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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Algebra and graphs (5)

Linear Programming

1. 4 litre cans of base white paint are converted into lime green or pine green by adding yellow
tint and blue tint in different proportions. For lime green we add 5 units of yellow tint to
one unit of blue tint. For pine green we add 1 unit of yellow tint to 4 units of blue tint.
If 15 units of yellow tint and 12 units of blue tint are available, state inequalities connecting
x, the number of cans of lime green paint that can be made, and y, the number of cans of
pine green paint that can be made.

2. An importer purchases two types of baseball helmet: standard helmets cost $80 each and
deluxe helmets cost $120 each. The importer wants to spend a maximum of $4800, and
because of government protection to local industry, can import no more than 50 helmets.
Suppose the importer purchases x standard helmets and y deluxe helmets. List the
constraints on the variables x and y.

3. A farmer has a week in which to plant lettuces and cauliflowers. Lettuces can be planted at
a rate of 8 ha per day and cauliflowers at a rate of 6 ha per day. 50 ha are available for
planting. Suppose the farmer plants lettuces for x days and cauliflowers for y days. List,
with reasons, the constraints involving x and y.

4. Two varieties of special food are used by athletes. Variety A contains 30 units of
carbohydrate, 30 units of protein, and 100 units of vitamins. Variety B contains 10 units of
carbohydrate, 30 units of protein, and 200 units of vitamins. Each week an athlete must
consume at least 170 units of carbohydrate, at least 1400 units of vitamins, but no more
than 330 units of protein.
a. Let the number of tins of variety A be x and the number of tins of variety B be y.
Explain each of the constraints: 𝑥 ≥ 0, 𝑦 ≥ 0, 3𝑥 + 𝑦 ≥ 17, 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 11, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 +
2𝑦 ≥ 14.
b. Graph the region defined by these five inequalities.
c. If variety A costs £5 per tin and variety B costs £3 per tin, find the combination which
minimises the cost.
d. If the prices of tins change to £4 per tin for variety A and £9 for variety B, what
combination will now minimise the cost?
5. A librarian has space for 20 new books. He needs to spend at least £240 to use his annual
budget. Hardback books cost £30 each and softback books cost £10 each. If he buys x
hardbacks and y softbacks:
a. Explain why 𝑥 ≥ 0, 𝑦 ≥ 0, 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 20, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 3𝑥 + 𝑦 ≥ 24.
b. Graph the region defined by the constraints.
c. Use your region to find:
i. the smallest number of books the librarian can buy
ii. the largest amount of money the librarian can spend.

6. A manufacturer of wheelbarrows makes two models, Deluxe and Standard. For the Deluxe
model he needs machine A for 2 minutes and machine B for 2 minutes. For the Standard
model he needs machine A for 3 minutes and machine B for 1 minute. Machine A is
available for at most 48 minutes and machine B for 20 minutes every hour.
He knows from past experience that he will sell at least twice as many of the Standard
model as the Deluxe model. The Deluxe model earns him £25 profit and the Standard
model earns £20 profit.
a. Construct a set of constraints if x Deluxe models and y Standard models are made.
b. Write an expression for the profit £P in terms of x and y.
c. Graph the region defined by the constraint inequalities.
d. How many of each model should be made per hour in order to maximise the profits?

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