoners of war are expected to be (human)_____________ treated.
9. Intensive cultivation has (poor)___________ the soil.
10.Many newspapers today gave very sensational (close)__________ about the
private life of that Hollywood star.
11. This book is terrible. It’s completely (read) _________.
12. His busy schedule made him completely (access) _________ to his students.
13. The local TV company was stopping (pass)_________ to ask their opinion about the
new shopping center.
14. "This is not a good essay," said the lecturer "I find your arguments
15. On a larger scale, scientists have been (occupy)________ with the problem of
developing nuclear energy.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

III. Select the appropriate phrasal verb from the box to fill the gap in each
Use the right form of the verb when necessary. Write your answers in
the box

do away with get at go by turn on put down

keep in with feel for cut in on hold up catch up on

1. Their reasoning just didn’t ________. It would not stand up to logical examination.
2. If you wants to get on, you’ll have to _________ your boss, not disagree with him.
3. The meeting’s on the 22nd. ______ it _______ in your diary.
4. I have the feeling that he’s always _______ me.
5. I have a lot of work to ________.
6. The Prime Minister thinks that it’s time we ________ red tape and bureaucracy.
7. The dogs suddenly _________ each other.
8. I really ________ her when her husband died.
9. If past experience is anything to _________, they’ll be late.
10. She kept ________ our conversation.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
sentences. Write your answers in the box provided.
a. Some of the tourists are hoping to get compensation for the poor state of the
hotel, and I think they have a very _______ case.
b. There's no point in trying to wade across the river, the current is far too
c. If you're asking me which of the candidates should get the job, I'm afraid I
don't have any _______ views either way.
Answer: STRONG
1. a. It is very difficult to fully _______ certain pieces of jazz music until you've heard
them a good few times.
b. Although I'm always ready to lend a hand, Marta never really seems to _______
the things I do for her.
c. Given the market for decorative antiques, I'd say that the value of the beautiful
vase is set to _______ considerably in the next few years.

2. a. James is able to _______ an enormous amount of factual information in his head.

b. Although the old house has been completely renovated, care has been taken to
_______ as many of the original features as possible.
c. When you're buying outdoor adventure clothing, the thing to look for is material
that does not _______ a lot of moisture.

3. a. With less than a minute of the football match to go, Phil managed to _______ the
ball into the back of the net.

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b. I think the best course of action would be to jump into the car and _______ for
Bristol as soon as possible.
c. Louise has been asked to _______ an investigation into what went wrong on the
night of the accident.

4. a. Initially, few companies saw any potential in computers designed for the _______
rather than the office environment.
b. Although extremely independent, and well able to look after themselves, cats
are generally classified as _______ animals.
c. Over the years the proportion of foreign stories in this newspaper has declined
as people have become more engrossed in _______ issues.

5. a. The chess champion held off a serious _______ from his younger opponent in the
last match of the tournament.
b. The chairman of the meeting seemed to regard questions from the audience as
some kind of _______ to his authority.
c. You'll find some aspects of the job a real _______, but we're confident that you
can cope.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Underline the mistakes
and write the correction in the box provided. There is an example for you.


This winter, in offices and workplaces (Ex) through the country, Ex:
people are at risk of becoming a healthy danger to their colleagues. throughout
These are the people who are carrying and have dragged themselves
into work in spite of the high temper, headache, sore throat and 1. _______
coughs that they are suffering on. Most experts agree that people with
2. _______
flu ought to stay at home, certainly in the case of those whose jobs
involved public safety – airline pilots, air traffic controllers or train 3. _______
4. _______
A diet rich for vegetables and fruit, good general health and regular
exercise may help avoid the illness. Experts are doubtful whether 5. _______
taking lots of vitamin C will cause any difference, but reducing stress
6. _______
levels may help. Basis hygiene is certainly important, especially in the
office. We know that the illness can be passed away from cups and 7. _______
saucers, so do more than simply rinse them under the tap with all the
8. _______
others. Wash them proper in hot water and use disinfectant to clean
surfaces. Remember to wash your hands regularly and don’t touch 9. _______
your face, as flu enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth.
10. _______
Other tips on prevention include getting rid of cloth handkerchiefs,
which provide a home for germs. Change by paper tissues and throw
them away afterwards.
I. Select the best option for each of the gaps in the passage. Write your
answer A, B,
C or D in the box provided.
We live in a man-made society. Man devised and built the framework of
government that controls our daily lives. Our rulers, representatives and arbitrators
have almost been men. Men drafted and interpreted our (1)________ laws. Men
cultivated the jungle of red tape which often threat to (2)________ us. Men
outnumber women in Parliament by twenty-four to one and over 80 per cent of local
councilors are men. Men have a(n) (3)________ majority in the legal profession, in

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the police force, in the upper ranks of the civil services and even among trade union
Women had virtually no rights at all at the beginning of the 19 th century. They
were the (4)________ of their fathers and husbands. They were bought and sold in
marriage. They could not vote nor sign a contract. When married, they could not
own property. They had no rights over their children and no control over their own
bodies. Their husbands could rape and beat them without fear of legal (5)________.
When they were not confined to the home, they were forced by growing
industrialization to join the lowest levels of the labor force.
Since then, progress towards equal rights for women has been very slow
indeed. There have even been times when the tide seemed to turn against them.
The first law against abortion was passed in 1803, (6)________ a sentence of life
imprisonment for termination within the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy. In 1832
the first law was passed which (7)________ women to vote in elections. Nevertheless,
the latter half of the 19th century saw the gradual acceptance of women into the
unions and the informal adoption of resolutions on the need for equal pay. In 1822
married women won the right to own property.
Wartime inevitably advanced the cause of women’s rights. Women became
(8)________ as workers outside the home, as they had to keep the factories and
government machinery running while the men went out to fight. They were allowed
into new areas of employment and were (9)________ new degrees of responsibility. In
1918 they got the vote. Again, during the Second World War, state nurseries were
built on a considerate scale to enable women to go out to work.
When peace came, however, women were unable to hold on to their gains.
Men reclaimed their jobs, and women were forced back into the home and confined
to their traditionally low-paid, menial, and supportive forms of work. Theories about
(10)________ deprivation emerged - women who had been told it was patriotic to go
out to work during the war were now told that their children would suffer if they did
not stay at home. Little progress was made for the next two decades.

1. A. national B. official C. formal D. statute

2. A. enroll B. engulf C. enchant D. enlighten
3. A. overflowing B. overwhelming C. overcrowding D. overcoming
4. A. burdens B. sufferings C. privileges D. chattels
5. A. reprisals B. criticism C. threats D. curses
6. A. imposing B. forming C. deciding D. opting
7. A. induced B. oppressed C. forced D. forbade
8. A. indiscernible B. inevitable C. indispensable D. indistinct
9. A. permeated B. conceded C. succeeded D. preceded
10. A. mother B. motherly C. motherhood D. maternal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Select the best option for each of the gaps in the passage. Write your
answers A, B, C or D in the box provided.
When a new microbe emerges from the jungle or a resurgent bacteria
emerges from a Third World slum, humans provide a perfect system for its spread.
A drug – resistant strain of plague (1) ______ emerged in 1997 in Madagascar
could make it from the African island to the USA in a day and a half, hitching a
ride on some unwitting traveler. Other (2)______ might hop a ride on coconut milk
from Thailand, melons from Mexico, or raspberries from Guatemala.
News of resurgent microbes comes (3)______ an unexpected surprise to
ordinary Americans, who share the widespread belief (4)______ medical science
and modern sanitation have conquered infectious disease. Smallpox was

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vanquished; tuberculosis (5)______ so, and, as sanitation, the spread of
vaccinations, antibiotics and other (6)______ swept the developing world, every
trend pointed towards continued (7)______ on almost every front. Health officials
confidently talk about an “epidemiological transition” as improving health shifted
concerns (8)______ chronic diseases, such as cancer. That was before AIDS made
its (9)______ , before new resistant strains of tuberculosis followed suit, and
(10)______ malaria made its great leap forward to become the world’s most
widespread mosquito-borne disease.

1. A. has B. is C. that D. having

2. A. travelers B. disease C. one D. bacteria
3. A. up with B. as C. across D. out
4. A. in B. because C. which D. that
5. A. nearly B. hardly C. so much D. did
6. A. beliefs B. news C. innovations D. germs
7. A. progression B. progressing C. progressively D. progress
8. A. away from B. towards C. about D. for

9. A. appearance B. discovery C. way D. escape

10. A. when B. after C. before D. since

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the following text and choose from the list A-l the best phrase to
fill each of the spaces. Some of the phrases do not fit at all. Write your
answers in the box provided.

Just a hundred years after the University of Pennsylvania established the world’s
first business school, Oxford and Cambridge, (1)_____, are dipping their toes into the
waters of management education. Recently, Cambridge University launched its first
MBA (Masters of Business Administration) degree course, and Oxford University,
(2)______ plans to open the doors of its own School of Management Studies soon.
The two universities could not be entering the MBA arena at a worse time (3)______.
Recession has halted recruitment in management consultancy and investment
banking, (4)______ Those companies that are still hiring MBA graduates are cutting
salaries (5)______. Many company directors complain that new MBA graduates are
not as competent as they expected them to be, (6)_______. At the heart of the
problem is the MBA curriculum, (7)______. Critics claim that a typical MBA course
encourage a preference for theoretical (8)______. Many leading business schools are
rethinking their courses (9)______ . Only time will tell (10)______.

A. but none has the luxury of Oxbridge’s fresh start.

B. which has changed little since the 1960s
C. because applications for such courses have fallen during the past two years
D. if these old universities can set new standards of excellence
E. and questioning what they are getting for their money
F. because this re-training is increasingly important
G. which are areas in which MBAs have been highly regarded and well-rewarded
H. but conditions have changed radically since then
I. which is Cambridge’s arch-rival in everything from astrophysics to rowing
J. which are Britain’s two most famous and prestigious universities
K. and say that they often need a considerable amount of in-company training
L. knowledge rather than the insight that comes from practical experience

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Read the passage and fill each gap with a suitable word. Write your
answers in
the box provided.

Finding the right career may seem like an overwhelming task for many. If you
are looking for job (1)______, you need to take enough (2)______ to explore all the
options. Begin (3)______ assessing your skills. Decide what you are (4)______ at
doing and what you enjoy. Are you interested in designing or creating things with
your (5)______ ? Perhaps you are more (6)______ to sitting at a computer. Do you
like working (7)______ , or do you enjoy being outside in nature? Some people prefer
working on a (8)______ , while others dislike working with others. This may be the
most important decision you will ever (9)______ , so explore your talents and abilities
carefully, and do not (10)______ anyone influence you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I. Re-write each of the following sentences so that its meaning is as close as
possible to the original sentence. Use the word given in bold at the end of
each sentence without changing the form of that word.
1. I am getting very upset and frustrated by your friend. bend
2. I'm never going to do this again. last
3. We did not know what to say. loss
4. Organic vegetables are said to be healthy.
5. He always makes everything look so difficult!
6. In the end it was quite a sunny day after all. out
7. When I saw him it suddenly dawned on me how much he must have suffered.
8. His new hobby is swimming. taken
9. In eastern societies, caring for the young and the old was traditionally done
through the
extended family. custom

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10. He was not the only tourist who noticed the rising smoke on the top of the
mountain. alone
11. It’s all a matter of money, in the end. comes
12. The total came to just under $10,000. worked
13. In the end we had to walk to back to the hotel. up
14. You could easily become ill unless you give up smoking.
15. The decorators didn’t leave too much mess when they did the job.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the one
before it.
1. I wasn’t in the office yesterday, so you must have spoken to my assistant.
I wasn’t in the office yesterday, so it must
2. The little boy is in disgrace for being so badly behaved.
The boy is under
……………………………………………………………………………………… behavior.
3. His hobby is one thing that he does not intend to give up.
He has
4. We are unanimous regarding the building of a new stadium.
Everyone shares ………………………………………………………… the building of a
new stadium.
5. I’m convinced that there is some mistake with this telephone bill - it’ s too much!
There ……………………………………………………………………………………………. - it’
s too much!
6. At the moment people think the accident is Nick’s fault.
Nick is currently ………………………………………………………………………………….
7. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join us.
Were you ………………………………………………………………………………….
……… ..........................
8. “I didn’t harm anybody!” cried the young man.
The young man denied causing

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9. The accused was found guilty because the evidence was withheld.
Had the evidence been
10. We have nothing to eat but potatoes.
III. Write an essay on the following topic, expressing your point of view. You
should write at least 250 words.

Is it necessary for all students to go to university for a degree or is it better for

them to take vocational training in order to get a job in future?

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